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Gravity Recovery by Kinematic State Vector Perturbation from Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking for GRACE-like Orbits over Long ArcsHabana, Nlingilili Oarabile Kgosietsile 17 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Gravitation in Lorentz and Euclidean GeometryWilhelmson, Niki, Stoyanov, Johan January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this work is to derive mathematical descriptions of gravitation. Postulating gravitation as a force field, Newton's law of gravitation is heuristically derived by considering linear differential operators invariant under euclidean isometries and by finding the fundamental solution to Helmholtz equation in three dimensions. Thereafter, the theory of differential geometry is introduced, providing a framework for the subsequent review of gravitation as curvature. Lastly, in the light of Einstein's postulates and equivalence principle, Lovelock's proof of uniqueness of Einstein's field equations is presented.
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The physics of higher-spin theoriesKessel, Pan 07 December 2016 (has links)
Höhere Spin Theorien haben in den letzten Jahren große Aufmerksamkeit gefunden. Ein Grund dafür ist, dass diese Theorien dual zu besonders einfachen konformen Feldtheorien sind. Die einzigen bekannten wechselwirkenden höheren Spin Theorien wurden von Vasiliev in einem sehr ungewöhnlichen Formalismus und mit unendlich vielen Hilfsfeldern konstruiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit extrahiert die Physik, die durch diese Gleichungen beschrieben wird. Wir untersuchen im Detail die Wechselwirkungen, das Spektrum sowie die Lokalitätseigenschaften der Vasiliev Theorie. Diese Arbeit ist die erste systematische Untersuchung der Vasiliev Theorie auf wechselwirkender Ebene (nur ausgedrückt durch physikalische Felder). / Higher-spin theories have received significant attention over the last years. This is because they arise as the bulk duals of comparatively tractable conformal field theories. The only known interacting higher-spin theories were constructed by Vasiliev and are formulated in a highly non-standard way in terms of an infinite number of auxiliary fields. This thesis extracts physics out of Vasiliev theory. We study in detail its interactions, spectrum and locality properties. We consider both the three- and four-dimensional case. Our work represents the first systematic study of Vasiliev theory at the interacting level (in terms of physical fields only).
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Classical Gravity from Gluon InteractionsShi, Canxin 13 December 2022 (has links)
Die Doppelkopie-Relation besagt, dass Observable in einer Gravitationstheorie durch "Quadrieren" entsprechender Größen in einer Eichtheorie abgeleitet werden können. Es ermöglicht die Verwendung moderner Techniken der Eichtheorien, um Probleme wie die Streuung von Schwarzen Löchern in der Gravitation anzugehen.
Wir betrachten zunächst die massive skalare Quantenchromodynamik und führen die Doppelkopie für deren Streuamplituden durch. Aus den resultierenden Amplituden rekonstruieren wir die effektive Lagrange-Funktion. Diese besteht aus einer Graviationstheorie gekoppelt an massive Skalare, ein Axion und ein Dilaton. Der entstehende Lagrangian wird explizit bis zur sechsten Ordnung von Skalarfeldern konstruiert, und es wird eine Form aller Ordnungen postuliert.
Es folgt die Erforschung der Doppelkopie massiver Punktteilchen. Die Quellen werden durch Weltlinien-Quantenfeldtheorien formuliert, die mit Yang-Mills, biadjungiertem Skalar und Zwei-Form-Dilaton-Gravitation gekoppelt sind. Wir schlagen eine Doppelkopievorschrift für die eikonalen Phase vor, und explizit bis zur nächstführenden Ordnung zu überprüfen.
Wir untersuchen ferner die nicht-perturbative Doppelkopie klassischer Lösungen. Insbesondere erweitern wir die Kerr-Schild-Abbildung auf den Fall eines Probeteilchens, das sich im Kerr-Schild-Hintergrund bewegt. Wir finden darüberhinaus eine neue Doppelkopie zwischen den erhaltenen Ladungen auf der Eichtheorie und den Gravitationsseiten.
Schließich untersuchen wir die Post-Minkowski'sche (PM) und Post-Newton'sche Entwicklungen des gravitativen effektiven Drei-Körper-Potentials. Wir liefern auf 2PM Ebene ein formelles nicht-lokales Ergebnis und entwickeln es in der Geschwindigkeit. / This thesis focuses on the double copy relation between gauge theories and gravity and its application in the classical scattering of massive compact objects. The double copy relation states that observables in a gravitational theory can be derived from “squaring” corresponding quantities in a gauge theory. It allows using modern techniques of gauge theories to tackle problems such as black hole scattering in gravity.
We first consider massive scalar quantum chromodynamics and perform the double copy procedure for the scattering amplitudes. We reconstruct the effective Lagrangian from the resulting amplitudes. It yields a gravitational theory of massive scalars coupled to gravity, axion, and dilaton. The emerging Lagrangian is constructed explicitly up to the sixth order of scalar fields, and an all-order form is conjectured.
It is followed by exploring the double copy of classical massive point particles. The source objects are formulated by worldline quantum field theories coupled to Yang-Mills, bi-adjoint scalar, and two-form-dilaton-gravity. We propose a double copy prescription for the eikonal phases, and check it explicitly up to next-to-leading order.
We also investigate the non-perturbative double copy of classical solutions. Specifically, we extend the Kerr-Schild mapping, which allows obtaining solutions of the Einstein equation from that of gauge theory, to the case of a probe particle moving in the Kerr-Schild background. We find a new double copy between the conserved charges on the gauge theory and the gravity sides, which works naturally for both bound and unbound states.
Additionally, we study the Post-Minkowskian (PM) and Post-Newtonian expansions of the gravitational three-body effective potential. We provide a formal non-local result at 2PM and expand it in the slow-motion limit.
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Integrability in two-dimensional gravityKatsimpouri, Despoina 07 September 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Gravitations- und Supergravitationssysteme, die in zwei Dimensionen vollständig integrabel sind. Dies sind Theorien, zu denen auch die einsteinsche Gravitation zählt, die bei dimensionaler Reduktion auf drei Dimensionen, die Form eines nichtlinearen $\s$-Models für den Materieteil annehmen und als Zielmannigfaltigkeit den Cosetraum $\mathrm{G}/\mathrm{K}$ haben. Ausgehend von der einsteinschen Gravitation betrachten wir insbesondere die Klasse der stationären und axialsymmetrischen Lösungen. Dabei untersuchen wir das lineare System (Lax-Paar), das den nichtlinearen Feldgleichungen der Vakuumsgravitation entspricht, wie es von Belinski-Zakharov (BZ) und Breitenlohner-Maison (BM) formuliert wurde. Die Existenz des linearen Systems zeigt die Integrabilität des zweidimensionalen Systems und ist inversen Streumethoden zugänglich, wie in zwei unterschiedlichen Ansätzen von BZ und BM gezeigt. Aus der unendlich-dimensionalen Symmetrie, die mit den zweidimensionalen Gleichungen assoziiert ist, ergibt sich die sogenannte Gerochgruppe. Der BM-Ansatz ermöglicht eine direkte Implementierung der Gerochgruppe und der Erzeugung von physikalisch interessanten Lösungen im Solitonensektor auf manifest gruppentheoretischer Weise. Aus diesem Grund ist zu erwarten, dass es in einem breiteren Spektrum von Cosetmodellen angewendet werden kann. In dieser Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf diesen Ansatz und erweitern ihn um die STU-Supergravitation, wobei entsprechende technische Änderungen im BM-Lösungserzeugungsalgorithmus erforderlich werden. Basierend auf diesen Änderungen, diskutieren wir auch eine Verallgemeinerung auf andere Fälle. Wir testen die Anwendbarkeit der BM inversen Streumethode, indem wir explizit folgende Lösungen konstruieren: die Kerr-NUT Lösung der einsteinschen Gravitation, die Vier-Ladungs-Lösung eines schwarzen Lochs innerhalb der STU Supergravitation von Cvetic und Youm und die einfach rotierende JMaRT Lösung. / In this thesis, we study gravity and supergravity systems that become completely integrable in two dimensions. Including Einstein gravity, these systems are theories that upon dimensional reduction to three dimensions assume the form of a non-linear $\s$-model for the matter part, with target manifold a coset space $\mathrm{G}/\mathrm{K}$. Starting from Einstein gravity and focusing on the class of stationary axisymmetric solutions, we study the linear system (Lax pair) associated with the non-linear field equations of vacuum gravity as formulated by Belinski - Zakharov (BZ) and Breitenlohner-Maison (BM). The existence of the linear system exhibits the integrability of the two-dimensional system and is amenable to inverse scattering methods as shown in two different approaches by BZ and BM. The infinite dimensional symmetry associated with the two-dimensional equations gives rise to the so-called Geroch group. The BM approach allows for a direct implementation of the Geroch group and the generation of physically interesting solutions in the soliton sector in a manifestly group theoretic way. For this reason, it is expected to apply to a broader set of coset models. Throughout this work, we concentrate on this approach and extend it to STU supergravity, where appropriate technical modifications were required in the BM solution generation algorithm. Based on these modifications, we also discuss a generalization to other set-ups. We test the applicability of the BM inverse scattering method by explicitly constructing the Kerr-NUT solution of Einstein gravity and within STU supergravity, the four-charge black hole solution of Cvetic and Youm as well as the singly rotating JMaRT solution.
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Structure chirale de la gravité quantique à boucles / The Chiral Structure of Loop Quantum GravityWieland, Wolfgang 12 December 2013 (has links)
La relativité générale représente la description la plus précise de l'interaction gravitationnelle. Cependant, alors que la matière est régie par les lois de la mécanique quantique, la gravitation, elle, est une théorie fondamentalement classique. A l'échelle de Planck, c'est-à-dire à des distances d'environ 10E-35 mètres, les effets quantiques et ceux de la gravitation deviennent tous deux importants. A l'heure actuelle, un langage mathématique unifié et décrivant les effets physiques à cette échelle est toujours manquant. Il existe néanmoins plusieurs théories candidates à cette description, et l'une d'entre elles, la gravité quantique à boucles, est l'objet d'étude de cette thèse.Afin de tester si une théorie candidate peur fournir une description appropriée des propriétés quantiques du champ de gravitation, elle doit présenter une certaine cohérence interne du point de vue mathématique, et aussi être en accord avec les tests expérimentaux de la relativité générale. Le but de cette thèse est de développer certains outils mathématiques qui éclairent ces conditions de consistance interne, et qui permettent d'établir un lien entre différentes formulations de la théorie. / General relativity is the most precise theory of the gravitational interaction. It is a classical field theory. All matter, on the other hand, follows the rules of quantum theory. At the Planck scale, at about distances of the order of 10E-35 meters, both theories become equally important. Today, theoretical physics lacks a unifying language to explore what happens at this scale, but there are several candidate theories available. Loop quantum gravity is one them, and it is the main topic of this thesis. To see whether a particular proposal is a viable candidate for a quantum theory of the gravitational field it must be free of internal inconsistencies, and agree with all experimental tests of general relativity. This thesis develops mathematical tools to check these.
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Extragalactic and cosmological tests of gravity theories with additional scalar or vector fieldsFeix, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Despite the many successes of the current standard model of cosmology on the largest physical scales, it relies on two phenomenologically motivated constituents, cold dark matter and dark energy, which account for approximately 95% of the energy-matter content of the universe. From a more fundamental point of view, however, the introduction of a dark energy (DE) component is theoretically challenging and extremely fine-tuned, despite the many proposals for its dynamics. On the other hand, the concept of cold dark matter (CDM) also suffers from several issues such as the lack of direct experimental detection, the question of its cosmological abundance and problems related to the formation of structure on small scales. A perhaps more natural solution might be that the gravitational interaction genuinely differs from that of general relativity, which expresses itself as either one or even both of the above dark components. Here we consider different possibilities on how to constrain hypothetical modifications to the gravitational sector, focusing on the subset of tensor-vector-scalar (TeVeS) theory as an alternative to CDM on galactic scales and a particular class of chameleon models which aim at explaining the coincidences of DE. Developing an analytic model for nonspherical lenses, we begin our analysis with testing TeVeS against observations of multiple-image systems. We then approach the role of low-density objects such as cosmic filaments in this framework and discuss potentially observable signatures. Along these lines, we also consider the possibility of massive neutrinos in TeVeS theory and outline a general approach for constraining this hypothesis with the help of cluster lenses. This approach is then demonstrated using the cluster lens A2390 with its remarkable straight arc. Presenting a general framework to explore the nonlinear clustering of density perturbations in coupled scalar field models, we then consider a particular chameleon model and highlight the possibility of measurable effects on intermediate scales, i.e. those relevant for galaxy clusters. Finally, we discuss the prospects of applying similar methods in the context of TeVeS and present an ansatz which allows to cast the linear perturbation equations into a more convenient form.
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Modified Newtonian dynamics at all astrophysical scalesAngus, Garry W. January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis I test the modified Newtonian dynamics as an alternative to the cold dark matter hypothesis. In the Milky Way, I show that the dynamics of the dwarf galaxies are well described by the paradigm and I confirm its distant low surface brightness globular clusters provide a strong test, for which I make predictions. Through analysis of a sample of 26 X-ray bright galaxy groups and clusters I demonstrate that the three active neutrinos and their anti-particles are insufficient to reconcile modified Newtonian dynamics with the observed temperatures of the X-ray emitting gas, nor with weak-lensing measurements, in particular for the bullet cluster. To this end, I propose an 11eV sterile neutrino to serendipitously resolve the residual mass problem in X-ray bright groups and clusters, as well as matching the angular power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background. With this in mind, I show that the large collision velocity of the bullet cluster and the high number of colliding clusters is more naturally reproduced in MOND than in standard dynamics.
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Análogos de gravitação semi-clássica em física da matéria condensada / Analogue models of semi-classical gravity in condensate matter physicsLima, William Couto Corrêa de 04 March 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo sistemas da física da matéria condensada que sejam capazes de simular sistemas gravitacionais, tais como buracos negros e universos em expansão, onde processos quânticos tomam parte. Neste estudo nos debruçamos principalmente sobre o modelo do fluido e condensados de Bose-Einstein. No modelo do fluido exploramos a geometria efetiva que surge e os problemas de back-reaction e dos modos trans-planckianos de campos quânticos. No modelo baseado em condensados exploramos sua faceta cosmológica e a possibilidade de campos maciços. Além destes dois modelos de grande relevância na literatura, ainda expomos os análogos em cordas elásticas e os baseados em ondas na superfícies de fluidos e uma análise geral baseada no formalismo lagrangeano para campos. / This dissertation has as object of study systems of condensate-matter physics which can simulate gravitational systems like black holes and expanding universes where quantum processes take place. In this study we lay attention mainly on the fluid model and on Bose-Einstein-condensate-based models. In the fluid model we explore the features of the emergent geometry and other problems like the back-reaction and the trans-planckian modes of quantum fields. In the condensate-based models we explore their cosmological aspects and the possibility for massive fields. Moreover, we shall present two other models, the elastic string and the surface-wave-based models in fluids, and a very general analysis based on the Lagrangean formalism for fields.
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Signature d'observables en théories alternatives de la gravitationHees, Aurélien 26 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La Relativité Générale n'est probablement pas la théorie ultime de la gravitation. Cette affirmation est motivée par des considérations théoriques liées à la recherche d'une théorie quantique de la gravitation et aux tentatives d'unification des interactions fondamentales. Une autre motivation provient des observations cosmologiques expliquées par l'introduction de matière noire et d'énergie sombre non observées directement à ce jour. Cette thèse se propose de déduire des signatures observables expérimentalement provenant de théories alternatives de la gravitation. Dans cette optique, nous avons développé des outils qui permettent de simuler des observations dans des théories alternatives de la gravitation pour deux échelles différentes: dans le cadre du Système Solaire et dans le cadre de la cosmologie. Dans le cadre du Système Solaire, nous avons développé des logiciels qui permettent de simuler des observations spatiales de Range, Doppler et de type astrométrique. Au niveau cosmologique, nous avons développé un logiciel qui permet de simuler des observations de distance-luminosité de Supernovae Ia. Ces outils permettent de dériver les signatures caractéristiques des théories alternatives. Nous avons appliqué ces différents outils à quelques théories alternatives de la gravitation et nous avons pu répondre à la question : quel est l'impact d'une modification de la théorie de la gravitation sur des observations et est-il possible de la détecter ?
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