Spelling suggestions: "subject:"angela davis"" "subject:"angela pavis""
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"Democracy at Work" Politische Verfahren als Aushandlungsort von Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit / Black Power in den USA 1967-1972Kütt, Kristina 07 December 2020 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die vermeintliche Krise staatlicher Ordnung Ende der 1960er Jahre in den USA und die Reaktionen der staatlichen Institutionen auf den Angriff durch politische Gewalt anhand einer performanz- und erzähltheoretischen Analyse von zwei Gerichtsprozessen. Beide Verfahren gegen Ikonen der Black Power-Bewegung, People vs. Huey Newton ab 1968, People vs. Angela Davis ab 1970 wurden zu einem Brennpunkt der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Debatte um Gerechtigkeit und demokratische Grundrechte. Durch eine Analyse der Interaktion aller beteiligten Akteure vor Gericht, der vorgebrachten Narrative sowohl im Gerichtsssaal als auch in der Presse, durch die Solidaritätskomittees der Angeklagten weitergetragen, ist eine performative Rekonstruktion des amerikanischen Rechtsstaates und der amerikanischen Demokratie auszumachen. Diese wurde unter Begriffen wie dem „fair trial“ und der Beziehung zwischen afroamerikanischen Bürgern und der Polizei und der Fähigkeit des Strafjustizsystems, Gerechtigkeit für alle seine Bürger zu garantieren, verhandelt. In den Prozessen wurde der inhärente Rassismus in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft als größte Hürde zwischen der bisherigen Rechtspraxis und einem solchen neu verhandelten Verständnis von Gerechtigkeit identifiziert, die als solche angenommene weiße Normalität des Justizapparats wurde sichtbar gemacht und dekonstruiert. In der performativen Neukonstruktion und -deutung der Akteure vor Gericht verschob sich dieses bisherige Machtgefälle vor allem innerhalb des Gerichtssaals, indem die Kategorien Race, Class und Gender neu zueinander in Bezug gesetzt wurden und die Angeklagten eine Selbstbehauptung als gleichwertige Rechtssubjekte im spezifischen Raum des Gerichts erlangen konnten. Zudem etablierte sich ein Juryauswahlverfahren, welches Bias explizit anerkannte. Durch diese Entwicklung wurde das narrative wie performative ‚Bedrohungsszenario‛, was zuvor von staatlichen Akteuren öffentlich konstruiert worden war, ausgehebelt; ein von staatlicher Seite angestoßener Sicherheitsdiskurs konnte sich nicht gesamtgesellschaftlich durchsetzten. / By analyzing two court cases, this dissertation examines the perceived crisis of Democracy in the late 1960s in the United States and the reactions of state institutions to the attack by political violence. Both trials against icons of the Black Power movement, People v. Huey Newton in 1968, People v. Angela Davis beginning in 1970, became a focal point of the overall social debate on justice and basic democratic rights. An analysis of the interaction of all of the protagonists involved in court, the narratives that were brought forward in the courtroom and in the press, and the defendants' solidarity committees reveal a performative reconstruction of the American rule of law and American democracy. This was negotiated under concepts such as the "fair trial" and the relationship between African-American citizens and the police and the ability of the criminal justice system to guarantee justice for all its citizens. In the trials, the inherent racism in American society was identified as the greatest obstacle between previous legal practice and such a renegotiated understanding of justice, making visible and deconstructing the white normality of the judicial system assumed as such. In the performative re-construction and reinterpretation of the actors in court, categories such race, class, and gender shifted, allowing the Defendants to achieve self-assertion as equal legal subjects. In addition, a jury selection procedure was established that explicitly recognized bias. This development undermined the narrative and performative "threat" which had previously been publicly constructed by politicians, and a security discourse initiated by the state was not able to assert itself throughout society.
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[pt] A dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar e comparar as
trajetórias e
pensamento de Angela Yvonne Davis (Alabama/EUA, 1944) e
Lélia Almeida
Gonzalez (Minas Gerais/Brasil, 1935 - Rio de
Janeiro/Brasil, 1994) - duas
intelectuais e militantes dos movimentos negros nos EUA e
no Brasil. Angela
destacou-se internacionalmente na década de 1960 como
símbolo da luta negra nos
EUA, o impacto da sua imagem se inscreveu na memória
daqueles que viveram
aqueles anos. Lélia foi militante importante do movimento
negro brasileiro de finais
dos anos 1970, quando também participou ativamente luta
política pela
redemocratização do país. Minha discussão das obras dos
autores enfatiza as
teorizações desenvolvidas acerca da inserção das mulheres
negras em seus países,
com destaque para o debate a respeito das experiências das
mesmas com a escravidão.
Explora-se, ao longo da dissertação, o legado conceitual
que deixaram para os estudos
contemporâneos sobre relações raciais. / [en] My goal with this thesis to present and compare the
trajectories and thoughts
of Angela Yvonne Davis (Alabama/USA, 1944) and Lélia
Almeida Gonzalez (Minas
Gerais/Brasil, 1935 - Rio de Janeiro/Brasil, 1994) - both
women intellectuals and
activists of the Black movements in the US and Brazil.
Angela became internationally
known in the 1960s as a Black struggle symbol in the US.
The impact of her figure
still lingers on in the memory of those who lived in those
years. Lélia was an
important activist in the Brazilian Black movement of the
late 1970s, when she
intensively took part in the political struggle for the
return of democracy in Brazil.
My discussion of the authors´ main works emphasizes the
theoretical essays they
developed on the social insertion of black women in their
countries. It specially
highlights the debate forwarded on black women experiences
under slavery.
Throughout the thesis I call attention for the
contribution of their conceptual legacy
for contemporary studies on racial relations.
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Queer as punk : queercore and the production of an anti-normative media subcultureNault, Curran Jacob 06 November 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines the historical contexts, major themes, and archival practices of queercore, an anti-normative queer and punk subculture comprised of music, zines, film, art, literature and new media that was instigated in 1985 by Bruce LaBruce and G.B. Jones in Toronto, Ontario. Via their fanzine J.D.s., LaBruce and Jones declared “civil war” on the punk and gay and lesbian mainstreams and conjured queercore as a multimedia subculture situated in pointed opposition to the homophobia of mainline punk and the lifeless sexual politics and assimilationist tendencies of dominant gay and lesbian society. In the pages that follow, I engage wider histories of radical queer politics and punk aesthetics and values to reveal the generative and long-standing symbiosis between these two energies – a symbiosis that informs queercore, but that also extends beyond its temporal and material boundaries. Through close analysis of queercore films (e.g. No Skin Off My Ass, The Lollipop Generation, The Living End, By Hook or By Crook), music (e.g., Pansy Division, Tribe 8, Beth Ditto/The Gossip, Nomy Lamm) and zines (e.g., J.D.s, SCAB, Bimbox, Bamboo Girl, i’m so fucking beautiful), I establish queercore’s primary themes: explicit sexuality (the use of risky, erotic queer punk images and performances to undermine heteronormativity and confront accepted notions of gay and punk identity); imagined violence (the deployment of a threatened, as opposed to actualized, violence in the hopes of frightening and, thus, destabilizing powerful white, bourgeois, heterosexual masculinity); and bodily difference (the circulation of affirmative representations of marginalized queer bodies, and specifically those that are fat, disabled and/or gender non-normative). Finally, I conclude with an exploration of the institutions and individuals currently involved in queercore archival efforts, thus placing my project within a crucial lineage of subcultural preservation. Taken as a whole, this study asserts that queercore articulates and disseminates a set of alternative identities, aesthetics, politics and representations for queer folks to occupy and engage within social space, providing a dynamic anti-normative, anti-corporate, D.I.Y. (do-it-yourself) alternative to a consumer-capitalist hetero- and homo-normative mainstream. / text
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Att lyssna till meningen i mellanrummet : En läsning av Jean-Luc Nancys Listening ur Jacques Derridas différance i klangen av musikens blå toner / Listening to the meaning in the space between : A reading of Jean-Luc Nancy’s Listening through Jacques Derridas différance in the sonority of the blue notesUlriksson, Tanja January 2020 (has links)
This essay attempts to listen to meaning in the borderland, and asks in between which faculties and senses, through which we see and/or listen to the world, do we seek sense? My writing is located on this border, or more precisely on the erased border that I call an interspace or an interval, the place where we look for sense in the relation between language, philosophy, politics, and music. I have done this through the reading of three contemporary philosophers: Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Angela Davis. Derrida and Nancy have provided me with a theoretical and philosophical background for my approach to Davis’s philosophic and political claims. My analysis sets out from Derrida’s différance and what it reveals in the sign system of language. This is continued through a discussion of Nancy’s question: Is philosophy capable of listening, in all senses of the word? Is the philosopher not someone who always hears? In my reading, this connection is established through the blue notes. Davis, finally, provides me with a support for my claim that we, in the political significance of blues, in the traces of meaning that it contains, might be able to listen to Derrida’s différance. Keywords: Listening, meaning, différance, blues, sonority, blue notes, in between, border, subject, Jacques Derrida, Angela Y Davis, Jean-Luc Nancy. / Denna uppsats syftar till att försöka lyssna till meningen i gränslandet – mellan vilka relationer i våra förmågor och sinnen, av att se och/eller lyssna till världen, söker vi mening? Jag vill skriva om den gränsen, eller mer kanske den utsuddade gränsen i platsen jag kallar mellansfär och mellanrum, som den plats där vi söker mening i relationen mellan språk, filosofi, politik och musik. När vi idag söker mening och talar om varat, om individen och subjektivitet, kan det vara så att vi inte längre kan göra det genom fasta tecken, system och former? Istället för att stanna kvar i ett tillstånd av upprepande och separerande som landar i uteslutande och förtryck, i värdeskalor och normer, istället för att endast höra klassiska notsystem, eller förstå språkliga regler hos fasta teckensystem; kan det vara så att vi idag får vända oss till lyssnandet och mellansfären i de blå tonernas différance för att förstå olika individer och subjektivitet i relation till världen? Genom att göra en analys av Derridas term différance i hans text med samma namn: ”Différance” ur boken Margins of philosophy, ska jag försöka närma mig Nancys bok Listening samt läsa hans text genom tanken på différance i Nancys teori och förståelse om lyssnandet. För att undersöka hur lyssnande och musik kan få ett praktiskt uttryck, av de teoretiska meningarna vi söker i différance, vill jag använda musikgenrerna blues och jazz och de blå toner som bluesen förhåller sig i och mellan. Min teori är att bluesen kan ge en plats (av flera) för var skillnader möts mellan text, värld och musik; platsen där différance kan lyssnas till, synliggöras och hörs. I den teorin vänder jag mig till Angela Davis bok Blues Legacies and Black Feminism som stöd för bluesens utveckling. Det jag ämnar närma mig hos Davis är just bluesens meningssökande och plats i samhället
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