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An Exploring Study on Human Resource Management in Computer Game Software IndustryChen, Ming-Sheng 15 August 2004 (has links)
Taiwan¡¦s computer game industry has gone through more than a decade. Yet, since the general social appraisal is not optimistic to the industry, very few contributions have been input. Without those who worked in computer game industry led by their interests at the early ages, we could hardly see the current achievements that Taiwan¡¦s computer industry gained. The low social evaluation on computer game workers in Taiwan has become the main reason that caused less success they obtained than computer game workers in the neighbor area, such as Japan and Korean, did. Neither a systemized training program to related workers for game industry nor a close observation to the human resource in the computer game companies we had ever done, and according to the rapidly growth of Taiwan¡¦s computer game industry in recent year, this study here present the poll and interview to human resource divisions of the major computer game enterprises in Taiwan, and hope we can get a better understand to this newly grown industry.
All the data stated in this study are provided by computer game enterprises, we could barely see a concrete model of human resource in the field. Due to this industry is still rapidly growing; some of the data might lose its accuracy soon. The study author would like to, still based on the image we see now, here provide his opinion and some suggestions to related education groups and governmental organizations and to the game industry for modifying the current defects, then make the industry mature and better.
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流程管理之研究-以軟體開發及流程作業為例李俊昌 Unknown Date (has links)
1 軟體產品的開發流程,可以用生產線的方式進行。
2 遊戲軟體的開發,除了程式設計外,還需要運用多種開發工具製作美術,方式比專案軟體的開發更多樣化。
3 軟體開發過程中,企劃書是知識儲存、傳播及運用的重要工具。
4 遊戲網路軟體代工業務需要具備程式製作、美術製作的能力、品質管制及精確的成本控制等多樣的條件。
5 有效的流程管理可以提昇作業速度,增加公司的競爭力。 / This thesis was intended to study the application of process management in companies. We further explored the possible response and consideration from the aspects of process management & organizational learning in companies. Taiwan's industry has a long-term success experience in process management. American, European and Japanese companies have been setting up the computer assembling factories in Taiwan since 1970. Currently, Taiwan's success in process management, especially at OEM, ODM & BTO has already been well known all over the world. The study is focused on the software companies and non-computer companies, and wishes to find out once if they establish the competitive advantage through process management, will they reach the same success as the computer companies did?
In this study, we found the following conclusions.
1. It is possible to develop software by a factory-like manufacturing process.
2. Sufficient art design tools are required, so as to complete a successful game software development process, compared to any regular software project.
3. A complete project plan plays a key role for storing, transferring & applying intrinsic knowledge in an organization during a software development process.
4. It needs various conditions, such as program design, art produce capability, quality control, and process management, to enter the OEM business of game software.
5. An effective process management can improve the operation speed and enhance competitive advantage for company.
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我國遊戲軟體廠商新產品開發兩岸分工之研究陳芬芳, Chen,Fen-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
(二)兩岸分工方式影響遊戲開發團隊專業成員的佈置,水平分工者,兩岸皆擁有完整的研發團隊,垂直分工者,研發團隊重心放在台灣。 / Taiwan's digital game industry faces a lot of challenges when they try to grow up. For example, there are too many imported products, short of research & development (R&D) manpower and the limited market scale. In recent years, many domestic companies move their factories to China. The purpose of this research is to find out the industrial firms’motive,location choice, new products development in Taiwan and China,to compare the R&D manpower between Taiwan and China,to understand how they employ the staff and design the training program, etc. The study selected four major Taiwanese game software companies as research subjects for case studies in depth. Preliminary research findings are as follows:
I.The motive of Taiwanese game software companies invested in China:
1.The main motive to invest in China is the marketing raising. The second consideration is human resources and availabilities.
2.The choice of location is based on obtaining R&D manpower easily.
II.New products development strategy:
1.The new game toward to multi-user and multi-platform on the network.
2.Forming project team for each new products development.
III.The division of labor between Taiwan and China. Different company has way of division:
1.If the company adopts horizontal division way, it conducts R&D for different products separately between Taiwan and China. The communication between Taiwan and China is implemented through the company's formal meetings.
2.If the company adopts vertical division way,its drawing or artistic design of game production process is completed in China.
3.Compare the R&D manpower between Taiwan China:the game planning of Taiwan is superior to China, the artistic design each have specialty,the program writing degree is very nearly the same.
IV.The employment and training in China subsidiary company:
1.The China subsidiary company prefers assigned its executive to be from Taiwan instead of local people.
2.To prevent the research staff from losing,the company provides the internal promotion system to local people.
V.The impact of Investment motive and the division of labor between Taiwan and China on new product development.
1.The main motive influences the new products development. With a motive on local market,the firm will focus on the on-line games development; with a motive on cost consideration,the firm will focus on the TV games development.
2.The division of labor between Taiwan and China influences the allocation of R&D manpower. If the company adopts horizontal division way, it will have complete R&D team in both Taiwan and China. If the company adopts vertical division way, it will place its R&D center in Taiwan.
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Digital Educational Games: Methodologies for Development and Software QualityAslan, Serdar 02 November 2016 (has links)
Development of a game in the form of software for game-based learning poses significant technical challenges for educators, researchers, game designers, and software engineers. The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring multi-faceted knowledge in multiple disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such a complex multidisciplinary development project require unifying methodologies for development and software quality evaluation and should not be performed in an ad hoc manner. This dissertation presents such methodologies named: GAMED (diGital educAtional gaMe dEvelopment methoDology) and IDEALLY (dIgital eDucational gamE softwAre quaLity evaLuation methodologY).
GAMED consists of a body of methods, rules, and postulates and is embedded within a digital educational game life cycle. The life cycle describes a framework for organization of the phases, processes, work products, quality assurance activities, and project management activities required to develop, use, maintain, and evolve a digital educational game from birth to retirement. GAMED provides a modular structured approach for overcoming the development complexity and guides the developers throughout the entire life cycle.
IDEALLY provides a hierarchy of 111 indicators consisting of 21 branch and 90 leaf indicators in the form of an acyclic graph for the measurement and evaluation of digital educational game software quality.
We developed the GAMED and IDEALLY methodologies based on the experiences and knowledge we have gained in creating and publishing four digital educational games that run on the iOS (iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch) mobile devices: CandyFactory, CandySpan, CandyDepot, and CandyBot. The two methodologies provide a quality-centered structured approach for development of digital educational games and are essential for accomplishing demanding goals of game-based learning.
Moreover, classifications provided in the literature are inadequate for the game designers, engineers and practitioners. To that end, we present a taxonomy of games that focuses on the characterization of games. / Ph. D. / The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring knowledge in many disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such projects require unifying methodologies for development and software quality evaluation. This dissertation presents such methodologies named: GAMED (diGital educAtional gaMe dEvelopment methoDology) and IDEALLY (dIgital eDucational gamE softwAre quaLity evaLuation methodologY).
GAMED consists of a body of methods, rules, and postulates and is embedded within a digital educational game life cycle. It provides a modular structured approach for overcoming the development complexity and guides the developers throughout the entire life cycle.
IDEALLY provides a hierarchy of 111 indicators consisting of 21 branches and 90 leaf indicators in the form of a graph, in which there is no cycle or closed path, for the measurement and evaluation of digital educational game software quality.
Moreover, classifications provided in the literature are poorly defined for the game designers, engineers, and practitioners. To that end, we present a taxonomy of games that focuses on the characterization of games.
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Towards Search-based Game Software EngineeringBlasco Latorre, Daniel 20 April 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los videojuegos son proyectos multidisciplinares que implican, en buena medida, el desarrollo de software. Esta tesis trata la faceta del desarrollo de videojuegos relativa al software mediante la Ingeniería del Software basada en Búsqueda (SBSE, Search-based Software Engineering). El objetivo específico de este trabajo es valerse de las características de los videojuegos en pro de una Ingeniería del Software de Videojuegos basada en Búsqueda (SBGSE, Search-based Game Software Engineering), incluyendo el uso de simulaciones de videojuegos para guiar búsquedas, codificación de granularidad fina y operaciones genéticas de mejora.
Las aproximaciones propuestas superan a las de referencia en mantenimiento (trazabilidad de requisitos) y creación de contenido (generación de NPCs). El mantenimiento y la creación de contenido son, a menudo, tareas esenciales para garantizar la retención de usuarios por medio de actualizaciones o expansiones. Además, esta investigación aborda la necesidad de estudios de caso industriales.
Esta tesis presenta un compendio que incluye tres artículos realizados durante el proceso de investigación y publicados en revistas académicas, con resultados que muestran que las aproximaciones de la Ingeniería del Software de Videojuegos basada en Búsqueda (SBGSE, Search-based Game Software Engineering) pueden mejorar la calidad de las soluciones generadas, así como reducir el tiempo necesario para producirlas. / [CA] Els videojocs són projectes multidisciplinaris que impliquen, en bona part, el desenvolupament de software. Aquesta tesi tracta la faceta del desenvolupament de videojocs relativa al software mitjançant l'Enginyeria del Software basada en Cerca (SBSE, Search-based Software Engineering). L'objectiu específic d'aquest treball és valdre's de les característiques dels videojocs en pro d'una Enginyeria del Software de Videojocs basada en Cerca (SBGSE, Search-based Game Software Engineering), incloent-hi l'ús de simulacions de videojocs per a guiar cerques, codificació de granularitat fina i operacions genètiques de millora.
Les aproximacions proposades superen a les de referència en manteniment (traçabilitat de requisits) i creació de contingut (generació de NPCs). El manteniment i la creació de contingut són, sovint, tasques essencials per a garantir la retenció d'usuaris per mitjà d'actualitzacions o expansions. A més, aquesta investigació aborda la necessitat d'estudis de cas industrials.
Aquesta tesi presenta un compendi que inclou tres articles realitzats durant el procés d'investigació i publicats en revistes acadèmiques, amb resultats que mostren que les aproximacions de l'Enginyeria del Software de Videojocs basada en Cerca (SBGSE, Search-based Game Software Engineering) poden millorar la qualitat de les solucions generades, així com reduir el temps necessari per a produir-les. / [EN] Video games are multidisciplinary projects which involve software development to a significant extent. This thesis tackles the software aspect of video game development through Search-based Engineering. Specifically, the objective of this work is to leverage the characteristics of video games towards Search-based Game Software Engineering, including the use of video game simulations to guide the search, a fine-grained encoding, and improvement genetic operations.
The approaches proposed outperform the baselines in maintenance (requirement traceability) and content creation (NPC generation) tasks. Maintenance and content creation are often essential tasks to ensure player retention by means of updates or expansions. In addition, this research addresses the need for industrial case studies.
This thesis presents a compendium that includes three papers produced through the research and published in academic journals, with results that show that Search-based Game Software Engineering approaches can provide improved solutions, in terms of quality and time cost. / This work has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the Spanish National R+D+i Plan and ERDF funds under the Project ALPS (RTI2018-096411-B-I00). / Blasco Latorre, D. (2024). Towards Search-based Game Software Engineering [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203655 / Compendio
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