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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Jag kan nog tycka att det är slöseri med en sån person som mig..." : Utmattningsdeprimerades behov av studie- och yrkesvägledning

Karlsson, Ann-Christine, Beckman, Helena January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att belysa om och på vilket sätt som en grupp människor med diagnos utmattningssyndrom/utmattningsdepression har fått eller kommit i kontakt med studieoch yrkesvägledning strax innan och en bit in i sin sjukskrivningsperiod. För att få svar på detta så genomfördes sex intervjuer som en kvalitativ studie. Slutsatserna av studien bygger på analysen av intervjuerna och på olika vägledningsteorier samt på tidigare forskning i de ämnen som anknyter till studien. Resultaten visar att studie- och yrkesvägledning inte var något som de här människorna kommit i kontakt med i samband med sin sjukskrivningsperiod. Vad de där emot påvisade var ett stort behov av just de kunskaper och verktyg som studie- och yrkesvägledare kan erbjuda. Resultatet visar att studie- och yrkesvägledning i det här läget inte hade förhindrat en lång sjukskrivningsperiod, men väl kunnat mildra effekterna av den. Studieoch yrkesvägledning borde synliggöras mer och finnas som en naturlig del i ett förebyggande arbete i arbetslivet. / The purpose of this study is to elucidate whether and how a group of people diagnosed with fatigue syndrome/fatigue depression have been in contact with the career counselling just before and a few months into their sick leave period. In order to answer this, six interviews were conducted as a qualitative study. The conclusion of the study is based on the analysis of the interviews, various guidance theories and on previous research in the field. The results show that career counselling was not something that these people came into contact with during their sick leave period. Instead, the results point out that there was a great need for such knowledge and tools as the career counsellors can offer. Also, the study’s conclusion shows that career counselling in these specific circumstances would not have prevented a long period of sickness, but it would have mitigated the implication of the sick leave. We therefore believe that career counselling should be made more visible and appear as a natural part of a preventive measure at work.

Upplevda framgångsfaktorer för övergångar kontra upplevda hinder på Samhall. : En kvalitativ studie av individer med funktionshinder på arbetsmarknaden. / Experienced success factors for transitions versus perceived obstacles at Samhall : A qualitative study of individuals with disabilities in the labour market.

Shahin, Rania January 2020 (has links)
Samhall is a state-owned company that is 100% owned by the Swedish state. The business produces demanded goods and services. In addition, the company manufactures a number of its own products. The main purpose of the business is to develop the work ability and increase the motivation of individuals with disabilities by creating meaningful jobs. The state's goal is that at least 5% of the people employed at Samhall should be able to make a transition to other companies. Previous research on transitional work at Samhall primarily addresses the importance of the situation in the labor market and the discrimination, towards individuals with disabilities, that exists on the labor market, the importance of the commitment and motivation of the individual with disabilities, as well as the risk of a lock-in effect and socialization as a disabled person. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze what the perceived success factors are for successful transition work from Samhall versus what possible factors may be perceived as obstacles in the regular labor market. This from the perspective of the people who have made this "journey" themselves. The data has been analyzed based on Erving Goffman's ideas of stigma that have come to play a crucial role. His theory changed the view in the field of disability research. This essay consists of a descriptive part about Samhall's operations and work on transitions and in-depth interviews with people working at Samhall and their own experiences in the labor market. Based on the interviews, I came to the conclusion that the most important thing for successful transitional work is the managers attitude against the people with disabilities. Self-commitment and motivation were other success factors for a transition. Discrimination towards the individuals with disabilities from the managers is the main reason for perceived barriers. Other reasons for the perceived barrier comes from the individual's attitudes and adaptations in connection to the security that is built up at Samhall, which then can lead to a worse self-image and self-esteem. The knowledge that has emerged in my thesis complements the knowledge from the literature review and gives a new perspective on the transition work from Samhall to other companies.

Inlåsningseffekten : Skattens effekt på svenskars fondsparande

Björkholm, Johan, Dahlberg, Mattias, Johansson, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige har 76 % av befolkningen innehav i fonder och den totala fondförmögenheten uppgår till 1 925 miljarder. Kapitalvinstskatten ligger på 30 % och utlöses endast vid en realisation av vinsten. Många svenskar undviker gärna att aktivera denna skatteeffekt och blir därmed inlåsta i sina fonder. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån intervjuer med privata fondsparare och aktörer inom branschen förklara hur kapitalvinstskatten påverkar privatpersoners resonerande och agerande. Detta beteende kommer sedan att analyseras utifrån befintliga teorier inom beteendeekonomi. Metod: För att nå studiens syfte har vi använt oss av en abduktiv metod. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Totalt har vi intervjuat 10 fondsparare och 6 personer inom branschen. Materialet från intervjuerna har sedan förklarats med hjälp av de teorier vi valt ut. Slutsats: I vår studie har vi kommit fram till att inlåsningseffekten varierar beroende på fondspararens ålder. Den yngre gruppen ställde sig mer likgiltig inför kapitalvinstskatten, med anledning av en kort placeringshorisont. Den äldre gruppen hade en mer ospecificerad placeringshorisont och baserade sina investeringsbeslut utefter skattekonsekvensen. Kapitalvinstskatten hade då en bromsande effekt, eftersom det skulle minska den totala förmögenheten. / Background: In Sweden 76 % of the population has savings in mutual funds, with a combined wealth of 1 925 billion SEK. The tax on capital gains is 30 % and is activated when the profit is realized. Many Swedes avoid triggering this tax effect and is therefore locked-in in their mutual funds. Purpose The purpose of this study is, from interviews with private fund investors and industry players, to explain how the capital gains tax affects individuals’ reasoning and actions. This behavior will then be analyzed in terms of existing theories in the field. Method: We have used an abductive method to achieve the purpose of this study. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews.  We have conducted 10 interviews with private fund investors and 6 people in the fund industry. The material from the interviews was then explained by means of the theories we have selected. Conclusion: In our study we came to the conclusion that the lock-in effect varies depending on the fund savers age. The younger group was more indifferent to the capital gains tax, due to a shorter investment horizon. The older group had a more unspecified investment horizon and based their investment decisions along the tax consequence. Capital gains tax then had a braking effect, as it would reduce the total wealth.

Enshittification av sociala medier : En studie i digitala fotbojor / Enshittification of social media : A study in the shackles of the digital age

Johansson, Carl-Johan, Kovacevic Gahne, Franco January 2024 (has links)
Majoriteten av jordens befolkning har profiler på något av den handfull av sociala nätverk som dominerar Internet. Samtidigt som dessa tjänster växer i dominans och användarantal upplevs det ofta att användarupplevelsen blir allt sämre. Kritik har bland annat riktats mot hur de låter desinformation spridas och hur de monetäriserar användardata för att sälja målstyrd reklam. Enshittification är ett fenomen som definierades av techjournalisten och -kritikern Cory Doctorow för att beskriva hur dessa plattformar aktivt gör upplevelsen sämre för användarna. Enshittification gör gällande att användare stannar på plattformar som exploaterar dem på grund av höga omställningskostnader, såväl ekonomiska som sociala, trots en uppenbar försämring av den digitala miljön. Forskningsarbetet som presenteras här är en teoriutvecklande kritisk studie av enshittification och hur det manifesteras inom sociala medieplattformar. Studiens syfte är att grunda fenomenet och etablera en dialog kring enshittification i en IS-kontext. Den erbjuder insikter i enshittifications underliggande orsaker och dess konsekvenser för användarna, men även i hur man kan motverka fenomenet. Studien argumenterar även för att kritisk teori behövs inom IS för att kunna analysera sådana här fenomen och relaterade sociala aspekter inom informationsteknik. / A majority of the world’s population today resides on social media. At the same time a small group of platforms dominate the social media landscape. While these services have experienced great growth both in terms of registered users and market dominance, they’ve also been heavily criticized for the way the user experience seems to have deteriorated over time, particularly in respect to how disinformation is spreading throughout the networks and the way these services monetize their users’ personal data. Enshittification is a phenomenon, coined by the tech journalist and -critic Cory Doctorow, that describes the way these platforms actively work to make the user experience worse. The phenomenon asserts that people will keep using services that exploit them due to high switching costs—of either personal or economic nature, or both—even though the user experience deteriorates. This study offers a grounding theory of enshittification as a phenomenon, along with a critical perspective of its manifestation in social networks. Its purpose is to create a definition of the phenomenon and to establish a dialogue within the research field of information systems. The study also offers greater insight into the underpinnings of enshittification and its consequences for the end users, along with a critical reflection over possible mitigation strategies. It also argues that critical theory is needed in the field of IS research in order to be able to analyze phenomenons like enshittification and similar social aspects that manifest themselves within information technology.

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