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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performativité de l'être-en-ligne : pour une phénoménologie de la présence numérique

Cavallari, Giuseppe 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Expression du corps dans les interactions entre élèves et enseignants à l'école primaire en Chine / Expression of the body language in learning processes in class between pupils and teachers in primary school in China

Qiao, Shiyan 13 December 2016 (has links)
En France, de nombreux chercheurs s’intéressent à la question de l’expression du corps dans le processus d’apprentissage. En classe, le corps de l’enseignant comme celui de l’élève, est en mouvement continuel, ce qui peut entraîner des ruptures dans la communication maître-élève lors de l’apprentissage. Ces mêmes discontinuités peuvent également être des atouts pour renforcer la communication dans un apprentissage.Dans le cadre de l’école primaire contemporaine chinoise, la recherche que nous avons entreprise, s’efforce de comprendre le type de relations que le sujet apprenant établit avec son environnement à l’école, qu’il soit en situation de réussite ou en situation de difficulté. C’est un domaine assez nouveau en Chine où la recherche sur l’expression du corps dans l’enseignement a commencé seulement au début du XXIème siècle. En nous appuyant sur les théories occidentales sur la communication non verbale, nous avons entrepris en Chine une étude de terrain. Cette étude prend en compte des dimensions multiples empruntant à divers domaines tels que la psychologie, la philosophie, la sociologie, l’anthropologie, et ceux centrés sur la communication non-verbale.La recherche part de ces trois questions. Qu’apporte l’expression du corps dans les interactions en faveur de l’existence d’un lien entre langage corporel et relation pédagogique ? À partir du point de vue de Janine Lafon (1991) exposé dans Vers une gestion de la séduction dans la relation pédagogique, quelle est la place du corps dans les relations pédagogiques ? Dans quelle mesure et comment l’expression du corps dans l’interaction entre l’enseignant et les élèves conditionne-t-elle l’existence d’un lien entre langage corporel et relation pédagogique ?Les questions sont abordées à partir de l’organisation de l’enseignement dans l’école primaire de Chao Yang, section de la ville de Pékin en Chine. La recherche étudie le corps dans la classe, du point de vue de l’enseignant et du point de vue de l’élève : identifier, expliciter la place du corps et des gestes dans des situations d’enseignement en Chine. Pour mener à bien cette recherche dans cette école primaire de Pékin, nous avons construit deux questionnaires soumis à un échantillon de 204 élèves et 16 enseignantes et réalisé deux vidéos de quarante-cinq minutes chacune. Nous avons filmé un cours de mathématiques et un cours de langue chinoise. Dans la mesure où, dans le contexte de la culture chinoise, il n’est pas habituel de montrer ses émotions par des expressions gestuelles, nous avons mis en évidence que les gestes de l’enseignant 1 - jouent un rôle pour favoriser les interactions entre lui et les élèves (relation pédagogique),2 - incitent les élèves à suivre les cours avec plus d’attention,3 - sont indispensables pour accompagner l’expression verbale orale du maître dans sa pratique pédagogique. Autrement dit, les élèves chinois seraient influencés par la voix de la maitresse pendant les cours en classe, par les gestes et la posture physique de l’enseignant. Les élèves chinois seraient plus attentifs pendant le cours quand l'enseignant utilise les gestes non-verbales dans l'enseignement. Nous avons identifié une tendance à la cohérence entre les avis des élèves et ceux des enseignants vis-à-vis de l'influence de la voix de l'enseignant sur l'élève, de même qu’entre les avis des élèves et ceux des enseignants entre la communication non verbale et l’efficacité pédagogique. / Expression of the body language in learning processes in class between pupils and teachers in primary school in ChinaIn France, many researchers are interested in the issue of body expression in learning process. In class, teacher's body student’s body is in a continual motion, which may cause breaks in teacher-student communication in learning. These discontinuities can also be assets for strengthening communication in learning.In the context of contemporary Chinese primary school, the research we have undertaken efforts to understand the type of relationship that the learner subject establishes with its environment at school, when it is an experiencing success or a difficult situat²ion. This is a fairly new area in China where research on the expression of the body in the teacher started only at the beginning of the XXIst century. Building on the Western theories of nonverbal communication, we undertook experimental studies in China. This study takes into account the multiple dimensions borrowing from various fields such as psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and those focused on non-verbal communication.Research starts from these three questions. What does the expression of the body in the interactions in favor of the existence of a link between body language and pedagogical relationship? From the point of view of Janine Lafon (Vers une gestion de la séduction dans la relation pédagogique, 1991), what is the place of the body in the pedagogical relationship? To what extent and how does the expression of the body in the interaction between teacher and students determine that there is a link between body language and pedagogical relationship?The issues are addressed from the organization of teaching in the primary school Chao Yang section of the city of Beijing. The research examines the body in the classroom, the teacher's point of view and from the perspective of the student: identify, explain the place of the body and gestures in teaching situations in China.To carry out this research, tin the same primary schools in Beijing, we built two questionnaires to a sample of 204 students and 16 teachers and produced two videos forty-five minutes each, a mathematics course for one, a Chinese language course to the other.To the extent that in the context of Chinese culture it is not usual to show emotions with gestural expressions, we believe that the teacher's gestures:1 - Play a role in furthering the interaction between him and the students (pedagogical relationship),2 - Encourage students to take courses with more attention,3 - Are essential to accompany the oral verbal expression of the master in his teaching practice.In other words,Chinese students would be influenced by the voice of the mistress during class lessons.Chinese students would be influenced by the actions and the physical posture of the teacher.Chinese students are more attentive during class when the teacher uses nonverbal gestures in teaching.There would be a consistency between the opinions of students and those of teachers facing the influence of teacher’s voice on the student.There would be a consistency between the opinions of students and teachers between those nonverbal communication and teaching effectiveness.

"A emergência da expressão comunicativa na criança com síndrome de Down" / The emergence of communicative expression in the child with Down Syndrome

Andrade, Rosangela Viana 16 March 2006 (has links)
Para o estudo da emergência da linguagem expressiva na síndrome de Down (SD), foi realizado estudo qualitativo, segundo o método dialético-didático, com 12 crianças, acompanhadas durante três semestres consecutivos: oito com SD, com idades entre 33 e 52 meses no início, e quatro com desenvolvimento típico (DT), entre 14 e 16 meses, todas localizadas na transição do quinto para o sexto estágio do período sensório-motor. Ao final da pesquisa, os dados obtidos confirmaram a evolução do gesto para a expressão oral e indicaram que algumas crianças com SD apresentaram a predominância da comunicação gestual, enquanto outras apresentaram linguagem oral e comunicação gestual simultâneas / Aiming to study the emergence of expressive language in Down Syndrome (DS), a qualitative study was carried out, based on the dialetic-didactic method, with 12 children, who were followed for three consecutive semesters: eight with DS, with ages between 33 and 52 months at the beginning, and four in typical development (TD), with 14 to 16 months old, all of them, cognitively, in the transition from the fifth to the sixth stage of the sensorimotor period. At the end of the study, data confirmed the evolution from gesture to oral expression and showed that, in some children with DS, gestural communication was predominant, while others had both oral and gestural communication simultaneously

Mapping detected periodic dance movements to control tempo in the music playback of Electronic Dance Music / Kartläggande av analyserade periodiska dansrörelser för att kontrollera tempo av elektronisk dansmusik

Jap, Lilian January 2019 (has links)
Engaging in the music set of one’s favorite artist or DJ is oftentimes leading to the result of a powerful and euphoric felt experience, a sensation partly also induced from dancing in beat to the music. In an attempt to simulate a similar dance experience, this user-study examines when a user is let to dance in rhythm to a music playback and in addition, in control of a music playback tempo through the generated dance movements. A proof-of-concept prototype was built and tested in an initial study, followed by a main study where the prototype had been modified and 12 participants participated. A questionnaire was given containing various question statements to be rated through a Likert-scale regarding their subjective experience. Open-ended questions were also included to collect their own opinions. From the results, an enhanced engagement and enjoyment of the music could be identified when being able to manipulate the tempo. / Att engagera sig i ett musik-set av ens favoritartist eller DJ leder ofta till resultatet av en kraftfull och euforisk känsloupplevelse, en känsla delvis framkallat av att man dansar i takt med musiken. I ett försök att simulera en liknande dansupplevelse undersöker denna användarstudie när en användare dansar i rytm till musik och dessutom är i kontroll av tempot genom de skapade dansrörelserna. En proof-of-concept prototyp konstruerades och testades i en första studie, följt av en huvudstudie där prototypen hade modifierats och 12 deltagare deltog. Ett frågeformulär gavs med olika frågor som skulle bedömas via en Likert-skala, med avseende på deras subjektiva erfarenhet. Öppna frågor ingick också för att samla deras egna åsikter. Från resultaten kunde ett ökat engagemang och en förhöjd njutning av musiken identifieras när man kunde manipulera tempot.

Polémique et politique à l’époque de Jean II de Castille / Polemic and Politic at the time of John II of Castile

Ramires Velis, Flora 13 June 2012 (has links)
Étudier le règne agité de Jean II de Castille (1406-1454), c’est retracer une histoire politique marquée par d’intenses luttes de pouvoir et de longues périodes de "guerre civile" ; c’est s’interroger sur les différentes manifestations de ces conflits dans le discours historiographique ; c’est en somme entrer dans la polémique, dans la bataille des mots qui se joue alors. Un tel contexte de crise produit un discours de légitimation et de condamnation entre le faux et le vrai où la manipulation d’un argumentaire politique par les différents partis (luniste, henricien...etc.) donne lieu à une remise en cause de la pratique du pouvoir. Entre institutionnalisation de la monarchie et centralisation de son exercice, la noblesse tente de s’imposer comme un groupe de pressions à l’aide de stratégies de communication précises où l’argumentation se confond avec les notions floues de rumeur, d’opinion qui aboutissent bien souvent à un exercice propagandiste de l’écrit. Notre étude se centre sur les traces et les mécanismes de ce combat des mots dans les chroniques et autres lettres d’époque durant les premières années d’exercice du pouvoir. Une polémique qui ne va cesser de se répéter et de se réactualiser durant tout le règne. / To study the turmoil of the reign of John II of Castile (1406-1454) means to recount a political history marked by intense power struggles and long periods of "civil war". It also implies to question the different manifestations of these conflicts in the historical timeline and political discourse; so to speak, it means you must embrace and consider the arguments of every side, and to some extent you must take part in those battles of words which took place at the time. Such a crisis induces questions about what is legitimate and what is to be condemned, between what is fake and what is genuine. In addition, the uses of different political argumentations by the different political parties (luniste, henricien...etc.) leads to a questioning of their practice of the political power. Between the institutionalization and the centralization of the monarchy and its concrete enforcement, the nobility is trying to establish itself as a pressure group that gives rise to specific communication strategies, in which the arguments gets intertwined with some vague notions of rumors or opinions, which eventually leads quite often to the application of ideas developed in propagandist writings. Our study focuses on the sings and the mechanisms of this battle of words in the letters and other records during John II of Castille’s early years of power. This controversial phenomenon will keep on repeating -and sometimes improving- itself throughout his reign.

Avaliação do desempenho de idosos normais em um protocolo de produção e reconhecimento de gestos: influência do sexo, da idade e escolaridade no perfil de normalidade / Evaluation of the performance of normal elderly in a protocol of gesture production and recognition: influence of age, gender and education

Cavalcante, Karla Rodrigues 08 September 2004 (has links)
A apraxia é uma desordem dos movimentos aprendidos que não é resultado de fraqueza ou alteração sensitiva. Esta alteração pode ser devida a um prejuízo na execução têmporo-espacial ou na própria elaboração do gesto. Um protocolo de avaliação de praxias deve conter elementos que sejam capazes de avaliar o sistema executivo sem a interferência do sistema conceitual e vice-versa. Para isso o sujeito deve produzir gestos, bem como deve ser capaz de reconhecê-los. Contudo essa avaliação pode sofrer influência de variáveis como a idade, o sexo e a escolaridade. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a influência das variáveis sexo, idade e escolaridade no desempenho de indivíduos idosos saudáveis em um protocolo de produção e reconhecimento de gestos, bem como a confiabilidade intra e inter-examinador do protocolo de produção e a confiabilidade intra-examinador do protocolo de reconhecimento. Para isso foram avaliados 96 indivíduos divididos em dois grupos. Um grupo formado por indivíduos com idades de 60 a 74 anos e outro grupo formado por indivíduos com idades iguais ou superiores a 75 anos. Cada grupo era formado por um número igual de homens e mulheres e era subdivido em quatro grupos de acordo com a escolaridade: analfabetos, de 1 a 3 anos, de 4 a 7 anos e igual ou superior a 8 anos. No protocolo de produção de gestos solicitava-se aos indivíduos que realizassem gestos ao comando verbal e à imitação. No protocolo de reconhecimento, o indivíduo assistia a um vídeo no qual ele deveria ser capaz de discriminar gestos conhecidos de desconhecidos, gestos bem realizados de mal realizados, associar gestos a objetos, bem como nomear gestos. Os resultados revelaram que tanto a idade quanto a escolaridade influenciaram o desempenho no protocolo de produção de gestos. Os gestos ao comando verbal obtiveram menor porcentagem de acerto do que os gestos realizados à imitação. Já no protocolo de reconhecimento, as três variáveis influenciaram de forma significativa o desempenho. A análise final mostrou que, levando-se em conta a escolaridade, podemos observar três grandes grupos: os analfabetos, os indivíduos que estudaram de 1 a 7 anos e aqueles com oito ou mais anos de escolaridade. Também mostrou que os indivíduos mais velhos, a exemplo da produção, apresentam pior desempenho e que mulheres reconhecem mais gestos do que homens. Os achados estão de acordo com relatos de que o aumento da idade, a diminuição da escolaridade e mesmo o sexo são fatores capazes de influenciar o desempenho dos indivíduos em testes neuropsicológicos. O protocolo de produção apresentou elevada confiabilidade, tanto intra quanto inter-examinador, além de excelente consistência interna. O protocolo de reconhecimento também apresentou resultados satisfatórios tanto de confiabilidade inter-examinador quanto de consistência interna / Apraxia is a loss of the ability to perform learned skill movements when this loss cannot be accounted for by elemental motor deficits, such as weakness or sensory deficits. This disorder could result in damage of the spatio-temporal characteristics of the execution of the movement or in the proper elaboration of the gesture. A protocol of praxis evaluation must contain elements that are capable to evaluate the executive system without interference from the conceptual system and vice versa. For this purpose, subjects must produce gestures, and also recognize them. Nevertheless, this evaluation can suffer influence from variables such as age, gender and education. The goals of this work were to evaluate the influence of the variables gender, age and education in the performance of healthy elderly individuals in a protocol of gesture production and recognition, as well as the intra- and inter-examiner reliability of the production protocol and the intra-examiner reliability of the recognition protocol. For this 96 individuals divided in two groups were evaluated. A group (A) formed by subjects aged 60 to 74 years and another group formed by individuals aged 75 years or over. Each group was formed by an equal number of men and women and it was subdivides in four groups in accordance with the educational level of the subjects: illiterates, 1 to 3 years, 4 to 7 years and 8 or more years of schooling. In gesture production, individuals were requested to accomplish the tasks on verbal command and imitation. In the recognition protocol the individuals should watch a video in which they were asked to discriminate between known and unknown gestures, discriminate between correctly and incorrectly performed acts, to associate gestures to objects, as well as to perform gesture naming. The results revealed that age as well as educational level influence the performance in the protocol of gesture production. Gesture performance on verbal command was more difficult than on imitation. On the recognition protocol, the three variables significantly influence the performance. The final analysis showed that taking into account the educational level, three major groups emerged: the illiterates, the individuals with 1 to 7 years and those with eight or more years of schooling. The older individuals, similar to what was observed in the production protocol, presented worse performance than their younger counterparts, and women were able to recognize more gestures than men. These findings are in agreement with studies showing that with the increase of the age, the decrease of formal education and gender are factors that influence the performance of the individuals in neuropsychological tests. The production protocol presented both high intra- and inter-rater reliability and excellent internal consistency. The recognition protocol also showed adequate inter-examiner reliability as well as good internal consistency

Manipulations gestuelles d'un objet virtuel sonifié pour le contrôle d'une interface en situation de conduite / Gestural manipulations of a sonified virtual object for interface control in driving situations

Bressolette, Benjamin 12 November 2018 (has links)
Les constructeurs automobiles proposent un vaste éventail de fonctions secondaires à la conduite, en relation avec le GPS, la musique, ou encore la ventilation. L'ensemble de ces fonctions est centralisé sur un écran accessible au centre de l'habitacle, équipé d'une dalle tactile dans nombre de véhicules récents. Cependant, leur manipulation en conduite peut se révéler périlleuse : la sollicitation de la modalité visuelle pour interagir avec l'interface peut entraîner une baisse de vigilance vis-à-vis de la tâche de conduite, ce qui peut mener à des situations dangereuses. Au cours de cette thèse, fruit d'une collaboration entre le Groupe PSA et le laboratoire PRISM, nous nous sommes attachés à proposer une association de gestes et de sons comme alternative à une sollicitation visuelle. Le but est de proposer des interactions réalisables en aveugle, pour permettre au conducteur de focaliser ses yeux sur la route. Pour réaliser conjointement une manipulation de l'interface et une tâche de conduite, une sollicitation multisensorielle peut en effet permettre de faire baisser la charge mentale du conducteur, en comparaison à une situation unimodale visuelle. Pour que le lien entre les gestes et les sons paraisse naturel, un objet virtuel a été introduit, manipulable grâce à des gestes. Cet objet est le support des stratégies de sonification, par analogie aux sons de notre environnement, qui sont la conséquence d'une action sur un objet. L'objet virtuel permet également de structurer différents gestes autour d'une même métaphore, ou encore de redéfinir le menu d'une interface. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à la mise au point de stratégies de sonification pour transmettre des informations pertinentes sur la dynamique de l'objet virtuel. Deux expériences perceptives ont été mises en place, qui ont conduit à la discrimination de deux stratégies de sonification intéressantes. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons œuvré à la mise en situation automobile par un travail sur les stimuli sonores, sur l'interface, et par l'étude de l'intégration multisensorielle. Un design des stratégies de sonification a été proposé pour permettre de se projeter dans une utilisation en véhicule. Par la suite, les évocations provoquées par le couplage des gestes et des sons ont été au centre d'une troisième expérience perceptive. Cette étude a été effectuée en aveugle, où le concept d'objet virtuel était inconnu et découvert progressivement par les sujets. Ces images mentales véhiculées par les stratégies de sonification peuvent en effet être utiles lors de la familiarisation des utilisateurs avec l'interface. Une quatrième expérience perceptive s'est concentrée sur la prise en main de l'objet virtuel, où l'intégration des stimuli visuels et auditifs a été étudiée, dans le contexte du maniement d'une interface. Les sujets ont été placés dans des conditions similaires à la découverte de l'interface en véhicule à l'arrêt, avec des stimuli audio-visuels ; puis à son utilisation en aveugle grâce aux stratégies de sonification. Les enseignements de ces expériences ont permis de bâtir une interface gestuelle, qui a été comparée à une interface tactile dans une dernière expérience perceptive réalisée en simulateur de conduite. Bien que les résultats montrent une utilisation plus performante de l'interface tactile, l'association des gestes et des sons semble intéressante du point de vue de la charge cognitive des conducteurs. L'interface gestuelle peut donc offrir une alternative prometteuse ou un complément aux interfaces tactiles pour une utilisation simultanée à la conduite en toute sécurité. / Car manufacturers offer a wide range of secondary driving controls, such as GPS, music, or ventilation, often localized on a central touch-sensitive screen. However, operating them while driving proves to be unsafe: engaging the sense of sight for interface interaction can lead to vigilance reduction towards the driving task, which can lead to high-risk situations. In this PhD thesis, which is a part of a collaborative research project involving both the PSA Group and the PRISM laboratory, we aim to provide a gesture and sound association as an alternative to the visual solicitation. The goal is to enable blind interface interactions, allowing the driver to focus their eyes on the road. When jointly performing interface manipulations and the driving task, a multisensory solicitation can lower the driver's cognitive load, in comparison with a visual unimodal situation. For the gesture-sound association to feel more natural, a virtual object that can be handled with gestures is introduced. This object is the support for sonification strategies, constructed by analogy with sounds from our environment, which are the consequence of an action on an object .The virtual object also allows to structure different gestures around the same metaphor, or to redefine the interface's menu. The first part of this thesis deals with the development of sonification strategies, with the aim to inform users about the virtual object dynamic. Two perceptual experiments were set up, which led to the discrimination of two valuable sonification strategies. In a second part, the automotive application was addressed by designing new sound stimuli, the interface, and by studying the multisensory integration. Sounds were proposed for each of the two sonification strategies, to progress towards an in-vehicle integration. The evocations brought by the gestures and sounds association were the subject of a third perceptive blinded experiment. The concepts around the virtual object were unknown and gradually discovered by the subjects. These mental images conveyed by the sonification strategies can help users familiarize with the interface. A fourth perceptual experiment focused on the virtual object handling for first-time users, where the integration of audio-visual stimuli was studied, in the context of an interface manipulation. The experiment conditions were similar to the driver first discovering of the interface in a parked vehicle thanks to audio-visual stimuli, and then operating it through sonification strategies only. The results of this experiment lead to the design of a gestural interface, which was compared with the results obtained with a touchscreen interface in a final perceptual experiment, carried out in a driving simulator. Although the results show better performances for the tactile interface, the combination of gestures and sounds proved to be effective from the cognitive load point of view. The gesture interface can therefore offer a promising alternative or complement to tactile interfaces for a safe simultaneous use in driving condition.

Comunicação suplementar e/ou slternativa e ganho lexical na criança com síndrome de Down: estudo piloto / Augmentative and alternative communication and lexical gain in children with Down syndrome: pilot study

Pires, Sandra Cristina Fonseca 18 August 2008 (has links)
Crianças e adolescentes com síndrome de Down (SD) apresentam particularidades de linguagem e fala em função de múltipos fatores: anatômicos, fisiológicos, cognitivos, linguísticos, comprometendo a inteligibilidade de fala e as habilidades conversacionais. Caracterizam-se por atraso no desenvolvimento da linguagem, sobretudo expressiva, com uso prolongado dos gestos. Na condição de expressão verbal, apresentam comprometimentos quanto à sintaxe, morfologia, léxico, inteligibilidade de fala. Justifica-se, assim, o uso de Comunicação Suplementar e/ou Alternativa (CSA) para promover a capacidade de comunicação dos indivíduos com SD, com possibilidade de também promover a linguagem verbal. Objetivou-se neste estudo, verificar, em acompanhamento longitudinal (doze meses), a influência do uso da CSA na aquisição lexical em cinco participantes com SD (5;3 a 11;8 anos), que se encontravam no estágio cognitivo pré-operatório segundo pressupostos da Epistemologia Genética, e que apresentavam dificuldades severas de linguagem quanto à expressão, com uso prioritário do meio verbal e/ou vocal para se comunicarem. Utilizou-se avaliação de linguagem e cognição para identificar o estágio cognitivo; prova de pragmática para identificar o meio de comunicação; prova de vocabulário expressivo para as avaliações e reavaliações, no início e término de intervenção, para identificar o ganho lexical neste intervalo. Os dados foram analisados quanto aos resultados das avaliações e reavaliações de vocabulário expressivo, bem como quanto ao desempenho terapêutico dos participantes. Todos os participantes diminuíram o número de não respostas na prova de vocabulário expressivo, mas não necessariamente aumentaram as respostas corretas, e sim o uso dos processos de substituição. Nestes, incluem respostas pelo meio verbal e não-verbal. Houve aumento discreto do uso do meio verbal. Mas, destacou-se o uso de gestos idiossincráticos nesta população. Nem todos os participantes freqüentavam escola, parceria importante para o desenvolvimento do trabalho com a CSA. Para os que freqüentaram, o uso da CSA foi novidade para os profissionais, exigindo um trabalho maior de orientação desta abordagem. As famílias apresentaram dificuldades para mudarem suas condutas comunicativas com seus filhos, o que é comum em início de intervenção com CSA. Em terapia, melhoraram a capacidade de comunicação, apresentaram mais iniciativa e intenção comunicativa, e foram capazes de maior elaboração e sustentação das conversas com apoio da CSA, aspectos identificados qualitativamente. Evidências e explicações foram discutidas a respeito do ganho lexical observado no estudo, das implicações no trabalho inicial de CSA e para o seu desenvolvimento. E novas perspectivas para trabalhos futuros foram traçados / Children and adolescents with Down Syndrome (DS) present particular language and speech features due to multiple factors: anatomical, physiological, cognitive, linguistic, which compromise speech intelligibility and conversation skills. These deficits are characterized by late development in language particularly concerning expressive language, as well as prolonged use of gestures. In verbal expression, Downss patients present impaired syntax, morphology, lexicon and speech intelligibility. The use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is thus warranted to promote communication ability in DS patients, where verbal language can also benefit. The aim of the present study was to verify, through longitudinal follow up (twelve months), the influence of AAC use on lexical acquisition in five participants with DS (5;3 to 11;8 years), who were at the preoperative cognitive stage according to Genetic Epistemology, and presented severe language difficulties in terms of expression, with primary use of gestural and/or vocal means of communication. Language and cognitive assessments were used to identify cognitive stage, while a pragmatic test identified communication means. Also, an expressive vocabulary test was applied for assessments and reassessments at base line and the intervention end point in order to identify lexical gain over the period. Data from assessments and reassessments of both expressive vocabulary and therapeutic performance of patients were analyzed. All patients demonstrated a lower number of non-responses in the expressive vocabulary test, but did not necessarily increase number of correct answers, although substitution processes did increase. These included both verbal and non-verbal responses. A slight increase in verbal means of communication was observed. However, the use of idiosyncratic gestures was noted in this population. Not all participants went to school, an important ally in developing work with AAC. For schoolgoers, the use of AAC was new to the professionals, who required greater effort in guidance on this approach. A difficulty for families to change their communicative conduct with their children was evidenced, a common finding in initial AAC intervention. During therapy, they improved communication capacity, presenting greater communicative initiative and intention, and were able to produce and sustain more conversation with the aid of AAC according to qualitative evaluation. Findings and explanations were discussed with regard to lexical gain observed in the study, along with the implications of the initial AAC study and its development. New perspectives for future studies were outlined

Segmentação dos nódulos pulmonares através de interações baseadas em gestos / Segmentation of pulmonary nodules through interactions based on in gestures

SOUSA, Héber de Padua 29 January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-08-16T21:13:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 HeberSousa.pdf: 2248069 bytes, checksum: e89eac1d4562ac1f2f53007d699f9c71 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-16T21:13:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HeberSousa.pdf: 2248069 bytes, checksum: e89eac1d4562ac1f2f53007d699f9c71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Lung cancer is one of the most common of malignant tumors. It also has one of the highest rates of mortality among cancers. The reason for this is mainly linked to late diagnosis of the disease. For early detection of disease is very helpful to use medical images as support, the most important being, CT. With the acquisition of digital images is becoming more common to use computer systems for medical imaging. These systems assist in the clinical diagnosis, disease monitoring, and in some cases is used as a support for surgery. Because the search for new ways of human-computer interaction, natural interaction arises, which aims to provide a form of control with higher cognition. This control is usually performed using gestures. Interactions of gestures can be useful in controlling medical imaging systems and can ensure necessary sterility in operating rooms, because they are not required contacts manuals. Among the activities computer assisted important for the treatment of lung cancer, we have the segmentation of nodules. The segmentation of nodules can be performed automatically, semiautomatically or interactively. It is useful to speed up the diagnostic process, taking measurements, or observe the morphological appearance of the nodule. The objective of this study is to investigate the use of natural interaction interface for activities such as medical image visualization and segmentation of pulmonary nodules. The paper proposes the study of interaction techniques based on gestures to segment nodules in an interactive and semiautomatic. Finally, conducting experiments to evaluate the techniques proposed in the items ease of use, intuitiveness, accuracy and comfortability / O câncer de pulmão é um dos mais comuns dentre os tumores malignos. Ele também possui uma das taxas mais altas de mortalidade dentre os tipos de câncer. O motivo disso está ligado principalmente ao diagnóstico tardio da doença. Para a sua detecção precoce é muito útil a utilização de imagens médicas como apoio, sendo a mais importante, a tomografia computadorizada. Com a aquisição digital das imagens está cada vez mais comum a utilização de sistemas computacionais de visualização médica. Estes sistemas auxiliam no diagnóstico clínico, no acompanhamento de doenças, e em alguns casos é utilizado como apoio a cirurgias. Em virtude da busca por novos meios de interação humano-computador, surge a interação natural, que objetiva uma forma de controle mais próximo cognitivamente das ações realizadas, e geralmente é realizada através de gestos. Interações por gestos podem ser úteis no controle de sistemas de visualização médica e podem garantir a esterilização necessária em salas cirúrgicas, pois não são necessários contatos manuais. Dentre as atividades assistidas por computador importantes para o tratamento do câncer pulmonar, temos a segmentação de nódulos. A segmentação de nódulos pode ser realizada de forma automática, semiautomática ou interativamente. Elas são úteis para agilizar o processo de diagnóstico, realizar medições, ou observar o aspecto morfológico do nódulo. O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar a utilização da interação natural como interface para atividades de visualização de imagens médicas e segmentação de nódulos pulmonares. Foi implementada uma série de ferramentas de segmentação, interativas e semiautomáticas, controladas a partir de gestos. Estes gestos foram desenvolvidos a partir de imagens capturadas por uma câmera especial chamada Kinect, que traduz a imagem em mapas de profundidade, podendo medir com precisão a distância de objetos na cena. Ao final do estudo, foi realizado experimentos para avaliar as técnicas propostas nos quesitos facilidade de uso, intuitividade, conforto e precisão.

The Effect of Static and Dynamic Visual Gestures on Stuttering Inhibition

Guntupalli, Vijaya K., Nanjundeswaran (Guntupalli), Chaya D., Kalinowski, Joseph, Dayalu, Vikram N. 29 March 2011 (has links)
The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of steady-state and dynamic visual gestures of vowels in stuttering inhibition. Eight adults who stuttered recited sentences from memory while watching video presentations of the following visual speech gestures: (a) a steady-state /u/, (b) dynamic production of /a-i-u/, (c) steady-state /u/ with an accompanying audible 1kHz pure tone, and (d) dynamic production of /a-i-u/ with an accompanying audible 1kHz pure tone. A 1kHz pure tone and a no-external signal condition served as control conditions. Results revealed a significant main effect of auditory condition on stuttering frequency. Relative to the no-external signal condition, the combined visual plus pure tone conditions resulted in a statistically significant reduction in stuttering frequency. In addition, a significant difference in stuttering frequency was also observed when the visual plus pure tone conditions were compared to the visual only conditions. However, no significant differences were observed between the no-external signal condition and visual only conditions, or the no-external signal condition and pure tone condition. These findings are in contrast to previous findings demonstrated by similar vowel gestures presented via the auditory modality that resulted in high levels of stuttering inhibition. The differential role of sensory modalities in speech perception and production as well as their individual capacities to transfer gestural information for the purposes of stuttering inhibition is discussed.

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