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Vilniaus miesto geografija (gamtinės ir visuomeninės geografijos pradmenys) / Geography of city of Vilnius (basis of physical and social geography)Gabrulevičiūtė, Kristina 14 June 2006 (has links)
The Vilnius city is located in southeast parts Lithuania, absolutely near to border with Belarus. Now in Vilnius lives 554281 inhabitants (2005 department of statistics). Present territory of 402 km ². The founder of Vilnius is Gediminas. For the first time Vilnius mention 1323 in letters of Gediminas. In XX century to the government of Vilnius varied twenty times, till 1990 on March, 11 Vilnius again became independency capital of Lithuania. Depth of the ground Vilnius makes two different rocks terrane: the granite crystal base and covering of an obsidional rock. The major minerals are gravel, a boulder, sand, clay, peat. Climate of Vilnius is more continental than western Lithuania. Hydrographic the system in city makes: the river Neris, Vilnele, Riese, Verzuva and others, and also lakes Gulbinas, Balsis, Giluzis, Salote and others. In circuit Vilnius there are 3 different types of ground: podsolic, marsh, turfy. Vilnius is the biggest city in Lithuania. It develops as the scientific and cultural center. Growth of economy stimulates foreign investments. In Vilnius the strong potential of sciences is based. In Vilnius is very active cultural life. Popular are mass holidays of city, action on the different areas and in parks. Vilnius is the most popular object of tourists. Such objects as: castle Gediminas, TV the tower, old city involve many tourists. Vision of Vilnius: most modern city in east and in the central Europe, the center of a science, culture and a world policy.
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Vilniaus apskrities konkurencingumo sąlygų palyginamoji analizė / Conditions of competitiveness in Vilnius region comparable analysisRakauskaitė, Žydra 14 June 2006 (has links)
Competitiveness is multifaceted phenomenon and evaluation of this requires to consider reached results in each, not only economical, realm. In order to find out the singularities of competitiveness’ conditions in Vilnius region, it was looked theoretical, cartographical material and statistical, archival data and sociological research was made (representatives of local municipalities and companies and farmers were interviewed).
I will give broad – brush results:
Municipalities’ deployment in different geographical pieces influences competitiveness conditions in agriculture the most. Ukmerge region has the best conditions to develop agriculture. Other municipalities are classed to profitable agricultures’ space, in which at the position of economical side is not worth to work.
Vilnius city makes the most significant influence for the whole region economical situation. 65 % inhabitants in the region are concentrated in the capital. There are 2 – 3 times less unemployment rate and one third bigger salary in contrast with the rest municipalities of region in Vilnius. Vilnius city according to the optimum economical conditions every year enlists more qualified labour force and this gives competitive preeminence against each municipalities.
The status as the capital, well developed transport, and growth of selling production amounts give the opportunity to concentrate 18 % industries’ potential in Vilnius region. The most significant part (16 %) falls to Vilnius city... [to full text]
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Šeštos klasės geografijos kurso didaktinė analizė / Didactic analysis of the 6th form geography courseMilušauskaitė, Rūta 19 June 2006 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to persuade if requirements of geography syllabus and schoolwork are conform to the 6th form children psychological abilities with reference B. S. Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive skills. 11 – 13 years old children are in-between period of middle childhood and adolescence. That is why some of them are grown enough for upper abstractive hypothetical thinking and some of them – not yet. According to executed psychological research pupils are able to do tasks of synthesis, knowledge, conception and application the best, though analysis and evaluation is still quite complicated. The norms of geography education include all steps of cognitive skills. The newest geography textbook satisfies both requirements and available skills. The preview one is orientated to knowledge and comprehension mostly and because of this reason it is not able to cover all the syllabus need. The textbook’s content, geography syllabus and pupils abilities work in with knowledge, comprehension, analysis and application level the best.
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Lietuvos geografijos mokslo ir studijų raida dvidešimto amžiaus antroje pusėje / The development of Lithuanian geography sciences and studies in second half of the 20 centuryZigmantaitė, Gražina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuvos geografijos mokslui Lietuvoje beveik 250metų, tačiau ant tvirtų mokslinių - metodologinių pagrindų jis atsistojo tik XX a. pradžioje. Atsiradus pirminėms geografijos mokslo pradmenims (XVI a.), iš pradžių žinios apie ją buvo paviršutiniškos, perteikiamos per kitas disciplinas – filosofiją, istoriją, fiziką, taikomąją matematiką ir kitas disciplinas. Geografija kaip atskira mokslo disciplina vis labiau tobulėjo – iš pradžių geografija buvo suprantama teoriškai, o vėliau vis svarbesnę reikšmę įgavo praktinė veikla. Iki XX a. geografinius tyrimus vykdė ne geografai, bet integruotų mokslo sričių specialistai, nes tuomet dar nebuvo dabartinės mokslo diferenciacijos. XX a. II pusėje jau ryškiai susiformavo atskiros geografijos mokslo šakų kryptys.
XX a. II pusė geografijos moksle vadinama atgimimo laikotarpiu – atkurtos aukštosios mokyklos, įkurtas mokslų akademijos Geologijos ir geografijos institutas, VVU GMF 2 geografijos katedros, ir VPI geografijos katedra – tai yra pagrindiniai Lietuvos geografijos mokslo gimimo židiniai.
Susiformavus geografijos mokslo kryptims ir mokslo vystymo įstaigoms, atsirado poreikis ruošti geografijos specialistus kurie, atliktų mokslinį ir pedagoginį darbus. Universitetai pradėjo ruošti profesionalius specialistus pedagoginiam ir moksliniam darbui.
Susiformavus sudėtingai geografijos mokslo raidai, žinių apie ją surinkta labai daug – yra parašytos knygos apie žymiausius Lietuvos geografus, disertacijos ir straipsniai apie atskiras... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The stages of science history may be distinguished with regard either to development conditions or its content. There may be no chronological limits between these stages. In the present article the stages are distinguished taking into consideration the phases of state history which determined specific conditions for the development of science:
• The Soviet years;
• The present stage (beginning with 1990).
An analysis of the content of these stages is the task of further studies of the history of geography.
Two trends were established in school geography in the Soviet period: natural and social-economic was geography. Natural aspects of geography were the least ideological and equaled the standard in democratic countries in the academic sense. It is necessary to remember that students who studied geography in Lithuania enriched their knowledge only from text books in Russian. Now, when we can compare Soviet and western textbooks, we see that the Russians had wrong notions about some aspects. Moreover, it was much more ideological. The world was clearly divided into two parts: the socialist world and the capitalistic one. The elevation of achievements of the socialist system encouraged pseudo-patriotism and hostility to the rest of the world. Capitalistic (market economy, democratic) countries were not analyzed objectively.
The year 1990 was a breaking year for many European countries and opened many opportunities for Lithuania. A huge wave of change flooded the educational... [to full text]
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Vilniaus rajono rekreacinis potencialas, jo plėtotė ir panaudojimas / Vilnius District recreational potential, its develepment and usageBaniukevič, Jolanta 21 June 2006 (has links)
Vilnius District, with its unique features, is unrepeatable and original region. Whereas there are some locations almost not involved in economical activities, the District acquires much higher cognitive and scientific value. The natural potential of the District is its high-value property that provides both recreation and curative/aesthetical features. The cultural potential of the region (churches, ethnographic villages and so on), the population, its everyday life, traditions, habits, showing the culture of the region, its development, character of the inhabitants and so on, are of a high value as well. So, there are favorable conditions for development tourism and countryside tourism in Vilnius District, such as the abundance of tourism resources, convenient geographical situation, good communication both with the capital an other regions of the state. The wide network of highways allows satisfying the interest of the local population and foreigners in Vilnius District.
Recently, more and more persons in villages start tourism business. Usually tourism business is a potential source of additional income for them seeking for a higher living standard. Residents of Vilnius District should take a particular interest in this occupation, because the lands of the District is not fit for agriculture, so people in the countryside cannot obtain permanently high income from agriculture. Such income may be earned not only from accommodation and feeding services, but also from... [to full text]
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Mokyklinės geografijos raida 1945 - 1990 metais Lietuvoje / The development of Lithuanian school's geography in 1945 - 1990 yearsBrazauskas, Gintaras 13 June 2005 (has links)
The topic of my Master’s Thesis is ‘The development of Lithuanian school’s geography in 1945 – 1990 years’. The main purpose is to research this development relating it with the issues of antebellum ideological attitudes and pedagogical ideas of the particulate stage. The curriculum, vocabularies of geography and methodical experience of teachers were analyzed and developed in conformity with the methods of literature, data analyzing, comparing and critical assessment and the method of systematical analysis also.
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Geografinės informacinės sistemos mokyklinėje geografijoje (mokomoji medžiaga) / Geographic information systems in schools geography (learning materials)Repečka, Linas 13 June 2005 (has links)
In early 60-ies of XX th century the computer is born and begin to inculcate in various range of life. Text data have been changed into digital databases. In late nineties computers becomes concurrent with our daily life.
In year of 2001 government begins to fund computerizing of secondary schools in Lithuania. According, to analysis of situation in secondary schools computerization, we can admit that the level of computerization is high. Situation with geography computerization is quite comfortable too. It is good situation to begin apply GIS to secondary education. In year of 2002 a document of “Geography education standards for secondary schools” was realized, and GIS, as a part of geography, has his place in this document. Talking about textbooks of geography, it is only one of them that includes information about GIS (prepared by David Waugh), but considering to geography standards, to form informational skills of students, information about GIS in this textbook is insufficient.
Looking for information about GIS we regarded of qualitative information standards, that is set by Education evolutionary centre. Information about GIS is divined into several rubric, they are: definition of GIS, history and birth of GIS, shape of data used in GIS, usage of GIS in modern world. It is important to overview all of those rubric as a main information that is needed to gain a modern calibre of geography. Introduction to GIS programs is important too. Because, at the moment, we don’t... [to full text]
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Lietuvos geografijos kurso vizualios kompiuterinės duomenų bazės projektas (Vilniaus rajono pavyzdžiu) / Project of visual database for Lithuania’s geography syllabus (based on Vilnius region)Kirilovas, Valerijus 07 June 2006 (has links)
Using information technology is integral living in a modern world. It lets us search for necessary information. School is the place where people obtain this competence. To pursue this objective school uses computer-based teaching programs. “Akis M” is one of the commonly used for teaching geography at school. This interactive program has thematic Lithuanian maps and database of related information.
First part of this work is dedicated to examine all available handbooks intended for teaching Lithuanian geography and all available illustrations in them. Referring to Lithuanian geography syllabus and handbooks I developed visual database for teaching program “Akis M” In order to develop this visual database I chose to use landscape of Vilnius region as a basis. Landscape is made of several parts: relief, soil, weather, flora and fauna and human impact. All these parts form our environment.
Second part of this work is assigned to analyze existing teaching program “Akis M2” propose new functions and new development. One of which is visual database of Vilnius region landscapes. After scrutinizing landscapes of Vilnius district visualization scheme was created. With reference to this scheme visual data was collected. All of seven landscapes in Vilnius district were visualized. Four of them, covering most of Vilnius region, are visualized with most places. Other three have less visualization places.
Using “Arc View” software map of landscapes was created. This map and related... [to full text]
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Lietuvos tarptautinės karinės veiklos geografinis vertinimas / Geographical estimation of lithuanian international military activityDobrovolskis, Tomas 25 November 2010 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Aktyvi tarptautinė karinė veikla tapo vienu iš svarbiausių Lietuvos užsienio politikos įgyvendinimo uždavinių. Intensyvus tarptautinis karinis bendradarbiavimas, dalyvavimas tarptautinės taikos palaikymo procese yra pagrindinės šio uždavinio įgyvendinimo priemonės. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra atskleisti Lietuvos tarptautinės karinės veiklos geografinius ypatumus. Darbe nustatoma, jog Lietuvos tarptautinės karinės veiklos ypatumai yra sąlygoti ne tik politinių motyvų, bet turi ir tam tikrą geografinį pagrįstumą. Lietuvos dvišalio ir daugiašalio karinio bendradarbiavimo dėsningumai atskleidžia šalies pagrindinius prioritetus, kurie teikiami daugumai Baltijos jūros regiono šalių. Ypatingai aktyvus bendradarbiavimas gynybos srityje Lietuvą sieja su Rytų Pabaltijo subregiono šalimis, strateginėmis partnerėmis gynybos srityje – Latvija ir Estija. Esminiai geografiniai veiksniai, nulėmę tokius bendradarbiavimo ypatumus, yra: Baltijos jūra ir geopolitinio balanso poreikis. Be to, atsižvelgiant į Lietuvos didėjantį dalyvavimo tarptautinėse taikos rėmimo operacijose aktyvumą, labai svarbiu veiksniu tampa aukštas karių parengimo lygis. Jeigu kovinis parengimas tokiems tikslams yra tikrai aukšto lygio, tai geografinė informacija nėra pakankama. Tai tampa ypač svarbu tuomet, kai šalis siunčia savo taikdarius į geografiškai tolimus regionus. Narystė NATO ir kitose tarptautinėse organizacijose įpareigoja Lietuvą būti aktyviu sąjungininku tarptautinės taikos palaikymo procese... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Stirring international military activity has become one of the most important tasks of Lithuanian foreign policy implementation. Intensive international military collaboration and participation in peace keeping process are the main means to implement that task. The main aim of the paper is to detect geographical peculiarities of Lithuanian international military activity. It is defined that Lithuanian international military activity is reasoned not only politically, but also has a geographical validity. Bilateral and multilateral military collaboration of Lithuania clearly reveals it’s priorities given to the most of the Baltic Sea region countries. Especially active cooperation in military range Lithuania holds with other Eastern Baltic countries – Latvia and Estonia. The main geographical factors of such collaboration peculiarity are: the Baltic Sea and the need of geopolitical balance. Moreover, according to Lithuania’s increased activity in international peace making operations, it’s very important to have a good military staff preparation system for such aims. Perhaps a combatant preparation is in a high level, but geographical preparation is insufficient. It becomes especially important when the country sends peacemakers to the geographically distant regions. Membership in NATO and other international organizations obligate Lithuania to be an active associate in peace keeping process. Lithuania was taking part in military operations that were prosecuted in four... [to full text]
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Детекција и анализа климатских региона у Србији / Detekcija i analiza klimatskih regiona u Srbiji / Detection and analysis of climate regions in SerbiaStojsavljević Rastislav 15 December 2015 (has links)
<p>За дефинисање климатских региона у Србији су коришћени следећи параметри: просечна средња месечна темперература ваздуха, просечна средња месечна максимална температура ваздуха, просечна средња месечна минимална температура ваздуха, укупна месечна сума падавина. Истраживани период је износио 30 година (1981-2010). За температурне низове је коришћено 69<br />станица, а за падавинске низове 78. У обзир су рађене станице које имају минимум 80% попуњеног низа, док су за недостајући низ коришћени методи интерполације и<br />екстраполације. За дефинисање климатских региона коришћене су следеће методе: кластер, АНОВА, Пирсонов тест корелације, анализа поузданости, факторска анализа и геостатистичке анализе кригинг и метода полинома. На основу напоменутих параметара издвојено је 12 температурних и 8 падавинских региона.</p> / <p>Za definisanje klimatskih regiona u Srbiji su korišćeni sledeći parametri: prosečna srednja mesečna tempereratura vazduha, prosečna srednja mesečna maksimalna temperatura vazduha, prosečna srednja mesečna minimalna temperatura vazduha, ukupna mesečna suma padavina. Istraživani period je iznosio 30 godina (1981-2010). Za temperaturne nizove je korišćeno 69<br />stanica, a za padavinske nizove 78. U obzir su rađene stanice koje imaju minimum 80% popunjenog niza, dok su za nedostajući niz korišćeni metodi interpolacije i<br />ekstrapolacije. Za definisanje klimatskih regiona korišćene su sledeće metode: klaster, ANOVA, Pirsonov test korelacije, analiza pouzdanosti, faktorska analiza i geostatističke analize kriging i metoda polinoma. Na osnovu napomenutih parametara izdvojeno je 12 temperaturnih i 8 padavinskih regiona.</p> / <p>To define climate regions in Serbia, it has been used following parameters: average monthly mean tempereratura air, the average monthly mean maximum air temperature, average monthly mean minimum air temperature, total monthly sum of precipitation. The studied period was 30 years (1981-2010). For the temperature sequences were used 69 stations and for precipitation 78. Station which were used had a minimum of 80% of the completed series, while for the missing series was used methods of interpolation and extrapolation. To define climate regions were used following methods cluster, ANOVA, Pearson correlation test, reliability analysis, factor analysis and geostatistical analyzes kriging and method polynomials. On the basis of abovementioned parameters Serbia has 12 temperature and 8 precipitation regions</p>
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