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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad gömmer sig i kommentarsfältet? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur unga kvinnor bemöts i sina kommentarsfält på applikationen TikTok.

Westman, Sam, Engman, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till ökad kunskap kring applikationen TikTok då det är en plattform som just nu ökar i popularitet, särskilt i åldrarna 16 – 25 (Svenskarna och internet 2020). Samt att få en inblick i hur kvinnor bemöts i applikationen. Vi valde att fokusera på hur unga kvinnor i åldrarna 16 – 25 bemöts och talas om i kommentarsfälten under sina egna videor, och om det fanns något samband mellan vilken typ av video de lade upp och den sortens kommentarer de fick; samt om det fanns tydliga skillnader mellan hur män och kvinnor uttryckte sig mot, och / eller, om de unga kvinnorna. Urvalet för undersökningen var tio kvinnliga TikTok-konton i åldern 16 – 25, den så kallade generation z. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där vi med hjälp av ett analysschema analyserade sammanlagt 2000 kommentarer under de valda TikTok-kontonas videor. Resultatet visade att män och kvinnor uttrycker sig annorlunda, samt fokuserar på olika saker när de kommenterar kvinnornas videor. Kvinnor visade sig vara mer positiva än männen, samtidigt som de även skriv mest negativa kommentarer direkt riktade mot kvinnornas utseende. Männen däremot skrev framför allt negativa kommentarer som då var riktade mot kvinnornas åsikter, typiskt kvinnliga normer, sexistiska kommentarer, samt i princip allt innehåll som kunde beröra männen själva. När det gäller sambandet mellan videornas innehåll och kommentarerna, så fanns det ett visst mönster, men i grunden verkar det handla mer om vem personen bakom videon är och vilket syfte TikTok-kanalen har.

I Would Not Buy From That Brand! : A Comparative Study of Generation X, Y, and Z’s Brand Avoidance Behaviours Towards Fast Fashion Brands

Utbys Nerac, Amanda, Niemi, Veera January 2021 (has links)
Background: Several fast fashion brands have been criticised regarding their business practices, with poor working conditions in developing countries and use of toxic chemicals. Subsequently, many consumers have turned to anti-consumption practices such as brand avoidance to distance themselves from various fast fashion brands. Five elements have emerged among brand avoidance associated with experiential avoidance, identity avoidance, moral avoidance, deficit-value avoidance, or advertising related avoidance which underpin this behaviour.  Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare brand avoidance behaviours toward fast fashion brands among Generations X, Y, and Z. This research attempts to identify the specific reasons why different generations avoid fast fashion brands, as well as the factors that contribute to this behaviour. The purpose is to compare the three generations to know which factors influence each generation the most. It is plausible that the factors vary significantly between cohorts since they have grown up in different environments. Consequently, generational distinction is regarded as an essential variable.  Method: Comprehending the purpose of this research and examining causal relationships, this thesis used a quantitative research design. The empirical data was gathered through an online survey, considering the large sample size and current COVID-19 pandemic. Due to these circumstances, the most insightful information could be obtained about participants' behaviour regarding fast fashion brands using an online survey. The data was analysed and interpreted utilising a deductive approach.  Conclusion: The results show that the generations differ in their brand avoidance behaviours for experiential avoidance, moral avoidance, and advertising avoidance towards fast fashion brands. These differences were observed where the consumers perceive the performance to be poor, the brand is inconvenient, and when the advertising is perceived to be unpleasant. Regarding moral avoidance, the data was not sufficient to distinguish which cohorts differ, but only that there was a significant difference somewhere.

Influencer marketing i klädbranschen : En kvantitativ studie om hur generation Z:s attityder till mode och kläder påverkas av influencer marketing

Sachpekidou, Melina, Bertilsson, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att skapa en förståelse kring hur kvinnor inom generation Z:s attityder till mode och kläder påverkas av influencer marketing som marknadsföringsstrategi. Det grundar sig i att det har identifierats ett antal kunskapsgap som att det saknas forskning på generation Z som konsumenter och även inom fenomenet influencer marketing. Dessutom på förändrade digitala konsumentbeteenden i och med pandemin Covid-19. Vidare har en framtidsanalys presenterats för att försöka täcka upp för de kunskapsgap som identifierats. Resultaten från studien visar att kvinnorna inom generation Z:s attityder till mode och kläder i högsta grad påverkas av influencer marketing. Då de dagligen använder sig av sociala medier och det faktum att det har kommit att bli en normalitet inom generationen att söka efter inspiration till mode och kläder via influencers på sociala medier. Attityder gentemot företag och influencers inom klädbranschen och således mot mode samt kläder påverkas också av faktorer som en influencers tillit och expertis. Det vill säga, generationen följer influencers de anser som pålitliga och de med tillräckligt hög genomslagskraft ses då även som pålitliga även i andra områden. Vilket innebär att företag som samarbetar med “rätt” influencers hamnar inom konsumenternas radar och i och med det kan påverka attityderna åt sin fördel.

Jumping on the bandwagon? : an explorative study on how female Gen Z consumers perceive global brands’ engagement in activism, and how their perception influences their brand loyalty

Mekuriaw, Masstewal, Khurana, Muskaan January 2021 (has links)
Brands’ engagement in activism is increasing as consumers expect more of brands, especially the younger generations. However, brands have different intentions behind their engagement in activism. The purpose of this thesis is to explore female Gen Z consumers’ perception of global brands’ engagement in activism, and how this perception influences their brand loyalty. Female Gen Z consumers’ mind is explored since previous research indicates that there are gender differences within perception and loyalty. A qualitative method in the form of four online focus groups were conducted to collect empirical data. Three findings were discovered, which contributed to understanding of the existing gap in research. Firstly, female Gen Z consumers positively perceived global brands’ engagement in activism. Secondly, they perceived and responded to brand activism based on the campaigns’ message, its connection to the brand and its offerings. Thirdly, female Gen Z consumers’ perception influenced their brand loyalty. The study contributes with an additional understanding of young female consumers’ perspective which can be useful for marketers when creating activist campaigns. Future research could study the perspective of male Gen Z consumers or Gen Z consumers to get additional understanding.

Do They Practice What They Preach? : A quantitative study on how Generation Z’s purchase intention is affected by four CRM factors

Gerhardsson, Emma, Bergh, Ida, Thongpitaks, Supakarn January 2021 (has links)
Background: Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) is a popular marketing strategy where companies through this communication contribute to causes and engage their consumers by donating when they purchase a product and an amount of the revenue goes to charities. The concept has been divided into four different factors, being cause involvement, message, perceived cause fit and donation size. Cause-Related Marketing is of particular interest in regard to the sample as the next upcoming generation, Generation Z,  is forecasted to have great buying power and more awareness of societal issues. However, studies are lacking regarding this generation and especially in relation to Cause-Related Marketing as a strategy for influencing consumers purchase intentions. Hence, why this study tries to see how to reach this generation on their terms.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how Generation Z’s purchase intention is affected by four CRM factors.  Methodology:  This research has followed the structure of deductive research with a quantitative approach and with the research design of cross-sectional design. This further led to a self-complement online questionnaire being made, where the respondents consisted of Generation Z, with the ages of 18-26. The total number of respondents was concluded at 93. After collecting the data, the data has been cleaned and coded. Furthermore, by using Descriptive Statistics, Multiple Linear Regression, Cronbach's Alpha and Correlation Analysis the data was analysed and a result could be extracted. Findings: The result this research got from the empirical information, was that only one of the CRM factors had a significant and positive relation with Generation Z’s purchase intention, being Cause Involvement. The other factors had no significant relation with Generation Z’s purchase intention. Further, there was one item which was common in all factors and that one was emotion and to some extent knowledgeable.

How Employer Branding is Affected by Country-of-Origin : And its effect on Employee Retention of Generation Z

Kaburek, Philip, Wahlberg, Alex, Kilit, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Employer branding is becoming increasingly important, but the literature on the subject lacks vital elements. First, Country of Origin (COO) has been shown to affect employer branding, but this process is very poorly understood. Second, employee retention, although proven to have multiple benefits and to be impacted by employer branding, is underrepresented in employer branding research. Third, despite the importance of cultural context being well documented in literature, current employer branding research takes little consideration for this, especially in regards to Generation Z, who are becoming increasingly vital in the workforce. To mend these important research gaps, this thesis aims to examine how employer branding is affected by COO, and, in extension, how this impacts employee retention among Generation Z employees. This purpose is fulfilled by answering the following research question: “How is employer branding affected by COO when retaining Generation Z employees?” With this research question in mind, an abductive qualitative study was conducted using multiple- case studies in a Swedish MNE context. Semi-structured interviews with HR/employer branding managers and international Generation Z employees were conducted. This provided a dual perspective where both the views of employers and employees could be observed, analysed, and compared which was necessary to answer the research question. The results were then analysed using rigorous data-driven content-analysis. Using this approach, the study answered the research question by finding that employer branding is affected indirectly by COO through the process of other primary factors in retaining Generation Z. The research led to the introduction of a new model; The Employer Brand Compass, which illustrates how employer branding is affected by COO through three main factors in employee retention of Generation Z; ESG, development opportunities, and consumer branding.

Hur fungerar Birgitta och Noel i en arbetsgrupp? : - En kvalitativ uppsats om samspel, konflikter och utveckling hos grupper med olika generationer

Ernstsson, Astrid, Rissler, Simon, Johansson, Oliver January 2019 (has links)
Det finns en hel del genomgående forskning kring hur arbetsgrupper fungerar. Angående fenomenet generationer finns det även relativt mycket forskning, dock är den forskningen främst ifrån USA. Går vi vidare till hur olika generationer fungerar i arbetsgrupp, speciellt i en svensk kontext, finner vi däremot en kunskapslucka. Arbetsgruppers dynamik och uppbyggnad har under lång tid varit ett stort forskningsämne. Att arbetsgrupper fungerar och är högpresterande är viktigt för organisationer då de ansvarar för många viktiga områden och uppgifter. Under senare tid har etnicitet, kultur och köns påverkan på arbetsgrupper varit faktorer som varit en trend inom forskningen. I skuggan av dessa har olika generationers påverkan blivit bortglömd. Därmed ville vi genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod öka förståelsen för samspel, konflikter och utveckling i multigenerationella grupper. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med två arbetsgrupper ifrån olika företag fick vi ett empiriskt material med en svensk kontext som visade vad medarbetare i grupperna hade för egna erfarenheter och intryck av multigenerationella grupper. Uppsatsen visar att arbetsgrupper gynnas av att ha olika generationer i sin arbetsgrupp då de bidrar med olika styrkor och svagheter som kompletterar varandra väl. Konflikter var något vi vid uppsatsens början förväntade oss skulle finnas mellan generationerna, det visade sig dock inte vara något större problem enligt arbetsgrupperna. Trots olikheter mellan generationernas syn på värderingar, lojalitet och hierarki fungerar samspelet i arbetsgrupperna väl.

From Memos to TikToks: A Qualitative Study of Multigenerational Student Affairs Workplace Expectations

Dixon, Meredith January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Virtuální etnografie sociální interakce příslušníků Generace Z s vrstevníky během pandemie Covid-19 / Virtual Ethnography of Social Interaction Among Generation Z During Covid-19 Pandemic

Štochl, Filip January 2021 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this thesis was to explore the current trend and preferred communication channels for social interaction with peers among members of Generation Z during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this thesis, I seek to answer the questions of whether communication channels for social interaction have changed in light of the pandemic, what channels are being substituted and how, and how participants perceive this new experience with respect to their mental health. I open the thesis with a study of the literature and relevant studies regarding the definition of Generation Z, how they use and perceive technology and communication channels, and the impact of the pandemic on Generation Z. The theoretical section is then followed by a comprehensive research section in which I seek to familiarize the reader with the chosen mixed methods methodology, research design, data collection and finally the analysis and results. First of all, the result of my research shows that face-to-face meetings in restaurants, bars or clubs were most often replaced by walking or meeting outside, meeting at flats or playing video games together. Most of the participants perceived this experience of the pandemic and the reduction of social contacts negatively and experienced anxiety because of that.

An exploratory study: The role of trust and perception through influencer marketing and artificial intelligence on millennials and generation Z’s purchase intent in the online retail context

Ishak, Safaa, Jimale, Hamdi, Jinow-Afrah, Hani January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT  Date: 02.06.2021  Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr  Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Märlardalen University  Title: An exploratory study: The role of trust and perception through influencer marketing and artificial intelligence on millennials and generation Z’s purchase intent in the online retail context.  Tutor: Leanne Johnstone  Keywords: Online consumer behavior, Influencer marketing, Artificial intelligence, Trust in the online context, Perception in the online context, Millennials and Generation Z  List of abbreviations: SNS, SMI, AI, Gen Z, Gen Y, TRA, TPB, TAM  Research questions: How does Influencer’s marketing and AI affect trust and perception (i.e. aspects of consumer buying behavior) for millennials and generation z’s purchase intent in the online retail context?  Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to develop an understanding on how trust and perception, through social media influencers and AI (algorithms) influences the purchase intention of millennials and generation Z’s in the online retail context.  Method: This thesis used an inductive approach towards theory development. In order to accomplish this qualitative research focus group interviews were conducted. The data collected through these focus group interviews were then thematically analyzed to identify common patterns, themes and topics.  Conclusion: The conclusion for this study finds that influencer marketing and artificial intelligence influences trust and perception in the online retail context, which in return impacts the purchase intentions of Millennials and Gen Z. Furthermore, this study also finds that Millennials and Gen Z, based on the experiences of their respective generations, have different behavioral attitudes in the online context.

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