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Gender equality and health experiences : workplace patterns in Northern Sweden / Jämställdhet och hälsoupplevelser : arbetsplatsmönster i norra SverigeElwér, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Gendered practices of working life create gender inequalities through horizontal and vertical gender segregation in work, which may lead to gender inequalities in health experiences. The workplace is an important part of the social circumstances under which health opportunities and constraints are shaped. The workplace has also been identified as an important arena for gender constructions. Still, there is a lack of research about the relations between workplace gender equality and health experiences. The aim of this thesis was to explore gender equality and health experiences in a workplace setting. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used. In the qualitative studies all caregiving staff at two establishments providing care for elderly was invited to participate in focus groups (Papers I & II). A moderator led 14 focusgroup discussions. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the transcribed discussions. For the quantitative studies questionnaire data from the Northern Swedish Cohort (n=836) were analysed and supplemented with register data about the participants’ workplaces. The register data were used to stratify the workplaces according to gender composition (paper IV) and to create gender equality indicators of the number of women and men at the workplace, education, salary and parental leave (Paper III). Cluster analysis was used to identify patterns of gender equality at the workplaces. Logistic regression analysis, adjusting for individual socio-demographics and previous psychological distress, were used to analyse psychological distress in relation to both clusters and gender compositions. This thesis identifies various workplace patterns of gender equality and how they are related to health experiences. The results from the focus group study showed that workplace stressors had a structural character, often originating from societal processes outside the own organization, whereas health resources had a relational character and were constructed within the organization (paper I). Gender equality was seen as a structural issue not connected to the individual health experiences and gender inequalities were justified through focusing on personalities and interests in work division (paper II). The cluster analysis resulted in six distinctive clusters with different workplace patterns of gender equality (paper III). The most gender-equal cluster was characterized by gender equality in salary and parental leave and was associated with the lowest prevalence of psychological distress, with no significant differences between women and men. The clusters were associated with psychological distress among women only. The highest odds for psychological distress among women were found in a traditional unequal cluster. Analyses of the gender composition at the workplace showed that the highest prevalence of psychological distress was found at workplaces with a mixed gender composition (paper IV). The psychosocial work environment was rather similar independent of the workplace gender composition.The factors most strongly associated with psychological distress were high demands and low control at workplaces with more men, being looked down upon at workplaces with a mixed gender composition, and social support at workplaces with more women. Gender perspectives highlight the importance of gender relations in research on work-related health. Gender inequalities at workplaces can be part of the explanation to women’s worse self-rated health. A multidimensional view of gender equality is necessary to understand health consequences of specific workplace situations. Workplaces are important arenas for health promotion activities and gender equality aspects needs to be taken into account to reach both women and men. Adequate health promotion needs to shift focus from individual health strategies to structural solutions that can challenge the root of the problem. / Ojämställdhet i arbetslivet kan innebära olika hälsokonsekvenser för kvinnor och män. Arbetsplatsen är en viktig del av de sociala omständigheter under vilka hälsomöjligheter och -begränsningar skapas. Arbetsplatsen har också identifierats som en viktig arena för genuskonstruktioner. Trots detta saknas forskning om relationerna mellan jämställdhet på arbetsplatser och hälsoupplevelser. Den här avhandlingen syftar till att studera sambanden mellan jämställdhet på arbetsplatser och de anställdas hälsoupplevelser. Avhandlingen använder både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. I de kvalitativa studierna erbjöds all vårdpersonal på två äldreboenden att delta i fokusgruppsdiskussioner (Artikel I & II). Sammanlagt genomfördes 14 fokusgrupper. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera de transkriberade fokusgrupperna. I de kvantitativa studierna användes enkätdata från Luleåkohorten(n= 836) som kompletterats med registerdata om deltagarnas arbetsplatser. Registerdata användes för att stratifiera deltagarna utifrån könssammansättningen på deras arbetsplatser (artikel IV) och för att skapa jämställdhetsindikatorer för arbetsplatserna vad gäller andel män och kvinnor, utbildningsnivå, lön och föräldraledighet (artikel III). Klusteranalys användes för att identifiera mönster av jämställhet på arbetsplatserna. Skillnader i psykiska besvär mellan klustren respektive de olika könssammansättningarna analyserades med logistisk regressionsanalys som justerats för sociodemografiska variabler och tidigare psykiska besvär. Avhandlingen identifierar olika jämställdhetsmönster på arbetsplatsenoch hur de är relaterade till hälsoupplevelser. Resultaten från fokusgruppstudierna visade att de hälsorelaterade stressorerna hade en strukturell karaktär som ofta hade sitt ursprung i sociala processer utanför den egna organisationen. Hälsoresurserna var i hög utsträckning av relationell karaktär och skapades inom organisationen. Ojämställdhet sågs som ett strukturellt problem som inte kopplades till individuell hälsa. Ojämställdhet i arbetsfördelningen försvarades genom att fokusera på personligheter och individuella intressen. Kvantitativa analyser resulterade i sex kluster med olika jämställdhetsmönster på arbetsplatserna. Det mest jämställda klustret kännetecknades av arbetsplatser med jämställda löner och föräldraledighet och var relaterat till den lägsta förekomsten av psykiska besvär. I detta kluster hade också män och kvinnor samma förekomst av psykiska besvär. Bland kvinnorna fanns det skillnader mellan klusterna vad gäller psykiska besvär, men inte bland männen. Den högsta förekomsten av psykiska besvär bland kvinnor fanns i det traditionellt mest ojämställda klustret (artikel III) samt på arbetsplatser med en blandad könssammansättning (artikel IV). Variationen i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön var liten mellan arbetsplatser med olika könssammansättning men det fanns skillnader i sambanden mellan den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och psykiska besvär. De faktorer som hade starkast samband med psykiska besvär var höga krav och låg kontroll på arbetsplatser med en majoritet män, att bli ”sedd ner på” på könsblandade arbetsplatser, och socialt stöd på arbetsplatser med en majoritet kvinnor. Genusperspektiv är viktiga för att lyfta fram betydelsen av genusrelationer i forskning om arbetsrelaterad hälsa. Ojämställdhet på arbetsplatser kan vara en del av förklaringen till kvinnors sämre självskattade hälsa. En mångdimensionell syn på jämställdhet är nödvändig för att förstå hälsokonsekvenser av specifika arbetsplatssituationer. Arbetsplatser utgör också viktiga arenor för hälsofrämjande åtgärder och jämställdhetsaspekter måste beaktas för att dessa åtgärder ska nå både kvinnor och män på arbetsplatserna. Hälsofrämjande arbete måste skifta fokus från individuella, beteendeinriktade hälsostrategier till strukturella lösningar som kan utmana grunden till problemen.
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Human Rights and the Islamic HeadscarfHuzejrovic, Huanita January 2013 (has links)
In 2004 a law banning all religious affiliation in public schools in France came into force. This started a heavy debate in the whole of Europe on whether this law is a violation of human rights law on the basis on freedom of religion and the freedom to manifest his/hers religion or belief in worship. This had the greatest impact on Muslim girls wearing the Islamic headscarf. This is a study of the legal framework of the law in the light of human rights perspective. It is also a semi comparison between the French and the United Kingdom way of approaching the issue with the Islamic headscarf in public schools.Keywords: religion,
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The Experiences of the Swedish Female Academics and their Struggles to SucceedYumba, Wyclliiffe January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the experiences of academic women in order to gain an in depth understanding of factors that encourage and discourage their career advancement. A qualitative design and a Feminist standpoint framework guided the study. 11 faculty members from different faculties were interviewed in this study: eight female academics and three male academics from three Swedish universities: Linköping, Örebro and Stockholm. The study looked at the factors that encourage women academics career advancement such as: personal, family and academic factors. While, factors that discourage their career advancement have been also discussed and such factors are: the lack of support, network and mentorship; the reconciliation of the private life and the professional life; the lack of time: excess academic and administrative workloads. The results of this study also revealed that the lack of academic support, mentorship and the combination of family and work duties appeared to be the greatest barriers for the career advancement of the female academics. study concludes that despite the Swedish government countless series of measures and reforms to improve gender equality and equal opportunity in higher education, the number of female academics in the top ranking especially professorship is still very low and the career progression is also slow compared to their male counterpart.
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”Det går inte att tänka jämställdhet under mattelektionerna” : - Lärares tankar kring jämställdhet samt hur och varför det ska främjas i skolan / ”There is no time to think about gender equality during the math lessons” : - Teachers thoughts about gender equality and how and why you should encourage itKomierowski, Anna Komierowski, Höiden, Sanna January 2011 (has links)
The aim with this thesis is to investigate teachers view on gender equality and what this may be due to. Teachers are supposed to follow the curriculum where it is written that gender equality should be encouraged. After interviewing teachers it has come to light that depending of the teacher’s personal interest and the school’s management of the question, there is a difference between how teachers are working with gender equality. That is why we want to know why gender equality should be encouraged and how teachers should reach the aim from the curriculum about gender equality. We have made six qualitative interviews with male and female teachers in different ages with the aim to know and evaluate their thoughts about gender equality towards their pupils in school. The result shows that it is a different if the teacher had access to questions regarding gender and gender equality. Those teachers are more aware of how they act towards girls and boys based on social norms. This contributes to the teachers and they are more reflective on how they produce gender equality between the pupils. / Syftet med denna studie är att ta del av lärares syn på jämställdhet samt vad deras uppfattning kan bero på. Lärare ska följa läroplanen där det står att jämställdhet ska främjas. Efter att ha intervjuat lärare har det framkommit att beroende på intresse av lärare samt skolledning ser det olika ut hur lärare arbetar med jämställdhetsfrågan. Därför har vi undersökt varför jämställdhet borde främjas samt hur lärare kan uppnå jämställdhetsmålet som står i läroplanen. Vi har utfört sex kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare i olika åldrar och kön, för att få reda på deras tankar kring jämställdhet i skolan gentemot eleverna. Resultatet visar att det finns en skillnad om läraren har fått ta del av genus- och jämställdhetsfrågor. Denna skillnad visas genom att de som är mer medvetna reflekterar över hur man ser på flickor och pojkar utifrån samhällets könsnormer. Vilket bidrar till en medvetenhet om hur könsmönstren i klassrummet ska motverkas för att bilda jämställdhet mellan eleverna.
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Pamoja FM – The voice of Kibera : How young Kenyan adults in Kibera perceive the local urban community radio and how it influences the communityRosenblad, Anton, Nyström, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
Media in Nairobi is segmented when it comes to news and information; different media target different audience groups in the society through their preferred channels in search of news and information. In Kibera, the biggest slum area in Nairobi and in whole East Africa, the urban slum community radio station Pamoja FM only works for the citizens living within Kibera. We aimed to find out how the youth in Kibera perceive the efficacy of the radio station as a viable source of news and information. We wanted to establish how important this radio station is to them as a tool of empowerment and knowledge to the youth. Through semi-structured interviews with the youth in Kibera we carried out a qualitative research study during ten weeks, from October until December in 2011. We walked the field in Kibera to gather as much data as possible, and our findings were very interesting. Key theories used in this study included the participatory communication model, the media dependency model and the uses and gratifications model. The findings indicated that Pamoja FM has a great influence in the community as it is considered the most important source for news and information for the youth in this slum, and provides a platform that meets their needs as active participating audiences to the content supplied by the radio station. The radio is accredited to have changed the citizens´ way of thinking about tribalism since the post-election violence in 2007; the young women have assertively declared their space by playing a more proactive role in the community and audiences are empowered with home-grown problem solving skills that have bettered their lives and in pursuit for peace.
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Gender Equality a case study of Sweden : Gender Equality Gender Equity and policies of combating inequality at workplace to make the society equal.Sultan, Tipu January 2010 (has links)
The paper analyses Gender Equality, Gender Equity and policies of combating inequality at workplace to make the society equal as a case study of Sweden. The aim of paper is see the gender equality, gender equity, discrimination against women at workplace and to describe the policies combating inequality in the welfare state of Sweden. This work highlights the gender equality in terms of institutionalizing gender equality, gender equity, gender and pay gap, parental leave, gender and the pension system and sexual behavior directed towards women and policies combating inequality to bring equality in society. For my research I used the secondary data the fact sheets, scientific literature, statistics from eurostate of Sweden and case studies about Swedish society and the theoretical explanation to explain the phenomena. To achieve my aim I used the combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. I showed the empirical evidences of these phenomena from the Swedish society and theoretical analysis about equality and equity of gender in different wakes of life. I found an interesting conclusion that there are good policies and legislation to combat inequality to bring society but there are no policies to change the perception of society about male and female role.
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Undp' / s Approach To Women' / s Rights:the Case Of TurkeyDevlet, Yelda 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Devlet, Yelda
M.Sc., Department of Gender and Women&rsquo / s Studies
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yakin Ertü / rk
December, 2006, 152 pages.
This study has focused on UNDP&rsquo / s approach to women&rsquo / s rights particularly in Turkey. In order to provide a context for the discussion of the role of the UNDP in Turkey on the realization of women&rsquo / s rights, the thesis examines the emergence of women&rsquo / s rights discourse within the international arena and its repercussions in Turkey. This has facilitated the understanding of (1) the emergence of a women&rsquo / s rights movement at the global level, (2) the spread of the idea and perception of &lsquo / women&rsquo / s rights&rsquo / movement in Turkish society, and (3) the transformation of the approaches related to women&rsquo / s issues within the Turkish context. in the light of the support of the UNDP programmes in Turkey.
Within this context, this research focused on two UNDP programmes including &ldquo / National Programme for Enhancement of Women in Development&rdquo / and &ldquo / Local Agenda 21&rdquo / . Both of the programmes have had progressive impacts over the enhancement of women&rsquo / s rights in Turkey in different stages. They are critical tools on facilitating the contributions and effectiveness of the UNDP in engendering the political agenda in Turkey. It is believed that analyzing the impacts of the UNDP&rsquo / s women&rsquo / s rights related programs has crucial importance for identifying the gaps and recommending solutions to bridge the gaps in Turkey.
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Teacher Candidates As The Agents Of Change For A More Gender Equal SocietyBaba, Habibe Burcu 01 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
For the purpose of achieving gender equality in education, this study analyses the transformative power of the elementary school teacher candidates on society. The theories in the field of sociology of education have been used as a starting point for the study. Based on the feminist pedagogies of different strands of feminism, feminist critical pedagogy has been presented to achieve gender equality in education. The transformation of curriculum and the hidden curriculum are elaborated to achieve a non-sexist education. After the depiction of the situation Turkey holds in the field of women&rsquo / s education, the research conducted in three universities using feminist methodology and interview method is presented. With a view on their gender socialization, gender perceptions of the teacher candidates are analyzed. The ways their lives both inside and outside the household are affected by patriarchal hegemony are depicted and their ideas on education and the reproduction of gender through education are analyzed. The new generation of teachers holds low transformative power to transform the inequalities in society. However, the females in the group are leading their own individual struggles that lead to changes in their close circles. The simplified notion of patriarchy they have makes them blind to the reproduction of it by women and supports the bias against feminists. The fact that they are open to change and yet detached from civil society is reason to conclude that in the short run the most influential results can be obtained through the institutional changes at teacher training programs and schools.
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A Feminist Analysis Of The Gender Dynamics In The Alevi Belief And Cem RitualsErucar, Sengul 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to analyze the gender dynamics in the Alevi belief and the &lsquo / Cem&rsquo / rituals by focusing on the gap and tension between the discourse of equality and practices of the rituals. Within the framework of a theoretical approach which underlines the evolution of monotheistic religions along a patriarchal line of development and the resultant subordination of women particularly in the rituals, the approach and the discourse of the Alevi belief on women is overviewed. In this study, &lsquo / cem&rsquo / ceremonies of the selected Alevi communities in Istanbul and Isparta are analyzed empirically. It is contended that while there are significant differences in terms of gender dynamics and women&rsquo / s position between the observed cems, in general the gender equality principle of the belief is not fully realized. It is contended that the gender issue and women&rsquo / s position vis-a-vis men constitute a major site of the constitution of the Alevi identity in the Turkish society. However, although patriarchal practices and premises have permeated the ritual dynamics of the Alevis, they are also subject to ongoing negotiations, legitimizations and interpretations by male and female actors of the community.
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Kvinnofridskränkning - ett stort samhällsproblem : En fallstudie av hur ett par kommuner i Kronobergs län hanterar kvinnovåldsproblematikenStrömblad, Sara January 2006 (has links)
<p>Equal opportunity issues are considered to have a clear position in Swedish policy and the making of Swedish gender policy is considered a precursor. Though many experts and scientists have shed light on the fact that the issue of women assault has had a less stable development than other gender issues such as child care, the labour market etc. within the Swedish society, and that it does not attract the wide political support it needs. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the Municipalities', in the county of Kronoberg, policy on the issue of women assault within their local policies of equality. In my thesis I have chosen a theoretical framework that is built on a dilemma of justice based on three different dimensions; the extent, content and influence of the local policies. To clarify I have subsequently summarized these three as ideal types politics of recognition and politics of redistribution.</p><p>I came to the conclusion that the prerequisites for the issue of women assault and its consequences to attract attention would increase if the issue was more frequently debated amongst the local politicians in the county. Women assault is not just a serious societal problem but also an obstacle for a sustainable societal development.</p>
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