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Engineering Graphene Films from CoalVijapur, Santosh H. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Multilayer graphene modified metal film electrodes for the determination of trace metals by anodic stripping voltammetryZbeda, Salma Gumaa Amar January 2013 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / In this study multilayer graphene nanosheets was synthesize by oxidizing graphite to graphene oxide using H2SO4 and KMnO4 followed by reduction of graphene oxide to graphene using NaBH4. The graphene nanosheets were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). HRTEM images showed that the multilayer graphene were obtained. The graphene was immobilized directly onto a glassy carbon electrode using the drop coating technique followed by the in situ deposition of mercury, bismuth or antimony thin films to afford graphene modified glassy carbon metal film electrodes (Gr-GC-MEs). The experimental parameters (deposition potential, deposition time, rotation speed, frequency and amplitude) were optimized, and the applicability of the modified electrode was investigated
towards the individual and simultaneous determination of Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ at the low concentration levels (μg L-1) in 0.1 M acetate buffer (pH 4.6) using square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV). The detection limits values for the Gr-GC-HgE was 0.08, 0.05 and 0.14 μg L-1 for Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+, respectively. The Gr-GC-BiE the detection limits for was 0.12, 0.22 and 0.28 μg L-1 for Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ while the detection limits for the Gr-GC-SbE was 0.1, 0.3 and 0.3 μg L-1 for Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+, respectively. A Gr-GCE prepared without any binding agents or metal film had detection limits for Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ of 3.9, 0.8 and 0.2 μg L-1 for Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+. Real sample analysis of which was laboratory tap water was performed using the Gr-GCMEs. Only Gr-GC-HgE was sensitive enough to detect metal ions in the tap water samples at the 3ppb level whereas, the GC-BiE and GC-SbE detected the metal ions at the 10 μg L-1 to
30 μg L-1 level.
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Green Graphene Development for Removal of Bisphenol-S from WaterAlibrahim, Ismail Salem 13 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Electronic and plasmonic properties of real and artificial Dirac materialsWoollacott, Claire January 2015 (has links)
Inspired by graphene, I investigate the properties of several different real and artificial Dirac materials. Firstly, I consider a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of metallic nanoparticles, each supporting localised surface plasmons, and study the quantum properties of the collective plasmons resulting from the near field dipolar interaction between the nanoparticles. I analytically investigate the dispersion, the effective Hamiltonian and the eigenstates of the collective plasmons for an arbitrary orientation of the individual dipole moments. When the polarisation points close to normal to the plane the spectrum presents Dirac cones, similar to those present in the electronic band structure of graphene. I derive the effective Dirac Hamiltonian for the collective plasmons and show that the corresponding spinor eigenstates represent chiral Dirac-like massless bosonic excitations that present similar effects to those of electrons in graphene, such as a non-trivial Berry phase and the absence of backscattering from smooth inhomogeneities. I further discuss how one can manipulate the Dirac points in the Brillouin zone and open a gap in the collective plasmon dispersion by modifying the polarisation of the localized surface plasmons, paving the way for a fully tunable plasmonic analogue of graphene. I present a phase diagram of gapless and gapped phases in the collective plasmon dispersion depending on the dipole orientation. When the inversion symmetry of the honeycomb structure is broken, the collective plasmons become gapped chiral Dirac modes with an energy-dependent Berry phase. I show that this concept can be generalised to describe many real and artificial graphene-like systems, labeling them Dirac materials with a linear gapped spectrum. I also show that biased bilayer graphene is another Dirac material with an energy dependent Berry phase, but with a parabolic gapped spectrum. I analyse the relativistic phenomenon of Klein Tunneling in both types of system. The Klein paradox is one of the most counter-intuitive results from quantum electrodynamics but it has been seen experimentally to occur in both monolayer and bilayer graphene, due to the chiral nature of the Dirac quasiparticles in these materials. The non-trivial Berry phase of pi in monolayer graphene leads to remarkable effects in transmission through potential barriers, whereas there is always zero transmission at normal incidence in unbiased bilayer graphene in the npn regime. These, and many other 2D materials have attracted attention due to their possible usefulness for the next generation of nano-electronic devices, but some of their Klein tunneling results may be a hindrance to this application. I will highlight how breaking the inversion symmetry of the system allows for results that are not possible in these system's inversion symmetrical counterparts.
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Etude théorique de nouveaux concepts de nano-transistors en graphène / Theoretical study of new concepts of graphene based transistorsBerrada, Salim 16 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude théorique de nouveaux concepts de transistors en graphène par le formalisme des fonctions de Green dans l’hypothèse du transport balistique. Le graphène est un matériau bidimensionnel composé d’atomes de carbone organisés en nid d’abeille. Cette structure confère des propriétés uniques aux porteurs de charge dans le graphène, comme une masse effective nulle et un comportement ultra-relativiste (fermions de Dirac), ce qui conduit à des mobilités extraordinairement élevées. C’est pourquoi des efforts très importants ont été mis en œuvre dans la communauté scientifique pour la réalisation de transistors en graphène. Cependant, en vue de nombreuses applications, le graphène souffre de l’absence d’une bande d’énergie interdite. De plus, dans le cas des transistors conventionnels à base de graphène (GFET), cette absence de bande interdite, combinée avec l’apparition de l’effet tunnel de Klein, a pour effet de dégrader considérablement le rapport I_ON/I_OFF des GFET. L’absence de gap empêche également toute saturation du courant dans la branche N – là où se trouve le maximum de transconductance pour des sources et drain dopés N – et ne permet donc pas de tirer profit des très bonnes performances fréquentielles que le graphène est susceptible d’offrir grâce aux très hautes mobilités de ses porteurs. Cependant, de précédents travaux théorique et expérimentaux ont montré que la réalisation d’un super-réseau d’anti-dots dans la feuille de graphène – appelée Graphene NanoMesh (GNM) – permettait d’ouvrir une bande interdite dans le graphène. On s’est donc d’abord proposé d’étudier l’apport de l’introduction de ce type de structure pour former canal des transistors – appelés GNMFET – par rapport aux GFET « conventionnels ». La comparaison des résultats obtenus pour un GNM-FET avec un GFET de mêmes dimensions permettent d’affirmer que l’on peut améliorer le rapport I_ON/I_OFF de 3 ordres de grandeurs pour une taille et une périodicité adéquate des trous. Bien que l’introduction d’un réseau de trous réduise légèrement la fréquence de coupure intrinsèque f_T, il est remarquable de constater que la bonne saturation du courant dans la branche N, qui résulte de la présence de la bande interdite dans le GNM, conduit à une fréquence maximale d’oscillation f_max bien supérieure dans le GNM-FET. Le gain en tension dans ce dernier est aussi amélioré d’un ordre de grandeur de grandeur par rapport au GFET conventionnel. Bien que les résultats sur le GNM-FET soient très encourageants, l’introduction d’une bande interdite dans la feuille de graphène induit inévitablement une masse effective non nulle pour les porteurs, et donc une vitesse de groupe plus faible que dans le graphène intrinsèque. C’est pourquoi, en complément de ce travail, nous avons exploré la possibilité de moduler le courant dans un GFET sans ouvrir de bande interdite dans le graphène. La solution que nous avons proposée consiste à utiliser une grille triangulaire à la place d’une grille rectangulaire. Cette solution exploite les propriétés du type "optique géométrique" des fermions de Dirac dans le graphène, qui sont inhérentes à leur nature « Chirale », pour moduler l’effet tunnel de Klein dans le transistor et bloquer plus efficacement le passage des porteurs dans la branche P quand le dopage des sources et drains sont de type N. C’est pourquoi nous avons choisi d’appeler ce transistor le « Klein Tunneling FET » (KTFET). Nous avons pu montrer que cette géométrie permettrait d’obtenir un courant I_off plus faible que ce qui est obtenu d’habitude, pour la même surface de grille, pour les GFET conventionnels. Cela offre la perspective d’une nouvelle approche de conception de dispositifs permettant d’exploiter pleinement le caractère de fermions de Dirac des porteurs de charges dans le graphène. / This thesis is a theoretical study of new concepts of graphene-based transistors using non equilibrium Green’s function formalism in the ballistic limit. Graphene is a two-dimensional material made of a honeycomb arrangement of carbon atoms. This crystallographic structure allows electrons to behave like ultra-relativistic particles, namely massless Dirac fermions. This yields extraordinary high mobility for charge carriers in this material and a huge potential for high frequency applications. Consequently, strong efforts have been made in the scientific community towards the implementation of this material as a channel for field effect transistors. Unfortunately, graphene suffers from the lack of an energy band gap, and the Klein tunneling effect that takes place in Graphene Field Effect Transistor’s (GFET) channel makes it impossible to back-scatter completely the carriers even for high potential barriers. This degrades considerably the I_ON/I_OFF ratio obtained in GFETs. Additionally, the absence of a band gap makes it impossible to obtain current saturation in the N branch, where the maximum of transconductance is reached for n-doped source and drain regions, preventing to take full advantage from the huge potential for high frequency application of graphene. Fortunately, it has been demonstrated in both theoretical and experimental works that Graphene NanoMesh (GNM), a structure obtained after punching an anti-dot super-lattice in the graphene sheet, can open a band gap for charge carriers. This has motivated our study of a field effect transistor where the GNM is used as a channel (GNMFET) and to compare its performance with the conventional GFET. Our study showed that the use of this type of transistors can improve the I_ON/I_OFF ratio up to 3 orders of magnitude when the GNM is carefully chosen. Though the introduction of the anti-dots in the graphene sheet reduces the transit frequency f_T, it is remarkable that the good saturation that occurs in the N branch, as a result of the band gap opening, yields a much higher maximum oscillation frequency f_max in the GNMFET. The voltage gain is also improved by an order of magnitude compared to its GFET counterpart. Though the performance of the GNMFET is very encouraging, the band gap opening in the GNM confers a finite effective mass to the carriers in graphene, resulting in lower group velocity compared to the case of pristine graphene. This is why we explored a new solution that avoids the band gap opening to modulate the current in graphene-based transistors. We proposed the use of a triangular gate of the transistor. The operation of this transistor relies on optics-like behavior of Dirac fermions that emerges from their “chiral” properties, giving the possibility to modulate the Klein tunneling. We called this transistor the “Klein Tunneling Field Effect Transistor” (KTFET), and we showed that that this prismatic gate shape enables the KTFET to have an “OFF” current I_OFF that is lower than the one that it obtained for the conventional GFET and which is determined by the Dirac point. This study paves the way for a new approach to designing graphene devices which fully exploits the Dirac fermions nature of particles in graphene.
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Graphene And Carbon Nanotubes : Field Induced Doping, Interaction With Nucleobases, Confined Water And SensorsDas, Anindya 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents experimental and related theoretical studies of single layer graphene, bilayer graphene and single walled carbon nanotubes. The thesis is divided into three parts; the first part describes the phonon renormalization due to doping in two dimensional graphene and one dimensional carbon nanotubes. In the recent years, there is a tremendous interest both experimentally and theoretically, in the issues related to electron-phonon coupling in nanotubes and graphene. Theoretically, it is expected that the presence of Kohn anomalies in graphene and metallic nanotubes will result in significant changes in the self energy of phonons due to doping. In particular, with Fermi energy shift how the blockage of phonon decay (due to Pauli Exclusion Principle) into electron-hole excitations changes the phonon frequencies as well as its life time have been studied in details in the first part of the thesis. Since in graphene and metallic nanotubes, the momentum relaxation time of electrons is comparable to the phonon pulsation time, the phonon cannot be treated as a static perturbation and hence non-adiabatic effects are taken into account using time dependent perturbation theory. Electron-phonon coupling constant is also a key parameter to understand the mobility of carrier due to electron scattering by optical phonons at room temperature and limitation of the maximum current carrying capacity of graphene and nanotubes. All these parameters are determined in the first part of the thesis by performing in-situ transport and Raman measurements on graphene and nanotubes based field effect transistors. The second part of the thesis deals with the interaction of bio-molecules (nucleobases) with the nanotubes and graphene. The binding energies of various nucleobases with nanotubes and graphene have been calculated theoretically using quantum chemical and classical force field calculations, and experimentally from isothermal titration (micro) calorimetry. In this part we also present an experimental study on the dynamics of water confined inside the carbon nanotubes. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies have been used to probe the freezing and dynamics of the confined water inside 1.4 nm diameter single walled carbon nanotubes. We have observed that the confined water does not freeze up to 223K. The dynamics of confined water has been studied using pulsed field gradient technique. The decay of spin echo intensity as a function of gradient field shows characteristic features of water confined in unidimensional channels. From the decay profiles the mean squared displacement of water molecules is obtained for different diffusive times, showing an unambiguous evidence of single file diffusion of water molecules inside the nanotubes i.e mean squared displacement varying as square root of time. In the last part, we have developed carbon nanotube based vibration sensor and accelerometer to detect the vibrations of liquid and solid, respectively, using the property of voltage generation in nanotubes due to liquid flow.
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Properties And Applications Of Semiconductor And Layered NanomaterialsChitara, Basant 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with the research work carried out on the properties and applications such as GaN nanoparticles, Graphene etc.
Chapter 1 of the thesis gives introduction to nanomaterials and various aspects of the thesis. Chapter 2 of the thesis describes the synthesis of GaN nanocrystals and their use as white light sources and as room temperature gas sensors. It also discusses negative differential resistance above room temperature exhibited by GaN. Electroluminescence from GaN-polymer heterojunction forms the last section of this chapter. Chapter 3 demonstrates the role of defect concentration on the photodetecting properties of ZnO nanorods with different defects prepared at different temperatures. Chapter 4 presents remarkable infrared and ultraviolet photodetector properties of reduced graphene oxide and graphene nanoribbons. Chapter 5 presents the infrared detecting properties of graphene-like few-layer MoS2.
The summary of the thesis is given at the end of the thesis.
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Evaulation of liquid-exfoliatedgraphene as additive in Ag-basedsliding contactsJuhlin, Stina January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis work is performed at ABB Corporate Research Center inVästerås. The aim of this study is to investigate Ag:graphene composites as slidingelectrical contacts, suitable for use in e.g. tap-changers. Three different graphenematerials, all produced by a low-cost exfoliation process, are evaluated in this study. The results are compred to an ongoing work on Ag:GO (graphene oxide) composites. This material has shown very good tribological properties, however it hasbeen difficult to handle during sintering processing. The goal of this study is to geteven better tribological, electrical and mechanical properties than Ag:GO, and also todevelop a new powder-metallurgical method to produce the Ag:graphene composites.The study also investigates the influence of graphene flake size and concentration aswell as microstructure of the Ag:graphene composites. This report focuses on aninvestigation of the graphene raw material quality from the suppliers, and friction,wear and resistance analysis of the composites. This is done by using Ramanspectroscopy, SEM with EDS, LOM, tribometer tests and resistivity analysis. Raman and SEM analyses show that none of the supplied LEG materials are ofhigh-quality G (single or bilayer), but rather multi-layer graphene or even graphite.Small amounts of graphene added to Ag gave extremly low friction (μ<0.2 vs. pureAg μ~1.3, 5 N load and 5 cm/s speed). The composite manufacturing process hadcritical steps, which have to be optimized, to obtain low values of friction. Severedegassing of the composites was observed for some sampes, but the samples stillmaintained good friction values. SEM and EDS analyses of 2dfab’s wear track show abuild-up thin carbon-containing tribofilm on the Ag surface. Indicating that G ispresent, and works as a lubricant, creating good tribological properties. The resultsfrom this project may for sure be of importance for future ABB products in specificindustrial applications.
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Investigation of Electro-thermal and Thermoelectric Properties of Carbon NanomaterialsVerma, Rekha January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Due to the aggressive downscaling of the CMOS technology, power and current densities are increasing inside the chip. The limiting current conduction capacity(106 Acm−2)and thermal conductivity(201Wm−1K−1 for Al and 400 Wm−1K−1 for Cu) of the existing interconnects materials has given rise to different electro-thermal issues such a shot-spot formation, electromigration, etc. Exploration of new materials with high thermal conductivity and current conduction has thus attracted much attention for future integrated circuit technology. Among all the elemental materials, carbon nanomaterials (graphene and carbon nanotube) possess exceptionally high thermal (600-7000 Wm−1K−1) and current( ~108 -109 Acm−2)conduction properties at room temperature, which makes them potential candidate for interconnect materials. At the same time development of efficient energy harvesting techniques are also becoming important for future wireless autonomous devices. The excess heat generated at the hot-spot location could be used to drive an electronic circuit through a suitable thermoelectric generator. As the See beck coefficient of graphene is reported to be the highest among all elementary semiconductors, exploration of thermoelectric properties of graphene is very important. This thesis investigates the electrothermal and thermoelectric properties of metallic single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) and single layer graphene (SLG) for their possible applications in thermal management in next generation integrated circuits.
A closed form analytical solution of Joule-heating equation in metallic SWCNTs is thus proposed by considering a temperature dependent lattice thermal conductivity (κ) on the basis of three-phonon Umklapp, mass-difference and boundary scattering phenomena. The solution of which gives the temperature profile over the SWCNT length and hence the location of hot-spot(created due to the self-heating inside the chip) can be predicted. This self-heating phenomenon is further extended to estimate the electromigration performance and mean-time-to-failure of metallic SWCNTs. It is shown that metallic SWCNTs are less prone to electromigration. To analyze the electro-thermal effects in a suspended SLG, a physics-based flexural phonon dominated thermal conductivity model is developed, which shows that κ follows a T1.5 and T−2 law at lower(<300 K) and higher temperature respectively in the absence of isotopes(C13 atoms). However in the presence of isotopic impurity, the behavior of κ sharply deviates from T−2 at higher temperatures. The proposed model of κ is found to be in excellent match with the available experimental data over a wide range of temperatures and can be utilized for an efficient electro-thermal analysis of encased/supported graphene. By considering the interaction of electron with in-plane and flexural phonons in a doped SLG sheet, a physics-based electrical conductance(σ) model of SLG under self-heating effect is also discussed that particularly exhibits the variation of electrical resistance with temperature at different current levels and matches well with the available experimental data. To investigate the thermoelectric performance of a SLG sheet, analytical models for See beck effect coefficient (SB) and specific heat (Cph) are developed, which are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. Using those analytical models, it is predicted that one can achieve a thermoelectric figure of merit(ZT) of ~ 0.62 at room temperature by adding isotopic impurities(C13 atoms) in a degenerate SLG. Such prediction shows the immense potential of graphene in waste-heat recovery applications. Those models for σ, κ, SB and Cph are further used to determine the time evolution of temperature distribution along suspended SLG sheet through a transient analysis of Joule-heating equation under the Thomson effect. The proposed methodology can be extended to analyze the graphene heat-spreader theory and interconnects and graphene based thermoelectrics.
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