Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gcms"" "subject:"gcims""
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Pyrolytic Esterification Derivatization Chemistry for the Qualitative Determination of Sulfonate Surfactants and Indirect Detection of Sulfate Surfactants through On-Line Degradation Products for Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryIgwebuike, Alexander 11 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Urban Soils From West Yorkshire, UK. Investigation into Abundances, Sources and Determining FactorsHamed, Heiam A.M. January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to determine the concentration of 16 Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in urban soils from West Yorkshire in order to determine what
the factors are controlling their distribution and abundances. Although PAHs have
been reported before from soils and sediments, the majority of these studies have
come from China, sometimes with contrasting results, which emphasises the need to
obtain equivalent data from other areas. Therefore this work provides the first
measurements of their type from the area studied.
Soil samples were collected from one hundred sites across an area from Bradford to
Leeds on two occasions, one in autumn and one in the following summer. The soil
samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and all found to have similar mineralogical
composition, which was mainly silica and calcite. Trials using iodine as a marker for
PAHs showed there were notable interactions between the minerals and PAHs, with
calcium carbonate absorbing PAHs much more than silica. There is a negative
correlation between the soil organic content (determined by loss on ignition) and
PAHs, which confirms the PAH-mineral interaction. Gas chromatography with mass
spectrometry (GC-MS) using targeted selected ion monitoring was used to determine
and quantify PAHs in the one hundred soil samples with the aid of PAH external
The results showed highest concentrations of total PAHs in the same sample from
Leeds from the autumn (1,525 ng/g) and in the summer (1,768 ng/g). In Bradford there
was only moderate pollution of PAHs, the maximum being 122 ng/g. However the
majority of data from Bradford showed lower levels of pollution in both summer and
autumn. On the basis of prior published information, the ratio of these compounds has been used to help in identifying sources. In the samples collected from Bradford in
both seasons and Leeds in autumn the PAH pollution originated from pyrogenic,
biomass and petroleum combustion, however in the summer the source appeared
more to be from a petrogenic source. These ratios in the samples which were collected
from the area between Bradford and Leeds implied pyrogenic, biomass source of
pollution in the autumn, but in the summer another source of organic compounds was
indicated namely petroleum combustion. When the locations were resampled nine
months later, after taking into account within-site variability, there was a strong
indication that the PAH concentrations were higher. This might have been due to a
seasonal effect, but when a further (third) subsample was taken at a later date it
showed a further increase in PAH level which suggests the effect is accumulative
rather than seasonal.
The results were analysed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determine
whether the type of road had an effect on the concentration of the 16 PAHs
compounds, but it was concluded that there was no such effect. However, the distance
from the soil sample to the nearest road did have an effect on the concentration of the
16 PAH compounds, especially in soil samples having the shortest distance to the
road. Traffic volume was also tested and found to influence the PAH concentrations.
It is notable that, comparing the groupings from autumn with those from summer by
cluster analyses, they largely had the same compounds grouping together in both cases; only two compounds differed at all in where they occurred in the clusters, with
consistent patterns of grouping found for the other compounds. These analyses
indicate that PAH compounds behave in a consistent way amongst groups of PAH
compounds. The grouping of PAHs appears linked to their sources rather than number
of rings or molecular weight. / Libyan Government and Embassy
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Industrial Applications of Plant Secondary MetabolitesLin, Yun 03 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Prediction and Classification of Physical Properties by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Baseline Correction of Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Data of Jet Fuels by Using Chemometric AlgorithmsXu, Zhanfeng 26 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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El hombre, desde que puso en práctica la domesticación y cultivo de plantas, a principios del Neolítico, ha ido incorporando mejoras de forma paulatina, a fin de conseguir el máximo rendimiento de la tierra. Introdujo para ello, y de forma progresiva, el abonado, la irrigación y el control de las plagas, enfermedades y arvenses. Las prácticas, basadas fundamentalmente en operaciones manuales, fueron muy rudimentarias hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. Con el gran desarrollo de los productos químicos para uso agrícola, a partir de los años 40, se produce un gran incremento en la productividad agraria, basado en el empleo de abonos y pesticidas de síntesis, y en la introducción de cultivares procedentes de mejora genética.
Con el tiempo se manifestaron las consecuencias negativas de la utilización abusiva de estos productos. En concreto, el empleo excesivo de herbicidas sintéticos provoca la aparición de estirpes de arvenses resistentes, y su acumulación en el suelo y aguas subterráneas produce efectos perjudiciales sobre los seres vivos y la salud de las personas. Desde los años 90, la normativa que regula los productos agroquímicos impone más restricciones respondiendo a una sociedad cada vez más concienciada de los peligros de su empleo intensivo. Ello ha impulsado la búsqueda de otros métodos alternativos para el control de arvenses, basados en productos naturales, que sean respetuosos con el medio ambiente.
Los fenómenos alelopáticos, basados en la interacción de plantas a través de sus metabolitos secundarios, liberados mediante volatilización, exudación y lixiviación de tejidos vegetales, constituye en este sentido un campo de investigación relativamente moderno. Los aleloquímicos que impiden el desarrollo de plantas en el entorno de la planta fuente han recibido especial atención debido a su potencial como herbicidas naturales selectivos.
La presente Tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal el ensayo de la actividad fitotóxica de diferentes aceites esenciales y extractos acuosos de plantas mediterráneas sobre la germinación y el crecimiento de arvenses, con el fin de escoger los más activos, para desarrollarlos en un futuro como herbicidas naturales. / Verdeguer Sancho, MM. (2011). FITOTOXICIDAD DE ACEITES ESENCIALES Y EXTRACTOS ACUOSOS DE PLANTAS MEDITERRÁNEAS PARA EL CONTROL DE ARVENSES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/13827
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La técnica de la policromía en los artesonados de templos budistas en Taiwán: caracterización científica y estudio de la aplicabilidad de consolidantes biocompatibles para su conservaciónLee, Yu 07 January 2016 (has links)
The traditional Taiwan polychrome include a wide range of materials, with very different behaviors showing problems of different nature that sometimes requires the application of appropriate adherence and/or consolidation treatment.
From this, a study has been conducted aimed to identify these materials and their behaviors as well as, the proposal of a proper adhesive/consolidant with physico-chemical stability and low toxicity. The identification of the materials confirms the use of porcine blood as binder in the preparation layer and tung oil as the binder in the paint layer. Besides, the multi-technical approach by using FTIR, GC-MS and VMP allow the dating of the polychrome under study.
The application of a proper treatment on paintings will depends on the adherent/consolidant properties that could appear during and/or post the treatment as: i) mechanical properties (strength, flexibility); ii) hydric (permeability to water vapor and other gases); iii) the physico-chemical stability one the adhesive/consolidant has been apply.
Here we propose, the use of an andhesive/consolidant based on technical gelatin, in combination with the correct concentration of additives: glycerol as plasticizer and citronella as natural fungicide, for the conservation and restoration of the polychrome decoration present on different places in the architectural complex of the Longshan Temple in Lukang, Taiwan belonging to the XVIII century.
In a second step the study of the chemical and morphological changes demonstrate that the use of glicerol and citronella as additives improves the physic-mechanical properties and slows the ageing process of the adhesive/consolidant. Moreover, the citronella oil inhibits proliferation of fungi Aspergillus niger (CECT-2088), Chaetomium globosum (CECT-2701), Fusarium oxysporum (CECT-2154), Mucor rouxii (CECT-2655), Penicillium chrysogenum (CECT-2655) y Trichoderma pseudokoningii. (CECT-2937). / [ES] RESUMEN
Los materiales que componen la policromía tradicional en Taiwán, son muy diversos y además presentan problemas de diferente naturaleza que requieren la aplicación de tratamientos de adhesión y consolidación adecuados para cada caso.
El estudio llevado a cabo incluye la identificación de sangre porcina como el aglutinante en la capa de preparación y el aceite de tung como el aglutinante en la capa pictórica. Además, combinando las técnicas analíticas (FTIR, GC-MS y VMP) se ha logrado la datación de las policromías analizadas.
Los tratamientos de intervención de obra pictórica dependen de múltiples factores, tales como las propiedades adherentes/consolidantes que se ponen de manifiesto durante el tratamiento y seguidamente, las propiedades mecánicas (resistencia mecánica, flexibilidad), hídricas (permeabilidad al vapor de agua y otros gases) y la estabilidad físico-química una vez el adhesivo/consolidante ha sido aplicado. A ellas hay que sumar otros aspectos tales como toxicidad, impacto medioambiental, coste económico y disponibilidad.
El presente estudio, propone un adhesivo/consolidante obtenido de la gelatina técnica, y se adiciona unos aditivos, el glicerol (plastificante) y la citronela (fungicida natural), para la conservación y restauración de la decoración polícroma aplicada en diferentes partes del complejo arquitectónico del Templo Longshan en Lukang (siglo XVIII, Taiwán).
Finalmente, se ha demostrado que la adicción de glicerol y aceite de citronela mejora las propiedades físico-mecánicas y ralentizan el proceso de envejecimiento del adhesivo/consolidante. Además, el aceite de citronela inhibe la proliferación de los hongos Aspergillus niger (CECT-2088), Chaetomium globosum (CECT-2701), Fusarium oxysporum (CECT-2154), Mucor rouxii (CECT-2655), Penicillium chrysogenum (CECT-2655) y Trichoderma pseudokoningii. (CECT-2937). / [CA] RESUM
Els materials que componen la policromía tradicional a Taiwan, són molt diversos i a més presenten problemes de diferent naturalesa que requereixen l'aplicació de tractaments d'adhesió i consolidació adequats per a cada cas.
L'estudi dut a terme inclou la identificació de sang porcina com l'aglutinant a la capa de preparació i l'oli de tung com l'aglutinant a la capa pictòrica. A més, combinant les tècniques analítiques (FTIR, GC-MS i VMP) s'ha aconseguit la datació de les policromies analitzades.
Els tractaments d'intervenció d'obra pictòrica depenen de múltiples factors, tals com les propietats adherents / consolidants que es posen de manifest durant el tractament i seguidament, les propietats mecàniques (resistència mecànica, flexibilitat), hídriques (permeabilitat al vapor d'aigua i altres gasos ) i l'estabilitat fisicoquímica un cop l'adhesiu / consolidant ha estat aplicat. A tot aixo, cal sumar altres aspectes com ara toxicitat, impacte mediambiental, cost econòmic i disponibilitat.
El present estudi, proposa un adhesiu / consolidant obtingut de la gelatina tècnica, i s'addiciona uns additius, el glicerol (plastificant) i la citronela (fungicida natural), per a la conservació i restauració de la decoració polícroma aplicada en diferents parts del complex arquitectònic del Temple Longshan a Lukang (segle XVIII, Taiwan).
Finalment, s'ha demostrat que l'addicció de glicerol i oli de citronella millora les propietats físico-mecàniques i ralenteixen el procés d'envelliment de l'adhesiu / consolidant. A més, l'oli de citronella inhibeix la proliferació dels fongs Aspergillus niger (CECT-2088), Chaetomium globosum (CECT-2701), Fusarium oxysporum (CECT-2154), Mucor rouxii (CECT-2655), Penicillium chrysogenum (CECT-2655) i Trichoderma pseudokoningii. (CECT-2937). / Lee, Y. (2015). La técnica de la policromía en los artesonados de templos budistas en Taiwán: caracterización científica y estudio de la aplicabilidad de consolidantes biocompatibles para su conservación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59465
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The Geochemistry of Submerged Marine Landscapes: Lipid, Isotopic and Inorganic composition of Sediment Cores from the Palaeo-landscape of DoggerlandBen Sharada, Mohammed A.M. January 2022 (has links)
Ten thousand years ago Great Britain was a part of the European continent, where the surface of the North Sea was about 70 metres below present sea level. The large, prehistoric submerged landmass that connected the island of Great Britain to the European continent is now widely known as Doggerland. 85 samples from six different cores, which were collected from this prehistoric landscape, were studied using multi proxy -organic and inorganic- geochemical methods. Thermal analysis determined the organic matter and carbonate content, which were utilized as characterizing indices, dividing each core into various depositional units. In addition, lipid analysis studying three sets of biomarkers (n-alkanes, fatty acids and sterols), was used to distinguish between various depositional environments, especially between terrestrial and aquatic. Furthermore, the cores were mineralogically analysed using the detected clay and non-clay minerals as depositional indicators; significant states such as high and low energy environments, palaeosoil, type of weathering and stone types were identified and used to recognize any mineralogical and thus depositional alteration. Finally, the sulfur isotope analysis identified different sources of sulfur, which were then used as environmental distinguishing proxies. An integration of these analytical results provided a detailed geochemical history of each core; importantly, a Storegga tsunami deposit was detected in core ELF01A. The primary contribution of this thesis was establishing an analytical approach using combined results from a range of analytical methods. The established approach can be used to study the depositional settings for any cored sediments. / Libyan government
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Impact of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) fermentation on composition and concentration of polyphenols: Development of fermentation model system and utilization of yeast starter culturesLee, Andrew H. 28 September 2017 (has links)
Consumption of cocoa and dark chocolate products has been associated with positive health outcomes including reduced onset of cardiovascular disease, inflammation, diabetes, obesity, and platelet disorders. Cocoa polyphenols, putatively responsible for these beneficial activities, are highly impacted by cocoa variety, agronomic effects and processing history. However, the difference in polyphenol concentration and composition between cocoa products originating from different hybrid clones (selected for high yield) or from different fermentation conditions is not fully understood. Detailed polyphenol characterization including determination of total polyphenol and total procyanidin concentrations, and qualitative and quantitative analysis of (mean) degree of polymerization was conducted. Significant differences in total polyphenol and procyanidin concentrations were observed between five genetic clones grown by the USDA-ARS Cocoa Germplasm Repository located in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. To facilitate cocoa fermentation research in laboratories distant from cocoa harvesting sites, a laboratory-scale cocoa fermentation model system was developed in this study. This model system used dried, unfermented, cocoa beans and simulated pulp medium as the starting material. The model system supported growth of the essential succession of cocoa fermenting microorganisms and generated similar chemical changes to those observed in on-farm cocoa fermentation. Using this model system, the impact of inoculation with proprietary yeast strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lev F and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lev B on cocoa polyphenol concentration and composition was evaluated. Inoculation with both yeast strains resulted in increased fermentation rate and Lev B inoculation resulted in higher total polyphenol and procyandin contents at the end of fermentation. Overall, the present work addressed the influence of cocoa variety selection and fermentation process conditions on the composition and concentration of polyphenols. These findings will contribute to continued efforts to develop cocoa products with optimized bioactivity and maximum disease preventative effects. / PHD / Annual worldwide cocoa production exceeds four million tons and the cocoa market impacts not only cocoa growing regions, but also countries producing cocoa products. Consumption of cocoa and dark chocolate products has been associated with positive health outcomes including reduced onset of cardiovascular disease, inflammation, diabetes, obesity, and platelet disorders. Cocoa polyphenols, compounds increasingly associated with health benefits, are highly impacted by the variety and processing history of cocoa. However, the extent to which cocoa genetic variety and processing conditions impact polyphenol concentration and composition is not fully understood. Polyphenol characterization was conducted for five genetic varieties sourced from the USDA cocoa germplasm repository located in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico and it was found that genetic variance could contribute to differences in polyphenol concentration. The main focus in this thesis was to develop laboratory cocoa fermentation model system to facilitate cocoa research in laboratories distant from the cocoa growing region. This model system used dried, unfermented cocoa beans and simulated pulp medium as the starting material. The model system was effective in that it supported growth of the essential succession of coca fermenting microorganisms and generated similar chemical changes to those observed in on-farm cocoa fermentation. This model system could be further applied to test the impact of fermentation conditions on cocoa bean quality. The potential for using yeast starter cultures to improve control and consistency of cocoa fermentation was evaluated using the model fermentation system. Yeast inoculation improved fermentation rate, and polyphenol concentration in fermented beans was higher when cocoa fermentation was inoculated with the yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lev B. Overall, the present work addressed the influence of cocoa variety selection and fermentation process conditions on the composition and concentration of polyphenols. These findings will contribute to continued efforts to develop cocoa products optimized for maximum health benefits.
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Ancient lipids reveal continuity in culinary practices across the transition to agriculture in Northern EuropeCraig, O.E., Steele, Valerie J., Fischer, Anders, Hartz, S., Andersen, S.H., Donohoe, P., Glykou, A., Saul, H., Jones, D.M., Koch, E., Heron, Carl P. January 2011 (has links)
No / Farming transformed societies globally. Yet, despite more than a century of research, there is little consensus on the speed or completeness of this fundamental change and, consequently, on its principal drivers. For Northern Europe, the debate has often centered on the rich archaeological record of the Western Baltic, but even here it is unclear how quickly or completely people abandoned wild terrestrial and marine resources after the introduction of domesticated plants and animals at approximately 4000 calibrated years B.C. Ceramic containers are found ubiquitously on these sites and contain remarkably well-preserved lipids derived from the original use of the vessel. Reconstructing culinary practices from this ceramic record can contribute to longstanding debates concerning the origins of farming. Here we present data on the molecular and isotopic characteristics of lipids extracted from 133 ceramic vessels and 100 carbonized surface residues dating to immediately before and after the first evidence of domesticated animals and plants in the Western Baltic. The presence of specific lipid biomarkers, notably omega-(o-alkylphenyl)alkanoic acids, and the isotopic composition of individual n-alkanoic acids clearly show that a significant proportion ( approximately 20%) of ceramic vessels with lipids preserved continued to be used for processing marine and freshwater resources across the transition to agriculture in this region. Although changes in pottery use are immediately evident, our data challenge the popular notions that economies were completely transformed with the arrival of farming and that Neolithic pottery was exclusively associated with produce from domesticated animals and plants.
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New investigations into the Uluburun resin cargoStern, Ben, Heron, Carl P., Tellefsen, T., Serpico, M. January 2008 (has links)
No / Resin found within Canaanite amphorae from the Late Bronze Age shipwreck discovered off the coast of southwest Turkey at Uluburun has previously been identified as Pistacia sp. Although evidence from Egypt suggests that this resin was in high demand and typically transported in such amphorae, it has also been proposed that the amphorae contained wine, with the resin used to seal the interior surfaces and to flavour and/or preserve the wine. To attempt to resolve this question, we have analysed five samples of pistacia resin found in amphorae from the shipwreck using a range of analytical techniques which have used in the past for the analysis of wine residues: spot tests, FT-IR, and HPLC-MS-MS. As well as the archaeological samples, we have analysed modern samples of pistacia resin, leaves and fruit to determine the effectiveness of each technique and to exclude the possibility of false positive results. In addition to the analyses for wine we also detail analysis (GC-MS) of the terpenoids for the purpose of further molecular characterisation of the resin. Bulk stable isotope analysis was used in comparison with similar resins to attempt to identify the geographical origin of the resin.
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