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Measuring the electric field of picosecond to nanosecond pulses with high spectral resolution and high temporal resolutionCohen, Jacob Arthur 08 October 2010 (has links)
We demonstrate four experimentally simple methods for measuring very complex ultrashort light pulses. Although each method is comprised of only a few optical elements, they permit the measurement of extremely complex pulses with time-bandwidth products greater than 65,000. First, we demonstrate an extremely simple frequency-resolved-optical gating (GRENOUILLE) device for measuring the intensity and phase of pulses up to ~20ps in length. In order to achieve the required high spectral resolution and large temporal range, it uses a few-cm-thick second harmonic-generation crystal in the shape of a pentagon. This has the additional advantage of reducing the device's total number of components to three. Secondly, we introduce a variation of spectral interferometry (SI) using a virtually imaged phased array and grating spectrometer for measuring long complex ultrashort pulses up to 80 ps in length. Next, we introduce a SI technique for measuring the complete intensity and phase of relatively long and very complex ultrashort pulses. It involves making multiple measurements using SI (in its SEA TADPOLE variation) at numerous delays, measuring many temporal pulselets within the pulse, and concatenating the resulting pulselets. Its spectral resolution is the inverse delay range--many times higher than that of the spectrometer used. The waveforms were measured with ~ fs temporal resolution over a temporal range of ~ns and had time-bandwidth products exceeding 65,000, which to our knowledge is the largest time-bandwidth product ever measured with ~fs temporal resolution. Finally, we demonstrate a single-shot measurement technique that temporally interleaves hundreds of measurements with ~fs temporal resolution. It is another variation of SI for measuring the complete intensity and phase of relatively long and complex ultrashort pulses in a single shot. It uses a grating to introduce a transverse time delay into a reference pulse which gates the unknown pulse by interfering it at the image plane of an imaging spectrometer. It provided ~125 fs temporal resolution and a temporal range of 70 ps using a low-resolution spectrometer.
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Microprocessor power management and a stand-alone benchmarking application for Android based platformsYeager, Hans L. 19 January 2012 (has links)
Components used in mobile hand-held devices (smart phones and tablets) vary greatly in performance and power consumption. The microprocessors used in these devices also have vastly different capabilities and manufacturing limitations leading to significant variation effects. Battery life is a significant concern to the end users of these products. A stand-alone Android application capable of benchmarking a device's performance and power consumption is introduced. The application does not require the end user to have any analytic equipment or to have a technical background. This enables individual end users to better understand their particular device's performance and battery life interaction. They may also use the application to determine if their device's performance or battery life has degraded over time. Data is also uploaded to a central location so that devices can be compared against each other. The benchmarking application is capable of resolving variation effects caused by device, environmental changes and power management actions. This application demonstrates the feasibility of creating a low cost ecosystem where thousands of devices can be quantitatively compared. / text
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Études de type structure fonction des mutations causant l’ataxie épisodique de type I sur les canaux potassiques dépendants du voltagePetitjean, Dimitri 05 1900 (has links)
Les ataxies épisodiques (EA) d’origine génétique sont un groupe de maladies possédant un phénotype et génotype hétérogènes, mais ont en commun la caractéristique d’un dysfonctionnement cérébelleux intermittent. Les EA de type 1 et 2 sont les plus largement reconnues des ataxies épisodiques autosomiques dominantes et sont causées par un dysfonctionnement des canaux ioniques voltage-dépendants dans les neurones. La présente étude se concentrera sur les mutations causant l'EA-1, retrouvées dans le senseur de voltage (VSD) de Kv1.1, un canal très proche de la famille des canaux Shaker. Nous avons caractérisé les propriétés électrophysiologiques de six mutations différentes à la position F244 et partiellement celles des mutations T284 A/M, R297 K/Q/A/H, I320T, L375F, L399I et S412 C/I dans la séquence du Shaker grâce à la technique du ‘’cut open voltage clamp’’ (COVC). Les mutations de la position F244 situées sur le S1 du canal Shaker sont caractérisées par un décalement des courbes QV et GV vers des potentiels dépolarisants et modifient le couplage fonctionnel entre le domaine VSD et le pore. Un courant de fuite est observé durant la phase d'activation des courants transitoires et peut être éliminé par l'application du 4-AP (4-aminopyridine) ou la réinsertion de l'inactivation de type N mais pas par le TEA (tétraéthylamonium). Dans le but de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de la stabilisation d’un état intermédiaire, nous avons étudié séparément la neutralisation des trois premières charges positives du S4 (R1Q, R2Q et R3Q). Il en est ressorti l’existence d’une interaction entre R2 et F244. Une seconde interface entre S1 et le pore proche de la surface extracellulaire agissant comme un second point d'ancrage et responsable des courants de fuite a été mis en lumière. Les résultats suggèrent une anomalie du fonctionnement du VSD empêchant la repolarisation normale de la membrane des cellules nerveuses affectées à la suite d'un potentiel d'action. / The genetic episodic ataxias form a group of disorders with heterogeneous phenotype and genotype, but share the common feature of intermittent cerebellar dysfunction. Episodic ataxia (EA) types 1 and 2 are most widely recognised amongst the autosomal dominant episodic ataxias and are caused by dysfunction of neuronal voltage-gated ion channels. The present study focuses on mutations causing EA-1 located in the voltage sensor domains (VSDs) of Kv1.1. A member of the Shaker channel family. Here, we have characterised the electrophysiological properties of six different mutations at the position of F244 and we also reported the partiality effects of these following mutations T284A/M, R297K/Q/A/H, I320T, L375F, L399I S412C/I on Shaker sequence using the cut open voltage clamp technique (COVC). We have shown that mutations of F244 in the S1 of the Shaker Kv channel positively shift the voltage dependence of the VSD movement and alter functional coupling between VSD and pore domain. The mutations causing immobilization of the VSD movement during activation and deactivation and responsible for creating a leak current during activation, are removed by the application of 4-AP (4-aminopyridine) or by reinsertion of N-type inactivation but not by TEA (tetraethylamonium). Insights into the molecular mechanisms responsible for the stabilization of the intermediate state have been investigated by separately neutralizing the first three charges (R1Q, R2Q and R3Q) in the S4 segment. The result suggests an interaction between R2 and F244 mutants. It was established that a second co-evolved interface exists between S1 and the pore helix near the extracellular surface and it acts as a second anchor point. It is also responsible for generation of leak currents. The results suggest a dysfunction of the VSD in which the affected nerve cells cannot efficiently repolarize following an action potential because of altered delayed rectifier function
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Modulation du réflexe acoustique de sursaut et de l’inhibition par le prépulse : une comparaison entre les jeunes adultes et les âgésLe Duc, Jolyanne 08 1900 (has links)
Une des théories actuellement prépondérante pour expliquer le déclin cognitif observé chez les personnes âgées est une perte généralisée de la fonction inhibitrice. En revanche, de plus en plus d’études révèlent un maintien et même un gain sur le plan émotionnel chez les âgés. Afin de caractériser l’effet de l’âge sur la fonction inhibitrice et sur les émotions, nous avons utilisé le paradigme bien connu du réflexe acoustique de sursaut et de son inhibition par le prépulse, un phénomène reconnu comme reflétant le filtrage sensorimoteur, soit une mesure pré-attentionnelle d’inhibition. Le réflexe acoustique de sursaut est une réponse du corps tout entier à un bruit fort et inattendu et a été mesuré via la magnitude et la latence du clignement des yeux. La présentation d’un son faible (prépulse) quelques millisecondes avant le bruit de sursaut réduit la réponse de sursaut. Deux groupes de participants (jeunes adultes et âgés) ont visionné des images plaisantes, neutres et déplaisantes issues du International Affective Picture System (IAPS), lesquelles étaient associées à des stimuli auditifs évaluant le réflexe acoustique de sursaut et son inhibition par le prépulse. Les résultats démontrent que le réflexe de sursaut est modulé différemment par les émotions chez les jeunes adultes et les âgés. Plus particulièrement, les adultes âgés ont un plus grand réflexe de sursaut que les jeunes adultes lorsqu’ils visionnent des images plaisantes et neutres. Le processus d’inhibition par le prépulse est également modulé différemment par les émotions chez les âgés et les jeunes adultes: les âgés ont une plus grande inhibition du réflexe de sursaut que les jeunes adultes lorsqu’ils visionnent des images plaisantes et déplaisantes, mais ils ne diffèrent pas des jeunes adultes pour les images neutres. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats obtenus ne sont pas compatibles avec une perte d’inhibition chez les adultes âgés, et supportent plutôt un biais émotionnel positif. / Aging is often characterized by a decline in cognitive abilities and a loss of inhibitory function. At the same time there is promising, yet limited to date, evidence of a better emotion regulation with aging. In order to characterize the effect of age on inhibitory function and emotions, in this study the well-known acoustic startle paradigm and its inhibition by a prepulse, a phenomenon known to engage sensorimotor gating, were used. The acoustic startle reflex, a whole-body reflex in response to a loud and unexpected sound, was measured through eye blink magnitude and latency. The inhibition of this acoustic startle response by the presentation of a weak sound, a prepulse, was also measured. Two groups of 30 adults (young and older adults) viewed pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) while startle and prepulse trials were presented. The results show that the startle response is differently modulated in the two groups, with the elderly displaying a greater startle reflex while viewing pleasant and neutral pictures compared to young adults. Prepulse inhibition is also differently modulated by emotions in young adults and their older counterparts, with the latter exhibiting a greater inhibition of the startle reflex when viewing pleasant and unpleasant pictures (but not for neutral pictures) compared to young adults. In summary, the present data do not support a decline of the inhibitory function with increasing age, but rather support a positivism effect.
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Structural rearrangements of MscS during activation gatingVásquez, Valeria. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 2008. / Title from title page. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online through Digital Dissertations.
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Uma abordagem para suporte à verificação funcional no nível de sistema aplicada a circuitos digitais que empregam a Técnica Power Gating. / An approach to support the system-level functional verification applied to digital circuits employing the Power Gating Technique.SILVEIRA, George Sobral. 07 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-11-07T17:16:29Z
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GEORGE SOBRAL SILVEIRA - TESE PPGEE 2012..pdf: 4756019 bytes, checksum: 743307d8794218c3a447296994c05332 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-07T17:16:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
GEORGE SOBRAL SILVEIRA - TESE PPGEE 2012..pdf: 4756019 bytes, checksum: 743307d8794218c3a447296994c05332 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-08-10 / Capes / A indústria de semicondutores tem investido fortemente no desenvolvimento de sistemas
complexos em um único chip, conhecidos como SoC (System-on-Chip). Com os diversos
recursos adicionados ao SoC, ocorreu o aumento da complexidade no fluxo de
desenvolvimento, principalmente no processo de verificação e um aumento do seu consumo energético. Entretanto, nos últimos anos, aumentou a preocupação com a energia consumida por dispositivos eletrônicos. Dentre as diversas técnicas utilizadas para reduzir o consumo de energia, Power Gating tem se destacado pela sua eficiência. Ultimamente, o processo de verificação dessa técnica vem sendo executado no nível de abstração RTL (Register TransferLevel), com base nas tecnologias CPF (Common Power Format) e UPF (Unified Power Format). De acordo com a literatura, as tecnologias que oferecem suporte a CPF e UPF, e baseadas em simulações, limitam a verificação até o nível de abstração RTL. Nesse nível, a técnica de Power Gating proporciona um considerável aumento na complexidade do processo de verificação dos atuais SoC. Diante desse cenário, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em uma abordagem
metodológica para a verificação funcional no nível ESL (Electronic System-Level) e RTL de circuitos digitais que empregam a técnica de Power Gating, utilizando uma versão modificada do simulador OSCI (Open SystemC Initiative). Foram realizados quatro estudos de caso e os resultados demonstraram a eficácia da solução proposta. / The semiconductor industry has strongly invested in the development of complex systems on a single chip, known as System-on-Chip (SoC), which are extensively used in portable devices. With the many features added to SoC, there has been an increase of complexity in the development flow, especially in the verification process, and an increase in SoC power consumption. However, in recent years, the concern about power consumption of electronic devices, has increased. Among the different techniques to reduce power consumption, Power Gating has been highlighted for its efficiency. Lately, the verification process of this technique has been executed in Register Transfer-Level (RTL) abstraction, based on Common Power Format (CPF) and Unified Power Format (UPF) . The simulators which support CPF and UPF limit the verification to RTL level or below. At this level, Power Gating accounts for a considerable increase in complexity of the SoC verification process. Given this scenario, the objective of this work consists of an approach to perform the functional verification of digital circuits containing the Power Gating technique at the Electronic System Level (ESL) and at the Register Transfer Level (RTL), using a modified Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) simulator. Four case studies were performed and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed solution.
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Generation of intense high harmonics: i) to test and improve resolution of accumulative x-ray streak camera ii) to study the effects of carrier envelope phase on XUV super continuum generation by polarization gatingShakya, Mahendra Man January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Zenghu Chang / The first part of this thesis describes our novel design, test, and application of our X-ray streak camera to the pulse duration measurement of soft X-rays. We demonstrated a significant improvement in the resolution of the x-ray streak camera by reducing the electron beam size in the deflection plates. This was accomplished by adding a slit in front of the focusing lens and the deflection plates. The temporal resolution reached 280 fs when the slit width was 5 μm. The camera was operated in an accumulative mode and tested by using a 25 fs laser with 2 kHz repetition rate and 1-2% RMS pulse energy stability. We conclude that deflection aberrations, which limit the resolution of the camera, can be appreciably reduced by eliminating the wide-angle electrons.
We also employed the same streak camera to demonstrate that it is capable of measuring the pulse duration of X-rays. We measured the pulse duration of X-rays emitted from Ni-like Ag and Cd grazing-incidence laser to be ~5ps. The measured value agrees with the prediction made by the model and the measurement made by changing the delay as a function of the pulse duration. The streak camera was also tested with various sources of X-ray such as high harmonics generation of soft x-rays from an argon atom using a high power Ti:sapphire laser source of KLS. The result of the measurement manifests its capability for serving as a detector in the study of ultrafast dynamics in the field of physics, chemistry, biology and medical sciences.
The second part of this thesis describes our design of a spectrometer to study the effect of the Carrier envelope (CE) phase on polarization gated extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) super-continuum generation. Because the challenge of making single shot experiment possible is to generate a sufficient number of photons, our setup has been built to allow generation of high order harmonics at the maximum phase matched pressure. This is the first time to our knowledge that phase matching in the polarization gating process has been studied so far. We measured the maximum phase matching pressure to be ~ 55 Torr which is the pressure above which quadratic increase in intensity of the high harmonics spectrum ceases to appear. At this pressure the number of photons per laser shot was 104 which is sufficient for measuring the single shot XUV spectrum in the range 34 to 45 eV. The spectral profile was a super-continuum for some shots and discrete high harmonics for other shots. It is believed that the shot to shot variation of the spectra is due to the changes of the carrier envelope phase of the few-cycle laser pulses used for the polarization gating.
An improved CE phase stabilization system in KLS further eliminated the statistical noise in our observation by allowing us to integrate data over several laser cycles for each CE phase value. The effect of CE phase on a polarization gated XUV spectrum was tested by changing the CE phase with two different methods. In the first method, the CE phase was changed by changing the thickness of fused silica plates on the beam path, and the result shows the shift in the spectral peak of the XUV when the gate width approached less than one optical cycle. As gate width was made less than half the optical cycle, the spectrum was observed with continuum harmonics separated by π radians. We believe that the presence of continuum and discrete harmonics spectra in the observation is due to single and double attosecond pulses generated in the polarization gating.
In the second method the carrier-envelope phase of pulses from a grating-based chirped pulse amplification laser was varied smoothly to cover a 2π range by controlling the grating separation. The phase is measured simultaneously by an f-to-2f setup and by the variation of XUV spectra from polarization gated high harmonic generation. A very good similarity between the effect of single and double slits in Yong’s experiment and that of CE phase on the XUV spectrum in the polarization gating experiment has been found, giving better agreement with the theory.
The effect of optical properties such as the Gouy phase shift on the polarization gated spectrum has also been studied in the course of investigating the best experimental optimizations to generate the most CE phase sensitive XUV spectrum with less statistical noise. This is the first time to our knowledge experimental study of the effect of the Gouy phase shift on a polarization gated XUV spectrum has been made.
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Trojrozměrné zobrazování v holografickém mikroskopu pomocí koherenční brány / Coherence-gate assisted three-dimensional imaging by holographic microscopeMaršíková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá výzkumem na téma vlivu prostorové koherence osvětlení. Účelem je určit schopnost osové lokalizace při zobrazení Koherencí řízeným holografickým mikroskopem (CCHM) v závislosti na různé prostorové koherenci světelného zdroje. Osová lokalizace je v tomto případě zkoumána jako kvalita rozlišení drobných detailů trojrozměrného vzorku, umístěných nad sebou. Teorie zobrazení holografickým mikroskopem a teorie rozptylu v nehomogenních prostředích je shrnuta v první části práce, v rozsahu nutném pro pochopení části praktické. Základní princip fungování mikroskopu a přesný popis jeho uspořádání je zde podrobně popsán. Proběhl mechanický návrh stavební úpravy mikroskopu tak, aby bylo možno využívat kondenzorovou optiku s vysokou numerickou aperturou a omezenými optickými vadami. Několik různých přístupů, které by mohly vést ke zlepšení zobrazovacích vlastností mikroskopu, bylo navrženo a vyzkoušeno a jsou zde popsány i s jejich výhodami a nevýhodami. Pro experimentální část práce byl vyroben modelový vzorek. Závislost osové lokalizace na prostorové koherenci osvětlení byla demonstrována pomocí simulace a následně ověřena experimentálně, pozorováním vyrobeného modelového vzorku. Experimentální výsledky potvrzují základní principy vycházející ze zmíněné teorie. Na závěr jsou navržena možná vylepšení, pro budoucí zpřesnění výsledků.
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Optimalizace technologie lití pod tlakem odlitku vakuové pumpy / Optimization of die casting technology for the casting of vacuum pumpKrňávek, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with optimization of technological process casting a die cast, which is part of vacuum pump. The die cast is made from alloy AlSi9Cu3(Fe) in foundry KOVOLIT, a. s. There is a problem with inner defects at this cast. Solution of this thesis is to suggest suitable actions to minimize of incidence the defects in the cast. According to analysis of the defects in the cast these defects were classified as combination of shrinkages and gas holes. According to analysis causes of the defects are high temperature of die mould and closed air in die mould. As a result suitable actions were suggested – a change of the die mould tempering and a design adjustment of the cast. In case of implementing a new die mould in the manufacture a new gating system was designed. Suitability of the new gating system was assessed according to simulation of filling die cavity.
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Buněčné mechanizmy regulace kanálu TRPA1 / Cellular mechanisms of TRPA1 channel regulationBarvíková, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
TRPA1 is a thermosensitive ion channel from the ankyrin subfamily of Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) receptors. These proteins play essential roles in the transduction of wide variety of environmental and endogenous signals. TRPA1, which is abundantly expressed in primary nociceptive neurons, is an important transducer of various noxious and irritant stimuli and is also involved in the detection of temperature changes. Similarly to other TRP channels, TRPA1 is comprised of four subunits, each with six transmembrane segments (S1-S6), flanked by the cytoplasmic N- and C-terminal ends. In native tissues, TRPA1 is supposed to be regulated by multiple phosphorylation sites that underlie TRPA1 activity under physiological and various pathophysiological conditions. Using mutational approach, we predicted and explored the role of potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C in TRPA1 functioning. Our results identify candidate residues, at which phosho-mimicking mutations affected the channel's ability to respond to voltage and chemical stimuli, whereas the phospho-null mutations to alanine or glycine did not affect the channel activation. Particularly, we identify the serine 602 within the N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain 16, the substitution of which to aspartate completely abolished the TRPA1...
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