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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Panel Analysis of Institutional Finances of Medical Residencies at Non-University-Based Independent M.D. Granting Medical Schools in the United States

Cho, Ah Ra 05 1900 (has links)
Traditionally, medical residency positions have been primarily funded by the federal government. However, due to declining governmental funding support over time, medical schools have resorted to fund these programs through other means such as clinical fees and payments for services. This change has affected the number and types of residencies available to medical school graduates. The purpose of this study was to measure how the availability of fiscal resources shape mission-related outputs, particularly medical residency positions at medical schools. Using academic capitalism as the theoretical framework provided a lens through which to examine how federal policies have shaped the availability and funding of medical residencies today at the institutional level. This concept has been studied in traditional colleges and universities and how they balance mission and money, but less so in the context of medical schools. This study used a fixed effect panel analysis to study the impact of selected variables over a 10-year period on financing of medical residencies. Findings included that tuition revenues, paid for by undergraduate medical students, are increasingly funding medical residency positions. There was little to no effect from hospital revenues and federal research monies on increasing the number of medical residency positions. The funding of university based medical education is particularly timely and of national importance to understand the consequences of federal policies for medical schools and how medical residency funding caps and limits have affected one of the missions of medical schools which is to train physicians.

The Correspondence between Receptive and Expressive Task Performances: A Further Analysis of Necessary Conditions

Nachawati, Noor 12 1900 (has links)
This study was a replication and an extension of the 2021 research performed by Spurgin and Borquez on the correspondence between receptive and expressive behavior. Spurgin examined the role of the echoic in a hear-say procedure with adult learners, while Borquez examined the role of the echoic in both hear-say and see-say procedures. Both studies found that receptive and expressive correspondence did not occur consistently across participants. The present study asked if the fading steps used during training contributed to the results of the previous researchers. In the present study, the fading steps were changed to minimize the chance that the participant developed a position bias. The conditions were also counterbalanced to analyze the effects of hear-say vs. see-say, easy vs. difficult words, and the order in which the words were trained on the acquisition of receptive labels and the emergence of expressive labels. The study consisted of five phases: pre-training, hear-say teaching, see-say teaching, receptive testing, and expressive testing. Results indicated that although that acquisition of receptive labels improved, the change in fading steps did not make a significant difference in the correspondence of receptive and expressive language. Results showed similar correspondence in the hear-say and see-say procedures. Easy words and words taught more recently were correlated with increased receptive-expressive correspondence.

Addressing Multicultural Issues in the Counselor Education Classroom: a Phenomenological Analysis

Wagner, Terra M. 12 1900 (has links)
Multicultural education in counselor education is a popular topic among counselor educators and scholars. To date, scholars have focused on understanding the experiences of counselor educators who teach dedicated multicultural courses. However, less attention has been given to other counselor educators who are required by ethical and training standards to address multicultural issues across the curriculum. The purpose of this study was to understand counselor educators’ experiences addressing multicultural issues in courses that do not have a specific multicultural or diversity focus. I used phenomenological methodology to explore the experiences of counselor educators who hold doctoral degrees in counseling or a related field, have taken a multicultural/diversity course in their graduate training, are full-time clinical or tenure-line faculty members in CACREP-accredited programs, and have never taught courses dedicated to multicultural or diversity issues. Twelve participants (six men and six women), ranging in age ranged from 31 to 65, participated in the study. Ten participants identified as White, one African-American, and one Hispanic. The research team identified eight themes: (1) reasons for avoidance, (2) constraints, (3) qualities and practices, (4) educator as a factor in student development, (5) infusion, (6) personal background, (7) awareness of biases and assumptions, and (8) counselor educator responsibility/gatekeeping. Findings from this study will add to the literature regarding infusion of multicultural issues across the curriculum. Additionally, the implications offered will serve as a resource for counselor educators as they experience unique personal and professional challenges when addressing multicultural issues in classrooms beyond the main multicultural or diversity course offered in counseling programs. Implications for this study may lead to development of more focused guidelines on how to increase the increase the comfort of counselor educators as they facilitate multicultural discussions and assist counselors-in-training in working toward cultural competence.

L’annonce d’un décès au service des urgences : une étude qualitative

Lachance, Paul-André 09 1900 (has links)
Nous cherchions à explorer les compétences que les intervenants du service des urgences (SU), des médecins et des infirmières travaillant en équipe dans des rôles complémentaires, ont développées dans la divulgation d‘un décès, pour éclairer l‘apprentissage de cette compétence de « Communicateur ». Nous avons utilisé des entrevues semi-dirigées et un échantillonnage non probabiliste de 8 intervenants. Nous avons analysé les entrevues à l‘aide de méthodes qualitatives reconnues. Le nombre total de présences de nos intervenants à une divulgation est estimé supérieur à 2000. Notre analyse a démontré qu‘ils utilisent une structure de divulgation uniforme. Néanmoins, ils repoussaient l‘utilisation d‘un protocole, parce que jugé trop rigide. La flexibilité et l‘empathie se sont révélées des qualités essentielles pour les intervenants. Nous représentons la visite de la famille comme un épisode de désorganisation/dysfonction qui se résorbe partiellement durant le séjour au SU. Nous proposons un modèle pédagogique qui est basé sur nos résultats. / We explored the competencies that Emergency Department (ED) healthcare providers (HPs), physicians and nurses working as team members with complementary roles, have developed through notifications of death, to inform the teaching of this ‘Communicator‘ competency. We used semi-structured interviews on a non-probabilistic sample of 8 HPs. We analyzed the interviews using recognized qualitative methods. The total self-estimated number of death notifications attended by our HPs is superior to 2000. Analysis showed that experienced HPs use a uniform structure to death notification in ED. In spite of this, the use of a protocol for notification was considered inappropriate because it was deemed too rigid. Flexibility and empathy emerged as essential qualities for HPs. We submit that the family‘s ED visit is an episode of disorganization/dysfunction that gets partially resolved during their stay. Based on our results, we propose an educational model for teaching delivery of news of death in the ED.

Determining the Relationship Between Motivation and Academic Outcomes Among Students in the Health Professions.

Reed, Linda E. 05 1900 (has links)
Admissions processes for health professions programs result in students entering these programs academically homogeneous. Yet some students have great difficulty with the programs. Research has shown a limited ability of traditional academic indicators to predict successful outcomes for health professions education. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between learning motivation and academic outcomes for students in health professions programs. The Modified Archer Health Professions Motivation Scale (MAHPMS) and a demographic survey were administered at orientation to 131 medical and 29 physician assistant students at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in the fall of 2005. At the end of the semester, the same version of the MAHPMS was administered, and final course grades and semester averages were collected. Descriptive statistics were analyzed for all the study variables. Analysis of variance was utilized to examine within subjects and between subjects differences for the learning motivation scores among programs and demographic categories. Linear regression analyses were used to determine the relationship between learning motivation scores and end-of-semester grades. And finally, logistic regression was performed to explore the ability of the motivation scores to predict academically high-risk students. Approximately three-fourths of the students indicated a preference for mastery learning and an internal locus of control. For the PA students, alienation to learning and performance goal scores statistically related to semester grades, and alienation to learning scores predicted high-risk academic performance almost 90% of the time. For the medical students, mastery goal scores statistically related to semester grades, but no motivation score predicted high-risk performance. External locus of control scores predicted high-risk performance 81% of the time for the total group of students at the end of the semester. Students in this study exhibited learning motivation preferences similar to those of other health professions students reported in the literature. The findings of this study agreed with the literature on achievement motivation theory and raised questions regarding the effect of health professions curricula on student learning goals. Similar studies, measuring larger samples longitudinally need to be conducted in order to further validate or elucidate the results of this study.

La médecine familiale vue par des jeunes omnipraticiens : rejet de la vocation et de la continuité des soins

Karazivan, Philippe 10 1900 (has links)
Titre : La médecine familiale vue par des jeunes omnipraticiens : rejet de la vocation et de la continuité des soins. Alors qu’une proportion préoccupante de québécois et canadiens n’a pas accès à un médecin de famille et que les efforts se multiplient pour résoudre cette situation problématique, les jeunes omnipraticiens optent de plus en plus pour des profils de pratique spécialisés, délaissant la continuité de soins. Nous avons interviewé 18 jeunes médecins de famille présentant un profil de pratique surspécialisé et analysé leur propos avec une méthodologie qualitative. Ce mémoire propose, à l’aide d’une approche de théorisation ancrée, une théorie empiriquement fondée permettant de mieux comprendre ce phénomène, ses origines et ses conséquences. Nos observations nous amènent à proposer la théorie suivante : les jeunes omnipraticiens urgentistes sont des professionnels autonomes dynamiques et changeants : ils sont non-fixés personnellement et non-fixés professionnellement. Leur système de valeur (qualité de vie et liberté, compétence, performance, valorisation et satisfaction) constitue l’argument principal de leurs choix professionnels et de leur conception de leurs rôles et responsabilités : ils sont donc mus primairement par des intérêts individualistes. À ce stade-ci de leur vie et de leur carrière, la responsabilité sociale et le sens du devoir envers la population ne figurent pas parmi leurs valeurs fondamentales. Cette théorie novatrice qui propose que leurs choix professionnels se basent d’abord et avant tout sur leurs valeurs permet de mieux comprendre pourquoi les efforts actuels de valorisation de la médecine familiale ne génèrent pas les résultats escomptés. Nous proposons une nouvelle compréhension du sens, de l’origine et des implications des choix professionnels des jeunes généralistes tant aux plans pédagogique, professionnel que de santé populationnelle. / Title: Young GPs' View of Family Medicine: Rejecting Vocation and Continuity of Care. Despite multiple attempts by medical authorities and faculties of medicine across Canada to remedy the acute shortage of family physicians in Canada, such a shortage is currently aggravated by the career choices of young family physicians that choose more and more to practice in subspecialized disciplines. We interviewed 18 young family physicians and analysed their views using a grounded theory approach to better understand this phenomenon, its origins and its consequences. Young generalists are autonomous professionals constantly engaged in a dynamic redefinition of their personal and professional ties. Their conception of the role they play and the responsibilities that are incumbent upon them, as well and the choices they make are based on certain core values. Those values include liberty, competence, performance/efficiency, valorisation and satisfaction. Their interests and goals are therefore primarily individualist ones. At this moment in their lives and careers, social responsibility and the sense of duty towards the population are simply not among their core priorities. This innovative theory sheds light on young generalists' values and the perception they have of their roles and responsibilities. Our analysis offers therefore a new understanding of their career choices. It helps grasp why current attempts to value family medicine are not successful and proposes new pedagogical and organisational ideas for addressing this issue.

Connaissances et gestion de la scoliose idiopathique adolescente parmi les médecins de famille, les pédiatres, les chiropraticiens et les physiothérapeutes

Théroux, Jean 04 1900 (has links)
Les médecins de famille, les pédiatres, les chiropraticiens et les physiothérapeutes sont parmi les professionnels de la santé les plus susceptibles de rencontrer des patients atteints d’une scoliose idiopathique adolescente. Les recherches démontrent que certaines lacunes existent à l’égard des connaissances acquises, par ces professionnels, dans le domaine musculosquelettique, incluant la scoliose. De plus, il ne semble pas exister d’informations sur le niveau de connaissances et la démarche clinique de ces professionnels en matière de scoliose, bien que les bonnes pratiques actuelles dictent une détection hâtive de cette condition pour en optimiser la gestion thérapeutique. Les objectifs de notre étude visaient donc à évaluer les connaissances ainsi que les aptitudes en matière de démarche clinique des professionnels les plus susceptibles à traiter des patients atteints d’une scoliose idiopathique adolescente. À l’aide d’un questionnaire semi-structuré, 51 professionnels de la santé ont été interviewés. Parmi ces professionnels recrutés par l'entremise de leur ordre professionnel respectif, on retrouvait 21 médecins de famille, 10 pédiatres, 10 chiropraticiens et 10 physiothérapeutes. Les entrevues évaluaient les connaissances en matière de signes cliniques, de facteurs de risque, de démarche clinique et de processus référentiel vers les soins spécialisés. De plus, les préférences des professionnels à l’égard des guides de bonne pratique ont été abordées. Parmi les professionnels interviewés, 59 % étaient des femmes, 43 % étaient âgés de moins de 40 ans et la moyenne d’années de pratique était de 20,3 ans. Les résultats démontrent qu’il existe des lacunes à l’égard des connaissances des signes cliniques et des facteurs de risque : moins du tiers des professionnels interviewés pouvaient mentionner au moins 2 signes cliniques et 31 % d’entre eux ne pouvaient se souvenir des facteurs de risque associés à la scoliose idiopathique adolescente; les médecins de famille étaient les moins connaissants dans ces domaines. De plus, en présence d’une mise en contexte nécessitant une référence urgente en soins spécialisés, 70 à 90 % des professionnels auraient référé le patient en dépit du fait que seulement 38 à 60 % d’entre eux considéraient cette situation comme urgente. Près de 40 % des professionnels mentionnaient qu’ils seraient inconfortables à gérer un patient atteint d’une scoliose. Néanmoins, la majorité d’entre eux reconnaissaient qu’il existe un problème en ce qui a trait à l’accessibilité aux soins spécialisés en orthopédiatrie. Presque la totalité c’est-à-dire, 98 % étaient favorables à la production de guides de bonne pratique et les accueilleraient positivement dans leur pratique quotidienne. Les conclusions de cette étude ont montré qu’il existe des vides en matière de connaissances de signes cliniques et de facteurs de risque de progression de la scoliose idiopathique adolescente; ces lacunes ont particulièrement été remarquées chez les médecins de famille. La majorité des professionnels reconnaissent l’importance de référer les conditions urgentes en soins spécialisés. Néanmoins, tous semblent souligner des difficultés dans ce processus référentiel. Une meilleure collaboration interprofessionnelle semble prometteuse en ce qui concerne la gestion de patients atteints d’une scoliose idiopathique adolescente. / Family physicians, peadiatricians, chiropractors and physical therapists are among health professionals most likely to encounter and treat patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Research shows that there are gaps in musculoskeletal knowledge among professionals but no studies assess knowledge of scoliosis among professionals most likely to treat patients with scoliosis. Best current practice dictates that early detection of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis leads to better decision-making regarding optimal course of management. The objectives of our study were to evaluate basic knowledge and the management skills of professionals most likely to encounter adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. We developed a semi-structured questionnaire and interviewed 51 health professionals. Among these professionals, who were recruited through their professional regulatory board registries, were 21 family physicians, 10 peadiatricians, 10 chiropractors and 10 physical therapists. The interview assessed knowledge of clinical signs and risk factors, management options, including referral to specialized care. We also discussed preferences and acceptability of clinical guidelines in regard to scoliosis. Among interviewed professionals, 59 % were female, 43 % were under 40 and mean years of practice was 20.3. Our results demonstrated gaps in knowledge with respect to clinical signs and risk factors. Less than a third of professionals were able to mention at least 2 clinical signs and 31 % were unaware of any risk factors associated with scoliosis progression. Family physicians appeared least knowledgeable in these areas. When presented with a situation where urgent referral was indicated, 70 – 90 % said that they would refer the patient although only 38 – 60 % rated this case as urgent. Close to 40 % of professionals indicated that they would not be comfortable doing the follow-up of a patient with a scoliosis. Nevertheless, the majority felt that accessibility to specialized care was a problem. Almost all (98 %) mentioned that the development of clinical guidelines would positively affect their daily practice. In conclusion, our study shows that knowledge gaps exist among professionals regarding clinical signs and risk factors of curve progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Most professionals recognize the importance of referring urgent cases to specialized care although there may be problems with access to peadiatric orthopedic specialists. Interprofessional collaboration may be a promising approach to improve management of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

Le défi de l’intégration de l’approche par compétences lors de la sélection : conception d’un test de jugement situationnel ciblant le rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur pour la sélection au niveau postdoctoral en médecine

Gauthier, Isabelle 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : L’approche par compétences est maintenant bien ancrée dans l’enseignement au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale. Dans ce contexte, un système de sélection également axé sur les compétences pourrait être avantageux. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de concevoir un TJS ciblant le rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur pour la sélection au niveau postdoctoral en médecine interne (MI) et en médecine familiale (MF). Méthodologie : Des entrevues d’incidents critiques ont été réalisées auprès de résidents juniors en MI ou en MF afin de générer les items du TJS. Trois leaders de l’approche par compétences ont révisé le contenu du test. Les items ont été analysés pour identifier la compétence principale du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, le contexte ainsi que les membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle représentés dans les vignettes. La clé de correction a été déterminée par un panel composé de 11 experts. Cinq méthodes de notation ont été comparées. Résultats : Sept entrevues ont été réalisées. Après révision, 33 items ont été conservés dans le TJS. Les compétences clés du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, les contextes et les divers membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle étaient bien distribués au travers des items. La moyenne des scores des experts variait entre 43,4 et 75,6 % en fonction des différentes méthodes de notation. Le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson entre les cinq méthodes de notation variait entre 0,80 et 0,98. Conclusion : Ce projet démontre la possibilité de concevoir un TJS utilisant le cadre CanMEDS comme trame de fond pour l’élaboration de son contenu. Ce test, couplé à une approche globale de sélection basée sur les compétences, pourrait éventuellement améliorer le pouvoir prédictif du processus de sélection au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale. / Background: Competency-based training is well integrated into postgraduate medical education. A competency-based selection system would also be desirable. Primary objective: To develop a situational judgment test (SJT) targeting the CanMEDS Collaborator Role for the admission process in internal medicine (IM) and family medicine (FM) postgraduate training programs. Methods: Interviews using the critical incident technique were conducted with IM and FM residents in order to create items for the SJT. Three experts revised the content of the items. CanMEDS Collaborator Role key competencies, context and type of team members involved were analysed for each item. Answer key was determined by a panel of experts composed of 11 IM and FM physicians using a rate response format. Five absolute and partial credit scoring methods were compared. Results: Seven interviews were completed. After revision, 33 items were kept in the SJT. CanMEDS Collaborator Role key competencies, contexts and team members involved were well distributed over the items. Mean experts’ scores ranged from 43.4% to 75.6% with the different scoring methods. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the five scoring methods ranged between 0.80-0.98. Conclusion: SJT targeting CanMEDS Framework Roles can help integrate competency-based selection into the postgraduate medical education admission process.

Posouzení stupně valgozity a varozity u žáků druhého stupně na základních školách v Karlovarském kraji / Assess the degree of valgus and varus knee joint in the second stage students in primary school in the Karlovarský region

Reismüller, Roman January 2014 (has links)
Title: Assess the degree of valgus and varus knee joint in the second stage students in primary school in the Karlovarský region. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore and assess the degree of weakening of the lower limbs in the knee joint area in children of second stage of primary school in Karlovarský region. The effort was get as much information from the test subjects to understand and determining problems in the lower limbs. It measured two types of impairment, valgus and varus knee. Part of this study was to find what sports activities affect the creation or increase of individual weakness in the recreational and competitive level. Methods: The thesis is conducted as an empirical quantitative research, which focuses on finding descriptive and associative relationships between variables. From a methodological point of view this is a type of observation. To determine the necessary data was used planimetric method: trigonometric measurement. Measurements were attended by 531 children, including 243 boys and 288 girls aged from 11 to 16. This has involved completing a questionnaire form with basic somatic details and types of sporting activities. Results: The results show significant differences between girls and boys with genu valgum and genu varum. Girls also reached higher values...

Současné problémy školního stravování v ČR a vize jeho dalšího vývoje / Current problems of school meals in the Czech republic and the vision of its future development

Strosserová, Alena January 2017 (has links)
Abstracts This thesis will address current problems in terms of school feeding in the Czech Republic. Its purpose is to summarize the situation from the point of view of the heads of school cafeterias and to determine the greatest difficulties for further functioning of the system. School feeding system is a part of educational and learning process and its effects relate to proper fulfilling of schools' educational programmes. At the same time, it is an environment for application of informal learning in terms of correct eating habits and social interactions during meals. By participating in the process, the pupils gain socio-psychological competences for entire life. Not only they gain practical knowledge in terms of nutrition, they learn as well how to interact during meals in an unforced way. Using the questionnaire method, some of the problems of school feeding system were identified. Some of the most severe problems might become a risk to this whole unique system. The outcome of the research are findings which point out the problems, such as old age of the personnel in the school feeding system, as well as the absence of new young people, who would continuously take on the experiences and replace the retiring workers. The results of the research revealed that the case of these problems are mainly...

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