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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řeč těla, řeč díla / Body language and the language of art

Jírová, Josefína January 2015 (has links)
The proposed thesis deals with the topic of body language in visual art and with understanding of body language as synergy of the innermost experience and the experience of the bodily form. The theoretical part of the thesis analyses psychological, anthropological and art historical literature published both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The point of departure for the theoretical part is the concept of interconnectedness of sensory perception, its cognitive analysis and the ensuing answer to the environment, focusing especially on the subjective character of these processes. In the practical part of the proposed thesis, an educational art project is designed, based on the results of the theoretical study in the first part and impulses from contemporary visual art (Eva Koťátková, Erwin Wurm, Miriam Cabessa and others). The aim of the educational part is to observe the processes mentioned above, concentrating especially on the creative expression through an artistic action and the experience of the individual.

Bilingual students' learning in science : Language, gestures and phyiscal artefacts

Ünsal, Zeynep January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to examine how language, gestures and physical artefacts are used in science classes with emergent bilingual students who do not share the same minority language as their classmates or teachers. The purpose is to contribute to findings that can enhance emergent bilingual students’ learning in science. The data consist of classroom observations in one 3rd grade (9–10 years old) and one 7th grade (13–14 years old) science class. In addition, the students in the 7th grade were interviewed. Whole-class instruction was carried out monolingually in Swedish. The students typically made meaning of the activities without any language limitations during conversations following an initiation, response and evaluation pattern (IRE). However, during longer conversations the students’ language repertoire in Swedish frequently limited their possibilities to express themselves. During group-work activities, students with the same minority language worked together and used both of their languages. One strategy used among the students to overcome language limitations was translating unfamiliar words into their minority language. In general, this supported the students’ learning in science. Occasionally, the students made incorrect translations of scientific concepts. The interviews with the students demonstrated how monolingual exams may limit emergent bilingual students’ achievements in science. When students’ language proficiency limited their possibility to express themselves, the students showed what they meant by using gestures. This resulted in the continuation of the lessons as both other students and teachers drew on the used gestures to talk about the science content. The physical artefacts implied that the students experienced the science content by actually seeing it, which the teacher then drew on to introduce how the phenomena or process in question could be expressed in scientific language. When students’ proficiency in the language of instruction limited their possibilities to make meaning, using physical artefacts enabled them to experience unfamiliar words being related to the science content and learn what they mean. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Submitted.</p>

Le rôle de la littérature et de la philosophie pour enfants dans l'éducation aux valeurs. Quels gestes professionnels ? : l'exemple de l'"Anneau de Gygès" au cycle 3 de l'école primaire / The role of literature and philosophy for children in value education. Which professional gestures ? : un example with The Ring of Gyges in third cycle of elementary school

Desault, Monique 03 October 2011 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse porte sur l’éducation aux valeurs à l’école primaire à travers un dispositif articulant des pratiques littéraires à celles de la philosophie pour enfants. Partant de l’idée que dans l’élaboration du jugement moral l’affectivité précède le travail de la raison nous avons voulu vérifier le rôle essentiel joué par l’imagination et l’empathie. Dans cette perspective, la littérature constitue une médiation privilégiée. Cette recherche s’appuie sur des séances menées dans des classes de cycle 3 à partir du mythe platonicien L’anneau de Gygès et s’attache à répondre à deux hypothèses principales : 1ère hypothèse : La discussion à visée philosophique, lorsqu'elle s'amorce à partir des fictions littéraires, développe chez les élèves, grâce au ressort de l'empathie envers les personnages de fiction et à la médiation de l'enseignant, des exigences éthiques et une capacité de réflexion approfondie sur les valeurs. 2ème hypothèse : Le rôle médiateur de l’adulte et la qualité de ses gestes professionnels est une des clés de ce développement. L’enjeu est de mettre à jour les conditions qui favoriseraient « la formation de la personne et du citoyen » afin que la littérature mérite de figurer dans le pilier « Culture humaniste » du socle commun de l’école primaire. / The objective of this thesis concerns the education of values at the primary school through a system combining literary practices to those of the philosophy for children. Guided by the idea that in the elaboration of moral judgement, the affectivity precedes the work of the reason, we wanted to verify the major role played by the imagination and the empathy. In this perspective, the literature held a privileged place in the mediation. This research is based on sessions organized in classes in the 3rd cycle as from the platonic myth : ‘the Ring of Gygès’ and tries to answer to two main hypotheses : 1st hypothesis : when the discussion with philosophy aims begins with literary fictions, the pupils tend to develop ethical requirements and a capacity of deep thinking on values thanks to the empathy they have for the fictive characters and the teacher’s mediation. 2nd hypothesis : the mediation played by the adult and the quality of his professional gestures is one of the key of this development. The issue is to demonstrate the conditions which would favour the ‘education of the person and the citizen’ in order that literature deserves to appear in the pillar ‘Humanist Culture’ of the common teaching of the primary school.

Turn it, Pour it, Twist it: A Model for Designing Mobile Device-Based Interactions

Kühn, Romina, Korzetz, Mandy, Schlegel, Thomas 26 June 2020 (has links)
Interaction designers for mobile phones mainly focus on displays but have only little knowledge about sensor characteristics. Beside multitouch input, mobile devices provide versatile possibilities to interact in a physical, device-based manner due to their built-in hardware. Even though such interactions may provide many advantages in everyday life, they have limited visibility in interaction design. Interaction designers are seldom experts in gesture and pattern recognition and even prototypical implementations of simple mobile-based interactions need advanced technical knowledge. Hence, the potential for designing mobile device-based interactions is often not fully exploited. To contribute to a common knowledge of mobile device-based interactions, this paper proposes Mobile Spaces. This model aims at supporting designers of mobile applications to broaden their view on interaction possibilities with one or more collocated devices which go beyond the screen. We discuss the applicability of Mobile Spaces by means of several examples from research.

Kindertivity: Usability and Communicability Strategies for Interactive Surfaces and Pre-Kindergarten Children

Nácher Soler, Vicente Ernesto 18 January 2020 (has links)
[ES] La tecnología multi-táctil se ha convertido en una de las más emergentes tras experimentar un enorme crecimiento desde sus pasos iniciales en los años ochenta hasta su amplia aceptación y uso en la actualidad. Por una parte, la tecnología multi-táctil se basa en el estilo de interacción de manipulación directa el cual proporciona a los usuarios la ventaja de ver los objetos y las acciones de interés, sustituir comandos escritos por acciones de señalado y, además, permite la realización de acciones rápidas, reversibles e incrementales evitando el uso de instrucciones complejas. Por otra parte, diversos trabajos han evaluado las virtudes derivadas de utilizar conjuntamente la manipulación directa con el toque directo mostrando que es posible evitar los problemas inherentes a otras técnicas de interacción como el ratón y el teclado. Por lo tanto, aprovechando la interacción natural e intuitiva proporcionada por la tecnología multi-táctil, ésta parece una forma ideal para dar soporte a la creación de escenarios educativos dirigidos a niños en edad preescolar. Sin embargo, a pesar de la existencia de diversos estudios que evalúan la idoneidad de utilizar el estilo de interacción de manipulación directa, existe una falta de trabajos abordando el uso dispositivos basados en superficies táctiles con niños de una temprana edad. Asimismo, en la actualidad existe una creciente tendencia a diseñar aplicaciones educativas y lúdicas dirigidas a niños en edad preescolar utilizando dispositivos multi-táctiles como los teléfonos inteligentes o las tabletas. Además, diversos informes señalan que los niños son usuarios frecuentes de este tipo de dispositivos y los utilizan incluso antes de ser capaces de hablar. Sin embargo, a pesar de este crecimiento en el uso de la tecnología multi-táctil y su aparente idoneidad para ser utilizado en el desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas para niños en edad preescolar, no existen unas interacciones universales y estandarizadas para preescolares a la hora de utilizar dispositivos táctiles ya que habitualmente sólo se utilizan dos gestos básicos (básicamente, el toque con un dedo para seleccionar y el arrastre con un dedo para el movimiento). Por lo tanto, existe una clara necesidad de llevar a cabo estudios empíricos para contribuir y avanzar en el diseño de aplicaciones que den un soporte adecuado y encaje con las habilidades de los niños en su temprano desarrollo. Por tanto, esta tesis propone, diseña y evalúa diversas estrategias de usabilidad y comunicabilidad adaptadas a los niños en edad preescolar para establecer la base para el diseño y desarrollo de futuras aplicaciones basadas en dispositivos táctiles dirigidas a preescolares. Estas estrategias llevarán a la adecuada definición de guías de diseño que permitirán a los niños aprovechar al máximo la tecnología multi-táctil, harán posible el desarrollo de nuevas y atractivas aplicaciones y, eventualmente, también podrán ayudar al desarrollo cognitivo y motor de los niños. / [CAT] La tecnologia multi-tàctil s'ha convertit en una de les més emergents després d'experimentar un enorme creixement des dels seus passos inicials als anys vuitanta fins l'actualitat on es àmpliament acceptada i utilitzada. D'una banda, la tecnologia multi-tàctil es basa en l'estil d'interacció de manipulació directa, el qual proporciona als usuaris l'avantatge de veure els objectes i les accions d'interès, substituir comandos escrits per accions d'assenyalament i, a més, permet la realització d'accions, ràpides, reversibles i incrementals evitant l'ús d'instruccions complexes. D'altra banda, diversos treballs han avaluat les virtuts derivades d'utilitzar conjuntament la manipulació directa amb el toc directe mostrant que és possible evitar els problemes inherents a altres tècniques d'interacció com el ratolí i el teclat. Per tant, aprofitant la interacció natural i intuïtiva proporcionada per la tecnologia multi-tàctil, aquesta sembla una forma ideal per donar suport a la creació d'escenaris educatius per a xiquets en edat preescolar. No obstant això, malgrat l'existència de diversos estudis que avaluen la idoneïtat d'utilitzar l'estil d'interacció de manipulació directa, existeix una manca de treballs abordant l'ús de dispositius basats en superfícies tàctils amb xiquets d'edat primerenca. Així mateix, en l'actualitat existeix una creixent tendència a dissenyar aplicacions educatives i lúdiques dirigides a xiquets en edat preescolar utilitzant dispositius tàctils com els telèfons intel¿ligents o les tauletes. A més, diversos informes assenyalen que els xiquets són usuaris freqüents d'aquests tipus de dispositius i els utilitzen fins i tot abans de ser capaços de parlar. Malgrat aquest creixement en l'ús de la tecnologia multi-tàctil i la seua aparent idoneïtat per a ser utilitzada en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions educatives per a xiquets en edat preescolar, no existeixen unes interaccions universals i estandarditzades per a preescolars a l'hora d'utilitzar dispositius tàctils ja que habitualment només s'utilitzen dos gestos bàsics (bàsicament, el toc amb un dit per a seleccionar i l'arrossegament amb un dit per al moviment). Per tant, hi ha una clara necessitat de dur a terme estudis empírics per a contribuir i avançar en el disseny d'aplicacions que donen un suport adequat i s'ajusten amb les habilitats dels xiquets en el seu primerenc desenvolupament. Per tant, la tesi proposa, dissenya i avalua diverses estratègies de usabilitat i comunicabilitat adaptades als xiquets en edat preescolar per tal d'establir la base per al disseny i desenvolupament de futures aplicacions basades en dispositius tàctils dirigides a preescolars. Aquestes estratègies portaran a l'adequada definició de guies de disseny que permetran als xiquets aprofitar al màxim la tecnologia multi-tàctil, faran possible el desenvolupament de noves i atractives aplicacions i, eventualment, podran també ajudar al desenvolupament cognitiu i motor dels xiquets. / [EN] Multi-touch technology has become one of the most emergent technologies and has had an enormous growth since its initial steps in the eighties to be widespread accepted and used in the present. On the one hand, multi-touch technology relies on the direct manipulation interaction style which gives users the advantage to view the objects and actions of interest, replace typed commands by pointing actions and to perform rapid, reversible and incremental actions avoiding using complex instructions. On the other hand, several works have evaluated the virtues when joining direct manipulation with direct-touching showing that it solves the problems inherent in other interaction devices, such as those involving mouse or keyboard. Hence, taking advantage of the intuitive and natural interaction provided by multi-touch technology it seems an ideal way to support educational scenarios targeted to kindergarten children. Although several works have assessed the suitability of using the direct manipulation style with children, there is a lack of works addressing the use of touchscreen devices by this specific type of users. Moreover, there is a growing trend of designing educational and playful applications targeted to kindergarten children based on touchscreen devices such as smartphones and tablets. In addition, several reports point out that children use touchscreen devices even before they are able to speak and they are frequent users of devices such as smartphones and tablets. However, despite this growth in the use of multi-touch technology by children and its apparent suitability to be used to develop applications targeted to young children, there is a lack of standardized and universally accepted interactions for young children when using touchscreen devices since only two basic gestures are commonly used (basically, consisting of only one-finger touch for selection and one-finger drag for movement). Hence, there is a need of carrying out empirical studies to help and advance in the design of applications that adequately support and fit with children's development and skills. Therefore, this thesis proposes, designs and evaluates several usability and communicability strategies tailored to children in their early development stage to establish the design and development of future applications targeted to kindergarten children. These strategies will lead to define appropriate design strategies that enable infants to take full advantage of multi-touch technology, would make it possible to develop attractive new applications and, eventually, could also aid children's cognitive and motor development. / Nácher Soler, VE. (2019). Kindertivity: Usability and Communicability Strategies for Interactive Surfaces and Pre-Kindergarten Children [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/116833 / TESIS

Artificial Intelligence Based Real-Time Processing of Sterile Preparations Compounding

Rehman Faridi, Shah Mohammad Hamoodur January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Rozpoznávání objektů a gest v obraze / Recognition of Objects and Gestures in Image

Johanová, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on gesture recognition in video. The main purpose of this thesis was to create an algorithm and an application that can recognize selected gestures using a~video obtained through a~standard webcamera. The intention was to control an application program, such as video player. The approach used to achieve this goal was to exploit methods of feature extraction, tracking, and machine learning.

Gaze Gestures in Interaction with Problem-Solving / Gaze Gestures in Interaction with Problem-Solving

Vrzáková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce byla vypracována při studijním pobytu na University of Eastern, Finland. Tato práce se zabývá analýzou pohybů očí jakožto charakteristiky lidských úmyslů. Během hraní hry 8Puzzle byly extrahovány pohyby očí a rozděleny na základě stisku tlačítka, které ve hře symbolizovalo hráčův úmysl pohnout herní kostičkou. Takto rozdělené sekvence představují reflexivní chování oka, tzv. pohledové gesto, které představují zdroj příznaků. Příznaky extrahované z pohybů očí pak popisují pohledová gesta spojená jak s úmysly a tak bez úmyslů. Nově bylo do analýzy zahrnuto také pozorování změn v zorničce jakožto zdroj informací, který by mohl pomoci v rozlišení úmyslných pohledů od pohledů bez záměru. Tento úkol zahrnuje binární klasifikaci, která byla realizována pomocí navrženého predikčního modelu s využitím SVM a RBF jádra. Tato práce se také zaměřuje na studium vlivu normalizace na celkové výsledky. Vyhodnocení modelu bylo realizování pomocí křivky pod grafem. Z výsledků bylo dobře patrné, že datová sada příznaků založená na fixacích a sakádách lépe rozlišila úmyslné sekvence od neúmyslných, zatímco úspěšnost sad příznaků postavených na odezvách pupily se pohybovala na hranici náhodného klasifikátoru. Přestože dosažené výsledky vyzývají k dalšímu studiu lidských úmyslů pomocí pohybů očí, přestože klasifikace v reálném čase na základě takto navržených příznaků by prozatím nebyla 100% spolehlivá.

Template-basierte Klassifikation planarer Gesten

Schmidt, Michael 25 April 2014 (has links)
Pervasion of mobile devices led to a growing interest in touch-based interactions. However, multi-touch input is still restricted to direct manipulations. In current applications, gestural commands - if used at all - are only exploiting single-touch. The underlying motive for the work at hand is the conviction that a realization of advanced interaction techniques requires handy tools for supporting their interpretation. Barriers for own implementations of procedures are dismantled by providing proof of concept regarding manifold interactions, therefore, making benefits calculable to developers. Within this thesis, a recognition routine for planar, symbolic gestures is developed that can be trained by specifications of templates and does not imply restrictions to the versatility of input. To provide a flexible tool, the interpretation of a gesture is independent of its natural variances, i.e., translation, scale, rotation, and speed. Additionally, the essential number of specified templates per class is required to be small and classifications are subject to real-time criteria common in the context of typical user interactions. The gesture recognizer is based on the integration of a nearest neighbor approach into a Bayesian classification method. Gestures are split into meaningful, elementary tokens to retrieve a set of local features that are merged by a sensor fusion process to form a global maximum-likelihood representation. Flexibility and high accuracy of the approach is empirically proven in thorough tests. Retaining all requirements, the method is extended to support the prediction of partially entered gestures. Besides more efficient input, the possible specification of direct manipulation interactions by templates is beneficial. Suitability for practical use of all provided concepts is demonstrated on the basis of two applications developed for this purpose and providing versatile options of multi-finger input. In addition to a trainable recognizer for domain-independent sketches, a multi-touch text input system is created and tested with users. It is established that multi-touch input is utilized in sketching if it is available as an alternative. Furthermore, a constructed multi-touch gesture alphabet allows for more efficient text input in comparison to its single-touch pendant. The concepts presented in this work can be of equal benefit to UI designers, usability experts, and developers of feedforward-mechanisms for dynamic training methods of gestural interactions. Likewise, a decomposition of input into tokens and its interpretation by a maximum-likelihood matching with templates is transferable to other application areas as the offline recognition of symbols. / Obwohl berührungsbasierte Interaktionen mit dem Aufkommen mobiler Geräte zunehmend Verbreitung fanden, beschränken sich Multi-Touch Eingaben größtenteils auf direkte Manipulationen. Im Bereich gestischer Kommandos finden, wenn überhaupt, nur Single-Touch Symbole Anwendung. Der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt der Gedanke zugrunde, dass die Umsetzung von Interaktionstechniken mit der Verfügbarkeit einfach zu handhabender Werkzeuge für deren Interpretation zusammenhängt. Auch kann die Hürde, eigene Techniken zu implementieren, verringert werden, wenn vielfältige Interaktionen erprobt sind und ihr Nutzen für Anwendungsentwickler abschätzbar wird. In der verfassten Dissertation wird ein Erkenner für planare, symbolische Gesten entwickelt, der über die Angabe von Templates trainiert werden kann und keine Beschränkung der Vielfalt von Eingaben auf berührungsempfindlichen Oberflächen voraussetzt. Um eine möglichst flexible Einsetzbarkeit zu gewährleisten, soll die Interpretation einer Geste unabhängig von natürlichen Varianzen - ihrer Translation, Skalierung, Rotation und Geschwindigkeit - und unter wenig spezifizierten Templates pro Klasse möglich sein. Weiterhin sind für Nutzerinteraktionen im Anwendungskontext übliche Echtzeit-Kriterien einzuhalten. Der vorgestellte Gestenerkenner basiert auf der Integration eines Nächste-Nachbar-Verfahrens in einen Ansatz der Bayes\'schen Klassifikation. Gesten werden in elementare, bedeutungstragende Einheiten zerlegt, aus deren lokalen Merkmalen mittels eines Sensor-Fusion Prozesses eine Maximum-Likelihood-Repräsentation abgeleitet wird. Die Flexibilität und hohe Genauigkeit des statistischen Verfahrens wird in ausführlichen Tests nachgewiesen. Unter gleichbleibenden Anforderungen wird eine Erweiterung vorgestellt, die eine Prädiktion von Gesten bei partiellen Eingaben ermöglicht. Deren Nutzen liegt - neben effizienteren Eingaben - in der nachgewiesenen Möglichkeit, per Templates spezifizierte direkte Manipulationen zu interpretieren. Zur Demonstration der Praxistauglichkeit der präsentierten Konzepte werden exemplarisch zwei Anwendungen entwickelt und mit Nutzern getestet, die eine vielseitige Verwendung von Mehr-Finger-Eingaben vorsehen. Neben einem Erkenner trainierbarer, domänenunabhängiger Skizzen wird ein System für die Texteingabe mit den Fingern bereitgestellt. Anhand von Nutzerstudien wird gezeigt, dass Multi-Touch beim Skizzieren verwendet wird, wenn es als Alternative zur Verfügung steht und die Verwendung eines Multi-Touch Gestenalphabetes im Vergleich zur Texteingabe per Single-Touch effizienteres Schreiben zulässt. Von den vorgestellten Konzepten können UI-Designer, Usability-Experten und Entwickler von Feedforward-Mechanismen zum dynamischen Lehren gestischer Eingaben gleichermaßen profitieren. Die Zerlegung einer Eingabe in Token und ihre Interpretation anhand der Zuordnung zu spezifizierten Templates lässt sich weiterhin auf benachbarte Gebiete, etwa die Offline-Erkennung von Symbolen, übertragen.

Kroppsspråk i undervisning : En intervjustudie med lärare på lågstadiet / Body language in teaching : An interview study with four primary teachers

Engdahl, Maja, Fransson, Emmy January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka fyra lågstadielärares inställning till användning av kroppsspråk i undervisningen. Studien utgår från teorin embodiment där begreppen multimodalitet och sekventiell organisering är centrala. Vid insamling av studiens data användes kvalitativ forskningsintervju. Insamlat material analyserades med hjälp av metoden innehållsanalys. Av intervjuerna framkom att lärare är positivt inställda till användningen av kroppsspråk i undervisning och att det i stor utsträckning anses relevant. Resultatet visade att hela kroppen inkluderas i kroppsspråk men handgester och ansiktsuttryck är den typ av kroppsspråk som förekommer mest. Den främsta utmaningen lärare såg med användning av kroppsspråk var att använda lagom mycket kroppsspråk i sin undervisning. Slutsatserna av denna studie är att kroppsspråk bör användas på ett medvetet sätt och att lärares användning av kroppsspråk är av betydelse i undervisning, främst för att förstärka ett verbalt innehåll och för att fånga elever.

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