Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grouptherapy"" "subject:"grouptherapist""
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Evaluating the Effects of Initial Participation in the Group Therapy ProcessGarcia, Arlene 31 July 2012 (has links)
Although the effectiveness of group therapy has been highlighted, the underlying mechanisms involved in the group process have been under studied. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the current study utilized an outcome mediation model to examine whether initial level of participation in the intervention (Control/No intervention, non-participatory, participatory) predicted change in Identity Conflict Resolution (IDCR), Personal Expressiveness (PE) and Informational Identity Style (INFO) at posttest, and Internalizing (INT) and Externalizing (EXT) behaviors at post and follow-up assessment. Secondly, the current study examined whether relationships between variables varied as a result of group differences in initial participation. The study utilized an archival sample of 234 high school students, ages 14 to 18, who participated in the Changing Lives Program of the Youth Development Project (YDP) since 2003. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine differences in direct effects as a result of initial participation on an outcome meditational model. To further analyze this model, SEM was utilized to conduct a multi-group solution to examine whether group differences based on level of initial participation in the variables
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Increasing psychological flexibility regarding interpersonal conflict between religious beliefs and attitudes towards sexual minorities: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) interventionMyler, Cory John 01 May 2013 (has links)
This study was designed to test the clinical effectiveness of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) group intervention for individuals reporting distress related to conflict between sexual and religious identity. There were 24 participants in the study, 12 of whom took part in the therapy group, 12 of whom were in a comparison group and did not participate in the intervention. Outcome measures included the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2 (AAQ-2), Components of Attitudes Towards Homosexuality (CAH), Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45), the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHO-QOL), Dimensions of Latter-Day Saint Religiosity (DLDSR), and the Three-Factor Scale of Authoritarianism (3-FSA). Participants from both the intervention and the comparison groups completed an initial battery of these self-report measures and an additional follow-up battery, given after the intervention group had completed the six-session intervention and after a similar 6-week period had passed for the comparison group. Repeated-measure ANOVA of the collected data indicates that, relative to the comparison group, the intervention group showed statistically significant (p < .05) changes in symptom distress (partial &brkbar;Ç2 = .36), attitudes towards homosexuality (partial &brkbar;Ç2 = .461), and quality of life (partial &brkbar;Ç2 = .85). While preliminary, results of this study indicate that an ACT therapy group is an effective clinical intervention for individuals experiencing distress as a result of conflict between sexual and religious identity.
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Forming Bonds to Challenge Fears: Course of the Working Alliance during Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Social Anxiety DisorderNgai, Irene 07 August 2012 (has links)
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is the 3rd most common psychiatric diagnosis, and is associated with significant social, occupational, health, and educational impairment. Fortunately, both pharmacological and psychological treatments can reduce symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy is considered the gold standard treatment for SAD, and a robust literature supports its effectiveness. In contrast, process related factors, including the role of the working alliance, have received less attention in treatment of SAD.
The current study examined development of the working alliance for a SAD sample. The working alliance is characterized as the collaborative relationship between a client and therapist, and includes shared goals, strategies, and an attachment bond. Within the context of SAD, the working alliance is particularly interesting, as the alliance itself is a social relationship that may elicit anxiety, which, in turn, may impact development of the alliance. The present study also investigated whether treatment type, that is, exposure group therapy (EGT) versus virtual reality exposure (VRE) therapy, or pre-treatment symptom severity influenced the working alliance trajectory.
Data were provided by an adult sample presenting with a primary diagnosis of SAD. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions, both involved use of a manualized CBT treatment approach. Standardized measures of social anxiety were administered pre-treatment whereas working alliance ratings were obtained after each session.
Results indicated high levels of working alliance and significant change in ratings over time. Treatment condition did not contribute to significant differences in the working alliance trajectory. Regarding the impact of SAD symptoms, initially high ratings of fear was associated with progressively increasing rates of growth in the working alliance whereas high initial ratings of avoidance signified steeper increase in the working alliance earlier in treatment followed by a declining rate of change over time.
The current study contributes to the limited literature regarding the working alliance trajectory for clients with SAD, and is the first to consider the impact of VRE treatment on this trajectory. Findings also provide preliminary evidence for the differential impact of initial fear and avoidance as well as a potential curvature for the working alliance trajectory when using CBT.
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The relationship between masculinity norms and adventure therapy outcomes for young adult menScheinfeld, David Emmanuel 27 November 2012 (has links)
The proposed study aims to employ a longitudinal within-subjects design to examine the relationship between young men’s levels of conformity to masculine norms and their therapeutic outcomes after participating in a wilderness-based adventure therapy intervention. Specifically, we plan to use multiple regression, including hierarchical multiple regression, analyses to investigate whether men’s level of conformity to masculine norms (as measured by the CMNI, Mahalik, et al., 2003) moderates the relationship between outcome variables measured at pre-intervention vs. post-intervention, and at post-intervention vs. 6-month follow-up. The outcome variables (criterion dependent variables) include: 1) therapy outcomes as measured by the OQ-45 (Wells et. al., 1996); 2) therapeutic insight/process outcomes as measured TRS-R (Kolden et al. 2000). / text
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Alternate Delivery of a Group Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy ProgramHenderson, Cherie Unknown Date
No description available.
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Children with autism spectrum disorders typically experience language deficits in multiple areas, including form, content, and use. These children often receive speech therapy with individual sessions (one child and clinician), group sessions (several children), or a combination of both. Although research has deemed individual therapy successful, there is still debate regarding the success of group therapy, and there is virtually no literature examining a comparison between individual and group therapy. The current case-study investigated the relative effectiveness of individual versus group therapy for one six-year-old female with moderate autism spectrum disorder. The child underwent ten alternating therapy sessions of similar structure with consistent language targets during one academic semester. All sessions were transcribed using Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) conventions, and analyzed via the SALT program and Microsoft Excel t-tests. Results indicate that individual sessions yielded larger improvement with syntax and semantics, while group sessions produced greater progress with pragmatics and social skills, suggesting that a combination of both therapy types may be most beneficial. Social validation of group therapy also signified high parent satisfaction with overall growth during the semester. Implications of this study, as well as recommendations for future research and clinical practice are discussed.
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The goal of the present study was to examine changes in the speech and language performance of patients with chronic, non-fluent aphasia over the course of a three-hour group speech and language treatment session, a time allotment comparable to intensive therapy practices. Nine participants, (three groups of three), with chronic, non-fluent aphasia were seen for a single group therapy session three hours in length. Therapeutic activities were designed to be as similar as possible for each group of participants. Each participant was individually assessed before (time 1), during (time 2), and after (time 3) the group treatment session. Assessments included four verbal tests: function, naming, sentence completion, and repetition, similar to those used with the Porch Index of Communicative Ability (PICA; Porch, 1981). Results indicated that participants performed significantly poorer on two of the four verbal tests (naming and repetition), and on an overall measure of verbal communication on the Time 2 assessment as compared to the Time 1 assessment. Findings have clinical implications for selecting candidates for intensive language therapy regimes.
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Būsimųjų grupės terapeutų patirties daugialypiškumas ilgalaikėje patirtinėje grupėje / Prospective group therapists' experience diversity in a long-term experiential groupJakubkaitė, Birutė 19 November 2014 (has links)
Patirtinė grupė yra pagrindinis būsimų grupės terapeutų rengimo būdas. Terapinio ir mokymosi kontekstų joje susidūrimas sukuria savitą įvairių patirčių susipynimą, kuris šiame darbe įvardinamas kaip dalyvių patirties daugialypiškumas. Šis patirtinės grupės bruožas yra itin mažai tyrinėtas. Šiame darbe, remiantis ilgalaikės patirtinės grupės dalyvių patirtimi, atskleidžiama, kaip reiškiasi patirtinės grupės daugialypiškumas, kokią įtaką jis daro grupės dinamikai. Tyrime dalyvavo visi (I etape – 8, II etape – 5) Humanistinės ir Egzistencinės psichologijos instituto (Lietuva) Grupinės terapijos programos tos pačios grupės dalyviai. Programa vyko dviem etapais: I etape patirtinę grupę pakaitomis vedė skirtingi patyrę grupės terapeutai, II – patirtinę grupę pakaitomis vedė patys dalyviai. Patirtinės grupės darbas buvo aptariamas drauge su ją stebėjusiais supervizorias. Kiekviename etape buvo atlikta po 2 pusiau-struktūruotus interviu. Interviu tekstai buvo analizuojami taikant indukcinę teminę analizę ir interpretuojami remiantis I. D. Yalom grupių teorijos ir praktikos samprata. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad būsimųjų grupės terapeutų patirties daugialypiškumas patirtinėje grupėje atsispindi jų santykyje su patirtine grupe, programos struktūra ir tarpasmeniniuose santykiuose. Jis veikia grupės dinamiką: lėtina grupės telkimąsi, apsunkina tikslų vaidmenų grupėje atlikimą, ir atskleidžia mokymosi motyvacijos ir kolegiškų santykių svarbą grupės sutelktumui kurti. / Participation in an experiential group is the main method of training prospective group therapists. The encounter of therapeutic and learning contexts in an experiential group creates a distinctive twine of various experiences that is called experience diversity in this study. This experiential group feature was little researched. The study reveals how experiential group diversity presents itself in experiences of participants in a long-term experiential group, and what influence it makes on group dynamics. All participants at the Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychology (Birštonas, Lithuania) group therapy program (stage I–8, stage II–5) took part in the study. The program consisted of two stages: an experiential group was guided by experienced group therapists in stage I, the experiential group was guided by participants themselves in stage II. The work in experiential group was discussed with supervisors. Participants were interviewed four times: two semi-structured interviews were performed in each stage. Interview texts were analyzed applying inductive thematic analysis and interpreted according to I. D. Yalow’s conception of group therapy and practice. Study results revealed that prospective group therapists’ experience diversity in the experiential group is reflected in interpersonal relationships, participant relationship to the experiential group and program structure. It slows down group cohesion, influences the perception of roles, and reveals the... [to full text]
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Avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da escala de acomodação familiar para transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo - versão pontuada pelo entrevistador (FAS-IR) e do impacto da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo na acomodação familiarGomes, Juliana Braga January 2015 (has links)
O transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) é uma doença crônica que causa prejuízos para o paciente, bem como para a maioria dos familiares. Frequentemente interfere no funcionamento familiar, pois muitas vezes os membros da família modificam suas rotinas devido aos sintomas do paciente. Esses comportamentos observados nos familiares são chamados de acomodação familiar (AF). Os comportamentos de AF podem reforçar os sintomas do paciente e, consequentemente, contribuir para a manutenção da doença. A AF tem sido correlacionada com maior gravidade dos sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos e está associada a resposta menos satisfatória a tratamento, por exemplo, terapia cognitivo-comportamental. No entanto, estudos que avaliam o impacto de intervenções para o TOC na AF em curto e longo prazos ainda são escassos. Esta tese é composta de três artigos com os seguintes objetivos: 1) analisar as propriedades psicométricas da versão adaptada para o Brasil da Escala de Acomodação Familiar para o TOC – versão pontuada pelo entrevistador (FAS-IR); 2) verificar o impacto da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo (TCCG), com duas sessões destinadas a família, na AF e identificar as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas preditoras de redução da AF após as 12 sessões de tratamento (curto prazo); e 3) avaliar o impacto da TCCG na AF 3 anos após o término do tratamento e verificar a correlação entre a gravidade dos sintomas do TOC e AF em longo prazo. Trata-se de um estudo com pacientes com diagnóstico de TOC e seus respectivos familiares. Para a avaliação dos sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos, foram aplicados os seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Obsessões e Compulsões – Revisado (OCI-R), Escala Obsessivo-Compulsivo de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS) e Escala de Impressão Clínica Global (CGI). Também foram aplicados os Inventários de Beck para Depressão (BDI) e Ansiedade (BAI), além da Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para Transtornos de Eixo I do DSM-IV, Versão Clínica (SCID-I), para a verificação de possíveis comorbidades. Para a avaliação da AF, a FAS-IR foi aplicada nos familiares. Após o estudo de validação da FAS-IR, foi realizado um ensaio clínico randomizado com alocação aleatória dos pacientes para o grupo intervenção (12 sessões de TCCG, sendo duas com a participação dos familiares) ou para o grupo controle (lista de espera). Por fim, foi realizado um estudo de seguimento naturalístico 3 anos após o término da TCCG. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Observou-se que a versão da FAS-IR em português brasileiro apresenta propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias, reforçando que este instrumento se mostra confiável para avaliar a participação e modificação da rotina dos familiares em decorrência dos sintomas dos pacientes. No que se refere ao tratamento realizado, o ensaio clínico randomizado compreendeu uma amostra de 98 pares de pacientes com TOC e seus respectivos familiares, sendo que 52 (53.1%) foram randomicamente alocados para o grupo intervenção e 46 (46.9%) para a lista de espera. Houve melhora significativa de todos os sintomas de TOC e também da AF após TCCG no grupo intervenção quando comparado ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). As seguintes variáveis foram preditoras de redução da AF após a análise multivariada: características dos pacientes – ausência de comorbidade com transtorno unipolar (β = 0,338; p = 0,014), pontuação mais baixa de obsessão (β = 0,244; p = 0,045) e maior nível de escolaridade (β = -0,351; p = 0,006); e características dos familiares – pontuação mais elevada de sintomas de colecionismo (β = -0,461; p = 0,001). O modelo explicou 47,2% da variação na AF após a TCCG. No estudo de seguimento, foi observado que os resultados de redução na AF obtidos ao final da TCCG se mantiveram ao longo do tempo (3 anos). Os resultados do presente estudo somam-se às evidências atuais, não somente confirmando que a TCCG é efetiva na redução dos sintomas do TOC, mas também por mostrar que a TCCG com uma breve participação dos familiares com foco na AF contribui para reduzir os níveis de envolvimento da família nos sintomas do paciente, e que esses resultados se mantêm ao longo do tempo. Algumas características dos pacientes e dos familiares foram preditoras da redução da AF, um resultado que pode contribuir para a qualificação dos protocolos de TCCG atualmente empregados. Este é o primeiro estudo a avaliar o impacto da TCCG (com a participação da família em duas sessões) na AF em curto e longo prazos. A partir dos resultados, pode-se concluir que é importante avaliar a AF permanentemente, assim como incluir a família no tratamento para o TOC. / Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic illness that negatively affects the lives of patients and usually of family members as well. It frequently interferes with family functioning, as very often family members modify their routines because of the patient’s symptoms. These behaviors observed among family members are referred to as family accommodation (FA). FA behaviors can reinforce the patient’s symptoms and thus contribute to maintain the disorder. FA has been correlated with an increased severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and is associated with poorer response to treatment approaches, e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy. However, there is a scarcity of studies designed to assess the impact of interventions for OCD on FA in both short and long terms. The present thesis includes three research articles, which had the following objectives: 1) to analyze the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Family Accommodation Scale for OCD – Interviewer-Rated (FAS-IR); 2) to assess the impact of cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT) with the involvement of family members in two sessions on FA and to identify sociodemographic and clinical variables predictive of FA reduction after the 12 treatment sessions (short term); and 3) to assess the impact of CBGT on FA 3 years after completion of the program and to investigate the correlation between severity of OCD symptoms and FA in the long term. The study included patients with a diagnosis of OCD and their family members. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms were assessed using the following instruments: Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory – Revised (OCI-R), Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS), and Clinical Global Impressions Scale (CGI). Beck Depression (BDI) and Anxiety (BAI) Inventories, as well as the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, Clinician Version (SCID-I), were also administered to investigate the presence of possible comorbidities. FA was assessed using the FAS-IR, administered to family members. Upon completion of the FAS-IR validation study, a randomized clinical trial was conducted, randomly assigning patients to either the intervention group (12 sessions of CBGT, of which two involved family members) or to a control group (waiting list). Finally, a naturalistic follow-up study was conducted 3 years after completion of the CBGT program. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. We found that the Brazilian Portuguese version of the FAS-IR had sound psychometric properties, reinforcing that this is a reliable instrument for assessing the participation and modifications of the routines of family members as a result of the patient’s symptoms. With regard to treatment outcomes, the randomized clinical trial included a sample of 98 pairs of patients with OCD and their family members, of which 52 (53.1%) were randomly allocated to the intervention group and 46 (46.9%) to the waiting list. There was a significant improvement of all OCD symptoms and also of FA levels after CBGT in the intervention group when compared to the control group (p < 0.001). The following variables were predictors of FA reduction after the multivariate analysis: patient characteristics – absence of comorbid unipolar disorder (β = 0.338; p = 0.014), a lower obsession score (β = 0.244; p = 0.045), and higher education level (β = -0.351; p = 0.006); and family member characteristics – a higher hoarding score (β = -0.461; p = 0.001). The model explained 47.2% of the variance in FA scores after CBGT. Finally, in the follow-up study, the FA reduction results obtained at the end of CBGT were found to remain in the long term (3 years). These results add to the current body of evidence not only by confirming that CBGT is effective in reducing OCD symptoms, but also by showing that CBGT with a brief family intervention focused on FA contributes to reduce the level of involvement of family members in the patient’s symptoms, and that these results are maintained over time. Some patient and family member characteristics were found to predict FA reduction, a finding that can contribute to qualify the CBGT protocols currently employed. This is the first study to assess the impact of CBGT (with the participation of family members in two sessions) on FA in both short and long terms. These findings underscore the importance of permanently assessing FA, as well as of involving family members in the treatment of patients with OCD.
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Terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo para pré-adolescentes com transtornos de ansiedade : desenvolvimento das sessões e avaliação de respostaSouza, Maria Augusta Mansur de January 2011 (has links)
Os transtornos de ansiedade estão entre os mais comumente observados, tanto na população em geral, quanto nos serviços de atenção primária à saúde. Acometem entre 5 a 18% de crianças e adolescentes e se associam a altas taxas de psicopatologia na adolescência e na vida adulta. Apesar da alta prevalência e da substantiva morbidade associada, os transtornos de ansiedade infanto-juvenis ainda são subdiagnosticados e subtratados, mesmo com evidências de tratamentos efetivos, como a farmacoterapia e a terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC). No Brasil, a TCC tem uma aplicação restrita devido ao pequeno número de terapeutas habilitados e, sobretudo, à falta de protocolos elaborados, considerando as características socioculturais do país. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo descrever a elaboração, o desenvolvimento das sessões de TCC em grupo para o tratamento de transtornos de ansiedade de pré-adolescentes (10 a 13 anos) e avaliar a resposta à terapia, considerando as características da cultura brasileira. A TCC em grupo elaborada nesta pesquisa baseou-se no programa reconhecido para o tratamento de crianças e adolescentes com transtornos de ansiedade, o Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxious children: therapist manual for group treatment, e o Coping Cat workbook, ambos de Kendall e Hedtke (2006), em bibliografias atuais sobre o tema e na experiência das terapeutas e supervisoras. As sessões foram elaboradas uma a uma e, para verificar se cada sessão estava adequada em relação aos procedimentos e ao tempo proposto, foi realizado um grupo piloto com quatro pré-adolescentes. A versão final do protocolo de TCC em grupo, após o ajuste das sessões, de acordo com as considerações subjetivas e objetivas da equipe e dos pacientes, foi definida em 14 sessões semanais de 90 minutos cada e mais duas sessões concomitantes com os pais: uma na sétima semana do tratamento e outra na última semana do mesmo. Cento e trinta e oito estudantes de escolas públicas da área de abrangência do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre foram diagnosticados com transtorno de ansiedade e 45 preencheram os critérios de inclusão para testar a resposta ao protocolo final. Os diagnósticos foram determinados por psiquiatras da infância e adolescência, através de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, o Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (KDSADS-PL). A eficácia do tratamento foi avaliada pelas seguintes escalas: Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale (PARS) e Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS), para mensurar a melhora clínica; Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) e Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI), para avaliar a intensidade dos sintomas de ansiedade e de depressão, respectivamente; a SNAP-IV que avalia os sintomas externalizantes; e Youth Quality of Life Instrument-Research Version (YQOL-R), que avalia a qualidade de vida. As avaliações dos pacientes foram realizadas por avaliadores independentes e aplicadas no início, meio e término do tratamento. Em relação à elaboração do manual, observou-se que vários procedimentos do protocolo original não eram viáveis nesta população, em função do nível socioeconômico e por razões culturais. Os pacientes se mostraram mais motivados em fazer atividades lúdicas e divertidas, assim como, requisitaram mais oportunidades para falarem sobre seus sentimentos e pensamentos ao invés de escrever no manual de terapia. Dos 41 pré-adolescentes que preencheram os critérios de inclusão no estudo, 28 (68%) aceitaram fazer o tratamento e entraram em um dos quatro grupos de TCC. Houve um predomínio do sexo feminino (n = 22; 79%), com média de idade (desvio padrão) de 12(DP=0,77) anos. O diagnóstico mais freqüente foi transtorno de ansiedade generalizada (n = 23; 82%) e todos os pacientes apresentaram pelo menos mais de uma comorbidade, principalmente com outro transtorno de ansiedade. Considerando a resposta ao tratamento, houve diminuição significativa nos sintomas de ansiedade (p <0,001), e melhora nos sintomas externalizantes, com tamanho de efeito de moderado a grande (0,59 a 2.06), porém, não houve diminuição dos sintomas depressivos e melhora da qualidade de vida ao longo do tempo. Os resultados confirmaram que a utilização de um protocolo de TCC requer adaptação cultural. A melhora significativa nos sintomas de ansiedade e não dos sintomas de depressão e da qualidade de vida reforçam a importância de intervenções precoces para jovens. Finalmente, é necessário um estudo de seguimento para avaliar a resposta ao tratamento em longo prazo. / Anxiety disorders are among the most commonly observed, both in the general population and in the services of primary health care. Anxiety disorders affect between 5 and 18% of children and adolescents and are associated with high rates of psychopathology in adolescence and adulthood. Despite the high prevalence and substantial associated morbidity, anxiety disorders in children and adolescents are still underdiagnosed and undertreated, despite evidence of effective treatments, like CBT and pharmacotherapy. In Brazil, CBT has limited application due to the small number of qualified therapists, and especially the lack of protocols devised by considering the sociocultural characteristics of the country. The objectives of the present research are to describe the design and development of the session’s group CBT for the treatment of youths (10 to 13 years old) with anxiety disorders and to evaluate the final response to therapy, considering the characteristics of Brazilian culture. The CBT group developed in this research was based on the recognized program for the treatment of children and adolescents with anxiety disorders, The Coping Cat program - Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxious children: therapist manual for group treatment, and The Coping Cat workbook, both by Kendall and Hedtke (2006), in current bibliographies on the subject and the experience of therapists and supervisors. The sessions were designed one by one, and to verify that each session was appropriate for the procedures and the proposed time, a pilot group was created with four youths. The final version of the group CBT protocol, after adjustment of the sessions and according to the subjective and objective considerations of staff and patients, was defined in 14 weekly sessions of 90 minutes each and an additional two concurrent sessions with parents: one in the seventh week of treatment and another in the last week. One hundred and thirty-eight students selected from public schools in the area covered by Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre were diagnosed with anxiety disorder and 45 fulfilled inclusion criteria to test the response of the final protocol. Diagnoses were made by childhood and adolescence psychiatrists, through a semi-structured interview Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (KDSADS-PL). Treatment efficacy was evaluated through the following scales: Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) and Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale (PARS), to measure clinical improvement; Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) and Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI), which assess the severity of anxiety and depression symptoms, respectively; SNAP-IV, which assesses the externalizing symptoms; and Youth Quality of Life Instrument-Research Version (YQOL-R), which measures quality of life. Patient assessments were performed by independent evaluators at the beginning, middle and end of treatment. Regarding the manual, several of the original protocol procedures were not feasible in this population, due to socioeconomic and cultural reasons. Patients showed to be more motivated in playful activities while also requesting more opportunities to talk about their feelings and thoughts instead of continuously writing in the therapy manual. All 41 subjects selected according to the inclusion criteria were invited to take part in therapy. A total of 28(68%) patients entered one of four therapy groups and the remaining candidates (32%) were refused for a number of reasons. Concerning response to therapy, there was a significant decrease in anxiety symptoms (p < 0.001), and an improvement in externalizing symptoms (p=.003), with a moderate to large effect size (0.59 to 2.06), but not in depressive symptoms or quality of life over time. The results confirmed that the use of a CBT protocol requires cultural adaptation. The significant improvement in anxiety symptoms and not the symptoms of depression and quality of life emphasize the importance of early intervention for youths. Finally, it is necessary to implement a follow-up study to assess response to treatment in the long term.
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