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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da estrutura da vegetação sobre a diversidade e detectabilidade das espécies de aves do Cerrado / Influence of vegetation structure on the diversity and detectability of Cerrado birds

Rodolpho Credo Rodrigues 12 August 2016 (has links)
Em diversos estudos ao redor do globo, a estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação têm se mostrado um fator determinante na diversidade de espécies de aves e também de outros grupos de animais. O Cerrado é o segundo mais extenso e mais ameaçado bioma de ocorrência no Brasil. Este bioma também é caracterizado por um evidente gradiente ambiental de estrutura e heterogeneidade de vegetação. Na presente tese analisamos a influência da estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação sobre a diversidade em comunidades de aves do Cerrado. Nossa expectativa era corroborar a “Hipótese de Heterogeneidade de Habitats”, que propõe que quanto maior a estrutura e heterogeneidade da vegetação, maior será a diversidade de espécies. No primeiro capítulo, realizamos uma compilação sistemática de estudos publicados sobre a diversidade de aves em áreas ocupadas por algumas fisionomias típicas de Cerrado lato sensu, com o intuito de analisar o conhecimento obtido até então acerca da relação entre diversidade de aves e a estrutura da vegetação no Cerrado. Foram selecionadas 72 amostras de 22 estudos, sendo que estas amostras variaram quanto ao tipo fisionomia amostrada e o método amostral empregado, além de também estarem disponíveis em diferentes artigos e serem realizadas em diferentes regiões geográficas. Para análises destes dados, utilizamos a análise de modelos lineares generalizados de efeitos mistos (modelo com distribuição de erros poisson), que permite analisar os efeitos de variáveis fixas e aleatórias sobre a variável explicativa (riqueza de espécies). As variáveis fixas foram o tipo de vegetação amostrada (vegetação campestre, savânica e florestal) e o método amostral empregado (ponto fixo, transecto e redes de neblina). Já as variáveis de efeito aleatório utilizadas foram o estudo onde os dados foram publicados, o autor de cada estudo e a localidade geográfica. O efeito destas variáveis aleatórias poderiam afetar somente os interceptos das relações entre as variáveis fixas e a variável explicativa ou poderiam alterar a relação entre as variáveis fixas e explicativa. Construímos diversos modelos a partir da combinação de variáveis de efeito fixo e aleatório e a seleção do modelo mais parcimonioso foi feito por meio do critério AICc (critério de informação de Akaike corrigido para pequenas amostras). O modelo que apresentou menor valor de AICc (mais parcimonioso) foi aquele que incluiu os efeitos de ambas variáveis de efeito fixo (fisionomia e método amostral) e também um efeito da interação entre estas duas variáveis. Neste modelo também foram incluídos os efeitos das variáveis aleatórias estudo e localidade geográfica sobre os interceptos das relações entre as variáveis de efeito fixo e a variável explicativa. Estes resultados mostraram que a riqueza de espécies de aves em nosso estudo variou não só em função da fisionomia e do método amostral empregado, mas dependendo do método amostral utilizado a relação entre riqueza e fisionomia também foi alterada. Portanto, esta interação não permitiu que fosse estimada a relação entre fisionomia e riqueza sem considerar o efeito dos métodos. Já os efeitos das variáveis aleatórias mostraram que a variação estimada nos interceptos entre estudos foi duas vezes maior do que a variação estimada entre localidades geográficas. O efeito da interação entre as variáveis fisionomia e método amostral apontou para a existência de heterogeneidade de detecção entre locais com diferentes fisionomias, além também de um efeito das fisionomias na efetividade dos diferentes métodos amostrais. A influência dos métodos amostrais no número de espécies observadas em cada fisonomia pode ser esperada devido às diferenças intrínsecas dos métodos, já que ponto fixo e transecto são baseados em contatos visuais e auditivos com as espécies, enquanto que o método de rede de neblina consiste na captura passiva das espécies que voam na altura das redes. Assim, redes de neblina podem ser mais efetivas em habitats menos estruturados (por ex. campos limpos e sujos), onde a rede alcança quase todo os estratos de vegetação. No entanto, o método de transecto pode ser mais efetivo que o método de ponto fixo em áreas de florestas, pois nestes hábitats as espécies tendem a ter territórios menores e o deslocamento do observador proporciona ao observador cobrir um maior número de terrítórios. Por outro lado, o ponto fixo pode ser mais vantajoso por não produzir ruído e afugentar as espécies, o que pode ser uma desvantagem do método de transecto. Outros fatores, como a experiência e número de observadores, número de pontos amostrais, número de redes utilizadas e comprimento de transectos, podem explicar a grande variação estimada entre os estudos. Uma das maneiras de se contornar estes efeitos metodológicos é utilizar métodos desenvolvidos especialmente para lidar com diferentes probabilidades de detecção entre espécies, entre sítios e até métodos amostrais, o que poderia render dados mais confiáveis para o estudo da ecologia das espécies e para a elaboração de planos de manejo e/ou conservação. No segundo capítulo, a relação entre diversidade de aves e estrutura da vegetação foi analisada a partir de dados coletados em campo e utilizando um protocolo de amostragem específico para se estimar e considerar os efeitos da vegetação sobre a detecção das espécies. As amostragens foram realizadas em um dos maiores e mais preservados remanescentes de Cerrado (Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas-PARNA GSV) e consistiram do registro das espécies de aves em 32 áreas dispostas em um gradiente de vegetação de Cerrado, que variaram desde campos limpos e sujos, campos cerrado a cerrados sensu stricto. O cálculo da riqueza de espécies de aves em cada sítio foi realizado através de modelos de ocupação-detecção, adaptados para estimar a riqueza de espécies em comunidades. A vegetação, por sua vez, foi medida a partir de estimativas de presença da vegetação entre 0 e 4 m de altura (16 intervalos de 22,5 cm cada um) e duas variáveis de estrutura foram obtidas a partir de uma análise de componentes principais, que foi aplicada para resumir a variação da presença de vegetação nos 16 intervalos de altura. Estas variáveis de vegetação foram relacionadas tanto com a ocupação quanto com a detecção das espécies, já que a estrutura da vegetação poderia influenciar não só a ocorrência mas também a detecção das espécies. O dia da amostragem e também a temperatura no momento da amostragem também foram incluídas como covariáveis que poderiam afetar a detecção. Após a estimativa da riqueza de espécies pelo modelo de ocupação-detecção para comunidades, esta riqueza estimada foi relacionada por uma função quadrática com a estrutura da vegetação usando um modelo bayesiano de metanálise, que permitiu incluir a incerteza nas estimativas de riqueza na análise. A título de comparação, também foi ajustado um modelo quadrático GLM (distribuição de erros normal) aos dados de riqueza observada. Os resultados mostraram que a riqueza estimada a partir dos dados das 38 espécies mais detectadas durante as amostragens teve uma fraca relação com as duas covariáveis de estrutura de vegetação, sendo que houve uma maior riqueza de espécies em sítios com vegetação intermediária em altura e uma maior riqueza de espécies de aves em sítios onde houve maior presença de vegetação abaixo de 2 m de altura. No entanto, as relações entre riqueza estimada e estas covariáveis foi menos intensa mas qualitativamente similar às relações entre a riqueza observada e as covariáveis de vegetação. A menor intensidade nas relações da riqueza estimada foi evidenciada principalmente em ambos os extremos do gradiente de estrutura vertical da vegetação e também nas áreas com menor presença de vegetação abaixo de 2 m. Estes resultados mostraram que o efeito da detecção pode alterar o efeito da relação entre riqueza de espécies e estrutura de vegetação. Além disso, ao menos para as 38 espécies mais comumente encontradas na área de estudo, os resultados apontam para a importância de todo o gradiente de estrutura da vegetação para a manutenção da riqueza de espécies de aves no Cerrado. Futuros estudos que visem aprimorar o uso destes modelos de ocupação e detecção para comunidades são fundamentais para permitir o uso dos dados de todas as espécies da comunidade. Além disto, outros estudos que se proponham a analisar a dinâmica e composição das comunidades de aves nestes gradientes de estrutura de vegetação são fundamentais para um maior conhecimento sobre a ecologia e conservação das aves no Cerrado / In several studies around the globe, the structure and diversity of vegetation have been shown to be a determining factor in the diversity of species of birds and also other groups of animals. The Cerrado is the second most extensive and most threatened biome occurrence in Brazil. This biome is also characterized by an obvious environmental gradient of vegetation structure and heterogeneity. In this thesis we analysed the influence of the structure and diversity of the vegetation on the diversity in the Cerrado bird communities. Our expectation was to support the “Habitat Heterogeneity Hypothesis” which suggests that the higher the structure and diversity of vegetation, the greater the diversity of species. In the first chapter, we conducted a systematic compilation of published studies on the diversity of birds in areas occupied by some typical physiognomy of Cerrado textit lato sensu, in order to analyze the knowledge obtained so far about the relationship between diversity of birds and the structure of the vegetation in the Cerrado. We selected 72 samples from 22 studies, and these samples varied as the sampled vegetation physiognomy, the sampling method used, and they also are available in different articles and be carried out in different geographical regions. We performed the analysis of generalized linear mixed effects models (model poisson distribution errors), which allows us to analyse the effects of fixed and random variables on the explanatory variable (species richness). Fixed variables were the type of sampled vegetation (grassland, savanna and forest) and the sample method employed (fixed point, transect and mist nets). The random variables used were the study where the data were published, the author of each study and geographic location. These random variables could only affect the intercepts of the relationship between fixed and variable explanatory variable or could alter the relationship between fixed and explanatory variables. We built several models from the combination of fixed and random effects variables and selection the most parsimonious model was made by the AIC criterion (Akaike information criterion corrected for small samples). The model that showed lower value of AIC (more parsimonious) was the one that included the effects of both fixed effect variables (physiognomy and sampling method) and also an effect of the interaction between these two variables. In this model were also included the effects of random variables study and geographic location of the intercepts of the relationship between the fixed effect variables and the explanatory variable. These results showed that the bird species richness in our study varied not only in terms of physiognomy and sample method, but depending on the sampling method used the relationship between richness and physiognomy has also changed. Therefore, this interaction does not allowed us to estimate the relationship between physiognomy and richness without considering the effect of the methods. Since the effects of random variables showed that the variation in the estimated intercept between studies was twice larger than the estimated variation between geographic locations. The effect of interaction between the vegetation physiognomy and sampling method variables pointed to the existence of heterogeneity detection between locations with different physiognomies, in addition also of an effect of the physiognomies in the effectiveness of different sampling methods. The influence of the sampling method in the number of species observed in each physiognomy may be expected due to intrinsic differences in the methods, since fixed point counts and transect are based on visual and aural contacts with the species, while the mist net method consists in passive capture of species flying at the time of the networks. Thus, mist nets may be more effective in less structured environments (eg. Clean and dirty fields) where the net reaches virtually all vegetation layers. However, transect method can be more effective than the fixed point method in areas of forests since in these habitats species tend to have smaller territory areas, and the observer movement provides the observer cover greater areas. On the other hand, the point counts can be more advantageous not to produce noise and chase species, which may be a disadvantage of transect method. Other factors, such as experience and number of observers, the number of sampling points, the number of nets used and length of transects, may explain the wide variation between studies estimated. One of the ways to overcome these methodological effects is to use methods developed especially to deal with different probabilities of detection of species, between sites and sampling methods, which could yield more reliable data for the ecological study of the species and the development of management plans and/or conservation. In the second chapter, the relationship between diversity of birds and vegetation structure was analysed from data collected in the field and using a specific sampling protocol to estimate and consider the effects of vegetation on the detection of species. The samples were taken in one of the largest and well preserved remnants of Cerrado (Grande Sertão Veredas National Park-PARNA GSV) and consisted of the record of bird speciesin 32 areas arranged in a Cerrado vegetation gradient, ranging from grasslands, open and dense savannas. The calculation of the bird species richness at each site was conducted using occupancy-detection models adapted to estimate the number of species in communities. The vegetation, in turn, was measured from estimates of the presence of vegetation in height intervals between 0 and 4 m (16 intervals of 22.5 cm each) and two structure variables were obtained from a principal component analysis applied to summarize the variation of the vegetation presence in height intervals. These vegetation variables were related to both the occupation and detection of species, since the vegetation structure could influence not only the occurrence but also the detection of species. The day of sampling and also the temperature at the time of sampling were also included as covariates that may a_ect the detection. After the estimation of species richness by model occupancy detection for communities, this estimated richness was related by a quadratic function with the vegetation structure using a Bayesian meta-analysis model, which allowed us include uncertainty in richness estimates. By way of comparison, we also fit a quadratic model GLM (normal distribution errors) to the observed richness data. The results showed that the richness estimated from the data of the 38 most detected species during sampling had a weak relationship with both covariates vegetation structure, and there was a greater number of species at sites with intermediate vegetation height and greater bird species richness in places where there was a greater presence of vegetation below 2 m in height. However, relations between estimated richness and these covariates was less intense but qualitatively similar to the relationship between observed richness and vegetation covariates. The lowest intensity in the estimated richness relationship was observed mainly at both ends of the vertical gradient of vegetation and also in areas with less presence of vegetation below 2 m. These results showed that the effect of detection can change the effect of the relationship between species richness and vegetation structure. Moreover, at least for the 38 species most commonly found in the study area, the results point to the importance of the entire vegetation structure gradient to maintain the bird species richness in Cerrado. Future studies aiming to improve the use of these models of occupation and detection for communities are essential to allow the use of data of all species in the community. In addition, other studies that propose to analyse the dynamics and composition of bird communities in these vegetation structure gradients are fundamental for a better understanding of the ecology and conservation of Cerrado birds

Jak se liší druhové bohatství a početnost ptáků mezi vojenskými výcvikovými prostory a okolní krajinou? Případová studie z vojenského újezdu Hradiště / How do bird species richness and abundance differ between military training areas and surrounding landscape? A case study from the Hradiště military area

Bušek, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Since the beginning of the 20th century human land use changed drastically in Central Europe. These changes included: homogenization of the landscape mosaic, intensification of agriculture, urbanization and land abandonment. In turn, these changes affected bird species and perhaps most significantly manifested in population decline of open habitat birds. Therefore, it is important to investigate sites, which were not affected by the changes mentioned above, such as military training areas (MTAs) - places dedicated to training of armed forces. Previous studies have shown that MTAs seem to host remarkably high bird diversity and abundant populations of bird species of conservation concern. This may be caused by two major factors. First, closure of MTAs to all human activies besides military training spared them of the landscape changes mentioned above. Second, the military training itself produces a very heterogeneous habitat mosaic that allows coexistence of many species with different ecological requirements. To my knowledge, no study compared bird assemblages between MTAs and surrounding landscape directly. At the same time, such data are crucial to assess the value of MTAs for bird conservation reliably and, as a consequence, they enable to think more deeply about mechanism generating this value....

Using Diatoms and Biofilms to Assess Agricultural and Coal Mining Impacts on Streams, Spatio-Temporal Variability, and Successional Processes

Smucker, Nathan J. 22 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The mesofilter concept and biodiversity conservation in Afro-montane grasslands

Crous, Casparus Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Conservation planners use many traditional biodiversity conservation tools to help alleviate the global biodiversity crisis. However, ongoing biodiversity loss has stimulated the development of new and improved methods for conserving biodiversity. One such new conservation tool is the mesofilter approach. Mesofilters are biotic or abiotic ecosystem elements which are critical to the well-being of many species, and therefore could help to explain spatial heterogeneity in species across a landscape. It is also complementary to more traditionally used concepts such as coarse- and fine-filter conservation concepts. Applying the mesofilter approach in protected area, conservancy, or land-sparing design and management, could optimise biodiversity conservation in a rapidly developing world. For example, the timber industry has been pro-active in its approach to lessen biodiversity loss, by optimising design and management of the plantation matrix through ecological networks. Here, I explore the use of mesofilters within highly threatened remnant Afro-montane grasslands in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, to optimise biodiversity conservation planning for such landscapes. As per anecdotal evidence, I used rockiness in the landscape as a possible driver of species richness and species assemblage variability at the meso-scale, using a multi-taxon and multi-trophic approach. In this montane landscape, I also examined the effect of elevation on spatial heterogeneity of taxa. I further examined the functional responses of taxa to rockiness in the landscape. Rockiness in the landscape significantly influenced the species richness and assemblage structure of three key grassland taxa: flora, butterflies, and grasshoppers. I showed that for plants, this response was due to growth forms such as geophytes and perennial grasses that were more closely associated with rockiness, and therefore the main contributors to observed differences in the dispersion patterns of flora. Grasshoppers were not necessarily responding to higher rock exposure per se, but rather towards the environmental conditions created by rockiness within the landscape, such as lower vegetation density. For butterflies, certain behavioural traits, such as resting, territorial behaviour and/or mate-locating behaviour, were more typical in areas of higher rock exposure. This suggested that rocks are a definite habitat resource to certain butterflies. Overall, this finding where an abiotic surrogate is representative of key taxa in an ecosystem is interesting, as cross-taxon surrogacy has been shown to be stronger than surrogates based on environmental data. Furthermore, taxa responded functionally to rockiness in the landscape. This thesis therefore supports the idea that environmental surrogates are indeed useful for biodiversity conservation planning. Furthermore, ecosystems can potentially have many attributes or features that would be of conservation interest, and delineating a set of mesofilters is a useful way of expressing particular attributes to be used in wildlife conservation evaluation. The concept of the mesofilter as a practical biodiversity conservation tool is therefore validated here. I also argue the importance of habitat heterogeneity for biodiversity conservation planning in this montane grassland landscape. The potential for optimising the design of landscape configurations such as ecological networks, through information obtained from the mesofilter, is emphasised. We can safely add another tool in the biodiversity conservation toolbox of this Afro-montane grassland ecosystem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bewaringbeplanners gebruik tans baie tradisionele biodiversiteit-bewarings metodes om die huidige biodiversiteits krisis te help verlig. Tog, die huidige voortdurende verliese in biodiversiteit wêreldwyd, vra na nuwer en verbeterde metodes van biodiversiteit-bewaring. Een so ‘n nuwe bewaring metode, is die mesofilter. Mesofilters is biotiese of abiotiese ekosisteem elemente wat kritiek is tot die welstand van spesies, en daarom veral waardevol is om variasie in spesies verspreiding in ‘n landskap te help verduidelik. Daarby is die mesofilter konsep ook komplementêr tot meer tradisioneel gebruike bewaringskonsepte, soos fyn-filter en breë-filter konsepte. Deur die mesofilter benadering toe te pas in die ontwerp en bestuur van beskermde areas, bewaareas, of land-spaar initiatiewe, kan ons biodiversiteitbewaring in ‘n vining ontwikkelende wêreld optimaliseer. Byvoorbeeld, die bosbou industrie is pro-aktief in hul benadering om biodiversiteit verliese te verminder, deur optimalisering van die ontwerp en bestuur van ekologiese netwerke in die plantasiematriks. In hierdie tesis, ondersoek ek die gebruik van mesofilters in hoogs bedreigde oorblyfels Afrikaberg grasvelde in KwaZulu-Natal, Suid-Afrika, om die bewaringsbeplanning van dié gebiede te optimaliseer. Vanaf anekdotiese bewyse, het ek spesifiek gebruik gemaak van klipperigheid in die landskap as ‘n moontlike drywer van spesies-rykheid en spesies-samestelling variasie by ‘n meso-skaal, deur ‘n multi-takson en multi-trofiese benadering. In hierdie berglandskap, het ek ook die effek van hoogte bo seevlak op ruimtelike verspreiding van taksa bestudeer. Verder het ek ook gekyk na die funksionele reaksie van taksa tot klipperigheid in die landskap. Klipperigheid in die landskap het ‘n beduidende invloed gehad op spesies-rykheid en spesiessamestelling van drie sleutel grasveld taksa: plante, skoenlappers, en springkane. Ek wys dat vir plante, hierdie reaksie as gevolg was van spesifieke plantgroeivorme, soos bolplante en meerjarige grasse, se noue verband met klipperigheid, en daarom, dat hierdie groepe die hoof bydraers is tot gesiene variasie in plantspesies verspreiding in die landskap. Vir springkane, was hierdie reaksie nie noodwendig omdat hulle die klippe self gebruik het nie, maar meer as gevolg van die omgewingskondisies geskep deur verhoogde klipperigheid in die landskap, soos laer plantegroei digtheid. Vir skoenlappers, was hierdie reaksie tot klippe as gevolg van sekere gedragskaraktereienskappe, soos rus op klippe, gebied beskerming en/of paarmaat soektog, wat tipies meer gesien was in klipperige omgewings. Dit dui daarop dat klippe ‘n definitiewe habitat hulpbron is vir sekere skoenlappers. Oor die algemeen is hierdie bevinding, waar abiotiese surrogate verteenwoordig is van drie sleutel taksa in ‘n ekosisteem, baie interessant, siende dat tussen-takson surrogate soms gesien word as sterker as surrogate gebaseer op omgewingsdata. Verder, taksa het funksioneel gereageer teenoor die klippe in die landskap. Hierdie tesis ondersteun dus die idee dat omgewingssurrogate wel nuttig is vir biodiversiteit-bewaring beplanning. Ekosisteme mag vele potensiele elemente van bewarings belang bevat, maar om sulke elemente as ‘n stel mesofilters te klassifiseer, is ‘n nuttige manier om spesifieke elemente te gebruik in natuurbewarings evaluasie initiatiewe. Gevolglik word die konsep van die mesofilter as ‘n praktiese biodiversiteit-bewaring gereedskapstuk hier bevestig. Ek beredeneer ook die belangrikheid van habitat heterogeniteit vir biodiversiteit-bewaring van hierdie berggrasveld landskap. Die potensiaal vir optimalisering van ontwerp en bestuur van landskap konfigurasies, soos ekologiese netwerke, word beklemtoon. Ons kan met veiligheid nog ‘n gereedskapstuk plaas in die biodiversiteitbewarings gereedskapkis van hierdie Afrikaberg grasveld ekosisteem.

Environmental heterogeneity–species richness relationships from a global perspective

Stein, Anke 23 October 2014 (has links)
Heterogenität von Umweltbedingungen gilt als einer der wichtigsten Faktoren für die Verteilung von Artenreichtum weltweit. Laut der Habitatheterogenität-Hypothese bieten räumlich heterogenere Gebiete eine höhere Vielfalt an Umweltparametern und weisen mehr Refugien und Möglichkeiten zur Isolation und Radiation auf. Dadurch begünstigen sie Koexistenz, Persistenz und Diversifikation von Arten. Die Erforschung potentieller positiver Effekte von Heterogenität auf Artenreichtum fasziniert Ökologen und Evolutionsbiologen seit Jahrzehnten. Dementsprechend existieren zahlreiche Studien über die Beziehung zwischen Heterogenität und dem Artenreichum verschiedener Taxa unter unterschiedlichsten ökologischen Gegebenheiten. Heterogenität kann sich auf biotische und abiotische Bedingungen beziehen und wurde daher mittels vieler verschiedener Maße quantifiziert. Diese finden zudem auf sehr unterschiedlichen Skalen Anwendung, die von der Architektur einer einzelnen Pflanze über Landschaftsstruktur bis hin zu topographischem Relief reichen. Die Vielfalt der Maße sowie eine oft unbestimmte und inkonsistente Terminologie, die in der Forschung zu Heterogenität-Artenreichtums-Beziehungen verwendet wird, erschweren das Verständnis, den Vergleich und die Synthese der entsprechenden Studien. Desweiteren gibt es große Unterschiede in der Form und Stärke der Beziehungen: während viele Studien einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen Heterogenität und Artenreichtum nachwiesen, sind auch negative, unimodale und nicht signifikante Zusammenhänge bekannt. Deshalb existiert bisher kein eindeutiger Konsens bezüglich der generellen Heterogenität-Artenreichtums-Beziehung. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation fertige ich ein systematisches Literaturreview an, mit dem ich einen Überblick über die verwendeten Maße und Begriffe gebe, die bisher in der Forschung zu Heterogenität-Artenreichtums-Beziehungen Anwendung fanden. Basierend auf 192 Studien identifiziere ich 165 verschiedene Heterogenitätsmaße, die ich bezüglich ihrer Themenfelder und Berechnungsmethoden klassifiziere. Es werden fünf Themenfelder unterschieden, nämlich Landbedeckung und Vegetation als biotische Komponenten, und Klima, Boden und Topographie als abiotische Komponenten von Heterogenität. Desweiteren identifiziere ich achtzehn verschiedene Berechnungsmethoden, wie z.B. Anzahl, Standardabweichung und Variationskoeffizient. Die Höhenspannweite in einem Gebiet erweist sich als das häufigste Heterogenitätsmaß in der Literatur, wohingegen Maße von klimatischer Heterogenität und Bodenheterogenität unterrepräsentiert sind. Weiterhin stelle ich ein deutliches räumliches und taxonomisches Ungleichgewicht in der Forschung fest, wobei ein Großteil der Studien den Einfluss von Heterogenität in der Paläarktis untersucht und sich auf den Artenreichtum von Vertebraten oder Pflanzen konzentriert. Ich kompiliere über 100 verschiedene Begriffe für Heterogenität, wie z.B. Habitatdiversität oder Habitatheterogenität, und weise auf mangelhafte und teilweise sogar widersprüchliche Definitionen hin. Solche Unklarheiten erschweren das Verständnis der Begriffe und Studien, weshalb ich für eindeutige Terminologie plädiere und mich gegen die Verwendung von Synonymen ausspreche. Desweiteren gebe ich einen Überblick über mögliche Mechanismen, die als Grundlage von positiven Zusammenhängen zwischen Heterogenität und Artenreichtum in der Literatur diskutiert werden. Insgesamt identifiziere ich sieben Hauptmechanismen, die mit der Förderung von Koexistenz, Persistenz und Diversifikation von Arten zusammenhängen. Diese Mechanismen stelle ich in Beziehung zu den Themenfeldern der Heterogenitätsmaße, den Taxa und den räumlichen Skalen, die in den jeweiligen Studien behandelt werden. Basierend auf dem gleichen Datensatz von 192 Studien und 1148 Datenpunkten führe ich anschließend eine Meta-Analyse durch, um die generelle Richtung und Stärke des Zusammenhangs zwischen Heterogenität und dem Artenreichtum terrestrischer Pflanzen und Tiere zu untersuchen. Hierbei weise ich quantitativ nach, dass der Zusammenhang von der Landschaftsebene bis zur globalen Skala über Taxa, Habitattypen und räumliche Skalen hinweg generell positiv ist. Während kein signifikanter Unterschied in der Effektgröße zwischen biotischer und abiotischer Heterogenität besteht, weisen Vegetations- und topographische Heterogenität signifikant stärkere Assoziationen mit Artenreichtum auf als klimatische Heterogenität. Durch gemischte Meta-Regressionen identifiziere ich weiterhin Studieneigenschaften, die die Stärke des Zusammenhangs zwischen Heterogenität und Artenreichtum beeinflussen. Räumliche Skalen, insbesondere Flächenkonstanz, räumliche Auflösung und Ausdehnung, stellen sich als besonders wichtige Einflussgrößen für die untersuchte Beziehung zwischen Artenreichtum und auf Landbedeckung und Höhe basierenden Heterogenitätsmaßen heraus. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen des Literaturreviews untersuche ich schließlich die Ähnlichkeit zwischen einer Reihe von Heterogenitätsmaßen sowie deren differentiellen Einfluss auf den globalen Artenreichtum terrestrischer Säugetiere. Ich berechne systematisch 51 verschiedene Heterogenitätsmaße auf globaler Ebene, die alle fünf Themenfelder von Heterogenität abdecken und neun verschiedene Berechnungsmethoden beinhalten. Ich zeige, dass manche dieser Maße sich deutlich voneinander abheben, während andere stärker kollinear und zum Teil redundant sind. Ich stelle Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Regionen in Bezug auf räumliche Muster einzelner Heterogenitätsmaße sowie einen multidimensionalen Heterogenitätsraum heraus, der auf einer Hauptkomponentenanalyse beruht. Außerdem untersuche ich den Zusammenhang zwischen jedem einzelnen Heterogenitätsmaß und dem Säugetierreichtum in einfachen und multiplen Regressionsmodellen, welche zusätzlich den Einfluss von Klima, biogeographischer Region und menschlichem Einfluss berücksichtigen. Mit Hilfe von bedingten Inferenzbäumen analysiere ich den Einfluss der verschiedenen Themenfelder und Berechnungsmethoden der Heterogenitätsmaße auf die Modellgüte über drei räumliche Auflösungen hinweg. Die Wahl der Themenfelder stellt sich dabei als wichtigster Einflussfaktor heraus, wobei sich Maße klimatischer und topographischer Heterogenität besonders positiv auf die Modellgüte auswirken. Desweiteren zeichnen sich Modelle mit Anzahl- oder Spannweitemaßen ebenfalls durch hohe Modellgüte aus, wohingegen der Variationskoeffizient und ein Geländeschroffheitsindex mit relativ geringer Modellgüte zusammenhängen. Insgesamt betonen meine Ergebnisse die hohe Bedeutung methodischer Entscheidungen auf die Ergebnisse von Heterogenität-Artenreichtums-Studien. Dies wiederum dokumentiert wie wichtig es ist, sinnvolle, taxon- und skalenabhängige Heterogenitätsmaße zu verwenden, die dem jeweiligen Untersuchungssystem und dem zu untersuchenden Mechanismus entsprechen. Diese Dissertation stellt die bisher umfangreichste Untersuchung der Quantifizierung und Terminologie von Heterogenität über Themenfelder und verschiedene taxonomische Gruppen hinweg dar. Sie belegt erstmals einen generell positiven Zusammenhang zwischen biotischer und abiotischer Heterogenität und dem Artenreichtum terrestrischer Pflanzen und Tiere auf relativ großen räumlichen Skalen. Meine Forschung demonstriert deutlich die enorme Komplexität von Heterogenität als Thema und Forschungsgebiet. Trotz der beachtlichen Fortschritte, die durch diese Arbeit in der Erforschung von Heterogenität-Artenreichtums-Beziehungen gemacht wurden, gilt es noch zahlreiche offene Fragen zu beantworten. Die vorliegende Dissertation soll eine solide Basis schaffen, um diese Herausforderung in Zukunft anzugehen.

Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems Under Global Change: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Mapping, Classification, and Projection

Akane Ota Abbasi (17123185) 10 October 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Global forest ecosystems provide essential ecosystem services that contribute to water and climate regulation, food production, recreation, and raw materials. They also serve as crucial habitats for numerous terrestrial species of amphibians, birds, and mammals worldwide. However, recent decades have witnessed unprecedented changes in forest ecosystems due to climate change, shifts in species distribution patterns, increased planted forest areas, and various disturbances such as forest fires, insect infestations, and urbanization. These changes can have far-reaching impacts on ecological networks, human well-being, and the well-being of global forest ecosystems. To address these challenges, I present four studies to quantify forest dynamics through mapping, classification, and projection, using artificial intelligence tools in combination with a vast amount of training data. (I) I present a spatially continuous map of planted forest distribution across East Asia, produced by integrating multiple sources of planted and natural forest data. I found that China contributed 87% of the total planted forest areas in East Asia, most of which are located in the lowland tropical/subtropical regions and Sichuan Basin. I also estimated the dominant genus in each planted forest location. (II) I used continent-wide forest inventory data to compare the range shifts of forest types and their constituent tree species in North America in the past 50 years. I found that forest types shifted more than three times as fast as the average of their constituent tree species. This marked difference was attributable to a predominant positive covariance between tree species ranges and the change of species relative abundance. (III) Based on individual-level field surveys of trees and breeding birds across North America, I characterized New World wood-warbler (<i>Parulidae</i>) species richness and its potential drivers. I identified forest type as the most powerful predictor of New World wood-warbler species richness, which adds valuable evidence to the ongoing physiognomy versus composition debate among ornithologists. (IV) In the appendix, I utilized continent-wide forest inventory data from North America and South America and the combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms to produce the first data-driven map of forest types in the Americas. I revealed the distribution of forest types, which are useful for cost-effective forest and biodiversity management and planning. Taken together, these studies provide insight into the dynamics of forest ecosystems at a large geographic scale and have implications for effective decision-making in conservation, management, and global restoration programs in the midst of ongoing global change.</p>

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