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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theoretical and numerical calculations for the dynamics of colloidal suspensions of molecular particles in flowing solution inside mesopores / Modélisation théorique et numérique de la dynamique de particules macromoléculaires en écoulement dans des systèmes méso-poreux

Atwi, Ali 02 May 2012 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse visent le développement d’un traitement inédit dans un repère spatiale tridimensionnel, pour le problème de la dynamique de collisions diffusives d’objets macromoléculaires en solution en écoulement hydrodynamique à l'intérieur des pores de largeur variable, soumis aux forces hydrodynamiques, du mouvement brownien et des collisions diffusifs aux parois des pores, en utilisant la modélisation théorique et les simulations numériques. L’approche par simulation numérique est nécessaire car il est extrêmement complexe d’utiliser des outils analytiques à présent pour traiter le problème de ces collisions diffusives aux parois solides. Les algorithmes que nous avons développés et les simulations correspondantes sont suffisamment généraux et avancés pour être directement appliquée à l'étude de la dynamique d'une grande variété de polymère et des particules biologiques dans des solutions diluées sous diverses conditions physiques et hydrodynamiques à l'intérieur des pores. Par ailleurs, les mécanismes conduisant à l'adhésion de nano particules et de particules macromoléculaires sous conditions de non-équilibre, en raison de l'influence contradictoire des collisions mécaniques diffusifs et les forces attractives de Hamaker aux parois solides, sont d'un intérêt majeur. Nous avons donc développé un modèle théorique pour calculer le coefficient de restitution. L'objectif est de quantifier le bilan énergétique pendant le processus de collision diffusive de ces particules aux parois, sous l'influence des forces de répulsion d'une part et les forces attractives de Hamaker. Cela se fait par l'élaboration d'un modèle, basé sur le JKR et les théories d’Hertz, pour tenir compte des pertes d'énergie lors des collisions et des gains d'énergie en raison des interactions Hamaker. L’adhésion arrive si le bilan énergétique le permet. Notre modèle théorique est développé en proposant une approche particulière basée sur le potentiel Hamaker. Nous démontrons ce bilan par le biais d'une équation caractéristique non linéaire pour le coefficient de restitution, et analysons ses propriétés qui déterminent l'adhésion ou non pour diverses conditions physiques initiales. / The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive model analysis in a three-dimensional spatial frame for the dynamics of molecular particles in dilute colloidal suspensions in solutions flowing inside pores of variable width, subject to hydrodynamic forces, Brownian motion and diffusive collisions at the rough pore boundaries, by using numerical simulations. The approach by simulations is necessary because it is extremely complex to use analytical tools at present to deal with the problem of diffusive collisions of the particles at the solid pore boundaries. The algorithms which we have developed and the corresponding simulations are sufficiently general and refined to be directly applied to the study of the dynamics of a wide variety of polymer and biological particles in dilute solutions under diverse physical and applicable hydrodynamic conditions inside pores. Moreover, the mechanisms leading to the adhesion of particles of nano sizes under what would be non-equilibrium conditions, due to the conflicting influence of the mechanical diffusive collisions and the attractive Hamaker forces at the boundaries, are of major interest. We have hence investigated a theoretical model to calculate the restitution coefficient from basic physical principles. The objective is to quantify the energy balance during the process of a diffusive collision of a nano particle under the influence of the repulsive forces on one hand, and the attractive Hamaker forces acting on the nano particle on the other. This is done by developing a model, based on the JKR and Hertz theories, to account for the energy losses during collisions, and for the energy gains due to the Hamaker interactions. Adhesion becomes an outcome if the energy balance permits this. Our theoretical model is developed by proposing a special analytic approach based on the Hamaker potential. We derive from the theoretical analysis a characteristic nonlinear equation for the restitution coefficient, and analyze its properties which determine under given physical conditions the outcome for adhesion or not.

Investigating sub-10 nm-thick Cloaking Films on Sessile Water Droplets Placed on Slippery Lubricant-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS)

Ridwan, Muhammad Ghifari 04 1900 (has links)
Slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces (SLIPS) – a new class of bio-inspired liquid-repellent surfaces – comprise arbitrarily porous architectures filled with oils that exhibit high interfacial tensions to probe liquids and present ultralow contact angle hysteresis (<〖10〗^°). However, before practical technologies based on SLIPS can be designed at large-scale, a number of fundamental questions remain to be answered. For instance, depending on the sign of the spreading coefficient of the Vapor(V)-lubricant oil(O)-liquid(L) system, defined as S_(OL(V))=γ_LV-γ_LO-γ_OV>0, the lubricating layer forms a layer at the liquid-vapor interface (here, γ_LV is a liquid-vapor interfacial tension, γ_LO – liquid-oil, and γ_OV – oil-vapor). This “cloaking” of liquid drops can deplete SLIPS’ lubricant over time and contaminate the probed liquid. So far, cloaking has been investigated by contact angle goniometry and confocal microscopy, which cannot resolve films of molecular thickness and factors that govern the equilibrium thickness of those films are not entirely clear. Here, we report on the development and application of a reflective-mode SFA platform to characterize the cloaking of water droplets placed on SLIPS. A multilayer matrix method is utilized to analyze the interferometry data. Using this complementary experimental and analytical approach, we determined the thickness of the cloaking layer for the FDTS(solid)-VF-40(lubricant)-water(probe liquid)-air system to be z3= 7±1 nm. Towards deeper insights into the intermolecular and surface forces responsible for cloaking, we demonstrate that repulsive van der Waals interactions are responsible for stabilizing the cloaking film at the water-air interface. Our experimental platform and the analytical framework should facilitate investigations of other SLIPS and probe liquid systems down to the molecular-scale resolution. These findings might aid the rational design of SLIPS, e.g., for drag reduction, anti-biofouling, and anti-corrosion. In addition to investigating SLIPS, We addressed the following questions with the help of atomic force microscopy (AFM): (i) how do zwitterionic osmolytes modulate electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in nanoscale confinement, and (ii) is it possible to have two negatively charged surfaces attract each other? Our findings are presented as appendices in this thesis.

Theoretical and numerical calculations for the dynamics of colloidal suspensions of molecular particles in flowing solution inside mesopores

Atwi, Ali 02 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive model analysis in a three-dimensional spatial frame for the dynamics of molecular particles in dilute colloidal suspensions in solutions flowing inside pores of variable width, subject to hydrodynamic forces, Brownian motion and diffusive collisions at the rough pore boundaries, by using numerical simulations. The approach by simulations is necessary because it is extremely complex to use analytical tools at present to deal with the problem of diffusive collisions of the particles at the solid pore boundaries. The algorithms which we have developed and the corresponding simulations are sufficiently general and refined to be directly applied to the study of the dynamics of a wide variety of polymer and biological particles in dilute solutions under diverse physical and applicable hydrodynamic conditions inside pores. Moreover, the mechanisms leading to the adhesion of particles of nano sizes under what would be non-equilibrium conditions, due to the conflicting influence of the mechanical diffusive collisions and the attractive Hamaker forces at the boundaries, are of major interest. We have hence investigated a theoretical model to calculate the restitution coefficient from basic physical principles. The objective is to quantify the energy balance during the process of a diffusive collision of a nano particle under the influence of the repulsive forces on one hand, and the attractive Hamaker forces acting on the nano particle on the other. This is done by developing a model, based on the JKR and Hertz theories, to account for the energy losses during collisions, and for the energy gains due to the Hamaker interactions. Adhesion becomes an outcome if the energy balance permits this. Our theoretical model is developed by proposing a special analytic approach based on the Hamaker potential. We derive from the theoretical analysis a characteristic nonlinear equation for the restitution coefficient, and analyze its properties which determine under given physical conditions the outcome for adhesion or not.

Modélisations et Expérimentations en Microscopie à Force Atomique Dynamique en Ultra Vide

Polesel, Jérôme 15 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
La microscopie à force atomique (AFM) dynamique est née il y a maintenant presque quinze ans (Albrecht, 1991). Depuis la première image en résolution atomique (F. J. Giessibl, 1995), les avancées de cette technique de champ proche permettent aujourd'hui de manipuler des atomes à température ambiante (Oyabu, 2005) sur des surfaces conductrices ou isolantes. La compréhension du fonctionnement de cette machine complexe et l'optimisation des réglages des nombreux asservissements est un des objectifs de ce travail de thèse. A cette fin, un formalisme analytique provenant des méthodes de l'Automatique non linéaire (J. Ch. Gille, 1956) sera introduit pour traiter de façon naturelle les blocs de régulation de la machine mais aussi pour traiter l'interaction pointe-surface comme une fonction de transfert. Un outil numérique de simulation confirmera notre approche théorique. Dans un deuxième temps, le rôle capital de la sonde et sa caractérisation seront traités à travers une méthode expérimentale simple et originale. Cette méthode se base sur l'étude des changements des propriétés de résonance de la sonde oscillante sur des surfaces isolantes et conductrices. Les forces conservatives à longue portée du type électrostatique et van der Waals seront quantifiées. Les forces à courte portée essentiellement chimiques seront mises en évidence en mesurant la dissipation de la sonde oscillante en fonction de sa distance avec la surface. Nous finirons cette étude en montrant expérimentalement, sur un sytème MoS2/îlots d'or/molécules d'octanedithiol, la grande versatilité de ce microscope. En effet, cet appareil d'observation par sa complexité apparente laisse beaucoup de degrés de liberté à l'utilisateur pour aborder l'étude d'un tel système physicochimique. Des perspectives seront données pour améliorer la stabilité et le pouvoir de résolution des pointes qui permettraient de rendre pérenne cette technique de champ proche.

Modélisation théorique et numérique de la dynamique de particules macromoléculaires en écoulement dans des systèmes méso-poreux

Atwi, Ali 02 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les objectifs de cette thèse visent le développement d'un traitement inédit dans un repère spatiale tridimensionnel, pour le problème de la dynamique de collisions diffusives d'objets macromoléculaires en solution en écoulement hydrodynamique à l'intérieur des pores de largeur variable, soumis aux forces hydrodynamiques, du mouvement brownien et des collisions diffusifs aux parois des pores, en utilisant la modélisation théorique et les simulations numériques. L'approche par simulation numérique est nécessaire car il est extrêmement complexe d'utiliser des outils analytiques à présent pour traiter le problème de ces collisions diffusives aux parois solides. Les algorithmes que nous avons développés et les simulations correspondantes sont suffisamment généraux et avancés pour être directement appliquée à l'étude de la dynamique d'une grande variété de polymère et des particules biologiques dans des solutions diluées sous diverses conditions physiques et hydrodynamiques à l'intérieur des pores. Par ailleurs, les mécanismes conduisant à l'adhésion de nano particules et de particules macromoléculaires sous conditions de non-équilibre, en raison de l'influence contradictoire des collisions mécaniques diffusifs et les forces attractives de Hamaker aux parois solides, sont d'un intérêt majeur. Nous avons donc développé un modèle théorique pour calculer le coefficient de restitution. L'objectif est de quantifier le bilan énergétique pendant le processus de collision diffusive de ces particules aux parois, sous l'influence des forces de répulsion d'une part et les forces attractives de Hamaker. Cela se fait par l'élaboration d'un modèle, basé sur le JKR et les théories d'Hertz, pour tenir compte des pertes d'énergie lors des collisions et des gains d'énergie en raison des interactions Hamaker. L'adhésion arrive si le bilan énergétique le permet. Notre modèle théorique est développé en proposant une approche particulière basée sur le potentiel Hamaker. Nous démontrons ce bilan par le biais d'une équation caractéristique non linéaire pour le coefficient de restitution, et analysons ses propriétés qui déterminent l'adhésion ou non pour diverses conditions physiques initiales.

Particle interactions at the nanoscale : From colloidal processing to self-assembled arrays

Faure, Bertrand January 2012 (has links)
Nanostructured materials are the next generation of high-performance materials, harnessing the novel properties of their nanosized constituents. The controlled assembly of nanosized particles and the design of the optimal nanostructure require a detailed understanding of particle interactions and robust methods to tune them. This thesis describes innovative approaches to these challenges, relating to the determination of Hamaker constants for iron oxide nanoparticles, the packaging of nanopowders into redispersible granules, the tuning of the wetting behavior of nanocrystals and the simulation of collective magnetic properties in arrays of superparamagnetic nanoparticles. The non-retarded Hamaker constants for iron oxides have been calculated from their optical properties based on Lifshitz theory. The results show that the magnitude of vdW interactions in non-polar solvents has previously been overestimated up to 10 times. Our calculations support the experimental observations that oleate-capped nanoparticles smaller than 15 nm in diameter can indeed form colloidally-stable dispersions in hydrocarbons. In addition, a simple procedure has been devised to remove the oleate-capping on the iron oxide nanoparticles, enabling their use in fluorometric assays for water remediation, with a sensitivity more than 100 times below the critical micelle concentration for non-ionic surfactants. Nanosized particles are inherently more difficult to handle in the dry state than larger micron-sized powders, e.g. because of poor flowability, agglomeration and potential toxicity. The rheology of concentrated slurries of TiO2 powder was optimized by the addition of sodium polyacrylate, and spray-dried into fully redispersible micron-sized granules. The polymer was embedded into the granules, where it could serve as a re-dispersing aid. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have been applied to the collective magnetic behavior of nanoparticle arrays of various thicknesses. The decrease in magnetic susceptibility with the thickness observed experimentally was reproduced by the simulations. Ferromagnetic couplings in the arrays are enhanced by the finite thickness, and decrease in strength with increasing thickness. The simulations indicate the formation of vortex states with increasing thickness, along with a change in their orientation, which becomes more and more isotropic as the thickness increases. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p>

Characterization of bioparticulate adhesion to synthetic carpet polymers with atomic force microscopy

Thio, Beng Joo Reginald 27 October 2008 (has links)
Particles originating from bacteria, fungi (including mold spores, mildew, yeast), pollen, dust mites, and viruses can induce immune responses that trigger allergies and asthma. Carpeting is believed to act as a "sink" where bioparticulates are trapped via adhesive interactions and then are released by foot traffic or cleaning. This scenario can result in an accumulation of contaminants at higher levels than would be found outdoors or in a carpet-less environment. Numerous organizations (school districts, hospitals) have taken steps to remove carpeting, even though this hypothesis remains unproven. While statistical studies exist both in support and denial of the accumulation hypothesis, there is little fundamental understanding of the microscopic-level interactions between carpet and bioparticles. A fundamental understanding of particle affinities with polymers utilized in carpet would help to develop accurate models and address real problems in a rational and productive manner. In addition, a solution to the bioparticulate accumulation problem would have a profound impact on US health, resulting in significant economic savings. More than 20 million people suffer from asthma in the U.S., with children being the most vulnerable. In 2000 there were 9.3 million physician office visits and 1.8 million emergency room visits due to asthma alone, resulting in an estimated $9.4 billion in medical costs and $4.6 billion in lost productivity annually. In this thesis, two measurement techniques were developed to quantify the adhesive interactions between biological particulates and polymeric carpeting materials. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to measure the adhesive interactions of relevant biological particulates (in this case the E. coli bacteria and A. artemisiifolia ragweed pollen grains) with Nylon-6 and Nylon-6,6, polyamide-12 and polystyrene. The adhesion force measurements were modeled using several adhesion theories. We found that the Hamaker models were sufficient for explaining the data, indicating the prominence of van der Waals forces in controlling bioparticle interactions with polyamides. In addition, the geometry of the pollen played a significant role: adhesion forces were approximately a multiple of the number of contact points the grain has with the surface. Forces for E. coli and polyamides were about the same magnitude as polyamide-polyamide surface self-interactions.

Influence des cristaux d'hydrates de gaz ou de glace sur la perméabilité d'un milieu poreux

BONNEFOY, Olivier 08 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
La première partie est une étude bibiographique. Nous étudions les conditions thermodynamiques de stabilité des hydrates dans un milieu bulk et la composition des phases solide et liquide. Nous décrivons ensuite les écoulements dans les milieux poreux. Enfin, nous fusionnons les deux approches en étudiant l'influence du confinement sur la stabilité des hydrates. Un champ offshore (Blake Ridge) et un champ on-shore (Mallik) sont décrits dans le détail. Ce dernier servira de base aux simulations numériques ultérieures. <br /><br />La deuxième partie est consacrée aux expériences. Leur but est de mesurer la perméabilité d'un sédiment contenant des cristaux. Pour nous rapprocher des conditions géologiques naturelles, les cristaux sont réalisés en l'absence de phase gazeuse. Il s'avère que les hydrates se forment de manière très hétérogène dans le milieu poreux et ceci rend les mesures non représentatives. Nous pensons que ce résultat est général et qu'à l'échelle de temps du laboratoire, la formation d'hydrates de gaz répartis uniformément dans un milieu poreux est très difficile. Pour contourner cette difficulté, nous montrons de manière théorique que les cristaux de glace ont un comportement analogue aux cristaux d'hydrate (du point de vue des forces de Van der Waals qui gouvernent l'agglomération). Ceci nous permet de calculer la constante de Hamaker des hydrates. La deuxième série d'expériences s'intéresse donc à la perméabilité d'un milieu poreux non consolidé et sous contrainte dont les pores sont occupés par des cristaux de glace. Deux populations de grains de silice sont utilisées pour former le milieu poreux : 3 mm et 200 microns. Avec les gros grains, les résultats font apparaître deux seuils : pour des saturations plus faibles que le seuil inférieur, la présence des cristaux n'affecte pas la perméabilité. Pour des saturations plus grandes que le seul supérieur, la perméabilité est quasiment nulle (phénomène de percolation). Entre les deux, la perméabilité décroît exponentiellement en fonction de la saturation. Avec les grains fins, la perméabilité décroît avec la même vitesse. <br /><br />La dernière partie est une étude numérique sur le champ Mallik. Après avoir posé les équations décrivant les transferts massiques et de chaleur dans l'espace et au cours du temps, nous étudions un cas limite unidimensionnel. Ceci nous permet de voir l'influence de la courbe 'Perméabilité = f(saturation)' obtenue expérimentalement sur la quantité de gaz produite. Le code proposé permet également d'évaluer différents scénarios de production, dont la dépressurisation assistée par formation de glace.

Aqueous Processing of WC-Co Powders

Andersson, Karin M. January 2004 (has links)
The object of this work is to obtain a fundamentalunderstanding of the principal issues concerning the handlingof an aqueous WC-Co powder suspension. The WO3 surface layer on the oxidised tungsten carbidepowder dissolves at pH&gt;3 with the tungsten concentrationincreasing linearly with time. Adding cobalt powder to thetungsten carbide suspension resulted in a significant reductionof the dissolution rate at pH&lt;10. Electrokinetic studiesindicated that the reduced dissolution rate may be related tothe formation of surface complexes; the experiments showed thatCo species in solution adsorb on the oxidised tungsten carbidepowder. The surface forces of oxidised tungsten and cobalt surfaceswere investigated using the atomic force microscope (AFM)colloidal probe technique. The interactions at various ionicstrengths and pH values are well described by DLVO theory. Theadsorption of cobalt ions to tungsten oxide surfaces resultedin an additional non-DLVO force and a reduced absolute value ofthe surface potential. It was shown that the adsorption ofpoly(ethylene imine) (PEI) to the WO3 surfaces induces anelectrosteric repulsion. The properties of spray-dried WC-Co granules were related tothe WC primary particle size, and the poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG) binder and PEI dispersant content in aqueous WC-Cosuspensions. The granule characterisation includes a new methodfor measuring the density of single granules. The increase inthe fracture strength of granules produced from suspensionsthat were stabilised with PEI was related to a more densepacking of the WC-Co particles. The AFM was used to study the friction and adhesion ofsingle spray-dried WC-Co granules containing various amounts ofPEG binder. The adhesion and friction force between two singlegranules (intergranular friction) and between a granule and ahard metal substrate (die-wall friction) have been determinedas a function of relative humidity. The granule-wall frictionincreases with binder content and relative humidity, whereasthe granule-granule friction is essentially independent of therelative humidity and substantially lower than the granule-wallfriction at all PEG contents. Key words:Hard Metal, Cemented Carbide, WC-Co, TungstenCarbide, Cobalt, Oxidation, Dissolution, Surface Complexation,XPS, AFM, Colloidal Probe, Hamaker Constant, Cauchy, WO3,CoOOH, ESCA, Zeta-Potential, Surface Potential, Poly(ethyleneimine), PEI, Suspension, van der Waals, Steric, Spray-Dried,Poly(ethylene glycol), Strength, Density, Friction, Adhesion,Granule, PEG, Pressing, FFM. / <p>QC 20161027</p>

Aqueous Processing of WC-Co Powders

Andersson, Karin M. January 2004 (has links)
<p>The object of this work is to obtain a fundamentalunderstanding of the principal issues concerning the handlingof an aqueous WC-Co powder suspension.</p><p>The WO3 surface layer on the oxidised tungsten carbidepowder dissolves at pH>3 with the tungsten concentrationincreasing linearly with time. Adding cobalt powder to thetungsten carbide suspension resulted in a significant reductionof the dissolution rate at pH<10. Electrokinetic studiesindicated that the reduced dissolution rate may be related tothe formation of surface complexes; the experiments showed thatCo species in solution adsorb on the oxidised tungsten carbidepowder.</p><p>The surface forces of oxidised tungsten and cobalt surfaceswere investigated using the atomic force microscope (AFM)colloidal probe technique. The interactions at various ionicstrengths and pH values are well described by DLVO theory. Theadsorption of cobalt ions to tungsten oxide surfaces resultedin an additional non-DLVO force and a reduced absolute value ofthe surface potential. It was shown that the adsorption ofpoly(ethylene imine) (PEI) to the WO3 surfaces induces anelectrosteric repulsion.</p><p>The properties of spray-dried WC-Co granules were related tothe WC primary particle size, and the poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG) binder and PEI dispersant content in aqueous WC-Cosuspensions. The granule characterisation includes a new methodfor measuring the density of single granules. The increase inthe fracture strength of granules produced from suspensionsthat were stabilised with PEI was related to a more densepacking of the WC-Co particles.</p><p>The AFM was used to study the friction and adhesion ofsingle spray-dried WC-Co granules containing various amounts ofPEG binder. The adhesion and friction force between two singlegranules (intergranular friction) and between a granule and ahard metal substrate (die-wall friction) have been determinedas a function of relative humidity. The granule-wall frictionincreases with binder content and relative humidity, whereasthe granule-granule friction is essentially independent of therelative humidity and substantially lower than the granule-wallfriction at all PEG contents.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>Hard Metal, Cemented Carbide, WC-Co, TungstenCarbide, Cobalt, Oxidation, Dissolution, Surface Complexation,XPS, AFM, Colloidal Probe, Hamaker Constant, Cauchy, WO3,CoOOH, ESCA, Zeta-Potential, Surface Potential, Poly(ethyleneimine), PEI, Suspension, van der Waals, Steric, Spray-Dried,Poly(ethylene glycol), Strength, Density, Friction, Adhesion,Granule, PEG, Pressing, FFM.</p>

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