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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) and its substrate proteins in the development of cardiomyopathy associated with obesity and insulin resistance

Flepisi, Thabile Brian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a serine-threonine protein kinase that was first discovered as a regulator of glycogen synthase thus playing a role in glycogen synthesis (Embi et al. 1980). GSK-3 has also been shown to down regulate the expression of SERCA-2a (a calcium ATPase pump) thus playing a role in myocardial contractility (Michael et al. 2004). However, SERCA-2a activity is regulated by phospholamban (PLM) and sarcolipin (SLN) (Asahi et al. 2003). GSK-3 is constitutively active in cells and can be acutely inactivated by insulin through phosphorylation by PKB/Akt. However, GSK-3 is known to phosphorylate and inhibit IRS-1 protein, thus disrupting insulin signaling (Eldar-Finkelman et al. 1996). In addition, abnormally high activities of GSK-3 protein has been implicated in several pathological disorders which include type 2 diabetes, neuron degenerative and affective disorders (Eldar-Finkelman et al 2009). This led to the development of new generations of inhibitors with specific clinical implications to treat these diseases (Martinez 2008). GSK-3 inhibition has been shown to improve insulin and blood glucose levels and to be cardioprotective during ischemia/reperfusion (Nikoulina et al. 2002; Kumar et al. 2007). AIMS: To determine whether myocardial GSK-3 protein and its substrate proteins are dysregulated in obesity and insulin resistance, and whether a specific GSK-3 inhibitor can prevent or reverse the cardiovascular pathology found in obese and insulin resistant animals. OBJECTIVES: To correlate the alterations in expression and activation of GSK-3 protein in a well characterised rat model of obesity coupled to insulin resistance with: i) myocardial contractile dysfunction and an inability of hearts to withstand ischemia/reperfusion, ii) the activation and expression of phospholamban and SERCA-2a in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, iii) the activation of intermediates (IRS-1, IRS-2 and PKB/Akt) that lie upstream in the activation pathway of GSK-3 and iv) to determine the effects of inhibition of GSK-3 on the abovementioned parameters. METHODS: Age and weight matched male Wistar rats (controls and diet induced obese (DIO) animals) were used in the present study. Controls were fed normal rat chow, while DIOs were fed a rat chow diet supplemented with sucrose and condensed milk, for 8 or 16 weeks. Half of each group of animals were treated with the GSK-3 inhibitor for 4 weeks (from 12 to 16 weeks). After the feeding and treatment period, animals were weighed, sacrificed, hearts removed and freeze clamped immediately or perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer and subjected to low flow ischemia (25 min) followed by 30 min reperfusion. Biometric (body weight, intraperitoneal fat, ventricular weight and tibia length) and biochemical (fasting blood glucose and insulin levels) parameters were determined. Expression of GSK-3, PKB/Akt, IRS-1, IRS-2, SERCA-2a and Phospholamban were determined by Western blotting. Ca2+ ATPase activity was determined spectrophotometrically. RESULTS: At both 8 and 16 weeks DIO animals were significantly bigger than control animals and this was associated with increased intraperitoneal fat in DIOs. In DIO animals: IRS-1 was downregulated at 8 weeks and both IRS-1 and IRS-2 as well as PKB/Akt at 16 weeks. There was an increased tendency of GSK-3 expression at both 8 and 16 weeks in DIO animals while SERCA-2a was severely downregulated from 8 weeks onwards and associated with lower Ca2+-ATPase activity. PLM expression was upregulated but its phosphorylation was attenuated. At 16 weeks, baseline heart rate (225 vs 275 in control, P<0.0001, n=6) and rate pressure product (21000 vs 30000 in control, P=0.019, n=6) were significantly lower in hearts from DIO animals. Functional recovery was unchanged but the time to ischemic contracture development was increased (11.6±0.4 control vs 16.2±0.5 min DIO, P<0.01, n=6). Treatment had no effect on total GSK-3 expression. However, GSK-3 phosphorylation was significantly increased in treated controls, while there was no significant difference in DIO animals. However, there was a tendency for an increased GSK-3 phosphorylation in treated DIO animals. GSK-3 inhibitor, improved hypertrophy in DIO animals, while it led to its development in control animals. GSK-3 inhibitor improved IRS-2 expression in both control and DIO animals while it had no effect on IRS-1 and SERCA-2a expression and activity. However, GSK-3 inhibition increased PKB/Akt and phospholamban phosphorylation in DIO animals. CONCLUSION: These findings show that high calorie diet as well as imbalance between energy intake and expenditure lead to the development of obesity and insulin resistance in male Wistar rats. We showed that GSK-3 and its substrate proteins are dysregulated in obesity and insulin resistance. The reduced SERCA-2a expression at baseline may have a negative impact on cardiac function. By treating the animals with GSK-3 inhibitor, we showed that GSK-3 protein may not be responsible for changes seen at baseline. The decreased IRS-1 and SERCA-2a expression may have been caused by a different mechanism other than the actions of GSK-3. However, according to this study, GSK-3 may play a role in regulation of IRS-2 expression but not in IRS-1. Increased PKB/Akt phosphorylation may contribute to the GSK-3 inhibition. In addition, GSK-3 inhibition may reverse cardiac hypertrophy in DIO animals, thus acting as a negative regulator of hypertrophy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Glikogeen sintase kinase-3 (GSK-3), 'n serien/threonien proteïen kinase, is oorspronklik ontdek as 'n rolspeler in glikogeen sintese, aangesien dit 'n reguleerder van glikogeen sintase is (Embi et al.1980). Intussen is dit ook bevind dat GSK-3 die uitdrukking van SERCA-2a ('n kalsium ATPase pomp) kan afreguleer en dus sodoende 'n rol speel in miokardiale kontraktiliteit (Michael et al. 2004). Die aktiwiteit van SERCA-2a kan egter ook gereguleer word deur fosfolamban (PLM) en sarkolipin (Asahi et al. 2003). GSK-3 is deurgaans aktief, maar kan tydelik geïnaktiveer word onder kondisies van insulien stimulasie deur PKB/Akt gemedieerde fosforilering. Aan die ander kant is dit bekend dat GSK-3 die IRS-1 proteïen kan fosforileer om dus sodoende insulien sein-transduksie af te reguleer (Eldar-Finkelman et al. 1996). Daarmee saam is abnormaal hoë vlakke van GSK-3 aktiwiteit geassosieer met verskeie patologiese versteurings, insluitend tipe 2 diabetes, neuron degeneratiewe en affektiewe versteurings (Eldar-Finkelman et al. 2009). Daar is dus nuwe generasies GSK-3 inhibitore ontwikkel met die kliniese potensiaal om hierdie patologieë te behandel (Martinez 2008). Dit is al bevind dat GSK-3 inhibisie geassosieer kan word met beide die normalisering van plasma insulien- en glukose vlakke, asook kardiobeskerming in die konteks van iskemie/herperfusie (Nikoulina et al. 2002; Kumar et al. 2007). Doelwitte: Om te bepaal of GSK-3 proteïen en sy substraat proteïene gedisreguleer is onder kondisies van obesiteit en insulien weerstandigheid, asook om vas te stel of 'n spesifieke GSK-3 inhibitor die kardiovaskulêre patologie wat gevind word in obese en insulien weerstandige diere kan verhoed of omkeer. Mikpunte: Om veranderinge in uitdrukking en aktiwiteit van GSK-3 proteïen in 'n goed gekarakteriseerde rotmodel van obesiteit, gekoppel aan insulien weerstandigheid, te korreleer met die volgende: i) miokardiale kontraktiele disfunksie en onvermoë om kardiale iskemie/herperfusie besering te weerstaan, ii) aktivering en uitdrukking van PLM en SERCA-2a in die sarkoplasmiese retikulum, iii) die aktivering van intermediêres wat proksimaal geleë is in die insulienseintransduksiepad van GSK-3 (IRS-1, IRS-2 en PKB/Akt) en iv) om die effek van behandeling met 'n spesifieke inhibitor van GSK-3 op die bogenoemde punte te bepaal. Metodes: Ouderdoms- en gewigsgepaarde manlike Wistar rotte (kontrole en dieet geïnduseerde obees (DIO) diere) is in die studie gebruik. Kontrole diere was normale rotkos gevoer, terwyl die DIO diere op 'n dieet van rotkos aangevul met sukrose en kondensmelk geplaas is vir 'n periode van 8 of 16 weke. Helfte van die diere van elke groep is behandel met die GSK-3 inhibitor vir 4 weke (vanaf week 12 tot 16). Na afloop van die voer- en behandelingsperiode is die diere geweeg, doodgemaak en die harte verwyder om dan of onmiddelik gevriesklamp te word, of retrograad geperfuseer te word met Krebs-Hensleit buffer. Ex vivo geperfuseerde harte is dan blootgestel aan 25 minute lae vloei iskemie gevolg deur 30 minute herperfusie. Biometriese (liggaamsgewig, intraperitoneale vet, ventrikulêre gewig en tibia lengte) en biochemiese (vastende bloedglukose en -insulien vlakke) parameters is telkens bepaal. Western klad tegnieke is gebruik om die uitdrukking en fosforilering van GSK-3, PKB/Akt, IRS-1, IRS-2, SERCA-2a en PLM te bepaal. Ca2+-ATPase aktiwiteit is spektrofotometries bepaal. Resultate: Na beide 8 en 16 weke was die DIO diere beduidend swaarder as die kontrole diere. Hierdie gewigstoename was geassosieer met meer intraperitoneale vet in die DIO diere. Verder, in die DIO diere was IRS-1 afgereguleer na 8 weke, terwyl beide IRS-1 en IRS-2 asook PKB/Akt afgereguleer was na 16 weke. GSK-3 uitdrukking het 'n neiging getoon om toe te neem na beide 8 en 16 weke in die DIO diere, terwyl SERCA-2a beduidend afgereguleer was reeds vanaf 8 weke, geassosieer met laer Ca2+-ATPase aktiwiteit. PLM uitdrukking het toegeneem en die fosforilering daarvan was verlaag. Op 16 weke was die basale harttempo (225 vs 275 in die kontrole groep, P<0.0001, n=6) en tempo druk produk (21000 vs 30000 in die kontrole groep, P=0.019, n=6) betekenisvol laer in die DIO diere. Funksionele herstel het onveranderd gebly, alhoewel die tyd tot iskemiese kontraktuur toegeneem het in die DIO groep (kontrole: 11.6±0.4 min vs DIO: 16.2±0.5 min, P<0.01, n=6). Toediening van die inhibitor het geen effek op totale GSK-3 uitdrukking gehad nie. Fosforilering van GSK-3 was egter wel beduidend verhoog in die behandelde kontrole diere, terwyl daar geen verskille in die DIO groep was nie. Die fosforilering van GSK-3 het wel geneig na 'n toename in die behandelde DIO diere. Die GSK-3 inhibitor het kontrasterende effekte op hipertrofie gehad: dit het dit omgekeer in die DIO groep, maar veroorsaak in die kontrole diere. Daarmee saam het die inhibitor die uitdrukking van IRS-2 in beide DIO en kontrole diere gestimuleer, maar geen effek op IRS-1 en SERCA-2a uitdrukking en aktiwiteit gehad nie. GSK-3 inhibisie het wel PKB/Akt en PLM fosforilering in die DIO diere verhoog. Gevolgtrekking: Hierdie bevindinge toon dat 'n hoë kalorie dieet, tesame met 'n wanbalans tussen energie inname en verbruiking, lei tot die ontwikkeling van obesiteit en insulien weerstand in manlike Wistar rotte. Die studie het ook getoon dat GSK-3 en sy substraat proteïene wel gedisreguleer is in obesiteit en insulien weerstandigheid. Die verlaagde basale uitdrukking van SERCA-2a mag dalk 'n negatiewe impak hê op kardiale funksie. Behandeling van die diere met 'n GSK-3 inhibitor het getoon dat GSK-3 moontlik nie verantwoordelik is vir die basislyn veranderinge nie. Die afname in IRS-1 en SERCA-2a uitdrukking kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan ander meganismes buiten die effekte van GSK-3. Hierdie studie toon wel dat GSK-3 moontlik 'n rol speel in die regulering van die uitdrukking van IRS-2, maar nie IRS-1 nie. Verhoogde PKB/Akt fosforilering mag dalk bydra tot die inhibisie van GSK-3. Daarmee saam blyk dit dat GSK-3 inhibisie hipertrofie kan omkeer in DIO diere, om dan sodoende op te tree as 'n negatiewe reguleerder van hipertrofie, maar in normale kontrole diere, hipertrofie in die hand werk. / South African Medical Research Council / University of Stellenbosch, Dept. of medical Physiology

Implication of GSK3β in Islet Inflammation During Diabetes / Implication de GSK3β dans l'inflammation des îlots au cours du diabète

Pitasi, Caterina Luana 27 November 2017 (has links)
Le diabète est une maladie chronique avec une progression alarmante. L’insuline-résistance et la diminution de la masse fonctionnelle des cellules beta, associée à l'inflammation des îlots, sont les principaux défauts impliqués dans la pathogenèse du diabète de type 2 (DT2). La compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans l'inflammation des îlots pancréatiques, et l'identification de cibles moléculaires à visée anti-inflammatoire, sont des approches intéressantes pour le traitement du diabète. La glycogène synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), est une sérine-thréonine kinase qui régule des fonctions cellulaires essentielles. Cette enzyme a été récemment décrite comme un régulateur important de l'inflammation dans différentes conditions pathologiques. Cependant, l'implication potentielle de GSK3beta dans l'inflammation des îlots au cours du diabète reste inexplorée. Le but de ce travail était d'étudier l'implication de GSK3beta dans l'inflammation des îlots pancréatiques et d'évaluer l'impact de l'inhibition de GSK3beta dans l’amélioration de l’hyperglycémie du rat diabétique Goto-Kakizaki. Le rat Goto-Kakizaki (GK) est un modèle spontané de DT2, avec une hyperglycémie chronique apparaissant au sevrage, une masse beta cellulaire réduite et une altération profonde de la sécrétion d'insuline en réponse au glucose. Peu après le sevrage, l'inflammation se développe dans les îlots du rat GK et participe au dysfonctionnement des cellules beta. Nous avons traité les rat GK mâles avec du chlorure de lithium (LiCl), un inhibiteur de GSK3. Le traitement chronique de jeunes rats GK a permis d’éviter l’installation de l’hyperglycémie chronique qui se développe normalement dans ce modèle chez les adultes. A la fin du traitement, la glycémie basale des rats GK traités par le LiCl était fortement réduite, en comparaison avec celle des rats GK non traités. Ces améliorations étaient associées à une réduction de l'expression des cytokines et des chimiokines pro-inflammatoires dans les îlots. L’inhibition de GSK3 a également diminué la fibrose des îlots et rétabli partiellement la sensibilité à l’insuline et la sécrétion d'insuline induite par le glucose chez les rats GK. De plus, des études ex vivo sur des îlots humains et des îlots de rats Wistar, exposés à un environnement inflammatoire en culture, ont révélé l'implication directe de GSK3 dans la réponse inflammatoire autonome des îlots. Ceci était entre autres associée à l’activation du facteur de transcription STAT3. En conclusion, nous montrons pour la première fois que GSK3beta est impliquée dans l’inflammation des îlots pancréatiques humains et de rongeurs. L’inhibition de GSK3beta atténue fortement l’inflammation insulaire, et prévient l’installation de l’hyperglycémie chronique chez le rat GK. L’ensemble des résultats de ce travail nous permet de proposer GSK3beta comme une cible potentielle pour le développement de traitements anti-inflammatoires dans le contexte du diabète de type 2 / Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disabling disease with epidemic dimension. It is now established that islet inflammation is associated with defective functional beta cell mass in type 2 diabetes. The understanding of the mechanisms that govern diabetes-associated inflammation in pancreatic islets, and the identification of molecular targets to dampen inflammation are important steps to address this pathological condition. GK rat is a spontaneous model of type 2 diabetes with impaired beta cell function and mass, closely associated with islet inflammation. Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3) is a multi-tasking serine-threonine kinase which regulates crucial cellular functions. In recent years, GSK3beta has been found to be an important regulator of inflammation in different diseased conditions. However, the potential role of GSK3beta in the context of islet inflammation remains unexplored. In this study, we tested the potential of lithium, an inhibitor of GSK3, in improving islet inflammation and glucose metabolism in the GK rat. In vivo, treatment of young GK rats prevented the development of overt diabetes which normally occurs in adult individuals. Lithium improved the glycemic status of the GK rats after few weeks of treatment. At the end of the protocol, GK rats treated with lithium had a blood glucose levels that were significantly lower than that of age-matched untreated GK rats, which were overtly diabetic at this stage. Lithium treatment resulted in reduced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, decreased fibrosis and reduced macrophage infiltration in the islets. Lithium partially restored the pancreatic insulin content, the insulin sensitivity and the glucose induced insulin secretion in the GK rats. Moreover, ex vivo studies in non-diabetic human and rat islets exposed to inflammatory environment in culture, revealed the direct implication of GSK3 in the islet autonomous inflammatory response. Moreover, we showed that GSK3 controls the islet inflammatory response at least in part by regulating the activity of the pro-inflammatory transcription factor STAT3. Taken together, our results identified GSK3 as a viable target to treat diabetes-associated inflammation, and could have potential clinical application in the treatment of diabetes and metabolic syndrome

Directing Akt and GSK3[beta] molecular insights into cell signaling and survival /

Meares, Gordon P. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file (viewed Feb. 7, 2008). Includes bibliographical references.

Characterization of regulatory mechanisms of CdGAP, a negative regulator of the small GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42

Danek, Eric Ian. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Ação de agonistas da via Wnt/beta-catenina em células T CD4+ murinas / Role of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in murine CD4 T cells

Santos, Carla Cristine Crude dos 12 June 2015 (has links)
A via canônica Wnt/beta-catenina regula várias funções em vertebrados, incluindo diferenciação de células T, bem como a proliferação, sobrevivência, morfogênese e migração de vários tipos celulares. As células T CD4+ é fundamental para a competência imunológica. Foi observado pelo nosso grupo que células T CD4+ humanas apresentam ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina após tratamento com sais de lítio ou outros agonistas da via. A ativação desta via induziu a proliferação de células T CD4+ naive e de memória central. Em conjunto, estes dados sugerem um importante papel da via Wnt/beta-catenina na homeostase de células T CD4+ humanas. Seria importante avaliar o papel da via Wnt/beta-catenina nas células do sistema imune no modelo murino, já que pouco se sabe sobre seu efeito na homeostase de células T CD4+ murinas. A ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina pode ser induzida com inibidores da proteína Glicogênio sintase quinase 3beta (GSK3beta), por exemplo, os sais de lítio (LiCl e Li2CO3) e inibidores específicos (SB, CHIR) em vários tipos celulares. Neste trabalho, avaliamos o efeito de inibidores de GSK3? na ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina canônica em esplenócitos e células T CD4+, através da realização de experimentos in vivo e in vitro, avaliando a expressão de seus genes alvo HIG2, Bcl-xL, Ciclina D1 e c-myc. Verificou-se que o tratamento in vivo agudo (2-12 h após a administração) ou crônico (administração diária por 30 dias) de camundongos não é capaz de ativar a via Wnt/beta-catenina in vivo em células esplênicas e células T CD4+, embora o mesmo tratamento induza a expressão dos genes alvo da via no tecido cerebral (córtex e hipocampo). Além disso, também não foi possível verificar ativação da via em esplenócitos e células T CD4+ após tratamento in vitro das mesmas com LiCl ou os inibidores específicos de GSK3beta testados(CHIR99021, SB-216763), embora essa ativação tenha sido observada na linhagem celular HEK293. Nossos resultados sugerem que a via Wnt/beta-catenina (canônica) não é induzível em células T CD4+ murinas maduras, com os agonistas testados. Isso pode ter implicações fisiológicas, por exemplo sobre a homeostase de células T CD4+, já que a proliferação homeostática de células T, influenciada em humanos pela via Wnt/beta-catenina, é menos importante em camundongos / The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway regulates many functions in vertebrates, including T cell differentiation, as well as proliferation, morphogenesis and migration in different cell types. CD4+ T cells play is fundamental for immunological competence. Our group has observed that human CD4+ T cells present activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway after treatment with lithium salts or other pathway agonists. The activation of this pathway induced proliferation in naive and central memory CD4+ T cells. Together, these results suggest an important role for the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in the homeostasis of human CD4+ T cells. It would be very important to evaluate the role of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in T cells in the mouse model, since little is known about its effect in mice CD4+ T cell homeostasis. The activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway may be induced with Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3B (GSK3beta) inhibitors, i.e., lithium salts as mentioned above, and specific GSK3beta inhibitors (SB, CHIR) in different cell types. In this work, we evaluated the effect of GSK3beta inhibitors in the activation of the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin in splenocytes and CD4+ T cells, by conducting experiments in vivo and in vitro, evaluating the expression of its target genes HIG2, Bcl-xL, Cyclin D1 and c-myc. We verified that acute (2-12 hours after administration) or chronic (daily administration for 30 days) treatment of mice with lithium salts is not able to activate the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in splenocytes and CD4+ T cells, although we could observe activation in brain tissues (cortex and hypothalamus). Besides, no activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway was observed in these cell types after in vitro treatment with LiCl or the specific inhibitors of GSK3beta (CHIR99021, SB-216763), while the pathway was activated by the same treatments in HEK293 cells. Our results suggest that the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway is not inducible in murine mature CD4+ T cells with the tested agonists. This may have physiological implications, for instance on the homeostasis of CD4+ T cells, where homeostatic proliferation - influenced the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in human T cells - is less important in the maintenance of the murine peripheral T cell pool

Analysis of Polarity Signaling in Both Early Embryogenesis and Germline Development in C. Elegans: A Dissertation

Bei, Yanxia 18 January 2005 (has links)
In a 4-cell C. elegans embryo the ventral blastomere EMS requires polarity signaling from its posterior sister cell, P2. This signaling event enables EMS to orient its division spindle along the anterior-posterior (A/P) axis and to specify the endoderm fate of its posterior daughter cell, E. Wnt pathway components have been implicated in mediating P2/EMS signaling. However, no single mutants or various mutant combinations of the Wnt pathway components disrupt EMS polarity completely. Here we describe the identification of a pathway that is defined by two tyrosine kinase related proteins, SRC-1 and MES-1, which function in parallel with Wnt signaling to specify endoderm and to orient the division axis of EMS. We show that SRC-1, a C. elegans homolog of c-Src, functions downstream of MES-1 to specifically enhance phosphotyrosine accumulation at the P2/EMS junction in order to control cell fate and mitotic spindle orientation in both the P2 and EMS cells. In the canonical Wnt pathway, GSK-3 is conserved across species and acts as a negative regulator. However, in C. elegans we find that GSK-3 functions in a positive manner and in parallel with other components in the Wnt pathway to specify endoderm during embryogenesis. In addition, we also show that GSK-3 regulates C. elegans germline development, a function of GSK-3 that is not associated with Wnt signaling. It is required for the differentiation of somatic gonadal cells as well as the regulation of meiotic cell cycle in germ cells. Our results indicate that GSK-3 modulates multiple signaling pathways to regulate both embryogenesis and germline development in C. elegans.

Ação de agonistas da via Wnt/beta-catenina em células T CD4+ murinas / Role of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in murine CD4 T cells

Carla Cristine Crude dos Santos 12 June 2015 (has links)
A via canônica Wnt/beta-catenina regula várias funções em vertebrados, incluindo diferenciação de células T, bem como a proliferação, sobrevivência, morfogênese e migração de vários tipos celulares. As células T CD4+ é fundamental para a competência imunológica. Foi observado pelo nosso grupo que células T CD4+ humanas apresentam ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina após tratamento com sais de lítio ou outros agonistas da via. A ativação desta via induziu a proliferação de células T CD4+ naive e de memória central. Em conjunto, estes dados sugerem um importante papel da via Wnt/beta-catenina na homeostase de células T CD4+ humanas. Seria importante avaliar o papel da via Wnt/beta-catenina nas células do sistema imune no modelo murino, já que pouco se sabe sobre seu efeito na homeostase de células T CD4+ murinas. A ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina pode ser induzida com inibidores da proteína Glicogênio sintase quinase 3beta (GSK3beta), por exemplo, os sais de lítio (LiCl e Li2CO3) e inibidores específicos (SB, CHIR) em vários tipos celulares. Neste trabalho, avaliamos o efeito de inibidores de GSK3? na ativação da via Wnt/beta-catenina canônica em esplenócitos e células T CD4+, através da realização de experimentos in vivo e in vitro, avaliando a expressão de seus genes alvo HIG2, Bcl-xL, Ciclina D1 e c-myc. Verificou-se que o tratamento in vivo agudo (2-12 h após a administração) ou crônico (administração diária por 30 dias) de camundongos não é capaz de ativar a via Wnt/beta-catenina in vivo em células esplênicas e células T CD4+, embora o mesmo tratamento induza a expressão dos genes alvo da via no tecido cerebral (córtex e hipocampo). Além disso, também não foi possível verificar ativação da via em esplenócitos e células T CD4+ após tratamento in vitro das mesmas com LiCl ou os inibidores específicos de GSK3beta testados(CHIR99021, SB-216763), embora essa ativação tenha sido observada na linhagem celular HEK293. Nossos resultados sugerem que a via Wnt/beta-catenina (canônica) não é induzível em células T CD4+ murinas maduras, com os agonistas testados. Isso pode ter implicações fisiológicas, por exemplo sobre a homeostase de células T CD4+, já que a proliferação homeostática de células T, influenciada em humanos pela via Wnt/beta-catenina, é menos importante em camundongos / The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway regulates many functions in vertebrates, including T cell differentiation, as well as proliferation, morphogenesis and migration in different cell types. CD4+ T cells play is fundamental for immunological competence. Our group has observed that human CD4+ T cells present activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway after treatment with lithium salts or other pathway agonists. The activation of this pathway induced proliferation in naive and central memory CD4+ T cells. Together, these results suggest an important role for the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in the homeostasis of human CD4+ T cells. It would be very important to evaluate the role of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in T cells in the mouse model, since little is known about its effect in mice CD4+ T cell homeostasis. The activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway may be induced with Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3B (GSK3beta) inhibitors, i.e., lithium salts as mentioned above, and specific GSK3beta inhibitors (SB, CHIR) in different cell types. In this work, we evaluated the effect of GSK3beta inhibitors in the activation of the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin in splenocytes and CD4+ T cells, by conducting experiments in vivo and in vitro, evaluating the expression of its target genes HIG2, Bcl-xL, Cyclin D1 and c-myc. We verified that acute (2-12 hours after administration) or chronic (daily administration for 30 days) treatment of mice with lithium salts is not able to activate the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in splenocytes and CD4+ T cells, although we could observe activation in brain tissues (cortex and hypothalamus). Besides, no activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway was observed in these cell types after in vitro treatment with LiCl or the specific inhibitors of GSK3beta (CHIR99021, SB-216763), while the pathway was activated by the same treatments in HEK293 cells. Our results suggest that the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway is not inducible in murine mature CD4+ T cells with the tested agonists. This may have physiological implications, for instance on the homeostasis of CD4+ T cells, where homeostatic proliferation - influenced the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in human T cells - is less important in the maintenance of the murine peripheral T cell pool

Role of GSK-3 and T-bet in anti-tumor immunity

Cherukommu, Shirisha 03 1900 (has links)
Le facteur de transcription T-bet joue un rôle central dans la régulation de la différenciation des lymphocytes T. La protéine tyrosine kinase, la glycogène synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3), inhibe l'activation des lymphocytes T et contrôle l'expression de leurs récepteurs inhibiteurs PD-1 et LAG- 3. Bien que l'inhibition de GSK-3 puisse augmenter l'expression de T-bet, l'interrelation entre T-bet et GSK-3 dans l'immunité tumorale est inconnue. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que les souris knock-out T-bet (Tbet - / -) sont compromises dans leur capacité à contrôler la croissance des cellules tumorales du mélanome B16. Cependant, l'injection d'une petite molécule inhibitrice (SMI) de GSK-3 inverse cette condition compromise entraînant le contrôle de la croissance tumorale similaire à celle observée chez les souris de type sauvage. Un examen de Tbet - / - a montré une perte de cellules dendritiques (DC) et de cellules leucocytes polymorphonucléaires (PMN) potentiellement suppressives et de lymphocytes tumoraux T (TILs) CD4 + accompagnée d'une augmentation de cellules T CD8 +. L'analyse viSNE (avancé tSNE) a en outre montré une réduction de la population effectrice expérimentée à l'antigène dans les TILs CD8 + chez Tbet -/-. Cette population est marquée par la réduction de CD44. L'inhibition de GSK-3 n'a montré aucun effet sur la perte de DC, TILs CD4 +, PMN et les TILs CD8 + ainsi que l’expression de Granzyme B (GZMB) sur les cellules T CD8 +. La seule exception était une augmentation mineure néanmoins statistiquement significative du facteur de transcription Eomesdermin (Eomes) dans les TILs CD8 +. L'étude démontre un effet compensatoire inattendu de l'inhibition de GSK-3 sur la perte de T-bet. Il reste à élucider la nature complète du parcours de cette compensation. / The transcription factor T-bet plays a central role in regulating T-cell differentiation, while the protein tyrosine kinase, glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) inhibits T-cell activation and controls the expression of inhibitory receptors PD-1 and LAG-3 on T-cells. Although GSK-3 inhibition can increase T-bet expression, the inter-relationship between T-bet and GSK-3 in tumor immunity is unknown. In this study, we show that T-bet knock-out (Tbet-/-) mice are compromised in their ability to control the growth of the B16 melanoma tumor cells. However, the injection of a small molecule inhibitor (SMI) of GSK-3 reverses this compromised condition resulting in the control of tumor growth similar to that seen in wild type mice. An examination of Tbet-/- showed a loss of dendritic cells (DC) and potentially suppressive polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) and CD4+ cell tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) accompanied by an increase in CD8+ cells. viSNE analysis (advanced tSNE- t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) further showed a reduction of antigen experienced effector marker CD44 in CD8+ TILs in Tbet-/-. GSK-3 inhibition showed no effect on the loss of DCs, CD4+ TILs or the presence of PMNs or CD8+ T-cells or the loss of Granzyme B (GZMB) on CD8+ cells. The one exception was a minor but statistically significant increase in the transcription factor Eomesodermin (Eomes) in CD8+ TILs. The study demonstrates an unexpected compensatory effect of GSK-3 inhibition on the loss of T-bet. The full nature of the pathway that accounts for this compensation remains to be elucidated.

Evidence that glycogen synthase kinase-3 isoforms have distinct substrate preference in the brain

Soutar, M.P., Kim, W.Y., Williamson, Ritchie, Peggie, M., Hastie, C.J., McLauchlan, H., Snider, W.D., Gordon-Weeks, P.R., Sutherland, C. January 2010 (has links)
No / Mammalian glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) is generated from two genes, GSK3alpha and GSK3beta, while a splice variant of GSK3beta (GSK3beta2), containing a 13 amino acid insert, is enriched in neurons. GSK3alpha and GSK3beta deletions generate distinct phenotypes. Here, we show that phosphorylation of CRMP2, CRMP4, beta-catenin, c-Myc, c-Jun and some residues on tau associated with Alzheimer's disease, is altered in cortical tissue lacking both isoforms of GSK3. This confirms that they are physiological targets for GSK3. However, deletion of each GSK3 isoform produces distinct substrate phosphorylation, indicating that each has a different spectrum of substrates (e.g. phosphorylation of Thr509, Thr514 and Ser518 of CRMP is not detectable in cortex lacking GSK3beta, yet normal in cortex lacking GSK3alpha). Furthermore, the neuron-enriched GSK3beta2 variant phosphorylates phospho-glycogen synthase 2 peptide, CRMP2 (Thr509/514), CRMP4 (Thr509), Inhibitor-2 (Thr72) and tau (Ser396), at a lower rate than GSK3beta1. In contrast phosphorylation of c-Myc and c-Jun is equivalent for each GSK3beta isoform, providing evidence that differential substrate phosphorylation is achieved through alterations in expression and splicing of the GSK3 gene. Finally, each GSK3beta splice variant is phosphorylated to a similar extent at the regulatory sites, Ser9 and Tyr216, and exhibit identical sensitivities to the ATP competitive inhibitor CT99021, suggesting upstream regulation and ATP binding properties of GSK3beta1 and GSK3beta2 are similar.

Cardioprotection by Drug-Induced Changes in Glucose and Glycogen Metabolism

Omar, Mohamed Abdalla Unknown Date
No description available.

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