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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neologia antroponímica: o que os nomes de origem germânica têm a nos dizer? / Anthroponymic Neology: what does Germanic names have to tell us?

Rodrigues, Letícia Santos 27 June 2019 (has links)
Pesquisas em Onomástica ciência linguística que se dedica ao estudo dos nomes próprios (particularmente, neste caso, em Antroponímia: estudo dos nomes de pessoas) podem revelar diversos aspectos sobre certo povo ou cultura. Em face disso, este trabalho se concentra na análise, a partir de um dado recorte, do quadro antroponímico brasileiro referente à última década do século XIX, todo século XX e início do século XXI, a fim de compreender qual a atuação e importância dos nomes neológicos de pessoas. Para tanto, esta pesquisa se vale das contribuições da Etimologia e da Morfologia, além do esteio teórico da Linguística Cognitiva. Em específico, a análise se volta para os antropônimos neológicos que utilizam formativos germânicos em suas construções, visto que o fator histórico da ocupação da Península Ibérica pelos considerados povos germânicos influenciou no léxico antroponímico do Brasil, tal qual o vemos ainda hoje. O corpus analisado se refere aos arquivos da Ordem Terceira do Carmo, localizada no Centro Histórico da cidade de Salvador/BA. Tais arquivos se constituem de 10 tomos do Livro dos Termos dos Irmãos, dos quais analisaremos os quatro últimos por conta do período histórico. Verificou-se a presença de antropônimos neológicos por meio do critério de não constarem em alguns dos principais dicionários onomásticos em língua portuguesa: Dicionário etimológico da língua portuguesa - Tomo II, de Antenor Nascentes (1952), no Dicionário etimológico de nomes e sobrenomes, de Mansur Guérios (1981), e no Dicionário onomástico etimológico da língua portuguesa, de José Pedro Machado (2003). Dentre alguns resultados encontrados, é possível observar a nítida relação entre o aumento dos nomes neológicos e a abolição da escravatura e a retirada do registro civil das mãos da Igreja Católica, visto que tais acontecimentos oferecem certa liberdade para aqueles indivíduos que apenas podiam optar por nomes tradicionais, muitas vezes estritamente relacionados à tradição cristã, além do incremento da tendência de criar nomes neológicos para os indivíduos, de modo que, com o avançar dos anos, o número de ocorrências cresceu. Ainda, dentre os resultados, também se observa a recorrente utilização de estruturas composicionais bitemáticas, assim como a que se acredita ter sido herdada dos antropônimos germânicos, demonstrando, de fato, a influência de tal modelo morfolexical. / Researches in Onomastics - linguistic science dedicated to the study of proper names (particularly in this case, in Anthroponymy, the study of anthroponyms) - can reveal several aspects about a certain people or culture. Considering this, this work focuses on the analysis, from a specific scope, of the Brazilian anthroponymic system referring to the last decade of the nineteenth century, the entire twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, in order to understand the performance and importance of anthroponyms. To make it possible, this research bases itself on the contributions of Etymology and Morphology, as well as on the theoretical study of Cognitive Linguistics. Specifically, the analysis turns to the neological anthroponyms that use Germanic formatives in their constructions, due to the historical factor of the occupation of the Iberian Peninsula by the considered \"Germanic peoples\" influenced on the anthroponimic Brazilian system, as we still see it today. The corpus analyzed refers to the archives of the Ordem Terceira do Carmo, located in the Centro Histórico of the city of Salvador / BA. These archives are constituted by 10 volumes of the Livro dos Termos dos Irmãos of which we will analyze the last four by the historical period. The presence of neological anthroponyms was verified by the criterion of absence in some of the main Portuguese-language onomastic dictionaries: Dicionário etimológico da língua portuguesa - Tomo II, by Antenor Nascentes (1952), Dicionário etimológico de nomes e sobrenomes, by Mansur Guérios (1981), and Dicionário onomástico etimológico da língua portuguesa, by José Pedro Machado (2003), and also the Bible (because the biblical names have a traditional character). Among the results found, it is possible to observe the clear relationship between the increase of neological names and the abolition of slavery and the withdrawal of the civil registry from the hands of the Catholic Church, since such events offer some freedom for those individuals who could only choose names traditional traditions, often closely related to the Christian tradition, besides the increase of th trend to create neological names for individuals, so that, how the years progress, the number of occurrences raised. Among the results, the recurrent use of bitematic compositional structures is also observed, as well as the one that is believed to have been inherited from the German anthroponyms, demonstrating, in fact, the influence of such a morpholexical model.

O que amamos, não esquecemos: um estudo teológico, identitário e cultural dos cemitérios teutos no sul do Brasil

Thiago Nicolau de Araújo 24 July 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese se propõe a analisar o cemitério como espaço de expressão e preservação da memória identitária do imigrante teuto no sul do Brasil, através da interpretação dos elementos simbólicos religiosos contidos nas lápides, bem como de sua estrutura espacial e organizacional. A pesquisa foi construída a partir de extensa revisão bibliográfica, da pesquisa de campo aos cemitérios localizados em comunidades de origem teuta no Rio Grande do Sul e nos cemitérios da Alemanha. O primeiro capítulo se ocupou com a definição de túmulo bem como a relação do indivíduo com a finitude e suas representações funerárias. O segundo apresenta o cemitério como local de memória e identidade, através do estudo das fontes de informação artísticas, sociais, culturais e ideológicas contidas nestes, de forma a identificar a construção de uma ou mais identidades culturais. O terceiro capítulo estabelece um quadro teórico sobre a construção do imaginário europeu sobre a morte e os cemitérios, e de que forma isso é representado materialmente nos túmulos, analisando as características religiosas católica e protestante expressas na simbologia cemiterial entre 1824, no início da imigração alemã para o Brasil, até 1930, período que marca o final destas expressões transculturais nos túmulos. Por fim, o último capítulo estabelece um estudo comparativo entre os cemitérios dos imigrantes teutos no sul do Brasil e dos cemitérios de seu país de origem, a Alemanha, buscando definir quais elementos simbólicos revelam a manutenção de uma identidade religiosa teuta expressa nos símbolos e nos epitáfios, de forma a analisar a construção de uma ou mais identidades culturais preservadas nos cemitérios teutos do Rio Grande do Sul. / The dissertation proposes to analyze the cemetery as a space of expression and preservation of the German identity memory in southern Brazil, through the interpretation of religious symbolic elements contained on the tombstones as well as of their spatial and organizational structure. The research was built on extensive bibliographic review and on field research of the cemeteries localized in communities of German origin in Rio Grande do Sul and in the cemeteries of Germany. The first chapter occupies itself with the definition of tomb as well as with the relation of the individual with finitude and its funerary representations. The second chapter presents the cemetery as a place of memory and identity, through the study of sources of artistic, social, cultural and ideological information contained in these so as to identify the construction of one or more cultural identities. The third chapter establishes a theoretical framework about the construction of the European imagery about death and cemeteries and in what way this is represented materially on the tombs, analyzing the Catholic and Protestant religious characteristics expressed in cemetery symbology between 1824, the beginning of the German immigration to Brazil, up to 1930, the period which marks the end of these trans-cultural expressions on the tombs. Finally, the last chapter establishes a comparative study between the cemeteries of the German immigrants in southern Brazil and the cemeteries of their country of origin, Germany, seeking to define which symbolic elements reveal the maintenance of a German religious identity expressed in the symbols and in the epitaphs so as to analyze the construction of one or more cultural identities preserved in the German cemeteries of Rio Grande do Sul.

Parcours et pensée d'un intellectuel français de la première moitié du 20ème siècle : Ernest Seillière (1866-1955) : l'incarnation nouvelle de la figure du médiateur dans le champ intellectuel / The intellectual journey of a french thinker from the first half of the 20th century : Ernest Seillière (1866-1955) : the new embodiment of mediator in the intellectual sphere

Le Goff, Silvin 16 May 2017 (has links)
La carrière intellectuelle d'Ernest Seillière de Laborde (1866-1955) s'étendit de l'affaire Dreyfus (son premier essai remarqué, une étude consacrée à Ferdinand Lassalle récompensée du prix Marcellin-Guérin de l'Académie française, parut en 1897) à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale (il fit son entrée sous la Coupole en 1946). Parce qu'il considérait que tout bon représentant de l'élite avait pour mission de guider l'ensemble de la civilisation sur la voie du progrès, ce polytechnicien de formation dédia sa vie à l'élaboration d'une doctrine. Sa philosophie de l'Impérialisme, appuyée sur une vision organiciste de la société et une conception disciplinaire de la religion, imprégnée de darwinisme, de nietzschéisme et de gobinisme, et marquée par la mode des sciences psychologiques ainsi que par certains courants de la pensée allemande de son temps, n'avait pour autre but que de permettre à une bourgeoisie déclinante de répondre de manière adaptée à la montée en puissance et aux revendications sociales et politiques des masses. Le Romantisme, d'abord perçu comme un facteur de dégénérescence, fut progressivement envisagé par Seillière comme le pourvoyeur d'une formidable énergie qu'il importait de canaliser dans un sens impérialiste utilitaire. Opposant un Romantisme allemand énergique et virile à un Romantisme français féminin et anémiant, le germaniste en vint à faire la promotion d'un Socialisme rationnel que lui-même et certains de ses commentateurs crurent identifier dans les différents régimes totalitaires qui se développèrent au cours de l'Entre-deux-guerres. Celui qui se présentait comme un historien-psychologue se garda de jouer les premiers rôles dans les grands débats qui agitèrent le monde intellectuel français de son temps. La pensée de cet auteur prolifique ne fut pas pour autant ignorée de ses contemporains, et fit même quelques émules aux sensibilités et trajectoires diverses, mais dont les pensées demeuraient animées par une même obsession du déclin. / French thinker Ernest Seillière de Laborde (1866-1955) pursued a long career from the affaire Dreyfus (his first notable study dealing with Ferdinand Lassalle, rewarded by the prix Marcellin-Guérin of the Académie française, was published in 1897) to the end of the World War II (he entered the Académie française in 1946). The polytechnicien dedicated his entire life in developping a doctrine, claiming that an authentic member of the elite had to lead the whole civilization on the path to progress. His philosophy of Imperialism, based upon an organicist outlook of society and a constraining approach of religion, imbued with Darwinism, Nietzscheanism and Gobinism, and affected by a growing interest for psychological sciences and a number of contemporary german thinking movements, aimed to enable a decaying bourgeoisie to respond efficiently to the issu of the political rise and social demand of the masses. At first, Romanticism was seen by Seillière as a degeneration factor. But it was soon considered by the thinker as a provider of a great power that had to be controlled in an imperialistic utilitarian way. Drawing a comparison between a virile and dynamic Germanic Romanticism and a feminine and weakening French one, the Germanist promoted a rationalitic Socialism he and some of his commentators foresaw in the totalitarian regimes that emerged during the interwar period. He who described hisself as an historian-psychologist did not play the first part in the various intellectual debates of his time. However, the thought of this prolific writer was not ignored by his contemporaries, and raised interest within various thinkers obsessed with the idea of decline.

La question de l'indépendance de l'Autriche pour la France et la Grande-Bretagne durant l'entre-deux-guerres

Désautels, Audrey January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La question de l'indépendance de l'Autriche pour la France et la Grande-Bretagne durant l'entre-deux-guerres

Désautels, Audrey January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Confessionalidade a toda prova: o sínodo evangélico luterano do Brasil e a questão do germanismo e do nacional-socialismo alemão durante o governo de Getúlio Vargas no Brasil / Confessional at all costs: the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Brazil and the issue of Germanism and the German National Socialism during Getúlio Vargas government in Brazil

Marlow, Sergio Luiz 09 August 2013 (has links)
A tese objetiva analisar a forma como o Sínodo Evangélico Luterano do Brasil (hoje Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil), proveniente do Sínodo de Missouri dos Estados Unidos, se posicionou em relação a assuntos em evidência da década de 1940 no Brasil, como questões envolvendo o Germanismo e o Nacional Socialismo Alemão presentes entre teuto-brasileiros. Além disso, o Sínodo necessitou adaptar-se às novas imposições da Campanha de Nacionalização do Governo de Getúlio Vargas, que visava o abrasileiramento de todos os imigrantes e seus descendentes residentes em solo brasileiro. A análise dos pressupostos do Sínodo a respeito destas questões compreende a premissa da Confessionalidade Luterana que, no entender do Sínodo, expressa uma necessária separação entre Igreja e Estado. Através de um processo judicial que envolveu dois pastores do Sínodo, presos e condenados no que ficou registrado na história como a Trama Nazi-integralista de Cruz Alta, resgatamos a visão que as autoridades brasileiras da época possuíam do Sínodo Evangélico Luterano do Brasil, especialmente no que tange ao Germanismo e ao Nacional Socialismo. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the way in which the former Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Brazil (now Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil), originating from the Missouri Synod of the United States, took a stand in the 1940s as regards the then-current issues in Brazil, such as matters involving Germanism and the German National Socialism among Teuto-Brazilians. Besides that, the Synod needed to adapt itself to the new impositions of the Nationalization Campaign ordained by the government of Getúlio Vargas, which was meant to brazilianize all immigrants and their descendants living on Brazilian soil. The analysis of the assumptions held by the Synod on those issues encompasses the premise of Lutheran Confessionalism which as the Synod sees it spells a necessary separation of Church and State. Also, by looking into a lawsuit involving two Synod pastors who were arrested and convicted in what came to be historically termed as the Nazi-Integralist Plot of Cruz Alta/RS, we have retrieved the viewpoint Brazilian authorities of that time had on the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Brazil, especially concerning Germanism and the National Socialism.

Confessionalidade a toda prova: o sínodo evangélico luterano do Brasil e a questão do germanismo e do nacional-socialismo alemão durante o governo de Getúlio Vargas no Brasil / Confessional at all costs: the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Brazil and the issue of Germanism and the German National Socialism during Getúlio Vargas government in Brazil

Sergio Luiz Marlow 09 August 2013 (has links)
A tese objetiva analisar a forma como o Sínodo Evangélico Luterano do Brasil (hoje Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil), proveniente do Sínodo de Missouri dos Estados Unidos, se posicionou em relação a assuntos em evidência da década de 1940 no Brasil, como questões envolvendo o Germanismo e o Nacional Socialismo Alemão presentes entre teuto-brasileiros. Além disso, o Sínodo necessitou adaptar-se às novas imposições da Campanha de Nacionalização do Governo de Getúlio Vargas, que visava o abrasileiramento de todos os imigrantes e seus descendentes residentes em solo brasileiro. A análise dos pressupostos do Sínodo a respeito destas questões compreende a premissa da Confessionalidade Luterana que, no entender do Sínodo, expressa uma necessária separação entre Igreja e Estado. Através de um processo judicial que envolveu dois pastores do Sínodo, presos e condenados no que ficou registrado na história como a Trama Nazi-integralista de Cruz Alta, resgatamos a visão que as autoridades brasileiras da época possuíam do Sínodo Evangélico Luterano do Brasil, especialmente no que tange ao Germanismo e ao Nacional Socialismo. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the way in which the former Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Brazil (now Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil), originating from the Missouri Synod of the United States, took a stand in the 1940s as regards the then-current issues in Brazil, such as matters involving Germanism and the German National Socialism among Teuto-Brazilians. Besides that, the Synod needed to adapt itself to the new impositions of the Nationalization Campaign ordained by the government of Getúlio Vargas, which was meant to brazilianize all immigrants and their descendants living on Brazilian soil. The analysis of the assumptions held by the Synod on those issues encompasses the premise of Lutheran Confessionalism which as the Synod sees it spells a necessary separation of Church and State. Also, by looking into a lawsuit involving two Synod pastors who were arrested and convicted in what came to be historically termed as the Nazi-Integralist Plot of Cruz Alta/RS, we have retrieved the viewpoint Brazilian authorities of that time had on the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Brazil, especially concerning Germanism and the National Socialism.

Пангерманское движение Г. фон Шёнерера и национальная идентичность австрийских немцев в 1873 – 1907 гг. : магистерская диссертация / Pan-German movement of G. von Schoenerer and the national identity of Austrian Germans in 1873 – 1907

Баченина, В. В., Bachenina, V. V. January 2023 (has links)
Проблематика исследования сосредоточена вокруг вопроса о формировании национальной идентичности политической и интеллектуальной элиты титульной нации в мультинациональной среде государств XIX в. Влияние австрийских пангерманистов выражалось в разных областях с различной интенсивностью. Долгосрочные результаты их деятельности были связаны с идеей аншлюса Австрии после Первой мировой войны и символикой будущего национал-социализма: в том числе, образы «народного трибуна» и «борца за национальные интересы» были сформированы под воздействием политической культуры Г. фон Шёнерера. Взаимодействие с «общеавстрийским» Немецким школьным союзом позволяло Шёнереру получить доступ к широкой сети общественных организаций Австро-Венгрии, которая представляла собой мощный инструмент для формирования «про-немецких» настроений. Участие пангерманистов в «кризисе Бадени» конца 1890-х гг. способствовало широкому распространению в международном сообществе идеи о внутренней слабости Габсбургской монархии, что подчеркнуло разницу в положении между сторонниками и противниками Монархии. Но в немецком либерализме шёнерианцы стали своеобразной «точкой отсчета», близость или удаленность от которой была одним из маркеров дифференциации внутри конституционного крыла. В то же время агрессивные кампании против евреев наращивали истерию вокруг их положения в обществе, формируя негативное отношение и обостряя дихотомию «еврей-немец». Политика австрийских пангерманистов способствовала углублению проблемы «двойной лояльности», обогащая рефлексивный опыт австрийских элит, и закладывала идеологические основы внешнеполитического курса Австрии в межвоенный и послевоенный периоды XX в. / The research issues center around the processes of the national identity formation of the titular nation's political and intellectual elite in the multinational state in the 19th century. The Austrian Pan-Germanists’ influence was expressed in different areas with different intensity. The long-term results of their activities were associated with the idea of the Anschluss of Austria after the First World War and the symbols of the National Socialism: including the images of the «people's tribune» and the «fighter for national interests» were formed under the influence of the political culture of G. von Schoenerer. Interaction with the German School Union (Deutsche Schulverein) allowed Schoenerer to gain access to a wide network of public organizations in Austria-Hungary, which represented a powerful tool for strength the «pro-German» sympathies. Participation of Pan-Germanists in the «Badeni crisis» of the late 1890s contributed to the widespread dissemination in the international community of the idea of the Habsburg Monarchy internal weakness, which emphasized the difference in the position between supporters and opponents of Habsburgs. But in German liberalism, the Schoenerians became a «reference point», which was one of the markers of differentiation within the constitutional wing. At the same time aggressive campaigns against Jews increased hysteria around their position in society, creating negative attitudes and exacerbating the «Jew-German» dichotomy. The policy of the Austrian Pan-Germanists contributed to the deepening of the problem of «dual loyalty», enriching the reflective experience of the Austrian elites, and laid the ideological foundations of Austria's foreign policy course in the interwar and post-war periods of the 20th century.

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