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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diffusion Kinetics of Lutetium and Hafnium in Garnet and Clinopyroxene: Experimental Determination and Consequences for ¹⁷⁶LU-¹⁷⁶HF Geochronometry

Bloch, Elias Morgan January 2013 (has links)
The ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf and ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd decay systems have been extensively used as geochronological tools to determine ages from garnet (Grt) - whole rock (WR) parent-daughter isotopic ratios; however, the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf age of garnet is almost always found to be significantly older than the ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd age determined from the same aliquots. This dissertation presents new experimental diffusion data for Lu and Hf in garnet, and numerical simulations using these data, which explain these age discrepancies and also show that Grt-WR ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf isochrons do not generally yield ages which correspond to an unambiguous temporal event in the evolutionary history of the host rocks. This is a result of (a) partial or complete retention of very slow-diffusing radiogenic ¹⁷⁶HF produced during prograde heating, and (b) the lower closure temperature of Lu relative to Hf; these complexities do not affect the interpretation of Grt-WR isochrons based on the ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd system. In addition, the diffusion kinetic properties of Hf in clinopyroxene were experimentally determined in order to address the age controversy of the shergottite suite of Martian meteorites (~200 Ma ages determined by ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf, ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd, and various other decay systems as opposed to a ~4 Ga whole rock Pb-Pb age). This was achieved by calculating the timescales needed to re-equilibrate Hf isotopes in clinopyroxene (the primary host of rare earth elements amongst the minerals used to compose the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf isochrons) with the surrounding matrix at the peak- and post-shock P-T conditions likely to have been experienced by the shergottites. It is concluded that, contrary to the earlier suggestions, impact heating is highly unlikely to have significantly reset the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf ages of these Martian samples. These calculations are bolstered by the nature of measured Cr and Fe-Mg concentration profiles across olivine-melt boundaries, and Ti profiles across clinopyroxene-maskelynite interfaces in the shergottite RBT-04262. The lack of any evidence of diffusion in the measured concentration profiles, coupled with the qualitative incompatibility of the measured crystal-melt fractionation at these interfaces with the nature of fractionation expected from equilibrium partitioning, provides strong evidence that no substantial chemical exchange took place between the solid and melt phases during peak-shock P-T conditions.

Studies of Copper-Cobalt Mineralization at Tenke-Fungurume, Central African Copperbelt; and Developments in Geology between 1550 and 1750 A.D.

Fay, Hannah Isabel January 2014 (has links)
The contents of this dissertation fall into two broad areas: geology and history of geology. Although apparently unrelated, the two categories in fact parallel one another. The development of geological systems finds a mirror, on a shorter timescale, in the development of the human understanding of geological systems. The present state of a science - like the present state of an earth system - represents the concatenation of many subtle or evident processes and influences operating over time. Moreover, the events of the past condition the state of the present in science as well as in objects of scientific study. Thus, for instance, to understand why we now hold certain interpretations about the formation of sediment-hosted copper deposits, we must study not only the deposits themselves but the historical development and the philosophical concerns that guided and shaped modern thought about them. In this dissertation the geological and historical aspects are presented in sequence rather than juxtaposed. The geological section comes first, with three chapters detailing the formation and development of the Tenke-Fungurume Cu-Co district and the Central African Copperbelt, followed by another taking a broad view of the mineralogical, geochemical, and metallurgical implications of some of the geological features there. Then follows the history of geology: first two chapters on the role of Georgius Agricola in founding modern geology, and one on how it developed through the following centuries in tune with simultaneous developments in other sciences.

Investigating Crustal Deformation Associated With The North America-Pacific Plate Boundary In Southern California With GPS Geodesy

Spinler, Joshua C. January 2014 (has links)
The three largest earthquakes in the last 25 years in southern California occurred on faults located adjacent to the southern San Andreas fault, with the M7.3 1992 Landers and M7.1 1999 Hector Mine earthquakes occurring in the eastern California shear zone (ECSZ) in the Mojave Desert, and the M7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake occurring along the Laguna Salada fault in northern Baja California, Mexico. The locations of these events near to but not along the southern San Andreas fault (SSAF) is unusual in that the last major event on the SSAF occurred more than 300 years ago, with an estimated recurrence interval of 215± 25 years. The focus of this dissertation is to address the present-day deformation field along the North America-Pacific plate boundary in southern California and northern Baja California, through the analysis of GPS data, and elastic block and viscoelastic earthquake models to determine fault slip rates and rheological properties of the lithosphere in the plate boundary zone. We accomplish this in three separate studies. The first study looks at how strain is partitioned northwards along-strike from the southern San Andreas fault near the Salton Sea. We find that estimates for slip-rates on the southern San Andreas decrease from ~23 mm/yr in the south to ~8 mm/yr as the fault passes through San Gorgonio Pass to the northwest, while ~13-18 mm/yr of slip is partitioned onto NW-SE trending faults of the ECSZ where the Landers and Hector Mine earthquakes occurred. This speaks directly to San Andreas earthquake hazards, as a reduction in the slip rate would require greater time between events to build up enough slip deficit in order to generate a large magnitude earthquake. The second study focuses on inferring the rheological structure beneath the Salton Trough region. This is accomplished through analysis of postseismic deformation observed using a set of the GPS data collected before and after the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake. By determining the slip-rates on each of the major crustal faults prior to the earthquake, we are able to model the pre-earthquake velocity field for comparison with velocities measured using sites constructed post-earthquake. We then determine how individual site velocities have changed in the 3 years following the earthquake, with implications for the rate at which the lower crust and upper mantle viscously relax through time. We find that the viscosity of the lower crust is at least an order of magnitude higher than that of the uppermost mantle, and hypothesize that this is due to mafic material emplaced at the base of the crust as the spreading center developed beneath the Salton Trough since about 6 Ma. The final study investigates crustal deformation and fault slip rates for faults in the northern Mojave and southern Walker Lane regions of the ECSZ. Previous geodetic studies estimated slip-rates roughly double those inferred via geological dating methods in this region for NW striking strike-slip faults, but significantly smaller than geologic estimates for the Garlock fault. Through construction of a detailed elastic block model, which selects only active fault structures, and applying a new, dense GPS velocity field in this region, we are able to estimate slip-rates for the strike-slip faults in the ECSZ that are much closer to those reported from geology.

Imaging Time Dependent Crustal Deformation Using GPS Geodesy And Induced Seismicity, Stress And Optimal Fault Orientations In The North American Mid-Continent

Holland, Austin Adams January 2014 (has links)
Transient deformation has been observed in a number of different types of tectonic environments. These transient deformation signals are often observed using continuous GPS (CGPS) position time-series observations. Examining transient deformation using CGPS time-series is problematic due to the, often, low signal-to-noise ratios and variability in duration of transient motions observed. A technique to estimate a continuous velocity function from noisy CGPS coordinate time-series of is examined. The resolution of this technique is dependent on the signal-to-noise ratio and the duration or frequency content of the transient signal being modeled. Short period signals require greater signal-to-noise ratios for effective resolution of the actual transient signal. The technique presented here is similar to a low-pass filter but with a number of advantages when working with CGPS data. Data gaps do not adversely impact the technique but limit resolution near the gap epochs, if there is some a priori knowledge of the noise contained within the time-series this information can be included in the model, and model parameter uncertainties provide information on the uncertainty of instantaneous velocity through time. A large transient has been observed in the North-American stable continental interior as a significant increase in the number and moment release of earthquakes through time. This increase in the number of earthquakes has been suggested to be largely related changes in oil and gas production activities within the region as triggered or induced seismicity, primarily from fluid injection. One of the first observed cases of triggered earthquakes from hydraulic fracturing where the earthquakes were large enough to be felt by local residents is documented. The multiple strong temporal and spatial correlations between these earthquakes indicate that hydraulic fracturing in a nearby well likely triggered the earthquake sequence. The largest magnitude earthquake in this sequence was a magnitude 2.9 with 16 earthquakes greater than magnitude 2. The earthquakes in this sequence occurred within 2.5 km of the hydraulic fracturing operation and focal depths are similar to the depths of hydraulic fracturing treatment depths. In addition to the documentation of a transient earthquake signal associated with hydraulic fracturing, the observed focal mechanisms throughout Oklahoma are documented. These focal mechanisms were used to examine the maximum horizontal stress orientations and active fault orientations associated with the increased rates of seismicity observed in the region. Generally, active-fault orientations and the stresses are consistent through broad portions of Oklahoma with one exception, the ongoing Jones earthquake sequence in central Oklahoma that started in 2009. In the Jones earthquake sequence a bi-modal distribution of focal mechanisms are observed. One orientation of active faults observed in the Jones earthquake sequence would not be expected to be active in the observed regional stress field. This unfavorably oriented set of faults appear to be pre-existing structures and activity on these structures may suggest that pore-pressure increases in the sub-surface due to fluid injection in the area make it possible for faults that are not optimally oriented within the regional stress-field to reactivate.

The frequency and magnitude of flood discharges and post-wildfire erosion in the southwestern U.S.

Orem, Caitlin Anne January 2014 (has links)
The relative importance of infrequent, episodic geomorphic events (e.g. floods, landslides, debris flows, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.) in the evolution of the landscape has been a long-discussed question in the geomorphology community. These events are large in magnitude, but low in frequency, posing the complex question of how effective these events are at shaping the landscape. Unfortunately, the frequencies of these events are so low that it is extremely difficult to observe these events over human time scales. Also, the dangerous nature of these events makes them extremely difficult to observe and measure. However, the last few decades have brought new technology and techniques that provide a way to measure and calculate the magnitudes of these events more accurately and completely. In the present study, we use Next-Generation-Radar (NEXRAD) precipitation products, LiDAR tools, and multiple denudation-rate techniques to approach the magnitude and frequency of episodic events in different ways. Using NEXRAD precipitation products in conjunction with flow-routing algorithms, we were able to improve upon the traditional flood-envelope curves used to estimate the largest possible flood for a given basin area within a region. Improvements included adding frequency and uncertainty information to curves for the Upper and Lower Colorado River Basin, which in turn makes these curves more informative for flood hazard and policy applications. This study allowed us to improve upon a known flood-analysis method for identifying the distribution of the maximum floods with basin area. Both airborne and terrestrial LiDAR methods were used to measure the magnitude and time scale of the post-wildfire erosional response in two watersheds after the Las Conchas fire of 2011 in the Valles Caldera, NM. We found that sediment yield (measured by differencing LiDAR-derived DEMs) decreased exponentially with time in one watershed, while sediment yield in the other watershed decreased in a more complex way with time. Both watersheds had a recovery time (i.e. time interval over which sediment yields recovered to pre-wildfire levels) of one year. LiDAR was also used to understand the complex response of, and the processes on, the piedmonts adjacent to the watersheds. Overall, LiDAR proved to be extremely useful in measuring the magnitude and time scale of post-wildfire geomorphic response and observing the piedmont dynamics associated with elevated sediment yield. To understand the effects of wildfire on the long-term evolution of the landscape, techniques ranging from the relatively simple, traditional techniques (i.e. suspended-sediment-load sampling and paleosurface and modern surface differencing) to more complex and new techniques (i.e. ¹⁰Be and LiDAR) were used to measure the volumes and rates of denudation over multiple time scales in the Valles Caldera, NM. Long-term denudation rates were higher than short-term, non-wildfire-affected denudation rates, but lower than short-term, wildfire-affected denudation rates. Wildfire-affected denudation rates occurring at previously predicted frequencies (occurring<3% of the time interval) were found to account for the majority of long-term denudation, attesting to the importance of these episodic and extreme events in the evolution of the landscape.

Late Pleistocene Palehydrologic Reconstructions and Radiocarbon Dating in the Southeastern Basin and Range, USA

Kowler, Andrew January 2015 (has links)
A dearth of reliably-dated paleolake records from the southern Basin and Range has limited knowledge of past water balance changes there, precluding a more complete understanding of late Pleistocene atmospheric circulation across western North America. Paleoshorelines in closed basins throughout the region can provide accurately dated records of local effective moisture variations, representing a largely untapped source of paleohydrologic information. This dissertation presents paleohydrologic reconstructions from depositional successions in two basins at 32°N, approximately 100 km apart: Willcox basin, in southeastern Arizona, and Playas Valley, in southwestern New Mexico. Also presented are the results of ¹⁴C dating of charcoal samples from the El Fin del Mundo Clovis archaeological site, in northwestern Sonora, Mexico. In depth analysis of these results allowed constraint of the "small sample effect" on the charcoal ages, found to be smaller than 1σ of analytical uncertainty. The magnitude of the problem in ages from miniscule shell samples in the Willcox and Playas chronologies was found to be similar. The successions record moist pluvial conditions from ~20-13 ka in Playas, and>37-11 ka in Willcox, with most dates younger than 19 ka--before which there is no solid evidence for lake transgressions. There is clear evidence for overlapping highstands between ~18.3 and 17.9 ka and a brief highstand of Cochise at ~12.9 ka, coinciding with Heinrich events H1b and H0, respectively. Temporal concordance between wet periods and perturbations in the North Atlantic ocean and/or southern Laurentide ice sheet supports the idea that abrupt paleoclimatic changes in the southwestern U.S. occurred in response to large-scale atmospheric linkages to the northern high latitudes. The H1b highstands fill a hiatus in ¹⁴C dates compiled from paleoshorelines throughout the western U.S., and correspond to the first part of a lowstand in paleo-Lake Estancia (35°N), in north-central New Mexico. Anti-phasing within New Mexico suggests that the newly documented highstands resulted from an increase in southerly-sourced precipitation. This is consistent with paleoenvironmental evidence from southern Arizona and New Mexico that points toward periodic intensification of the summer monsoon during the late Pleistocene.

Magmatic History and Crustal Genesis of South America: Constraints from U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes of Detrital Zircons in Modern Rivers

Pepper, Martin Bailey January 2014 (has links)
South America provides an outstanding laboratory for studies of magmatism and crustal evolution because it contains older Archean-Paleoproterozoic cratons that amalgamated during Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic supercontinent assembly, as well as a long history of Andean magmatism that records crustal growth and reworking in an accretionary orogen. We have attempted to reconstruct the growth and evolution of South America through U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope analyses of detrital zircons from 59 samples of sand from modern rivers and shorelines. Results from 5,524 new U-Pb ages and 1,199 new Hf isotope determinations are reported. We have also integrated our data into a compilation of all previously published zircon geochronologic and Hf isotopic information, yielding a record that includes>42,000 ages and>1,600 Hf isotope analyses. These data yield five main conclusions: (1) South America has an age distribution that is similar to most other continents, presumably reflecting the supercontinent cycle, with maxima at 2.2-1.8 Ga, 1.6-0.9 Ga, 700-400 Ma, and 360-200 Ma; (2)<200 Ma magmatism along the western margin of South America has age maxima at 183 Ma (191-175 Ma), 151 Ma (159-143 Ma), 126 Ma (131-121 Ma), 109 Ma (114-105 Ma), 87 Ma (95-79 Ma), 62 Ma (71-53 Ma), 39 Ma (43-35 Ma), 19 Ma (23-15 Ma), and 6 Ma (10-2 Ma); (3) for the past 200 Ma, there appears to be a positive correlation between magmatism and the velocity of convergence between central South America and Pacific oceanic plates; (4) Hf isotopes record reworking of older crustal materials during most time periods, with incorporation of juvenile crustal materials at ~1.6-1.0 Ga, 500-400 Ma and ~200-100 Ma; and (5) the Hf isotopic signature of<200 Ma magmatism is apparently controlled by the generation of juvenile magmas during extensional tectonism and reworking of juvenile versus evolved crustal materials during crustal thickening and arc migration.

Geociências como área do conhecimento

GONÇALVES, Jéssica dos Santos January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jéssica Gonçalves (jessica.goncalves@cprm.gov.br) on 2018-08-03T18:29:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 diss_jessica_vf.pdf: 4068724 bytes, checksum: 8fdaccae84d2a99a356cd189199ea7aa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jéssica Gonçalves (jessica.goncalves@cprm.gov.br) on 2018-08-03T18:29:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 diss_jessica_vf.pdf: 4068724 bytes, checksum: 8fdaccae84d2a99a356cd189199ea7aa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jéssica Gonçalves (jessica.goncalves@cprm.gov.br) on 2018-08-03T18:29:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 diss_jessica_vf.pdf: 4068724 bytes, checksum: 8fdaccae84d2a99a356cd189199ea7aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T18:30:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 diss_jessica_vf.pdf: 4068724 bytes, checksum: 8fdaccae84d2a99a356cd189199ea7aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / CPRM / A organização do conhecimento é utilizada para apoiar o processo de recuperação de informações geocientíficas e servir de base à pesquisa e ensino em Ciência e Tecnologia (C&T) através do desenvolvimento de tabelas de classificação do conhecimento. O contexto de estruturação do conhecimento em C&T é retratado, na medida em que investiga a tabela de áreas do conhecimento CNPq-CAPES no tocante a área Geociências. Objetiva investigá-la em base de parâmetros definicionais e estruturais de organização e representação de informação visando caracterizá-la como área do conhecimento. Com esse objetivo principal, foram analisados os aspectos conceituais, históricos e de institucionalização da Geociências, além das nomeações de cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu, áreas de concentração e linhas de pesquisa desses cursos, e de grupos de pesquisa. A metodologia de análise utilizada foi qualitativa (terminológica) e quantitativa (exploratória documental) na medida em que foram analisados e computados os assuntos recorrentes nas nomeações citadas anteriormente. Elemento a ser destacado foi a tendência para não restrição dos cursos de pós-graduação de Geociências em subáreas do conhecimento. A constituição de programas de pós-graduação devido a observação dos graus de mestrado e doutorado nos cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu é um dos elementos de institucionalização da Geociências no Brasil. A média de 4,2 linhas de pesquisa por curso de pós-graduação e a quantidade de cursos de pós-graduação que não trazem informações acerca das áreas de concentração é expressiva. Evidencia-se a preocupação com o meio ambiente tanto nas nomeações de cursos de pós-graduação quanto nas de grupos de pesquisa. A interdisciplinaridade mostra-se presente tanto diretamente, p. ex. no grupo de pesquisa Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Paisagens, quanto indiretamente através da presença de referências a outras áreas do conhecimento, como Física da Atmosfera. Nesse contexto, a organização do conhecimento demonstrou ser válida para investigar a compreensividade da Geociências como área do conhecimento no Brasil.

Determinação das alturas do geóide no Brasil. / Geoid heights determination in Brazil.

Maria Cristina Barboza Lobianco 02 September 2005 (has links)
Em função da rapidez e precisão na obtenção de coordenadas, o Global Positioning System (GPS) revolucionou o posicionamento espacial. Entretanto, a maior necessidade em aplicações nas áreas de Geodésia, Geofísica e Engenharia, em termos de altitude, é voltada para a altitude ortométrica e não para a elipsoidal (determinada por GPS). Um modelo de ondulação geoidal mais acurado possibilitaria tranformar altitudes elipsoidais em ortométricas, mantendo o mesmo nível de precisão da determinação GPS. Neste trabalho foram gerados modelos geoidais gravimétricos para o Brasil, GEOIDE2005 e STOKES2005, por meio da técnica 'remover-calcular-repor' em conjunto com a modificação do núcleo da integral de Stokes proposta por Featherstone, no caso do cálculo por FFT, e a proposta por Vanicek e Kleusberg, para o cálculo por integração numérica. As informações gravimétricas utilizadas no cálculo, provenientes de diversas instituições brasileiras e sul-americanas, foram compiladas, validadas e homogeneizadas de modo a gerar uma malha de 10' x 10' de anomalias médias de gravidade de Helmert, em continente, e ar-livre, nas áreas oceânicas. A contribuição dos longos comprimentos de onda do geóide, relativa à área externa à calota de integração, é fornecida por um modelo de geopotencial. A escolha desse modelo foi feita a partir de comparações de diferentes modelos de geopotencial para identificar o que melhor se ajusta ao país. O modelo digital de terreno foi selecionado a partir de estudos detalhados e foi utilizado para gerar valores de altitudes médias, reconstituir anomalias Bouguer em Helmert, calcular correção de terreno e efeito indireto. Foram organizadas e analisadas informações sobre estações que possuíam altitude elipsoidal, determinada por levantamentos GPS, e altitude ortométrica, obtidas por meio de nivelamento geométrico. A diferença entre essas duas altitudes forneceu as ondulações geoidais utilizadas para avaliação dos modelos de geopotencial e dos modelos geoidais aqui apresentados. Ao final, são relacionados os resultados das comparações, relatadas conclusões, levantadas as perspectivas futuras e sugeridas recomendações para futuros trabalhos. / The Global Positoning System (GPS) generated a revolutionon on coordinates acquisition, considering quickness and precision. However, the major need in Geodesy, Geophysics and Engineering areas, regarding heights, is directed to orthometric height, not to ellipsoidal (determined by GPS). A more accurate geoid undulation model would allow the transformation of ellipsoidal to orthometric heights, keeping the same precision level of GPS determinations. This work generated gravity geoid models to Brasil, GEOIDE2005 and STOKES2005, using the “remove-restore” technique together with the modification of Stokes integral kernel proposed by Featherstone, in FFT computation, and the Vanicek and Kleusberg proposal, in numerical integration computation. The gravimetric informations used in the computations, from several Brazilian and South American organizations, were compiled, validated and homogenized to generate a 10’x 10’Helmert mean gravity grid, on terrestrial areas, and free-air, on ocean. The geoid long wavelength contribution, related to integration cap’s external area, is provided by a geopotential model. The choice of this model was done from comparisons of different geopotential models in order to identify the one that best fits to the country. The digital terrain model was selected from detailed studies and was used to generate mean height values, reconstitute Helmert anomalies from Bouguer, compute terrain correction and indirect effect. Informations about stations with ellipsoidal height, determined by GPS surveys, and orthometric height, obtained by spirit levelling,, were organized and analyzed. The differences between these two heights provided the geoid undulations used to evaluate geopotential models and geoid models presented here. At the end, the results from comparisons and conclusions are informed, future perspectives are raised and recommendations are suggested.

As geociencias na era da informação e a proposta curricular de geografia do ensino fundamental em Minas Gerais / The geociences in the age of information and the proposal of geography curriculum in basic education in Minas Gerais

Signoretti, Vlander Verdade 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Celso Dal Re Carneiro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T22:45:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Signoretti_VlanderVerdade_M.pdf: 2792607 bytes, checksum: 781e0608c53466ff3d14b20e61deab0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: As Geociências ganharam grande impulso, na Era da Informação, graças a tecnologias que propiciam aquisição - em tempo real e em grande volume - de informações sobre os processos atuantes no planeta. Emerge uma concepção integrada do Sistema Terra e das relações e conseqüências da ação humana, que certamente acarretará transformações, quer na sociedade contemporânea, quer na Educação. O ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina geografia da escola fundamental pode se beneficiar desses avanços. A pesquisa analisa conseqüências da intervenção da Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Minas Gerais no processo de desenvolvimento, via planejamento e direcionamento de ensino, nas quatro últimas séries do Ensino Fundamental (3° e 4° ciclos do Ensino Básico) de escolas públicas. O objeto de investigação é a Proposta Curricular de Geografia, conhecida como Conteúdo Básico Comum e Complementar (CBC) do Estado. O pressuposto da análise é a ideia de que existem conexões, inerentes ao ensino de ciências e de geografia, que não podem nem devem ser ignoradas em planejamentos dessa envergadura. Como hipótese geral, parece possível avaliar: (1) se o ensino-aprendizagem de geografia depende de conhecimentos de geologia, e (2) se o caso de MG é efetivamente permeado por esses conhecimentos. Caso estejam ausentes ou demasiadamente limitados, o direcionamento na elaboração de projetos educacionais pode trazer dificuldades de execução e até conduzir a concepções superficiais ou equivocadas sobre o ambiente. O trabalho baseou-se na legislação pertinente, material bibliográfico básico da área de Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade e Ambiente, pensamento crítico e bases pedagógicas complementares. Avaliou-se serem extremamente frágeis as conexões com as Geociências na proposta curricular. Sem abertura para alguma integração, o planejamento deixa de contemplar a interdisciplinaridade e a transversalidade e torna-se incapaz de desenvolver competências em Geociências necessárias para abranger um entendimento mínimo da dinâmica terrestre e do papel das sociedades humanas nesse contexto. Detectaram-se problemas de falta de equipamentos nas escolas e imperfeito domínio das tecnologias de informação, que decorrem de deficiências na formação e treinamento de professores. Como o tempo requerido para elaboração de projetos factíveis é longo, os fatores revelam cenário preocupante dos custos sócio-culturais, políticos e ambientais impostos pelo planejamento. / Abstract: The Geosciences have been improved in the Information Age, due to technologies that provide data acquisition - in real time and in great volume - on the planetary processes. New concepts on an integrated Earth System, and about the relationship and consequences of human actions have been constructed. This context will surely modify the contemporary society and Education. Teaching and learning of the geography discipline at schools can benefit from these fundamental advances. The research examines consequences of the intervention of the Secretary of Education of Minas Gerais (MG) in the planning development and education management for the last four grades of elementary school (3rd and 4th cycles of basic education) in public schools. In this case study, the object of investigation is the Curriculum Proposal of Geography, known as Basic and Complimentary Contents - BCC - for the State. The starting point for such analysis is the idea that there are connections, inherent to the teaching of science and geography, which can not be ignored at this scale of planning. As a general hypothesis, we think to be possible to evaluate: (1) if the teaching-learning of geography is influenced by a geology knowledge; (2) if the MG case is effectively permeated by this knowledge. If a constrained educational project make this knowledge absent or too much limited, this can lead to difficulties for implementation and/or introduce wrong concepts about the environment as well. The study was conducted using the related legislation, basic documents on Science-Technology-Society and Environment, critical thinking and complementary pedagogical bases. The main conclusions are as follows: the connections with Geosciences are too fragile in the curriculum proposal; this lacking prevents any form of integration. Thus, the planning does not attend the goals of interdisciplinary and transversality, being unable to develop skills in the field of Geosciences needed to offer a minimum understanding of the terrestrial dynamics and the role of the human societies in this context. There are also problems as lack of equipments in schools and imperfect utilization of information technologies, in addition to deficiencies in teacher training. As the time interval needed for production of feasible projects is in the long run, these factors show a worrying scenario for the socio-cultural, political and environmental costs imposed by such planning. / Mestrado / Mestre em Ensino e Historia de Ciencias da Terra

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