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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation de méthodes statistiques pour l'interprétation des mélanges d'ADN en science forensique / Evaluation of statistical methods for the analysis of forensic DNA mixtures

Haned, Hinda 29 October 2010 (has links)
L’analyse et l’interprétation d’´echantillons constitu´es de mélanges d’ADN de plusieurs individus est un défi majeur en science forensique. Lorsqu’un expert de la police scientifique a affaire à un mélange d’ADN il doit répondre à deux questions: d’abord, “combien de contributeurs y a-t-il dans ce mélange ?”et puis, “quels sont les génotypes des individus impliqués ?” Le typage seul de cet ADN ne permet pas toujours de r´epondre `a ces questions. En effet leproblème est posé d`es lors que plus de deux allèles sont observées à un locus donné, plusieurscombinaisons génotypiques sont alors `a envisager et il est impossible de déterminer avec certitudele nombre d’individus qui ont contribué au m´elange. De plus, la présence d’anomalies liées àl’analyse de marqueurs g´en´etiques, comme la contamination ou la perte d’all`eles (“drop-out”),peut davantage compliquer l’analyse.Les nombreux d´eveloppements statistiques d´edi´es `a ces probl´ematiques n’ont pas eu le succ`esescompt´e dans la communaut´e forensique, essentiellement, parce que ces m´ethodes n’ont pas ´et´evalid´ees. Or sans cette validation, les experts de la police scientifique ne peuvent exploiter cesm´ethodes sur des m´elanges issus d’affaires en cours d’investigation.Avant d’ˆetre valid´ees, ces m´ethodes doivent passer par une rigoureuse ´etape d’´evaluation.Cette derni`ere soul`eve deux questions: d’abord, la question de la m´ethodologie `a adopter, puis,celle des outils `a d´eployer. Dans cette th`ese, nous tentons de r´epondre aux deux questions.D’abord, nous menons des ´etudes d’´evaluation sur des m´ethodes d´edi´ees `a deux questions cl´es: i)l’estimation du nombre de contributeurs `a un m´elange d’ADN et ii) l’estimation des probabilit´esde “drop-out”. En second lieu, nous proposons un logiciel “open-source” qui offre un certainnombre de fonctionnalit´es permettant de faciliter l’´evaluation de m´ethodes statistiques d´edi´eesaux m´elanges d’ADN.Cette thèse a pour but d’apporter une r´eponse concr`ete aux experts de la police scientifiqueen leur fournissant `a la fois une d´emarche m´ethodologique pour l’´evaluation de m´ethodes, et lapossibilit´e d’analyser la sensibilit´e de leurs r´esultats au travers d’un outil informatique en libreacc`es. / Analysis of forensic DNA mixtures recovered from crime scenes is one of the most challengingtasks in forensic science. DNA mixture raise two main questions: “how many contributors arethere” and “what are the genotypes of the contributing individuals?” The genetic characterizationalone of such samples does not always answer these questions. In fact, whenever more thantwo alleles are observed at a given locus, several distinct genotypic combinations are plausiblefor the unknown contributors to the sample, and it is not possible to determine the number ofthese contributors with absolute certainty. Besides, the presence of anomalies related to DNAtyping techniques, such as contamination or allele loss (drop-out), can further complicate theanalysis.Numerous statistical developments facilitating DNA mixtures interpretation were proposed,but they did not receive the expected success in the forensic community. The main explanationfor this is that these methods are not validated for forensic casework.In order to achieve this validation criterion, the methods must undergo a rigorous evaluationstep. The latter raises two questions: i) how methods should be evaluated? and ii) whattools can be used to conduct evaluation studies? In this thesis we attempt to answer bothquestions. First, we evaluate methods dedicated to two key issues, the estimation of the numberof contributors to DNA mixtures and the estimation of drop-out probabilities. Second, wepropose an “open-source” software that offers a number of functionalities dedicated to facilitatingmethod evaluation through the simulation of data commonly encountered in forensic settings.This thesis aims to provide a concrete answer to the issues raised by forensic DNA mixtures,by providing a methodology for method evaluation and by offering necessary tools to enablemethod evaluation.

Development of Y-STR genotyping systems suitable for sexual assault cases in South Africa

Cloete, Kevin Wesley January 2010 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Sexual assault is a significant problem facing the South African society. In this context, efficient but also affordable genotyping systems are needed for positive identification of criminals in incidences of sexual violence. The aim of this study was therefore to develop non-commercial Y-STR genotyping systems suitable for sexual assault cases in South Africa. Y-chromosome STR loci constituting the minimal haplotype are still the most widely used loci in investigating sexual assault cases despite the fact that DYS391 and DYS392 have shown low levels of polymorphism in Xhosa populations in Cape Town. The minimal haplotype was, therefore, further investigated in the Cape Muslim population. The Cape Muslim population generally exhibited high GD values among all the South African populations. These values were higher than 0.5 for most loci, and ranged from 0.447 for DYS391 to 0.957 for DYS385. The highest number of alleles in most loci was also recorded in this population. The overall assessment of the minimal haplotype has shown that this system is still a useful in investigating sexual assault case in many South African subpopulations. Therefore the exercise of internal validation of the minimal haplotype system was successfully carried out in the laboratory. The properties of additional novel and widely used STRs were also investigated in this study. Loci were successfully sequenced and allele nomenclature was assigned to them according to the ISFG guidelines. / South Africa

Forensic identification of six of Tanzanian populations using the extended haplotype markers

Mwema, Hadija Saidi January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the power of discrimination and genetic (diversity) parameters in the Y chromosome extended haploytpe markers in populations of Tanzania for forensic and populations studies. Eleven Y chromosome extended haplotype markers were selected for this study, these includes Minimal haplotypes markers i.e. DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385a/b, DYS389I/II and two additional markers DYS438 and DYS439. Six populations of Tanzania were investigated under this study. These populations were selected based on the language family categories; Niger Congo (Kuria and Sukuma), Nilo Saharan (Luo and Maasai) and Afro Asiatic (Iraqw and Alagwa). / South Africa

Genetic diversity of the Organic Cation Transporter 1 gene within the Cape Coloured Population

Pearce, Brendon January 2012 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of the SLC22A1 gene and to deduce its possible pharmacogenetic implications within the Cape Coloured population of South Africa; a uniquely admixed population of immigrant Europeans, Asians and the indigenous populations. Recent studies have reported an abundance of polymorphic variants within this solute carrier transporter gene encoding for the organic cation transporter 1, as well as evidence linking these variants to an effect on metformin uptake. This study included establishing baseline frequency distribution of previously reported alleles for 20 SNP variants within the SLC22A1 gene, as well as the development of SNaPshot® and Multiplex AS-PCR genotyping assays, and also exploring the possibility of using High-resolution melt (HRM) analysis as a costeffective alternative for SNP genotyping. Ethics clearance was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the University of the Western Cape. Biological samples in the form of buccal (oral) swabs were collected from 132 unrelated voluntary donors from the Cape Coloured population residing in the Cape Metropolitan area. Two SNaPshot® Multiplex Systems were specifically designed for the study,successfully optimized and used for genotyping. Hundred genetic profiles were then generated for a total of 20 SNP variants on SLC22A1 gene, using this primer extension-based genotyping method that enables multiplexing up 10 SNPs. Population genetics data obtained for the investigated SNPs were analysed using various statistical analysis software. Important population genetic parameters were calculated, and possible pharmacogenetics implications were then discussed. Among others, allelic and genotypic frequencies, as well as linkage disequilibrium were determined and compared with world populations. Minor deviation from Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium was observed in the Cape Coloured population. No significantLinkage Disequilibrium between the investigated SNPs was observed in this population. A Multiplex allele specific – PCR (MAS-PCR) genotyping system was successfully designed and optimized for the genotyping of 10 SNPs from the SLC22A1. This system, also developed specifically for this study, was made of 2 multiplexes each covering 5 SNPs. It is an inexpensive genotyping assay that allows for efficient discrimination of SNP polymorphisms in one reaction tube with standard PCR conditions. A pilot study was conducted to explore the possibility of using High-resolution melt (HRM) analysis as a cost-effective alternative for SNP genotyping. In addition to genotyping, HRM analysis can be used to scan large numbers of samples for novel genetic variations. / South Africa

Diversité génétique et sensibilité aux antifongiques d’isolats d’Aspergillus spp. provenant d’élevages aviaires du Guangxi , Chine / Genetic diversity and antifungal susceptibility of Aspergillus spp. isolates from avian farms in Guangxi, China

Wang, Dong ying 13 April 2012 (has links)
Les champignons du genre Aspergillus sont des moisissures banales de l'environnement. Elles sont présentes dans le sol et sur des végétaux en décomposition. Les Aspergillus se propagent par l'intermédiaire de spores microscopiques en suspension dans l'air. L'Homme et les animaux sont exposés en permanence aux spores aspergillaires mais les défenses immunes empêchent leur développement dans l'organisme. Lorsque ces défenses sont amoindries, une aspergillose est possible. Dans ce cas, Aspergillus fumigatus et A. flavus sont le plus souvent incriminés. Les oiseaux sont beaucoup plus sensibles que les mammifères et l'environnement représenté par les élevages aviaires est propice à la prolifération des moisissures du genre Aspergillus. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de caractériser la diversité génétique et la sensibilité aux antifongiques d'isolats d'Aspergillus provenant d'élevages aviaires dans la province du Guangxi en Chine. La première partie de la thèse est une analyse bibliographique sur les champignons du genre Aspergillus, les aspergilloses et les caractéristiques de l'élevage aviaire en Chine. Une première enquête a été réalisée dans 3 élevages près de la ville de Nanning et dans un élevage (incluant un éclosoir) à proximité de la ville de Guilin. Des écouvillonnages pharyngés et des prélèvements d'air ont été réalisés pendant plusieurs semaines. Des prélèvements ont également été faits sur des œufs dans l'éclosoir. Cette enquête a montré que le niveau de contamination fongique dépendait du type d'élevage. De nombreux isolats fongiques ont pu être collectés : 188 isolats d'A. fumigatus et 159 isolats d'A. flavus. La seconde partie du travail expérimental a porté sur la caractérisation de la diversité génétique d'A. fumigatus et d'A. flavus. Pour cela, la technique MLVA (multiple locus VNTR analysis) a été utilisée. Pour A. flavus, 8 marqueurs VNTR (variable-number tandem-repeat) ont été sélectionnés et une réaction PCR multiplex a été mise au point. Au total, 91 isolats d'A. flavus, incluant 6 souches de référence, ont été caractérisées avec le panel des 8 marqueurs VNTR. Cette analyse a permis de définir 78 génotypes distincts et un index de discrimination de 0,993. L'analyse de 188 isolats d'A. fumigatus avec 10 marqueurs VNTR a permis de définir 142 génotypes distincts. Certains génotypes d'A. flavus ou d'A. fumigatus sont clairement regroupés dans le nuage de point généré par l'analyse MST (minimum spanning tree). La troisième partie du travail expérimental a porté sur la sensibilité aux antifongiques de 177 isolats d'A. fumigatus. Ces isolats ont été récupérés dans des élevages aviaires en Chine et en France. Les isolats de Chine sont pour la plupart sensibles avec des valeurs minimales inhibitrices (vis-à-vis de l'itraconazole) comprises entre 0,38 et 0,75 µg/mL. Les isolats de France sont pour la plupart sensibles avec des valeurs minimales inhibitrices (vis-à-vis de l'itraconazole) comprises entre 0.19 and 1 µg/mL. Quatre souches ont été considérées comme résistantes : 2 souches provenant de deux élevages en Chine et 2 souches provenant de deux élevages en France. Des mutations sur le gène Cyp51A ont été détectées pour 11 isolats (3 résistants et 8 sensibles). Vingt et une mutations nucléotidiques ont été identifiées. Onze de ces mutations sont silencieuses et 9 sont à l'origine d'un changement de la composition de la protéine. Sept substitutions ont déjà été décrites dans la littérature ; les mutations A116R, E130D et Q131H sont originales. / Fungi of the genus Aspergillus are moulds, which occur most frequently in soil, water and decaying vegetation. They sporulate abundantly and the spores are easily dispersed into the environment by air. As a result of this ubiquitous presence, animals and people are constantly exposed to Aspergillus spores. Aspergillus fumigatus and A. flavus are recognized as predominant causes of fungal diseases in humans and wide range of animals. Birds are much more sensitive that mammals and in avian farms, environmental conditions are favorable to the development of many fungal species, including Aspergillus spp. The objective of the present study was to assess the genetic diversity and antifungal susceptibility of Aspergillus isolates from avian farms in Guangxi, China. The first part of the experimental work related the evolution of fungal contamination in 3 avian farms near the city of Nanning and one farm (including a hatchery) near the city of Guilin. Pharyngeal swabs and air samples were collected during several weeks and 3 cycles of hatching were monitored. The average contamination level with Aspergillus spp. and Mucorales was significantly different according to the farms. The survey allowed to collect a total number of 188 A. fumigatus and 159 A. flavus isolates. The second part of the work was about the genetic diversity of A. fumigatus and A. flavus. For that purpose, the Multiple Locus Variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) Analysis was specifically developed and used. For A. flavus, 8 VNTR markers were selected and a multiplex reaction was designed. A total number of 91 A. flavus isolates, including 6 reference strains were typed with the panel of 8 VNTRs. This analysis yielded 78 different genotypes, which corresponds to a combined loci index of 0.993. Among all genotypes, 71 were only found once. The analysis of 188 A. fumigatus isolates using 10 VNTR markers led to the resolution of 142 distinct genotypes. Clusters of A. flavus or A. fumigatus isolates could be defined by using the graphing algorithm Minimum Spanning Tree. The third part of the experimental work was about the antifungal susceptibility of 177 A. fumigatus isolates collected in avian farms in China and France. Most of the isolates from China were susceptible to itraconazole with a Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) comprised between 0.38 and 0.75 µg/mL. Most of the isolates from birds and avian farms in France were susceptible to itraconazole with a MIC comprised between 0.19 and 1 µg/mL. MIC values of isolates collected in farms with antifungal chemoprophylaxis were not higher than those of isolates collected from birds (that never received antifungal drugs before the sampling). Susceptibility testings demonstrated that 4 isolates should be considered as resistant to itraconazole: (2 isolates from avian farms in Guangxi, China and 2 isolates from avian farms in France). A modification of the Cyp51A sequence was identified in 11 isolates (3 azole-resistant and 8 azole-susceptible isolates). Twenty-one nucleotidic mutations were detected. Eleven of these mutations were silent and 10 yielded to amino acid substitutions. Seven of these substitutions had already been described whereas mutations A116R, E130D and Q131H were original.

Molecular characterization of Leishmania infantum strains and evaluation of new drugs to cure visceral leishmaniasis / Caractérisation moléculaire des souches de leishmania infantum et évaluation de nouveaux médicaments pour soigner la leishmaniose viscérale

Aluru, Srikanth 18 December 2014 (has links)
La leishmaniose viscérale (LV) est la forme la plus sévère de la leishmaniose humaine. Elle est transmise par la piqûre d'un phlébme. La leishmaniose viscérale est mortelle en l'absence de traitement. Les options thérapeutiques courantes contre la leishmaniose viscérale sont limitées. En région méditerranéenne, la LV est due à Leishmania infantum, zoonose dont le chien est le principal réservoir. A côté de quelques cas d'infection systémique, un nombre important d'humains porteurs asymptomatiques a été mis en evidence. En première partie, nous avons étudié l'intérêt du MultiLocus Microsatellite Genotyping (MLMT) pour l'identification des souches de Leishmania du sud de la France. Par MLMT nous avons étudié la variabilité génétique de différentes souches et recherché une association avec les différentes formes cliniques, la résistance aux médicaments et les phénomènes de rechutes. Nous avons observé une hétérogénéité génétique entre les différentes souches de L. infantum MON-1. Si l'association de certains génotypes avec les différentes expressions cliniques de la leishmaniose n'a pu être démontrée, nous avons par contre observé une répartition préférentielle géographique de certains génotypes. En deuxième partie, nous avons mis au point un protocole expérimental destiné au criblage de nouveaux agents anti-Leishmania infantum ayant pour cible la machinerie cellulaire mise en route par la cellule hôte pour l'élimination du parasite intracellulaire. Nos résultats ont montré que les altérations du système de trafic intracellulaire de la cellule-hôte induites par certains composés étaient corrélées à la mort du parasite et à son élimination. / Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is the most severe form of Human Leishmaniases, which occurs when protozoan parasites Leishmania donovani or L. infantum, given by phlebotomine sandfly bites. The disease is fatal when untreated. Current treatment options against VL are very limited with few drug molecules, often expensive, not always safe and able to induce resistance phenomenon.In this report, we have characterized on one hand, different genetic variants of Leishmania infantum strains isolated in different geographical areas from southern France and on the other hand have identified new potential anti-Leishmania infantum compounds and characterized their molecular mechanism of action.In the first part, we studied the interest of Multilocus Microsatellite Genotyping (MLMT) for the identification of Leishmania strains from southern France. By genotyping technique MLMT, we studied the genetic variability of different strains and sought an association with different clinical forms of leishmaniasis, resistance to drugs and relapse. We observed genetic heterogeneity among different strains of L. infantum-MON-1. we observed a preferential geographic distribution of certain genotypes.In the second part, we have developed an experimental protocol for the screening of new anti-Leishmania infantum compounds that target the host cell machinery responsible for the intracellular parasite killing, we studied the different steps of endocytic pathways potentially targeted by these compounds. Our results showed that with some compounds, modifications of the intracellular trafficking of the host cell were correlated with parasite death and its elimination.

Vers une utilisation optimale du génotypage et des scores de gravité dans la prise en charge de la drépanocytose / Towards an optimal use of genotyping and of severity scores in the medical follow-up of sickle-cell disease

Joly, Philippe 13 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à optimiser l’utilisation du génotypage et des scores de gravité dans la drépanocytose. L’aspect diagnostic génétique ne nous semblait pas poser problème jusqu’à ce que nous rencontrions un cas très atypique d’hétérozygotie A/S avec délétion en mosaïque du gène β-globine qui nous a conduits à réfléchir sur une nouvelle forme génétique potentielle de syndrome drépanocytaire majeur. Pour ce qui est des gènes modificateurs de drépanocytose, nous avons voulu faciliter leur l’accès en proposant, pour deux d’entre eux (haplotypes β-globine et G6PD), une méthode de génotypage rapide par HRM et/ou FRET. Notre travail a consisté ensuite en la validation d’un score de sévérité pédiatrique décrit initialement par Van den Tweel. De façon inattendue, les résultats nous ont amenés à nous interroger sur le rôle exact du génotype α-globine dans la drépanocytose avec un possible effet âge-dépendant. Enfin, nous avons étudié les fréquences alléliques des principaux polymorphismes influant sur l’activité des opiacés: une résistance pharmacologique (gènes OPRM1 et COMT) est apparue peu probable mais une proportion non négligeable de drépanocytaires pourrait avoir des génotypes ABCB1 et UGT2B7 défavorables à la biodisponibilité des opiacés / This work is submitted for a PhD thesis in the field of red cell haematology. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a monogenic disorder under polygenic and environmental control. The aim of this work was to integrate genotyping results from patients' DNA into the determination of the disease severity scores. Through a large population of SCD patients, we have discovered an atypical case of βA / βS heterozygosity namely, a mosaicism deletion of the beta-globin gene. This represents a new SCD complex situation for molecular diagnosis. Further investigations have led to set up a new genotyping method by using HRM and/or FRET for the determination of two SCD modifiers (beta-globin haplotypes and G6PD deficiency). By using a paediatric severity score of the disease proposed by Van den Tweel, our results show that there is a possible age-dependent effect of the alpha-globin gene in the severity of SCD. Finally, we studied the allelic frequencies of the main opiate-related polymorphisms: a pharmacological resistance (OPRM1 and COMT genes) seemed unlikely but a quite important proportion of patients could have both an ABCB1 and a UGT2B7 genotype unfavorable for opiates bioavailability

Apport du séquençage haut débit dans l'analyse bioinformatique du génome du virus de l'hépatite C / High-throughput sequencing contribution in bioinformatics analysis of hepatitis C virus genome

Caporossi, Alban 26 November 2019 (has links)
Le séquençage haut débit a été utilisé dans ce travail pour reconstruire avec des méthodes adaptées le génomeviral entier du virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) notamment pour le typer avec précision. Une étude a ainsi permisde mettre en évidence la présence d’une forme recombinante du VHC chez un patient. Une autre a permisde typer et détecter les mutations de résistance de plusieurs souches de VHC de génotypes différents. Enfin,une dernière étude basée sur cette approche a permis de découvrir une souche VHC appartenant à un nouveausous-type. Le séquençage haut débit a aussi été utilisé dans ce travail pour détecter des infections multiples etanalyser l’évolution virale en ciblant des gènes du VHC et en mettant en œuvre des méthodes non spécifiquespour 2 patients VHC sous traitement. Cette étude rétrospective a permis de définir la composition de chaqueéchantillon temporel, estimer leur diversité nucléotidique, explorer la structure génétique de la population viraleet son évolution temporelle et dater les infections secondaires. Les résultats obtenus supportent l’hypothèse d’unmécanisme d’apparition de résistance au traitement (selective sweeps). / High-throughput sequencing has been used in this work to reconstruct with adapted methods the whole genomeof the hepatitis C virus (HCV) particularly for accurately typing the virus. Thus, we managed to detect in a studya recombinant form of HCV circulating within a patient. We typed and detected in another study resistancemutations of several HCV strains of different genotypes. Finally, a last study based on this approach enabled touncover a HCV strain belonging to a new subtype. High-throughput sequencing has also been used in this workto detect multiple infections and analyze viral evolution with targeted HCV genes and non-specific methods for2 HCV patients under treatment. This retrospective study enabled to define the composition of each temporalsample, assess their nucleotide diversity, investigate viral population genetic structure and temporal evolutionand date secondary infections. Results of this analysis support the hypothesis of onset mechanism of treatmentresistance (selective sweeps).

Cellular adhesion gene SELP is associated with rheumatoid arthritis and displays differential allelic expression

Burkhardt, Jana, Blume, Mechthild, Petit-Teixeira, Elisabeth, Teixeira, Vitor Hugo, Steiner, Anke, Quente, Elfi, Wolfram, Grit, Scholz, Markus, Pierlot, Céline, Migliorini, Paola, Bombardieri, Stefano, Balsa, Alejandro, Westhovens, René, Barrera, Pilar, Radstake, Timothy R. D. J., Alves, Helena, Bardin, Thomas, Prum, Bernard, Emmrich, Frank, Cornelis, Francois, Ahnert, Peter, Kirsten, Holger January 2014 (has links)
In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a key event is infiltration of inflammatory immune cells into the synovial lining, possibly aggravated by dysregulation of cellular adhesion molecules. Therefore, single nucleotide polymorphisms of 14 genes involved in cellular adhesion processes (CAST, ITGA4, ITGB1, ITGB2, PECAM1, PTEN, PTPN11, PTPRC, PXN, SELE, SELP, SRC, TYK2, and VCAM1) were analyzed for association with RA. Association analysis was performed consecutively in three European RA family sample groups (Nfamilies = 407). Additionally, we investigated differential allelic expression, a possible functional consequence of genetic variants. SELP (selectin P, CD62P) SNP-allele rs6136-T was associated with risk for RA in two RA family sample groups as well as in global analysis of all three groups (ptotal = 0.003). This allele was also expressed preferentially (p,1026) with a two- fold average increase in regulated samples. Differential expression is supported by data from Genevar MuTHER (p1 = 0.004; p2 = 0.0177). Evidence for influence of rs6136 on transcription factor binding was also found in silico and in public datasets reporting in vitro data. In summary, we found SELP rs6136-T to be associated with RA and with increased expression of SELP mRNA. SELP is located on the surface of endothelial cells and crucial for recruitment, adhesion, and migration of inflammatory cells into the joint. Genetically determined increased SELP expression levels might thus be a novel additional risk factor for RA.

Genotyping bacterial and fungal pathogens using sequence variation in the gene for the CCA-adding enzyme

Franz, Paul, Betat, Heike, Mörl, Mario January 2016 (has links)
Background: To allow an immediate treatment of an infection with suitable antibiotics and bactericides or fungicides, there is an urgent need for fast and precise identification of the causative human pathogens. Methods based on DNA sequence comparison like 16S rRNA analysis have become standard tools for pathogen verification. However, the distinction of closely related organisms remains a challenging task. To overcome such limitations, we identified a new genomic target sequence located in the single copy gene for tRNA nucleotidyltransferase fulfilling the requirements for a ubiquitous, yet highly specific DNA marker. In the present study, we demonstrate that this sequence marker has a higher discriminating potential than commonly used genotyping markers in pro- as well as eukaryotes, underscoring its applicability as an excellent diagnostic tool in infectology. Results: Based on phylogenetic analyses, a region within the gene for tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (CCA-adding enzyme) was identified as highly heterogeneous. As prominent examples for pro- and eukaryotic pathogens, several Vibrio and Aspergillus species were used for genotyping and identification in a multiplex PCR approach followed by gel electrophoresis and fluorescence-based product detection. Compared to rRNA analysis, the selected gene region of the tRNA nucleotidyltransferase revealed a seven to 30-fold higher distinction potential between closely related Vibrio or Aspergillus species, respectively. The obtained data exhibit a superb genome specificity in the diagnostic analysis. Even in the presence of a 1,000-fold excess of human genomic DNA, no unspecific amplicons were produced. Conclusions: These results indicate that a relatively short segment of the coding region for tRNA nucleotidyltransferase has a higher discriminatory potential than most established diagnostic DNA markers. Besides identifying microbial pathogens in infections, further possible applications of this new marker are food hygiene controls or metagenome analyses.

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