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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Esoterická tematika v italské literatuře 1. poloviny 20. století / Esotericism and Italian literature in the first half of the 20th century

Ruggiero, Mauro January 2017 (has links)
ENG Esotericism and Occultism in the Italian Literature of the Early Twentieth Century The purpose of this research is to bring contribution to the branch of academic studies dedicated to Western Esotericism with aim to clarify the relationship between this literary field and culture in general. Numerous studies were made in this area of research, specifically tackling the influence of Esotericism on modern and contemporary literature. The goal was to show, in particular, the contribution Italian authors had to establishing of esoteric directions in literature, throughout a limited time-span (last decades of the 19th until the early 20th century). The research, based mainly upon concrete examples and documented resources, portrays the attempt of many writers and entire cultural trends in Italy, during the period considered, to adopt an original approach to expressing themselves, one which will in turn help them to overcome the literary boundaries of that time. This direction found fruitful ground and rooted itself in the esoteric culture, the occult sciences, in the lyrical dimension of dreams and of the unconscious. This study shows the relationship between esotericism and Italian science and culture scene between "fin de siècle and avant-garde", with emphasis on the undeniable influence the...

Fikční světy v díle Jana Erika Volda / Fictional Worlds in the Work of Jan Erik Vold

Buddeus, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Fidélité d'implantation de l'activity-based intervention (ABI) en milieu garde

Lemire, Colombe January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Jak je uděláno Pozvání na popravu. Teatrální a polemické prvky v románě Vladimira Nabokova / How Invitation to a Beheading is Made. Theatrical and Polemic Elements in Vladimic Nabokov's Novel

Lenz, Linda January 2013 (has links)
The work focuses on the analysis of the poetics of Vladimir Nabokov's novel Invitation to a Beheading in terms of its cultural context. Specifically deals with its relation to the Soviet theatrical avant-garde, with mythopoetic symbolism and early avant-garde. We approach to the novel as a parody of the post-revolutionary avant-garde Soviet theater experiments. Special attention is paid to the fact that due to the theatralization of the text, i.e. assimilation of the novel space with the theatricals, diegesis of Invitation to a Beheading is divided into two equal opposing worlds, each of which represents particular poetics. World built around main character of Cincinnatus is comparable to symbolism, namely to the symbol and symbolistic perception of Andrei Bely. The central principle of this reality is semiotization of the world. The surrounding fictional world creates its opposite as it is shaped by the principle of desemiotization which - as a central aspect of formalistic-futuristic avant- garde - systematically dismantles hero's world. However neither of these worlds is winning. In the end it is the synthesis, which helps the hero get emancipated from the novel's world. The Invitation to a Beheading can therefore be interpreted as original artist's world manifesto which through presentation and...

Obraz ženy v tištěných médiích v meziválečném Československu / Image of woman in print media in interwar Czechoslovakia

Zamazalová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
1 Abstract The thesis "The image of a woman in the press at interwar Czechoslovakia" deals with the visual presentation of a woman who was an integral part of the First Republic press. The thesis attempts to provide an analysis of selected periodicals (magazines especially for women) in terms of the depiction of women. The thesis surveys the changes in society and lifestyle in this epoch of our history which complements the cultural-historical background of the time and familiarity with contemporary press. The thesis focuses primarily on issues of women's emancipation, which were at that time very current and projected also into all areas of the art. Emancipation influenced significantly the whole Czech artistic creation. We can find some evidence especially in the press, which also mediated the reflection of period. The thesis focuses only on the most important press at these times with regard to its scope. Eva revue was especially important for emancipatory efforts and is compared here with men's magazine Gentleman and avant-garde magazine ReD. The main part of the thesis focuses on the actual image of women, generally and in specific cases. The thesis deals with the image of a woman in selected sections of the interwar women's magazines - fashion, sport and motoring. The thesis compares some newspapers...

Was the Matter Settled? Else Alfelt, Lotti van der Gaag, and Defining CoBrA

Boroff, Kari 04 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

In Relation to the Immense: Experimentalism and Transnationalism in 20th-Century Reykjavik

Buffington, Adam 06 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Un regard sociologique sur la néolibéralisation des services de garde au Québec

Gentil, Olivier 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire examine le traitement politique des services de garde au Québec, dans son articulation à l'expansion de l'État néolibéral. Nous nous intéressons au rôle attribué à ces services dans la « régulation d'ensemble » de l'économie, à leurs effets sur l'organisation des rapports sociaux de genre et de classe, ainsi qu'aux discours légitimant l'intervention (ou non) de l'État dans ce secteur d'activité. Trois périodes sont examinées : 1) le moment providentiel (1945-1979) ; 2) la période de transition néolibérale (1980-2003) ; 3) le moment néolibéral (2004-2015). Par le biais d'une analyse des publications gouvernementales et de la « littérature grise », nous cherchons ainsi à comprendre les logiques guidant l'élaboration des politiques gouvernementales dans ce domaine. Les principes et les idées dégagées du corpus sont évalués au regard des concepts de défamilialisation, de démarchandisation et de collectivisation. Après avoir soutenu la familialisation des activités domestiques dans l'après-guerre, l'État québécois s'intéresse de plus en plus aux services de garde à partir des années 1980. L'investissement dans ce secteur d'activité connaît ensuite des avancées spectaculaires à la fin des années 1990 avec la création des centres de la petite enfance. Observons qu’au même moment, le gouvernement adopte une série de réformes visant le retour à l'équilibre des finances publiques et la « modernisation » de l'État québécois. On procède alors à des compressions budgétaires importantes dans la plupart des programmes sociaux. Enfin, après avoir rallié la faveur des élu.e.s, la politique de services de garde connaît plusieurs changements au cours des dernières décennies suivantes, menant progressivement à la privatisation de l'offre. Ce changement est principalement observé à travers les phénomènes de fiscalisation des subventions gouvernementales, c'est-à-dire l'investissement dans les programmes fiscaux et l'abandon progressif du principe de prix unique. Ce mémoire vise à contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des débats et des discours entourant les services de garde au Québec depuis l'après-guerre. En retraçant la sociohistoire des services de garde sur le temps long, nous montrons l'influence considérable des discours et des cibles économiques du gouvernement dans l'évolution des politiques publiques rattachées à la petite enfance. / This thesis examines the political treatment of childcare services in the province of Quebec, as it relates to the expansion of the neoliberal state. We focus our attention on the role attributed to these services in the "overall regulation" of the economy, their impact on gender and class relations’ organization, as well as on the rhetoric legitimizing, on the one hand, state intervention in this sector of activity and, on the other hand, its absence thereof. Three periods are examined: 1) the welfare period (1945-1979); 2) the neoliberal transition period (1980-2003); 3) the neoliberal period (2004-2015). Through an analysis of documents (both governmental and from the “grey literature”), we seek to understand the logic guiding the development of government policies in this field. The principles guiding state action in this matter that we have identified are evaluated through the lens of the following concepts: de-familialization, de-commodification and collectivization. After supporting the familialization of domestic activities in the post-war period, the Quebec government became increasingly interested in childcare services in the 1980s. Investment in this sector of activity then experienced spectacular growth at the end of the 1990s with the creation of early childhood centers. At the same time, the government adopted a series of reforms aimed at restoring balance to public finances and the "modernization" of the state. Significant cuts thus followed in most social programs. Finally, after gaining the favor of elected officials, daycare service policy underwent several changes over the following decades, gradually leading to the privatization of services. This change is mainly observed through the taxation of government subsidies, the investment in tax programs and the gradual abandoning of the unique price policy. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of the debates and discourses surrounding childcare services in Quebec, in a context of neoliberalization of the state. By studying the social history of childcare services over a long period, we show the influence of government discourse and economic targets on the choice of whether or not to invest in childcare services.

De l’évaluation des capacités langagières à la participation sociale d’enfants d’âge préscolaire : étude d’une population clinique et des écrits scientifiques

Breault, Chantale 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse veut optimiser l’évaluation d’enfants de 2 à 5 ans vivant avec un trouble développemental du langage (TDL), en se centrant moins sur leurs déficits et davantage sur leur participation sociale. Premièrement, la stabilité des atteintes langagières documentées par l’orthophoniste à l’âge préscolaire est vérifiée dans un échantillon d’enfants référés en clinique spécialisée. Deuxièmement, les méthodes d’évaluation de la participation pertinentes à cet âge, particulièrement dans le domaine de la socialisation, sont recensées. Troisièmement, l’applicabilité d’un modèle d’évaluation hiérarchique de la compétence sociale en collaboration avec le personnel éducateur et enseignant est testée dans une population clinique. Deux études de cohorte ont été menées avec des données extraites des dossiers médicaux d’enfants ayant consulté dans une clinique psychiatrique en petite enfance sur une période de dix ans (N = 466), et les écrits scientifiques ont été synthétisés par une revue de la portée. Selon la première étude, la présence ou l’absence de difficultés langagières demeure très stable (94%) entre deux conclusions orthophoniques, chez des enfants référés en clinique spécialisée durant la petite enfance (n = 149). Au terme de la revue de littérature, les 480 publications retenues font état de 186 méthodes différentes visant à évaluer la participation d’enfants de 2 à 5 ans, notamment dans le domaine de la socialisation. Cette revue confirme aussi que le Profil socio-affectif de l’enfant (PSA; LaFreniere et al., 1997) est une mesure de la compétence sociale répandue dans le monde. La dernière étude permet d’identifier dans l’échelle de compétence sociale du PSA deux facteurs distincts, proposés selon le modèle théorique d’Ashton (2018). En contrôlant plusieurs caractéristiques d’enfants consultant en clinique avec TDL (n = 217) et sans TDL (n = 99), un modèle d’équation structurelle supporte la pertinence d’évaluer d’abord l’adaptation sociale (liée à la satisfaction des enfants, des pairs et des adultes dans l’interaction) puis, seulement si des difficultés d’adaptation sont observées, le fonctionnement social (lié aux comportements que l’enfant actualise). Les retombées de cette thèse sont importantes. D’abord, elle démontre que des enfants référés en bas âge vers des services spécialisés ont un profil langagier extrêmement stable au préscolaire, par opposition à ce qui avait été documenté dans la population générale. L’identification précoce du risque de persistance peut influencer les services offerts à ces enfants durant une période critique de leur développement. Ensuite, l’évaluation des impacts fonctionnels, désormais requise pour conclure à un TDL, peut être facilitée par la recension interdisciplinaire de mesures d’évaluation de la participation, notamment dans le domaine de la socialisation. Finalement, l’applicabilité d’un modèle hiérarchique d’évaluation de la compétence sociale, testé dans une population clinique en utilisant un outil déjà utilisé au Québec, pourrait favoriser la concertation de l’orthophoniste, du personnel éducateur et des partenaires d’autres disciplines, afin de favoriser l’inclusion de l’enfant dans les contextes éducatifs en petite enfance. En somme, les trois études offrent des ressources supplémentaires à l’orthophoniste et à toutes les personnes intéressées par un paradigme d’évaluation plus social que médical, dans le cadre de pratiques collaboratives et centrées sur la famille. / This thesis aims to optimize the assessment of children aged 2 to 5 years with a developmental language disorder (DLD), focusing less on their deficits and more on their social participation. First, the stability of language impairments documented by the speech-language pathologist (SLP) at preschool age is verified in a sample of children referred to a specialized clinic. Second, participation assessment methods relevant to children aged 2 to 5 years, particularly in the area of socialization, are identified. Third, the applicability of a hierarchical assessment model of social competence in collaboration with educators and teachers is tested in a clinical population. Two cohort studies were conducted using data extracted from the medical records of children seen in an early childhood psychiatric clinic over a ten-year period (N = 466), and the scientific literature was synthesized by a scoping review. The first study’s results documented that the presence or absence of language difficulties remained very stable (94%) in children referred to a specialized clinic during early childhood (n = 149) when two SLP assessments were compared. The 480 publications retained at the end of the literature review report 186 different methods for assessing the participation of children aged 2 to 5 years, particularly in the area of socialization. This review also confirms that the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation (SCBE; LaFreniere & Dumas, 1995) is a widely used measure of social competence in the world. The last study identifies two distinct factors in the SCBE social competence scale, based on Ashton's (2018) theoretical model. Controlling for several characteristics of children consulting in clinic with DLD (n = 217) and without DLD (n = 99), a structural equation model supports the appropriateness of first assessing social adjustment (related to child, peer, and adult satisfaction with interaction) and then, only if adjustment difficulties are observed, social functioning (related to the behaviors the child actualizes). The implications of this thesis are significant. First, it demonstrates that children referred to specialized services at an early age have an extremely stable language profile in the preschool period, in contrast to what has been documented in the general population. Early identification of persistence risk may influence the services provided to the child during a critical period of development. Second, the assessment of functional impacts, now required to conclude that a child has DLD, can be facilitated by the interdisciplinary review of measures of participation, particularly in the area of socialization. Finally, the applicability of a hierarchical model of social competence assessment, tested in a clinical population using a standardized tool already in use in Quebec, could foster collaboration among SLPs, preschool educators and teachers, and partners from other disciplines, to promote child inclusion in early childhood and preschool settings. In sum, all three studies provide additional resources for the SLP and all those interested in a more social than medical assessment paradigm, within collaborative, family-centered practices.

The Conservative Turn : Formation of a Right-wing Discourse around the Exhibition Sztuka Polityczna in Warsaw / Den konservativa vändningen : Formering av en högerdiskurs kring utställningen Sztuka Polityczna i Warszawa

Stasinski, Robert January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the ideological shift towards right-wing conservatism within specific segments of the Polish contemporary art scene following the Law and Justice Party (PiS) rise in 2015. The party's cultural policies, aligned with nationalist and right-wing ideologies, brought significant changes to institutions like Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art (CSW), reflecting a broader trend seen in Poland for many years. Through the exhibition Sztuka Polityczna (2021) at Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, this study investigates the conservative discourse shaping Polish art. The study employs Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to map the actors, networks, and power dynamics influencing the exhibition's discourse. Utilizing political scientist Andrew Heywood's pillars of conservatism, the study analyzes the interplay between conservatism and contemporary art, focusing on CSW's director Piotr Bernatowicz’s trajectory toward a conservative outlook on contemporary art. The analysis of Sztuka Polityczna reveals the influence of "avant-garde conservatism," a theory formulated by philosopher Paweł Rojek, that merges populism, culture war rhetoric, conservatism, and national identity to redefine conservatism in modern Poland. Bernatowicz's role in promoting issues like cancel culture underscores the exhibition's unconventional discourse. While the study acknowledges the limitations of a single exhibition's scope, the systemic influence of conservative tendencies on Polish contemporary art suggests a broader trend with potential future ramifications for the European art scene. The findings underscore the possible instrumentalization of contemporary art to conform to political ideologies.

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