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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender, Peace and Security : Examining the assumed benefits of involving men and work on transforming masculinities in the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions 1325 and 1820

Sveide, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
My aim of this this thesis is to examine the assumed benefits of involving men and work on transforming masculinities when implementing the WPS (Women Peace and Security) agenda focusing on UNSCR (United Nations Security Council Resolutions) 1325 and 1820, in peacebuilding efforts and peacekeeping missions. The empirical findings derives from four semi- structured interviews with informants involved in implementing a masculinity perspective in UNSCR 1325, or informants that had conducted research of this area. A document analysis was also conducted to complement with the interviews and to dig deeper into how a focus on masculinities could be implemented. The document analysis consisted of training material from the Swedish Police force training on UNSCR 1325 for Swedish and international personnel going to UN Peacekeeping missions. The data was analysed with the theories radical feminism and R.W Connell’s masculinity theory. The thesis result indicate that the assumed benefits are multiple. The key reason to include men and to work on transforming masculinities could be that it would mean to take a holistic gender perspective, and to focus on the gendered drivers of conflict as well as the impacts of conflict.

The Effects of NAWOU’s Gender Training Programmes : A case study in central and north Uganda

Boman, Kristin, Walfridsson, Alida January 2020 (has links)
This report investigates how and to what extent knowledge sharing through the NAWOU gender training programmes empower the members, in the central and north region of Uganda, together with examining the members’ experiences from the programmes. Through observations, interviews and a survey during a qualitative case study in Uganda empirical data was collected and by using thematic analysis the data was analysed. The findings show that knowledge is shared on all levels and directions within the NAWOU network and is also spread outside the network to families and communities. Challenges faced by Ugandan women are today many and even though women are entitled to rights, the unawareness of them, together with social constructs, culture, sparse resources and accessibility are daily challenges to overcome. After participating in the gender training programmes, the members have become more self-aware with an increased self-esteem and self-confidence. They have gained a strong group belonging and together they accomplish social transformation. The awareness of women’s rights has increased among members and cultural structures are challenged. The members’ economic status has also increased by learning new practical skills. Even though empowerment is a process, the presented outcomes indicate that women participating in NAWOU programmes are being empowered.

Military Masculinities and Gender Training : A qualitative analysis of The Nordic Centre of Gender in Military Operations

Gandal, Christine January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates the notions of military masculinities in the gender training of the Nordic Centre of Gender in Military Operations (NCGM). Military masculinities are argued to create problematic gender norms that value men and devalue women. Therefore, there is a need to see if NCGM does reinforce or construct these gender norms into their training. The masculine norms are constructed as a dichotomy to the female norms, giving traits such as men being protectors and women the protected, and men being perpetrators and women being victims. The study is carried out through a qualitative text analysis of publications found on NCGM’s website. The analysis examines the extent of military masculine traits in their publications, and how these traits are depicted. The results show that NCGM is aware of the gender stereotypes of military masculinities, but they still do depict men and women in stereotypical feminine and masculine roles.

In search of a transformative pedagogy – a study of experiences and consequences amongst teachers facing resistance to workplace based gender training

Brewer, Helene January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att söka en transformerande pedagogisk praktik omjämställdhet och jämställdhetsintegrering. Det är en studie av några pedagogersupplevelser och konsekvenser av motstånd i arbetsplatsbaserad undervisning omjämställdhet och jämställdhetsintegrering.Den svenska retoriken kring jämställdhet bidrar till att det inte talas om det motståndsom pedagoger möter, ett motstånd emot jämställdhet och jämställdhetsintegrering. Trefokusgrupper med totalt tretton deltagare har träffats runtom i Sverige och samtalat omundervisning och transformativ pedagogik utifrån frågeställningar kopplade till maktoch motstånd. Innehållsanalys har använts, framförallt med hjälp av Paulo Freiresbegrepp conscientização och Sara Ahmeds begrepp snap. Resultaten har relaterats tillMalin Rönnbloms dekonstruktion av svensk jämställdhetspolitik och rådandekunskapsdiskurs.De viktigaste resultaten handlar om att pedagogerna möter motstånd oavsett vilkenfråga som lärandet handlar om inom jämställdhet. Motståndet leder till känslor av blandannat trötthet, ledsamhet och ilska. Effekter av motstånd på undervisningen är blandannat att ämnet adresseras på ett avdramatiserande sätt för att förekomma motståndet.Resultaten synliggör ett behov av att använda den praktik och de erfarenheter somfinns i större utsträckning än vad som görs idag. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelseför vilka konsekvenser motstånd får i arbetsplatsbaserad vuxenundervisning omjämställdhet.

Gender Mainstreaming. Eine Untersuchung zur Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Polizei Niedersachsen

Kloweit-Herrmann, Manfred 24 June 2004 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht anhand von qualitativ geführten Interviews und Fragebogenerhebungen zur Lebenswirklichkeit von Beamtinnen und Beamten der Polizei Niedersachsen und umfangreicher Literaturrecherche die Erfordernis zur Umsetzung der Strategie Gender Mainstreaming als eine der Maßnahmen zur Herstellung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit. Auf der Grundlage von Überlegungen zum sozialen Geschlecht Gender als interessengeleitetes Konstrukt männlich dominanter Denkstrukturen werden bereits vorhandene Frauenfördermaßnahmen in Beziehung zu Gender Mainstreaming positioniert. Reflexionen zur Lebenswirklichkeit von Polizeibeamten und Polizeibeamtinnen öffnen Einblicke in die Realität des Arbeitsfeldes Polizei als Beruf für Frauen und Männer. Eine Analyse vorhandener gesellschaftlicher Rahmenbedingen verdeutlicht individuelle und soziale Ursachen der Reproduktion eben dieser Rahmenbedingungen, denen beide Geschlechter unterworfen sind. Diskutiert wird die Zielsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming, Männern und Frauen Möglichkeiten zu öffnen, anstelle von geschlechtsbestimmten Zuweisungen von Lebensinhalten geschlechtsneutrale soziale Lebensräume zu gestalten. Verdeutlichend wird herausgestellt, dass hierzu sowohl Implementierung rechtlich verbindlicher Grundlagen innerhalb der Organisation Polizei (top down) als auch Herstellen individueller Denkbereitschaft aller Akteure im Sinne ihres beide Geschlechter tagtäglich einbeziehenden doing gender (bottom up) notwendig sind. Im letzten Teil werden praxisrelevante Vorschläge zu Gender Trainings und zur methodischen Umsetzung aufgezeigt.

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