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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Multigroup Analysis of Reintegrative Shaming Theory: An Application to Drunk Driving Offenses

Dansie, Elizabeth J. 01 May 2011 (has links)
A restorative justice alternative to crime prevention termed reintegrative shaming theory by Braithwaite has seen increased attention as an alternative to retributive justice, although empirical investigations of its efficacy are limited. The purpose of the present study was to test confirmatory measurement and structural models of reintegrative shaming theory in order to assess the underlying theoretical model and the application of this theory in response to drunk driving offenses. Nine latent constructs were included in these models: reintegration, stigmatization, perceived fairness, self esteem, shame-guilt, embarrassment-exposure, unresolved shame, offender responsibility, and family support. Multigroup structural equation modeling was used to assess for measurement invariance of indicators used to measure these nine latent constructs between 724 drunk driving offenders randomly assigned to traditional court processing versus offenders assigned to reintegrative shaming conferencing following arrest. Partial metric and partial scalar invariance were found. Thus, analyses proceeded by conducting tests for significant differences in the latent means between groups. Offenders assigned to conferencing reported significantly higher mean values on the constructs reintegration, perceived fairness, self-esteem, shame-guilt, and family support, supporting Braithwaite's theory. Finally, a structural model was hypothesized based upon Braithwaite's theory to assess the relationships between the latent constructs. Three additional structural paths were included to achieve an acceptable model fit. This structural model was found to be partially invariant between groups. As predicted, a higher level of reintegration was associated with greater perceived fairness, while a higher level of stigmatization was related to decreased self-esteem and lower perceived fairness. In turn, greater self-esteem and perceived fairness were significantly related to higher reported experiences of shame-guilt and lower ratings of embarrassment exposure. Greater perceived fairness also corresponded to lower reported unresolved shame. Finally, greater shame-guilt was significantly related to greater offender responsibility and family support, while unresolved shame was significantly related to less offender responsibility acceptance. The findings from the current study support Braithwaite's hypotheses regarding the importance and benefits of disapproving of the criminal act and not the person, while allowing offenders to accept responsibility for their actions and attempt to remediate the wrong that they committed.

Att nära sitt barn : en litteraturöversikt över kvinnors upplevelser av, och inställningar till spädbarnsnutrition / To nourish your child : a review concerning women’s experiences of, and attitudes towards infant feeding

Thapper, Klara January 2018 (has links)
Spädbarnsnutrition är en global och individuell angelägenhet med gemensamt framtagna rekommendationer utifrån omfattande forskning. Enligt rekommendationerna bör ett barn ammas exklusivt i sex månader och kompletterande till annan kost i ytterligare två år eller mer. Genom att följa dessa rekommendationer skulle barnadödligheten kunna minskas markant världen över. Amningen bidrar även med hälsofördelar för det lilla barnet i form av minskad risk för infektioner, främjande av neurologisk utveckling, minskade risker för vissa hjärt- och kärlåkommor, minskade risker för att utveckla övervikt senare i livet liksom reducerad risk för att utveckla diabetes typ 2 och vissa former barncancer. Även hos kvinnor ses hälsofördelar med amning så som minskad risk för vissa typer av cancer och minskad förekomst av övervikt. Stora utmaningar finns inför att leva upp till framtagna målsättningar och riktlinjer gällande amning. Kunskapsbristerna rörande spädbarnsnutrition är utbredda över alla samhällets nivåer och lagstiftning liksom arbetsliv är sällan anpassade för att verka amningsfrämjande. I Sverige lyder vård och omsorg kring kvinnor och barn bland annat under Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen och verksamheten kring amning inom mödravården utgår från riktlinjer framtagna av Socialstyrelsen, och utförs till stor del av barnmorskor. I barnmorskans kunskapsbeskrivning ingår att äga kunskaper om amning, amningsproblematik liksom strategier för att främja amningen. Omfattande forskning har utförts inom området för amningsfrämjande interventioner i den industrialiserade delen av världen med mycket varierande och inte alltid positiva resultat. Utifrån den rika vetenskapliga motiveringen bakom främjandet av amning, liksom barnmorskans uppdrag att arbeta för detta behöver kunskaperna om mekanismer som påverkar familjer val av spädbarnsnutrition vidgas. Syftet med detta arbete var att beskriva upplevelser av, och inställningar till spädbarnsnutrition och amning hos kvinnor i industrialiserade länder. Som metod genomfördes en litteraturöversikt som inkluderade 15 kvalitativa studier utförda i industrialiserade länder. Artiklarna analyserades med integrativ innehållsanalysmetod och presenterades i översiktens resultat som en ny helhet utifrån fyra övergripande teman: ”När förväntan möter verklighet”, ”Att fatta beslut”, ”Stöd och bemötande” samt ”Kroppen och ansvaret”. Studiernas deltagare beskrev ofta förväntningarna på amningen som orealistiska och idealiserade och den reella upplevelsen som kantad av bland annat externt och internt skuldbeläggande liksom upplevelser av att misslyckas. Kvinnorna beskrev vidare erfarenheter av bristfälligt stöd från hälso- och sjukvården både antenatalt och i eftervården. Detta kunde resultera i problem vid hantering av amningssvårigheter liksom känslor av sorg och skam. Att fatta beslut kring spädbarnsnutrition upplevdes som en process där många faktorer togs i beaktande. Kvinnor upplevde utsatthet och stigma kring den egna kroppen, både i relation till hälso- och sjukvårdens ständiga krav på tillgång samt kring samhällets normer och sexualiseringen av kvinnokroppen, i samband med amning. Sammanfattningsvis upplever kvinnor brister kopplade till skuldbeläggning och idealiserande av amning i mötet med hälso- och sjukvården både antenatalt och i eftervården. Detta leder till negativa upplevelser och svårigheter att hantera problem i anslutning till spädbarnnutrition. Samhällsnormer, kvinnans egna sociala kontext liksom hennes informella stöd i form av närstående påverkar beslut kring matning av barnet samt vilka möjligheter att följa rekommendationer som finns. Kvinnor tar ett omfattande ansvar för spädbarnsnutritionen, dess problem liksom hur utförandet av denna kan påverka den nära omgivningen och allmänhetens uppfattningar i det offentliga rummet. / Infant nutrition is an important topic and a global as well as a personal concern with recommendations from international organizations, substantiated by extensive research. According to official guidelines an infant should be exclusively breastfed the first six months following birth and continuously breastfed complementary to other nutritional sources for another two years or more. By following these guidelines global child mortality rates could be decreased significantly. Health benefits from breastfeeding, concerning the infant, include reduced risk of contracting infections, promotion of neurological development, lowered risks of certain cardiovascular diseases, reduced risk of developing certain forms of child cancer, a decrease in the probability of developing obesity as well as type two diabetes later in life. Documented health benefits for the mother include reduced risk of developing certain types of cancer as well as a decreased prevalence of obesity among breastfeeding mothers. Challenges towards goal achievement regarding the guidelines for breastfeeding are many and widespread knowledge gaps on breastfeeding in all community levels are present. This is further complicated by the fact that laws and workplaces rarely adapt regulations to suit breastfeeding women. In Sweden, healthcare for women and children is governed by the Swedish healthcare law and work regarding breastfeeding in maternal care follows guidelines by the Swedish national board of health and welfare. Majority of this work is carried out by midwives. Detailed knowledge of breastfeeding, knowledge of complications as well as strategies to promote breastfeeding are a central part of the midwives’ job description. Extensive research concerning the subject of promoting breastfeeding, has been executed in the industrialized part of the world, although not always with positive outcomes. In addition to the scientifically documentation on advantages of breastfeeding, and in conjunction with the midwives’ work on the subject the knowledge on the mechanisms that affect families choices regarding infant nutrition is something that needs to be further explored. The aim of this thesis is to describe the views on, and experiences regarding infant nutrition and breastfeeding among women in industrialized countries. This study uses a literature review of 15 qualitative studies, carried out in industrialized countries, as a method of research. These articles were analysed with an integrative content analysis and presented in this this thesis’ result as an amended form, categorized in the following four overarching themes: “When expectation meets reality”, “To make a decision”, ”Support and conduct” and “The body and the responsibility”. The studies’ participants often described expectations of breastfeeding as unrealistic and idealized whereas the perceived reality often instead brought experiences of failure and both external and internal blame. Additionally, the women in the studies described a lack in support from healthcare both antenatal and in postnatal care. This could result in problems handling difficulties with breastfeeding as well as feelings of sorrow and shame. The decision making regarding infant nutrition was perceived as a process where many factors needed to be taken into account. Women also felt exposed and a stigma regarding their own body. This in relation to the constant demands of physical availability from healthcare as well as regarding the social views and norms and the sexualisation of the female body in the context of breastfeeding. Conclusively women felt inadequate and perceived feelings of guilt due to the idealization of breastfeeding in both pre and postnatal healthcare. This in turn leads to negative experiences and difficulties handling problems concerning infant nutrition. Social norms, women’s individual social context as well as her support from close relations affect decisions regarding infant nutrition and the possibilities and predisposition to follow existing guidelines. Women take an extensive responsibility regarding infant nutrition, its difficulties as well as how the implementation of these decisions affects their close environment as well as the public opinion.

Psychological adjustment, relationship satisfaction, and communication in bereaved parents using the Bowen Family Systems Theory

Bowes, Michelle J. 29 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"Don't blame me for what my ancestors did!" : factors associated with the experience of collective guilt regarding aboriginal people

Caouette, Julie January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Hjärttransplantation - Chansen till ett nytt liv

Duda, Therese, Olsson Lindgren, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
Utan ett hjärta kan inte livet fortskrida. Ibland händer det att enda utvägen för att överleva är att genomgå en hjärttransplantation. Kan en hjärttransplantation genomföras utan psykisk påverkan och hur finner mottagarna tillbaka till det liv de hade innan hjärtsjukdomen. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa hjärttransplanterade individers psykologiska upplevelser efter en hjärttransplantation. Frågeställningarna var: Hur beskriver mottagaren som genomgått en hjärttransplantation upplevelsen av att ha en annan människas hjärta? Hur beskriver mottagaren sin strategi för att hitta tillbaka till det liv han/hon hade innan hjärttransplantationen? Hur beskriver mottagaren upplevelsen över att de fick leva på grund av någon annans död. Genom systematisk litteraturgranskning har nio vetenskapliga artiklar valts ut som kritiskt granskats enligt Carlsson och Eiman (2003) och sedan analyserats och bearbetats. I resultatet redovisas fyra teman som har identifierats: skuldkänslor gentemot donatorn och dennes familj, tacksamhet för en andra chans, coping för att hantera känslor och återgå till det dagliga livet, attityder mot det nya hjärtat och donatorn. Studien visar att det finns psykologiska aspekter såsom förnekelse och fantasier som sjuksköterskan bör ha i åtanke. / Without a heart life cannot continue. Sometimes undergoing heart transplantation is the only way to survive. Can a heart transplantation be done without psychological influence and how does the receiver find the way back to life as it was before the heart disease. The aim of this literature study was to illuminate heart transplantated individual’s psychological experiences after heart transplantation. The research questions were: How does the receiver who went through heart transplantation describe the experience of having another person’s heart? How does the receiver describe ones strategy to find the way back to the life he/she had before the heart transplantation? How does the receiver describe the experience that they live because of somebody else’s death? Through systematic literature review nine scholarly articles have been chosen and critically examined according to Carlsson and Eiman (2003) then analysed and processed. Four themes were identified and are presented under findings: feelings of guilt towards the donor and his/her family, gratitude for a second chance, coping to handle feelings and returning to daily life, attitudes towards the new heart and the donor. This study shows various psychological aspects such as denial and fantasies, which nurses should consider.

Projevy angloamerického institutu dohody o vině a trestu ve vybraných evropských zemích / The reflection of the Anglo-American institute of the agreement on guilt and punishment in the chosen European countries

Pavlát, Josef January 2021 (has links)
The reflection of the Anglo-American institute of the agreement on guilt and punishment in the chosen European countries Abstract The goal of this thesis is to describe which elements of an Anglo-American institute of the agreement on guilt and punishment (represented by the American federal legal regulation as the most influential regulation of this institute) are reflected in legal regulations of an agreement on guilt and punishment in chosen European countries (Slovakia and the Czech Republic) by a detailed analysis of particular legal regulations. This thesis is supposed to inform about the history of the institute of the agreement on guilt and punishment in countries of its origin (England, Wales and the USA) including its spreading into countries with European continental law tradition. The thesis is systematically divided into four chapters. The first chapter discusses the history of the institute of the agreement on guilt and punishment and individual subchapters describe historical development in the USA, historical development in England and Wales including its spreading into countries with European continental law tradition, the author also gives reasons why this is happening. The second chapter is focused on defining of key concepts of the thesis which are 'plea bargaining', the agreement on...

then moored

Mickael, Melissa Louise 29 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The Never Ending Confession: The Confessional Mode in Two Novels by Mempo Giardinelli

Hill, Ryan Russel 01 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In the years following the military dictatorship in Argentina many novels were published that spoke about the violence, terror, and traumas experienced during the Junta's rule. These texts deal with the theme of memory and retell the traumas of the past as a form of mourning. Such novels look back to the past in an effort to redeem it. In this essay I explore the use of the confessional mode in postdictatorial literature as a vehicle for the task of mourning. In two of his novels, Qué solos se quedan los muertos (1985) and Cuestiones interiores (2003), Argentine author Mempo Giardinelli employs the confessional mode to tell the stories of two guilt-ridden protagonists who resort to writing in search of redemption. Giardinelli's use of the confessional mode highlights two aspects of confession that in actuality deny its completion. While confession aims to alleviate the guilt felt by the confessant and to provide him with a sense of self-understanding in light of his sins, the confessional act subverts these very purposes. The confession requires one to speak of guilt in order to arrive at a state of innocence, which only engenders more guilt and perpetuates the confession. Moreover, in confession the subject that speaks is also the object that it creates in speech. Confession as an attempt to present oneself as a coherent object to be understood and in turn to validate ones notion of identity involves a doubling effect of the self-inherent in language that reveals the impossibility of attaining an unmediated access to the self. These two aspects of the confessional act constitute the failure of confession to allow the confessant to attain the redemption and absolution they seek. I argue that the confessional mode serves as an ideal vehicle for the task of mourning and that the inherent failure of confession is comparable to what Idelvar Avelar calls the “interminability of mourning” (5). These two processes constitute a tool of memory needed in post dictatorial Argentina as a way to conserve the past and redeem it from oblivion.

Predicting Intentions To Donate To Human Service Nonprofits And Public Broadcasting Organizations Using A Revised Theory Of Planned Behavior

Brinkerhoff, Bobbie 01 January 2011 (has links)
Different types of nonprofit organizations including human service nonprofits like homeless shelters, public broadcasting organizations, and the like thrive on donations. Effective fundraising techniques are essential to a nonprofit’s existence. This research study explored a revised theory of planned behavior to include guilt and convenience in order to understand whether these factors are important in donors’ intentions to give. This study also examined the impact of two different kinds of guilt; anticipated guilt and existential guilt to determine if there was any difference between the types of guilt and the roles that they play as predicting factors in a revised TPB model. This study also explored how human service nonprofits and public broadcasting organizations compare in the factors that help better predict their donating intentions. An online survey was administered to a convenience sample, and hierarchical regression analysis was used to determine significant predicting factors within each revised TPB model. This study confirmed that the standard theory of planned behavior model was a significant predictor of intentions to donate for donors of both human service nonprofits and public broadcasting organizations. However, in both contexts, not all traditional factors of the TPB model contributed to the donation intentions. This study also provides further evidence that guilt can increase the predictive value of the standard TPB model for both types of nonprofits. Anticipated guilt more specifically, was a significant predicting factor for donors’ intentions to give to public broadcasting organizations. In contrast, convenience did not affect the explanatory power of the TPB model in either context. The TPB models for the two nonprofits are compared and theoretical and practical explanations are discussed.


Lall, Megan January 2023 (has links)
This research investigates the intricate interplay between the moral emotions of shame and guilt, within justice-involved populations, with a special focus on those deemed Not Criminally Responsible (NCR) due to Mental Disorder. Recognizing the pivotal role of offense-related shame and guilt in motivating behavior and influencing psychological functioning, we conducted an extensive investigation to underscore the significance of acknowledging moral injury (MI) and its symptoms within this context. By synthesizing two comprehensive studies, our objective was twofold: to shed light on the prevalence and effects of shame and guilt, and to introduce the concept of moral injury as a fundamental lens for understanding their impact. In the first study, we examined the influence of shame and guilt on motivating behavior and psychological well-being among offending populations. We found that shame consistently relates to adverse outcomes, including defensive behaviors, self-loathing, and externalizing behaviors such as blame-shifting. Contrary to our predictions, guilt was associated with constructive responses, such as self-forgiveness, empathic concern, and assuming responsibility for one's actions. However, both shame and guilt contributed to the risk of recidivism among certain offenders. This study illuminates the intricate dynamics between moral emotions, psychopathology, and recidivism, underscoring the need to acknowledge the differential influences of the moral emotions, shame, and guilt. In the second study, we developed and validated the Moral Injury Screener in the Offending Population NCR (MIO-NCR), a self-report measure that assesses MI in justice-involved individuals, particularly NCR individuals. Through rigorous psychometric analysis, the MIO-NCR demonstrated promising criterion and construct validity. Our findings emphasized the centrality of guilt and betrayal in MI experienced by NCR individuals, aligning with contemporary syndromal definitions. The MIO-NCR, an invaluable tool, enables promising identification of MI within the NCR population. By consolidating these studies, we found that shame and guilt manifest profoundly withinthe justice-involved population, underscoring the value of MI and its core symptoms. The current thesis not only reaffirms the importance of understanding moral emotions but also advances knowledge on MI within this unique context. Our research provides a framework for developing a comprehensive approach to intervention and rehabilitation that recognizes the intricate relations between moral emotions, psychopathology, and recidivism, ultimately fostering healthier outcomes for justice-involved individuals. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / This study delves into moral injury experienced by individuals labelled non-criminally responsible (NCR) due to mental health issues within the criminal justice system. Moral injury captures the emotional turmoil, including guilt and shame, arising from engaging in morally conflicting actions or facing betrayal. Our research explores the influence of moral emotions like shame and guilt on those involved in criminal activities. We discovered shame often leads to negative behaviors and self-disapproval, while guilt promotes self-forgiveness and empathy. Both emotions impact the likelihood of reoffending. We also designed and validated a new tool, the Moral Injury Screener, to grasp moral distress in NCR individuals. This tool revealed that guilt and perceived betrayal are central to their moral struggles. Recognizing these feelings is vital for understanding and addressing moral injury within the criminal justice system.

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