Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geopolitical""
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Tamazgha in France : indigeneity and citizenship in the diasporic Amazigh movementHarris, Jonathan Anthony January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines how the Amazigh diaspora, networked in France's Amazigh cultural associations, village committees and political movements, constructs an imaginative geography of North Africa, which they call Tamazgha, and the implications this has for this emergent and diverse group. It sets out to theorise and understand the political geographies of this diasporic social movement in the contemporary moment. It does so by approaching the Amazigh diaspora as its primary object of research within a relational, multiscalar analysis of its geopolitics. This thesis contributes to the subdiscipline of political geography as well as Amazigh studies. Drawing on ethnographic and documentary methods, including an experimental methodology for the digital sphere, it outlines the major themes of the diasporic Amazigh movement's relationship to space and place; making the diaspora, articulating indigeneity, negotiating citizenship and accommodating nativism. It analyses facets of Amazigh diaspora politics at times as a nation, at others as a social movement, finding a productive interaction between these two concepts. It is both an imagined community of people who claim to share a common language and culture and a political movement entraining activists, members and political parties in the pursuit of political change. As an Indigenous people, it is both a transnational social movement calling on the states where they live to uphold the rights of their Amazigh populations, and also a nation with a flag, asserting its claim to sovereignty, however limited. The diaspora associations frame themselves as a social movement championing diverse citizenship and integration in French society, whilst homeland-oriented citizenship is mostly expressed in nationalistic terms. This thesis charts how the politics of this diasporic Amazigh movement contest and produce spatial imaginations in the contemporary context of Mediterranean integration, new nationalisms and populisms, and the fear of Islamist terrorism in French society. With its focus on the political and imaginative geographies of the diasporic Amazigh movement, the thesis is organised topically, elaborating on different facets of political subjectivities in four substantive chapters that focus on the core themes of diaspora, indigeneity, citizenship and nativism. Chapter 2 provides an historical and sociological context for the study, and Chapter 3 details its methodology. Chapter 4 examines diaspora as a geopolitical concept, understood on the one hand as like a social movement and on the other as like a nation. It presents an understanding of diaspora 'as process' or 'assemblage' that constantly reworks the boundaries of nation, state, community and identity, within an imaginative geography of 'home'. Chapter 5 picks up from here to focus on how indigeneity is articulated as a political positioning in the diasporic Amazigh movement. Drawing on Stuart Hall's terminology to theorise the politics of indigeneity in relation to place, it outlines several Indigenous articulations made in the discourse and practices of the leaders and members of diasporic Amazigh associations. Chapter 6 focuses on the discourses and practices of citizenship, which in the diaspora intersect, overlap and produce transnational spaces. Drawing out an empirical distinction between 'diaspora-oriented' and 'homeland-oriented' citizenships, the chapter details how citizenship practices in relation to French state and society can be understood as 'ordinary' whilst those in relation to North African state(s) and society are characterised more as performative 'Acts'. Finally, chapter 7 homes in on Amazigh politics in the current context of increasingly influential nativist-populism in France and across Europe.
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O papel das vias de circulação na coesão territorial do Estado Boliviano: da Audiência de Charcas à Bolívia de 1971. / The role of the circulation ways in the cohesion of the Bolivian territory: from the audience of Charcas to Bolivia at 1971.Reyes, Fernando Siliano 29 July 2010 (has links)
Para entendermos o papel que as vias de circulação desempenharam na tentativa de dar coesão ao território boliviano, buscamos entender a ocupação do espaço andino desde a chegada dos espanhóis no território pré-boliviano, nas terras altas de Potosi. Também tentamos analisar os caminhos construídos a partir dessa ocupação, seja para o escoamento da prata, seja para o abastecimento da população que orbitava ao redor do complexo mineiro. No decorrer da história da Bolívia independente, a circulação foi um dos motes da tentativa de unificação espacial com o Peru, comandada pelo general Andrés de Santa Cruz, uma vez que, na primeira metade do século XIX, alcançar o litoral boliviano era uma tarefa extremamente difícil, em face da inexistência de técnicas que tornassem menos dispendiosa a transposição da escarpa andina. A guerra com o Chile, no final do século XIX, ainda hoje desperta sentimentos nacionalistas na população boliviana em função da perda de todo o seu território voltado para o Pacífico. A amputação de sua saída para o mar fez com que o governo boliviano exigisse do vencedor Chile a construção de uma estrada de ferro. Esta ligaria o país a um porto no Pacífico, a fim de seu comércio internacional não fosse sufocado e sua economia arruinada, devido a sua condição mediterrânea. A disputa com o Brasil pelo território do Acre levou a Bolívia, mais uma vez, a pensar em uma solução circulatória que permitisse o escoamento da borracha, uma mercadoria então cobiçada no mercado internacional. No acordo entre os dois países, o Brasil se comprometeu a construir uma estrada de ferro para escoar a mercadoria boliviana pelos rios da bacia amazônica. A guerra do Chaco, disputada com o Paraguai, cujo motivo teria sido uma disputa por petróleo, na realidade, foi uma tentativa de o governo boliviano alcançar o Atlântico utilizando o rio Paraguai. A derrota fez com que a Bolívia conseguisse acessar o Oceano Atlântico por intermédio da construção de uma ferrovia entre Santa Cruz de la Sierra e Corumbá, na fronteira com o Brasil, e de lá até o porto de Santos. Além dessa alternativa, a Bolívia também se utilizou do transporte ferroviário para alcançar o Atlântico, via Argentina, chegando até o porto de Buenos Aires. A violenta derrota boliviana na guerra do Chaco abriu cicatrizes que culminaram na Revolução Nacionalista de 1952. O governo nacionalista estatizou as ferrovias e criou uma empresa estatal para cuidar das rodovias da Bolívia, porém, ao incentivar a construção de estradas de rodagem, a ingerência estadunidense inviabilizou a efetiva integração territorial boliviana por vias férreas e, por extensão, a ligação ferroviária entre os oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico, pela união dos portos de Arica no Chile e de Santos no estado de São Paulo. / To understand the role played by the circulation ways so as to provide cohesion to the Bolivian territory, one must understand the occupation of the Andean space since the arrival of the Spanish at the pre-Bolivian territory, in the high lands of Potosi. We have also tried to analize the ways built after such occupation, whether for the flow of silver, or for the provisioning of the population orbiting the mining complex. In the course of independent Bolivias history, circulation was one of the mottos in the search for spatial unification with Peru, commanded by General Andrés de Santa Cruz, seeing that it was such an extremely hard task to reach the Bolivian sea coast in the first half of the 19th century, due to the inexistence of techniques which could make the transposition of the Andean scarp less costly. The war against Chile at the end of the 19th century still arouses nationalistic feelings in the Bolivian people today, for the loss of their whole territory facing the Pacific. The amputation of their exit to the sea made the Bolivian government demand that a railroad connecting Bolivia to a port in the Pacific should be built by the winner Chile. Thus, international trading would not be suffocated and consequently, Bolivian economy would not be ruined by their mediterranean condition. The dispute against Brazil for the territory of Acre once again forced Bolivia to come up with a circulatory solution so as to enable the flow of latex, such a coveted raw material in international markets by then. It was agreed that Brazil would build a railroad for the flow of Bolivian commodities along the Amazon watershed. The Chaco War, whose motto was the dispute for oil against Paraguay, was, in fact, another Bolivian attempt to reach the Atlantic through the Paraguay river. The defeat enabled Bolivia to access the Atlantic after the construction of a railroad connecting Santa Cruz de la Sierra to Corumbá, in the borderline with Brazil, and from that point to the Port of Santos. Besides this alternative, Bolivia also used railways to reach the Atlantic through Argentina, up to the Port of Buenos Aires. Bolivias huge defeat in the Chaco War has left scars which culminated in the nationalistic revolution of 1952. The nationalistic government took over all railways and created a state-owned company to manage Bolivian roads. However, North-American interference and stimulus to the construction of highways precluded an effective integration of the Bolivian territory through railroads and, thus, the railway connection between the Atlantic and the Pacific, uniting the Port of Arica in Chile and the Port of Santos in São Paulo.
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Critical geopolitics and contemporary development : South Korea's place in the changing landscape of foreign aidKim, Sung-Mi January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploración de petróleo en el área de la nueva frontera Colombia - Nicaragua: aproximación geopolítica / Exploração de petróleo na área da nova fronteira Colômbia-Nicarágua: aproximação geopolíticaGomez, Ginneth Pulido 12 May 2017 (has links)
As fronteiras são linhas imaginárias, foram desenhadas como resultado de vários processos sociais de índole política, econômica ou cultural. Geralmente são reconhecidas como áreas dinâmicas e de tensão, especialmente em territórios com herança colonial. Entre Colômbia e Nicarágua há uma tensão histórica da fronteira que envolve a solicitação do exercício de soberania tanto em uma área marinha quanto no arquipélago de San Andrés, Providencia e Santa Catarina, no Mar do Caribe. Tal impasse acabou resolvendo-se por uma delimitação feita através de uma sentença do Tribunal Internacional de Justiça de Haia, em 2012, como resultado de um processo de pouco mais de uma década, e que redefiniu a área suscetível de usufruto no mar em ambos os países. A bacia do Caribe ocidental, no âmbito de tensão da fronteira, posiciona-se como uma área de interesse do mercado global dado o progresso de ambos os países para abrir espaços para a concessão à exploração de hidrocarbonetos no mar a empresas não nacionais; vale lembrar que dentro da região encontra-se o Canal de Panamá, uma das vias de transporte de matérias-primas e mercadorias mais importantes do mundo, e um futuro segundo canal transoceânico que irá atravessar a parte sul da Nicarágua. A posição do petróleo no cenário global de energia, bem como em vários processos industriais, faz com que ocupe um lugar de destaque no sistema econômico contemporâneo e represente ainda um dos motores do modo de vida de uma grande parte da sociedade; a iminente diminuição das reservas resultou no desenvolvimento de técnicas de exploração para extração nas áreas mais profundas, incluindo o fundo do mar, tais explorações fora da costa são chamadas de offshore, e se apresentam como uma alternativa à crise do petróleo. A constante procura de recursos naturais, especialmente de petróleo em várias regiões do planeta tem se traduzido em diversas crises, com ênfase naquelas que geram grandes impactos socioambientais, tais como as mudanças climáticas e a devastação de ecossistemas locais que merecem uma abordagem geopolítica ambiental. O resultado desta pesquisa é dividida em duas partes, cada uma delas com dois capítulos, onde são abordadas as questões de soberania, fronteira, mercado global de petróleo e as posições da Colômbia e da Nicarágua ante a possibilidade de extrair petróleo na zona fronteiriça do mar. / Las fronteras son líneas imaginarias trazadas a partir del resultado de diferentes procesos sociales de índole político, económico o cultural. Generalmente son reconocidas como áreas dinâmicas de tensión, especialmente en territorios con herencias coloniales. Entre Colombia y Nicaragua há existido una histórica tensión fronteriza que incluye el interés por el ejercicio de soberanía en el archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, y en el área marítima subyacente, en el mar Caribe; dicha frontera fue delimitada por la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya em 2012, como resultado de un proceso de un poco más de una década; lo que redefinió el área susceptible de usufructo en el mar, de ambos países. La cuenca del Caribe occidental, en este marco de tensión fronteriza se posiciona como área de interés del mercado global dado el avance de ambos países en abrir espacios a empresas no nacionales para la concesión de exploración/explotación de hidrocarburos en el mar; es importante considerar que en la región se localiza el canal de Panamá, una de las vías de transporte de mercancías y materias primas más importante del mundo, a la vez que se está gestando la construcción de un segundo canal transoceánico que atravesaría la zona sur de Nicaragua, ambos puntos de importancia geoestratégica del comercio global. El lugar del petróleo en el panorama energético global, hace que ocupe un lugar destacado en el sistema económico contemporáneo. La inminente disminución de las reservas de combustibles fósiles ha permitido el desarrollo de técnicas de exploración en áreas de mayor profundidad, que incluyen los lechos marinos, denominadas offshore, las cuales se presentan como alternativa a la crisis petrolera. En relación a lo anterior y dada la exhaustiva búsqueda de recursos naturales a lo largo de la historia, especialmente de petróleo, en áreas del planeta diversas, ha desencadenado diferentes crisis, entre ellos impactos socio-ambientales complejos, como el Cambio Climático y la devastación de ecosistemas locales, los cuales merecen un abordaje geopolítico ambiental. Esta investigación evidencia como el petróleo continua siendo un recurso estratégico a pesar de las recientes crisis de precio y disponibilidad, a su vez que demuestra que el interés binacional, tanto de Colombia como de Nicaragua, de entrar en el mercado offshore de producción de petróleo, de forma que el área de tensión binacional cobra importancia global. Los resultados de la investigación se presentan en dos partes en las cuales son tratados los asuntos de soberanía, frontera, mercado global y las posiciones de ambos países frente al mercado global de petróleo
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“Touched by Time”: Geopolitical Themes of Estonian National Identity through Song FestivalsHoggard, Mandy L. 01 May 2016 (has links)
Estonian national identity is defined by its centuries-long struggle forindependence and autonomy. This thesis examines this struggle and resulting identity through the lens of the laulupidu, or song festival, and its employment as a vehicle of political mobilization and re-constructor of Estonian history. Regarding folklore, in this case festivals and folk songs, as containers of the soul of the nation, I show how Estonians have produced and reproduced their national identity through the practice which they hold sacred: choral singing. I implemented a critical geopolitical approach coupled with Billig’s concepts of ‘hot’ and banal nationalism, and Paasi’s focus on independence, to study the 2014 song festival, entitled “Touched by Time. The Time to Touch.” Utilizing the song selection from the 2014 festival and comparing it against the programs from festivals ranging from 1869-2009 (from which selections were gleaned for the 2014 event), this thesis shows how Estonian national identity and historical memory are reconstructed through the symbolic choice of song.
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Parcerias estratégicas da China, sua lógica dual e seus frames : abordagem interativa sobre o papel internacional chinês /Cunha, Aline Tedeschi da. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Cordeiro Pires / Banca: Ana Célia Castro / Banca: Ana Tereza Lopes Marra de Souza / Banca: Hermes Moreira Júnior / Banca: Tullo Vigevani / Resumo: Em seu processo de reinserção no cenário internacional, a China tem passado a assumir um papel internacional mais ativo. Através de um comportamento de poder, e com o fim de garantir os interesses centrais de contínuo desenvolvimento econômico e relativa estabilidade internacional, o Politburo chinês tomou como direcionamento de política externa a diplomacia multidimensional de parcerias estratégicas. Ela acopla em seu conteúdo elementos que servirão como frames no processo de socialização e interação no cenário internacional. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é, através de uma abordagem teórica interativa e relacional, investigar em que medida esses frames guardam relação com o processo de concepção do papel internacional que a China pretende assumir a partir de seu comportamento de poder. Através da investigação e sistematização destas expectativas, dos elementos da auto-imagem identitária nacional chinesa, e da vinculação dos princípios e conceitos autóctones chineses a estas variáveis independentes, chega-se à conclusão de que a disposição dos frames da diplomacia de parcerias estratégicas apresenta uma lógica dual - assertiva e defensiva - que respondem num processo comunicativo a estas expectativas e elementos identitários. / Abstract: In its reintegration process on the international scene, China has come to assume a more active international role. Through a behavior of power, and in order to ensure the central interests of continuous economic development and relative international stability, the Chinese Politburo has taken as foreign policy direction the multidimensional diplomacy of strategic partnerships. It engages in its content elements that will serve as frames in the process of socialization and interaction in the international scene. The main objective of this research is, through an interactive and relational theoretical approach, to investigate to what extent these frames are related to the process of conception of the international role that China intends to assume from its power behavior. Through the investigation and systematization of these expectations, the elements of Chinese national identity self-image, and the linkage of Chinese autochthonous principles and concepts to these independent variables, we conclude that the arrangement of the frames in the strategic partnership diplomacy presents a dual - assertive and defensive - logic that responds in a communicative process to these expectations and identity elements. / Doutor
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A contenção da Rússia: geopolítica, estaticídio e astropolítica / The Containment of Russia: geopolitics, statecide and astropoliticsSousa, Danilo Rogerio de 05 August 2019 (has links)
A ideia central desta tese é discutir o fenômeno da contenção russa a partir de três frentes dimensionais: a expansão territorial da OTAN, o estaticídio dos aliados russos e a Astropolítica, bem como a pertinência ou não da teoria do Neoeurasianismo nesse processo. A abordagem teórica girou em torno das teorias e conceitos da geopolítica clássica bem como das abordagens realistas das relações internacionais, no intuito de ressaltar a pertinência do fator geográfico no fenômeno em questão. A representação cartográfica, sobretudo em sua vertente temática, fez-se presente por meio de uma série de mapas, boa parte confeccionados pelo autor. No tocante à gama conceitual, foram utilizados sobretudo os conceitos de checkerboard e shatterbelt, de Phil Kelly, bem como o modelo de Robert Jervis. Da mesma forma, a noção de equilíbrio de poder norteou toda a busca deste estudo. Ademais, foram salientadas as críticas de importantes realistas acadêmicos (Henry Kissinger, John Mearsheimer e Stephen Walt) e sublinhou-se, também, a primazia do espaço geográfico na determinação dos fenômenos estudados. Emergiu desta análise um novo conceito, o do Estaticídio, produto direto da relação entre a contenção russa e a formação de checkerboars geopolíticos, bem como o estabelecimento de shatterbelts. A estrutura desta tese está dividida em seis capítulos, a saber: Introdução Metodológica, 1) a Geopolítica como ciência, 2) os problemas territoriais da Rússia, 3) a expansão da OTAN rumo a fronteira russa, 4) o Estaticídio, intervenção e desordem mundial, 5) a Astropolítica e 6) Neoeurasianismo como Ideia Russa. O esforço intelectual deste estudo procurou ressaltar a importância do fenômeno da contenção russa bem como a urgência da retomada da ideia de equilíbrio de poder como moderador do acirramento geopolítico do momento histórico no qual se encontra a política internacional, sempre colocando ênfase na importância da Geografia e da Geopolítica no entendimento dessa questão. / The central idea of this thesis is to discuss the phenomenon of Russian containment from three-dimensional fronts: the territorial expansion of NATO, the statecide of Russian allies and Astropolitics, as well as the relevance or not of the theory of Neo-Eurasianism in this process. The theoretical approach revolved around the theories and concepts of classical geopolitics as well as realistic approaches to international relations, in order to highlight the relevance of the geographical factor in the phenomenon in question. The cartographic representation, especially in its thematic aspect, was present through a series of maps, most of them made by the author. Regarding the conceptual range, the concepts of checkerboard and shatterbelt, by Phil Kelly, as well as the Robert Jervis model were used. In the same way, the notion of balance of power guided the entire search for this study. In addition, the critiques of important academic realists (Henry Kissinger, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt) were emphasized and the primacy of geographic space in determining the phenomena studied was highlighted. A new concept emerged from this analysis, the Statecide, a direct product of the relationship between Russian containment and the formation of geopolitical checkerboars, as well as the establishment of shatterbelt. The structure of this thesis is divided into six chapters, namely: Methodological Introduction, 1) Geopolitics as a science, 2) Russia\'s territorial problems, 3) NATO\'s expansion towards the Russian border, 4) Statecide, intervention and world disorder, 5) Astropolitics and 6) Neo-Eurasianism as a Russian idea. The intellectual effort of this study sought to highlight the importance of the phenomenon of Russian containment as well as the urgency of resuming the idea of balance of power as moderator of the geopolitical escalation of the historical moment in which international politics finds itself, always emphasizing the importance of Geography and Geopolitics in understanding this issue.
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Warschau zwischen Berlin und Moskau : eine polnische Sicht / Warsaw between Berlin and Moscow : a Polish viewSakson, Andrzej January 2009 (has links)
Die polnische Öffentlichkeit reagiert auf Entwicklungen in den deutsch-russischen Beziehungen besonders sensibel. Der Autor analysiert die Ostpolitik unter Schröder und Merkel und fordert eine stärkere Berücksichtigung der polnischen Interessen in den deutsch-russischen Beziehungen.
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Herausforderung Eurasien / Challenge EurasiaJanuary 2011 (has links)
Im Osten was Neues: Seit zehn Jahren gibt es die Shanghai-Gruppe. Für die Geschichtsschreibung ein kleiner, ein winziger Zeitraum. Welchen Platz die Organisation einst in Geschichtsbüchern einnehmen wird, ist ungewiss. Die strategische Bedeutung, die Entscheidungsprozesse sowie die Ziele der Shanghai-Gruppe sind bislang nicht konturscharf einzuschätzen gewesen.
Im Thema untersuchen Kenner der Gruppe die Interessen der Akteure, vor allem jene Chinas und Russlands. Sie werfen einen Blick auf die geostrategische Relevanz Zentralasiens und machen auf das kritische Verhältnis zwischen der Allianz und den USA aufmerksam.
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The Borderlands and Security of China¡G China¡¦s Grand Strategy and the Geopolitics of XinjiangHuang, Yu-Chuan 14 August 2012 (has links)
With the transformation of the world geopolitics since the collapse of USSR, the international relations theories about borders, cross-border ethnics, and energy politics are increasingly getting important. Meanwhile, there are some doubts about the debate between the land power and sea power based on the theories of the classic geopolitics. Take China for example. It is a nation equipped with land power and sea power, and is moving forward as a great power. Accordingly, my research focuses on the nature of Chinese geopolitics and its thinking on national security from the perspective of the dynamic process of Chinese border and borderland. I hope it can be of help to interpret China¡¦s Grand Strategy. Through the general explorations of geopolitics and national strategy, I intend to prove the arguments: whether China will be a nation with land power and sea power or a nation with only one alternative. Besides, how can China resolve the geopolitical dilemma in the diplomatic practice?
In my research, the understanding of historical culture and geography factors should be prior to the thinking on the Chinese geopolitical theory. In the Chinese history, ¡§China¡¨ and ¡§Borderland¡¨ have been integrated with each other during the war times, which have made China expand into the vast territory and border of all time, and have made the national security more stable than at any time since the Opium Wars of 1839-1841. In the 21st century, when China declared its ¡§peaceful rise¡¨ and developed its marine strategies, the so-called ¡§geopolitical dilemma in sea-power and land-power,¡¨ based on the classic theories, would not virtually cause any problem to China. The key is that China¡¦s Grand Strategy always balances with and adjusts to the dynamic world politics. China wins over the advantage of land-border security by announcing the mutual respect and interests to the surrounding states, and practices its ¡§soft power¡¨ through the international institutes. In addition to the military modernization promoted by economic effects, China begins to strive for an ocean strategy.
Furthermore, in my opinion, the problem of Xinjing is the biggest threat to the national security inside China. As the cross-border ethnics and ¡§pivot of Asia,¡¨ Xinjing is inclined to be influenced by the outside world. In order to promote the border protection and attack the antiterrorism, China founded the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Xinjing is the biggest province of China and the access to the Central Asia and Europe from China. That¡¦s why Xinjing is called ¡§Eurasian Crossroads.¡¨ As a consequence, Xinjing is deeply affected by the outside world no matter what issues are involved, such as politics, economics, military security, energy, border, and antiterrorism. That¡¦s why China¡¦s national security and Xinjing are closely tied up.
My conclusion is that the threat to China¡¦s national security lies not in outside the border but in inside the country. In Chinese history, the diplomatic practices are the reflections on the domestic demands, especially under the principles of the ¡§sovereignty¡¨ and the ¡§unification of territory,¡¨ which form the basis for the formation of ¡§China¡¨ and ¡§Borderland¡¨ in Chinese history, and are also the foundation stone for CCP to maintain its control over the state.
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