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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physical Activity and Weight Perception among Rural Appalachian Middle School Girls

LaBounty, Lauren, Schetzina, Karen E. 19 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The Narrative Performances of Teenage Girls: Participation, Identity, and Authority as the Foundation for Power

Smith, Chere M 01 December 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the ways in which teenage girls use narrative performance to negotiate participation, social and gender identity, and individual authority in order to establish ratified and equal statuses of power within their social peer group. Although previous work on narrative discourse has shown that narratives can act as the catalyst for the complex co/construction of identity especially in social situations of talk, little work has been done to focus on the way teenagers, particularly girls, use this discourse to their benefit as they fulfill social and gender goals in social and conversational settings. Furthermore, while multimodal, narrative performance has been discussed as a cognitive and participation centered function of narrative discourse, this work has been largely quantitative. Consequently, the field of sociolinguistics, predominantly in the realm of narrative discourse, could use more work on the social function of narrative performance. This project, then, combines an analysis of teenage girls’ narrative co/construction in social contexts with a qualitative analysis of their use of narrative performance to show the ways in which this combination allows the girls to do complicated social and linguistic work to manage membership statuses, via complex participation frameworks. Data for this project consists of 5, one hour long, audio and video recorded instances in which four teenage girls, who make up an established peer group, hang out during regular social meetings. An analysis carried out via a lens of Narrative Discourse influenced by Conversation Analysis (CA), revealed that teenage girls are doing a great deal of power negotiation during their social interactions and that moments of narrative, particularly those in which narrative performances are utilized, function to make these negotiations both visible and therefore more influential on overall group dynamics. Suggestions for how this research could be continued in the future are discussed.

The Effect of Adolescent Girls' Drug use on Academic and Social Development

Briggs-Vaughn, Jackie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Substance abuse, once primarily visible in the U.S. adolescent male population, is an increasing concern for the adolescent girls' population. Mental health challenges, behavioral problems, and academic failure are issues adolescent girls may encounter when they engage in substance abuse. The incidence and impact of drug use on female students' academic and social development at a large suburban school district was unknown. Vygotsky's social development theory and Bandura's social learning theory provided the framework for this cross-sectional survey study that addressed the relationships between adolescent girls' drug use and their academic performance and social development. Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance were used to examine data from the Dane County Youth Assessment Survey. The sample included the study district's adolescent girls' population consisting of 9,061 students. Results indicated significant relationships between girls' adolescent drug use and social development and academic performance. Increased drug use was related to lower social development and lower academic achievement. Results were used to develop an adolescent girls' drug prevention program that addressed the effects drugs have on adolescent girls' academic and social development. Implications for positive social change include providing a prevention program to the local district that may help inform adolescent girls so they can make healthier decisions in social settings.

The Effects of Education Narratives on High School Persistence among Navajo Girls

Carre, Nancy Catherine 01 January 2017 (has links)
Dropout rates among American Indian students have not shown significant improvement since the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001. While extensive research exists on the dropout phenomenon, no studies were found that addressed why some Navajo girls leave school and the role education narratives play in their decision. Accordingly, this study examined the narratives shaping federal and Navajo education policies in order to understand how these influence school programs. The research questions dealt with three elements that could induce Navajo girls to leave school, the institutions and programs offered by federal and tribal government entities, and the dichotomies between school and home environments. The narrative policy analysis, grounded in social construction theory, included provisional and secondary coding of the NCLB of 2001 and the Navajo Sovereignty in Education Act of 2005. Interviews with administrators from the Department of Diné Education, and a young Navajo woman who had left school, supplemented the documentary analysis. The data were triangulated and a modified network analysis conducted to glean areas of convergence and discrepancy between federal and Navajo policy constructs, based on problem statements and proposed solutions. Results indicated that school programs aligned with federal imperatives might not engage or interest many Navajo girls, leading them to abandon their studies early. The implications for social change include the need to develop programs that increase self-direction and engagement among Navajo girls, and granting indigenous peoples autonomy in deciding which educational approaches most closely align with their cultural norms and long-term objectives.

The Effects of Female Genital Mutilation on Women of Sierra Leone

Kalokoh, Nenneh Kalokoh 01 January 2017 (has links)
Female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C), a common practice among Sierra Leonean women, carries significant psychological and physical risks. Prior to this study, a substantial need existed for inquiry of the experiences and belief systems within this cultural group to better understand the effects of FGM/C on women and girls. Guided by feminist theory and the theory of cultural relativism, the goal of this phenomenological study was to review the cultural perspectives and experiences of Sierra Leonean women who underwent FGM/C to investigate their concerns about safety and their perceptions of the practices. In addition, this study explored concerns among Sierra Leonean women about the procedure performed on their daughters and to what they attributed the continued practice of FGM/C. Participants included a purposeful sample of 12 women from Sierra Leone who had experienced FGM/C. Data were collected via in-person, semi-structured interviews and analyzed thematically. Analysis revealed differences in participant definitions of FGM/C, cultural and social aspects of the procedure, personal beliefs and perceptions of the procedures. Results provide new understandings to help health and human rights organizations implement proactive safety measures for these women and girls. Positive social change from this investigation may occur via proper education about FGM/C. Goals include helping women understand the risks associated with the practice and to make their own informed decisions regarding the procedure. Findings revealed that a powerful strategy for protecting women's health and well-being related to FGM/C may be through education on the facts of the procedure.

Adolescent Girls of Color and Leadership Development

Rooks-Price, Veronda Lea 01 January 2019 (has links)
Adolescent girls of color (GOC) experience significant changes in social expectations during puberty based on gender and racial inequity. This divergence usually changes the trajectory for GOC relative to leadership development and may affect their career choices, life decisions, and overall directions for growth. This qualitative study explored the experiences of women of color (WOC) who hold senior leadership positions in Fortune 500 companies. Critical theory grounded this study as its aim is to identify marginalization of any kind and determine ways to free those who are oppressed. Research questions focused on the perceived challenges the participants experienced during adolescence and the intervention strategies that aided them in overcoming those challenges. A qualitative case study used purpose-driven semi structured interviews of 4 WOC who hold senior leadership positions in Fortune 500 companies. Data were coded, categorized, and analyzed to uncover themes. The study results revealed four themes based on data analysis of the participants' responses: (a) lack of representation, (b) lack of direction, (c) racial and gender discrimination, and (d) lack of collaboration. Identifying strategies that aid GOC in overcoming gender and racial inequity relative to leadership development may support policy creation that helps provide funding for nonprofit leaders whose mission is to prepare adolescent GOC for leadership. This study may also initiate conversations about how the intersection of gender and race adds additional barriers for adolescent GOC as they are shaping their identities.

A Study of Administrative Policies and Procedures for Girls' Physical Education in Selected Secondary Schools of Southern Utah

Lamb, Ann L. 01 May 1954 (has links)
Each person in education from the Commissioner of Education down to the classroom teacher is concerned with administration. Each has administrative duties. The way these duties are conducted and carried out will have a direct influence on the outcome of any physical education program and each child within this program. Through the Tenth amendment responsibility for the administration of education has been turned over to the various states. Most of the states through their constitutions place the responsibility upon the legislature to provide for organization and maintenance of public school systems. This body then draws up the statutory laws and provisions to which the state, district and local boards must conform. The state and local boards make additional rules and regulations with which each district and school must abide.

Structural Equation Model of Exercise in Women Utilizing the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms and Social Cognitive Variables

Cobb, Sarah Elizabeth 19 April 2007 (has links)
A dramatic decline in physical activity levels occurs from adolescence to young adulthood. Those who were sedentary as adolescents tend to maintain a sedentary lifestyle. Women are particularly vulnerable to the effects of a sedentary lifestyle because of the risk for cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this research was to test a theoretical model of exercise in adolescent and young adult women using the theory of unpleasant symptoms with social cognitive variables and then to test a revised model that was determined a priori. The central hypotheses were that the relationships as depicted in the proposed theoretical models would be reproducible in data from adolescent and young adult women of ages 18 to 25.

Lighting fires: re-searching sexualized violence with Indigenous girls in Northern Canada

Chadwick, Anna 01 October 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, I reflect on the ethical and theoretical foundations of researching (and re-searching) sexualized violence with Indigenous girls in remote communities in northern British Columbia, Canada, through a project called Sisters Rising, an Indigenous-led, community-based research study focused on centering Indigenous teachings related to sovereignty and gender well-being. Through an emergent methodology drawing from witnessing and borderland feminisms to conduct arts- and land-based workshops with girls and community members, I sought to unsettle my relationships as a diasporic frontline worker to the communities and lands I work with. To disrupt traditional hegemonic discourses of settler colonialism, I look to arts-based and collective witnessing, reflecting on how alternative, safer spaces for Indigenous girls can be created for resistance and (re)storying connections to land and relationships. / Graduate / 2020-09-12

Efekti eksperimentalnog tretmana na razvoj brzinske izdržljivosti kod devojčica / The Effects of Experimental Treatment on Development of Girls' Speed Endurance

Šolaja Milan 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U na&scaron;oj zemlji je malo objavljenih istraživanja iz oblasti kako brzinske izdržljivosti kod devojčica, tako i eksperimentalnih tretmana koji bi doveli do povećanja ove motoričke sposobnosti. U samoj atletici ova tema nije dovoljno istraživana s&rsquo; obzirom da je veoma puno prisutna u praksi. Osnovni cilj studije bio je da se utvrdi efekat eksperimentalnog tretmana na brzinsku izdržljivost devojčica.<br />Uzorak ispitanika ovog istraživanja činilo je 100 devojčica, uzrasta između 13 i 15 godina iz&nbsp; Novog Sada, koje su uključene u trenažni proces u sportskim klubovima. Uzorak ispitanika je bio podeljen na eksperimentalnu grupu, koju je činilo 50 devojčica i koja je realizovala eksperimentalni plan i program i kontrolnu grupu, sa takođe, 50 devojčica, koja je realizovala treninge po programu Evropske atletske federacije &ldquo;Kid&rsquo;s athletics&rdquo;, u trajanju od 15 nedelja. Testirane su razlike u antropolo&scaron;kim karakteristikama i u motoričkim sposobnostima, koje su se ogledale u efikasnosti primenjenog eksperimentalnog tretmana grupa.<br />U istraživanju je primenjeno 18 varijabli: 6 antropometrijskih, 10 motoričkih i 2 varijable za procenu specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti. Razlike u antropolo&scaron;kim karakteristikama, motoričkim sposobnostima i brzinskoj izdržljivosti između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe analizirane su multivarijatnom analizom varijanse, univarijatnom analizom varijanse i diskriminativnom analizom, dok su sami efekti eksperimentalnog tretmana utvrđeni na osnovu multivarijatne analize kovarijanse.<br />Program rada eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe realizovan je u okviru redovnih treninga u sportskim klubovima. Trenažni plan i program je sprovođen tri puna nedeljno, za obe testirane grupe. Eksperimentalna grupa je realizovala trenažne jedinice po modelovanom eksperimentalnom tretmanu, koji je sačinjen u skladu sa osnovnim principima trenažnog procesa i periodizacijom istog, i na osnovu bogatog vi&scaron;egodi&scaron;njeg iskustva autora i adekvatne literature najboljih svetskih autora aktuelne oblasti. Kontrolna grupa je realizovala trenažne jedinice po programu Evropske atletske federacije &ldquo;Kid&rsquo;s athletics&rdquo;.<br />Dobijeni rezutati u pogledu antropometrijskih karakteristika ukazuju da je primenjeni eksperimentalni tretman uticao na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika u sistemu pojedinih primenjenih antropometrijskih varijabli. U prostoru motoričkih sposobnosti takođe su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između grupa nakon primenjenih različitih tretmana.<br />Kada su u pitanju specifične motoričke sposobnosti, odnosno varijable za procenu brzinske izdržljivosti devojčica, analiza kovarijanse je takođe ukazala na statističku značajnost razlika u sistemu primenjenih varijabli. Eksperimentalna grupa je statistički značajno napredovala u obe varijable kojima je testirana brzinska izdržljivost devojčica.<br />Osnovni cilj studije bio je da se utvrdi efekat eksperimentalnog tretmana na brzinsku izdržljivost devojčica, a rezultati univarijantne analize kovarijanse i multivarijatne analize kovarijanse su potvrdili statistički značajnu razliku u korist eksperimentalne grupe.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je predloženi eksperimentalni tretman u eksperimentalnoj grupi doprineo značajnim razlikama u brzinskoj izdržljivosti. Rezultati koji su dobijeni u finalnom merenju i upoređivanjem motoričkih sposobnosti između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe, potvrdili su dosada&scaron;nja naučna i teorijska znanja, da prostor specifične izdržljivosti u brzini egzistira kao posebna sposobnost na koju se adekvatnim tretmanom može pozitivno uticati i doći do napretka koji je statistički značajan. Značaj ove studije je u direktnoj i neposrednoj primeni, ovog tretmana, gde se bolji rezultati postižu usmeravanjem tretmana na ciljane distance koje su po strukturi i vremenskom trajanju slične onim koje su testirane kao kriterijske varijable.</p> / <p>There is little published research in our country in girls&rsquo; speed endurance and experimental treatments which would&nbsp; increase this motor ability. This issue is not sufficiently investigated in the athletics, despite the fact that it is very much present in practice. The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of experimental treatment on girls&rsquo; speed endurance.<br />The sample of this study consisted of 100 girls, aged between 13 and 15 years old, from Novi Sad, who are involved in the training process in sports clubs. The sample was divided into an experimental group, which consisted of 50 girls and implemented experimental plan and program and the control group with 50 girls as well, which&nbsp; conducted trainings according to the program of the European Association of Athletics Federations&#39; &ldquo;Kid&#39;s athletics&rdquo;, in a&nbsp; 15 weeks period. The differences in the anthropological characteristics and motor skills were tested, which were reflected in the efficiency of the applied experimental treatment of the groups.<br />18 variables were&nbsp; applied in the study: 6 anthropometric, 10 motor variables and 2 motor variables for assessment of specific motor abilities. Differences in anthropological characteristics, motor skills and speed endurance between the experimental and control groups were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance, univariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis, while the actual effects of the experimental treatment were determined on the basis of multivariate analysis of covariance.<br />The working program of the experimental and control groups was carried out in the framework of regular training in sports clubs. The training plan and program was executed three times per week, for both tested groups. The experimental group has implemented the training units by modeled experimental treatment, which is made in accordance with the basic principles of the training process and its periodization, and based on author&#39;s extensive experience and adequate literature of the world&#39;s best authors of the current field. The control group&nbsp; implemented the training units of the program of the European Athletics Federation &quot;Kid&#39;s athletics.&quot;<br />The obtained results of anthropometric characteristics indicate that the applied experimental treatment influenced the existence of statistically significant differences in the system of individual anthropometric variables which were applied. Statistically significant differences were determined between groups in the area of motor abilities, after applaying different treatments.<br />As to the specific motor skills, variables for evaluation of girls&#39; speed endurance, covariance analysis also indicated statistically significant differences in the system of applied variables. The experimental group significantly progressed in both variables by which&nbsp; girls&#39; speed endurance had been tested.<br />The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of experimental treatment on girls&#39; speed endurance, and the results of the univariate analysis of covariance and multivariate analysis of covariance confirmed a statistically significant difference in favor of the experimental group.<br />Based on these results, it can be concluded that the proposed experimental treatment in an experimental group contributed to the significant differences in the speed endurance. The final measuring results obtained by comparison of&nbsp; motor abilities between the experimental and control group, confirmed the recent scientific and theoretical knowledge that specific endurance space in speed exists as a special skill on which the appropriate treatment can positively influence and the statistically significant progress can be reached. The significance of this study is in a direct and immediate application of this treatment, where better results are achieved by focusing the treatment on the target distances which are similar by the structure and duration to those that have been tested as a criterion variable.</p>

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