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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Lang, Bradley Thomas 13 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Regulation of mammalian spinal locomotor networks by glial cells

Acton, David January 2017 (has links)
Networks of interneurons within the spinal cord coordinate the rhythmic activation of muscles during locomotion. These networks are subject to extensive neuromodulation, ensuring appropriate behavioural output. Astrocytes are proposed to detect neuronal activity via Gαq-linked G-protein coupled receptors and to secrete neuromodulators in response. However, there is currently a paucity of evidence that astrocytic information processing of this kind is important in behaviour. Here, it is shown that protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), a Gαq-linked receptor, is preferentially expressed by glia in the spinal cords of postnatal mice. During ongoing locomotor-related network activity in isolated spinal cords, PAR1 activation stimulates release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is hydrolysed to adenosine extracellularly. Adenosine then activates A1 receptors to reduce the frequency of locomotor-related bursting recorded from ventral roots. This entails inhibition of D1 dopamine receptors, activation of which enhances burst frequency. The effect of A1 blockade scales with network activity, consistent with activity-dependent production of adenosine by glia. Astrocytes also regulate activity by controlling the availability of D-serine or glycine, both of which act as co-agonists of glutamate at N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs). The importance of NMDAR regulation for locomotor-related activity is demonstrated by blockade of NMDARs, which reduces burst frequency and amplitude. Bath-applied D-serine increases the frequency of locomotor-related bursting but not intense synchronous bursting produced by blockade of inhibitory transmission, implying activity-dependent regulation of co-agonist availability. Depletion of endogenous D-serine increases the frequency of locomotor-related but not synchronous bursting, indicating that D-serine is required at a subset of NMDARs expressed by inhibitory interneurons. Blockade of the astrocytic glycine transporter GlyT1 increases the frequency of locomotor-related activity, but application of glycine has no effect, indicating that GlyT1 regulates glycine at excitatory synapses. These results indicate that glia play an important role in regulating the output of spinal locomotor networks.

Multiple system atrophy : a translational approach Characterization of the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway / L'atrophie multisystématisée : une approche translationnelle

Bassil, Fares 02 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur des approches translationnelles dans les synucléinopathies notamment l’atrophie multisystématisée (AMS). Au-delà de leur rôle dans la régulation du glucose, l’insulin et l’insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) ont des propriétés neurotrophiques. Des études ont montrées que la signalisation de l’insuline/IGF-1 est altérée dans la maladie d'Alzheimer et des données suggèrent l’altération de l’insuline/IGF-1 dans la maladie de Parkinson (MP) et l’AMS. Nous avons mis en évidence une résistance à l’insuline dans les neurones des patients MP et AMS ainsi que dans les oligodendrocytes chez les patients AMS.Mon travail a également consisté à cibler la troncation de l’α-synuclein (α-syn) comme cible thérapeutique. Nous avons démontré dans un modèle murin d’AMS que la diminution de l’α-syn tronquée permettait de réduire l’agrégation d’α-syn et la dégénérescence des neurones dopaminergiques.Enfin, nous avons étudié l’implication dans l’AMS des métalloprotéinases matricielles (MMP), des enzymes impliquées dans remodelage de la matrice, la démyélinisation, la troncation de l’α-syn et la perméabilité de la barrière hémato-encéphalique. Ce travail nous a permis de montrer une augmentation de l’expression et de l’activité de MMPs chez les patients AMS. Nous avons également montré que les cellules gliales sont la source de cette augmentation et que la MMP-2 est retrouvée dans les agrégats des patients AMS.Nous montrons ici de caractéristiques distinctes de l’AMS comme des altérations qui se produisent dans les oligodendrocytes. Nous présentons aussi VX-765 comme un candidat prometteur pour ralentir la progression de la pathologie dans un contexte de synucléinopathie. / This work focused on translational approaches in synucleinopathies and more specifically in multiple system atrophy (MSA). Beyond their role in glucose homeostasis, insulin/IGF-1 are neurotrophic factors in the brain. Studies have shown altered insulin/IGF-1 signalling in Alzheimer’s disease and data suggest impaired insulin signaling/IGF-1 in Parkinson's disease (PD) and MSA. The aim of my work was to characterize insulin/IGF-1 signalling in MSA and PD brain tissue. Both groups showed neuronal insulin resistance. Oligodendrocytes in MSA patients were also insulin resistant.In line with the translational approach, we also targeted α-synuclein (α-syn) truncation pharmacologically in MSA transgenic mice, which led to reduced α-syn aggregation and the protection of dopaminergic neurons.We also assessed the activity and distribution of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in the brain of MSA patients compared to healthy controls. MMPs are involved in the remodelling of the extracellular matrix, demyelination, α-syn truncation and blood brain barrier permeability. We showed altered expression and activity of MMPs in two distinct structures in MSA brains. We were also able to show that glial cells were the source of increased MMPs and show a unique expression of MMPs in α-syn aggregates of MSA patients compared to PD, evidence that might hint at a mechanism that is differently altered between PD and MSA.We here show distinct pathological features of MSA such as key alterations occurring in oligodendrocytes, further supporting MSA as a primary oligodendrogliopathy. We also present VX-765 as a candidate drug for disease modification in synucleinopathies.

Nanoscale imaging of synapse morphology in the mouse neocortex in vivo by two-photon STED microscopy / Imagerie nanométrique de la morphologie synaptique dans le néocortex de souris in vivo par microscopie deux-photon STED

Ter Veer, Mirelle Jamilla Tamara 25 November 2016 (has links)
Le cerveau est un organe complexe composé de neurones et des cellules non-neuronales. La communication entre les neurones a lieu via les synapses, dont le remodelage morphologique est considéré essentiel pour le traitement et le stockage des informations dans le cerveau des mammifères. Récemment, ce point de vue neuro-centré de la fonction synaptique a évolué, en prenant également en compte les processus gliaux à proximité immédiate de la synapse. Cependant, comme leur structure est bien en deçà de la résolution spatiale de la microscopie optique conventionnelle, les progrès dans les enquêtes dans leur environnement physiologique, le cerveau intact, ont été entravés. En effet, on sait peu sur les variations nanométriques de la morphologie des épines dendritiques et l'interaction avec les processus gliaux, et, finalement, comment elles affectent la transmission synaptique in vivo. Dans cette thèse, nous cherchons à visualiser la dynamique de la nano-morphologie des épines dendritiques et les processus gliaux dans le cortex à tonneaux de souris in vivo. Nous avons donc mis en place l’imagerie super-résolution 2P-STED en temps réel, ce qui permet une haute résolution spatiale et la pénétration profonde des tissus, chez la souris anesthésiée in vivo. Nous montrons que la nano-morphologie des épines est diversifiée, variable, mais globalement stable, et que les différences dans la morphologie des épines peut avoir un effet sur leur compartimentation in vivo. En outre, la mise en œuvre de l’imagerie super-résolution en double couleur in vivo et le développement d'une approche de marquage astrocytaire, nous ont permis de fournir la caractérisation à l'échelle nanométrique des interactions neurone-glie. Ces résultats apportent un aperçu sans précédent dans la dynamique de la synapse à l'échelle nanométrique in vivo, et ouvrent la voie à une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont les réarrangements morphologiques des synapses contribuent à la physiologie du cerveau. / The brain is a complex organ consisting of neurons and non-neuronal cells. Communication between neurons takes place via synapses, whose morphological remodeling is thought to be crucial for information processing and storage in the mammalian brain. Recently, this neuro-centric view of synaptic function has evolved, also taking into account the glial processes in close vicinity of the synapse. However, as their structure is well below the spatial resolution of conventional light microscopy, progress in investigating them in a physiological environment, the intact brain, has been impeded. Indeed, little is known on the nanoscale morphological variations of dendritic spines, the interaction with glial processes, and how these affect synaptic transmission in vivo. Here, we aim to visualize the dynamic nano-morphology of dendritic spines in mouse somatosensory cortex in vivo. We implemented super-resolution 2P-STED time-lapse imaging, which allows for high spatial resolution and deep tissue penetration, in anesthetized mice, and show that the nano-morphology of spines is diverse, variable, but on average stable, and that differences in spine morphology can have an effect on spine biochemical compartmentalization in vivo. Moreover, implementation of dual color in vivo super-resolution imaging and a novel astrocytic labeling approach provided the first steps towards nanoscale characterization of neuron-glia interactions in vivo. These findings bring new insights in synapse dynamics at the nanoscale in vivo, and our methodological endeavors help pave the way for a better understanding of how nanoscale aspects of spine morphology and their dynamics might contribute to brain physiology and animal behavior.

Repulsive cues and signalling cascades of the axon growth cone

Manns, Richard Peter Charles January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the work described in this thesis is to investigate the nature and mechanisms of action of repellent cues for growing axons. In particular I try to resolve the controversy in the literature regarding the need for protein synthesis in the growth cone in response to external guidance cues. My results resolve the conflicting data in the literature on Semaphorin-3A signalling, where differing labs had shown that inhibiting protein synthesis either blocks or has no effect upon repulsion. They demonstrate the presence of at least two independent pathways, protein synthesis-dependent mTOR activation and -independent GSK3? activation. The higher sensitivity of the synthesis-dependent pathway, and its redundancy at higher concentrations where synthesis-independent mechanisms can evoke a full collapse response alone, resolve the apparent conflict. My experiments also demonstrated that Nogo-?20, a domain of Nogo-A, requires local protein synthesis to cause collapse. Unlike Semaphorin-3A, the dependence of collapse upon protein synthesis is concentration-independent and does not involve guanylyl cyclase, but it does share a dependence upon mTOR activity and the synthesis of RhoA, sufficient to cause collapse downstream of Semaphorin-3A. The other axon-repelling domain of Nogo-A, Nogo-66, is partially dependent upon the proteasome instead. It does not share a common pathway with Nogo-?20, except that both are RhoA-dependent. I further attempted to identify the nature of a repulsive activity found in grey matter, ruling out a previously suggested candidate identity. Finally, I examined the phenomenon of nitric oxide-induced growth cone collapse. My experiments revealed that S-nitrosylated glutathione causes growth cone collapse through the activity of protein disulphide isomerase. This mechanism shows only a partial dependence upon soluble guanylyl cyclase, but I argue that it has total dependence upon an S-nitrosylated donor. Coupled with its apparent relation to S-palmitoylation, the reciprocal of S-nitrosylation, I propose that nitric oxide causes collapse by crossing the cell membrane to inhibit S-palmitoylation-determined localisation of proteins. These results reveal some of the many pathways involved in growth cone collapse, whose further characterisation may provide new targets for the treatment of injuries of the central nervous system.

Östrogens signalering i hjärnans gliaceller / Estrogen signaling in the gliacells of the brain

Lindgren, Iréne January 2020 (has links)
I hjärnan finns neuron och gliaceller. Förut trodde man att neuroner var dem enda som hade en viktig funktion i hjärnan men på senare tid har upptäckt att gliaceller har en större betydande roll än man tidigare trott. Gliaceller är ett samlingsnamn som innefattar bland annat microglia celler, oligodendrocyter och astrocyter. Östrogen är ett steroidhormon som har många viktiga funktioner i kroppen som bland annat reproduktionen, immunförsvaret, skelettet och endokrina system. Östrogen binder till östrogenreceptorer och de finns 3 stycken olika som kallas för östrogenreceptor alfa (α), östrogenreceptor beta (β) och G-proteinkopplade östrogenreceptor (GRP30). Alla dessa östrogenreceptorer har man funnit i hjärnan. Syftet med detta projektarbete är att ge en djupare förståelse om östrogens signalering i hjärnans gliaceller och om östrogens signalering kan ge någon relevant funktion till framtida farmakologiska behandlingar.  Systematisk litteraturstudie gjordes och sökningar på databasen PubMed. Begränsade antalet träffar med sökord, inklusionskriterier och exklusionskriterier. Artiklar granskades sedan via ett urvalssystem och relevanta artiklar användes för att besvara syfte och frågeställningar.  Östrogensignaleringen på gliaceller har många olika effekter. En signalering på östrogenreceptor β på oligodendrocyter leder till mognad, differentiering, bättre överlevd och att remyeliniseringen aktiverades. Medan en östrogens signalering på microglia cellens östrogenreceptorer α, β och GRP30 leder dämpning av inflammation och förbättrad kognitiv funktion. Östrogensignaleringen på astrocyter ger flera olika effekter såsom metabolismen av glukos, progesteron syntesen, glutamattransportören GLT-1, tillväxtfaktorn TGF-α, upptaget av glutamat samt ökad proteinproduktion av AMPA-receptor. Den nya kunskapen om östrogens signalering på hjärnans gliaceller kan leda till framtida farmakologiska behandlingar vid hjärnskada och ischemisk stroke. Östrogenet har visat på neuronskyddande effekter via signalering på gliaceller. Svagheten är att de endast är djurstudier som ligger till grund för kunskapen om östrogens signalering på gliaceller. I framtiden skulle det behövas styrkas med studier gjorda på människa. En styrka är att djurstudierna ger en fingervisning om östrogen signaleringen eftersom hjärnans uppbyggnad är likvärdig.

Modulation neuro-glial associée à la sensibilisation croisée des organes pelviens : Effet sur la nociception viscérale. / Neuro-glial modulation associated with cross sensitization of pelvic organs : Effect on visceral nociception.

Atmani, Karim 04 July 2018 (has links)
Le syndrome de l’intestin irritable (SII) et le syndrome de la vessiedouloureuse (SVD) sont tous deux caractérisés par une hypersensibilité viscérale àla distension. Sur le plan épidémiologique, ces deux syndromes sont étroitementassociés puisque les patients SII ont une prévalence du syndrome de la vessiedouloureuse 7 fois plus élevée que la population générale. Cependant, le mécanismeresponsable de la sensibilisation du tube digestif et de l’appareil urinaire n’a jamaisété étudié. Compte tenu de l’innervation commune de ces deux organes, il estprobable que ce mécanisme mette en jeu sur le long terme des phénomènes de laplasticité neuro-gliale aux niveaux communs d’intégration de la sensibilité pelvienne.L’objectif général de ce travail était d’établir et de caractériser un modèleanimal de sensibilisation croisée vessie/colon, aigu et chronique, afin de mieuxcomprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans l’hypersensibilité viscérale croisée. / Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Bladder pain syndrome (BPS) are bothcharacterized by visceral hypersensitivity to distension. Epidemiology showed thatthese two syndromes are closely associated since IBS patients have a prevalence ofbladder pain syndrome that is 7 times higher than the general population. However,the mechanism responsible for sensitization of the gastrointestinal tract and theurinary tract has never been studied. Given the common innervation of these twoorgans, it is likely that this mechanism involves long-term phenomena of neuro-glialplasticity at the common levels of integration of pelvic sensitivity.The overall objective of this work was to establish and characterize an animalmodel of bladder / colon cross-sensitization, acute and chronic, to better understandthe mechanisms involved in cross-visceral hypersensitivity.

Neural basis and behavioral effects of dynamic resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging as defined by sliding window correlation and quasi-periodic patterns

Thompson, Garth John 20 September 2013 (has links)
While task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has helped us understand the functional role of many regions in the human brain, many diseases and complex behaviors defy explanation. Alternatively, if no task is performed, the fMRI signal between distant, anatomically connected, brain regions is similar over time. These correlations in “resting state” fMRI have been strongly linked to behavior and disease. Previous work primarily calculated correlation in entire fMRI runs of six minutes or more, making understanding the neural underpinnings of these fluctuations difficult. Recently, coordinated dynamic activity on shorter time scales has been observed in resting state fMRI: correlation calculated in comparatively short sliding windows and quasi-periodic (periodic but not constantly active) spatiotemporal patterns. However, little relevance to behavior or underlying neural activity has been demonstrated. This dissertation addresses this problem, first by using 12.3 second windows to demonstrate a behavior-fMRI relationship previously only observed in entire fMRI runs. Second, simultaneous recording of fMRI and electrical signals from the brains of anesthetized rats is used to demonstrate that both types of dynamic activity have strong correlates in electrophysiology. Very slow neural signals correspond to the quasi-periodic patterns, supporting the idea that low-frequency activity organizes large scale information transfer in the brain. This work both validates the use of dynamic analysis of resting state fMRI, and provides a starting point for the investigation of the systemic basis of many neuropsychiatric diseases.

Study of the interaction between 3,4 methylenedioximethamphetamine and the endocannabinoid system

Touriño Raposo, Clara 17 February 2009 (has links)
La 3,4-metilendioximetamfetamina (MDMA, èxtasi) i el cannabis són dues drogues les quals es consumeixen conjuntament de manera habitual. Malgrat que tots dos compostos presenten propietats reforçant i potencial addictiu, també tenen propietats farmacològiques oposades. La MDMA es una droga psicoestimulant, la qual causa hiperlocomoció, hipertèrmia, resposted de tipus asiogènic i neurotoxicitat. Per altra banda el Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), principal compost psicoactiu del cannabis, posseeix efectes relaxants, hipolocomotors, hipotèrmics i neuroprotectors. Els efectes de la MDMA i el THC al sistema nerviós central es troben mediats per dos mecanismes notablement diferents. La MDMA augmenta els nivells extracel·lulars de dopamina i serotonina, mentre que el THC produeix l'activació del receptor cannabinoide CB1. Cal destacar a més que les interaccions entre els sistemes monoaminèrgic i endocannabinoide s'observa de manera freqüent en l'organisme.En el present estudi hem explorat la implicació del sistema endocannabinoide i la MDMA en diversos aspectes. Per una banda el receptor cannabinoide CB1 juga un important paper en els efectes hiperlocomotors i hipertèrmics, i en les respostes de tipus ansiogènic produïdes per la MDMA. Curiosament, encara que el receptor CB1 no participa en els efectes recompensants primaris de la MDMA, és imprescindible per que tinguin lloc els seus efectes reforçants. Així mateix, l'alliberació de serotonina per part de la MDMA redueix de manera dosi-depenent la simptomatologia física causada pel síndrome d'abstinència a cannabinoides precipitada per un antagonista del receptor CB1. Finalment, el tractament amb THC era capaç de prevenir la hipertèrmia, activació glial, estrès oxidatiu i pèrdua de terminals causada per la MDMA. Com a conseqüència el THC exerceix un efecte neuroprotector contra la neurotoxicitat induïda per la MDMA. / 3,4-methylenedioximethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) and cannabis are two drugs frequently consumed in combination. Despite both compounds have rewarding properties and abuse liability, they show opposite pharmacological properties. On the one hand, MDMA is a psychostimulant drug with hyperlocomotor, hyperthermic, anxiogenic-like and neurotoxic effects. On the other hand, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound of cannabis, has relaxant, hypolocomotor, hypothermic and neuroprotective properties. The effects of MDMA and THC in the central nervous system are mediated by two different mechanisms. MDMA enhances the extracellular levels of dopamine and serotonin, whereas THC activates the CB1 cannabinoid receptor. Likewise, interactions between the monoaminergic and the endogenous cannabinoid system have been frequently observed.In the current study, we explored the involvement of CB1 cannabinoid receptor on the hyperlocomotor, hyperthermic, anxiogenic-like, rewarding and reinforcing effects of MDMA. We also studied the effect of acute and chronic administration of MDMA on rimonabant-precipitated THC withdrawal syndrome. Furthermore, we explored the neuroprotective effects of THC on MDMA-induced neurotoxicity.As a result of this study we may conclude that endocannabinoid system and MDMA interact in a wide variety of aspects. CB1 receptor plays an important role on the hyperlocomotor, hyperthermic, and anxiogenic-like effects of MDMA. Interestingly, CB1 receptor is essential for the reinforcing but not the primary rewarding properties of MDMA. In addition, the release of serotonin by MDMA dose-dependently reduced the severity of THC withdrawal syndrome triggered by a CB1 antagonist. Finally, pretreatment with THC prevented the hyperthermia, glial activation, oxidative stress and terminal loss caused by MDMA. Consequently, THC exerts a neuroprotective effect against MDMA-induced neurotoxicity.

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