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Contributions to fuzzy object comparison and applications : similarity measures for fuzzy and heterogeneous data and their applicationsBashon, Yasmina Massoud January 2013 (has links)
This thesis makes an original contribution to knowledge in the fi eld of data objects' comparison where the objects are described by attributes of fuzzy or heterogeneous (numeric and symbolic) data types. Many real world database systems and applications require information management components that provide support for managing such imperfect and heterogeneous data objects. For example, with new online information made available from various sources, in semi-structured, structured or unstructured representations, new information usage and search algorithms must consider where such data collections may contain objects/records with di fferent types of data: fuzzy, numerical and categorical for the same attributes. New approaches of similarity have been presented in this research to support such data comparison. A generalisation of both geometric and set theoretical similarity models has enabled propose new similarity measures presented in this thesis, to handle the vagueness (fuzzy data type) within data objects. A framework of new and unif ied similarity measures for comparing heterogeneous objects described by numerical, categorical and fuzzy attributes has also been introduced. Examples are used to illustrate, compare and discuss the applications and e fficiency of the proposed approaches to heterogeneous data comparison.
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Optical measurement of shape and deformation fields on challenging surfacesNguyen, Tran January 2012 (has links)
A multiple-sensor optical shape measurement system (SMS) based on the principle of white-light fringe projection has been developed and commercialised by Loughborough University and Phase Vision Ltd for over 10 years. The use of the temporal phase unwrapping technique allows precise and dense shape measurements of complex surfaces; and the photogrammetry-based calibration technique offers the ability to calibrate multiple sensors simultaneously in order to achieve 360° measurement coverage. Nevertheless, to enhance the applicability of the SMS in industrial environments, further developments are needed (i) to improve the calibration speed for quicker deployment, (ii) to broaden the application range from shape measurement to deformation field measurement, and (iii) to tackle practically-challenging surfaces of which specular components may disrupt the acquired data and result in spurious measurements. The calibration process typically requires manual positioning of an artefact (i.e., reference object) at many locations within the view of the sensors. This is not only timeconsuming but also complicated for an operator with average knowledge of metrology. This thesis introduces an automated artefact positioning system which enables automatic and optimised distribution of the artefacts, automatic prediction of their whereabouts to increase the artefact detection speed and robustness, and thereby greater overall calibration performance. This thesis also describes a novel technique that integrates the digital image correlation (DIC) technique into the present fringe projection SMS for the purpose of simultaneous shape and deformation field measurement. This combined technique offers three key advantages: (a) the ability to deal with geometrical discontinuities which are commonly present on mechanical surfaces and currently challenging to most deformation measurement methods, (b) the ability to measure 3D displacement fields with a basic single-camera single-projector SMS with no additional hardware components, and (c) the simple implementation on a multiple-sensor hardware platform to achieve complete coverage of large-scale and complex samples, with the resulting displacement fields automatically lying in a single global coordinate system. A displacement measurement accuracy of ≃ 1/12,000 of the measurement volume, which is comparable to that of an industry-standard DIC system, has been achieved. The applications of this novel technique to several structural tests of aircraft wing panels on-site at the research centre of Airbus UK in Filton are also presented. Mechanical components with shiny surface finish and complex geometry may introduce another challenge to present fringe projection techniques. In certain circumstances, multiple reflections of the projected fringes on an object surface may cause ambiguity in the phase estimation process and result in incorrect coordinate measurements. This thesis presents a new technique which adopts a Fourier domain ranging (FDR) method to correctly identifying multiple phase signals and enables unambiguous triangulation for a measured coordinate. Experiments of the new FDR technique on various types of surfaces have shown promising results as compared to the traditional phase unwrapping techniques.
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Modélisation et simulation du procédé de prépolissage automatique sur centre d'usinage 5 axes / Modeling and simulation of automatic pre-polishing process on 5-axis machining centerGuiot, Anthony 06 December 2012 (has links)
La réalisation de formes complexes comme les moules ou les prothèses médicales nécessite l’utilisation d’opérations de super finition pour obtenir de faibles défauts géométriques, pouvant aller jusqu’au poli-miroir. Ces opérations de pré-polissage et de polissage sont encore régulièrement réalisées manuellement. En effet, malgré des avantages en termes de répétabilité, de productivité et de qualité géométrique, les méthodes de polissage automatique sont peu utilisées car elles nécessitent une mise au point importante. Les travaux de recherche présentés participent à la maîtrise du procédé de polissage automatique tout en contrôlant la qualité géométrique des pièces. Pour parvenir à cette maîtrise, un outil de simulation de l’enlèvement de matière est mis en place. Cet outil permet de simuler l’enlèvement de matière au cours d’une opération de prépolissage réalisée sur centre d’usinage 5 axes. Il se base sur un modèle du contact obtenu entre l’outil de pré-polissage et la pièce, ainsi que sur un modèle du pouvoir abrasif intégrant l’usure et l’encrassement du disque. Cette simulation permet de vérifier la régularité de l’abrasion sur une surface et d’identifier les zones pouvant faire apparaitre des défauts macro-géométriques importants. Une méthode est également proposée pour compenser les variations du pouvoir abrasif au cours du temps. La compensation s’effectue en optimisant les consignes de vitesse d’avance et/ou de fréquence de broche le long de la trajectoire. Cette méthode de pilotage permet d’obtenir un taux d’enlèvement de matière plus constant et ainsi de réduire les défauts géométriques générés pendant une opération de prépolissage. / Complex shapes such as medical implants or injection molds require the use of super-finishing operations to minimize geometrical defects, down to mirror effect finish. These pre-polishing and polishing operations are still regularly performed manually by skilled workers. In spite of advantages in terms of repeatability, productivity and geometrical quality, automatic polishing methods are not widely used because they require systematic and significant developments. The present work contributes to enhance the automatic polishing process compared to the geometric quality of the parts. To achieve this control, a numerical simulation of material removal is implemented. This software simulates the material removal during a pre-polishing operation performed on 5-axis machining center. It is based on a contact model obtained between the pre-polishing tool and the part, as well as an abrasive model including wear of the disc. This simulation allows to check the uniformity of the material removal on the surface and to identify potential areas where macro-geometric defects appear. A method is also proposed to balance variations of the abrasive efficiency. The correction is performed by optimizing the federate and/or the spindle speed along the tool path. This method provides a constant material removal and reduces the geometrical deviations generated during pre-polishing operations.
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Le Cercle de Zugló. Un groupe informel d’artistes abstraits en Hongrie entre 1958 et 1968 : antécédents, activité et résonance (1945-1990) / The Zugló Circle. An informal group of abstract artists in Hungary between 1958 and 1968 Antecedents, activity and resonance (1945-1990)Kopeczky, Rhona 02 February 2013 (has links)
Cette étude aborde l’activité d’un cercle artistique hongrois d’avant-garde nommé Cercle de Zugló, composé de jeunes peintres et sculpteurs abstraits. Cette formation informelle et autodidacte regroupait les artistes Imre Bak, Tibor Csiky, Sándor Csutoros, Pál Deim, János Fajó, Tamás Hencze, Endre Hortobágyi, Sándor Molnár et István Nádler, et exista de 1958 à 1968, durant la période communiste en Hongrie. Par l’examen de ses antécédents théoriques et stylistiques remontant à l’Ecole Européenne et au Groupe des artistes abstraits (1945-1948), jusqu’à sa résonance dans le retour à peinture des années quatre-vingt nommé Nouvelle Sensibilité (1978-1990), l’auteur tente de déterminer l’importance et la valeur éthique de la production abstraite du Cercle de Zugló dans le paysage artistique hongrois, isolé des actualités internationales et dominé par l’idéologie politique culturelle du réalisme socialiste.La mise en perspective théorique et stylistique permet d’une part de définir à quel point la démarche des jeunes artistes se veut être l’héritière intellectuelle et artistique de la génération plus âgée de l’avant-garde hongroise, d’orientation constructiviste. D’autre part, elle s’efforce de mettre en lumière à quel point le Cercle de Zugló se différencie de ses pères spirituels, par l’introduction et l’adoption de l’abstraction lyrique française, puis de la nouvelle abstraction géométrique américaine. Elle traduit également la volonté de redéfinir une identité artistique hongroise et de la réinsérer dans le contexte et le flux internationaux. / This study examines the activity of a Hungarian avant-garde artistic circle named Zugló Circle, formed by young abstract painters and sculptors. Working in a self-taught way, this informal group gathered the artists Imre Bak, Tibor Csiky, Sándor Csutoros, Pál Deim, János Fajó, Tamás Hencze, Endre Hortobágyi, Sándor Molnár and István Nádler, and existed from 1958 to 1968, during the communist period in Hungary. Through the analysis of its theoretical and stylistic antecedents going back the European School and the Group of abstract artists (1945-1948) until its resonance in the new painterly wave of the eighties named New Sensitivity, the author determines the importance, the ethical value of the abstract production of the Zugló Circle in the Hungarian artistic landscape, which at the time was isolated and dominated by the cultural politics ideology of socialist realism.Putting the young artists’ approach in a theoretical and stylistic perspective, the author defines on one hand to which extent it wished to be the intellectual and artistic heir of the older generation of the Hungarian avant-garde, of constructivist orientation. On the other hand, this perspective also sheds light on how the Zugló Circle differentiates from its spiritual fathers, through the introduction and adoption of the French lyrical abstraction and later the American geometrical abstraction. It also reveals the will to redefine a Hungarian artistic identity and to reinsert it in an international context and stream.
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Poznávání geometrických tvarů / Learning about geometrical shapesSýpalová, Zdeňka January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis Learning about geometrical shapes is focused on the development of the spatial imagination of learners using tangram. This aid is examined by mathematics and the possibilities of the usage of the aid while teaching mathematics at primary school are presented. The aim of this paper is to describe the solving process and strategies of tangram tasks, to descibe and explain phenomena concerning pupil's learning process about geometrical shapes using qualitative analysis. To reach the goals the experiments were done, their analysis is the maim pillar of this paper. While preparing the tools of the experiments, the difficulty criteria were set so it is possible to sort out the patterns according to that. The results of this paper shows that the solving strategies of learners are often similar to the adults' one, the difference is just in the experiences which make the adults' solving process faster.
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Radiothérapie guidée par l'image du cancer de la prostate : vers l'intégration des déformations anatomiques / Image-guided radiotherapy of prostate cancer : towards the integration of anatomical deformationsCazoulat, Guillaume 17 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la quantification et la prise en compte des variations anatomiques en cours de radiothérapie guidée par l'image pour le cancer de la prostate. Nous proposons tout d'abord une approche basée population pour quantifier et analyser les incertitudes géométriques, notamment à travers des matrices de probabilité de présence de la cible en cours de traitement. Nous proposons ensuite une méthode d'optimisation des marges suivant des critères de couverture géométrique de la cible tumorale. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir des marges objectives associées aux différents types d'incertitudes géométriques et aux différentes modalités de repositionnement du patient. Dans un second temps, nous proposons une méthode d'estimation de la dose cumulée reçue localement par les tissus pendant un traitement de radiothérapie de la prostate. Cette méthode repose notamment sur une étape de recalage d'images de façon à estimer les déformations des organes entre les séances de traitement et la planification. Différentes méthodes de recalage sont proposées, suivant les informations disponibles (délinéations ou points homologues) pour contraindre la déformation estimée. De façon à évaluer les méthodes proposées au regard de l'objectif de cumul de dose, nous proposons ensuite la génération et l'utilisation d'un fantôme numérique reposant sur un modèle biomécanique des organes considérés. Les résultats de l'approche sont présentés sur ce fantôme numérique et sur données réelles. Nous montrons ainsi que l'apport de contraintes géométriques permet d'améliorer significativement la précision du cumul et que la méthode reposant sur la sélection de contraintes ponctuelles présente un bon compromis entre niveau d'interaction et précision du résultat. Enfin, nous abordons la question de l'analyse de données de populations de patients dans le but de mieux comprendre les relations entre dose délivrée localement et effets cliniques. Grâce au recalage déformable d'une population de patients sur une référence anatomique, les régions dont la dose est significativement liée aux événements de récidive sont identifiées. Il s'agit d'une étude exploratoire visant à terme à mieux exploiter l'information portée par l'intégralité de la distribution de dose, et ce en fonction du profil du cancer. / This work deals with the quantification and the compensation of anatomical deformations during image-guided radiotherapy of prostate cancer. Firstly, we propose a population-based approach to quantify the geometrical uncertainties by means of coverage probability matrices of the target tumor during the treatment. We then propose a margins optimization method based on geometrical coverage criteria of the tumor target. This method provides rationnal margins models associated to the different geometrical uncertainties and patient repositioning protocols. Secondly, we propose a method to estimate the locally accumulated dose during the treatment. This method relies on a deformable image registration process in order to estimate the organ deformations between each treatment fraction and the planning. Different registration methods are proposed, using different level of user interactions (landmarks specification or delineations) to constrain the deformation estimation. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, we then describe the generation of a numerical phantom based on a biomechanical model. The results are presented for the numerical phantom and real clinical cases. We show that the benefit brought by the manual placement of some landmarks to constrain the registration represents a good compromise between the required interaction level and the dose estimation accuracy. Finally, we address the issue of the analysis of population data in order to better understand the relationship between the locally delivered dose and clinical effects. With deformable image registration of a population of patients on an anatomical template, regions whose dose is significantly associated with recurrence events are identified. This last part is an exploratory study aiming to better use the information carried by the entire distribution dose, and according to the cancer profile.
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Introduction de pièces déformables dans l’analyse de tolérances géométriques de mécanismes hyperstatiques / Introduction of flexible parts in tolerance analysis of over-constrained mechanismsGouyou, Doriane 04 December 2018 (has links)
Les mécanismes hyperstatiques sont souvent utilisés dans l’industrie pour garantir une bonne tenue mécanique du système et une bonne robustesse aux écarts de fabrication des surfaces. Même si ces assemblages sont très courants, les méthodologies d’analyse de tolérances de ces mécanismes sont difficiles à mettre en oeuvre.En fonction de ses écarts de fabrication, un assemblage hyperstatique peut soit présenter des interférences de montage, soit être assemblé avec jeu. Dans ces travaux de thèse, nous avons appliqué la méthode des polytopes afin de détecter les interférences de montage. Pour un assemblage donné, le polytope résultant du mécanisme est calculé. Si ce polytope est non vide, l’assemblage ne présente pas d’interférence. Si ce polytope est vide, l’assemblage présente des interférences de montage. En fonction du résultat obtenu, deux méthodes d’analyse distinctes sont proposées.Si l’assemblage est réalisable sans interférence le polytope résultant du mécanisme permet de conclure sur sa conformité au regard de l’exigence fonctionnelle. Si l’assemblage présente des interférences de montage, une analyse prenant en compte la raideur des pièces est réalisée. Cette approche est basée sur une réduction de modèle avec des super-éléments. Elle permet de déterminer rapidement l’état d’équilibre du système après assemblage. Un effort de montage est ensuite estimé à partir de ces résultats pour conclure sur la faisabilité de l’assemblage. Si l’assemblage est déclaré réalisable, la propagation des déformations dans les pièces est caractérisée pour vérifier la conformité du système au regard de l’exigence fonctionnelle.La rapidité de mise en oeuvre de ces calculs nous permet de réaliser des analyses de tolérances statistiques par tirage de Monte Carlo pour estimer les probabilités de montage et de respect d’une Condition Fonctionnelle. / Over-constrained mechanisms are often used in industries to ensure a good mechanical strength and a good robustness to manufacturing deviations of parts. The tolerance analysis of such assemblies is difficult to implement.Indeed, depending on the geometrical deviations of parts, over-constrained mechanisms can have assembly interferences. In this work, we used the polytope method to check whether the assembly has interferences or not. For each assembly, the resulting polytope of the mechanism is computed. If it is non empty, the assembly can be performed without interference. If not, there is interferences in the assembly. According to the result, two different methods can be implemented.For an assembly without interference, the resulting polytope enables to check directly its compliance. For an assembly with interferences, a study taking into account the stiffness of the parts is undertaken. This approach uses a model reduction with super elements. It enables to compute quickly the assembly with deformation. Then, an assembly load is computed to conclude on its feasibility. Finally, the spreading of deformation through the parts is calculated to check the compliance of the mechanism.The short computational time enables to perform stochastic tolerance analyses in order to provide the rates of compliant assemblies.
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Assembly simulation and evaluation based on generation of virtual workpiece with form defect / Simulation d’assemblage et évaluation basés sur la génération de pièces virtuelles avec défauts de formeYan, Xingyu 31 January 2018 (has links)
La géométrie d'une pièce fabriquée réelle diffère de la pièce virtuelle de CAO (Conception Assistée par Ordinateur. Cette différence est due à la somme des écarts inhérents à la fabrication. L'objectif de ce travail est d’introduire des pièces virtuelles ayant des défauts de forme (Skin Model Shape) dans les applications d'ingénierie afin de répondre aux exigences croissantes de l'industrie en matière de gestion de la qualité de la géométrie des produits. Les travaux traitent de divers aspects, particulièrement de la génération de défauts de forme, de la simulation d'assemblage et de la métrologie virtuelle.Les méthodes permettant de générer des défauts de forme sur des surfaces simples sont analysés et classées. En raison des défauts de forme, la combinaison de surfaces simples pour générer une pièce entière induit une incohérence géométrique au niveau des arêtes. Une méthode globale basée sur les éléments finis et une méthode locale basée sur le lissage local de maillage sont utilisées pour résoudre ce problème.Pour prédire l'écart des caractéristiques fonctionnelles, la simulation d'assemblage est effectuée en utilisant des surfaces avec défauts de forme. Une approche est développée sur la base de la condition de complémentarité linéaire et du torseur de petits déplacements pour prendre en compte les conditions aux limites de l'assemblage, telles que les déplacements et les charges.Des méthodes pour évaluer les écarts sur les modèles de surfaces avec défauts de forme sont également étudiées. Les spécifications sur le produit sont exprimées avec GeoSpelling et évaluées à l'aide du torseur de petits déplacements. Les méthodes développées sont intégrées dans un laboratoire virtuel pour l'apprentissage en ligne.Les études susmentionnées complètent et étendent les méthodes de gestion des tolérances basées sur GeoSpelling et le « skin » modèle. / The geometry of a real manufactured part differs from the virtual workpieces designed in Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems. This difference is due to the accumulation of unavoidable manufacturing deviations. The objective of this work is to implement virtual workpieces with form defects (Skin Model Shape) in engineering applications to meet the industry’s increasing demands in product geometry quality management. Various aspects are covered here, in particular form defect generation, assembly simulation and virtual metrology.Methods to generate form defects on simple surfaces are reviewed and classified. Due to form defects, the combination of simple surfaces to generate a whole part led to inconsistency on the edges. A global FEA-based method and a local mesh smoothing based method are used to overcome this issue.To predict the deviation of functional characteristics, assembly simulation is conducted using skin model shapes. An approach is developed based on the Linear Complementarity Condition and the Small Displacement Torsor to take into account assembly boundary conditions, such as displacements and loads.Methods to evaluate deviation values on skin model shapes are also studied. Product specifications are expressed with GeoSpelling, and evaluated using the Small Displacement Torsor method. The developed methods are integrated into an online Virtual Laboratory for e-learning.The above-mentioned studies complement and extend the tolerance management methods based on GeoSpelling and skin models.
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Estudo das descrições Lagrangiana e Euleriana na análise não-linear geométrica com o emprego do Método dos Elementos Finitos / Study of the Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions in geometrical nonlinear analysis with use of the finite element methodPaula, Cristina Ferreira de 12 May 1997 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudam-se diversos aspectos conceituais relativos à modelagem mecânico-matemática para a descrição do comportamento estrutural não-linear geométrico. Apresenta-se, inicialmente, a aplicação do Princípio dos Trabalhos Virtuais na caracterização do equilíbrio na posição deslocada. Em seguida, a partir do emprego do Método dos Elementos Finitos, analisam-se as formas discretizadas Lagrangiana e Euleriana da expressão do equilíbrio, que resultam em função da descrição adotada para o movimento. A questão da estabilidade estrutural é tratada, abordando-se os conceitos de ponto limite e de bifurcação. Estudam-se, finalmente, os procedimentos incrementais, em combinação com o Método de Newton, para a solução do sistema não-linear de equações e para a caracterização de pontos singulares de equilíbrio. Exemplos consistindo na análise do comportamento de estruturas reticulares compõem as aplicações numéricas. / In this work, several conceptual aspects related to the mechanic-mathematical modeling for description of the geometrical nonlinear stuctural behavior are studied. First of all the Principle of Virtual Work is presented in order to characterize the equilibrium in the displaced position. Then, from the use of finite element method one analyses the Lagrangian and Eulerian forms which result from the adopted description of the motion. Stability of the structural response is treated by discussing the concepts of limit and bifurcation points. Finally, the incremental procedures in combination with the Newton schemes for solution of nonlinear equations and characterization of the singular points of equilibrium are studied. The numerical applications are related to the analysis of simple linear structures.
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Avaliação de produtos aerofotogramétricos alternativos com câmaras digitais não métricas de pequeno formato em voo apoiado. / Evaluation of alternative products aerophotogrammetrics with digital cameras no metrics in small formats in flight supported.Diniz, Émerson Andrade 20 June 2016 (has links)
Os produtos cartográficos gerados pelo processo de Aerolevantamento são uma importante ferramenta de análise e tomada de decisões na engenharia moderna. Por outro lado a crescente demanda de projetos está levando pesquisadores a buscarem meios mais rápidos, econômicos e eficientes para obter bons produtos. Dessa maneira, vem surgindo novos equipamentos e produtos nessa área. Paralelamente, com o advento do posicionamento por satélite é possível um maior controle da qualidade cartográfica e a verificação da eficácia desses novos produtos. O presente estudo analisa diferentes tecnologias associadas ao uso da câmara digital não métrica de pequeno formato, como a HASSELBLAD H4D-31, com a utilização do Posicionamento por Ponto Preciso associado a um sistema inercial com e sem a utilização de uma base de referência (voo não apoiado), para a elaboração de ortofotos e cartas. Com relação à precisão geométrica e atendimento do padrão brasileiro de qualidade foram testadas comparativamente essas e outras alternativas, contando com dados da RBMC e apoio suplementar de campo. O produto resultante foi analisado também quanto à eficácia no que se diz respeito à boa qualidade da imagem com a identificação dos objetos em campo para utilização em projetos de engenharia. Ao final pode-se dizer que o produto foi validado, quanto à qualidade informativa e quanto à precisão necessária, atingindo o PEC classe A, para a escala 1:2.000. Ou seja, esse produto é uma alternativa viável tecnicamente e de menor custo, para aplicações como as apresentadas no presente trabalho. / The cartographic products generated by Aerial Survey process is an important tool for analysis and decision in modern engineering. On the other way the growing demand for projects is leading researchers to seek ways more faster, economical and efficient to get good products. In this way, are emerging new equipments and products in this area. At the same time, with the advent of satellite positioning it is possible greater control of cartographic quality and checking the effectiveness of these new products. This study analyzes different technologies associated with the use of the digital camera not metric of small-format, as the Hasselblad H4D-31, using the Positioning Precise Point associated with an inertial system without the use of a reference base (flight not supported ), for the development of orthophotos and maps. Regarding the geometric precision and care of the Brazilian standard of quality we were tested compared these and other alternatives, with data RBMC and additional support field. The resulting product was analyzed as well as the effectiveness as it relates to the quality of the image with the identification of field objects for use in engineering projects. At the end it can be said that the product was validated information as to quality and as to the necessary precision, reaching the PEC class A, to 1: 2000. That is, this product is a technically feasible and low-cost alternative for applications such as those presented in this work.
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