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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att bygga bort mörka hörn : En fallstudie om åtgärder vid förändringsarbetet i Gårdsten, Göteborg.

Eriksson, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
This study concerns Gårdsten, a neighbourhood in Gothenburg, Sweden, that was reclassified from an especially vulnerable area to a vulnerable area by the police in 2019. Since then, the area has become a symbol for the possibility of improvement. In 2020, actors in Gothenburg municipality announced an investment of 11 billion SEK for strategies and acts enabling the same type of development in the remaining six areas in Gothenburg that shared the classification. This has led to a debate concerning the basis of the classifications and what type of strategies that could prevent this sort of segregation in the first place. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of such strategies in urban renewal and to study the collaboration process between actors in Gårdsten. The study was conducted through interviews and written material concerning the area and was analysed through the framework of governance network theory. Results suggest a complex network of actors involved in the renewal process in the area, and whilst the strategies mainly are developed through a collaboration process there are critical elements and views of planning missing. Results also suggest that the physical strategies has been prioritized in the renewal process, but that these changes are in regard to housing options in the area. Which in turn suggests that physical renewal is a question prioritized over identifying underlying structures of segregation in the area. However, it remains unclear whether these physical changes in the area, that has been accentuated by the respondents, has resulted in any social change for the inhabitants in Gårdsten. The last main finding in this study is that what type of resources an actor can contribute with also determines their involvement in the network, which might be a leading cause to what perspectives are shown in strategies regarding segregation. In Gårdsten, a public housing company has been dominating the planning process, but it is still the police who has the power to define neighbourhoods as problematic which suggest that the change is determined by aspects of power. Conclusions are that the social perspectives in planning have been neglected and that the focus in developing Gårdsten are trying to find solutions to social problems by focusing on spatial planning.

Hållbar förnyelse av miljonprogramsområden / Sustainable development of areas from the Million homes programme

Jonsson, Anna, Madeleine, Thörngren January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The Million homes programme is a major part of the total housing stock in Sweden. Substantial and costly renovations will be required to meet the modern-day requirements. The aim of this report is to explore how attractiveness and the social, economic and ecological sustainability of housing estates can be improved. The objective is to give hands-on proposals for improvement, presented in a program for action, which makes housing estates built during the Million homes programme more attractive and sustainable. Method: Case studies of three housing estates built during the Million homes programme has been carried out through literature studies and interviews, to investigate measures to improve the attractiveness and sustainability, and asses their impact. Findings: To increase the attractiveness, a mixed development should be obtained, measures must be done without increasing the rents too much, the residents should have a say in the renovation works, the area's reputation should be strengthened, and security and transportation should be improved. Social sustainability can be promoted through respect and communication with tenants, improved community, more people in motion in the area, employment of tenants and mixed ownership. To promote ecological sustainability energy-saving measures and investments in renewable energy should be carried out while taking the character of the buildings into consideration. Energy saving measures are often economically profitable. If the social sustainability is improved economic gains can be done, and a long-term perspective is important. To coordinate actions and preserve functioning components is good for the economic sustainability. The results are presented in a program for action, and the measures can be considered universal and applicable to Million homes programme housing estates, but must be adapted to the context. Implications: Sweden's environmental and energy goals can only be achieved if energy efficiency and resource saving measures are carried out in existing buildings. However, consideration needs to be taken between investment costs and effects of the taken measures. Energy saving measures provides both economic and ecological benefits. Social sustainability can be enhanced by working actively with social issues. Sustainable initiatives can increase the attractiveness. An increased attractiveness provides greater economic gains. The plan for action that has been developed is appropriate for use by property owners when the sustainability and attractiveness is going to be improved in housing estates from the Million homes programme. Limitations: Case studies of three housing estates from the Million homes programme have been carried out, with interviews as the primary method technique. The plan for action is synoptic, and must be adapted to each area's unique circumstances. The range of services in an area is important for the attractiveness, but is not discussed in this report. / Syfte: Miljonprogrammets bostäder utgör en stor del av Sveriges totala bostadsbestånd. Stora och kostsamma renoveringsåtgärder kommer krävas för att byggnaderna ska uppfylla nutida krav. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur attraktiviteten och den sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska hållbarheten i flerbostadshusområden från miljonprogrammet kan förbättras. Målet med arbetet är att ge konkreta förbättrings- förslag, redovisade i ett åtgärdsprogram, som gör bostadsområden byggda under miljonprogrammet mer attraktiva och hållbara. Metod: Fallstudier av tre flerbostadshusområden byggda under miljonprogramsåren har utförts genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Detta för att undersöka attraktivitets- och hållbarhetshöjande åtgärder, samt utvärdera deras effekter. Resultat: För att öka attraktiviteten bör blandad bebyggelse eftersträvas, åtgärder måste göras utan att hyresnivån höjs alltför mycket, de boende bör ha inflytande i förnyelsearbetena, områdets rykte bör stärkas samt trygghet och transportmöjligheter förbättras. Den sociala hållbarheten kan främjas genom hänsyn till och kommunikation med hyresgäster, förbättrad gemenskap, fler människor i rörelse i området, syssel- sättning av hyresgäster och blandade upplåtelseformer. För att främja den ekologiska hållbarheten bör energibesparande åtgärder och investeringar i förnyelsebar energi utföras, samtidigt som hänsyn tas till bebyggelsen karaktär. Energibesparande åtgärder är dessutom ofta ekonomiskt lönsamma. Då den sociala hållbarheten främjas kan samhällsekonomiska vinster göras och ett långsiktigt perspektiv är viktigt. Att sam- ordna åtgärder och bevara fungerande komponenter gynnar den ekonomiska hållbarheten. Resultaten redovisas i ett åtgärdsprogram, där åtgärderna kan anses generella och tillämpliga på flerbostadshusområden från miljonprogramsåren, men måste anpassas till det aktuella området. Konsekvenser: Sveriges miljö- och energimål kan endast uppnås om energi- effektiviserande och resurssparande åtgärder utförs i befintlig bebyggelse. Dock måste avvägande göras mellan investeringskostnader och åtgärders effekter. Energibespar- ande åtgärder ger både ekonomiska och ekologiska vinster. Den sociala hållbarheten kan förbättras genom aktivt arbete med sociala frågor. Hållbarhetsarbete kan även öka attraktiviteten. Ökad attraktivitet ger dessutom större ekonomiska vinster. Framtaget åtgärdsprogram kan användas av fastighetsägare för att förbättra hållbarheten och attraktiviteten i flerbostadshusområden från miljonprogramsåren. Begränsningar: Fallstudier av tre flerbostadshusområden från miljonprogramsåren har genomförts, med intervju som huvudsaklig metodteknik. Åtgärdsprogrammet är över- gripande, och måste anpassas efter varje områdes unika förutsättningar. Serviceutbudet i ett område är viktigt för attraktiviteten, men behandlas inte i denna rapport.

HOPE VI and Gårdsten : Regeneration of Distressed Neighborhoods in Washington D.C. and Gothenburg / HOPE VI och Gårdsten : Förnyelse av utsatta bostadsområden i Washington D.C och Göteborg

Larsson, Ida, Seglert, Therése January 2011 (has links)
The point of departure of this thesis is regeneration and how it is carried out in two countries, USA and Sweden. Urban regeneration, according to the used definition, seek either to support vulnerable communities by redistributing resources so that they can take advantage of them, or to promote growth and development and through this improve the situation for those in need. The thesis investigates and compare how the projects and their actors formulate, relate to and strive for a better use and higher value of space. The comparison will help to find lessons to be learned across the contexts. The main questions to be answered are: What elements of the projects or programs strive for a higher value of space in a similar way and what does it in different ways? What lessons for future regeneration can be learned from the comparisons? The comparison is based on the assumption that regeneration schemes can learn from one another across contexts and that this is a constructive way to improve knowledge of regeneration. Three cases are investigated. Townhomes on Capitol Hill and Capper Carrollsburg in Washington D.C., USA, are regenerated under the federal HOPE VI program that targets public housing areas. Gårdsten in Gothenburg, Sweden, is regenerated according to the aim of the municipality to decrease segregation. The comparison is made over five themes, organization, public participation, physical regeneration, social programs and social mix. The thesis highlights differences and similarities in the regeneration approaches and show how the cases aim to increase social, cultural and economic capital. The conclusion is that regeneration in USA could benefit from the way of regeneration according to the Swedish case with more participation and a long term focus of the process, and regeneration in Sweden could benefit from a greater focus on design and architecture as in the U.S. cases.

Ljuset i tunneln : En kvalitativ studie om områdesutveckling i utsatta områden

Maasoglu, Dilara January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats har syftat till att identifiera lärdomar från två tidigare utsatta områden (Rannebergen i Göteborg och Klockaretorpet i Norrköping) och ett tidigare särskilt utsatt område (Gårdsten i Göteborg). Intervjuer med polis, kommun, socialförvaltning, bostadsbolag och civilsamhälle har genomförts i varje stadsdel för att undersöka vilka insatser och åtgärder som har genomförts av aktörerna i områdena. Tidigare forskning och teorier har behandlat sociala risker, kollektiv förmåga, socialt kapital, fasteorin, CPTED och Jane Jacobs stadsplaneringsideal. Resultatet från Klockaretorpet visar på betydelsen av samverkan och relationsskapande insatser med fokus på delaktighet, kontinuitet och snabba ageranden. I Gårdsten har utvecklingen vänt mycket med hjälp av det starka lokala bostadsbolaget Gårdstensbostäder som bland annat använt hårdare strategier gentemot sina hyresgäster för att skapa kontroll och öka tryggheten i området. I Rannebergen råder det dock en diffus förståelse över områdets faktiska situation då aktörer anser att det snarare är en pågående negativ utveckling i området trots en borttagning från polisens lista över utsatta områden. Slutsatsen blir därmed att polisens klassificeringar inte alltid visar den faktiska verkligheten och att en borttagning inte innebär att all problematik är borta eller att insatser kommer att upphöra. Slutligen behöver alla aktörer i ett samhälle kliva fram, ta plats och ansvar i områdena för att vända en negativ utveckling. Det är viktigt att se på områdenas möjligheter och förstärka insatser även när utvecklingen går åt en positiv riktning, vilket pekar på betydelsen av kontinuitet och långsiktighet. / This thesis has aimed to identify lessons learned from two previous vulnerable areas (Rannebergen in Gothenburg and Klockaretorpet in Norrköping) and a previous particularly vulnerable area (Gårdsten in Gothenburg). Interviews with the police, municipalities, social service center, housing companies and civil society have been conducted in each district to examine which initiatives/efforts and measures have been implemented by the actors in the areas. Previous research and theories have included social risks, collective efficacy, social capital, phase theory, CPTED and Jane Jacob's urban planning ideals. The results from Klockaretorpet showed the importance of collaboration and relationship-building initiatives with a focus on involvement, continuity and quick actions. In Gårdsten, the development has reversed a lot with the help of the strong local housing company Gårdstensbostäder, which, among other things, has used tougher strategies towards its tenants to create control and increase safety in the area. In Rannebergen, however, there is a diffuse understanding of the area's actual situation as actors believe that there is rather an ongoing negative development in the area despite a removal from the police's list of vulnerable areas. Hence, the conclusion is that the police's classifications do not always show the actual reality and that a removal does not mean that all problems are gone or that efforts should cease. Finally, all actors in a society need to step forward, take place and responsibility in the areas to reverse a negative development. It is important to look at the areas' opportunities and strengthen efforts even when development is moving in a positive direction, which points to the importance of continuity and long-term perspective.

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