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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Adam : - en litteraturstudie om vem som kom först; mannen eller människan

Nordström, Janica January 2006 (has links)
<p>Enligt den svenska översättningen av bibeln skapades mannen först och kvinnan skapades därefter av mannens revben. Detta arbete syftar till att studera om det finns utrymme för en annan tolkning av den andra skapelseberättelsen i Genesis, än den som traditionsenligt berättas i till exempel Bibel 2000. Kan det vara så att den första människan, ’adam, var en människa av båda eller inget kön, och att kvinnan sedan separerades ifrån ’adam och det som var kvar var mannen? Genom att studera olika forskares och teologers tolkningar av människans skapelse i Genesis 2 och de hebreiska ordens betydelse och placering i verserna har jag kommit fram till att den mest troliga tolkningen av texten är att mannen skapades först och att kvinnan därefter skapades utifrån mannens revben.</p>

"Let Ishmael Live Before You!" Finding a Place for Hagar's Son in the Priestly Tradition

Noble, John Travis 08 October 2013 (has links)
Since Julius Wellhausen's synthesis of the Documentary Hypothesis&mdash;and no doubt owing in part to the Protestant Reformation&mdash;dominant portrayals of the Priestly material have described a self&sim;interested legist with little or no concern for those outside the Levitical ranks. Though this negative characterization is recognized by some to be reductionist and misguided, none has undertaken to examine Ishmael's critical role in what is better understood as a universal mode of thinking in P. Examining first the narratives that give indication of Ishmael's status in J and E, I have contrasted Ishmael with the other non&sim;chosen siblings of Genesis, concluding that he is favored in these sources in a way that the others are not; also, that Ishmael and his mother adumbrate not only the distress of Israel's bondage in Egypt, but also their deliverance. With this background from J and E, I have sought to elucidate P's relationship to these sources through its representation of Ishmael in the Abrahamic covenant. It appears that P has recast the promises that Ishmael receives in J and E so that Ishmael is more explicitly excluded from God's covenant with Abraham, on the one hand; but P also identifies Ishmael with the blessing of fertility, invoking the divine injunction to all humanity through both Adam and Noah to &ldquo;be fruitful and multiply&rdquo; (Gen 17:20), on the other. P's emphasis on fertility also relates to Ishmael's own participation&mdash;though he is non&sim;chosen&mdash;in circumcision as the sign of the covenant. Therefore P accounts for God's universal regard for humanity through Ishmael even in his particular covenant with Abraham. / Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

The image of God (Gen. 1:26-27) in the Pentateuch : a biblical-theological approach / Daniel Simango

Simango, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on how the theme of the image of God (Gen 1 :26-27) is seen and developed in the Pentateuch. The image of God in man (Gen 1 :26-27) has been interpreted in various ways. Predominant opinions have changed over time from the Early Jewish interpretation to the present period. Today there is a wider range of opinion regarding the image of God than ever. This dissertation follows a biblical-theological approach from a Reformed tradition of Genesis 1 :26-27, thus starting with an examination of 1 :26-27 in the context of Genesis 1 where the key words, pronouns and the Ancient Near Eastern concept of the image of God are examined. Genesis 1 :26-27 is examined in the context of Genesis 2-11 and we discover that the image of God in Genesis 1:26-27 is both moral and relational in perspective: it involves moral likeness to God and a relationship between God and man like that between parent and child. The theme of the image of God is traced in both narrative and legal material of the law; certain features of the law suggest that defining God-likeness is at least one goal of the law. Some laws are based on moral God-likeness and others are not based on inherent morality. but on the relational aspect of sonship. The theme image of God is also seen in the New Testament, where Christ is the perfect expression of the image of God. He is the Son of God and morally, he is like the Father. Through his death on the cross, believers are individually adopted in God's family and they become his children. They are to be morally like him. Through sanctification, the Church is being renewed into the image of God. Believers are called to be like Christ. They are to imitate Christ's moral-likeness and submission to the Father. / Thesis (M.A. (Old Testament))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Origin of species or specious origins? : a reformed presuppositional apology to Darwin's origin of species and descent of man / M.K.M. Duboisée de Ricquebourg

Duboisée de Ricquebourg, Martin Kevin Michael January 2010 (has links)
Charles Darwin has achieved both notoriety and fame for his evolutionary ideas encapsulated principally in The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man. Although credited for much originality in his writings, Darwin's legacy borrowed extensively from many who had propounded similar speculations centuries before him. His naturalistic argument for origin and species reveals both logical and theological problems with his thesis, and further unavoidable ramifications. The contention is that even Darwin himself could not, and did not, live by the ideas he boldly espoused. His ideas, if true, would destroy the very basis upon which his thesis depended. His evolutionary paradigm had to take for granted a world he could give no account for. Yet his antipathy of Biblical Christianity, and its God, inspired him to pursue his personal naturalistic agenda with little regard to the logical consequences. Modern evolutionary science may look back today with pride on its founder, Charles Darwin, yet the problems which were intrinsic to his thesis remain unanswered yet. / Thesis (M.Th. (Dogmatics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Deformation, metamorphism and remobilisation in the Hornkullen polymetallic deposit, western Bergslagen, Sweden

Andersson, Stefan January 2014 (has links)
The polymetallic Hornkullen deposit is situated in the western part of the Bergslagen ore province, Sweden. It is hosted by an inlier of approximately 1.90-1.88 Ga Svecofennian volcanic and sedimentary metasupracrustal rocks enclosed in a significantly younger, c. 1.8 Ga TIB granitoid (Filipstad granite). Although being mined intermittently for silver during the last 100s of years in addition to been the subject for more recent exploration work, the genesis of this deposit and others in a similar geological position is poorly understood. The hypothesis is that the Hornkullen deposit represents a metamorphically overprinted, syn-volcanic Svecofennian mineralisation. The main ore assemblage comprises magnetite, pyrrhotite, galena, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite with subordinate pyrite, sphalerite, ilmenite and löllingite. Pb-Fe-Ag-Sb sulphosalts include boulangerite, meneghinite, jamesonite, freibergite-tetrahedrite, pyrargyrite, and stephanite, which mainly occur in trace amounts. Gudmundite and molybdenite are rare accessories. Generally, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite have accommodated strain in a ductile manner. Locally, this can also be seen in boulangerite, meneghinite and sphalerite. Magnetite, arsenopyrite and pyrite frequently have been deformed in a brittle way. The contrast in competence resulted in the remobilisation of the more ductile minerals into fractures in the more competent minerals. In massive parts, this contrast also resulted in more fragmented clasts of competent minerals within a less competent matrix, similar to “ball ore” texture. Recrystallisation is particularly evident in magnetite and pyrrhotite but also seen in coarser aggregates of ilmenite. Additionally, these minerals and also pyrite and arsenopyrite frequently exhibit euhedral morphology when occurring within less ductile minerals. Inclusions of ore minerals in porphyroblastic garnet are abundant. Geothermobarometry of arsenopyrite and sphalerite suggests temperatures and pressures of 525°C (between 440°C and c. 590°C) and c. 300-400 MPa, consistent with regional Svecokarelian amphibolite facies metamorphism, albeit with some caveats. Fluid inclusion entrapment conditions were determined to c. 440°C (between 400°C and 600°C) and c. 280 MPa. The observed textures are a result of deformation and remobilisation of diverse ore minerals during the Svecokarelian orogeny. Remobilisation was possibly initiated during prograde metamorphism, followed by additional and more extensive modification during retrograde conditions, at least to temperatures below 200°C. Sulphosalt formation is considered to reflect an evolution from prograde through retrograde metamorphism, although most of them formed during the retrograde stage, including the Ag-minerals. No evidence for any additional introduction of elements from later TIB magmatism is present. The combined observations can most easily be reconciled with a metamorphically overprinted syn-volcanic Svecofennian mineralisation. / Den polymetalliska mineraliseringen vid Hornkullen är belägen i västra Bergslagen i Mellansverige. Den uppträder i ca. 1,90-1,88 miljarder år gamla Svekofenniska metavulkaniska- och sedimentära ytbergarter inneslutna i en yngre, ca. 1,8 miljarder år gammal intrusiv bergart, så kallad Filipstadsgranit. Trots att mineraliseringen ganska nyligen varit ett mål för prospektering samt tidigare brutits på silver, saknas fortfarande information om dess malmmineralogi och hur den bildats. Hypotesen är att Hornkullen utgörs av en metamorft överpräglad synvulkanisk Svekofennisk mineralisering. Den domineras av magnetit, magnetkis, blyglans, kopparkis och arsenikkis och i mindre mängd pyrit, zinkblände, ilmenit och löllingit. Pb-Fe-Ag-Sb-sulfosalter finns lokalt och inkluderar boulangerit, meneghinit, jamesonit, freibergit-tetrahedrit, pyrargyrit, och stephanit. Gudmundit och molybdenglans är andra sällsynta accessoriska malmmineral. Blyglans, kopparkis och magnetkis har deformerats plastiskt men lokalt också boulangerit, meneghinit och zinkblände. Magnetit, arsenikkis och pyrit har deformerats sprött. Denna tydliga skillnad i kompetens har resulterat i att inkompetenta mineral ommobiliserats och kommit att fylla sprickor i de mer kompetenta mineralen. I massiva delar av mineraliseringen har denna skillnad även resulterat i en textur av kulmalmstyp. Granoblastisk omkristallisering är särskilt tydligt i magnetit och magnetkis, men även i grovkorniga aggregat av ilmenit. Vidare så förekommer dessa mineral liksom pyrit och arsenikkis ofta som euhedrala kristaller i mindre kompetent matrix. Inneslutningar av malmmineral i porfyroblastisk granat är vanligt förekommande. Geotermobarometri på arsenikkis och zinkblände gav temperatur och tryck på 525°C (mellan 440°C och ca. 590°C) och ca. 300-400 MPa, vilket överensstämmer med regional Svekokarelsk amfibolitfaciesmetamorfos. Förhållandena vid infångandet av synmetamorfa vätskeinneslutningar har uppskattats till en temperatur på ca. 440°C (mellan 400 och 600°C) och tryck på ca. 280 MPa. Merparten av de observerade texturerna är resultat av deformation och ommobilisering relaterad till de förhållanden som rådde under den Svekokarelska orogenesen. Ommobiliseringen av vissa mineral startades förmodligen redan under prograd metamorfos, vilket sedan följdes av mer omfattande modifikation under retrograda förhållanden, åtminstone till temperaturer under 200°C. Bildningen av sulfosalter reflekterar en utveckling från prograd till retrograd metamorfos där de flesta bildats under den senare, retrograda fasen, däribland de olika silvermineralen. Alla observationer resulterar sammantaget i tolkningen att Hornkullen är en regional-metamorft överpräglad och deformerad synvulkanisk Svekofennisk mineralisering.

Origin of species or specious origins? : a reformed presuppositional apology to Darwin's origin of species and descent of man / M.K.M. Duboisée de Ricquebourg

Duboisée de Ricquebourg, Martin Kevin Michael January 2010 (has links)
Charles Darwin has achieved both notoriety and fame for his evolutionary ideas encapsulated principally in The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man. Although credited for much originality in his writings, Darwin's legacy borrowed extensively from many who had propounded similar speculations centuries before him. His naturalistic argument for origin and species reveals both logical and theological problems with his thesis, and further unavoidable ramifications. The contention is that even Darwin himself could not, and did not, live by the ideas he boldly espoused. His ideas, if true, would destroy the very basis upon which his thesis depended. His evolutionary paradigm had to take for granted a world he could give no account for. Yet his antipathy of Biblical Christianity, and its God, inspired him to pursue his personal naturalistic agenda with little regard to the logical consequences. Modern evolutionary science may look back today with pride on its founder, Charles Darwin, yet the problems which were intrinsic to his thesis remain unanswered yet. / Thesis (M.Th. (Dogmatics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

In the beginning : a book arts exploration of the creation account in Genesis : a thesis presented in fulfillment of the requirements for a degree of Masters in Design at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Park, Hana January 2009 (has links)
This research project will explore Book Arts through the book of Genesis, focusing on the first seven days of creation. Particular attention will be paid to the interactive multi-sensual aspects of the book as object and to adding life and meaning to the reading experience. This exploration of Book Arts through Genesis will result in the development of a form of book that encourages engagement in both physical and psychological interactions to find new ways of reading – particularly scriptural texts – influencing spiritual growth and personal relationships. Particularly within, but not limited to, a Christian context. This project seeks to turn the book into a viable organism in our lives. The book itself will engage viewers through layers of sensory experience and nuanced psychological interaction.

Topographical influence on soil chemistry /

Sørensen, Rasmus, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Licentiatavhandling (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.

Die Genesis in der Alten Kirche; die drei Kirchenväter,

Armstrong, Gregory T. January 1962 (has links)
Promotionsarbeit--Heidelberg. / Bibliography: p. [146]-153.

Mineralogia da argila e atributos físicos de um argissolo em curvaturas de relevo /

Camargo, Livia Arantes. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Os atributos mineralógicos e físicos possuem dependência espacial e a distribuição espacial destes atributos possui relação com as formas do relevo. O objeto deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos mineralógicos da fração argila e os atributos físicos de um argissolo em curvaturas do relevo, assim como avaliar a correlação entre esses atributos. Uma malha de dimensão 100 x 100 m foi delimitada em uma área caracterizada pela forma convexa e outra pela fôrma côncava. As malhas possuem espaçamento regular de 10 x 10 m e os pontos de cruzamento deste espaçamento determinaram os pontos de coleta das amostras, num total de 121 pontos amostrais georreferenciados em cada malha. Os atributos físicos foram avaliados nas profundidades 0,0- 0,2 e 0,2-0,4 m e os atributos mineralógicos na profundidade 0,0- 0,2 m. Os atributos físicos analisados foram diâmetro médio ponderado, diâmetro médio geométrico, agregados maiores que 2 mm, agregados entre 2 e 1 mm , agregados menores que 1 mm, microporos, macroporos, volume total de poros, densidade do solo, resistência do solo à penetração e teor de água no solo, já os atributos mineralógicos da fração argila foram largura a meia altura, diâmetro médio do cristal dos óxidos de ferro, da caulinita e gibbsita, substituição isomórfica e área de superfície específica da hematita e goethita. Os teores da goethita e hematita e razão goethita/(goethita+hematita) e razão caulinita/(caulinita+gibbsita) também foram calculados. Os dados foram submetidos às análises estatísticas e geoestatísticas para avaliação da variabilidade espacial e influência das curvaturas nestes atributos. Para avaliação da relação entre os atributos da mineralogia e físicos realizaram-se as análises de correlação simples e espacial. Os atributos físicos e mineralógicos apresentaram-se dependentes das curvaturas do relevo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The mineralogicals and physical attributes have spatial dependence and the distribution of these attributes has relation with the forms of relief. The object of this study was to evaluate the attributes of clay mineralogy and the physical attributes of an argissol in curvatures of relief, as well as assess the correlation between these attributes. A grid size of 100 x 100 meters was defined in an area characterized by the convex shape and another in an area characterized by the concave shape. The grids have regular spacing of 10 x 10 m and the spacing of the points of intersection determine the points of collection of samples, a total of 121 georeferenced sample points in each grid. The physical attributes were evaluated in depth from 0.0 - 0.2 and 0.2 -0.4 m and the mineralogical attributes in depth 0,00-0,20 m. The physical attributes were analyzed: mean weight diameter, mean geometric diameter, aggregates larger than 2 mm, aggregates between 2 and 1 mm, aggregates smaller than 1 mm, microporosity, macroporosity, total porosity, bulk density, penetration resistance and water content in soil. The attributes of minerals were: width at half height, average diameter of crystals of iron oxides and kaolinite and gibbsite and isomorphic substitution and specific surface area of hematite and goethite. The contents of goethite and hematite and ratio goethite / (goethite + hematite) [Gt / (Gt + Hm)] and ratio kaolinite / (kaolinite + gibbsite) [Ct / (Ct + Gb)] were also calculated. Data were subjected to statistical and geostatistical analysis to evaluate the spatial variability and influence of these curvatures on these attributes. To assess the relation between mineralogy and physical attributes simple and spation correlation analysis where made. The physical and mineralogical attributes and depend on the curvature of the relief. There was also the influence of crystallinity of goethite and gibbsite in soil physical. / Orientador: José Marques Júnior / Coorientador: Gener Tadeu Pereira / Banca: Marcílio Vieira Martins Filho / Banca: Zigomar Menezes de Souza / Mestre

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