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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ARLATI, FABIO 21 May 2021 (has links)
A dispetto della legislazione claustrale tridentina e post-tridentina, tra XVI e XVII secolo si assistette all’emergere in Italia, in Europa e nei paesi di missione di numerose congregazioni semireligiose femminili insegnanti, senza clausura e senza voti solenni, fondate, co-fondate o dirette dai padri della Compagnia di Gesù, che si ispiravano alle Costituzioni e alla spiritualità ignaziana, specie nell’apostolato educativo. Attraverso un approfondito scavo archivistico, il presente studio offre un vasto censimento delle numerose case di “gesuitesse” presenti in Italia tra Cinquecento e Seicento, mostrando, tramite l’analisi delle reti di relazioni tra questi istituti nonché delle peculiarità economiche, giuridiche, educative e spirituali delle semireligiose rispetto alle monache claustrali, la sostanziale compattezza e unità di questo fenomeno, fondato sulla comune identità gesuitica. Con ciò si intende, inoltre, far luce sui contrasti e sulle contraddizioni legati all’affermazione delle gesuitesse, che portarono ad aspri scontri interni alla Compagnia di Gesù, a diversi processi inquisitoriali e a duri conflitti giurisdizionali tra poteri secolari ed ecclesiastici. / In spite of the Tridentine and post-Tridentine cloistered legislation, the 16th and 17th centuries witnessed the foundation in Italy, Europe and the mission countries of numerous semi-religious female congregations, without clausura and without solemn vows, founded, co-founded or directed by the fathers of the Society of Jesus. These congregations, called “Jesuitesses”, were inspired by the Jesuit Constitutions and Ignatian spirituality, especially in the educational apostolate. Through an in-depth archival research, the present study offers a vast census of the numerous houses of Jesuitesses present in Italy between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, showing, through the analysis of the network of relations between these institutes as well as the economic, juridical, educational and spiritual peculiarities of the semi-religious compared to the cloistered nuns, the substantial compactness and unity of this phenomenon, based on a common Jesuit identity. The aim is also to shed light on the contrasts and contradictions related to the affirmation of the Jesuitesses, which led to bitter internal clashes within the Society of Jesus, various inquisitorial trials and harsh jurisdictional conflicts between secular and ecclesiastical powers.

The lost Venetian church of Santa Maria Assunta dei Crociferi : form, decoration, and patronage

Sherman, Allison M. January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation reconstructs the original form and sixteenth-century decoration of the lost Venetian church of Santa Maria Assunta dei Crociferi, destroyed after the suppression of the Crociferi in 1656 to make way for the present church of the Gesuiti. The destruction of the church, the scattering of its contents, and the almost total lack of documentation of the religious order for which the space was built, has obscured our understanding of the many works of art it once contained, produced by some of the most important Venetian artists of the sixteenth century. This project seeks to correct scholarly neglect of this important church, and to restore context and meaning to these objects by reconstructing their original placement in the interest of a collective interpretation. Various types, patterns and phases of patronage at the church—monastic, private and corporate—are discussed to reveal interconnections between these groups, and to highlight to role of the Crociferi as architects of a sophisticated decorative programme that was designed to respond to the latest artistic trends, and to visually demonstrate their adherence to orthodoxy at a moment of religious upheaval and reform.


CORSI, ALESSANDRO 28 February 2019 (has links)
Il presente elaborato esamina la trasformazione degli assetti istituzionali adottati dalle accademie letterarie milanesi nell’arco cronologico racchiuso fra la comparsa delle adunanze tra le mura cittadine e l’avvicendamento della dinastia regnante conseguente al trattato di Utrecht. La ricostruzione della fisionomia assunta dal fenomeno associativo nel periodo considerato è compiuta attraverso l’individuazione delle personalità che alimentarono gli sforzi eruditi, il riconoscimento dei gruppi che componevano la costellazione delle élite intellettuali attive nella compagine urbana, la contestualizzazione dei progetti culturali, nonché delle frizioni politiche, poste a sostrato delle iniziative intraprese e la definizione dei tratti spiccatamente ambrosiani progressivamente stratificatisi nei recinti accademici. La proposta esegetica dei componimenti ad opera dall’Accademia della Val di Blenio, mossa a partire dai rilievi storici effettuati intorno alla parabola bio-bibliografica del Facchino Cosme de Aldana, precede lo studio documentario relativo alle fondazioni accademiche occorse nei centri scolastici cittadini, frutto della sinergia tra la curia arcivescovile, gli ordini religiosi coinvolti nell’educazione dei giovani e gli organi di rappresentanza patrizia milanesi. I rinvenimenti archivistici relativi alle riunioni degli Inquieti introducono quindi alla disamina del percorso di consolidamento di un “sistema di virtù”, metronomo delle radunanze barocche, nella sua declinazione ambrosiana, che entrerà in crisi allo scadere del XVII secolo. / By adopting a long-term period chronological perspective, this research analyses the institutional frameworks’ development of Milanese literary academies between their appearance in the city area and the beginning of Austrian government’s jurisdiction after the Peace of Utrecht. Key objectives of the phenomenon’s historical reconstruction are: the identification of patrons who promoted the academies’ dissemination; the description of associational networks made up by different intellectual elite groups operating in Milan; the contextualization of cultural projects - and resulting under covered political tensions - that influenced the academical pattern’s expansion process; finally, the gradual constitution of a peculiar Ambrosian identity related with this associations’ typology. The exegesis of the “Badia della Val di Blenio” academy’s literary production, deduced by the historical examine of the “Facchino” Cosme de Aldana’s bio-bibliographical experience, introduces the enquiry on students’ academical foundations, which were the result of the cooperation between the archiepiscopal curia, religious orders involved in the educational programs and representative bodies of Milanese patricians. Archival discoveries on Inquieti’s meetings contribute in depicting the progressive composition of a coherent Ambrosian “system of virtues” (the baroque reference point for academical activities), that got into a substantial crisis at the end of seventeenth century.

Pier Vittorio Tondelli: Letteratura Minore e Scrittura dell'Impegno Sociale

Gastaldi, Sciltian 20 March 2014 (has links)
Abstract This thesis illustrates the social engagement in the literary writings of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, an Italian gay author whose works have been described by many Catholic, Materialists, and gay critics as frivolous and disengaged. The dissertation summarizes the mutation of the Italian literary concept of impegno from Neorealism to Postmodernism, through a selection of the texts of Elio Vittorini, Italo Calvino, Franco Fortini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Leonardo Sciascia, and Umberto Eco. It shows how Tondelli’s interpretation of the role of the writer falls within the definitions given by Calvino and Eco. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates that Altri libertini and Pao Pao satisfy the characteristics of littérature mineure established by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, though Tondelli’s oeuvre is socially engaged instead of being politically engaged because of his lack of a political ideology. The dissertation highlights the core of Tondelli’s social commitment in his passionate defense of the outcasts in: Altri libertini where drug addicts, homosexuals, transsexuals, and bums are the protagonists; Pao Pao where a group of gay soldiers is described in its grotesque and camp attempt to “homosexualize” their barrack; Rimini where the Riviera Adriatica is portrayed as a place where everyone passes by and no one belongs; Camere separate through the love story of a gay couple in which one partner has to survive his lover’s death, due to an illness that is demonstrated in this thesis to be AIDS, while fighting against the homophobia of their families, institutions, society, and religion. Most of Tondelli’s socially excluded characters are introduced to the reader through an internal homodiegetic point of view. Another important component of Tondelli’s impegno is his open defense of both pop-culture and counter-cultures: gay, hippies, rockers, experimental theatre, street artists and alternative radio, which are central in all his writings.

Pier Vittorio Tondelli: Letteratura Minore e Scrittura dell'Impegno Sociale

Gastaldi, Sciltian 20 March 2014 (has links)
Abstract This thesis illustrates the social engagement in the literary writings of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, an Italian gay author whose works have been described by many Catholic, Materialists, and gay critics as frivolous and disengaged. The dissertation summarizes the mutation of the Italian literary concept of impegno from Neorealism to Postmodernism, through a selection of the texts of Elio Vittorini, Italo Calvino, Franco Fortini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Leonardo Sciascia, and Umberto Eco. It shows how Tondelli’s interpretation of the role of the writer falls within the definitions given by Calvino and Eco. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates that Altri libertini and Pao Pao satisfy the characteristics of littérature mineure established by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, though Tondelli’s oeuvre is socially engaged instead of being politically engaged because of his lack of a political ideology. The dissertation highlights the core of Tondelli’s social commitment in his passionate defense of the outcasts in: Altri libertini where drug addicts, homosexuals, transsexuals, and bums are the protagonists; Pao Pao where a group of gay soldiers is described in its grotesque and camp attempt to “homosexualize” their barrack; Rimini where the Riviera Adriatica is portrayed as a place where everyone passes by and no one belongs; Camere separate through the love story of a gay couple in which one partner has to survive his lover’s death, due to an illness that is demonstrated in this thesis to be AIDS, while fighting against the homophobia of their families, institutions, society, and religion. Most of Tondelli’s socially excluded characters are introduced to the reader through an internal homodiegetic point of view. Another important component of Tondelli’s impegno is his open defense of both pop-culture and counter-cultures: gay, hippies, rockers, experimental theatre, street artists and alternative radio, which are central in all his writings.

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