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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Democracy at Work" Politische Verfahren als Aushandlungsort von Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit

Kütt, Kristina 07 December 2020 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die vermeintliche Krise staatlicher Ordnung Ende der 1960er Jahre in den USA und die Reaktionen der staatlichen Institutionen auf den Angriff durch politische Gewalt anhand einer performanz- und erzähltheoretischen Analyse von zwei Gerichtsprozessen. Beide Verfahren gegen Ikonen der Black Power-Bewegung, People vs. Huey Newton ab 1968, People vs. Angela Davis ab 1970 wurden zu einem Brennpunkt der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Debatte um Gerechtigkeit und demokratische Grundrechte. Durch eine Analyse der Interaktion aller beteiligten Akteure vor Gericht, der vorgebrachten Narrative sowohl im Gerichtsssaal als auch in der Presse, durch die Solidaritätskomittees der Angeklagten weitergetragen, ist eine performative Rekonstruktion des amerikanischen Rechtsstaates und der amerikanischen Demokratie auszumachen. Diese wurde unter Begriffen wie dem „fair trial“ und der Beziehung zwischen afroamerikanischen Bürgern und der Polizei und der Fähigkeit des Strafjustizsystems, Gerechtigkeit für alle seine Bürger zu garantieren, verhandelt. In den Prozessen wurde der inhärente Rassismus in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft als größte Hürde zwischen der bisherigen Rechtspraxis und einem solchen neu verhandelten Verständnis von Gerechtigkeit identifiziert, die als solche angenommene weiße Normalität des Justizapparats wurde sichtbar gemacht und dekonstruiert. In der performativen Neukonstruktion und -deutung der Akteure vor Gericht verschob sich dieses bisherige Machtgefälle vor allem innerhalb des Gerichtssaals, indem die Kategorien Race, Class und Gender neu zueinander in Bezug gesetzt wurden und die Angeklagten eine Selbstbehauptung als gleichwertige Rechtssubjekte im spezifischen Raum des Gerichts erlangen konnten. Zudem etablierte sich ein Juryauswahlverfahren, welches Bias explizit anerkannte. Durch diese Entwicklung wurde das narrative wie performative ‚Bedrohungsszenario‛, was zuvor von staatlichen Akteuren öffentlich konstruiert worden war, ausgehebelt; ein von staatlicher Seite angestoßener Sicherheitsdiskurs konnte sich nicht gesamtgesellschaftlich durchsetzten. / By analyzing two court cases, this dissertation examines the perceived crisis of Democracy in the late 1960s in the United States and the reactions of state institutions to the attack by political violence. Both trials against icons of the Black Power movement, People v. Huey Newton in 1968, People v. Angela Davis beginning in 1970, became a focal point of the overall social debate on justice and basic democratic rights. An analysis of the interaction of all of the protagonists involved in court, the narratives that were brought forward in the courtroom and in the press, and the defendants' solidarity committees reveal a performative reconstruction of the American rule of law and American democracy. This was negotiated under concepts such as the "fair trial" and the relationship between African-American citizens and the police and the ability of the criminal justice system to guarantee justice for all its citizens. In the trials, the inherent racism in American society was identified as the greatest obstacle between previous legal practice and such a renegotiated understanding of justice, making visible and deconstructing the white normality of the judicial system assumed as such. In the performative re-construction and reinterpretation of the actors in court, categories such race, class, and gender shifted, allowing the Defendants to achieve self-assertion as equal legal subjects. In addition, a jury selection procedure was established that explicitly recognized bias. This development undermined the narrative and performative "threat" which had previously been publicly constructed by politicians, and a security discourse initiated by the state was not able to assert itself throughout society.

Adel und Militär in Ost- und Westpreußen zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts

Behr, Frank 27 July 2021 (has links)
Das Verhältnis von Adel und Militär beruhte lange Zeit auf der bereits für die preußischen Kernprovinzen widerlegten Annahme, dass Besitzarmut die Neigung eines adligen Rittergutbesitzers zum Militär wesentlich bestimmte. Die Analyse der beiden östlichsten bisher noch nicht untersuchten Provinzen Preußens kommt speziell für Ostpreußen zur gleichen Erkenntnis – zu Westpreußen war die Quellenlage nicht aussagekräftig genug. Für das ausgehende 18. Jahrhundert zeigte damit der ostpreußische Adel eine ähnliche militärische Dienstbereitschaft wie die bisher untersuchten Provinzen, einen „Sonderweg“ für einen Eintritt in das preußische Militär hatte es daher nicht gegeben. Das unterschiedliche militärische Engagement eines Adligen war von mehreren Faktoren bestimmt. Sowohl Elemente des adelsständischen Regionalismus wie auch Familientraditionen bzw. Netzwerkbeziehungen und eben nur bedingt sozioökonomische Rahmenbedingungen waren verantwortlich, ob ein Adliger bereit war, in der preußischen Armee zu dienen. / It was long assumed that the relationship between aristocracy and military, and therefore the inclination of a lord of the manor to the latter, was largely governed by possession poverty, a theory that already has been invalidated for the central Prussian provinces. The analysis of the two easternmost Prussian provinces, which have not yet been researched, comes to the same conclusion, especially for East Prussia - the sources for West Prussia were not conclusive enough. Towards the end of the 18th century, the East Prussian noble appeared to have similar military service commitment as the already reasearched provinces, therefore it is believed that no special permission to enter the Prussia military service has been given. Several factors influenced the different aristocratic military engagements such as regional elements of nobility, family traditions or network relationships. Socio-economic conditions only partially influenced the willingness of an aristocrat to serve the Prussia military.

Historisches Ortsverzeichnis und Historisches Ortsnamenbuch von Sachsen. Zwei Lexika - ein Wissenssystem

Baudisch, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
Im Jahr 2001 erschien erstmals ein „Historisches Ortsnamenbuch von Sachsen“, im Jahr 2006 folgte die Neuausgabe des „Historischen Ortsverzeichnisses von Sachsen“. Dieser Beitrag vergleicht beide Standardwerke der Sächsischen Landesgeschichte und historischen Kulturlandschaftsforschung, beschreibt Synergien und skizziert das Modell eines gemeinsamen Wissenssystems in der Welt der digitalen Information.:1. Neuausgabe des HOV (2006) 2. Synergien von Ortsnamenforschung und Landesgeschichte 3. Die Internetausgabe des HOV (2008) 4. Sachsen.digital - Internetportal zur Geschichte, Kultur und Landeskunde Sachsens / In 2001 the first edition of the "Historical Dictionary of Toponyms for Saxony" was published, the new edition of the "Lexicon of Places in Saxony" was released in 2006. The present article compares both standard works of Saxon regional history and historical cultural landscape research, describes synergies and draws the model of a common knowledge system in the digital world.:1. Neuausgabe des HOV (2006) 2. Synergien von Ortsnamenforschung und Landesgeschichte 3. Die Internetausgabe des HOV (2008) 4. Sachsen.digital - Internetportal zur Geschichte, Kultur und Landeskunde Sachsens

Možnosti neoklasické geopolitiky: systémový přístup / Possibilities of Neoclassical Geopolitics: Systemic Approach

Kofroň, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The submitted dissertation tries to introduce neoclassical geopolitics as a viable approach to the study of international politics from geographical perspective. The dissertation is a compact of six already published articles and a common introduction highlighting main points of the articles and further discussing some issues which were (i) eliminated due to space constrains, or (ii) their significance is rather contextual, in the sense that they set the articles into broader discussions. The first part of the thesis (supported by two articles) deals with a current stage of political geography and geopolitics. The main result is that geopolitics is today a divided (sub)discipline, as geographers are mainly engaged in critical geopolitics and scholars of the International Relations continue in classical geopolitical reasoning (namely those who subscribe themselves under the label of neorealism). The main difference is that geographers consider space as an inter-subjective entity - socially constructed, whereas IR scholars tend to see space as an objective factor. In the combination with other epistemological differences, this different consideration of space has produced an exorbitant barrier between these two fields. One factor dividing the two approaches looms especially large - it is an arduous...

Kriminalita a její percepce v městském prostředí / Crime and its perception in urban environment

Jíchová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Jana Jíchová: Crime and its Perception in Urban Environment ABSTRACT Crime is an important social phenomenon that affects many aspects of the functioning of society and the life of every person. It also represents an important interdisciplinary topic that deals with a number of disciplines, including geography. Logically, there is a thematic and methodological overlap; each of the sciences emphasize on different aspects of crime, using various methods and research approaches, interpretations, and therefore contributes to the knowledge of crime differently. The importance of geography is particularly in the enrichment of the crime research on spatial dimension and contributes to its cognition through analysis of the distribution of crime and studies of perception of crime. Although this type of studies is well established in Western crime research, in the Czech geography is paid to them only little attention. This doctoral thesis introduces geography of crime in the Czech context, discusses its theoretical and methodological developments and its applicability and application in our cities.. More emphasis is put on the concept of fear of crime, which constitutes an essential component of feeling of safety affecting daily life, the use of urban space and spatial mobility of individuals. Better understanding of...

Kvalita rezidenčního prostředí a rezidenční spokojenost seniorů / Residential Environment Quality and Residential Satisfaction of Seniors

Dvořáková, Nina January 2017 (has links)
Researching the quality of life is an interdisciplinary matter. The physical and social environment that man inhabits, we consider to be the basic building blocks of the quality of life. The classical geographic question is what kind of relationship between people and the environment arises. One way we can measure the relationship between man and the environment is to ask how man perceives the environment and how he evaluates it. A suitable tool for understanding these contexts is the concept of residential satisfaction. Residential satisfaction derives from alignment of the needs and abilities of man with the qualities of the environment that he inhabits. This dissertation focuses on the understanding of the meaning of space in the context of aging and its subsequent utility in the research of the residential satisfaction of the aging population. This dissertation contributes to the realization of a highly socially relevant topic and expands knowledge about the quality of the living environment of the senior population. It connects research concerning urban geography and gerontological disciplines. Research on residential satisfaction is performed on the background of urban processes that significantly influence the shape of the current post-socialist cities. The residential environment in the...

Geografie náboženství z feministické perspektivy / The geographies of religion from a feminist perspective

Klingorová, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is based on the postsecularisation thesis which highlights the increasing role of religion nowadays. In the postmodern society, religion is understood not only as an objective truth, but also as the individual experience of a person. In relation to societal changes, a new paradigm has appeared - the new geographies of religion - which incorporates the individuality of a person into the discussion about religion in space. The study of religion as an individual experience could be significantly enhanced by feminist approaches which enable the inclusion of personal experiences. Therefore, the thesis contributes to the current direction of the geographies of religion connecting these with feminist approaches. The contribution of feminist approaches is assessed from the theoretical and empirical point of view. Feminist approaches develop themes of hierarchy, everydayness, emotionality, and embodiment, and thus contribute to the research on religion in a postsecular context. The empirical goal of the thesis is to consider the creation of sacred place and how religion frames the everyday experience of women. The thesis seeks to enrich Czech cultural geography with religious experience as another element forming space. The methodological framework uses the potential of a combination of...

Recepce středověkého výkladového sborníku Lucidarius v ukrajinském literárním prostředí / The reception of the mediaeval compendium Lucidarius in Ukrainian literary milieu

Petišková, Dagmar January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the reception of a German-language elucidarium in the Czech and subsequently Ukrainian literary environments. It acquaints the reader with the history of the work, which originates from the Latin theological tract Elucidarium by Honorius Augustodunensis from the end of the 11th century. It deals with the conception of the German Lucidarius, which was created as one of the first medieval works in the national language at the end of the 12th century and is considered to be the first German-language encyclopedia. This thesis presents the Lucidarius as an originally produced compilation created via the translation and adaptation of several Latin treatises from the fields of theology, philosophy, cosmology, geography, and history. In the Czech environment, Lucidář, translated from German, appears at the latest in the mid-15th century and is a work that enjoyed the interest of lower classes of readers until as late as the early 19th century. The Czech Lucidář carries significance in terms of inter-Slavic literary ties - via translation, a Croatian elucidarium (15th century) and Ukranian elucidarium (16th -17th century) were created. This thesis presents the Ukrainian Lucidarij as one of several works that was translated from Czech into the Ukrainian-Belarusian (or more precisely...

Dopady globální finanční krize na bankovní centra Evropy dle hlavních evropských makroregionů / The impacts of the global financial crisis on the banking centres of Europe according to the main European macro-regions

Hejnová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The current era of intensive globalisation, digitisation and expansion of FinTech companies and latter the impacts of a recent global financial crisis support further concentration processes within the banking sector. This dissertation thesis explores the impacts of global financial crisis on the European banking centres on the level of major banking centres and tiny banking centres with special regard on the development in three main European macroregions - Western Europe, Southern Europe and Central and Eastern Europe. The banking centres were analysed according financial indicators of banks headquartered in particular banking centre in the indicators capturing size, profitability and the level of risk during the period 2004-2015. Counterintuitively, the European leading banking centres (London, Paris and Frankfurt), despite their extensive exposure to capital markets, dispay a high level of resilience, which contrasts with the evolution of the other major Western European centres, which clearly lagged behind the European leaders. From a macro-regional perspective, banking centres in Western Europe exhibited the first signals of both the crisis and the recovery, which were subsequently diffused across Europe. Surprisingly, the profitability of low-ranking banking centres in Central and Eastern...

Výuka regionální geografie v Montessori školách / The teaching of regional geography in Montessori schools

Čechová, Simona January 2020 (has links)
The teaching of regional geography in Montessori schools Abstract The goal of this thesis is to present the importance and position of the curriculum of regional geography and to analyze the approaches to teaching methods of regional geography, which are used in Montessori schools in the Czech Republic and are applicable in teaching geography in other types of schools. Specifically, we study pupils in the higher grades of primary schools and the lower grades of a grammar school. The work deals with this topic in two main parts. The first theoretical part is devoted to familiarization with the history of regional geography as a scientific discipline and, subsequently, with the functions and subject of study of regional geography in general. The next section deals with the curriculum and teaching of regional geography. At the end of the theoretical part, there are chapters devoted to Montessori education and methodology utilized in this thesis. The second part summerizes results of qualitative research, including the method of semi-structured interviews with teachers of regional geography and participatory observations in classes. At the end of the thesis, the summary results of qualitative research are proposed and further discussed. Keywords: Teaching geography, regional geography, Montessori, qualitative...

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