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noneTsai, Yi-fang 01 September 2008 (has links)
In the book of ¡§The Practice of Management¡¨, Peter Drucker(1989) mentioned, that the quality and performance of managers determine the fate of the company. Indeed, the faster the world changes, the more significant the role managers play is.) Especially, the middle/ high level managers, who highly involve and participate in the organization, play the pivotal roles.
The case company has been growing up during recent years, and the demand for the middle/high level managers is very great. So, whether the managers have the appropriate management ability will be the focus of training programs. As a result, the study constructed the management competency model for the case company via Analytic Network Process (ANP). Besides, this model provided the clear criterions that could help the case company to select and train the middle/high level managers. The findings are listed as bellows¡G
1. Confirming key management competence items for the middle/high level managers, and built up an analysis framework. Therefore, the case company would figure out important key items to improve the efficiency of selection and work performance.
2. Deciding the criterion and authority for each management competency index with Analytic Network Process. The result considered depending relationship between indices correspond with practice, clearly numerical data also help to reduce uncertain in decision process.
3. The study constructed the management competency index, and according to the result of the test, this model could correctly identify the middle/high level managers with brilliant performance.
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A study on constructing a competency selection model of R&D employee in ODM-oriented company on the application of Analytic Network ProcessChen, Yu-yu 07 September 2010 (has links)
Taiwanese businesses assumed an important role in global supply chain after World War II. But numerous Taiwanese enterprises turn themselves into ODM-oriented ones for more profit because OEM only generates micro profit after companies from China and other developing countries have forged into this market since 1990s. The key to successful transformation lies in capability of independent design and development product. Therefore, developing and improving the capability of R&D talent is the priority to transformation into ODM-oriented company and critical for Taiwan to replay a major role in global supply chain.
Therefore, based on competency, we adopted Fuzzy Delphi Method and Analytic Network Process (ANP) to design expert questionnaire and invited R&D experts in ODM-oriented companies to provide advice. The aim was to discover the necessary competencies of R&D employees and weight of each competency in order to construct a competency selection model for R&D employees in ODM-oriented companies and to serve as a reference point for more efficient selection and development of R&D workers.
1.Applying Fuzzy Delphi Method to find out critical competency indicators that is the source of constructing competency selection hierarchy.
2.Applying ANP which is characterized by analysis dependence on or feedback of each indicator to calculate the weight of each competency indicator and constuct a weighted competency selection model for R&D employees in ODM-oriented companies.
3.Confirming that dependence on or feedback of each indicator influences the weight of each indicator.
4.Proving that competency selection model for R&D employees effectively select qualified employees.
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Approach to the Influencing Factors of Partnership in E-MarketplaceTing, Fu-Hsuan 29 June 2001 (has links)
Approach to the Influencing Factors of Partnership in E-Marketplace
In light of the inter-dependency between emerging technology and inter-organizational relationship, an initial research framework is built upon the spirit of Adaptive Structuration Theory. This research aims to explore the influencing factors of three-phased partnership in e-marketplace. As a result, through literature review and expert interview, the framework is verified and presented as the research model. An empirical study is conducted to verify the research model.
Through literature review, expert depth interview and questionnaire survey, the viewpoints from practical experts, leading companies in IT industry, and management level are generalized. The forecast of prospective relationship style of partnership in e-marketplace is also constructed in this study. By means of the comparison among those surveyed groups, the common points are explored, as well as the differences.
Key words¡GAdaptive struturation theory, E-marketplace, Partnership, Fuzzy Delphi method.
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A study of the Competence-based Model to Choose Labor Conflict Mediators Based on the Application of Analytic Network ProcessChuang, Ping-Fen 07 September 2008 (has links)
Labor conflict mediators play a very important role during the process of labor dispute resolution; their competence will help enhance the quality of labor dispute mediation and improve the relationship between labor and management. The main purpose of this research is to probe into the criteria that labor conflict mediators should possess. Based on the Competence Theory, this research collects opinions from experts and scholars and utilizes Fuzzy Delphi Method and Analytic Network Process respectively to construct a competence-based model to select labor conflict mediators.
Results are achieved as follows:
1. To firmly establish critical competence items and definition of labor conflict mediators, including practical experience, problem resolution, professional expertise, fairness and objectivity, integrity, thinking and judgment, and investigation ability, in order to set up the hierarchical structure of competency indices.
2. In consideration of the dependency relation among principles of competency, this research utilizes Analytic Network Process to systematize decomposition and quantify judgment, in order to firmly establish the weight of competency indices, as well as to construct a competence-based model with an evaluation standard of weight to select labor conflict mediators.
3. Through the empirical study, the competence-based model to select labor conflict mediators which is constructed in this research can effectively discriminate outstanding labor conflict mediators.
4. The competence-based model developed in this research to choose labor conflict mediators utilizes the following procedures: (1) collate the competence indices; (2) To utilize Fuzzy Delphi Method to identify critical items of competence; (3) To utilize Analytic Network Process to firmly establish the weight of competence items; (4) To develop the competence-based model; (5) To examine the effectiveness of competence-based model.
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[pt] Atualmente, na era da quarta revolução industrial, também conhecida como
Indústria 4.0 (I4.0), a tecnologia Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tem sido
considerada uma importante ferramenta de transformação digital em operações e
cadeias de suprimentos, em função da sua abordagem leve para automatizar e
otimizar tarefas repetitivas, agilizar e aprimorar os processos internos, e controlar
processos de negócio de ponta a ponta, o que permite a redução de custo e do risco
operacional. Impulsionado pelo COVID-19, o mercado de tecnologias RPA
continua sendo um dos segmentos que mais cresce no mercado de software
corporativo. Entretanto, na literatura acadêmica ainda há poucos trabalhos
referentes ao tema RPA com a abordagem voltada para a cadeia de suprimentos,
ainda que seja cada vez mais utilizado na área de compras com foco na
automatização dos processos. Além disso, apesar de existirem modelos de aceitação
de tecnologia (e.g., TAM e TAM2), que possuem critérios relevantes para apurar a
inovação, ainda existem poucos estudos que combinem esses critérios com métodos
de apoio multicritério a decisão para propor uma metodologia mais robusta para
seleção de tecnologias na era I4.0. E, pela análise da literatura ainda não há
pesquisas relacionando critérios para adoção de tecnologias RPA e abordagem
multicritério em grupo pelas lentes da teoria da difusão da inovação. Diante disso,
o objetivo desta pesquisa é propor uma metodologia para avaliação de plataformas
de RPA no contexto da I4.0 e pelas lentes da teoria da difusão da inovação. Esta
metodologia é testada a partir da seleção de uma plataforma de RPA para aplicação
no processo de compras de uma empresa operadora offshore de petróleo, gás e
energia eólica. A metodologia da pesquisa envolve métodos mistos, com
abordagem multicritério em grupo, a qual combinou dois métodos: Fuzzy Delphi e AHP-express, e a coleta de dados através de questionários estruturados elaborados
a partir dos relatórios das empresas de consultoria Gartner (2021) e Forrester (2021)
referentes as plataformas de RPA presentes no mercado. Os resultados da pesquisa
indicaram que a plataforma de RPA Workfusion foi a melhor plataforma a ser
aplicada na área de compras da empresa, o que pode estar relacionado a sua boa
performance nos critérios: processamento de dados estruturados, automação
assistida e aplicativos de RPA desenvolvidos para usuários de front-end. Por outro
lado, a plataforma de RPA Blue Prism foi a pior avaliada, possuindo baixa
pontuação nos critérios: disponível na cloud, dashboards integrados e automação
autônoma. Assim, do ponto de vista prático, o trabalho contribui com uma nova
metodologia seleção de plataformas de RPA para o setor de compras, a qual possui
relevância para literatura acadêmica e traz a sua contribuição para indústria que em
futuros estudos, deve ser aplicada a mais empresas da indústria de petróleo, gás e
energia eólica. / [en] Today, in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry
4.0 (I4.0), Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology has been considered an
important tool for digital transformation in operations and supply chains because of
its lightweight approach to automate and optimize repetitive tasks, streamline and
improve internal processes, and control end-to-end business processes, which
enables cost and operational risk reduction. Driven by COVID-19, the market for
RPA technologies continues to be one of the fastest growing segments in the
enterprise software market. However, in the academic literature there are still few
works referring to the RPA theme with the approach focused on the supply chain,
even though it is increasingly used in the purchasing area with a focus on process
automation. Moreover, despite the existence of technology acceptance models (e.g.,
TAM and TAM2), which have relevant criteria to assess innovation, there are still
few studies that combine these criteria with multicriteria decision support methods
to propose a more robust methodology for technology selection in the I4.0 era. And,
from the literature review there is still no research relating RPA technology
adoption criteria and group multicriteria approach through the lens of innovation
diffusion theory. Given this, the objective of this research is to propose a
methodology for evaluating RPA platforms in the context of I4.0 and through the
lenses of innovation diffusion theory. This methodology is tested from the selection
of an RPA platform for application in the procurement process of an offshore oil,
gas and wind energy operating company. The research methodology involves
mixed methods, with a group multicriteria approach, which combined two methods:
Fuzzy Delphi and AHP-express, and data collection through structured
questionnaires elaborated from the reports of the consulting companies Gartner
(2021) and Forrester (2021) regarding the RPA platforms present in the market.
From the research results, the RPA platform Workfusion was selected as the best
platform to be applied in the purchasing area of the company that is the object of
study, due to its good evaluation in the criteria: structured data processing, assisted
automation and RPA applications developed for front-end users, however the RPA
platform Blue Prism was in the lowest level of the ranking of the 14 RPA platforms
evaluated, due to its low score in the criteria: available in the cloud, integrated
dashboards and autonomous automation. Thus, from a practical point of view, the
work contributes a new methodology for selecting RPA platforms for the
procurement industry, which has relevance for academic literature and brings its
contribution to industry that in future studies, should be applied to more companies
in the oil, gas and wind energy industry.
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A Study of Management Competency Assessment Model and Succession Plan in Semiconductor Assembly and Testing Industry ¡V Case of A companyYu, Ching-wen 02 September 2005 (has links)
The semiconductor industry plays an important role in the economic development of Taiwan. Under continuous technology advancement and global division of labor, the industry relies on high performance teams consisted of outstanding talents for competitiveness. However, the mere clustering of talents is not guarantee for high performance. The manager plays a critical role in the organization. Therefore, the selection and cultivation of the manager is a challenging issue to the organization and the human resource manager.
This study employed questionnaire survey and literature review to study a case company in the semiconductor assembly and testing industry. There were totally 51 copies issued for Manager level (42 copies were collected) and 17 copies issued for Director level and above (16 copies were collected). It used Fuzzy Delphi Method to discuss the management competency evaluation indices of the case company, and used the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process of Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods to construct a management competency assessment model. The model is used for decision-making on talents, and explores the current talents cultivation system, in order to discuss the practice of cultivating talents with management competency as successors.
This study used Fuzzy Delphi Method, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, and single case research method to analyze and investigate the case company. The findings are as follows:
1. The priority of importance of management competency assessment indices for different levels of management.
There are 5 indices and 24 sub-indices. The importance analysis shows the priority of important management skill of different management levels, according to their weight ranking for leadership cluster, personality cluster, personnel communication cluster, business administion cluster and operation execution cluster,
in order to show the difference in demand for management competency at different levels.
2. Establishing weight system for the management competency assessment indices
The results of the weight system show the relative importance of the assessment indices for the reference of management competency related activities and basis for managers in screening.
3. Practice of cultivating talents with management competency as successors
The discussion on the system employed by the case company show the feasibility of the practice of cultivating talents with management competency as successors, and suggestions are provided for future system.
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台灣地區大學排名指標建構之研究湯家偉 Unknown Date (has links)
指標九大構面依權重高低依序為: 教師素質(12.7%)、學校課程與教學 品質(12.5%)、研究表現(11.7%)、大學聲望(11.6%)、學生素質(11.5%)、
九、國際化構面共包含三項指標:以華文以外領域為主修之國際學生比率(3.2%)、國際教師比率 (3.0%)、全校國際合作計畫件數(3.5%)
四、對未來研究之建議 / The purpose of this study is to construct the Taiwan university ranking indicators which aim to evaluate the education quality of universities. As for research methods, by means of literature review, 68 indicators within 9 main dimensions had been organized as a raw model of Taiwan university ranking indicators based on which the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was developed and the survey was conducted with the sample size of 20 higher education experts. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number then was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each dimensions and indicators; accordingly, the Taiwan university ranking indicator system was constructed. The main conclusions are as follows:
1.The Taiwan university ranking indicator system consists with 9 dimensions and 29 indicators in total. The 9 dimensions are: faculty quality(12.7%), curriculum and teaching(12.5%), research(11.7%),reputation(11.6%), student selectivity(11.5%), performance of students and graduates (11.5%), financial resources(10.0%), internationalization(9.7%), inclusiveness(8.8%).
2.The dimension of faculty quality consists with: percent of full-time faculty with top terminal degree(4.4%), percent of full-time faculty as professor(4.2%), percent of full-time faculty(4.1%)
3.The dimension of curriculum and teaching consists with:staff:student ratio
(6.5%), student evaluation of course(6.0%)
4.The dimension of research consists with:research grants per academic staff member(1.5%), percent of academic staff member with National Faculty Awards(1.5%), percent of academic staff member with Academy membership (1.5%), publications on Nature, Science, SCI, SSCI, TSSCI, EI and A&HCI per academic staff member (1.4%), citations per article on Nature, Science, SCI, SSCI, TSSCI, EI and A&HCI (1.5%), articles in peer-reviewed journals per academic staff member (1.4%), articles in international conferences per academic staff member (1.5%), publications of book per academic staff member(1.4%)
5.The dimension of student selectivity consists with:Acceptance Rate(4.9%), Entry score(6.6%)
6.The dimension of reputation consists with:peer assessment(4.0%), employer assessment(3.8%), graduate assessment(3.9%)
7.The dimension of performance of students and graduates consists with:the success of the student body at winning national academic awards within 5 years(3.7%), graduate employment(4.1%), correspondent (3.7%)
8.The dimension of financial resources consists with:revenue per student(4.8%), library spent per student
9.The dimension of internationalization consists with:percent of international students (excludes those who major in Chinese) (3.2%), percent of international academic staff member (3.0%), international cooperation projects(3.5%)
10.The dimension of internationalization consists with:attract students from underrepresented groups(2.8%), working hours at school per student (2.7%), expense as subvene for the poor students(3.3%)
According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed:
1.suggestions for higher education administrators
2.suggestions for those who are going to conduct university rankings
3.suggestions for university ranking information users
4.suggestions for further study.
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Predicting changing pattern: building model for consumer decision making in digital marketKumar, A., Mangla, S.K., Luthra, S., Rana, Nripendra P., Dwivedi, Y.K. 26 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / Consumers have the multiple options to choose their products and services, which have a significant impact on the pattern of consumer decision making in digital market and further increases the challenges for the service providers to predict their buying pattern. In this sense, the purpose of this paper is to propose a structural hierarchy model for analyzing the changing pattern of consumer decision making in digital market by taking an Indian context. Design/methodology/approach: To accomplish the objectives, the research is conducted in two phases. An extensive literature review is performed in the first phase to list the factors related to the changing pattern of consumer decision making in digital market and then fuzzy Delphi method is applied to finalize the factors. In the second phase, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is employed to find the priority weights of finalized factors. The fuzzy set theory allows capturing the vagueness in the data. Findings: The findings obtained in this study shows that consumers are much conscious about innovative and trendy products as well as brand and quality; therefore, the service providers must think about these two most important factors so that they can able to retain their consumer in their online portal. Practical implications: The analysis shows that “innovative and trendy” is the first priority factor for the consumers followed by “brand and quality” and “fulfilment and time energy.” The proposed model can help the marketers and service providers in predicting customers’ preferences and their changing pattern efficiently under vague surroundings. The outcomes of this research work not only help the service provider to update their products and services according to consumers’ needs but can also help them to increase profit and minimize their risk. Originality/value: This work contributes to consumer research literature focusing on problem evaluation in the context of changing pattern of consumer decision making in digital era.
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Proposta de modelo de decisão para avaliação de fornecedores baseado no ELECTRE TRI para categorização e na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy para a modelagem da incerteza e hesitação de múltiplos tomadores de decisão / Proposal of decision model for supplier evaluation based on ELECTRE TRI for categorization and fuzzy sets theory for the modeling of uncertainty and hesitation of multiple decision makersGalo, Nadya Regina 19 April 2018 (has links)
A gestão eficaz dos processos que envolvem os fornecedores tem grande influência na melhoria do desempenho organizacional, sendo, portanto, fundamental para desenvolver capacidades das operações de produção que podem gerar vantagem competitiva, tais como qualidade, preço e tempo de entrega. A gestão de fornecedores inclui as atividades de qualificação, seleção, avaliação e desenvolvimento de fornecedores, além da alocação de pedido quando múltiplas fontes de fornecimento são selecionadas. A qualificação é um processo importante para assegurar que os fornecedores atendam requisitos mínimos de desempenho e, idealmente, deve ser realizada com métodos não compensatórios de categorização das alternativas. Entretanto, na literatura há poucos estudos que abordam a qualificação de fornecedores. Dentre aqueles que abordam, a maioria utiliza técnicas multicritério que são compensatórias e de ordenação. Outros aspectos importantes da gestão de fornecedores é a possível presença vários tomadores de decisão, caracterizando um processo de tomada de decisão em grupo, além da subjetividade de alguns critérios que gera incerteza nos julgamentos e hesitação. Ao se considerar essas questões na gestão de fornecedores, nenhuma pesquisa na literatura apresenta uma abordagem que contemple todos as características simultaneamente. Além disso, poucas pesquisas abordam os processos da gestão de fornecedores sob uma perspectiva integrada. Com vista a estas lacunas, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo a proposição de dois modelos de decisão que consideram os processos de qualificação, seleção e avaliação de fornecedores, em um cenário de tomada de decisão em grupo, considerando a incerteza e hesitação. Os modelos propostos têm por finalidade elicitar as preferências, agregar os julgamentos e categorizar os fornecedores. O primeiro modelo utiliza a representação linguística Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, para lidar com a hesitação nos julgamentos dos tomadores de decisão, além da técnica ELECTRE TRI para a categorização dos fornecedores. O segundo modelo se baseia na aplicação representação linguística Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets para modelar a hesitação na parametrização das variáveis linguísticas e no ELECTRE TRI para a categorização. A elicitação é realizada com o uso do Fuzzy Delphi combinado com operadores de agregação do Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Sets e Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. Os modelos de decisão foram detalhados e implementados no Matlab©. Após a proposição dos métodos, dois casos ilustrativos, obtidos a partir da coleta em campo, foram apresentados para analisar o desempenho dos modelos. Os casos ilustrativos mostraram resultados de categorização consistentes, especialmente para o procedimento pessimista do ELECTRE TRI. Testes com a hesitação nos julgamentos dos tomadores de decisão evidenciaram a importância da modelagem da hesitação, pois ela tem o potencial de alterar a categorização das alternativas. Testes com os parâmetros do ELECTRE TRI, confirmaram o efeito não compensatório da técnica e que a variação do nível de corte tem o potencial de tornar a categorização mais flexível. Assim, esta tese apresenta uma revisão de literatura sobre os processos de gestão de fornecedores e sobre tomada de decisão multicritério e em grupo, a proposição de métodos de apoio à tomada de decisão, casos ilustrativos para ilustrar o modelo, análises de sensibilidade dos métodos, além das conclusões e propostas para trabalhos futuros. / Effective management of the processes that involving suppliers has a major influence on improving organizational performance and is therefore fundamental to develop production operations capabilities that can generate competitive advantage, such as quality, price and delivery time. Supplier management includes qualification, selection, evaluation and development of suppliers, as well as allocation of orders when multiple sources of supply are selected. Qualification is an important process to ensure that suppliers meet minimum performance requirements and ideally must be performed with non-compensatory methods of categorization. However, in the literature there are few studies that consider the process of supplier qualification. Among the studies that consider the qualification, most use multicriteria techniques that are compensatory and for ranking. Other important aspects of supplier management are the possible presence of several decision makers, characterizing a process of group decision making, as well as the subjectivity of some criteria that generates uncertainty in judgments and hesitation. When considering these issues in supplier management, none of the studies found in the literature presents an approach that contemplates all features simultaneously. In addition, few researches deal with supplier management processes from an integrated perspective. In view of these gaps, this research aims to propose two decision models that consider the processes of qualification, selection and evaluation of suppliers, in a scenario of group decision making, considering the uncertainty and hesitation. The proposed models have the purpose the elicitation of the preferences, the aggregation of the judgments and the categorization of the suppliers. The first model uses the linguistic representation Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, to deal with the hesitation in the judgments of the decision makers, in addition to the ELECTRE TRI technique for the categorization of the suppliers. The second model is based on the application of the linguistic representation Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets to model the hesitation in the parameterization of the linguistic variables and in the ELECTRE TRI for categorization. Elicitation is performed with the use of Fuzzy Delphi combined with aggregation operators of the Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Sets and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. The decision models were detailed and implemented in Matlab©. Two illustrative cases, obtained from the field collection, were presented to analyze the performance of the models. The illustrative cases showed consistent categorization results, especially for the pessimistic procedure of ELECTRE TRI. Tests with hesitation in the judgments of decision makers highlighted the importance of modeling hesitation, since it has the potential to change the categorization of alternatives. Tests with the ELECTRE TRI parameters confirmed the non-compensatory effect of the technique and that the variation of the cut level has the potential to make categorization more flexible. Thus, this thesis presents a review of the literature on supplier management processes and on multicriteria and group decision making, the proposition of methods to support decision making, illustrative cases to illustrate the model, method sensitivity analyzes, besides the conclusions and proposals for future works.
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Proposta de modelo de decisão para avaliação de fornecedores baseado no ELECTRE TRI para categorização e na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy para a modelagem da incerteza e hesitação de múltiplos tomadores de decisão / Proposal of decision model for supplier evaluation based on ELECTRE TRI for categorization and fuzzy sets theory for the modeling of uncertainty and hesitation of multiple decision makersNadya Regina Galo 19 April 2018 (has links)
A gestão eficaz dos processos que envolvem os fornecedores tem grande influência na melhoria do desempenho organizacional, sendo, portanto, fundamental para desenvolver capacidades das operações de produção que podem gerar vantagem competitiva, tais como qualidade, preço e tempo de entrega. A gestão de fornecedores inclui as atividades de qualificação, seleção, avaliação e desenvolvimento de fornecedores, além da alocação de pedido quando múltiplas fontes de fornecimento são selecionadas. A qualificação é um processo importante para assegurar que os fornecedores atendam requisitos mínimos de desempenho e, idealmente, deve ser realizada com métodos não compensatórios de categorização das alternativas. Entretanto, na literatura há poucos estudos que abordam a qualificação de fornecedores. Dentre aqueles que abordam, a maioria utiliza técnicas multicritério que são compensatórias e de ordenação. Outros aspectos importantes da gestão de fornecedores é a possível presença vários tomadores de decisão, caracterizando um processo de tomada de decisão em grupo, além da subjetividade de alguns critérios que gera incerteza nos julgamentos e hesitação. Ao se considerar essas questões na gestão de fornecedores, nenhuma pesquisa na literatura apresenta uma abordagem que contemple todos as características simultaneamente. Além disso, poucas pesquisas abordam os processos da gestão de fornecedores sob uma perspectiva integrada. Com vista a estas lacunas, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo a proposição de dois modelos de decisão que consideram os processos de qualificação, seleção e avaliação de fornecedores, em um cenário de tomada de decisão em grupo, considerando a incerteza e hesitação. Os modelos propostos têm por finalidade elicitar as preferências, agregar os julgamentos e categorizar os fornecedores. O primeiro modelo utiliza a representação linguística Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, para lidar com a hesitação nos julgamentos dos tomadores de decisão, além da técnica ELECTRE TRI para a categorização dos fornecedores. O segundo modelo se baseia na aplicação representação linguística Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets para modelar a hesitação na parametrização das variáveis linguísticas e no ELECTRE TRI para a categorização. A elicitação é realizada com o uso do Fuzzy Delphi combinado com operadores de agregação do Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Sets e Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. Os modelos de decisão foram detalhados e implementados no Matlab©. Após a proposição dos métodos, dois casos ilustrativos, obtidos a partir da coleta em campo, foram apresentados para analisar o desempenho dos modelos. Os casos ilustrativos mostraram resultados de categorização consistentes, especialmente para o procedimento pessimista do ELECTRE TRI. Testes com a hesitação nos julgamentos dos tomadores de decisão evidenciaram a importância da modelagem da hesitação, pois ela tem o potencial de alterar a categorização das alternativas. Testes com os parâmetros do ELECTRE TRI, confirmaram o efeito não compensatório da técnica e que a variação do nível de corte tem o potencial de tornar a categorização mais flexível. Assim, esta tese apresenta uma revisão de literatura sobre os processos de gestão de fornecedores e sobre tomada de decisão multicritério e em grupo, a proposição de métodos de apoio à tomada de decisão, casos ilustrativos para ilustrar o modelo, análises de sensibilidade dos métodos, além das conclusões e propostas para trabalhos futuros. / Effective management of the processes that involving suppliers has a major influence on improving organizational performance and is therefore fundamental to develop production operations capabilities that can generate competitive advantage, such as quality, price and delivery time. Supplier management includes qualification, selection, evaluation and development of suppliers, as well as allocation of orders when multiple sources of supply are selected. Qualification is an important process to ensure that suppliers meet minimum performance requirements and ideally must be performed with non-compensatory methods of categorization. However, in the literature there are few studies that consider the process of supplier qualification. Among the studies that consider the qualification, most use multicriteria techniques that are compensatory and for ranking. Other important aspects of supplier management are the possible presence of several decision makers, characterizing a process of group decision making, as well as the subjectivity of some criteria that generates uncertainty in judgments and hesitation. When considering these issues in supplier management, none of the studies found in the literature presents an approach that contemplates all features simultaneously. In addition, few researches deal with supplier management processes from an integrated perspective. In view of these gaps, this research aims to propose two decision models that consider the processes of qualification, selection and evaluation of suppliers, in a scenario of group decision making, considering the uncertainty and hesitation. The proposed models have the purpose the elicitation of the preferences, the aggregation of the judgments and the categorization of the suppliers. The first model uses the linguistic representation Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, to deal with the hesitation in the judgments of the decision makers, in addition to the ELECTRE TRI technique for the categorization of the suppliers. The second model is based on the application of the linguistic representation Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets to model the hesitation in the parameterization of the linguistic variables and in the ELECTRE TRI for categorization. Elicitation is performed with the use of Fuzzy Delphi combined with aggregation operators of the Triangular Hesitant Fuzzy Sets and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. The decision models were detailed and implemented in Matlab©. Two illustrative cases, obtained from the field collection, were presented to analyze the performance of the models. The illustrative cases showed consistent categorization results, especially for the pessimistic procedure of ELECTRE TRI. Tests with hesitation in the judgments of decision makers highlighted the importance of modeling hesitation, since it has the potential to change the categorization of alternatives. Tests with the ELECTRE TRI parameters confirmed the non-compensatory effect of the technique and that the variation of the cut level has the potential to make categorization more flexible. Thus, this thesis presents a review of the literature on supplier management processes and on multicriteria and group decision making, the proposition of methods to support decision making, illustrative cases to illustrate the model, method sensitivity analyzes, besides the conclusions and proposals for future works.
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