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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delibera??o e participa??o: din?mica e efetividade do conselho de sa?de de Mossor?/RN ? 2009/2012

Vale Neto, Raimundo Nonato do 02 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-10T23:51:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RaimundoNonatoDoValeNeto_DISSERT.pdf: 1093905 bytes, checksum: 9dab884779cdd76eaadf96946ac08620 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-18T23:26:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RaimundoNonatoDoValeNeto_DISSERT.pdf: 1093905 bytes, checksum: 9dab884779cdd76eaadf96946ac08620 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-18T23:26:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RaimundoNonatoDoValeNeto_DISSERT.pdf: 1093905 bytes, checksum: 9dab884779cdd76eaadf96946ac08620 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-02 / A participa??o social no Brasil toma novo impulso com o processo de redemocratiza??o da sociedade brasileira e se fortalece com o ressurgimento da sociedade civil e com a Constitui??o de 1988. Nesse contexto, o estudo ? realizado com o escopo de verificar a capacidade deliberativa do Conselho Municipal de Sa?de de Mossor? (CMSM), a partir do modelo da normatividade participativa aferindo os graus de institucionaliza??o, democratiza??o e representa??o do conselho. J? o modelo da efetividade deliberativa considera a capacidade de vocaliza??o e de agenda dos participantes, os tipos de manifesta??o, as decis?es e a fun??o do conselho, a partir da leitura e a an?lise das atas permitindo aferir assim, o grau de efetividade deliberativa do conselho. Verificou-se, assim, que o conselho apresenta um grau m?dio de efetividade deliberativa, destacando-se como uma institui??o que exerce, predominantemente, o papel de controle sobre as pol?ticas de sa?de municipal, devido, entre outros fatores, ao contexto pol?tico conservador, ? assimetria de recursos entre os conselheiros, ? participa??o pouco substantiva dos atores que frequentam as suas reuni?es, seja conselheiro ou n?o, e, em especial, ? reduzida influ?ncia dos usu?rios no seu processo decis?rio. De acordo com os estudos da democracia deliberativa aplicados ? realidade de Mossor?, ? poss?vel observar que a participa??o social, sobretudo o controle social sobre as a??es p?blicas, encontra, hoje, uma s?rie de dificuldades para se realizar. O estudo reconhece que, nessas circunst?ncias, o conselho cumpre parcialmente o papel para o qual foi criado, o que n?o impede, contudo, de ser caracterizado como um espa?o de delibera??o importante, uma vez que permite a participa??o de representa??es dos diversos segmentos do estado, da sociedade, de suas demandas e inten??es. A supera??o de tais obst?culos perpassa pelo interesse de a sociedade civil despertar e passar a ter voz ativa nessas institui??es. / The social participation in Brazil takes a new impetus with the (re)democratization process of the Brazilian society and is strengthened by the resurgence of the civil society and the 1988 Constitution. In this context, the study is conducted with the scope to verify the effectiveness of deliberative Municipal Health Council of Mossoro (CMSM), with theoretical and methodological support based on the following models: the participatory normativity, which measures the degree of institutionalization, democratization and council representation; and the effectiveness of deliberative that, from the calling capacity and agenda of the participants, from the kinds of manifestation, from the decisions and the council?s office, that measures the degree of effectiveness of the deliberative council. It appears, thus, that the council has an average degree of effectiveness deliberative, standing out as means an institution that practice, despite the existence of obstacles and challenges, the role of control over municipal health policies, due, among other factors, the conservative political context, the asymmetry of resources between the counselors, the little substantive participation of the actors who attend its meetings, either counselor or not, and in particular, the reduced influence of the members in its decision-making process. In public management of Mossoro, social participation, especially social control over public actions, face, today, great number of difficulties to be held. The study recognizes that, in such circumstances, the council partially fulfills the role for which it was created, what does not impede, however, be characterized as an important deliberative space, since it allows the participation of representatives of the various segments of the state, society, their demands and intentions. Overcoming such obstacles moves through the interest of civil society to wake up and fight for the spaces in these institutions.

A nova comida de rua sob a ?tica da economia criativa: uma an?lise dos food trucks na cidade de Natal/RN

Seabra, Anderson Leonardo de Castro 25 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-02T15:35:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AndersonLeonardoDeCastroSeabra_DISSERT.pdf: 4172155 bytes, checksum: 18d2ee6b71b50f1eac6ae272cc0f30c6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-06T15:05:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AndersonLeonardoDeCastroSeabra_DISSERT.pdf: 4172155 bytes, checksum: 18d2ee6b71b50f1eac6ae272cc0f30c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T15:05:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AndersonLeonardoDeCastroSeabra_DISSERT.pdf: 4172155 bytes, checksum: 18d2ee6b71b50f1eac6ae272cc0f30c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-25 / A Economia Criativa (EC) ? um modelo conceitual que proporciona novos arranjos de cria??o, produ??o, distribui??o e consumo de bens e servi?os. Nos setores criativos predominam produtos ou servi?os em que os recursos intang?veis s?o o seu elemento diferenciador para gerar valor monet?rio e simb?lico, como pode ser observado tamb?m na Gastronomia. Portanto, a EC representa a ruptura com os paradigmas da economia tradicional, dando maior destaque ao capital intelectual e aos recursos intang?veis em detrimento do capital financeiro na realiza??o dos empreendimentos. ? a partir desse olhar que esse trabalho de pesquisa realiza uma profunda an?lise do ciclo econ?mico dos food trucks em Natal\RN sob a ?tica sociocultural da Economia Criativa. Atrav?s de abordagem qualitativa, com suporte de diversas t?cnicas de pesquisa, foi feita a aproxima??o entre o conceito de EC, suas caracter?sticas, seus princ?pios com o que se convencionou denominar food trucks no Brasil, uma atividade que contribuiu para redefinir os conceitos sobre Comida de Rua em grandes cidades, como Natal\RN. Foi investigada sua narrativa, estrat?gias de atua??o, pr?ticas incorporadas e o cotidiano que os constituem. Tamb?m foram analisados os conte?dos dos discursos do ponto de vista social, econ?mico e cultural que acompanham os integrantes desse setor. Ao final da trajet?ria desta pesquisa, foi poss?vel levantar extensa rela??o de elementos representativos da EC: Combina??o e gest?o de ativos intang?veis para gera??o de bens e servi?os, inova??o em produtos e processos, acesso ao mercado. Tamb?m foi observado que nesse setor est?o reunidas diversas quest?es fundamentais para a EC, como a inser??o socioecon?mica, oportunidades de qualifica??o, identifica??o das potencialidades locais, o papel estrat?gico dos pequenos empreendedores para a economia, especialmente no ?mbito dos munic?pios, intersetorialidade e conex?o com outras atividades econ?micas, a influ?ncia do ambiente pol?tico-institucional no desenvolvimento dos setores criativos. / The Creative Economy (CE) is a conceptual model that provides new arrangements for the creation, production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. In the Creative Industries, products and services are essentially based on intangible resources, which are their distinguishing element, for generating monetary and symbolic value, something that can also be observed in the Gastronomy sector. Therefore, the CE represents a rupture with traditional economic paradigms, giving greater emphasis to intellectual capital and intangible resources to the detriment of financial capital. It is from this perspective that this research work carries out a deep analysis of the economic cycle of the food trucks in Natal \ RN from the sociocultural perspective of the CE. It has been applied a qualitative approach, with the support of several research techniques, to make an approximation of the concept of CE, its characteristics, its principles and what was conventionally known as food trucks in Brazil, an activity that helped to redefine the concepts of Street Food in major Brazilian cities such as Natal \ RN. Furthermore, it has been investigated their narrative, strategies of action and embodied practices. Were also analysed the contents of the speeches from the social, economic and cultural point of view sustained by the members of this sector. At the end of the trajectory of this research, it was possible to draw up an extensive list of representative elements of the CE: Combination and management of intangible assets for the generation of goods and services, innovation in products and processes, market access. It was also observed that in this sector, a number of key issues for the CE are gathered, such as socioeconomic insertion, qualification opportunities, identification of local potentialities, the strategic role of small entrepreneurs in the economy, intersectoriality and connection with other economic activities, the influence of the political-institutional environment on the development of the creative industries.

A rela??o entre Estado e sociedade civil: as experi?ncias dos conselhos municipais de assist?ncia social de Natal e Parnamirim (2015-2017)

Bezerra, Marta Maria da Concei??o 31 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-02T15:35:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MartaMariaDaConceicaoBezerra_DISSERT.pdf: 1217171 bytes, checksum: 4af03d9063f4ee77cf90f7f0de8d54b1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-06T15:53:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MartaMariaDaConceicaoBezerra_DISSERT.pdf: 1217171 bytes, checksum: 4af03d9063f4ee77cf90f7f0de8d54b1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T15:53:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MartaMariaDaConceicaoBezerra_DISSERT.pdf: 1217171 bytes, checksum: 4af03d9063f4ee77cf90f7f0de8d54b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-31 / A Pol?tica P?blica de Assist?ncia Social, institu?da pela Constitui??o Federal de 1988, ? dever do Estado e direito do cidad?o e se realiza atrav?s de um sistema descentralizado e participativo, articulando Estado e sociedade civil no processo decis?rio de gest?o e na fiscaliza??o das a??es e recursos p?blicos. Os conselhos gestores assumem institucionalmente a prerrogativa de materializar a participa??o social para a democratiza??o das pol?ticas p?blicas, sendo sua exist?ncia uma condi??o legal para a transfer?ncia de recursos federais no ?mbito da Assist?ncia Social. A literatura demonstra que essas institui??es est?o consolidadas para esse processo, contudo, ? necess?rio compreender a din?mica de funcionamento dos conselhos e sua rela??o com os ?rg?os gestores para analisar a qualidade da participa??o social e a sua influ?ncia no ?mbito do processo decis?rio e do exerc?cio do controle social. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho, ? analisar a din?mica de funcionamento dos conselhos municipais de Natal e Parnamirim (RN), com base nos pressupostos das teorias da democracia participativa e deliberativa, apreendendo as categorias anal?ticas da participa??o, da representa??o pol?tica, da efetividade deliberativa e da accountability. A partir da pesquisa documental (leis de cria??o dos conselhos, regimentos internos, atas, resolu??es e relat?rios de gest?o), bem como da participa??o em reuni?es dos colegiados e das entrevistas com conselheiros e gestores, buscou-se empreender uma an?lise sobre como o compartilhamento do poder acontece nessas institui??es e como elas influenciam as respectivas gest?es municipais. Os resultados demonstram que a din?mica de funcionamento dos conselhos relaciona-se tanto ? abertura da gest?o ? participa??o social quanto ao protagonismo dos conselheiros em promover debates, apresentar demandas e exercer o controle social sobre as a??es e presta??es de contas dos gestores. Nesse sentido, ? poss?vel afirmar que as institui??es participativas atuam qualitativamente para a democratiza??o das pol?ticas p?blicas, mesmo que a correla??o de for?as desigual entre Estado e sociedade civil ainda esteja presente no processo decis?rio de alguma maneira nos casos analisados. / The Public Policy of Social Assistance established by the Federal Constitution of 1988 is a duty of the State and the right of the citizen and is carried out through a decentralized and participatory system, articulating the State and civil society in the decision-making process of management and in the inspection of actions and public resources. The managing councils institutionally assume the prerogative to materialize social participation for the democratization of public policies, and its existence is a legal condition for the transfer of federal resources in the scope of Social Assistance. The literature shows that these institutions are consolidated for this process, however, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of the functioning of the councils and their relationship with the management bodies to analyze the quality of social participation and its influence in the decision-making process and the exercise of Social control. The objective of this work is to analyze the dynamics of the municipal councils of Natal and Parnamirim (RN), based on the assumptions of theories of participatory and deliberative democracy, apprehending the analytical categories of participation, political representation, deliberative effectiveness and Accountability. Based on documentary research (council creation laws, internal regulations, minutes, resolutions and management reports), as well as participation in meetings of the collegiate and interviews with directors and managers, an attempt was made to analyze how sharing of power takes place in these institutions and how they influence the respective municipal administrations. The results demonstrate that the dynamics of functioning of the councils is related to the opening of management to social participation and to the role of directors in promoting debates, presenting demands and exercising social control over the actions and rendering of accounts of managers. In this sense, it is possible to affirm that participatory institutions act qualitatively for the democratization of public policies, even though the unequal correlation of forces between State and civil society is still present in the decision-making process in some way in the analyzed cases.

Uma leitura da paisagem a partir do graffiti em Natal-RN: subs?dios para o estudo das cidades criativas

Costa, Pablo Raniere Medeiros da 20 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-27T00:03:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PabloRaniereMedeirosDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 5882396 bytes, checksum: 583e44871b1586f717bd7bfd31358c9e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-27T17:22:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PabloRaniereMedeirosDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 5882396 bytes, checksum: 583e44871b1586f717bd7bfd31358c9e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-27T17:22:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PabloRaniereMedeirosDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 5882396 bytes, checksum: 583e44871b1586f717bd7bfd31358c9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-20 / Mais do que nossa vis?o abarca, a paisagem ?, sobretudo, obra da mente. ? fruto da intera??o de diversos textos e pr?ticas sociais, os quais aderem um conjunto simb?lico a paisagem, a definindo cultural, discursiva e ideologicamente. Discutimos de que maneira uma leitura da paisagem a partir do graffiti permite entrever novas possibilidades discursivas relacionadas a ele na contemporaneidade. E de que modo ele ? capaz de enaltecer determinadas imagens e discursos, inclusive o de cidade criativa. Para tanto buscamos vincular o graffiti com a predile??o visual que determinados espa?os p?blicos possuem, e de que maneira as particularidades materiais e imateriais deles agem diretamente na promo??o ou combate ao graffiti. Abordamos o tema considerando o espa?o como express?o da multiplicidade, produto de inter-rela??es, de maneira que procuramos realizar associa??es entre as inst?ncias pol?tica e econ?mica com as manifesta??es de graffiti na cidade de Natal. / More than our vision embraces, the landscape is mind work. It is the result of interection of various texts and social practices, which join a symbolic set to the landscape, defining cultural, discursive and ideologically. We discussed how a landscape reading from graffiti allows glimpse new discursive possibilities related to it in contemporary times. And how he is able to extol certain images and speeches, including the creative city. Therefore we seek to link the graffiti with visual preference that certain public spaces have, and how the tangible and intangible characteristics of them act promoting or combating graffiti. We approach the subject considering the space as na expression of multiplicity, of interrelations product, so we seek to achieve associations between political and economic bodies with graffiti demonstrations in the city of Natal.

As pr?ticas do cooperativismo no territ?rio sert?o do Apodi (RN): potencialidades e limita??es para agricultura familiar

Lima, J?ssica Sam?ra Soares de 16 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-13T13:32:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JessicaSamaraSoaresDeLima_DISSERT.pdf: 2424494 bytes, checksum: 8711e5e01583ccad323c18404d7ae095 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-24T13:23:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JessicaSamaraSoaresDeLima_DISSERT.pdf: 2424494 bytes, checksum: 8711e5e01583ccad323c18404d7ae095 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-24T13:23:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JessicaSamaraSoaresDeLima_DISSERT.pdf: 2424494 bytes, checksum: 8711e5e01583ccad323c18404d7ae095 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-16 / A pr?tica do cooperativismo tem-se apresentado como importante ferramenta para organizar iniciativas a partir de fundamentos participativos. No entanto, na regi?o a nordestina, em particular o Territ?rio Sert?o do Apodi (RN), as pr?ticas do cooperativismo se contrasta entre as pr?ticas tradicionais que possuem carater?sticas empresariais, onde a maioria dos integrantes da diretoria ? composto por grupos de poder local, onde a ampla maioria dos cooperados eram pessoas com um baixo n?vel instru??o se deixam ser influenciados. E pr?ticas da agricultura familiar onde a partir da mobiliza??o na base come?aram a surgir cooperativas sob outro vi?s, com a finalidade de suprir a necessidade de organizar a produ??o e comercializa??o dos produtos da agricultura familiar. Nesse sentido, este trabalho objetivou analisar os fatores que promoveram as pr?ticas do cooperativismo no Territ?rio Sert?o do Apodi (RN), as potencialidades e limita??es para o desenvolvimento recente das cooperativas da agricultura familiar. O m?todo utilizado nesta pesquisa foi o estudo do caso m?ltiplos de car?ter quali-quantitativo, no qual o objetivo foi analisar as cooperativas tradicionais e da agricultura familiar, no Territ?rio Sert?o do Apodi (RN). O universo da pesquisa consistiu na identifica??o de 10 cooperativas, sendo 04 cooperativas com moldes tradicionais e 06 cooperativas da agricultura familiar, em 04 munic?pios do territ?rio: Apodi, Cara?bas, Ita? e Umarizal. Para alcance dos resultados foram aplicados formul?rios junto aos primeiros presidentes, presidentes atuais e s?cios fundadores. Como resultados foi poss?vel verificar que os fatores que influenciaram as pr?ticas do cooperativismo no territ?rio Sert?o do Apodi, foram a igreja cat?lica, igrejas evang?licas, a influencias de outras cooperativas, o incentivo de programas. As cooperativas da agricultura familiar apresentam algumas caracter?sticas que difere das cooperativas ditas tradicionais ou at? com algumas tradi??es/pr?ticas. Mas h? de se reconhecer que, as cooperativas se voltaram quase sempre ao predom?nio do capital e acabaram por pender em dire??o a empresas com caracter?sticas comerciais e pouco se importando com os interesses de seus cooperados e das estruturas desiguais. No qual, o ?nico ou quase ?nico seja manter-se no mercado. Os que diferenciam s?o evid?ncias concretizadas nas pr?ticas de gest?o democr?ticas e solid?rias identificadas no nosso trabalho, contribuir para ampliar e aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre o cooperativismo rural potiguar e apontar alguns indicadores que posteriormente poder?o ser usados em outras pesquisas que visem analisar experi?ncias deste tipo, ou mesmo compar?-las com outras que se autodenominam de solid?ria. Assim, o cooperativismo constitui-se importante instrumento para promover o desenvolvimento rural e para gera??o de renda. Consiste numa atividade fundamental nos munic?pios do territ?rio Sert?o do Apodi, onde os mais beneficiados s?o os munic?pios sedes das cooperativas. Por?m as dificuldades de competi??o, associado ?s dificuldades de cr?ditos, e falta de legaliza??o das unidades de beneficiamento dificultaram o desenvolvimento das cooperativas agropecu?rias da agricultura familiar do Territ?rio Sert?o do Apodi. / The practice of cooperativism it has been presented as an important tool to organize initiatives from participatory foundations, although the development of this cooperative in Brazil has occurred more effectively in the southern and south center of the country. In general, this model has developed in the country in a contradictory manner, seeking to balance between the socio-economic and structural issues that plague most cooperative producers. In the Northeast, as the territory Hinterland Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte, this process occurred with many ambiguities. This study aimed to analyze the factors that promoted the cooperative practices in the Territory Hinterland Apodi (RN), the potential and limitations to the recent development of cooperatives of family farming. The method used in this research was the study of multiple cases of qualitative and quantitative approach, using different data collection mechanisms, such as questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and unstructured interviews, analyzing cooperatives traditional and family agriculture in the Territory Hinterland Apodi (RN). The research universe consisted of the identification of 10 cooperatives and 04 cooperatives with traditional molds and 06 cooperatives of family farmers in 04 municipalities of the territory: Apodi, Cara?bas, Ita? and Umarizal. To achieve results were interviewed presidents, board members and founders. As a result it was possible to verify that the actors influenced cooperative practices in the Hinterland Apodi territory in the same way that the Catholic Church, evangelical churches, other cooperatives, the incentive of government programs. The emergence of family farming cooperatives also suffered due influences from traditional cooperativism, often caused by debt and frustrations of associative expectation, made the people afraid to try another experiment. So even recognizing that the action of cooperatives of farmers over the years, has become one of the most important instruments to trigger the process of economic dynamism in the territory. We conclude that the cooperative is a fundamental activity in the municipalities of Hinterland Apodi territory, where most beneficiaries are the municipalities headquarters of cooperatives. Even if the difficulties of competition, associated with problems to access to credit and the lack of legalization of processing units hindered the development of agricultural cooperatives of family farming at the local level, institutional learning factors also motivate producers to organize themselves, particularly when they are supported by public policies.

Cr?dito Fomento Mulher: redefinindo a participa??o da mulher no processo produtivo familiar: um estudo de caso nos projetos de assentamento Mata Verde e Timb?

D'?vila, Leilianne Duarte Gurgel 13 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-13T13:32:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LeilianneDuarteGurgelD'avila_DISSERT.pdf: 1472559 bytes, checksum: 00f190feefee649fb2f9d425deab52c6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-24T15:45:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LeilianneDuarteGurgelD'avila_DISSERT.pdf: 1472559 bytes, checksum: 00f190feefee649fb2f9d425deab52c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-24T15:45:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeilianneDuarteGurgelD'avila_DISSERT.pdf: 1472559 bytes, checksum: 00f190feefee649fb2f9d425deab52c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-13 / A presente disserta??o analisa a aplica??o do cr?dito fomento mulher ?s assentadas rurais de dois projetos de assentamento situados no munic?pio de Esp?rito Santo, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, analisando de maneira macro a trajet?ria da pol?tica de reforma agr?ria numa perspectiva de possibilidade de desenvolvimento social materializado nos projetos de assentamento rurais e a evolu??o das lutas das mulheres por igualdade de direitos. Desta forma, o objetivo da pesquisa ? examinar a aplica??o do cr?dito fomento mulher numa perspectiva de empoderamento das mulheres beneficiadas nas dimens?es familiar, social, pol?tica e de autoestima. Os projetos de assentamento Mata Verde e Timb? foram os ?nicos assentamentos rurais a serem contemplados com a aplica??o do cr?dito. O estudo ? de corte qualitativo analisado sob a teoria feminista, com aplica??o de entrevistas semi-estruturadas a quatorze mulheres beneficiadas visualizando os efeitos da aplica??o. Constatou-se a aplica??o sob a l?gica familiar, onde o gerenciamento e o manejo das atividades produtivos ficou sob a cust?dia dos homens, desta forma, a mulher n?o foi considerada como o centro da a??o de cr?dito. Apesar da conquista do direito ? a??o pol?tica realizada pelo Estado, questiona-se o empoderamento econ?mico como fruto da aplica??o do cr?dito, embora possa se defender o incremento de sua posi??o na hierarquia familiar e aumento de sua autoestima.

Disneylandiza??o e cidade criativa: pesquisa etnogr?fica sobre a festa de Santa?Ana, em Caic?-RN

Barreto, Wxlley Ragne de Lima 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-13T13:32:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WxlleyRagneDeLimaBarreto_DISSERT.pdf: 3519908 bytes, checksum: 2cc860fb5ae72c34bc43040578db6707 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-24T16:14:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 WxlleyRagneDeLimaBarreto_DISSERT.pdf: 3519908 bytes, checksum: 2cc860fb5ae72c34bc43040578db6707 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-24T16:14:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WxlleyRagneDeLimaBarreto_DISSERT.pdf: 3519908 bytes, checksum: 2cc860fb5ae72c34bc43040578db6707 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / As transforma??es urbanas ocorridas a partir de 1980 modificaram a din?mica das cidades. A criatividade passou a ter um papel preponderante no desenvolvimento econ?mico, social e cultural. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar e confrontar os conceitos de cidade criativa e disneylandiza??o, a partir da produ??o cultural realizada durante a festa de Sant?Ana de Caic?/RN, na regi?o do Serid? Potiguar. Para dar sustenta??o ao trabalho, tomamos por base te?rico-metodol?gica o conceito de cidade criativa utilizado por Charles Landry e Elsa Vivant, bem como o de Disneylandiza??o proposto por Alan Bryman e Michael Sorkin. A metodologia adotada foi abordagem etnogr?fica, que privilegia o trabalho de campo por um determinado per?odo, no qual s?o coletados dados emp?ricos atrav?s da observa??o e realiza??o de entrevistas, al?m do di?rio de campo e fotografias, que ajudam na an?lise do cotidiano e da cultura do objeto em estudo. Sendo assim, a abordagem metodol?gica utilizada no trabalho ? qualitativa. Por ?ltimo, partimos das premissas que, tanto a cidade criativa quando a cidade Disneylandizada se desenvolvem a partir de refer?ncias ao simb?lico, ? criatividade, ? tematiza??o, ao trabalho perform?tico, ao consumo h?brido, ao merchandising e ao controle e seguran?a, mesmo que essas dimens?es sejam mais expressivas numas do que em outras. Desta forma, conclui-se que Caic? ? uma cidade criativa, podendo ser observado nos espa?os p?blicos seu potencial criativo atrav?s da promo??o dos eventos socioculturais, do planejamento p?blico ao incorporar a cultura como aspecto importante no apoio e promo??o dos criativos e na organiza??o dos espa?os p?blicos, criando um ambiente prop?cio para as rela??es e experi?ncias que facilitam o desenvolvimento cultural, que n?o perdura apenas no per?odo da Festa de Sant?Ana, mas que permanece durante todo o ano. Entretanto, mesmo que Caic? n?o seja uma Cidade Disneylandizada nesse per?odo festivo, podemos considera o Complexo Tur?stico Ilha de Sant?Ana como um espa?o permanente da Disneylandiza??o. Por fim, ainda assim, verifica-se que a dimens?o de interliga??o entre Cidade Criativa e Cidade Disneylandizada, est? na tematiza??o dos espa?os p?blicos, a qual est? incorporada na cultura e na criatividade promovida na cidade de Caic?-RN, durante a Festa da padroeira. / The urban transformations occurred from 1980 has changed the dynamics of cities. Creativity became to have a leading role in the economic, social and cultural development. In this sense, the research aims to analyze and compare the creative city concepts and disneylandization from the cultural production during the festival of St. Anne of Caic?/RN, in the Potiguar Serid? region. In order to give support to work, we take a theoretical and methodological basis of the concept of creative city used by Charles Landry and Elsa Vivante, as well as the disneylandization proposed by Alan Bryman and Michael Sorkin. The methodology used was ethnographic approach that focuses on particular field of work for a period, in which are collected empirical data through observation and interviews, in addition to the field diary and photographs that help in everyday analysis and object culture study. Thus, the methodological approach used in the study is qualitative. Finally, we take the premises that both the creative city when Disneylandized city are developing from references to symbolic, creativity, thematization, the performatic work, hybrid consumption, merchandising and control and safety, even if those dimensions are more significant in some than in others. Thus, is concluded that, Caic? is a creative city and can be observed in public spaces their creative potential through the promotion of socio-cultural events, public planning to incorporate culture as an important aspect in supporting and promoting the creative and organizing public spaces, creating an environment conducive to relationships and experiences that facilitate cultural development, that will not last only for the period of Sant'Anna Festival, but that remains all year round. However, even though Caic? is not a Disneylandized City this festive period, we can consider the Tourist Complex St. Anne Island as a permanent space of Disneylandization. Finally, nevertheless, there is the dimension of interconnection between Creative City and Disneylandized City, is the thematization of public spaces, which is embedded in culture and creativity promoted in the city of Caic?-RN, during the patron saint of the festival.

Direito ? moradia, regulariza??o fundi?ria e direito ? cidade: marcos legais de refer?ncia

Fons?ca, Alysson Galv?o Vasconcelos 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-02T14:17:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AlyssonGalvaoVasconcelosFonseca_DISSERT.pdf: 1556092 bytes, checksum: 0203d9cf80c0c03c7eae86ba9d582b81 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-08T21:58:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AlyssonGalvaoVasconcelosFonseca_DISSERT.pdf: 1556092 bytes, checksum: 0203d9cf80c0c03c7eae86ba9d582b81 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-08T21:58:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlyssonGalvaoVasconcelosFonseca_DISSERT.pdf: 1556092 bytes, checksum: 0203d9cf80c0c03c7eae86ba9d582b81 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / O Estatuto da Cidade afirma que a pol?tica urbana em geral tem por objetivo ordenar o pleno desenvolvimento das fun??es sociais da cidade e da propriedade urbana e na sequ?ncia de sua apresenta??o aponta diretrizes gerais para esse ordenamento, dentre as quais se destaca no presente trabalho a regulariza??o fundi?ria. Neste contexto da regulariza??o fundi?ria, s?o apresentadas breves reflex?es sobre o direito ? moradia digna ? luz do direito ? cidade. A moradia s? se torna digna quando, al?m das condi??es m?nimas de estrutura??o f?sica e habitabilidade, ? acompanhada da devida regulariza??o do acesso ? terra e da propriedade urbana num contexto em que haja a devida urbaniza??o de todo o seu entorno. Portanto, o direito ? moradia n?o ? um fim em si mesmo, necessitando um contexto de urbaniza??o com acesso a servi?os e equipamentos b?sicos ? cidadania. A regulariza??o fundi?ria desponta neste cen?rio como fator agregador entre a moradia e o direito ? cidade, colaborando para a ordena??o das fun??es sociais da cidade e da propriedade urbana. No entanto, apesar de haver vasta prote??o legal ao direito ? moradia digna, inclusive com notas espec?ficas sobre a regulariza??o fundi?ria, parece que tamanha prote??o legal, com tantas diretrizes pormenorizadas n?o tem sido suficiente para garantir o direito ? cidade, revelando aparente conflito entre os fatos e a norma, pressuposto a partir do qual se inicia a presente pesquisa, que tem natureza qualitativa, com tr?s eixos estruturantes: o primeiro consubstancia-se nas contribui??es de alguns autores acerca dos conceitos norteadores do trabalho tais como direito ? cidade, direito ? moradia digna, regulariza??o fundi?ria e fun??es sociais da cidade e da propriedade; o segundo eixo da pesquisa tem por base um invent?rio da legisla??o contemplando os principais marcos legais pertinentes com sua devida contextualiza??o para melhor compreender o teor da referida prote??o legal ao tema; e no terceiro eixo apresenta-se um di?logo entre os conceitos abordados e alguns fragmentos de a??es governamentais pertinentes ? Regulariza??o Fundi?ria, em cotejo com a legisla??o inventariada, tomando o Munic?pio de Natal por exemplo emp?rico. / The City Statute states that urban policy in general aims to order the full development of the social functions of the city and of urban property and following its presentation points general guidelines for this system, among which stands out in this work regularization land. In this context, impossible to dissociate the land regularization, brief reflections on the right to decent housing in the light of the right to the city. The house only becomes worthy when, in addition to the minimum conditions of physical structure and habitability, is accompanied by proper regulation of access to land and urban property in a context where there is proper urbanization of all your surroundings giving you the fullest sense of to be. Therefore, the right to housing is not an end in itself, requiring an urbanization context with access to basic services and amenities to citizenship. The land regularization, emerges in this scenario as aggregator factor between the housing and the right to the city, contributing to the ordination of the social functions of the city and of urban property. However, although there is wide legal protection of the right to adequate housing, including specific notes on land regularization, it seems that such legal protection, with so many detailed guidelines have not been enough to guarantee the right to the city, revealing apparent conflict between the facts and the standard hypothesis that rising in this research, which is qualitative with three structural axes: the first is embodied on the contributions of some authors about the guiding concepts of work such as the right to the city, right to decent housing , land tenure and social functions of the city and property; the second axis of research is based on an inventory of legislation covering the main relevant legal frameworks with its proper context to better understand the content of such legal protection to the subject; and the third axis presents a dialogue between the concepts discussed and some fragments of relevant government actions to Regularization, in comparison with the inventoried legislation, taking the city of Natal for example empirical.

A din?mica de funcionamento do Programa Bolsa Fam?lia no munic?pio de Currais Novos - RN

Silva, Alane Maria da 25 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-13T20:30:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AlaneMariaDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 4445158 bytes, checksum: ecd090ca5e345980a649e5b23d8e6afb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-16T20:41:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AlaneMariaDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 4445158 bytes, checksum: ecd090ca5e345980a649e5b23d8e6afb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-16T20:41:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlaneMariaDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 4445158 bytes, checksum: ecd090ca5e345980a649e5b23d8e6afb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O Programa Bolsa Fam?lia ? PBF, implementado h? mais de uma d?cada, posicionase como o principal instrumento de combate ? pobreza e ? desigualdade no Brasil. Mesmo tendo o repasse direto de recursos monet?rios aos benefici?rios e ? exig?ncia de contrapartidas, como os aspectos mais frequentemente associados ? sua exist?ncia, o PBF n?o se limita a esses dois eixos estruturadores. As A??es e Programas Complementares, terceiro eixo do Programa, apesar de sua import?ncia, ainda se mostra uma ?rea n?o detentora da mesma considera??o e notoriedade que as demais. Perante essa realidade e buscando evidenciar a atua??o do referido Programa de Transfer?ncia de Renda Condicionada ? PTRC, este trabalho se prop?s a compreender a din?mica de funcionamento do PBF no munic?pio de Currais Novos - RN. Para tanto, respaldou-se no referencial de Katzman (1997) e Katzman; Filgueira (2006) a partir do enfoque Ativos, Vulnerabilidade e Estrutura de Oportunidades ? AVEO, al?m da incorpora??o da concep??o do Estado, mercado de trabalho e sociedade como ?ordens institucionais? intervenientes do enfoque. Com uma abordagem concomitantemente quantitativa e qualitativa, predominando esta ?ltima, realizou-se pesquisa bibliogr?fica, documental e de campo. No que concerne ao campo, al?m da observa??o devidamente registrada, fez-se uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas embasadas em roteiros. A an?lise foi concretizada por interm?dio da elabora??o de grelhas (?VORA, 2006) que compuseram um banco de dados e pelo emprego da an?lise de discurso (CHIZZOTTI, 2006). Diante das constata??es obtidas ao longo dessa disserta??o ? luz dos objetivos tra?ados pelo PBF, percebeuse que o referido Programa precisa de aperfei?oamentos em Currais Novos, pois existe uma s?rie de problem?ticas em torno do seu funcionamento principalmente no que concerne ao seu terceiro eixo que ainda carece de um verdadeiro desenvolvimento, o que faz com que a emancipa??o do PBF, como decorr?ncia do citado eixo, que j? se revela algo dif?cil de ser alcan?ada, permanece apenas em n?vel do idealizado nos instrumentos normativos. Ao ampliar o olhar, vislumbra-se que que as necessidade de melhorias no PBF como um todo, se expande em n?vel nacional. ? certo que essa estrat?gia governamental de combate ? pobreza tem passado por evolu??es e que representa um s?mbolo do rumo tomado pela pol?tica social no Brasil, no entanto, ainda h? muito o que ser realizado com vistas a potencializar os seus impactos. O PBF, inegavelmente, tem a sua relev?ncia para o p?blico por ele contemplado, por?m n?o possui, por si s?, potencial suficiente para verdadeiramente transformar o cen?rio que a pobreza delineia ao se concretizar em suas vidas. / The Program Bolsa Fam?lia - PBF, implemented more than a decade ago, it is positioned as the main combat instrument to the poverty and to the unequality in Brazil. Even having go over again it straightly of monetary resources to the beneficiaries and to the demand of counterentry, as the aspects more frequently associated to his existence, the PBF it does not content itself with these two structural axles. The Actions and Complement Programs, third axle of the Program, in spite of his importance, still shows an area not holder of the same consideration and renown that the rest. Towards this reality and looking to show up the acting of the above-mentioned Program of Transfer of Conditioned Income ? PTRC, this work was proposed understanding the dynamic of functioning of the PBF in the local authority of Currais Novos - RN. Therefore, it was polished in the referential system of Katzman (1997) and Katzman; Filgueira (2006) from the approach Assets, Vulnerability and Structure of Opportunities ? AVSO, besides the incorporation of the conception of the State, labor market and society as ?institutional orders? intervenient of the approach. With an approach concomitantemente quantitative and qualitative, when last this one is predominating, was made a bibliographic research, documentary and of field. In what it concerns the field, besides the observation properly registered, it was made use of semistructured interviews informed on scripts. The analysis was made real through the preparation of broilers (?VORA, 2006) that composed a database and for the job of the analysis of speech (CHIZZOTTI, 2006). Before the observations obtained along this dissertation by the light of the objectives drawn by the PBF, it was seen that the above-mentioned Program needs improvements in Currais Novos, since there are series of problems around his functioning mainly in what concerns his third axle that still lacks for a true development, which does with what the emancipation of the PBF, as consequence of the quoted axle, that already reveals itself something difficult of being reached, remains only in level of the idealized one in the prescriptive instruments. Broaden perspectives, it sees that the need of improvements in the PBF as a whole, expands in national level. It is certain what this government combat strategy to the poverty has been passing over evolutions and what represents a symbol of the course taken for the social politics in Brazil, however, there is still to much to be carried out for potentiate his impacts. The PBF, undeniably, has his relevance for the public as him contemplated, however it has not, by itself, enough potential to really transform the scenery which the poverty outlines while coming true in his lives.

Energia e?lica: entre ventos, impactos e vulnerabilidades socioambientais no Rio Grande do Norte

Hofstaetter, Moema 16 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-22T19:02:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MoemaHofstaetter_DISSERT.pdf: 3644332 bytes, checksum: a11bdc18cd973c2f340ed1232b4684d6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-06T21:12:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MoemaHofstaetter_DISSERT.pdf: 3644332 bytes, checksum: a11bdc18cd973c2f340ed1232b4684d6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T21:12:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MoemaHofstaetter_DISSERT.pdf: 3644332 bytes, checksum: a11bdc18cd973c2f340ed1232b4684d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN) estimulado pelo Governo Federal, atrav?s da sua pol?tica de diversifica??o da matriz energ?tica, investe na implanta??o de parques de energia e?lica, criando novas din?micas econ?micas e de ocupa??o em seus munic?pios. O objetivo desse trabalho ? demonstrar, a partir da observa??o da rela??o entre o discurso de energia limpa e as condi??es de vulnerabilidade com as quais nos deparamos, os impactos socioambientais nas comunidades do entorno dos parques e?licos no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Do ponto de vista metodol?gico, esse estudo ? qualitativo e interdisciplinar. Contou com um estudo bibliogr?fico e documental e com a coleta de dados a partir de grupos focais e entrevistas. Para a an?lise foi empregada a t?cnica de triangula??o de m?todos. Os resultados e discuss?o (i) colocam em debate a compreens?o da energia e?lica como ?limpa?, ?verde? ou ?amiga do ambiente?; (ii) apresentam a altera??o das realidades social, econ?mica e ambiental locais, com intera??o, mas tamb?m com potencial conflito e tens?o entre os principais atores sociais envolvidos nesta nova din?mica de produ??o energ?tica; (iii) apontam que os parques e?licos n?o s?o totalmente desprovidos de impactos socioambientais e exp?em a popula??o ? vulnerabilidade socioambiental;(iv) afirmam a urg?ncia de se pensar uma gest?o compartilhada, com maior transpar?ncia e participa??o dos grupos afetados, (v)indicam a relev?ncia da efetiva??o de instrumentos de regula??o, financiamento e licenciamento mais comprometidos com crit?rios de justi?a socioambiental. / The state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) stimulated by the Federal Government, through the diversification of the energy matrix of policy, investing in the deployment of wind power parks, creating new economic and employment dynamics in their municipalities. The aim of this study is to demonstrate, from the observation of the relationship between clean energy speech and vulnerable conditions with which we meet the social and environmental impacts in communities surrounding wind farms in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. From a methodological point of view, this study is qualitative and interdisciplinary. He attended a bibliographical and documentary study and data collection from focus groups and interviews. For the analysis was used triangulation technique methods. The results and discussion (i) put in discussion the understanding of wind power as "clean", "green" or "environmentally friendly"; (Ii) present the changing social realities, economic and environmental sites with interaction, but also with potential conflict and tension between the main actors involved in this new dynamics of energy production; (Iii) point out that wind farms are not entirely without environmental impacts and expose the population to social and environmental vulnerability; (iv) state the urgency of thinking shared management with greater transparency and participation of the affected groups, (v) indicate the importance of effective regulatory instruments, financing and licensing more committed to social and environmental justice criteria.

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