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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gating of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channels by nucleoside triphosphates

Zeltwanger, Shawn January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri--Columbia, 1998. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (l. 140-148). Also available on the Internet.

Conversor CC/CA de alta freq??ncia baseado em inversores ressonantes com comuta??o seq?encial para excita??o de uma tocha indutiva a plasma t?rmico

Dubut, Jean Paul 15 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:54:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JeanPD_TESE.pdf: 2551926 bytes, checksum: 0cea6096dad85829234a17d89574bd1e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-15 / This work describes the study, the analysis, the project methodology and the constructive details of a high frequency DC/AC resonant series converter using sequential commutation techniques for the excitation of an inductive coupled thermal plasma torch. The aim of this thesis is to show the new modulation technique potentialities and to present a technological option for the high-frequency electronic power converters development. The resonant converter operates at 50 kW output power under a 400 kHz frequency and it is constituted by inverter cells using ultra-fast IGBT devices. In order to minimize the turn-off losses, the inverter cells operates in a ZVS mode referred by a modified PLL loop that maintains this condition stable, despite the load variations. The sequential pulse gating command strategy used it allows to operate the IGBT devices on its maximum power limits using the derating and destressing current scheme, as well as it propitiates a frequency multiplication of the inverters set. The output converter is connected to a series resonant circuit constituted by the applicator ICTP torch, a compensation capacitor and an impedance matching RF transformer. At the final, are presented the experimental results and the many tests achieved in laboratory as form to validate the proposed new technique / Este trabalho descreve o estudo, a an?lise, a metodologia de projeto e os detalhes de constru??o de um conversor ressonante CC/CA de alta freq??ncia usando t?cnicas de comuta??o seq?encial (sequential pulse gating), para a excita??o de uma tocha indutiva a plasma t?rmico. Esta tese objetiva mostrar a potencialidade desta nova t?cnica de modula??o e apresentar uma alternativa tecnol?gica para o projeto de conversores eletr?nicos de pot?ncia em altas freq??ncias. O conversor ressonante opera na freq??ncia nominal de 400 kHz, com pot?ncia de 50 kW, e ? constitu?do por c?lulas inversoras empregando chaves IGBTs de comuta??o r?pida. Para minimizar as perdas de comuta??o no corte, as c?lulas ressonantes operam no modo de chaveamento suave ZVS, referenciado por uma malha PLL modificada que mant?m esta condi??o est?vel apesar das varia??es de carga. A estrat?gia de comando por comuta??o seq?encial permite operar os dispositivos IGBTs no seu limite superior de pot?ncia usando as propriedades de redu??o (derating) e de al?vio (destressing) de corrente, assim como propicia um efeito de multiplica??o na freq??ncia final do conjunto de inversores. A sa?da do conversor ? conectada a um circuito ressonante s?rie formado pelo aplicador da tocha ICTP e um capacitor de compensa??o, por interm?dio de um transformador RF de adapta??o de imped?ncias. No final, s?o apresentados resultados experimentais e ensaios conduzidos em laborat?rio como forma de validar a nova t?cnica proposta


Hamlet, Sean Michael 01 January 2017 (has links)
Cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) imaging can non-invasively assess heart function. Displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE) is an advanced cardiac MR imaging technique that measures tissue displacement and can be used to quantify cardiac mechanics (e.g. strain and torsion). When combined with clinical risk factors, cardiac mechanics have been shown to be better predictors of mortality than traditional measures of heart function. End-expiratory breath-holds are typically used to minimize respiratory motion artifacts. Unfortunately, requiring subjects to breath-hold introduces limitations with the duration of image acquisition and quality of data acquired, especially in patients with limited ability to hold their breath. Thus, DENSE acquisitions often require respiratory navigator gating, which works by measuring the diaphragm during normal breathing and only acquiring data when the diaphragm is within a pre-defined acceptance window. Unfortunately, navigator gating results in long scan durations due to inconsistent breathing patterns. Also, the navigator echo can be used in different ways to accept or reject image data, which creates several navigator configuration options. Each respiratory navigator configuration has distinct advantages and disadvantages that directly affect scan duration and image quality, which can affect derived cardiac mechanics. Scan duration and image quality need to be optimized to improve the clinical utility of DENSE. Thus, the goal of this project was to optimize those parameters. To accomplish this goal, we set out to complete 3 aims: 1) understand how respiratory gating affects the reproducibility of measures of cardiac mechanics, 2) determine the optimal respiratory navigator configuration, and 3) reduce scan duration by developing and using an interactive videogame to optimize navigator efficiency. Aim 1 of this project demonstrated that the variability in torsion, but not strain, could be significantly reduced through the use of a respiratory navigator compared to traditional breath-holds. Aim 2 demonstrated that, among the configuration options, the dual-navigator configuration resulted in the best image quality compared to the reference standard (traditional breath-holds), but also resulted in the longest scan duration. In Aim 3, we developed an interactive breathing-controlled videogame and demonstrated that its use during cardiac MR can significantly reduce scan duration compared to traditional free-breathing and also led to a small improvement in signal-to-noise ratio of the acquired images. In summary, respiratory navigator gating with DENSE 1) reduces the variability in measured LV torsion, 2) results in the best image quality with the dual-navigator configuration, and 3) results in significantly shorter scan durations through the use of an interactive videogame. Selecting the optimal navigator configuration and using an interactive videogame can improve the clinical utility of DENSE.

Multitarget localization and tracking:active and passive solutions

Macagnano, D. (Davide) 17 June 2012 (has links)
Abstract Localization and tracking of multiple targets is becoming an essential feature of modern communication services and systems. Although necessary in many contexts, such as surveillance and monitoring applications, low-complexity and reliable solutions capable of coping with different degrees of information are not yet available. This thesis deals with different problems that are encountered in localization and tracking applications and aims to establish a broad understanding of multitarget systems ranging from complete active to incomplete passive solutions in dynamic scenarios. Thereby we start by investigating a fully algebraic framework which is proved to be advantageous in dynamic contexts characterized by no a-priori knowledge. Subsequently we extend the approach to improve its robustness versus corrupted observations. Finally we focus on a Bayesian formulation of the passive multitarget tracking (MTT) problem. The Thesis is based on three parts. The first part focuses on a low complexity mathematical representation of the active problem (i.e manifold-based solution). In particular, the spectrum of the matrices used to represent target locations within an algebraic, multidimensional scaling (MDS) based, solution is characterized statistically. In so doing we propose a novel Jacobi-based eigenspace tracking algorithms for Gramian matrices which is shown to be particularly convenient in a multidimensional scaling formulation of the multitarget tracking problem. The second part deals with incomplete-active multitarget scenarios as well as eventual disturbances on the ranging measurements such as bias due to non-line-of-sight conditions. In particular the aforementioned algebraic solution is extended to cope with heterogeneous information and to incorporate eventual knowledge on the confidence of the measurement information. To do so we solve the classical multidimensional scaling (C-MDS) over a novel kernel matrix and show how the intrinsic nature of this formulation allows to deal with heterogeneous information, specifically angle and distance measurements. Finally, the third part focuses on the random finite sets formulation of Bayesian multisensor MTT problem for passive scenarios. In this area a new gating strategy is proposed to lower the computational complexity of the algorithms without compromising their performance. / Tiivistelmä Useiden kohteiden yhtäaikaisesta paikannuksesta ja seurannasta on tulossa olennainen osa nykyaikaisia viestinnän palveluita ja järjestelmiä. Huolimatta siitä, että yhtäaikainen paikannus on erittäin tarpeellinen osa monissa yhteyksissä, kuten valvonnan ja kontrolloinnin sovelluksissa, siihen ei ole olemassa kompleksisuudeltaan alhaista ratkaisua, joka ottaisi huomioon kaiken saatavilla olevan informaation. Väitöskirja käsittelee useiden kohteiden paikannukseen ja seurantaan liittyviä ongelmia, ja se keskittyy antamaan laajan ymmärryksen aktiivisista täydellisistä menetelmistä passiivisiin epätäydellisiin menetelmiin dynaamisissa ympäristöissä. Saavuttaakseen tavoitteen väitöskirjassa esitetään algebrallinen kehys, jonka todistetaan olevan edistyksellinen dynaamisissa ympäristöissä, joissa ei ole ennakkoinformaatiota saatavilla. Seuraavaksi väitöskirja laajentaa esitettyä lähestymistapaa parantamalla sen vakautta vääriä havaintoja vastaan. Lopuksi esitetään bayesialainen formulointi passiiviselle usean kohteen seuranta -ongelmalle (MTT). Väitöskirja on jaettu kolmeen on osaan. Ensimmäinen osa käsittelee aktiivisen ongelman kuvaamista matemaattisesti säilyttäen alhaisen kompleksisuuden. Erityisesti tässä osassa karakterisoidaan tilastollisesti matriisien spektrin käyttäminen kohteiden paikan esittämiseen moniulotteiseen skaalaukseen (MDS) pohjautuvassa menetelmässä. Saavuttaakseen tämän väitöskirja esittää Jacobin ominaisavaruuksiin perustuvan seuranta-algoritmin Gramian matriiseille, joiden osoitetaan olevan erityisen soveltuvia usean kohteen seuraamisongelman kuvaamiseen MDS-menetelmän avulla. Toinen osa käsittelee epätäydellistä aktiivista usean kohteen skenaariota, kuten myös mittausten lopullisia häiriötä, esim. ei-näköyhteyskanavasta johtuvaa harhaa. Edellä mainittu algebrallinen ratkaisu on laajennettu ottamaan huomioon heterogeeninen informaatio sekä tieto mittausdatan luotettavuudesta. Lisäksi tässä osassa esitetään ratkaisu klassiseen moniulotteiseen skaalausongelmaan (C-MDS) esittelemällä uudenlainen ydinmatriisi ja osoitetaan, kuinka tämä mahdollistaa heterogeenisen informaation, tässä tapauksessa kulma-ja etäisyysmittauksien, huomioon ottamisen. Viimeisessä osassa käsitellään äärellisten satunnaisten joukkojen soveltuvuutta bayesialaisen MTT-ongelman ratkaisuun passiivisissa skenaarioissa. Väitöskirja esittää uuden porttistrategian algoritmien kompleksisuuksien pienentämiseksi säilyttäen kuitenkin samalla niiden suorituskyvyn.

Prognostisk prestanda hos arbetsprov jämfört med myokardscintigrafi hos patienter med kranskärlsjukdom / The prognostic performance in exercise treadmill test compared to myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients

Ingabire, Aline, Hassanzadeh, Zahra January 2020 (has links)
Kranskärlssjukdom (CAD) är den ledande dödsorsaken. Sjukdomen startar med plackbildning i ett eller flera kranskärl, vilket kan leda till bröstsmärta samt andra symtom. Diagnostik av CAD inkluderar undersökningarna arbetsprov (AP) och myokardscintigrafi (MPI). Båda undersökningarnas prognostiska värde påverkas dock av parametrar som elektrokardiogram (EKG), EKG-triggning, Dukes löpbands index (DTS) och Metaboliska ekvivalenter (MET). Litteraturstudiens syfte var att jämföra den prognostiska prestandan hos AP jämfört med MPI. Detta genom att studera de nämnda parametrarnas prognostiska påverkan på respektive undersökning. De använda artiklarna uppfyllde samtliga inklusionskriterier: engelska, peer-reviewed samt etiskt godkänd eller inhämtat samtycke. Databasen Pubmed, snowballsmetod samt relaterade artiklar användes vid litteraturinsamlingen. Enligt resultatet ökar ovannämnda parametrar det prognostiska värdet hos både AP och MPI. Dock visades att patienter som uppnår olika MET samt DTS-värden bättre kan riskkategoriseras med MPI. Dessutom visades MPI kunna skilja de med sämre prognos bland patienter med positiva AP-resultat, men även bland de med negativa AP-resultat. Därmed drog författarna slutsatsen att MPI har ett ökat mervärde gällande prognostik hos patienter med CAD. Fler studier som samtidigt jämför AP och MPI behövs dock för en mer fullständig slutsats. / Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death. This disease starts with plaque buildup in one or more coronary vessels, which can lead to chest pain among other symptoms. Diagnostics include the exercise stress test (AP) and myocardial scintigraphy (MPI). The prognostic value of both examinations depends on parameters such as electrocardiogram (ECG), ECG-gating, Duke treadmill score (DTS) and Metabolic equivalents (MET). The purpose of this study was to compare the prognostic performance of AP with MPI, by studying the prognostic effect of the mentioned parameters in each study. The used articles met all inclusion criterias: English, peer-reviewed, and ethically accepted or obtained consent. Pubmed database, snowball method and related articles were used for literature collection. According to the results, the above-mentioned parameters increase the prognostic value of AP and MPI. However, patients achieving different MET and DTS scores are better categorized with MPI. MPI was shown to differentiate those with poorer prognosis among patients with positive AP-results and those with negative AP-results. The authors concluded that MPI has an added value regarding prognosis forpatients with CAD. However, more studies comparing AP and MPI at the same time are needed to obtain a more complete conclusion.

Optimalizace vtokové soustavy s ohledem na využití tekutého kovu při výrobě Al odlitků technologií vytavitelného modelu / Optimization of gating systems (their yield) in Al castings made by investment casting technology

Žižka, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the optimization of gating systems of shape-complex aluminum castings produced by investment casting process. Two castings whose massive gating systems make problem with the use of liquid metal (so called yield) were chosen for optimization. Each casting is described in its own chapter. The individual subchapters deal with description of the original and newly designed gating system. Simulation, test castings, X-ray inspection and metallographic examination were performed for each variant. At the end of each chapter there is an evaluation of the results of the optimization of gating system.

Le rôle du motif hydrophobe VAVIM situé au niveau de IVS6 dans les mécanismes d'activation et d'inactivation du canal calcique Caᵥ2.3

Baspinar, Ebru-Eylem January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling of Initial Mold Filling in Uphill Teeming Process Considering a Trumpet

Tan, Zhe January 2012 (has links)
The flow pattern in the uphill teeming process has been found to be closely related to the quality of ingots and further to affect the yield of ingot production, which is crucial for the steel making process. The formation of non-metallic inclusion and entrapment of mold flux has been considered to be affected by the flow pattern in the gating system and molds by many previous researchers. The aim of this study is to investigate the flow pattern of steel in the gating system and molds during the initial filling stage. In addition, to study the utilization of swirl blade implemented at the bottom of the vertical runner on the improvement of initial filling condition in the mold. A three dimensional model of two molds gating system for 6.2 ton ingots from Scana Steel was adopted in the present work. A reduced geometry model including one mold and a runner, based on the method from previous researchers, was also used for comparison with the current more extensive model. Moreover, a reduced geometry model including one swirl blade and a runner was simulated to find effects of an increased-length vertical runner on the flow pattern improvement at the vertical runner outlet. Flow pattern, hump height and wall shear stress were respectively studied. A reduced geometry with homogenous inlet conditions fails to describe the fluctuating conditions present as the steel enters the mold. However, the trends are very similar when comparing the (hump height-surface height) evolution over time. The implementation of swirl blades gives a chaotic initial filling condition with a considerable amount of droplets being created when steel enters the molds during the first couple of seconds. However, a more calm filling condition with less fluctuation is achieved at the molds after a short while. Moreover, the orientation of the swirl blades affects he flow pattern of the steel. A proper placement of a swirl blade improves the initial filling conditions. The utilization of swirl blades might initially result in larger hump height. However, it gives fewer fluctuations as the casting proceeds. In the model without swirl blades, the maximum wall shear stress fluctuates with a descending trend as the filling proceeds. An implementation of swirl blades can decrease and stabilize the wall shear stress in the gating system. A special attention should be made in choosing refractory at the center stone, the horizontal runner near center stone and the vertical runner at the elbow. This is where the wall shear stress values are highest or where the exposure times are long. / QC 20120203

Structural and Functional Studies of the KCNQ1-KCNE K<sup>+</sup> Channel Complex: A Dissertation

Gage, Steven D. 09 September 2008 (has links)
KCNQ1 is a homotetrameric voltage-gated potassium channel expressed in cardiomyocytes and epithelial tissues. However, currents arising from KCNQ1 have never been physiologically observed. KCNQ1 is able to provide the diverse potassium conductances required by these distinct cell types through coassembly with and modulation by type I transmembrane β-subunits of the KCNE gene family. KCNQ1-KCNE K+ channels play important physiological roles. In cardiac tissues the association of KCNQ1 with KCNE1 gives rise to IKs, the slow delayed outwardly rectifying potassium current. IKs is in part responsible for repolarizing heart muscle, and is therefore crucial in maintaining normal heart rhymicity. IKschannels help terminate each action potential and provide cardiac repolarization reserve. As such, mutations in either subunit can lead to Romano-Ward Syndrome or Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome, two forms of Q-T prolongation. In epithelial cells, KCNQ1-KCNE1, KCNQ1-KCNE2 and KCNQ1-KCNE3 give rise to potassium currents required for potassium recycling and secretion. These functions arise because the biophysical properties of KCNQ1 are always dramatically altered by KCNE co-expression. We wanted to understand how KCNE peptides are able to modulate KCNQ1. In Chapter II, we produce partial truncations of KCNE3 and demonstrate the transmembrane domain is necessary and sufficient for both assembly with and modulation of KCNQ1. Comparing these results with published results obtained from chimeric KCNE peptides and partial deletion mutants of KCNE1, we propose a bipartite modulation residing in KCNE peptides. Transmembrane modulation is either active (KCNE3) or permissive (KCNE1). Active transmembrane KCNE modulation masks juxtamembranous C-terminal modulation of KCNQ1, while permissive modulation allows C-terminal modulation of KCNQ1 to express. We test our hypothesis, and demonstrate C-terminal Long QT point mutants in KCNE1 can be masked by active trasnsmembrane modulation. Having confirmed the importance the C-terminus of KCNE1, we continue with two projects designed to elucidate KCNE1 C-terminal structure. In Chapter III we conduct an alanine-perturbation scan within the C-terminus. C-terminal KCNE1 alanine point mutations result in changes in the free energy for the KCNQ1-KCNE1 channel complex. High-impact point mutants cluster in an arrangement consistent with an alphahelical secondary structure, "kinked" by a single proline residue. In Chapter IV, we use oxidant-mediated disulfide bond formation between non-native cysteine residues to demonstrate amino acid side chains residing within the C-terminal domain of KCNE1 are close and juxtaposed to amino acid side chains on the cytoplasmic face of the KCNQ1 pore domain. Many of the amino acids identified as high impact through alanine perturbation correspond with residues identified as able to form disulfide bonds with KCNQ1. Taken together, we demonstrate that the interaction between the C-terminus of KCNE1 and the pore domain of KCNQ1 is required for the proper modulation of KCNQ1 by KCNE1, and by extension, normal IKs function and heart rhymicity.

Fast and Robust Multi-Dimensional Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Rosenzweig, Sebastian 10 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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