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Efficacy of socket grafting for alveolar ridge preservation: a randomized clinical trialGubler, Mitchell Miles 01 July 2015 (has links)
Tooth extraction initiates a cascade of events that often leads to local anatomic changes in the alveolar ridge. Ridge preservation is a surgical approach aimed at minimizing hard and soft tissue volume loss. There have been contradicting reports on the efficacy of socket grafting for alveolar ridge preservation. Interestingly, there is a paucity of adequately powered randomized controlled clinical trials. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the application of a socket grafting technique on alveolar ridge dimensional changes following tooth extraction.
Healthy patients requiring the extraction of one single-rooted tooth on either arch, from second premolar to second premolar, excluding mandibular incisors, and who met the eligibility criteria were recruited. Patients were then randomly assigned to either the control group, consisting of tooth extraction alone, or the experimental group, which consisted of extraction and simultaneous ridge preservation using an allograft bone material to fill the socket and a dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane (dPTFE) to seal it. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was obtained immediately prior to extraction (baseline) and at 14 weeks. Linear measurements with the use of a tooth-supported stent were obtained immediately after extraction (baseline) and at 14 weeks. Linear and volumetric measurements were made using data obtained from the CBCTs. Masked, calibrated examiners performed all radiographic measurements. Measurements obtained included buccal keratinized tissue width, buccal and lingual plate height and width, alveolar ridge horizontal width (CBCT); and alveolar ridge volume changes. Digital planning of dental implants was performed in the ideal restorative location and need for additional grafting was virtually determined. The primary outcome of interest was volumetric reduction of the alveolar ridge at 14 weeks. Linear mixed model statistical analyses were used to compare the mean change in the measurements between the grafted and control groups.
A total of 59 subjects were recruited, of which 53 patients (27 control and 26 experimental) completed the study. No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups at baseline for any of the parameters analyzed. At the 14 week follow-up appointment there was an average loss in height of the buccal plate of 1.17 mm and 0.61 mm for the control (CG) and experimental (ARP) groups, respectively, showing statistical significance (p=0.012). The lingual plate height was reduced 0.7 mm in CG and 0.47 mm in ARP with no statistical significance (0.075). A linear loss in the buccal-lingual dimension of the alveolar ridge was noted radiographically in both groups, 1.68mm in CG and 1.07mm in ARP, which demonstrated a statistical significant difference between them (p=0.023). Volumetric analysis demonstrated a mean volume loss of 15.83% in the CG showing statistical significance from the 8.36% loss shown in the ARP group. This difference demonstrates a clinical significance when virtual planning of implant placement in the ideal restorative location revealed the need for additional grafting at 13/27 or 48% of CG and 3/26 or 11% of ARP sites. Additionally, a very robust, statistically significant correlation was noted between buccal bone plate width and reduction of alveolar bone volume after 14 weeks of healing (p< 0.0001). A multivariate regression analysis revealed that within the control group a buccal plate <1mm lead to >10% volumetric reduction, while the same reduction in the graft group was only seen when the buccal plate was less that 0.6mm.
In this study, a novel volumetric analysis of alveolar ridge reduction after tooth extraction was performed, which demonstrated that socket grafting for alveolar ridge preservation does provide a therapeutic benefit. This finding was associated to a decreased probability of requiring additional grafting at the implant site. The thickness of the buccal plate at the time of extraction appears to be a valuable factor to predict the amount of resorption that will take place, meaning that more resorption should be expected, as the buccal plate gets progressively thinner.
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Multiplicação do cambucizeiro (Campomanesia phaea O. Berg. Landrum), espécie nativa da Mata Atlântica / Multiplication of cambuci fruit tree (Campomanesia phaea O. Berg Landrum), a native species of Atlantic forestSantoro, Marcelo Brossi 27 June 2019 (has links)
Além de ser plantado comercialmente, o cambucizeiro pode ser utilizado na recuperação de áreas degradadas, apresentando frutos com potencial de exploração para consumo humano, in natura ou na forma processada. As mudas para a implantação dessa espécie geralmente são obtidas de sementes, o que resulta em grande variabilidade genética dentro das populações e desfavorece a fixação de genótipos superiores em relação a produção e qualidade de frutos. Por esses motivos, é importante conhecer a fisiologia das sementes, a emergência e o desenvolvimento das plântulas e avaliar quais técnicas de multiplicação vegetativa melhor se adaptariam a essa espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a interferência da dessecação de sementes sobre a ocorrência de protrusão radicular e formação de plântulas normais de cambucizeiro, assim como a influência do uso de diferentes substratos na emergência e desenvolvimento inicial de suas plântulas e avaliar as técnicas de estaquia, alporquia e enxertia na produção de mudas dessa espécie. De forma geral, as sementes de cambucizeiro quando dessecadas até níveis de 15% de água não mostraram perda de viabilidade, o substrato vermiculita garantiu uma melhor emergência das plântulas, entretanto, foram os substratos Basaplant® e a mistura turfa + perlita que garantiram o melhor desenvolvimento inical das mesmas. Quanto as técnicas de multiplicação vegetativa, a estaquia e alporquia mostraram-se ineficientes para o cambucizeiro, não apresentando enraizamento, já a enxertia do tipo fenda lateral garantiu a fixação de 6% dos enxertos podendo ser usada na fixação de genótipos superiores. Após os resultados negativos das técnicas de enraizamento adventício, análises anatômicas foram realizadas e indicaram que a presença de compostos fenólicos pode estar influenciando mais no processo de formação de raízes adventícias do que o impedimento físico das faixas de esclerênquima. / Despite the potencial of being commercially cultivated, the cambuci tree can be used for recovering degraded areas; its fruits present potential to be exploited for human consumption, in natura or in the processed form. Cambuci tree seedlings are usually obtained from seeds, which results in genetic variability within the population, disfavouring the fixation of superior genotypes in relation to fruit production and quality. For this reason, it is important to know seed physiology, emergence and development of seedlings and to evaluate which vegetative propagation technique would best suit this species. Therefore, the aim of this work was to verify the interference of seed desiccation on the occurrence of root protrusion and the formation of normal cambuci tree seedlings, as well as the influence of the use of different substrates in the emergence and initial development of their seedlings and to evaluate the techniques of cutting, air layering and grafting in the production of seedlings of this species. In general, cambuci tree seeds when dessicated until levels of 15% of water content did not show loss of viability, the substrate vermiculite guaranteed a better emergence of the seedlings, however, it was the Basaplant® substrats and the peat and perlite mixture that guaranteed a better emergence of the seedlings. as for the vegetative propagation techniques, the use of cuttings and air layerings were inefficient for this species, showing no adventitious rooting, on the other hand, side-veener graft ensured 6% of scion fixation, which could be used to fix superior genotypes. After the negative results of the adventitious rooting techniques, anatomical analysis were performed and indicated that the presence of fenolic coumponds may be more influential in the adventitious root formation process than the physical barrier formed by layers of sclerenchyma tissue.
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Contribution of inelastic neutron scattering to the characterization of the grafting of fluorophores onto double-walled carbon nanotubes / Contribution de la diffusion inelastique de neutron à la caractérisation du greffage de fluorophores sur des nanotubes de carbone biparoisLorne, Thomas 12 December 2017 (has links)
Face à la recrudescence de l'utilisation des nanotubes de carbone (NTCs) pour des applications de pointe, leur impact potentiel sur la santé et sur l'environnement est devenu une question centrale. Afin d'évaluer les risques liés à l'exposition accidentelle des êtres-vivants à ces nanoparticules de nombreuses études de toxicité ont été réalisées. Pour certaines, il est important de pouvoir déterminer précisément où et comment les NTCs s'accumulent dans les organismes aquatiques ou dans les cellules. Un des moyens habituel pour réaliser de telles expériences consiste à fonctionnaliser les NTCs avec des molécules fluorescentes, qui seront par la suite mises en évidence sous un rayonnement de longueur d'onde appropriée, permettant ainsi de localiser les nanotubes. Malgré le fait que cette technique soit bon marché et facilement mise en œuvre, elle souffre d'un défaut majeur: elle présuppose en effet que les molécules fluorescentes resteront attachées aux nanotubes de façon définitive. Cependant, cette supposition peut être sérieusement questionnée car les fluorophores possèdent généralement un ou plusieurs cycles aromatiques pouvant facilement conduire à l'adsorption de ces derniers sur les parois des NTCs. Dès lors, une fois que les NTCs atteignent l'environnement chimique complexe d'une cellule, on peut s'attendre à une désorption des molécules fluorescentes, pouvant de fait conduire à de mauvaises interprétations des résultats expérimentaux. Il est par conséquent essentiel d'évaluer l'efficacité du protocole de greffage et de déterminer les différentes proportions de molécules greffées de façon covalente et non-covalente (adsorbées). Bien entendu, la fonctionnalisation des NTCs étant une problématique clef dans le développement de leurs applications en science des matériaux, les questions soulevées ici dépassent le simple cadre de la santé et de l'environnement. Pour y répondre, nous avons décidé de nous intéresser à la fonctionnalisation de nanotubes de carbone double-parois (DWNTs) par deux molécules fluorescentes, l'Isothiocyanate de Fluorescéine (FITC) et la cyanine 5Me(Net2)2. Nous avons, pour ce faire, réaliser le greffage des fluorophores sur des DWNTs oxydés purifiés à l'aide d'un procédé de fonctionnalisation en 3 étapes. Enfin, nous avons caractérisé nos échantillons au moyen de deux techniques différentes de spectroscopie, la spectroscopie de photoélectron X (XPS) et la spectroscopie de diffusion inélastique de neutrons (INS). En complément de la spectroscopie de neutrons, nous nous sommes appuyés sur des simulations numériques, telle que la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT) pour les analyses de nos données expérimentales. Les résultats ainsi obtenus, ont permis de montrer que, contrairement à ce qui était communément attendu lors d'un greffage covalent, une part non négligeable des marqueurs fluorescent restait adsorbée à la surface des NTCs, et ce, en dépit de lavages consciencieux par des solvants appropriés. La présence de ces marqueurs fluorescents adsorbés montre, dans le cadre des études de toxicité, qu'il existe une certaine probabilité que ces derniers se détachent des NTCs lors de leur voyage dans un organisme ou dans une cellule, ce qui conduirait l'établissement de conclusions potentiellement erronées quant au destin de ces nanoparticules. / Facing the growing use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in state-of-the-art applications, the question of their potential impact on health and environment became a central one. In order to evaluate the risks related to living being exposure to those nanoparticles, several toxicity studies have been performed aiming at knowing the exact location of the CNTs accumulating inside organisms or cells. A very common way to track them in such conditions is to functionalize the CNTs with fluorescent molecules which would be highlighted afterwards under a light with appropriate exciting wavelength. Despite the fact that these fluorescence techniques are very cheap and easy to operate, they suffer from a major drawback: they assumes that the fluorescent molecule is permanently linked to the CNTs. It is however reasonable to question this assumption as the fluorescent molecules are usually constituted by one or more 6-carbon rings that can easily also simply adsorb on the surface of the CNTs. This non-covalent binding could lead to the desorption of the fluorophore once the CNTs reach the complex chemical environment of a living cell or organism. Therefore, the fluorescence data could lead to wrong information about the CNTs location. Therefore, it is fundamental to understand the grafting mechanisms in order to estimate the efficiency of the covalent functionalization of the CNTs as well as the amount of simply adsorbed fluorophores. Of course, the impact of such a question clearly exceeds the field of the health and the environment, because the functionalization of CNTs is a key for their application is Materials Science in general. In order to answer to these questions, we chose to study the functionalization of Double-Walled carbon Nanotubes (DWNTs) with two different fluorophores, the Fluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC) and the STREPTOcyanine 5Me(Net2)2. We used a three-step functionalization process to graft the fluorophores on highly-purified oxidized DWNTs. Finally, both the surface and the bulk of the sample have been investigated using two different spectroscopic techniques, the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy (INS). In addition to neutron techniques we also used computational techniques such as Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations for a better analysis of our results. The results obtained by means of this two powerful techniques highlighted that, although the fluorescent markers is always considered to be strongly bonded onto carbon nanotubes when using a covalent strategy, a non-negligible part may in fact be only adsorbed, even after thorough washings in appropriate solvents. This is likely, in the particular field of toxicology, to lead to a release of the fluorescent marker at some point along the journey of the nanoparticle throughout the cells or the whole organism, and thus to partially wrong conclusions in terms of their fate in terms of biodistribution, accumulation or excretion.
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Découvert en 2006 au Laboratoire de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces (CEA Saclay), le procédé de Surface Electroinitiated Emulsion Polymerization (SEEP) est une nouvelle technique électrochimique de greffage covalent de films polymères fins sur des surfaces conductrices ou semi-conductrices à partir de solutions aqueuses, et ce, quelle que soit la solubilité du monomère dans l'eau. Son principe repose sur une polymérisation radicalaire électro-amorcée en milieu aqueux dispersé via la réduction de sels d'aryldiazonium. Sa mise en oeuvre et le processus réactionnel impliqué résultent de la combinaison de trois techniques : l'électrogreffage cathodique, la réduction électrochimique des sels d'aryldiazonium en radicaux aryles et la polymérisation radicalaire en milieu aqueux dispersé (émulsion ou miniémulsion). Ainsi, dans un système biphasique (miniémulsion), en présence d'un sel de diazonium, d'un monomère hydrophobe ((méth)acrylate) et d'un tensioactif (SDS), le procédé SEEP conduit, sous polarisation cathodique, en milieu acide (H2SO4), en quelques minutes et à température ambiante, à des films de polymère de quelques dizaines de nanomètres d'épaisseur solidement greffés au substrat. L'objectif de ces trois années de travail a été d'optimiser les conditions et les paramètres de synthèse des films par SEEP afin de mieux contrôler l'épaisseur des films greffés, mais surtout de comprendre le mécanisme moléculaire réactionnel de construction de ces films polymères. Celui-ci procède selon les trois étapes classiquement rencontrées dans une polymérisation radicalaire en chaîne conventionnelle (amorçage, propagation et terminaison), à la différence près que les réactions de terminaison correspondent à l'étape de greffage des macroradicaux formés dans la phase continue et sont, en réalité, des réactions de transfert. La polymérisation est amorcée en phase aqueuse par les radicaux hydrogènes et aryles, respectivement issus de la réduction électrochimique des protons et des sels d'aryldiazonium. Parallèlement, les radicaux aryles forment une sous-couche d'accroche de polyaryle greffée sur le substrat selon un mécanisme déjà reporté dans la littérature. La propagation se poursuit dans la phase aqueuse jusqu'à un degré de polymérisation critique au-delà duquel les oligoradicaux réagissent avec les noyaux aromatiques des groupements aryles de la sous-couche (réaction de transfert au polymère). De ce mécanisme de type « grafting to », il résulte des films de structure mixte polyaryle / poly(méth)acrylate / groupements aryles, spécifique aux films issus du procédé SEEP.
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Mäns och kvinnors skattning av oro och nedstämdhet, före och efter ett års hjärtrehabilitering : En empirisk kvasiexperimentell studieHedström, Katarina, Gunnarsson, Angelica January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur patienter som haft en hjärtinfarkt och/eller genomgått en kranskärlsoperation skattar sin oro och nedstämdhet före och efter ett års hjärtrehabilitering samt om det fanns skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors skattningar.</p><p>Enkäter innehållande patienters självskattning av oro och nedstämdhet före och efter hjärtrehabilitering, Hospital Anxiety and depression scale (HAD), samlades in från Hälsoinvest i Högbo. Författarna till denna studie valde att samla in enkäter från 1996- 2001.</p><p>För att få delta i hjärtrehabiliteringen måste patienterna vara i arbetsför ålder och haft hjärtinfarkt och/eller genomgått kranskärlsoperation samt vara icke rökare. HAD- formuläret innehöll sju frågor rörande oro och sju frågor rörande nedstämdhet. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 115 personer: 34 kvinnor och 81 män. Medelåldern på deltagarna var 52,4 år (range = 33-61 år). Huvudresultatet visade att deltagarna signifikant hade minskat graden av oro och nedstämdhet över tid. Det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors skattningar av oro och nedstämdhet före eller efter hjärtrehabilitering. Kvinnor respektive män minskade signifikant sin grad av oro och nedstämdhet över tid. Denna studie indikerar att hjärtrehabilitering behövs för att minska patienters oro och nedstämdhet i samband med kranskärlssjukdom.</p>
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Dopamine neurons in ventral mesencephalon : interactions with glia and locus coeruleusBerglöf, Elisabet January 2008 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by a depletion of the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. The cause of the disease is yet unknown but age, oxidative stress, and neuroinflammation are some of the features involved in the degeneration. In addition, substantial cell death of noradrenergic neurons occurs in the locus coeruleus (LC). Noradrenaline has been suggested to protect the dopamine neurons from oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. The main treatment of Parkinson’s disease is Levo-dopa, although severe side effects arise from this therapy. Hence, grafting fetal ventral mesencephalic (VM) tissue into the adult striatum has been evaluated as an alternative treatment for Parkinsons’s disease. However, the survival of the grafted neurons is limited, and the dopamine-denervated striatum does not become fully reinnervated. Therefore, elucidating factors that enhance dopamine nerve fiber formation and/or survival of the grafted neurons is of utmost importance. To investigate dopamine nerve fiber formation and the interactions with glial cells, organotypic VM tissue cultures were utilized. Two morphologically different nerve fiber outgrowths from the tissue slice were observed. Nerve fibers were initially formed in the absence of migrating astrocytes, although thin vimentin-positive astrocytic processes were detected within the same area. A second, persistent nerve fiber outgrowth was observed associated with migrating astrocytes. Hence, both of these nerve fiber outgrowths were to some extent dependent on astrocytes, and appeared as a general feature since this phenomenon was demonstrated in β-tubulin, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and aldehyde dehydrogenase A1 (ALDH1)-positive nerve fibers. Neither oligodendrocytes (NG2-positive cells), nor microglia (Iba-1-positive cells) exerted any effect on these two neuronal growths. Since astrocytes appeared to influence the nerve fiber formation, the role of proteoglycans, i.e. extracellular matrix molecules produced by astrocytes, was investigated. β-xyloside was added to the cultures to inhibit proteoglycan synthesis. The results revealed a hampered astrocytic migration and proliferation, as well as a reduction of the glia-associated TH-positive nerve fiber outgrowth. Interestingly, the number of cultures displaying the non-glia-mediated TH-positive nerve fibers increased after β-xyloside treatment, although the amount of TH-protein was not altered. Thus, proteoglycans produced by astrocytes appeared to be important in affecting the dopamine nerve fiber formation. The noradrenaline neurons in LC have been suggested to protect dopamine neurons from damage. Therefore, the interaction between VM and LC was evaluated. Using the intraocular grafting method, fetal VM and LC were grafted either as single grafts or as VM+LC co-grafts. Additionally, the recipient animals received 2% blueberry-enriched diet. The direct contact of LC promoted graft volume and survival of TH-positive neurons in the VM grafts. The number of dopamine neurons, derived preferably from the A9 (ALDH1/TH-positive) was increased, whereas the dopamine neurons from the A10 (calbindin/TH-positive) were not affected. A dense dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH)-positive innervation was correlated to the improved survival. Blueberry-enriched diet enhanced the number of TH-positive neurons in VM, although the graft size was not altered. The combination of blueberries and the presence of LC did not yield additive effects on the survival of VM grafts. The attachment of VM or the addition of blueberries did not affect the survival of TH-positive neurons in LC grafts. The number of Iba-1-positive microglia was decreased in co-grafted VM compared to single VM transplants. The addition of blueberries reduced the number of Iba-1-positive microglia in single VM transplants. Hence, the direct contact of LC or the addition of blueberries enhanced the survival of VM grafts. Taken together, these data demonstrate novel findings regarding the importance of astrocytes for the nerve fiber formation of dopamine neurons. Further, both the direct attachment of LC or antioxidant-enriched diet promote the survival of fetal VM grafts, while LC is not affected.
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Mäns och kvinnors skattning av oro och nedstämdhet, före och efter ett års hjärtrehabilitering : En empirisk kvasiexperimentell studieHedström, Katarina, Gunnarsson, Angelica January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur patienter som haft en hjärtinfarkt och/eller genomgått en kranskärlsoperation skattar sin oro och nedstämdhet före och efter ett års hjärtrehabilitering samt om det fanns skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors skattningar. Enkäter innehållande patienters självskattning av oro och nedstämdhet före och efter hjärtrehabilitering, Hospital Anxiety and depression scale (HAD), samlades in från Hälsoinvest i Högbo. Författarna till denna studie valde att samla in enkäter från 1996- 2001. För att få delta i hjärtrehabiliteringen måste patienterna vara i arbetsför ålder och haft hjärtinfarkt och/eller genomgått kranskärlsoperation samt vara icke rökare. HAD- formuläret innehöll sju frågor rörande oro och sju frågor rörande nedstämdhet. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 115 personer: 34 kvinnor och 81 män. Medelåldern på deltagarna var 52,4 år (range = 33-61 år). Huvudresultatet visade att deltagarna signifikant hade minskat graden av oro och nedstämdhet över tid. Det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors skattningar av oro och nedstämdhet före eller efter hjärtrehabilitering. Kvinnor respektive män minskade signifikant sin grad av oro och nedstämdhet över tid. Denna studie indikerar att hjärtrehabilitering behövs för att minska patienters oro och nedstämdhet i samband med kranskärlssjukdom.
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Role of Sympathoadrenal and Renin-Angiotensin System in Hemodynamic State after Coronary Artery Bypass GraftingNAKAJIMA, MASAMICHI, SHIMIZU, TAKESHI, HAYASE, SHOOHEI 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Salt stress tolerance in potato genotypesEtehadnia, Masoomeh 15 September 2009
Soil salinity affects over 20% of the worlds irrigated land. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), the most important vegetable crop worldwide, is relatively salt sensitive. However, relatively little work has been done on salt tolerance of the potato plant. This thesis investigated the methodology of treatment application and scion/rootstock effects on subsequent salt stress responses of four contrasting potato genotypes: Norland, 9506, 9120-05 [ABA-deficient mutant], and 9120-18 [ABA-normal sibling] grown hydroponically in sand. The effect of incremental salt stress were studied, using NaCl, CaCl2 and combined NaCl + CaCl2 pre- treatments as well as varying methods of ABA application with a specific focus on the role of rootstock and scion. Physiological responses of various potato genotypes to salt stress differed depending on how the salt stress was applied. An incremental salt stress regime was able to more effectively differentiate genotypes based on salt stress resistance and greater salt tolerance compared to a sudden salt shock. Generally, the ability to produce ABA was positively related to the degree of salt stress resistance, with higher ABA levels induced under incremental salt stress treatments compared to salt shock. The method of ABA application also had a marked effect on potato responses to salt stress. Slowly increasing concentrations of exogenous ABA maintained growth rates, enhanced root water content and induced more lateral shoot growth compared to a single ABA dose. The degree of salt tolerance induced by the grafted rootstock was primarily modulated by salt acclimation and was manifested in the scion as increased water content, stem diameter, dry matter accumulation, stomatal conductivity, and osmotic potential and was associated with reduced leaf necrosis. Using the salt-resistant 9506 line as a scion also significantly increased root fresh and dry weight and stem diameter as well as root water content of salt-sensitive ABA-deficient mutant rootstocks. Exogenous ABA appeared to enhance plant water status via the roots under salt stress beyond that of grafting alone. This was verified by more positive stomatal conductivity and greater upward water flow in ABA treated grafted and non-grafted plants as compared to the absence of upward water flow in non-treated grafted plants as measured via micro NMR imaging. NaCl pre-treatment produced greater salt stress resistance compared to pre-treatment with CaCl2 and was associated with a specific Na+ ion effect rather than a non-specific EC-dependent response. However, the presence of both ABA and CaCl2 appears to be necessary in order to enhance Na+ exclusion from the shoot and increases the K+/Na+ ratio.
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Reappraisal of Importance of the Left Internal Mammary Artery to the Left Anterior Descending Artery in Improving Mid-Term Outcome in Patients with Severe Left Ventricular DysfunctionSONG, MIN-HO 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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