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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Linguistics Improvements and Correlates in a Japanese Study Abroad Program

Biesinger, Geoffrey Scott 11 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Study abroad (SA) is typically thought to provide an excellent opportunity for second language acquisition, particularly through exposure to and application of the target language within the target culture. However, actual language gains vary greatly among SA participants and some may gain very little (Freed, 1995a). The purpose of the current study is to determine some specific linguistic gains made by 28 second language learners of Japanese studying for two semesters in Japan, and to determine possible correlates with these gains. Specifically, it addresses whether or not these SA students improve their grammatical proficiency, lexical proficiency, narrative ability, fluency, and pragmatics proficiency. It then explores how language learning aptitude, personality, language use, social networking, and initial ability correlate with those gains. To measure these gains and their correlates it uses the following instruments: the Elicited Imitation task, a picture story, the Pragmatics Self-Assessment, the Non-Word Repetition test, the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, the Language Contact Profile, and the Study Abroad Social Interaction Questionnaire. The results indicated that these SA students improved significantly in at least on measure of grammatical proficiency, lexical proficiency, narrative ability, fluency, and pragmatics proficiency. Initial ability and language use proved to correlate best with each area of linguistic gain; however, the other correlates were also related in certain areas. SA students should prepare to use their language and participate in social networks to best improve their linguistic abilities.

Inlåsningseffekten : Skattens effekt på svenskars fondsparande

Björkholm, Johan, Dahlberg, Mattias, Johansson, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige har 76 % av befolkningen innehav i fonder och den totala fondförmögenheten uppgår till 1 925 miljarder. Kapitalvinstskatten ligger på 30 % och utlöses endast vid en realisation av vinsten. Många svenskar undviker gärna att aktivera denna skatteeffekt och blir därmed inlåsta i sina fonder. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån intervjuer med privata fondsparare och aktörer inom branschen förklara hur kapitalvinstskatten påverkar privatpersoners resonerande och agerande. Detta beteende kommer sedan att analyseras utifrån befintliga teorier inom beteendeekonomi. Metod: För att nå studiens syfte har vi använt oss av en abduktiv metod. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Totalt har vi intervjuat 10 fondsparare och 6 personer inom branschen. Materialet från intervjuerna har sedan förklarats med hjälp av de teorier vi valt ut. Slutsats: I vår studie har vi kommit fram till att inlåsningseffekten varierar beroende på fondspararens ålder. Den yngre gruppen ställde sig mer likgiltig inför kapitalvinstskatten, med anledning av en kort placeringshorisont. Den äldre gruppen hade en mer ospecificerad placeringshorisont och baserade sina investeringsbeslut utefter skattekonsekvensen. Kapitalvinstskatten hade då en bromsande effekt, eftersom det skulle minska den totala förmögenheten. / Background: In Sweden 76 % of the population has savings in mutual funds, with a combined wealth of 1 925 billion SEK. The tax on capital gains is 30 % and is activated when the profit is realized. Many Swedes avoid triggering this tax effect and is therefore locked-in in their mutual funds. Purpose The purpose of this study is, from interviews with private fund investors and industry players, to explain how the capital gains tax affects individuals’ reasoning and actions. This behavior will then be analyzed in terms of existing theories in the field. Method: We have used an abductive method to achieve the purpose of this study. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews.  We have conducted 10 interviews with private fund investors and 6 people in the fund industry. The material from the interviews was then explained by means of the theories we have selected. Conclusion: In our study we came to the conclusion that the lock-in effect varies depending on the fund savers age. The younger group was more indifferent to the capital gains tax, due to a shorter investment horizon. The older group had a more unspecified investment horizon and based their investment decisions along the tax consequence. Capital gains tax then had a braking effect, as it would reduce the total wealth.

The levying of capital gains tax at death

02 September 2013 (has links)
LL.M. (Tax Law) / Capital Gains Tax (“CGT”) was introduced with effect from 1 October 2001 by the insertion of section 26A and an Eighth Schedule into the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962, by the Taxation Laws Amendment Act 5 of 2001. Paragraph 40(1) of the Eight Schedule provides that a deceased person must, with certain exceptions, be treated as having disposed of his assets to his estate for proceeds equal to the market value of those assets as at the date of death. Paragraph 40(1A) of the Eight Schedule provides that if an asset of a deceased person is treated as having been disposed of under paragraph 40(1) and is transferred directly to the estate of the deceased person, the estate must be treated as having acquired the asset at a cost equal to its market value as at the date of death for base-cost purposes, and if the asset is transferred directly to an heir or legatee, the heir or legatee must be treated as having acquired the asset at a cost equal to its market value as at the date of death for base-cost purposes. The capital gain will be the difference between the market value of a taxable asset of the deceased on the date of his death and its base cost to him, which is included in his final income tax assessment and which will have to be settled out of the estate‟s assets. There are many arguments in favour of the discontinuance of the levying of CGT at the death of a taxpayer in South Africa, which arguments become evident when comparing the South African CGT provisions regarding the levying of CGT at death with tax jurisdictions such as Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Botswana and Nigeria. Canada for example abolished their inheritance tax in 1972 which in that particular situation justifies the levying of CGT at death. If CGT will continue to be levied at the death of a taxpayer it is suggested that a carry-over approach in terms of which the heir inherits the asset at its acquisition cost and the CGT liability is deferred until the heir actually disposes of the asset should be followed. This approach is currently followed in Australia, Botswana and Nigeria. The holder of an inherited bare dominium will suffer at the hands of a CGT anomaly where the deceased created a limited interest, for example a usufruct over a fixed property bequeathed by him to the bare dominium holder. The anomaly that transpires is that the limited interest created by the deceased will result in an artificial drop in the base cost of the fixed property so bequeathed and there will be no adjustment to the base cost when the bare dominium holder succeeds to full ownership of the fixed property, for example when the usufructuary passes away, meaning that the same capital gain will be taxed twice. It is submitted that legislative amendments are required to provide for an increase in the base cost applicable to the bare dominium holder when the usufructuary eventually passes away. Alternatively the SARS‟s current practice in this respect should be altered to avoid the unbearable situation where a capital gain may be taxed at 2 separate instances. At least two anomalies exist when dealing with capital losses in the deceased‟s final period of assessment and in the winding up of the deceased‟s estate. Firstly a capital loss may not be carried forward from the deceased‟s final assessment to his deceased estate to be set off against capital gains that may be realised in the winding up of the estate. Secondly a capital loss incurred on the sale of a capital asset during the winding up of a deceased estate cannot be carried over from the deceased estate to the heirs of the deceased and will thus remain unutilised. It is suggested that the method followed in Canada in respect of capital losses that occurred in the year of a taxpayer‟s death should be followed in South Africa, ie that such capital loss may be carried back three years in order to reduce any taxable capital gains that occurred in those years or that the capital losses may be utilised to reduce other income of the taxpayer in his final return. It is further suggested that this method should also be followed in respect of unutilised capital losses that occurred in the winding up of the estate, alternatively the capital losses so realised must be carried over to the heirs of the deceased.

Commande de chute pour robots humanoïdes par reconfiguration posturale et compliance adaptative / Humanoid fall control by postural reshaping and adaptive compliance

Samy, Vincent 13 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse traite du problème de la chute de robots humanoïdes. L’étude consiste à découpler la stratégie de chute en une phase de pré-impact et une phase de post-impact. Dans la première, une solution géométrique permet au robot de choisir des points d’impact dans un environnement encombré. Pour ce faire, le robot réadapte sa posture tout en évident les singularités de chute et en préparant le seconde phase. La phase de post-impact utilise une commande par Programmation Quadratique (QP) qui permet d’adapter les gains Proportionnels-Dérivés (PD)des moteurs en ligne, ceci afin d’obtenir de la compliance dans les articulations. L’approche consiste à incorporer les gains de raideur et d’amortissement dans le vecteur d’optimisation du QP avec les variables habituelles que sont l’accélération articulaire et les forces de contact. Les contraintes ont été adaptées à ce nouveau QP. Enfin,comme la solution est locale, une commande de modèle prédictif sur un modèle simplifié du robot. A chaque pas du développement, plusieurs expériences et simulations ont été effectuées. / This thesis deals with the problem of humanoid falling with a decoupled strategy consisting of a pre-impactand a post-impact stages. In the pre-impact stage, geometrical reasoning allows the robot to choose appropriateimpact points in the surrounding environment –that can be unstructured and may contain cluttered obstacles,and to adopt a posture to reach them while avoiding impact singularities and preparing for the post-impact. Thepost-impact stage uses a quadratic program controller that adapts on-line the joint proportional-derivative (PD)gains to make the robot compliant, i.e. to absorb post-impact dynamics, which lowers possible damage risks.We propose a new approach incorporating the stiffness and damping gains directly as decision variables in theQP along with the usually-considered variables that are the joint accelerations and contact forces. By doing so,various constraints can be added to the QP. Finally, since the gain adaptation is local, we added a preview ona time-horizon for more optimal gain adaptation based on model reduction. At each step of the development,several experiments on the humanoid robot HRP-4 in a full-dynamics simulator are presented and discussed.

Acordos regionais de comércio: uma análise dos ganhos não-tradicionais / Regional trade agreements: an analysis of the non-traditional gains

Pereira, Poliana de Carvalho 27 February 2008 (has links)
Paralelamente aos esforços dos países, sob a liderança norte-americana, para a construção de um sistema multilateral de comércio mais livre e mais integrado, o pós-guerra assistiu a esforços regionalistas sob a forma de Acordos Regionais de Comércio (ARCs). Impulsionados pela experiência européia, países na América Latina e na África engajaram-se na formação de ARCs nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, sem grande sucesso, marcando o primeiro momento regionalista. A ordem internacional após Guerra Fria foi marcada pelo reavivamento do regionalismo com a celebração de novos ARCs e o relançamento de antigos acordos, marcando o segundo momento. A formação de ARCs, especialmente a explosão de acordos desde a inauguração da OMC, tem suscitado discussões entre o multilateralismo e o regionalismo, se seriam complementares ou contraditórios. A percepção da importância que assumiram os ARCs na teoria econômica e nas relações econômicas internacionais desperta o interesse sobre os motivos que levam os países a formarem esses acordos e a despenderem tanto tempo e esforço em sua formação. De acordo com a análise tradicional, os países buscam os ARCs como forma de aumentar as trocas comerciais e os investimentos entre os países membros por meio da redução de barreiras alfandegárias. Embora estejam presentes nos ARCs e sejam importantes nos cálculos dos países na formação desse acordo, os motivos tradicionais não conferem um explicação completa, especialmente quando se considera novo regionalismo, marcado por grandes avanços nas liberalizações multilateral e unilateral. O fato é que os países não buscam a integração apenas por suas razões econômicas intrínsecas, configuradas nos ganhos tradicionais, os ganhos expressos em seus acordos. Além dos ganhos comerciais, muitas vezes, mais importantes que os ganhos econômicos, os países têm outros objetivos quando aderem a arranjos regionais. Em busca de uma teoria mais completa para explicar a formação de ARCs, este trabalho se apoiará em quatro ganhos não-tradicionais: acesso seguro a mercados, segurança, suporte para reformas domésticas e incremento do poder de barganha. / Alongside with the countries efforts, under the leadership of United States, to the construction of a freer and more integrated multilateral trade system, the post-war period witnessed the regionalist efforts in the form of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs). Stimulated by the European experience, countries in Latin America and Africa engaged themselves into the formation of RTAs in the 1960\'s and 1970\'s, without much success, determining the first regionalist period. The international order after the Cold War was marked by the revival of regionalism with the signing of new RTAs and the relaunch of old ones, determining the second period. The formation of RTAs, especially the explosion of new agreements since the inauguration of the WTO, has created discussions between multilateralism and regionalism, if they are complementary or contradictory. The perception of the importance assumed by the RTAs in economic theory and in the international economic relations arouses the interest about the reasons that lead countries to form such agreements and spend both time and efforts into their formation. According to the traditional analysis, countries seek RTAs as a way to increase trade and investment among member countries by reducing customs barriers. Despite being present in RTAs and despite being important in the countries calculation during agreements formation, the traditional motives don\'t grant a complete explanation, especially when considering the new regionalism, marked by great progress in the multilateral and unilateral liberalization. The fact is that countries do not seek integration only by its intrinsic economic reasons, configured in the traditional gains, gains that are expressed in their agreements. In addition to trade gains, often, more important than the economic gains, countries have other goals when they join regional arrangements. Searching for a more complete theory to explain the formation of RTAs, this work will be supported by four nontraditional gains: safe markets access, security, support for domestic reforms and increased bargain power.

Acordos regionais de comércio: uma análise dos ganhos não-tradicionais / Regional trade agreements: an analysis of the non-traditional gains

Poliana de Carvalho Pereira 27 February 2008 (has links)
Paralelamente aos esforços dos países, sob a liderança norte-americana, para a construção de um sistema multilateral de comércio mais livre e mais integrado, o pós-guerra assistiu a esforços regionalistas sob a forma de Acordos Regionais de Comércio (ARCs). Impulsionados pela experiência européia, países na América Latina e na África engajaram-se na formação de ARCs nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, sem grande sucesso, marcando o primeiro momento regionalista. A ordem internacional após Guerra Fria foi marcada pelo reavivamento do regionalismo com a celebração de novos ARCs e o relançamento de antigos acordos, marcando o segundo momento. A formação de ARCs, especialmente a explosão de acordos desde a inauguração da OMC, tem suscitado discussões entre o multilateralismo e o regionalismo, se seriam complementares ou contraditórios. A percepção da importância que assumiram os ARCs na teoria econômica e nas relações econômicas internacionais desperta o interesse sobre os motivos que levam os países a formarem esses acordos e a despenderem tanto tempo e esforço em sua formação. De acordo com a análise tradicional, os países buscam os ARCs como forma de aumentar as trocas comerciais e os investimentos entre os países membros por meio da redução de barreiras alfandegárias. Embora estejam presentes nos ARCs e sejam importantes nos cálculos dos países na formação desse acordo, os motivos tradicionais não conferem um explicação completa, especialmente quando se considera novo regionalismo, marcado por grandes avanços nas liberalizações multilateral e unilateral. O fato é que os países não buscam a integração apenas por suas razões econômicas intrínsecas, configuradas nos ganhos tradicionais, os ganhos expressos em seus acordos. Além dos ganhos comerciais, muitas vezes, mais importantes que os ganhos econômicos, os países têm outros objetivos quando aderem a arranjos regionais. Em busca de uma teoria mais completa para explicar a formação de ARCs, este trabalho se apoiará em quatro ganhos não-tradicionais: acesso seguro a mercados, segurança, suporte para reformas domésticas e incremento do poder de barganha. / Alongside with the countries efforts, under the leadership of United States, to the construction of a freer and more integrated multilateral trade system, the post-war period witnessed the regionalist efforts in the form of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs). Stimulated by the European experience, countries in Latin America and Africa engaged themselves into the formation of RTAs in the 1960\'s and 1970\'s, without much success, determining the first regionalist period. The international order after the Cold War was marked by the revival of regionalism with the signing of new RTAs and the relaunch of old ones, determining the second period. The formation of RTAs, especially the explosion of new agreements since the inauguration of the WTO, has created discussions between multilateralism and regionalism, if they are complementary or contradictory. The perception of the importance assumed by the RTAs in economic theory and in the international economic relations arouses the interest about the reasons that lead countries to form such agreements and spend both time and efforts into their formation. According to the traditional analysis, countries seek RTAs as a way to increase trade and investment among member countries by reducing customs barriers. Despite being present in RTAs and despite being important in the countries calculation during agreements formation, the traditional motives don\'t grant a complete explanation, especially when considering the new regionalism, marked by great progress in the multilateral and unilateral liberalization. The fact is that countries do not seek integration only by its intrinsic economic reasons, configured in the traditional gains, gains that are expressed in their agreements. In addition to trade gains, often, more important than the economic gains, countries have other goals when they join regional arrangements. Searching for a more complete theory to explain the formation of RTAs, this work will be supported by four nontraditional gains: safe markets access, security, support for domestic reforms and increased bargain power.

Hur verkligt är det verkliga värdet? : En studie om svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolags värdering av förvaltningsfastigheter

Sollén, Alexander, Lid, Simon January 2022 (has links)
ABSTRACT Date: 2022-06-02 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors:  Simon Lid   1997-02-27, Alexander Sollén   1997-08-09                                                                                                                                                                        Title: How fair is the fair value? Supervisor: Oksana Feicher Keywords: Fair value, reliability, IFRS 13, IAS40, investment property, unrealized gains, realized gains  Research questions: How accurate is the fair value correlation to the actual selling price? Does unrealized gains and losses correlate with the profits?  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine how reliable the fair value of investment property is in Swedish public companies, and how the valuations affect the profits.   Method: In order to answer the research questions of the study a quantitative research method was applied using data from the company’s financial reports during the years of 2005 through 2020. Descriptive statistics have been used to compare the companies and the industry as whole. To study the reliability, two variables have been calculated. The actual gains in comparison with the sales and the unrealized gains in comparison with the profits. To further invigorate the study correlation analysis has been applied to see if there were any correlations between the two variables.  Conclusion: The result of the study shows a deviation by approximately 12% of the company’s fair value. Based on the results of the study a conclusion can be drawn that the regulations permit a valuation that is not reliable and show a deceptive picture of the company. Previous research discussed caution, adjustment of profits and interpretation as factors behind the result. The study shows that during the period of the research an average conjunction of 60,08% between unrealized gains and profits were shown. Further a conclusion can be made that the profits are correlated with the unrealized gains.

The current tax system on the Swedish residential market – problems and possible solutions / Flyttrelaterade skatter på den svenska bostadsmarknaden

Grundmark, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Idag präglas den svenska bostadsmarknaden av en trögrörlighet som bland annat beror på höga flyttrelaterade skatter. Dessa flyttrelaterade skatter består av reavinstskatt, stämpelskatter, expeditionsavgifter och uppskovsränta. Många hushåll anser det idag vara för dyrt att flytta och avstår därför. Detta leder till att flyttkedjor stannar upp och arbetsmarknaden påverkas negativt eftersom många hushåll drar sig för att flytta och många tackar därför nej till arbeten som kräver en flytt. Detta beteende leder till att den individuella välfärden och hela Sveriges ekonomiska välfärd drabbas negativt. Detta är ett aktuellt och omtalat ämne och många rapporter har skrivits och det finns många förslag på förbättringar till dagens system. Många har som syfte att ge förslag på olika åtgärder som skulle leda till ett bättre system på bostadsmarknaden och många har gjort beräkningar på hur resultat av bland annat en minskning av reavinstskatten skulle se ut. Det är dock i detta examensarbete första gången som en siffra över hur hög en fastighetsskatt skulle behöva vara för att kunna ersätta dagens alla flyttrelaterade skatter redovisas. Detta arbete har som syfte att se över dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem och uppmärksamma eventuella problem med dagens situation. En litteraturstudie redovisas för att en bredare inblick ska ges och utifrån litteraturstudien kommer sedan ett antal förslag till förbättringar av dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem att sammanfattas. Sedan kommer en utredning av hur mycket dagens flyttrelaterade skatter faktiskt genererar i pengar till staten att redovisas och sist kommer beräkningen över hur hög en fastighetsskatt skulle behöva vara för att kunna ersätta dagens flyttrelaterade skatter. Slutsatserna visar på att en del av problemen med dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem kan lösas med en rad olika åtgärder som flera författare har utrett. Beräkningarna över hur hög en fastighetsavgift skulle behövara vara för att kunna ersätta dagens flyttrelaterade skatter visar på att alla bostadsägare årligen ska betala 5900 kronor eller 0,47 % av sitt taxeringsvärde i skatt, oavsett om man äger ett småhus eller en bostadsrättslägenhet. / The Swedish housing market is presently characterized by low mobility. This could partly be a result of the high taxes on moving from one house to another. Not only is there a capital-gains tax on moving, but also a stamp duty, a service charge and an interest charge on postponed capital gains tax. Many households consider the price of moving too high, making them reluctant to move. This will have a negative effect on the labour market due to the fact that people will be less willing to move to places where labour is needed. This type of behaviour will ultimately affect both the wealth of the individual and Sweden’s economy in a negative way. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the current tax-system and emphasize the problems with it. Firstly, a literature study will be presented to give a wide perspective of the subject. This will be the basis for a number of suggestions that will resolve the problem with low mobility on the housing market. After this, an investigation of how much money the taxes on moving actually generate to the government. Lastly, a calculation of how high a real estate tax would have to be in order to replace the taxes on moving. The conclusions of this paper suggest that there are a number of actions that can be taken in order to resolve some of the problems with the tax system on the Swedish housing market. The calculations show that the taxes on moving could be replaced by a real estate tax where the homeowners would pay 5900 SEK or 0,47% of the assess value of the home yearly, instead of paying taxes only when moving.

Kapitaalwinsbelastinggevolge by die vermindering of aflossing van skuld

Louw, Andries Adriaan 04 1900 (has links)
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die praktyk is daar talle situasies waar 'n krediteur wetend of onwetend 'n verwante of nie-verwante debiteur se skuld verminder of aflos. Voor die instelling van kapitaalwinsbelasting het daar reeds talle nadelige inkomstebelastinggevolge bestaan wat uit sodanige vermindering of aflossing kan voortspruit. Die instelling van kapitaalwinsbelasting en meer spesifiek paragraaf 12(5) van die Agtste Bylae tot die Inkomstebelastingwet Nr 58 van 1962, het tot gevolg dat die vermindering of aflossing van skuld ook nadelige kapitaalwinsbelastinggevolge tot gevolg kan he. Die studie sal kortliks na die moontlike inkomstebelastinggevolge van die vermindering of aflossing van skuld verwys aangesien hierdie gevolge in sekere omstandighede die kapitaalwinsbelastinggevolge kan be'invloed. Die inkomstebelastinggevolge wat bespreek sal word is die vermindering van 'n persoon se vasgestelde verlies as gevolg van 'n vergelyk met of konsessie deur skuldeisers, verhalings wat ontstaan by die veIjaring of afstanddoening van skuld, geagte dividende onderhewig aan sekondere belasting op maatskappye, skenkings onderhewig aan skenkingsbelasting en ook byvoordele wat ingesluit word by 'n werknemer se belasbare inkomste. Die fokus van die studie verskuifvervolgens na die uitleg van paragraaf 12(5) van die Agtste Bylae tot die Inkomstebelastingwet. Die uitleg van hierdie paragraaf aan die hand van die normale reels wat geld by die uitleg van belastingwetgewing in die algemeen sal daarop wys dat die belangrikste elemente wat moet bestaan alvorens hierdie bepaling sal geld is dat daar 'n skuld moes bestaan het en dat hierdie skuld verminder of afgelos moes word. Die studie ondersoek daama die regswerking van die terme 'verminder' en 'aflos' om te bepaal watter gebeure daartoe aanleiding gee dat skuld verminder of afgelos word. Na aanleiding van hierdie gebeure wat tot gevolg kan he dat skuld verminder of afgelos word, word 'n aantal praktiese gevallestudies bespreek waardeur die toepasssingsveld van paragraaf 12(5) van die Agtste Bylae tot die Inkomstebelastingwet gei1lustreer kan word. Uit die ondersoek word daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar 'n groot aantal situasies bestaan wat moontlik kapitaalwinsbelastinggevolge vir 'n persoon kan inhou wanneer skuld verminder of afgelos word. Die studie bespreek ook moontlike voorkomende maatreels wat die trefwydte van hierdie bepaling kan inperk. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It often occurs in practice that a creditor knowingly or un-knowingly reduces or discharges a debt owed to it by a related or unrelated debtor. Prior to the introduction of capital gains tax there already existed many negative income tax implications from such a reduction or discharge. The introduction of capital gains tax, and more specificly paragraph 12(5) of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962, now extends these negative income tax consequences to also include negative capital gains tax implications. This study will briefly look at the potential income tax implications associated with reduction or discharge of debt as these implications will also impact on the potential capital gains implications. The income tax implications that will be discussed are the reduction of a person's assessed loss as a result of a concession granted by or a compromise made with his creditors, recoupments as a result of the prescription or waiver of a debt, deemed dividends subject to secondary tax on companies, donations subject to donations tax and fringe benefits included in the taxable income of an employee. The focus of the study subsequently moves to the interpretation of paragraph 12(5) of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act. The most important elements that will arise from this interpretation, based on the normal rules of the interpretation of income tax legislation, are that there must be a debt and that the debt must be reduced or discharged. The study then examines the legal implications of the terms 'reduce' and 'discharge' in order to determine what circumstances can have the effect that a debt has been reduced or discharged. These circumstances are then applied on various examples to illustrate the scope of paragraph 12(5) of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act. From this examination the conclusion is drawn that there are many circumstances that exists that could lead to capital gains tax implications as a result of the reduction or discharge of a debt. The study also discusses possible preventive measures that could be implemented to prevent the application of paragraph 12(5) of the Eighth Schedule to the Act.

A critical analysis of the capital gains tax system for South Africa

Schwarze, Corrinna Lina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAcc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Capital gains tax has been introduced into the South African tax system for the first time, on all capital gains arising on or after 1 October 2001. The issue of whether a capital gains tax will be a suitable tax for South Africa has already been addressed in the form of Commission Reports. In these reports, the idea of adopting this tax system was not recommended for the South African tax system or only a limited capital gains tax was recommended. This study, however, investigates whether the legislation passed by government is in line with the basic principles of an efficient and effective tax system. Firstly, the principles of an efficient and effective tax system are set out as those originally proposed by Adam Smith as well as those that have been adapted to modern tax theory. The factors that impact on capital gains tax are identified and specific criteria are formulated against which the legislated capital gains tax is evaluated. The mechanics of the capital gains tax is discussed, classified into the factors that impact a capital gains tax and evaluated against the abovementioned criteria. lt has been held that the introduction of this new form of tax to the South African tax system addresses many inefficiencies and deficiencies in the current tax system. lt is the writer's opinion that an investigation as to the degree to which this tax system adheres to the principles of an effective and efficient tax system, was thus necessary. For the purposes of this investigation, the legislated capital gains tax was evaluated against the principles of neutrality, certainty and simplicity, administrative efficiency, flexibility, invisibility and equity (fairness, horizontal and vertical equity). lt was found that the principles of flexibility, fairness and horizontal equity are achieved. To a lesser extent, the principles of neutrality, certainty and simplicity, and administrative efficiency are achieved, and the principles of invisibility and vertical equity have not been achieved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kapitaalwinsbelasting is nou vir die eerste keer deel van die Suid Afrikaanse belastingstelsel. Dit affekteer alle kapitale winste wat op of na 1 Oktober 2001 realiseer. Die vraagstuk oar die geskiktheid van kapitaalwinsbelasting vir Suid-Afrika is alreeds voorheen in die vorm van Kommissieverslae aangespreek. Geen, of slegs 'n beperkte kapitaalwinsbelasting is in hierdie verslae aanbeveel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse belastingstelsel. Die studie wat volg, ondersoek die mate waarin die wetgewing ten opsigte van kapitaalwinsbelasting aan die basiese beginsels van 'n effektiewe en doeltreffende belastingstelsel voldoen. Eerstens word die beginsels van 'n doeltreffende en effektiewe belastingstelsel uiteengesit as die soos oorspronklik voorgestel deur Adam Smith, asook die wat deur moderne belastingteorie aangepas is. Tweedens word die faktore wat kapitaalwins be·invloed ge·identifiseer en laastens word spesifieke kriteria geformuleer waarteen die kapitaalwinsbelasting geevalueer sal word. Die werking van die kapitaalwinsbelasting word bespreek, geklassifiseer in faktore wat 'n kapitaalwinsbelasting be·invloed en teen die bogenoemde kriteria geevalueer. Daar is beslis dat die toevoeging van hierdie vorm van belasting tot die Suid Afrikaanse belastingstelsel die ondoeltreffendheid en ander gebreke in die huidige belastingstelsel aanspreek. Dit is die skrywer se mening dat 'n ondersoek ten opsigte van die mate waartoe hierdie belastingstelsel die beginsels van 'n effektiewe en doeltreffende belastingstelsel nakom, dus nodig was. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie ondersoek, is kapitaalwinsbelasting geevalueer teen die beginsels van neutraliteit, sekerheid en eenvoudigheid, administratiewe doeltreffendheid, aanpasbaarheid, onsigbaarheid en billikheid (regverdigheid, horisontale en vertikale billikheid). Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar aan die beginsels van aanpasbaarheid, regverdigheid en horisontale billikheid voldoen word. Tot 'n minder mate, word daar aan die beginsels van neutraliteit, sekerheid en eenvoudigheid, en administratiewe doeltreffendheid voldoen. Daar word nie aan die beginsels van onsigbaarheid en vertikale billikheid voldoen nie.

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