Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gait"" "subject:"gibt""
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Spacecraft, Komponentsbaserad utvecklingLarsson, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Jag undersöker konceptet återanvändning av kod i samarbete med webbyrån Whitespace. Genom praktik på plats i Malmö ska jag arbeta med ett utvecklingsverktyg kallat Spacecraft som de inom byrån själva utvecklat. Konceptet bygger på en komponentbaserad arbetsmetod där det i Spacecraft som utvecklingsmiljö är möjligt att strukturera sin kod baserat på komponenter med dess tillhörande HTML, JavaScript, CSS, konfiguration, bilder etc. Metoden ska göra komponenter enklare att flytta och återanvända, tanken är att detta bland annat ska bidra till en både mer effektiv- och kvalitetssäkrad produktion. Främst kommer mitt arbetet att fokusera på distribution och arkitektur för komponenter samt anpassning av funktionalitet i Spacecraft.
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Choosing between Git and Subversion : How does the choice affect software developers?Spandel, Daniel, Kjellgren, Johannes January 2014 (has links)
Today a lot of software projects are using version control systems for maintaining their software source code. There are a lot of version control systems, and the choice of which one to choose is far from simple. Today the two biggest version control systems are Git and Subversion. In this paper we have found the main differences between the two, and investigated how the choice between them affects software developers. Although software developers in many aspects are unaffected by the choice, we did find some interesting findings. When using Git, our empirical study shows that software developers seem to check in their code to the main repository more frequently than they do when using Subversion. We also found indications that software developers tend to use Subversion with a graphical interface, whereas the preferred interface for working with Git seems to be command-line. We were also surprised of how insignificant the learning aspect of the systems seems to be for the developers. Our goal with this paper is to provide a foundation to stand upon when choosing what version control system to use for a software project.
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Aplikace platformy OpenShift pro testování studentských projektů / Application for OpenShift Plaform for Testing of Students ProjectsOrszágh, Marián January 2020 (has links)
Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť službu pre automatizované testovanie študentských programovacích projektov na základe požiadaviek a následne implementovať túto službu za použitia technológií OpenShift, Python a Git. Vytvorenie takejto služby stavia základ pre zjednotený proces testovania študentských projektov, ktorý zahŕňa spúšťanie testovacích sád v oddelených Linuxových kontajneroch. Vylepšený testovací proces má viesť ku zjednodušeniu známkovania vyučujúcimi a taktiež zlepšeniu výsledkov študentov pri týchto úlohách. Táto diplomová práca vysvetľuje základy testovania softvéru, pričom sa sústredí na testovanie založené na požiadavkách, poskytuje náhľad do technológie kontajnerov a objasňuje, ako boli tieto témy zahrnuté pri návrhu služby a taktiež, ako sa ich použitie odrazilo na požiadavkách na ňu. Okrem toho je implementácia tejto služby podrobená detailnej analýze, ktorá má slúžiť ako referenčný materiál pre jej akékoľvek budúce rozšírenia. Implementovaná služba je schopná vykonávať základné operácie, zahřňajúce paralelné testovanie študentských projektov v oddelených kontajneroch, vytvorenie kontajnerizovaného ladiaceho prostredia, alebo automatické zostavenie kontajnerového obrazu pre konkrétne zadanie.
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Možnosti aplikace geografických informačních systémů v podnikové praxi / Application of geographic information systems in companyRatičák, Milan January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s Thesis is to evaluate abilities of the ArcGIS geographic information system. It explores the possibility of extending it´s practical application to company purposes in conditions of Czech Republic. Ths thesis explores a practical application of geomarketing, traffic tools, risk analysis, optimization and planning, cartography, 3D visualization and usage of GIS as a map server. Final task is to describe potential and application of geographical information systems at different types of companies, which can be used as a base for distribution to customers from this market segment.
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Vliv různých potravin na viabilitu a růst probiotických bakterií / Influence of some foods on growth and viability of probotic bacteriaVajglová, Klára January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this work was a study the influence of food and beverages on the viability and growth of probiotic bacteria. The influence of food and beverages was tested on monocultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium breve and mixed culture of probiotic microorganisms. In the experimental part, probiotic cultures were incubated in selected foods and beverages. After that they were tested in a model conditions of digestive tract. In some probiotic cultures, growth of viable cells during incubation in the digestive tract was observed. The increase of probiotic cells was showed predominantly in foods that contained higher levels of sugars and fats or a suitable combination. Their increase was up to four times in some cases. Based on the results, mixed probiotic cultures aren’t surprisingly exhibited better survival and maintain sufficient amount of viable cells even during the digestive process. Moreover, probiotic microorganisms could be recommended to consumption during meals better than just with a beverage.
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Digital Tvilling : Ett användargränssnitt för kroppen / Digital Twin : A user interface for the bodyBjörkqvist, Axel, Ekberg, Christoffer, Fazeli, Artin, Granberg, Lucas, Hanson, Marcus, Hedestad, Wilhelm, Sid, William January 2022 (has links)
Denna kandidatrapport behandlar främst arbetsmetodiken gruppen förhöll sig till samt hur dessa metoder och arbetssätt sedan användes i projektet. Rapporten tar även upp aspekter om själva produkten som förverkligades under projektets gång, även om det inte är i fokus. Applikationsområdet för projektet är på kort sikt att hjälpa äldre personer som genomgått ett hälsosamtal att hålla uppsikt över sin hälsa på ett vetenskapligt sätt. På lång sikt är applikationsområdet att människor ska kunna replikera sina kroppar genom medicinska digitala tvillingar för att testa exempelvis effekter av läkemedel, koster och träningsmetoder. Detta är kort sagt ett koncept som har potentialen att revolutionera sjukvården och människors hälsa i en positiv riktning. I slutet av kandidatrapporten återfinns gruppmedlemmarnas individuella undersökningar.
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Learning Git Through Serious Educational GameHamadeh, Awni January 2020 (has links)
Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes to a project overtime and is used to save these changes. Today it is being used by millions of people and is becoming a demand on the job market. For this reason it has become important to learn the version control system. Learning Git however may be difficult for beginners and learning it through tutorials may not always be effective. Learning it through a serious educational game (SEG) may be more effective as a SEG can provide motivation and feedback which are two factors for successful learning. This study seeks to assess how effective a SEG is in teaching Git by looking at the amount of knowledge gained from playing a SEG. This study also seeks to assess how much participants learned Git using a tutorial compared to participants who used a serious educational game. From the results, the study found that the SEG expanded the understanding of Git. The study also found that there was no significant difference in the amount of understanding gained from the SEG and the tutorial.
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Visualizing bug-prone code via version control metadataGradin, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Software being developed today can have years worth of history and hundreds if notthousands of files involved in a single project. When trying to determine what parts ofthe code need maintenance or updating it can be difficult to determine what will beproblematic in the future. Hours spent on code that will not cause problems in thefuture could be better used in other areas. Before changes are made to a codebase, themost error-prone parts of the code should be identified. In this thesis a method forcomparing what factors contribute to future bugs is developed, as well as testing severalfactors extracted from version control metadata using this method. In addition, avisualization was made using tree maps to show the most problematic files in a readablemanner, effectively using the produced data in an application to predict future bugs. Itwas determined that Age of newest change, Changes with age reducing importance andPrevious bugfixes with age reducing importance were all the most impactful factors forpredicting future bugs but that different repositories worked best with differentcombinations of the mentioned factors.
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Meaningful Metrics in Software Engineering : The Value and Risks of Using Repository Metrics in a CompanyJacobsson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Many large companies use various business intelligence solutions to filter, process, and visualize their software source code repository data. These tools focus on improving continuous integration and are used to get insights about people, products, and projects in the organization. However, research has shown that the quality of measurement programs in software engineering often is low since the science behind them is unexplored. In addition, code repositories contain a considerable amount of information about the developers, and several ethical and legal aspects need to be considered before using these tools, such as compliance with GDPR. This thesis aims to investigate how companies can use repository metrics and these business intelligence tools in a safe and valuable way. In order to answer the research questions, a case study was conducted in a Swedish company, and repository metrics from a real business intelligence tool were analyzed based on several questions. These questions were related to software measurement theory, ethical and legal aspects of software engineering and metrics, and institutionalized theory. The results show how these metrics could be of value to a company in different ways, for instance by visualization collaboration in a project or by differentiating between read and active repositories. These metrics could also be valuable by linking them to other data in the company such as bug reports and repository downloads. The findings show that the visualizations could potentially be perceived as a type of performance monitoring by developers, causing stress and unhealthy incitements in the organization. In addition, repository metrics are based on identifiable data from Git, which according to the GDPR is classified as personal data. Further, there is a risk that these tools are used simply because they are available, as a way to legitimize the company. In order to mitigate these risks, the thesis states that the metrics should be anonymized, and the focus of the metrics should be on teams and processes rather than individual developers. The teams themself should be a part of creating the Goal-Question-Metrics that link the metrics to what the teams wish to establish.
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A comparative assessment of improvements in workflow automation : An analysis based on GitHub Actions in opensource projectsSpångberg, Mattias, Wiklund, Albin January 2023 (has links)
The number of people working together in repositories grows every day. With increasing activity and interaction in a repository the amount of work required to maintain high quality and productivity is a problem. Automating workflows is a solution many developers lean towards in order to handle the problem but the effects of workflow automation is not yet determined enough to say that it actually helps. Based on GitHub’s workflow automation tool, GitHub Actions, this study looks at the effects of workflow automation by analysing the amount and speed of work in repositories on GitHub. To further understand the effects this study looks at the impact of the number of people interacting with a repository on the speed in which developers work. This study performs a statistical analysis on the difference between repositories that use workflow automation and those that do not to further increase knowledge of developers so that they can make informed decisions. Analysis on the effects of workflow automation shows that repositories that use it have an increased amount of committed code, more pull requests, uses issues more, faster pull request closure, and faster issue closure rates. In general repositories using workflow automation have more stars and contributors than those without. Analysis of the impact of the number of contributors show that usage of workflow automation increases with contributors. The study concludes that further research is required to determine if workflow automation is the causing factor of this or the implementation of workflow automation is an effect of increased activity in repositories.
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