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Validação do Questionário de Avaliação da Sobrecarga do Cuidador Informal em um amostra de cuidadores brasileiros / Validation of the Questionnaire for Assessment of Informal Caregiver Burden in a sample of Brazilian caregiversEdilene Araújo Monteiro 20 February 2014 (has links)
O envelhecimento populacional no Brasil tem sido influenciado pela transição demográfica e epidemiológica. Em consequência, prevalecem as doenças crônicas e ocorre um decréscimo na capacidade funcional do idoso. É quando surge a necessidade do cuidador no contexto das famílias. Os objetivos deste estudo metodológico foram adaptar para uso no Brasil o Questionário de Avaliação da Sobrecarga do Cuidador Informal (QASCI) e analisar as propriedades psicométricas em uma amostra de cuidadores informais de idosos. O QASCI é composto por 32 itens cujas respostas são obtidas em valores que variam de um a cinco e integra sete domínios: Implicações na vida pessoal; Satisfação com o papel e com o familiar; Reações a exigências; Sobrecarga emocional; Apoio familiar; Sobrecarga financeira e Percepção dos mecanismos de eficácia e de controle. O escore total varia de 32 a 160, e quanto maior o valor, maior a sobrecarga. O processo de adaptação seguiu os passos metodológicos, conforme preconizado pela literatura: adaptação semântica, avaliação pelo comitê de juízes, análise semântica dos itens, obtenção da versão final e análise das propriedades psicométricas. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas domiciliares, no período de setembro de 2012 a fevereiro de 2013, nas áreas cadastradas das Equipes de Saúde da Família do município de João Pessoa-PB. Participaram do estudo 132 cuidadores de idosos que apresentavam alguma dependência funcional. A validade de constructo convergente do QASCI foi avaliada com testes de correlação de Pearson entre as medidas de sobrecarga e de constructos correlatos (ansiedade e depressão); análise fatorial confirmatória (dimensionalidade) e teste para comparação de grupos conhecidos (idade, tempo de cuidado, nível de dependência); e a confiabilidade foi avaliada pela consistência interna de seus itens (alfa de Cronbach). O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. A maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (87,1%), casados (47,7%), com idade média de 50 anos e oito anos de escolaridade. Quanto ao grau de parentesco com o idoso, 63% eram filhos, e 14%, cônjuges. Cerca de 89% dos cuidadores residiam com o idoso, apresentavam média de sete anos de tempo de cuidado, e 39% não contavam com ajuda no cuidado ao idoso. Quanto às propriedades avaliadas, em relação à validade de constructo convergente da versão adaptada do QASCI, obtivemos correlação forte entre as medidas de sobrecarga e de depressão (r=0,61; p=0,001) e correlação moderada entre as medidas de sobrecarga e de ansiedade (r=0,50, p=0,001) (validade convergente). Na comparação das medidas de sobrecarga segundo a idade do cuidador (adultos e idosos) (p=0,046) e classificação da dependência do idoso (p=0,001), confirmamos nossas hipóteses iniciais. A análise fatorial confirmatória evidenciou bom ajuste do modelo de medida advindo da versão adaptada do QASCI e manteve a estrutura fatorial inicialmente assumida no modelo proposto pelos autores da versão original. Quanto à confiabilidade, obtivemos valor adequado para a consistência interna da versão adaptada do QASCI considerando o total dos itens (?= 0,92) e as dimensões (alfas variando de 0,51 a 0,88). Diante dos resultados, concluímos que a versão adaptada do QASCI atendeu aos critérios de validade e confiabilidade na amostra estudada. Sugerem-se novos estudos a fim de testar essas propriedades em outros grupos de cuidadores brasileiros / Demographic aging in Brazil has been influenced by the epidemiological and demographic transition. As a consequence, chronic diseases prevail and the functional capability of the elderly decreases. That is when the presence of a caregiver in the family context becomes necessary. The objectives of this methodological study were to adapt the Questionnaire for Assessment of Informal Caregiver Burden (QAICB) for its use in Brazil and to analyze psychometric properties in a sample of informal caregivers of elderly individuals. The QAICB is comprised of 32 items whose answers are obtained in values ranging from one to five, integrating seven domains: Implications in personal life; Satisfaction with the role and the family member; Reactions to demands; Emotional burden; Family support; Financial burden and Perception of the mechanisms of efficacy and control. The total score varies between 32 and 160, and the higher the score, the greater the burden. The adaptation process followed the methodological steps recommended in literature: semantic adaptation, evaluation by a committee of judges, semantic analyses of the items, obtainment of the final version and analysis of psychometric properties. Data were collected by means of home interviews, between September of 2012 and February of 2013, in the registered areas of the Family Health Teams of João Pessoa, state of Paraíba. Study participants were 132 caregivers of elderly individuals with some functional dependence. The validity of convergent construct of the QAICB was assessed by means of Pearson\'s correlation tests between the measures of burden and correlated constructs (anxiety and depression); confirmatory factor analysis (dimensionality) and test for comparison of known groups (age, time of care, level of dependence); and the reliability was assessed by the internal consistency of the items (Cronbach\'s alpha). The level of significance adopted was 0.05. Most of the participants were women (87.1%), married (47.7%), with a mean age of 50 years and eight years of education. Regarding the relationship of the caregiver to the elderly, 63% were children, and 14% were spouses. Approximately 89% of the caregivers lived with the elderly, presented a mean time of care of seven years, and 39% did not have any help in the care of the elderly. Regarding the properties evaluated, in relation to the validity of the convergent construct of the adapted version of the QAICB, a strong correlation was found between the measures of burden and depression (r=0.61; p=0.001) and a moderate correlation was observed between the measures of burden and anxiety (r=0.50, p=0.001) (convergent validity). In the comparison of the measures of burden as for the age of the caregiver (adults and elderly) (p=0.046) and the classification of the dependence of the elderly (p=0.001), the initial hypotheses of the authors were confirmed. The confirmatory factor analysis evidenced a good adjustment of the measure model originating from the adapted version of the QAICB and the factor structure initially assumed in the model proposed by the authors of the original version was maintained. As for reliability, an adequate value was obtained for the internal consistency of the adapted version of the QAICB, considering the total of the items (?= 0.92) and the dimensions (alpha varying between 0.51 and 0.88). In light of the results, the adapted version of the QAICB showed compliance with the criteria of validity and reliability in the studied sample. New studies are suggested so as to test these properties in other groups of Brazilian caregivers
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"Saúde bucal em idosos: queixas relatadas, Ribeirão Preto (SP)" / "Elder oral health: related complaints. Ribeirão Preto"Alexandre Favero Bulgarelli 27 June 2006 (has links)
O trabalho estudou queixas, cuidados, importância e satisfação com a saúde bucal em uma população de idosos cadastrados no Núcleo de Saúde da Família III na cidade de Ribeirão Preto. Os idosos foram selecionados para participarem na pesquisa levando-se em conta a capacidade cognitiva (Mini Mental Examination), as atividades normais da vida cotidiana, bem como o consentimento em participar por livre vontade. Os participantes responderam um questionário, em suas residências, sobre saúde bucal elaborado especificamente para o presente estudo, em data previamente agendada pelo pesquisador. O questionário continha questões relacionadas à situação sócio-demográfica, cuidados com saúde bucal, situação protética, auto-avaliação sobre saúde bucal, bem como queixas referentes a este fato. Procurou-se desta forma, identificar o perfil da população estudada segundo levantamento das queixas mais prevalentes, situação em relação aos cuidados com dentes e/ou próteses, bem como a satisfação e o valor dado à saúde bucal. Os dados receberam tratamento estatístico para observação de associações de variáveis através de Teste exato de Fisher e Qui-quadrado, aceitando-se a associação quando o valor de p era menor ou igual a 0,05. A população adscrita, no referido núcleo no período de realização do presente estudo, era de 503 idosos dos quais foram entrevistados 261, e deste número, 90 idosos (34,5%) eram do sexo masculino e 171 (65,5%) do sexo feminino. A população possuía baixa escolaridade (60,2% com até 4 anos de estudo) e maior número de representantes com idade entre 60 a 69 anos (46,7%). A maioria dos idosos morava com familiares e os homens eram os responsáveis financeiros. Parte significativa dos entrevistados relatou ser desdentada total (48,7%) e este fato esteve associado à idade, escolaridade e convívio na mesma residência. Os indivíduos desdentados totais referiram sua saúde bucal como importante (45,2%) e boa (77,7%) sendo que, entre indivíduos satisfeitos com sua saúde bucal 53,6% eram desdentados totais, e tais variáveis estiveram associadas. Em relação aos cuidados, idosos mais jovens relataram maior número de escovações diárias dos dentes e/ou próteses. Quanto às queixas observou-se maior ocorrência de lesões/feridas na cavidade bucal, queixas referentes à articulação temporomandibular (ATM), mau hálito, boca seca e dificuldade para mastigar. Dentre estas queixas o mau hálito (p=0,015) e a dificuldade para mastigar (p=0,000) mostraram-se estatisticamente associadas à quantidade de dentes. A queixa referente à dificuldade para mastigar estava associada à mobilidade de próteses inferiores (p=0,001). Desta forma concluiu-se que os cuidados com a saúde bucal diminuíram com o avançar da idade, os idosos relataram sentir-se satisfeitos com suas condições de saúde bucal, classificando a mesma como importante, e ser desdentado total não significou necessariamente atribuir valores negativos a esta condição. A falta de dentes não foi referida como uma queixa porém apareceu associada à insatisfação com a saúde bucal. E finalmente concluiu-se que a dificuldade para mastigar esteve associada à idade e à mobilidade das próteses inferiores, sendo que na faixa etária mais avançada esta queixa foi mais freqüente. / The present survey was carried out to study complaints, care, value and satisfaction toward oral health in an aged population filled in the Family Heath Centre III at Ribeirão Preto. The elder were selected to participate in the study according to their cognitive status (Mini Mental Examination Test), normal life activities and their own acceptance to participate. The elder answered at their home, in a previous scheduled procedure, a questionnaire about oral health which was developed specific to the study purpose. The specific domiciliary questionnaire had questions about social demographical profile, oral health care, prosthetic condition, subjective self-reported oral health status and oral health complaints. It was identificated the population profile toward the most prevalent oral health complaints, teeth and prosthetic hygiene and care, satisfaction and self-reported oral health value. The data received statistical treatment to observe the association between variables according to the Fischer Exact and Chi square Tests, and the association was accepted when the p value was equal or lower than 0.05. The population, filled at the Family Health Centre III in the period of the study development, was 503 aged people with more than 60 years old, and 261 were interviewed, where 90 (34.5%) were male and 171 (65.5%) were female. In general the aged reported low education level (60.2%) and they were represented most frequently by the age between 60 to 69 years old (46.7%). The higher of the aged reported living with family and the men were responsible for the financial support of the family. Significant sample of the aged reported being edentate (48.7%) and this fact was correlated to the aged, educational level and living with the family. The edentate people reported that their oral health were important (45.2%) and good (77.7%), and the satisfied people (53.6%) were edentate and these variable were correlated. According to own oral health care, the younger subject reported a higher number of diary tooth brushing. It was reported a higher number of oral wounds, temporomandibular joint, fetid breath, dry mouth and masticator complaints. Among these complaints the fetid breath (p=0,015) and the masticator difficulty (p=0,000) were statistically correlated to inferior denture mobility (p=0,001). It was concluded that oral health care decrease as time goes by, the aged reported being satisfied with their oral health condition, and their oral health was self-classified as an important issue. The subject reported that being edentate do not mean that it is a negative profile. The tooth missing was not reported as complaint but it was statistically correlated with dissatisfaction toward own oral health. Finally it was concluded that masticator difficulty was statistically correlated to inferior dentures mobility being this complain higher reported in the older aged subject sample.
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Autopercepção das condições bucais em pessoas com 60 anos e mais de idade. / Self-perception of oral health status in persons aged 60 years and over.Silvio Rocha Corrêa da Silva 15 April 1999 (has links)
Objetivo. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a autopercepção das condições bucais em idosos. Material e Métodos. Participaram do estudo 337 pessoas, com 60 anos e mais de idade, funcionalmente independentes, que freqüentavam um centro de saúde em Araraquara, SP. Foi aplicado formulário com questões sobre as características sócio-demográficas da amostra, autopercepção da condição bucal e o índice GOHAI. Realizou-se exame clínico para determinar a prevalência das principais doenças bucais. Os testes estatísticos realizados tiveram como objetivo determinar a associação entre as variáveis sócio-demográficas, clínicas e o índice GOHAI com a autopercepção e também identificar os preditores da auto-avaliação. Resultados. O exame clínico revelou que 40,4% das pessoas eram desdentadas, e entre os dentados a cárie e a doença periodontal tiveram grande prevalência. Entre os dentados, 42,7% avaliaram sua condição bucal como regular, enquanto 55,8% dos desdentados afirmaram que era boa. As variáveis associadas à auto-avaliação foram: a classe social, o GOHAI, os dentes cariados e com extração indicada entre os dentados, e a escolaridade e o GOHAI entre os desdentados. A análise multivariada mostrou que os preditores da auto-avaliação foram o GOHAI (em dentados e desdentados), os dentes com extração indicada e o CPITN em dentados. Estes preditores explicaram no máximo 30% da variabilidade da auto-avaliação. Conclusões. Entre outros aspectos concluiu-se que a percepção teve pouca influência das condições clínicas e por isso seria importante o desenvolvimento de ações educativas e preventivas junto a esta população. / Objective. The purpose of this study was to assess the self-perception of oral health status of the elderly. Methods. Results are based on interviews and clinical assessment of 337 subjects aged 60 years and over, functionally independents and who used to go to a Health Care in Araraquara, Brazil. A questionnaire with questions about the social characteristics of the sample, self-perception of oral health status and the GOHAI index was applied. A clinical examination was made to determine the prevalence of the main oral diseases. The objective of statistical tests was to determine the association among the social and clinic variables and the GOHAI index with the self-perception. Moreover the tests had to identify the self-assess predictors. Results. The clinical examination revealed that 40.4% of the people were edentulous and among the dentate the dental caries and the periodontal disease had a significant prevalence. 42.7% of the dentate assessed their oral health status as regular and 55.8% of the edentulous assessed theirs as good. The social class, the GOHAI index and the decayed and missing teeth among the dentate, and also the level of education and the GOHAI among the edentulous, were associated to the self-assess. The multivariate analysis showed that the predictors of the self-assess were the GOHAI index (among dentate and edentulous), the missing teeth and the CPITN among dentate. These predictors explained 30% of the self-assess variability. Conclusions. As the perception had a small influence on the clinical conditions, the development of educated and preventive actions for these people are recommended.
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Prescription médicamenteuse potentiellement inappropriée dans les établissements d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD) / Potentially inappropriate drug prescribing in nursing homesCool, Charlène 26 October 2017 (has links)
Les sujets résidant dans les établissements d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD) sont fréquemment exposés à une polypathologie et sont polymédiqués, ce qui augmente le risque de prescriptions potentiellement inappropriées (PPI) et ainsi le risque d'événements iatrogènes tels que le décès et l'hospitalisation. La plupart des études réalisées en France sur la PPI se sont focalisées sur des classes médicamenteuses précises, et peu ont évalué l'impact des caractéristiques structurelles et organisationnelles des EHPAD sur la PPI des résidents, indépendamment des caractéristiques individuelles. Cette thèse a eu pour objectif de développer un nouvel indicateur de PPI, reflétant au mieux la prise en charge médicamenteuse globale des résidents d'EHPAD. Les travaux de thèse ont été réalisés sur un échantillon issu de l'étude IQUARE (Impact d'une démarche QUAlité sur l'évolution des pratiques et le déclin fonctionnel des REsidents), étude quasi expérimentale (NCT01703689) évaluant l'impact d'une intervention basée sur l'éducation gériatrique du personnel de l'EHPAD sur des indicateurs de qualité des soins. Dans un premier temps, nous avons construit un outil original de détection de PPI, combinant des critères explicites et implicites, identifiant 71% des résidents avec une PPI à l'inclusion. Des caractéristiques organisationnelle (accès à un avis psychiatrique) et structurelle (présence d'une unité de soins spécialisée) de l'EHPAD expliquaient une part de cette PPI. Dans un second temps, afin de valider la pertinence de cet outil, nous avons évalué l'impact clinique de la PPI sur la survenue d'événements indésirables au cours du suivi. Nous n'avons pas retrouvé de risque augmenté de décès ou d'hospitalisation. Enfin, l'intervention gériatrique générale de l'étude IQUARE a significativement réduit la PPI des résidents à 18 mois. Ces travaux ont fourni des éléments importants à prendre en considération, lors de la construction de nouvelles études visant à modifier les pratiques de prescription et à réduire le nombre de médicaments prescrits chez les résidents d'EHPAD, mais aussi pour déterminer l'impact clinique de ces changements. / Older people living in nursing homes (NHs) suffer from numerous comorbidities and functional decline. Polymedication is frequent in this population. This increases the risk of potentially inappropriate drug prescribing (PIDP), which can lead to adverse drug events such as falls and hospitalization. Most French studies did not examine PPI with a global perspective, but focused on specific drug classes. Moreover, few studies have investigated, irrespective of the individual characteristics of residents, the structural and organizational characteristics of nursing homes on the quality of drug prescribing. Thesis work aimed to develop a new indicator of PIDP, which best reflects the global medication use of residents. Thesis works have been performed using the data of the IQUARE study (Impact d'une démarche Qualité sur l'évolution des pratiques et le déclin fonctionnel des REsidents), a quasi-experimental study (trial registration number: NCT01703689) investigating the impact of an intervention based on geriatric education with NH staff on quality indicators of care. First, we developed an indicator of PIDP, combining explicit and implicit criteria, identifying 71% of PIDP in NH residents at baseline. NH organizational (access to psychiatric advice and/or to hospitalization in a psychiatric unit) and structural (presence of a special care unit for dements) variables explained part of PIDP. In a second part, in order to validate the usefulness of this PIDP detection tool, we verified the long-term clinical impact of PIDP on adverse outcomes (death, number of hospitalizations...). We did not find any significant association between PIDP and death, nor between PIDP and number of hospitalizations. Finally, the general intervention implemented in the IQUARE study significantly reduced PIDP among NH residents at 18-month follow-up. Our research has provided important aspects that should be consider when constructing further new studies seeking to change prescribing patterns and to reduce the total number of drugs taken, but also to determine the final impact of these changes on clinical outcomes.
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The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the associations among social support, gender, relationship quality, and self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure (HF). Specific aims were to: 1) compare the psychometric properties of the 12-item and the 9-item European Heart Failure Self-Care Behavior Scale (EHFScBS) when used to measure self-care behaviors in patients with HF in the United States; 2) determine whether gender moderated the association between perceived social support and daily sodium intake in patients with HF; and 3) determine whether a patient’s gender and relationship with the primary family caregiver (spousal or non-spousal) moderated the association between relationship quality and HF self-care.
For the first specific aim, reliability and validity of the 12-item and the 9-item EHFScBS were compared by measures of internal consistency of reliability, item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and hypothesis testing. The 12-item and the 9-item EHFScBS were valid and reliable when used to measure self-care behaviors in the United States. The 9-item EHFScBS was more homogenous with dimensions closer to the originally proposed dimensions when compared to the 12-item EHFScBS. The second specific aim was addressed by secondary analysis of data from The RICH Heart Program HF Registry. A hierarchical multiple regression model was used to determine whether gender moderated the association between social support and daily sodium intake. In our study, gender did not moderate the association between social support and daily sodium intake. The third specific aim was addressed using hierarchical multiple regression analyses to determine whether gender or relationship type moderated the association between relationship quality and HF self-care. Baseline data from an ongoing longitudinal, randomized controlled trial of a patient-caregiver dyadic intervention program were used in the analysis. Relationship quality was measured using the patient version of the Dyadic Relationship Scale, which consists of two subscales: positive dyadic interaction and negative dyadic strain. Heart failure self-care was measured using the 9-item EHFScBS. Positive dyadic interaction was associated with better HF self-care in female patients or patients with a non-spousal relationship with their family caregiver.
This dissertation has fulfilled important gaps in the evidence base for the self-care of patients with HF. The findings from this dissertation provided evidence for the validity and reliability of the 9-item EHFScBS when used to measure HF self-care behaviors. It also provided recommendations for future research to measure directed social support to adopt a specific behavior, such as eating low sodium diet, instead of measuring the social support in general. It also emphasized the importance of examining the quality of the relationship between patients and their family caregivers. The findings also pointed to the need for interventions targeting the relationship quality to be tailored according to the patients’ gender or their relationship type with their family caregiver (spousal or non-spousal). A better understanding of how social factors can impact self-care behaviors in patients with HF is essential, as it gives researchers and healthcare providers the prospect of developing effective interventions to improve HF self-care.
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Nutriční a funkční stav klientů žijících v domovech pro seniory / Nutritional and functional status of clients living in homes for the elderlyDvořáková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Objectives: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the nutritional status and physical performance of the individuals over 65 years living in home for the elderly and as the main research question to assess whether there is a correlation between impaired nutritional status and worsened physical performance in older adults. Also tests whether the unwanted weight loss for the last 3 month affects impaired results in a standardized SPPB test and handgrip test. And finally, verify whether the optimal BMI valided for the elderly predispozes a good physical performance and considered as a protective factor in case of frailty - on functional status. Methods: The research was executed by a quantitative method with the investigation of respondents as a data collection technique. To elaborate the practical part and answer the research questions were used outputs from nutritional status testing (BMI, nutritional status according to MNA-FF, SMI) and functional evaluation (dynamometry, SPPB battery). The results of these variables diagnosed seniors in the norm, at risk and with pathology. Results: The resulting research sample consisted of 40 seniors, of whom 29 were women (72,5 %) and 11 were men (27,5 %). The normal nutritional status was found in the majority of participants - 67,5 %, the risk...
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Enhancing the Nurse Aide Student's Knowledge of Evidence-Based Geriatric Care PracticesMcDaniel, Vivienne 01 January 2018 (has links)
Certified nurse aides provide approximately 65% of care to more than 1.4 million older adults residing in nursing homes who have been diagnosed with 1 or more chronic illnesses or debilitating conditions. Licensed nurses rely on nurse aides to report potentially harmful status changes in geriatric residents. Nurse aides often receive limited education and do not have a structured care process to guide them in their practice in the geriatric population. The purpose of this educational quality improvement project was to develop a geriatric-specific nurse aide care process to increase the knowledge of student nurse aides regarding processes to identify and observe potentially harmful status changes in geriatric residents, and what changes to report immediately to a licensed nurse. The knowledge-to-action model was used to address the practice problem and to guide the translation of this evidence-based project into practice. The methodology used to guide data collection and analysis was a 1-group, quasi experimental, pretest/posttest design to compare participants' knowledge before the intervention with their learning outcomes after the educational intervention was implemented. The findings revealed an increase in the knowledge of student nurse aides after the educational intervention. The project may promote social change on an organizational level by demonstrating the need for a structured geriatric care process for nurse aides prior to their entry into the long-term care workforce to improve care outcomes for geriatric residents. The project may involve social change at the state level because incorporating this process may require additional hours in the nurse aide education program curriculum.
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Organisational characteristics and psychosocial working conditions in different forms of ownershipHöckertin, Chatrine January 2007 (has links)
<p>The main aim of this thesis has been to compare psychosocial working conditions in workplaces with different forms of ownership, i.e. public, private and cooperative. A second aim has been to study how organisational characteristics of relevance for psychosocial working conditions (in terms of management control strategies and prerequisites for management) are manifested in these ownership forms. The empirical data is based on structured interviews with managers at 60 workplaces within the service sector and on a questionnaire to all employees working in the participating workplaces, resulting in a set of 1384 individuals. An additional seven interviews with first-line managers within geriatric care were also conducted for the last study. The results show that employees in cooperatives perceived that they had better opportunities to influence decisions concerning the workplace as a whole, although there were also results showing advantages for public and private employees. Regarding opportunities for employees to influence their own work situation, there were no differences between the ownership forms. Differences were found in the prerequisites for first-line geriatric care managers. As a result of an earlier organisational change, the public managers were now further away from the strategic level and had to focus on daily, operative work tasks, while simultaneously also being responsible for keeping within the budget. The private managers, on the other hand, having group leaders to deal with the daily work concerning personnel and operations, could focus more on strategic work related to financial results in terms of planning and follow-up of the budget. One conclusion is that there are certain differences in both psychosocial working conditions and organisational characteristics between the ownership forms, but when the comparisons were restricted to only one type of service, in this case the provision of care, it is rather the similarities within the care organisations, regardless of ownership form, that are most pronounced.</p>
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Ethical values in caring encounters from elderly patients’ and next of kin´s perspectiveJonasson, Lise-Lotte January 2009 (has links)
<p>The welfare of the elderly population is one of the most important goals of the public health services. At macro level the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare state that the premier goal is for elderly people to have dignified and comfortable lives. They should have a life with a sense of value and feel confident. These ethical values which are expressed on macro level or as normative ethics are expected to prevail at micro level. In our study the micro level is the caring encounter between the elderly patient, next of kin and nurses. Ethical values and morals are important aspects that influence the quality of care, videlicet in empiric ethics.</p><p>The aim of study (I) was to identify and describe the ethical values experienced by the older person in the daily interaction with nurses in a ward for older people during caring encounters. In study (II) the aim was to identify and describe the governing ethical values that next of kin experience in interaction with nurses who care for elderly patients at a geriatric clinic. Study (I) which was an empirical observational study included follow-up interviews. Twenty-two older people participated voluntarily. In study (II) interviews with fourteen next of kin were conducted. In both studies Constant comparative analysis, the core foundation of grounded theory was used.</p><p>Five categories; Being addressed, receiving respect, desiring to participate, increasing self-determination and gaining self-confidence formed the basis for the core category in study (I): Approaching. Approaching concerns the way people become closer to each other in a physical space .It also includes how people become closer to each other in a dialogue, which involves verbal or bodily communication. Approaching indicates the ethical values that guide nurses in their caring encounters with older people. This ethical value is noted by the older person and has an individual value, as well as leading to improved quality of their care. The older person will be confident and satisfied with the caring encounter if the desired components in the nurse’s approaching are exhibited.</p><p>Four categories were identified in study (II): Receiving, showing respect, facilitating participation and showing professionalism. These categories formed the basis of the core category: “Being amenable”, a concept identified in the next of kin’s description of the ethical values that they and the elderly patients perceive in the caring encounter. Being amenable means that the nurses are guided by ethical values; taking into account the elderly patient and next of kin. Nurses who focus on elderly patients’ well-being as a final principle will affect next of kin and their experience of this fundamental situation.</p>
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Liggsår och härdsmälta : En studie om att hantera intressenters konflikterande mål / Bedsore and Meltdown : A study of handling stakeholders’ conflicting goalsEk, Marcus, Jobs, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund:</strong> Runt omkring oss i samhället finns det organisationer av olika slag. De organisationer som påverkar oss mest i vårt dagliga liv är dock troligen de kommersiella. För sådana organisationer utgör ägarna en stark intressentgrupp då de tillför kapital till verksamheten och för detta kräver ersättning i form av avkastning. För många kommersiella organisationer finns det dock fler intressenter med andra krav på organisationen och dess verksamhet, till exempel måste industrier investera i reningsanläggningar för att inte släppa ut skadlig rök till omgivningen. För de flesta organisationer finns det följaktligen minst två olika måldimensioner. Å ena sidan har vi ägare och investerare som vill ha avkastning på sitt kapital. Å andra sidan finns det intressenter som kräver saker som hög kvalitet, hög säkerhet och tillförlitlighet. Dessa olika krav kan skapa en målkonflikt för verksamheten.</p><p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera och analysera hur målkonflikten mellan intressenters säkerhets- och lönsamhetskrav hanteras i verksamhetsstyrningen.</p><p><strong>Genomförande:</strong> Med hjälp av intervjuer har vi genomfört fallstudier vid organisationer inom äldreomsorg och kärnkraftsindustri.</p><p><strong>Resultat: </strong>Vår studie visar på en rad faktorer som bör tas i beaktning vid organisationer med målkonfliktsproblematiken. Ledningen måste vara tydlig i sin målprioritering och kommunikation, ha en tydlig hantering av sina intressenter och deras krav samt att det bör finnas tillfredställande system för felidentifiering och rapporteringsmöjligheter för de anställda.</p> / <p><strong>Background: </strong>In the society we live in, there are different kinds of organizations. The organizations that affect us the most however are probably the commercial ones. For these organizations, the owners form a strong a group of stakeholders since they invest capital and therefore require return on their investments. Nevertheless, some organizations also face demands of safety and quality from other stakeholders. With this in mind it becomes clear that organizations sometimes have to handle at least two dimensions of goals, owners that demand yield and the general public that demands a satisfying amount of safety. These different kinds of goals and demands can create a goal conflict situation within the organizations.</p><p><strong>Aim: </strong>The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze how the conflict between safety and economic goals is handled in the operating control.'</p><p><strong>Completion: </strong>A case study was carried out in the geriatric care and nuclear power industry by means of qualitative interviews.</p><p><strong>Results: </strong>The result of this study indicates that there are certain aspects to bear in mind for organizations facing the goal conflict situation. The management has to be clear about what to prioritize and then clearly communicate this priority to the employees. The organization should also have a clearly defined stakeholder strategy concerning their demands and requirements. Finally, it is also important for an organization that employees have proper communication channels and failure identification systems, so that problems can be emphasized.</p>
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