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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biosíntesi de glicolípids de membrana en Mycoplasma genitalium: expressió, purificació i caracterització d'una glicosiltransferasa processiva en la formació de glicosildiacilglicerols

Martínez Mas, Núria 11 November 2011 (has links)
Aquesta tesi se centra en l’estudi de les possibles glicosiltransferases de Micoplasma genitalium involucrades en la síntesi de glicolípids. Aquests compostos formen part de la membrana plasmàtica del microorganisme, únic envolcall que el protegeix del seu entorn ja que no disposa de paret cel•lular. La hipòtesi sobre la qual s’ha desenvolupat el treball és la possibilitat que aquests glicolípids i els enzims encarregats de la seva producció, les glicosiltransferases, siguin essencials per a la viabilitat del micoplasma i per tant, la seva inhibició sigui una forma d’eradicar les infeccions causades pel patògen. De les tres seqüències classificades com a glicosiltrasferases en el genoma de Mycoplasma genitalium, mg025, mg060 i mg517, s’ha determinat que mg025 és l’únic dels tres gens que no és essencial per al bacteri, tot i que s’ha observat que els tres s’expressen tant a la fase exponencial com a la fase estacionària del seu creixement. La funció de mg025 i mg060 és encara desconeguda, mentre que mg517 és la glicosiltransferasa encarregada de la síntesi dels dos principals glicolípids del micoplasma, el monoglicosildiacilglicerol (MGlcDG) i el diglicosildiacilglicerol (DGlcDG). En aquesta tesi s’ha desenvolupat un protocol d’expressió per a la glicosiltransferasa codificada per mg517, anomenada GT-MG517, el qual fa ús d’una coexpressió amb xaperones i solubilitza la proteïna amb detergents, glicerol i una elevada força iònica. Aquesta metodologia ha estat necessària ja que GT-MG517 és una proteïna associada a membrana i la seva expressió recombinant en E.coli presenta dificultats. La proteïna s’ha purificat mitjançant cromatografia d’afinitat per Ni, tot i que el grau de puresa assolit no ha estat suficient per a intentar la seva cristal•lització. Les diverses proves realitzades usant cromatografia d’exclusió molecular han permès determinar que GT-MG517 forma oligòmers d’alt pes molecular. A partir de la proteïna purificada s’ha realitzat un estudi cinètic de la seva doble activitat glicosildiacilglicerolsintasa. D’aquest estudi s’extreu que GT-MG517 pot transferir un sucre, Glc o Gal, a una molècula principalment hidrofòbica, com és el DOG, i a una molècula molt més hidrofílica, com el MGlcDG. Ambdós compostos però posseeixen un alcohol primari sobre el qual té lloc la transferència creant l’enllaç (16). Amb qualsevol dels substrats acceptors provats, l’enzim presenta activitats específiques superiors si el substrat donador és UDP-Gal. L’acceptor preferit de GT-MG517 és el lípid DOG, però la glicosiltransferasa és capaç d’elongar, ja sigui amb una Glc o amb una Gal, glicolípids com el MGlcDG i el MGDEG, preferint en aquest cas el compost amb una Gal a l’extrem no reductor. Tot i això, l’afinitat de l’enzim és superior per a donadors amb Glc (KM inferiors a les dels donadors amb Gal). D’altra banda, s’ha demostrat que el lípid aniònic DOPG es comporta com a activador de l’activitat enzimática. GT-MG517 posseeix un teòric domini d’unió d’UDP-Glc a l’extrem N-terminal. Aquesta zona presenta similitud de seqüència amb altres glicosiltransferases i permet la classificació de GT-MG517 dins de la família GT-2. En canvi, el seu extrem C-terminal presenta una seqüència particular que no s’alinea amb altres proteïnes. En aquesta tesi es formula la hipòtesi que aquesta zona podria ser d’interacció amb la membrana i, a més, que aquesta interacció podria regular l’activitat enzimàtica. Per això es preparen diverses formes truncades de GT-MG517, en les quals s’eliminen alguns aminoàcids de l’extrem C-terminal, i una forma en la qual només es conserva l’hipotètic domini d’unió d’UDP-Glc. Aquestes noves proteïnes s’expressen, solubilitzen i purifiquen aplicant el protocol establert per a la forma completa. Amb l’anàlisi dels glicolípids sintetitzats s’estableix que els deu últims aminoàcids de GT-MG517 són prescindibles per a la seva activitat, ja que les formes truncades corresponents continuen tenint la capacitat de sintetitzar glicolípids. No obstant, l’eliminació d’un nombre superior de residus, inactiva la proteïna. La purificació de l’hipotètic domini d’unió d’UDP-Glc posa de manifest que forma oligòmers, de la mateixa forma que ho fa la proteïna completa. / Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de las posibles glicosiltransferasas de Mycoplasma genitalium involucradas en la síntesis de glicolípidos. Estas moléculas constituyen parte de la membrana plasmática del miroorganismo, única estructura de protección frente al entorno ya que los micoplasmas carecen de pared celular. La hipótesis sobre la cual se ha desarrollado el trabajo es la posibilidad que los mencionados glicolípidos y las enzimas encargadas de su producción, las glicosiltransferasas, sean esenciales para la viabilidad del micoplasma y, por tanto, su inhibición sea una forma de erradicar las infecciones causadas por el patógeno. De las tres secuencias clasificadas como glicosiltransferasas en el genoma de Mycoplasma genitalium, mg025, mg060 y mg517, se determinó que mg025 es el único de los tres genes que no es esencial para la bacteria, aunque se observó que los tres se expresan tanto en la fase exponencial como en la fase estacionaria de su crecimiento. Se desconoce todavía la función de mg025 y mg060. En cambio, se conoce que mg517 es la glicosiltransferasa responsable de la síntesis de los dos principales glicolípidos del micoplasma, el monoglicosildiacilglicerol (MGlcDG) y el diglicosildiacilglicerol (DGlcDG). En esta tesis se desarrolló un protocolo de expresión para la glicosiltransferasa codificada por mg517, llamada GT-MG517, el cual emplea una coexpresión con chaperonas y solubiliza la proteína con detergentes, glicerol y una fuerza iónica elevada. Dicha metodología fue necesaria ya que GT-MG517 es una proteína asociada a membrana y su expresión recombinante en E.coli presenta dificultades. La proteína se purificó mediante cromatografía de afinidad por Ni pero el grado de pureza obtenido no fue suficiente para intentar su cristalización. Distintas pruebas realizadas usando cromatografía d’exclusión molecular permitieron determinar que GT-MG517 forma oligómeros de alto peso molecular. Con la proteína purificada se realizó un estudio cinético de su doble actividad glicosildiacilglicerolsintasa. De este estudio se extrae que GT-MG517 puede transferir un azúcar, Glc o Gal, a una molécula principalmente hidrofóbica, como es el DOG, y a una molécula mucho más hidrofílica, como el MGlcDG. Pese a su diferencia, los dos compuestos poseen un alcohol primario sobre el que tiene lugar la transferencia creándose el enlace (16). Con cualquiera de los sustratos aceptores probados, la enzima presenta actividades específicas superiores si el sustrato dador es UDP-Gal. El aceptor preferido de GT-MG517 es el lípido DOG, aunque la glicosiltransferasa es capaz de elongar, ya sea con una Glc o con una Gal, glicolípidos como el MGlcDG y el MGDEG, prefiriendo en este caso el compuesto con una Gal en el extremo no reductor. Aún así, la afinidad de la enzima es superior para dadores con Glc (KM inferiores a las de los dadores con Gal). Por otro lado, se demostró que el lípido aniónico DOPG se comporta como activador de la actividad enzimática. GT-MG517 posee un dominio teórico de unión de UDP-Glc en su extremo N-terminal. Esta zona presenta similitud de secuencia con otras glicosiltransferasas y permite la clasificación de GT-MG517 dentro de la familia GT-2. En cambio, su extremo C-terminal presenta una secuencia particular que no se alinea con otras proteínas. En esta tesis se formula la hipótesis que dicha zona podría ser de interacción con la membrana y, además, que dicha interacción podría regular la actividad enzimática. Por eso se prepararon distintas formas trucadas de GT-MG517, en las cuales se eliminaron algunos aminoácidos del extremo C-terminal, y una forma en la cual sólo se conservó el hipotético dominio de unión de UDP-Glc. Las nuevas proteínas se expresaron, solubilizaron y purificaron aplicando el protocolo establecido para la forma completa. Con el análisis de los glicolípidos sintetizados se determinó que los diez últimos aminoácidos de GT-MG517 eran prescindibles para su actividad, ya que las correspondientes formas truncadas conservaban su capacidad de sintetizar glicolípidos. No obstante, la eliminación de un número superior de residuos inactiva la proteína. La purificación del hipotético dominio de unión de UDP puso de manifiesto que forma oligómeros, de la misma forma en que lo hace la proteína completa. / This thesis is focused on the glycolipid producing glycosyltransferases from Mycoplasma genitalium. Glycolipids are part of the microorganism plasma membrane, which is the external covering of mycoplasmas since they lack a cell wall. Our working hypothesis is that glycolipids and the enzymes responsible for their production are essential to mycoplasma. Thus, glycosyltransferase inhibition could be a way to eradicate this pathogen caused infections. There are three genes described as putative glycosyltransferases in Mycoplasma genitalium genome, mg025, mg060 and mg517. We determined that mg025 is the only one essential to the bacteria, although the three of them are expressed both during the exponential and stationary growth phases. The function of mg025 and mg060 still remains unknown, whereas mg517 codifies for the glycosyltransferase responsible for monoglycosyldiacylglycerol (MGlcDG) and diglycosyldiacylglycerol (DGlcDG) synthesis, main mycoplasma glycolipids. In this work an expression protocol for mg517 codified glycosyltransferase was designed. The protocol included chaperone coexpression and protein solubilization with detergents, glycerol and high ionic strength. This methodology was necessary since GT-MG517 is a membrane associated protein and its recombinant expression in E.coli presents some difficulties. GT-MG517 was purified by Ni affinity chromatography. However, a suitable purity degree to attempt protein crystallization was not achieved. Some experiments using size exclusion chromatography revealed that GT-MG517 forms high molecular weight oligomers. A kinetic study of the protein double glycosyldiacylglycerol synthase activity was performed. From this study we learned that GT-MG517 is able to transfer a sugar moiety, Glc or Gal, both to a hydrophobic molecule such as DOG or to a more hydrophilic compound such as MGlcDG. These acceptor substrates share a primary alcohol where the sugar transfer takes place forming a (16) bond. The enzyme presents higher specific activities when UDP-Gal acts as reaction donor, regardless of the acceptor tested. DOG is the preferred acceptor although the enzyme is able to transfer Glc or Gal moieties to glycolipids such as MGlcDG and MGDEG. In this case, the reaction is faster with acceptors with Gal in the non-reducing end. As for donor substrate, enzyme’s affinity is higher for Glc containing molecules, with lower KM values than for Gal donors. In addition, our study proved the anionic lipid DOPG to act as an enzymatic activity enhancer. GT-MG517 has a putative binding domain for UDP-Glc in the N-terminal end. This sequence is similar to other glycosyltransferases and allows its classification in Cazy’s GT-2 family. On the contrary, the C-terminal end has a particular sequence which does not match up with any other protein. Our hypothesis was that this C-terminal end of GT-MG517 could contain a membrane interaction sequence, which could at the same time modulate enzymatic activity. To test this hypothesis some truncated forms of GT-MG517, where C-terminal aminoacids had been removed, were prepared. Moreover, a form where only the putative UDP-Glc binding domain was conserved was also expressed. All these proteins were expressed, solubilized and purified with the same protocol used for the full-length form of GT-MG517. Glycolipids produced by truncated forms were analysed and results implied that the last ten aminoacids were not involved in the enzyme’s activity. Elimination of a higher number of aminoacids caused protein inactivation. When the putative UDP-binding domain was purified, it showed high molecular weight oligomers such as those developed by the complete form of the protein.

Design and Synthesis of TLR2 and TLR6 Heterodimer Ligands, a Triply Functionalized α-GalCer Derivative for Identifying Proteins Involved in Glycolipid Trafficking, and the Disaccharide of Staphylococcus aureus CP8 Towards a Self-Adjuvanting Vaccine

Mata, Sara Mayeth 01 July 2019 (has links)
Toll like receptors (TLRs) are found on B cells, macrophages, monocytes, and dendritic cells, and these cells belong to the innate immune system that recognizes antigens and induces multiple cell responses through the release of cytokines. TLR1, TLR2 and TLR6 function as heterodimers, either as TLR1/TLR2 or TLR2/TLR6 to recognize lipopeptides. TLR1/2 dimer activation releases inflammatory cytokines, while TLR2/TLR6 dimer activation releases immunomodulatory cytokines. Based on the size of the binding pocket between TLR2 and TLR6, it was hypothesized that lipopeptides, such as FSL1, could be simplified while keeping overall activity. FSL1 is a lipopeptide first isolated from Mycoplasma salivarum that activates macrophages at picomolar concentrations. It is expected that synthetic lipopeptides mimicking immunostimulatory molecules such as FSL1 will allow development of better ways to stimulate or modulate the immune system. Therefore, novel synthetic TLR2/6 ligands were synthesized replacing the polylysine chain with a polyamine chain showing activation of the immune cells in a manner like FSL1. Natural killer T-cell (NKT) antigens, such as α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer), are carried through the body by lipid transfer proteins before they interact with the NKT cells. Not all the proteins involved in glycolipid transportation have been characterized. The synthesis of an α-GalCer analogue, termed CD1d-Triceps was designed to help find additional proteins involved in glycolipid trafficking. CD1d-Triceps has three functionalities: the first is the α-GalCer structure, and the other two are on C6 of the sugar: biotin, which helps tag the molecule for its purification, and a photoactive tag that, upon UV light activation, will cross-link with neighboring proteins. Antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) are a growing health problem worldwide. Serotype 5 and 8 are the most common SA pathogens. Loading the serotype 5 or 8 disaccharides onto Qβ-particles that are linked to an NKT cell activator yield a vaccine that is expected to trigger adaptive immunity to the disaccharide. Previous similar studies showed production of antibodies with high affinity against Streptococcus pyogenes oligosaccharides in a similar vaccine.

Auto-organisation des Acyl Steroid Glycosides (ASG) : Etude des relations structure-propriétés pour les cas de l’α-CAG et du BbGL 1, constituants de membranes bactériennes / Self-organization behavior of Acyl Steroid Glycosides (ASG) : structure-property investigation of bacterial membrane components α-CAG and BbGL 1 and their analogues

Zonglong, Yang 15 May 2018 (has links)
Les acyl stéryl glycosides (ASGs) appartiennent à une famille de glycolipides qui possèdent un caractère amphiphile particulier dû à la présence de deux parties hydrophobes, un stéroïde et une chaine grasse. Dans le cadre de nos études des propriétés d’auto-organisation des glycoamphiphiles, ce travail est dédié à l’étude de deux ASGs, α-CAG et BbGL 1, composés naturels présents respectivement dans les membranes des bactéries Helicobacter pylori et Borrelia burgdorferi., présentant des structures similaires mais des activités biologiques différentes. Notre travail a consisté à déterminer les paramètres structuraux qui gouvernent leurs propriétés d’auto-assemblage. Deux séries de 6-O-acyl cholestéryl glycosides (glucosides et galactosides) variant dans leur configuration anomérique et la longueur et le niveau d’insaturation de leur chaine grasse ont été synthétisées et leur capacité à former des cristaux liquides et à promouvoir une ségrégation lipidique dans des monocouches de Langmuir modèles de membrane ont été étudiées. Les relations structure-propriétés établies montrent que la longueur de la chaine grasse est le paramètre le plus discriminant dans le comportement d’auto-assemblage dans les deux types d’expériences. Pour les cristaux liquides thermotropes, l’autre facteur discriminant est la configuration anomérique, deux phases colonnaires successives rectangulaires puis hexagonales étant observées pour les séries α alors qu’une seule a été observée en séries β Changer de sucre n’induit pas de différence significative dans le comportement LC. Concernant la formation de domaines lipidiques, les modifications de la configuration (α/β) et du sucre influencent significativement leur temps d’apparition, apportant pour la première fois une définition claire des paramètres structuraux et physicochimiques qui gouvernent le comportement de l’α-CAG et ses analogues, en lien avec les données commues sur l’augmentation de pathogénicité d’Helicobacter pylori. Ce travail de thèse donne une illustration de l’importance de la structure des carbohydrates dans les processus biologiques et du concept de glycoamphiphilie. / Acyl steryl glycosides (ASGs) are a family of glycolipids which exhibit a peculiar amphiphilic character based on the presence of two hydrophobic appendages, one steroid moiety and one fatty alkyl chain, attached on a polar carbohydrate backbone. In the frame of our studies on the self-organisation properties of carbohydrate-based amphiphiles, this thesis is an investigation of the behavior of ASGs, in particular α-CAG and BbGL 1, two natural compounds found in bacterial membranes, Helicobacter pylori, Borrelia burgdorferi repectively, who exhibit close structures but different bioactivity. Our work has aimed at determining the key structural parameters governing their self-organization behavior. Two series of acyl cholesteryl glycosides (glucosides or galactosides) have been synthesized, with variations in the anomeric configuration, the 6-O-acyl chain length and level of unsaturation, and investigated with respect to their ability to form liquid crystalline mesophases, and to drive lipid domain segregation in Langmuir monolayers as model membranes. Structure-properties relationships have been established, indicating that the fatty chain length showed the most remarkable influence on the self-organization behavior, in LC and model membrane experiments. For the LC mesophases, the other important parameter is the anomeric configuration, two successive columnar phases, rectangular then hexagonal, being observed for the α-anomers, whereas only one was found for the β-anomers. No significant changes were observed when comparing glucosides and galactosides. With respect the formation of domains, configuration modifications at both C-1 (α or β) and C-4 (gluco or galacto) influenced significantly the domains appearance time, giving the first, clear physicochemical proof of the structural influential factors in the behavior of α-CAG and analogues, in the context of the known increased pathogenicity of Helicobacter pylori. Overall, this thesis provides a nice illustration of the subtlety and the importance of carbohydrate structure in biological processes, and of the concept of glycoamphiphilicity.


村松, 喬, 斎藤, 政樹, 高崎, 誠一, 平林, 義雄, 堀田, 恭子, 山科, 郁男, 成松, 久, 鈴木, 明身, 永井, 克孝, 牧田, 章, 遠藤, 正彦, 長谷, 純宏, 鈴木, 旺, 川嵜, 敏祐, 松本, 勲武, 山下, 克子, 小川, 智也, 稲垣, 冬彦, 入村, 達郎 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:総合研究(A) 課題番号:03304050 研究代表者:村松 喬 研究期間:1991-1993年度

Hanseníase neural, aspectos diagnósticos da forma neural pura e mecanismos imunopatogênicos da lesão do nervo na doença. Participação de quimiocinas CCL2 e CXCL10 e metaloproteinases 2 e 9 / Neural leprosy, pure neural leprosy diagnosis and imunopatogenic mechanisms of nerve damage during the disease. Participation of chemokines CCL2 and CXCL10) and metalloproteinases 2 and 9

Mildred Ferreira Medeiros 18 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O diagnóstico da hanseníase neural pura baseia-se em dados clínicos e laboratoriais do paciente, incluindo a histopatologia de espécimes de biópsia de nervo e detecção de DNA de Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) pelo PCR. Como o exame histopatológico e a técnica PCR podem não ser suficientes para confirmar o diagnóstico, a imunomarcação de lipoarabinomanana (LAM) e/ou Glicolipídio fenólico 1 (PGL1) - componentes de parede celular de M. leprae foi utilizada na primeira etapa deste estudo, na tentativa de detectar qualquer presença vestigial do M. leprae em amostras de nervo sem bacilos. Além disso, sabe-se que a lesão do nervo na hanseníase pode diretamente ser induzida pelo M. leprae nos estágios iniciais da infecção, no entanto, os mecanismos imunomediados adicionam severidade ao comprometimento da função neural em períodos sintomáticos da doença. Este estudo investigou também a expressão imuno-histoquímica de marcadores envolvidos nos mecanismos de patogenicidade do dano ao nervo na hanseníase. Os imunomarcadores selecionados foram: quimiocinas CXCL10, CCL2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD68, HLA-DR, e metaloproteinases 2 e 9. O estudo foi desenvolvido em espécimes de biópsias congeladas de nervo coletados de pacientes com HNP (n=23 / 6 BAAR+ e 17 BAAR - PCR +) e pacientes diagnosticados com outras neuropatias (n=5) utilizados como controle. Todas as amostras foram criosseccionadas e submetidas à imunoperoxidase. Os resultados iniciais demonstraram que as 6 amostras de nervos BAAR+ são LAM+/PGL1+. Já entre as 17 amostras de nervos BAAR-, 8 são LAM+ e/ou PGL1+. Nas 17 amostras de nervos BAAR-PCR+, apenas 7 tiveram resultados LAM+ e/ou PGL1+. A detecção de imunorreatividade para LAM e PGL1 nas amostras de nervo do grupo HNP contribuiu para a maior eficiência diagnóstica na ausência recursos a diagnósticos moleculares. Os resultados da segunda parte deste estudo mostraram que foram encontradas imunoreatividade para CXCL10, CCL2, MMP2 e MMP9 nos nervos da hanseníase, mas não em amostras de nervos com outras neuropatias. Além disso, essa imunomarcação foi encontrada predominantemente em células de Schwann e em macrófagos da população celular inflamatória nos nervos HNP. Os outros marcadores de ativação imunológica foram encontrados em leucócitos (linfócitos T e macrófagos) do infiltrado inflamatório encontrados nos nervos. A expressão de todos os marcadores, exceto CXCL10, apresentou associação com a fibrose, no entanto, apenas a CCL2, independentemente dos outros imunomarcadores, estava associada a esse excessivo depósito de matriz extracelular. Nenhuma diferença na frequência da imunomarcação foi detectada entre os subgrupos BAAR+ e BAAR-, exceção feita apenas às células CD68+ e HLA-DR+, que apresentaram discreta diferença entre os grupos BAAR + e BAAR- com granuloma epitelioide. A expressão de MMP9 associada com fibrose é consistente com os resultados anteriores do grupo de pesquisa. Estes resultados indicam que as quimiocinas CCL2 e CXCL10 não são determinantes para o estabelecimento das lesões com ou sem bacilos nos em nervo em estágios avançados da doença, entretanto, a CCL2 está associada com o recrutamento de macrófagos e com o desenvolvimento da fibrose do nervo na lesão neural da hanseníase. / The diagnosis of pure neural leprosy (PNL) is based on clinical and laboratory data, including the histopathology of nerve biopsy specimens and detection of M. leprae DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Given that histopathological examination and PCR methods may not be sufficient to confirm diagnosis, immunolabeling of lipoarabinomanan (LAM) and/or phenolic glycolipid 1 (PGL1) M. leprae wall components were utilized in the first step of this investigation in an attempt to detect any vestigial presence of M. leprae in AFB- nerve samples. Furthermore, its well known that nerve damage in leprosy can be directly induced by Mycobacterium leprae in the early stages of infection; however, immunomediated mechanisms add gravity to the impairment of neural function in symptomatic periods of the disease. Therefore, this study also investigated the immunohistochemical expression of immunomarkers involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of leprosy nerve damage. These markers selected were CXCL10, CCL2 chemokines and CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD68, HLA-DR, metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in nerve biopsy specimens collected from leprosy (23) and nonleprosy patients (5) suffering peripheral neuropathy. Twenty-three PNL nerve samples (6 AFB+ and 17 AFB-PCR+) were cryosectioned and submitted to LAM and PGL1 immunohistochemical staining by immunoperoxidase; 5 nonleprosy nerve samples were used as controls. The 6 AFB-positive samples showed LAM/PGL1 immunoreactivity. Among the 17 AFB- samples, only 8 revealed LAM and/or PGL1 immunoreactivity. In 17 AFB-PCR+ patients, just 7 had LAM and/or PGL1-positive nerve results. In the PNL cases, the detection of immunolabeled LAM and PGL1 in the nerve samples would have contributed to enhanced diagnostic efficiency in the absence of molecular diagnostic facilities. The results of the second part of this study showed that CXCL10-, CCL2-, MMP2- and MMP9-immunoreactivities were found in the leprosy nerves but not in nonleprosy samples. Immunolabeling was predominantly found in recruited macrophages and Schwann cells composing the inflammatory cellular population in the leprosy-affected nerves. The immunohistochemical expression of all the markers, but CXCL10, was associated with fibrosis; however, only CCL2 was, independently from the other markers, associated with this excessive deposit of extracellular matrix. No difference in the frequency of the immunolabeling was detected between the AFB+ and AFB- leprosy subgroups of nerves, exception made to some statistical tendency to difference in regard to CD68+ and HLA-DR+ cells in the AFB- nerves exhibiting epithelioid granuloma. MMP9 expression associated with fibrosis is consistent with previous results of this research group. The findings conveys the idea that CCL2 and CXCL10 chemokines at least in advanced stages of leprosy nerve lesions are not determinant for the establishment of AFB+ or AFB- leprosy lesions, however, CCL2 is associated with macrophage recruitment and fibrosis.

Hanseníase neural, aspectos diagnósticos da forma neural pura e mecanismos imunopatogênicos da lesão do nervo na doença. Participação de quimiocinas CCL2 e CXCL10 e metaloproteinases 2 e 9 / Neural leprosy, pure neural leprosy diagnosis and imunopatogenic mechanisms of nerve damage during the disease. Participation of chemokines CCL2 and CXCL10) and metalloproteinases 2 and 9

Mildred Ferreira Medeiros 18 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O diagnóstico da hanseníase neural pura baseia-se em dados clínicos e laboratoriais do paciente, incluindo a histopatologia de espécimes de biópsia de nervo e detecção de DNA de Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) pelo PCR. Como o exame histopatológico e a técnica PCR podem não ser suficientes para confirmar o diagnóstico, a imunomarcação de lipoarabinomanana (LAM) e/ou Glicolipídio fenólico 1 (PGL1) - componentes de parede celular de M. leprae foi utilizada na primeira etapa deste estudo, na tentativa de detectar qualquer presença vestigial do M. leprae em amostras de nervo sem bacilos. Além disso, sabe-se que a lesão do nervo na hanseníase pode diretamente ser induzida pelo M. leprae nos estágios iniciais da infecção, no entanto, os mecanismos imunomediados adicionam severidade ao comprometimento da função neural em períodos sintomáticos da doença. Este estudo investigou também a expressão imuno-histoquímica de marcadores envolvidos nos mecanismos de patogenicidade do dano ao nervo na hanseníase. Os imunomarcadores selecionados foram: quimiocinas CXCL10, CCL2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD68, HLA-DR, e metaloproteinases 2 e 9. O estudo foi desenvolvido em espécimes de biópsias congeladas de nervo coletados de pacientes com HNP (n=23 / 6 BAAR+ e 17 BAAR - PCR +) e pacientes diagnosticados com outras neuropatias (n=5) utilizados como controle. Todas as amostras foram criosseccionadas e submetidas à imunoperoxidase. Os resultados iniciais demonstraram que as 6 amostras de nervos BAAR+ são LAM+/PGL1+. Já entre as 17 amostras de nervos BAAR-, 8 são LAM+ e/ou PGL1+. Nas 17 amostras de nervos BAAR-PCR+, apenas 7 tiveram resultados LAM+ e/ou PGL1+. A detecção de imunorreatividade para LAM e PGL1 nas amostras de nervo do grupo HNP contribuiu para a maior eficiência diagnóstica na ausência recursos a diagnósticos moleculares. Os resultados da segunda parte deste estudo mostraram que foram encontradas imunoreatividade para CXCL10, CCL2, MMP2 e MMP9 nos nervos da hanseníase, mas não em amostras de nervos com outras neuropatias. Além disso, essa imunomarcação foi encontrada predominantemente em células de Schwann e em macrófagos da população celular inflamatória nos nervos HNP. Os outros marcadores de ativação imunológica foram encontrados em leucócitos (linfócitos T e macrófagos) do infiltrado inflamatório encontrados nos nervos. A expressão de todos os marcadores, exceto CXCL10, apresentou associação com a fibrose, no entanto, apenas a CCL2, independentemente dos outros imunomarcadores, estava associada a esse excessivo depósito de matriz extracelular. Nenhuma diferença na frequência da imunomarcação foi detectada entre os subgrupos BAAR+ e BAAR-, exceção feita apenas às células CD68+ e HLA-DR+, que apresentaram discreta diferença entre os grupos BAAR + e BAAR- com granuloma epitelioide. A expressão de MMP9 associada com fibrose é consistente com os resultados anteriores do grupo de pesquisa. Estes resultados indicam que as quimiocinas CCL2 e CXCL10 não são determinantes para o estabelecimento das lesões com ou sem bacilos nos em nervo em estágios avançados da doença, entretanto, a CCL2 está associada com o recrutamento de macrófagos e com o desenvolvimento da fibrose do nervo na lesão neural da hanseníase. / The diagnosis of pure neural leprosy (PNL) is based on clinical and laboratory data, including the histopathology of nerve biopsy specimens and detection of M. leprae DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Given that histopathological examination and PCR methods may not be sufficient to confirm diagnosis, immunolabeling of lipoarabinomanan (LAM) and/or phenolic glycolipid 1 (PGL1) M. leprae wall components were utilized in the first step of this investigation in an attempt to detect any vestigial presence of M. leprae in AFB- nerve samples. Furthermore, its well known that nerve damage in leprosy can be directly induced by Mycobacterium leprae in the early stages of infection; however, immunomediated mechanisms add gravity to the impairment of neural function in symptomatic periods of the disease. Therefore, this study also investigated the immunohistochemical expression of immunomarkers involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of leprosy nerve damage. These markers selected were CXCL10, CCL2 chemokines and CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD68, HLA-DR, metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in nerve biopsy specimens collected from leprosy (23) and nonleprosy patients (5) suffering peripheral neuropathy. Twenty-three PNL nerve samples (6 AFB+ and 17 AFB-PCR+) were cryosectioned and submitted to LAM and PGL1 immunohistochemical staining by immunoperoxidase; 5 nonleprosy nerve samples were used as controls. The 6 AFB-positive samples showed LAM/PGL1 immunoreactivity. Among the 17 AFB- samples, only 8 revealed LAM and/or PGL1 immunoreactivity. In 17 AFB-PCR+ patients, just 7 had LAM and/or PGL1-positive nerve results. In the PNL cases, the detection of immunolabeled LAM and PGL1 in the nerve samples would have contributed to enhanced diagnostic efficiency in the absence of molecular diagnostic facilities. The results of the second part of this study showed that CXCL10-, CCL2-, MMP2- and MMP9-immunoreactivities were found in the leprosy nerves but not in nonleprosy samples. Immunolabeling was predominantly found in recruited macrophages and Schwann cells composing the inflammatory cellular population in the leprosy-affected nerves. The immunohistochemical expression of all the markers, but CXCL10, was associated with fibrosis; however, only CCL2 was, independently from the other markers, associated with this excessive deposit of extracellular matrix. No difference in the frequency of the immunolabeling was detected between the AFB+ and AFB- leprosy subgroups of nerves, exception made to some statistical tendency to difference in regard to CD68+ and HLA-DR+ cells in the AFB- nerves exhibiting epithelioid granuloma. MMP9 expression associated with fibrosis is consistent with previous results of this research group. The findings conveys the idea that CCL2 and CXCL10 chemokines at least in advanced stages of leprosy nerve lesions are not determinant for the establishment of AFB+ or AFB- leprosy lesions, however, CCL2 is associated with macrophage recruitment and fibrosis.

Structure-Activity Studies of Glycosphingolipids as Antigens of Natural Killer T Cells

Goff, Randal Donald 26 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Glycosphingolipids (GSLs), composed of a polar saccharide head and a lipophilic ceramide tail, are ubiquitous components of the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells. They serve in many regulatory capacities and have antigenic properties towards natural killer T (NKT) cells of the innate immune system. Critical to the recognition of glycosylceramides by NKT cells are antigen presenting cells (APC), such as dendritic cells, which are responsible for binding, processing, and delivery of ligands to these lymphocytes. This event is mediated by CD1d, a major histocompatibility complex-like protein expressed on the surface of APCs, which binds GSL antigens by the ceramide moiety and presents the polar group to the T cell receptors of CD1d-restricted cells. The subsequent immune response involves NKT cell proliferation and emission of numerous cytokines, such as interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4), resulting in the stimulation of the innate and adaptive immune systems through maturation of APCs, activation of T cells, and secretion of antibodies by B cells. To understand the structure-activity relationship between GSLs and NKT cell activity and the requirements for intracellular processing of antigens, analogs of the model compound alphaGalCer (KRN-7000) have been synthesized. These include fluorophore-appended 6”-amino-α-galactosylceramides and N-alkenoyl GSLs, such as PBS-57, a potent alphaGalCer surrogate useful in NKT cell stimulation studies. A nonantigenic beta-C-galactosylceramide has also been prepared as an inhibitor of these innate lymphocytes. To probe the potential for using NKT cells to bias the immune system between the proinflammatory TH1 response or the immunomodulatory TH2 mode, versions of alphaGalCer with shortened ceramides have been created. One of these truncated analogs, PBS-25, has successfully been cocrystallized with CD1d and the binary complex structure solved by X-ray crystallography. Synthetic glycosphingolipids derived from Novosphingobium capsulatum and Sphingomonas paucimobilis have also been made. In assays with classical Valpha14i/Valpha24i NKT cell lines, these Gram-negative bacterial antigens were recognized directly and specifically by host immune systems through CD1d-restriction, unlike GSL-deficient microbes (e.g., Salmonella typhimurium). A search for other GSL-bearing alpha-proteobacteria led to the discovery of another natural glycosphingolipid, an N-alkenoylphytosphingoid-alpha-galactoside, isolated from the outer membrane of Ehrlichia muris.

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