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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reações de acoplamento-cruzado de heck catalisadas por metais de transição: um estudo mecanístico baseado na teoria do funcional de densidade / Transition metal-catalyzed cross-coupling Heck reactions: A mechanistic study based on Density Functional Theory

Menezes da Silva, Vitor Hugo 25 August 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho, várias reações de Heck foram investigadas utilizando principalmente métodos baseados na Teoria do Funcional de Densidade (DFT). Na primeira parte foi proposto um novo ciclo catalítico de Heck, com etapas aniônicas e neutras combinadas desencadeado por um complexo de paládio (Pd) suportado por um ligante carbeno N-heterocíclico (NHC) inédito. Posteriormente, a influência estérica do ligante NHC foi investigada na seletividade da reação de Heck inicialmente estudada. Para o NHC pouco volumoso, a componente eletrônica era majoritária comparada às contribuições de caráter não-covalente. Entretanto, quando o NHC com maior impedimento estérico foi analisado, somente alguns funcionais de densidade (TPSS-D3, ωB97x-D, BP86-D3, e M06-L), juntamente com o método de função de onda DLPNO-MP2, foram capazes de predizer a tendência de seletividade experimental. Por fim, a natureza do metal foi analisada por meio de uma comparação entre catalisadores NHC de níquel (Ni) e Pd nas reações de Heck. Os resultados teóricos forneceram indícios mecanísticos para o entendimento da menor atividade catalítica usualmente encontrada nos processos envolvendo complexos NHC de Ni e da necessidade experimental da formação de complexos de Ni catiônicos para atingir uma maior eficiência catalítica nessas reações. Na segunda parte deste estudo, dois exemplos marcantes da literatura sobre as reações de Heck-Matsuda enantiosseletivas foram teoricamente investigadas. Os cálculos DFT mostraram a influência crucial do substrato (olefina) na seletividade destas reações. Em um dos casos a seletividade da reação foi aprimorada através dos dados mecanísticos fornecidos pelos cálculos DFT. / In this work, several examples of Heck reactions were investigated using mostly Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods. At the first part, a new Heck catalytic cycle was proposed with combined anionic and neutral steps initiated by a newly N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) based palladium (Pd) complex. Posteriorly, the influence of steric demanding of NHC ligand was investigated on selectivity of Heck reaction initially studied. In the case of small NHC ligand, the electronic component is more important than the noncovalent contributions. However, when the crowded NHC ligands were studied only selected density functionals (TPSS-D3, ωB97x-D, BP86-D3, e M06-L), and the wavefunction based method DLPNO-MP2, were capable to predict the experimental selectivity trends reported. Finally, the metal nature was analyzed by a comparison of the nickel (Ni) and Pd catalyzed Heck reactions. The theoretical results provided mechanistic insights that help to understand the low catalytic activity usually reported when Ni catalysts were used and the experimental requirement of cationic intermediates to achieve some efficiency for NHC-Ni-catalyzed Heck coupling. At second part, two representative examples from literature about the enantioselective Heck-Matsuda reactions were theoretically investigated. DFT calculations shown the crucial influence of substrate (olefin) on the selectivity of these reactions. One of cases studied, the selectivity of reaction was improved by the DFT results

Σχεδιασμός και σύνθεση νέων τετρακυκλικών ινδολοαζεπινονικών παραγώγων, αναλόγων φυσικών προϊόντων, ως πιθανοί αναστολείς του ενζύμου κυκλινο-εξαρτώμενη κινάση 1

Κουτσανδρέα, Ευθυμία 12 March 2015 (has links)
Τα φυσικά προϊόντα αποτελούν σημαντική πηγή βιοδραστικών ενώσεων με ποικίλο φαρμακολογικό ενδιαφέρον. Παρά την τεράστια πρόοδο που έχει συντελεστεί στη χημική σύνθεση φαρμάκων, ακόμα και σήμερα το ¼ των φαρμάκων που διατίθεται στην αγορά προέρχεται από φυσικές πηγές. Η σύγχρονη ανακάλυψη φαρμάκων βασίζεται πλέον στην εστιασμένη δράση ενώσεων έναντι συγκεκριμένων μοριακών στόχων που εμπλέκονται στην εμφάνιση και εξέλιξη της κάθε νόσου. Μοριακοί στόχοι με ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον είναι και οι κυκλινο-εξαρτώμενες κινάσες (CDKs). Οι CDKs είναι μια κατηγορία πρωτεϊνικών κινασών οι οποίες μεταξύ άλλων διαδραματίζουν καθοριστικό ρόλο στη ρύθμιση και ομαλή εξέλιξη του κυτταρικού κύκλου, διασφαλίζοντας τον φυσιολογικό πολλαπλασιασμό των κυττάρων. Η απορρύθμιση της λειτουργίας τους έχει ως επακόλουθο την εμφάνιση διαφόρων παθολογικών καταστάσεων μεταξύ των οποίων και διαφόρων καρκινικών όγκων. Μέχρι σήμερα πληθώρα φυσικών και συνθετικών ενώσεων έχουν εμφανίσει ανασταλτική δράση έναντι των CDKs και αρκετές από αυτές βρίσκονται σε προχωρημένα στάδια κλινικών δοκιμών. Πρόσφατα πειραματικά δεδομένα έδειξαν ότι η CDK1, ελλείψει των υπολοίπων CDKs της μεσόφασης (2, 4, 6), επαρκεί για την ομαλή ολοκλήρωση του κυτταρικού κύκλου. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά έγιναν αφορμή ώστε πολλές ερευνητικές προσπάθειες να στραφούν και προς την ανάπτυξη ενώσεων με εκλεκτική δράση έναντι της CDK1. Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι ο σχεδιασμός και η σύνθεση νέων μικρών ετεροκυκλικών μορίων με πιθανή ανασταλτική δράση έναντι του ενζύμου CDK1. Συγκεκριμένα, σχεδιάσθηκαν νέα παράγωγα που θα έφεραν δύο νέους ισομερείς τετρακυκλικούς ινδολοαζεπινικούς σκελετούς. Ο σχεδιασμός των ενώσεων αυτών βασίστηκε σε δομικά χαρακτηριστικά φυσικών ή συνθετικών ενώσεων που έχουν μελετηθεί και έχουν εμφανίσει ανασταλτική δράση έναντι τόσο της CDK1 όσο και άλλων CDKs. Βασικό δομικό χαρακτηριστικό των τελικών μορίων, που έχει αποδειχθεί κρίσιμο για την εκδήλωση CDK ανασταλτικής δράσης σε συγγενείς ενώσεις, είναι ένας επταμελής λακταμικός δακτύλιος ο οποίος συμπυκνώνεται σε κατάλληλες θέσεις με έναν ινδολικό και έναν πυρρολικό δακτύλιο. Η υποκατάσταση του πυρρολικού δακτυλίου με μία καρβοξυαιθυλ-ομάδα στη θέση-2, σε συνδυασμό με την εισαγωγή κατάλληλων υποκαταστατών στον ινδολικό δακτύλιο, δύναται να οδηγήσει σε βιβλιοθήκες αναλόγων. Η προσέγγιση που ακολουθήθηκε για την σύνθεση των τελικών μορίων περιελάμβανε αμιδική σύζευξη κατάλληλων ινδολικών και πυρρολικών πρόδρομων ενώσεων και Pd-καταλυόμενη ενδομοριακή κυκλοποίηση (σύζευξη Heck) για τον σχηματισμό του βασικού τετρακυκλικού ινδολοαζεπινικού σκελετού. Στα πλαίσια της μελέτης, αρχικά μελετήθηκε η συνθετική πορεία παραλαβής αναλόγων ενός εκ των δύο αρχικά σχεδιασθέντων σκελετών. Η διερεύνηση και βελτιστοποίηση των ενδιάμεσων συνθετικών σταδίων οδήγησε στην σύνθεση 59 νέων ενδιάμεσων μορίων και 4 νέων τετρακυκλικών ινδολοαζεπινονικών τελικών προϊόντων. Τα τελικά προϊόντα έφεραν προστατευμένα τόσο το άζωτο του ινδολίου όσο και του πυρρολίου με την ίδια προστατευτική ομάδα, ενώ η προσπάθεια παραλαβής αναλόγων του μη προστατευμένου σκελετού δεν ήταν επιτυχής. Τέλος, η διερεύνηση της συνθετικής πορείας που θα απέδιδε ανάλογα του δεύτερου σκελετού δεν απέδωσε τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματα. / Natural products constitute an important source of bioactive compounds with a pharmacological interest. 25% of the drugs that are nowadays available in the market come from natural sources, despite the great progress in the field of chemical composition. Drugs’ development is currently based upon the focused action of certain compounds towards a specific molecular target which is involved in the appearance and evolution of each disease. Some such molecular targets of particular interest are the Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). CDKs are a subfamily of protein kinases that regulate a number of cellular processes, including the cell cycle, ensuring the normality of cell division. The deregulation of their function leads to several diseases, including human tumour. To this day a large number of natural and chemical compounds have been characterized as CDK inhibitors and some of them are already in the late phases of clinical trials. Recent genetic studies have indicated that CDK1 is sufficient to drive the cell cycle in absence of other CDKs (2, 4, 6). These results have led researchers to develop compounds with selective inhibitory activity against CDK1. The current research aims at the development of new compounds with possible inhibitory activity against CDK1. The scientific process was more specifically based on the design and synthesis of new small heterocyclic, tetracyclic indoloazepino compounds. The design of the above compounds was based on structural features that exist in other already known natural or chemical CDK inhibitors. The biological results of similar compounds have indicated that the seven-member lactamic ring of structure has an important role in the inhibitory CDK activity. The basic structural component of the designed compounds, proven to be crucial for the manifestation of the CDK inhibitory function, is a seven member lactamic ring among a pyrrole and indole nuclei. The substitution of the pyrrole with a 2-ethyl-carboxylic substitute along with the introduction of substitutes on specific positions of the indole nuclei are expected to lead to the development of library compounds. The selected procedure includes amide coupling between specific indole and pyrrole compounds and finally C-C intermolecular coupling with Heck reaction. The final aim is to form the basic tetracyclic indoloazepino structure. The current research was primarily directed to the synthesis of one of the two already designed structures. The intermediate reactions of the above structure’s synthetic process were examined and optimized, leading to the isolation of 60 intermediate compounds and 4 new tetracyclic indoloazepino derivatives. In the final derivatives, the pyrrole and indole nitrogen appeared to be protected under the same protective group while an effort to remove these protective groups, through certain reactions, was unsuccessful. Finally, a research into a synthetic process that would provide corresponding derivatives with the second main structure, did not yield the expected results.

Palladium-Catalyzed Oligocyclizations of Some 2-Bromotetradec-1-ene-7,13-diynes Under Heck Reaction Conditions / Palladium-katlysierte Oligocyclisierungen einiger 2-Bromotetradec-1-ene-7,13-diine unter Heck-Reaktionsbedingungen

Tokan, Wajdi Mohammad Izzat 30 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Synthèse et pharmacomodulations de composés naturels issus de plantes / Synthèse et pharmacomodulations de composés naturels issus de plantes

Dumonteil, Geoffrey 15 December 2015 (has links)
Les motifs polyènes constituent une fonction importante parmi les composés organiques et sont présents dans de nombreux composés naturels sous la forme de diènes 1,3-conjugués. Il est donc essentiel de mettre au point des méthodes permettant d’accéder à ces diènes tout en portant un regard attentif à l’impact environnemental. Au cours de ces travaux, nous avons pu synthétiser un composé naturel ayant une incidence sur le diabète de type II : l’acide abscissique. L’étape clef conduisant au succès de cette synthèse est la réaction de Heck. A partir de ces résultats, nous avons mis au point une méthode robuste et efficace pour obtenir divers composés diéniques (E,Z) et triéniques (E,E,Z) en s’affranchissant d’utiliser des ligands ou un solvant. Les composés ainsi obtenus sont envisagés comme potentiels analogues de l’acide abscissique et sont engagés dans diverses réactions afin d’essayer d’obtenir l’acide carboxylique correspondant ou un bioisostère de ce dernier. En parallèle, nous avons mis au point une voie d’accès à des composés de type benzo[d]thiazole substitués en position 2 par un groupement N-aryle ou N-alkyle. Cette méthodologie de synthèse s’inscrit dans un contexte d’écocompatibilité par l’utilisation d’une catalyse au diiode. / Polyene units constitute an important function from organic compounds and are present in many natural products in the form of 1,3-conjugated dienes. It is therefore essential to develop methods to access these dienes while wearing a careful look at the environmental impact. During this work, we were able to synthesize a natural compound which has activity on type II diabetes: the abscisic acid. The key step leading to the success of this synthesis is the Heck reaction. From these results, we have developed a robust and efficient method to obtain various diene compounds (E, Z) and trienes (E, E, Z) without ligand or solvent. The compounds thus obtained are considered as potential analogues of the abscisic acid and are involved in various reactions in order to obtain the corresponding carboxylic acid or its bioisostere. In parallel with this synthesis application, we have developed a pathway to obtain benzo[d]thiazole compounds substituted in position 2 with an N-aryl or N-alkyl. This synthetic methodology is part of a context of environmental compatibility by using iodine catalyst.

Reações de acoplamento-cruzado de heck catalisadas por metais de transição: um estudo mecanístico baseado na teoria do funcional de densidade / Transition metal-catalyzed cross-coupling Heck reactions: A mechanistic study based on Density Functional Theory

Vitor Hugo Menezes da Silva 25 August 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho, várias reações de Heck foram investigadas utilizando principalmente métodos baseados na Teoria do Funcional de Densidade (DFT). Na primeira parte foi proposto um novo ciclo catalítico de Heck, com etapas aniônicas e neutras combinadas desencadeado por um complexo de paládio (Pd) suportado por um ligante carbeno N-heterocíclico (NHC) inédito. Posteriormente, a influência estérica do ligante NHC foi investigada na seletividade da reação de Heck inicialmente estudada. Para o NHC pouco volumoso, a componente eletrônica era majoritária comparada às contribuições de caráter não-covalente. Entretanto, quando o NHC com maior impedimento estérico foi analisado, somente alguns funcionais de densidade (TPSS-D3, ωB97x-D, BP86-D3, e M06-L), juntamente com o método de função de onda DLPNO-MP2, foram capazes de predizer a tendência de seletividade experimental. Por fim, a natureza do metal foi analisada por meio de uma comparação entre catalisadores NHC de níquel (Ni) e Pd nas reações de Heck. Os resultados teóricos forneceram indícios mecanísticos para o entendimento da menor atividade catalítica usualmente encontrada nos processos envolvendo complexos NHC de Ni e da necessidade experimental da formação de complexos de Ni catiônicos para atingir uma maior eficiência catalítica nessas reações. Na segunda parte deste estudo, dois exemplos marcantes da literatura sobre as reações de Heck-Matsuda enantiosseletivas foram teoricamente investigadas. Os cálculos DFT mostraram a influência crucial do substrato (olefina) na seletividade destas reações. Em um dos casos a seletividade da reação foi aprimorada através dos dados mecanísticos fornecidos pelos cálculos DFT. / In this work, several examples of Heck reactions were investigated using mostly Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods. At the first part, a new Heck catalytic cycle was proposed with combined anionic and neutral steps initiated by a newly N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) based palladium (Pd) complex. Posteriorly, the influence of steric demanding of NHC ligand was investigated on selectivity of Heck reaction initially studied. In the case of small NHC ligand, the electronic component is more important than the noncovalent contributions. However, when the crowded NHC ligands were studied only selected density functionals (TPSS-D3, ωB97x-D, BP86-D3, e M06-L), and the wavefunction based method DLPNO-MP2, were capable to predict the experimental selectivity trends reported. Finally, the metal nature was analyzed by a comparison of the nickel (Ni) and Pd catalyzed Heck reactions. The theoretical results provided mechanistic insights that help to understand the low catalytic activity usually reported when Ni catalysts were used and the experimental requirement of cationic intermediates to achieve some efficiency for NHC-Ni-catalyzed Heck coupling. At second part, two representative examples from literature about the enantioselective Heck-Matsuda reactions were theoretically investigated. DFT calculations shown the crucial influence of substrate (olefin) on the selectivity of these reactions. One of cases studied, the selectivity of reaction was improved by the DFT results

Knoevenagel and Heck catalytic studies with Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

Burgoyne, Andrew R. 24 July 2013 (has links)
M.Sc. (Chemistry) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Vers la première synthèse totale de la kidamycine : développement d’une stratégie de synthèse convergente et innovante, et mise au point d’une réaction d’aryl-C-glycosylation stéréospécifique / Toward the first total synthesis of kidamycin : through a novel and convergent strategy; development of a stereospecific aryl-C-glycosylation reaction

Mabit, Thibaud 17 October 2018 (has links)
La kidamycine, première molécule de la famille des pluramycines isolée de bactéries Streptomyces pluricolorescens, reste depuis sa découverte en 1956 un défi synthétique pour les chimistes organiciens. Le rempart principal bloquant la synthèse de cette famille de molécules réside dans l'introduction régio- et stéréosélective ainsi que dans l'aménagement fonctionnel de deux unités.Nous nous proposons ici de mettre au point une nouvelle méthodologie d’aryl-C-glycosylation régio- et stéréospécifique par couplage de Mizoroki-Heck inscrite dans une stratégie de synthèse originale et convergente développée pour la première synthèse totale de la kidamycine. / Kidamycin, former member of pluramycin family isolated from Streptomyces pluricolorescens, remains a challenging synthetic target for organic chemists since its discover in 1956. The last bastion slowing down the syntheses of this latter family is the regio- and stereoselective introduction as well as the functionnalization of both aryl-C-glycosidic subunits.We propose to develop herein a regio- and stereospecific aryl-C-glycosylation reaction via Mizoroki-Heck cross coupling enshrined in a novel and convergent strategy for the first total synthesis of kidamycin.

Croissance de Nanoparticules de Pd sur surfaces de HOPG préstructurées / Growth of Pd nanoparticles on prestructured HOPG surfaces

Yuan, Zheng 15 February 2013 (has links)
Les nanoparticules présentent des propriétés liées à la taille qui diffèrent fortement de celles observées dans des matériaux massifs. D'intenses recherches sur les nanoparticules sont actuellement en cours du fait de leurs grandes potentialités. Il a été montré que certaines nanoparticules métalliques sont catalytiquement actives et efficaces, comme par exemple le Palladium. L'objectif de la thèse est d'étudier la formation de nanoparticules de Pd déposées sur des surfaces pré-structurées de HOPG (Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite) afin d'en optimiser la taille, la densité de surface et la stabilité. Trois étapes principales ont été menées dans nos études : la préparation des substrats, le dépôt de Pd et la caractérisation des échantillons par microscopie à effet tunnel (STM). La préparation des substrats contient elle-même deux étapes : la création de défauts par l'implantation d'agrégats Aun+ ou le bombardement de Co2, suivie d'une oxydation thermique. On obtient ainsi la formation de trous contrôlés en profondeur et en diamètre, qui serviront de sites d'ancrage pour les nanoparticules de Pd. Les mesures STM nous ont permis d'établir la relation entre la quantité de Pd déposée et la taille des nanoparticules de Pd formées à la surface du HOPG. Deux modes de croissance ont clairement été mis en évidence. Ils sont liés à la taille des défauts dans le HOPG. Les nanoparticules se présentent soit sous la forme de colliers soit sous la forme de particules isolées. Ces échantillons ont ensuite été caractérisés par des mesures de catalyse en chimie organique (Heck) ainsi qu'en catalyse gaz (oxydation du CO). / Nanoparticles exhibit size-related properties that different from those observed in bulk materials. Nanoparticle research has attracted intense interest due to its great potential applications. It has been shown that some metallic nanoparticles are catalytically active and effective, such as-Palladium.The aim of this thesis is to study the formation of Pd nanoparticles deposited on pre-structured HOPG (Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite) surfaces in order to optimize their size, density and surface stability. Three major steps were taken in our studies: preparation of substrates, deposition of Pd and characterization of samples by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Substrats preparations itself contains two steps : the creation of defects by Aun+ clusters implantation or by bombardment of Co2 ions, followed by thermal oxidation. These steps give the formation of hales with controlled depth and diameter, which serve as anchoring sites for Pd nanoparticles.The STM measurements have allowed us to establish the relationships between the quantity of deposited Pd and the size of Pd nanoparticles formed on the HOPG surface. Two growth modes were clearly observed which are related to the defect sizes created on the HOPG surface. Nanoparticles are present either in the form of pearl necklace or in the form of isolated particles. These samples were then characterized by catalytic measurements in organic synthesis (Heck) and gas catalysis (CO oxidation).

Towards a Total Synthesis of Mensacarcin / Untersuchungen zur Totalsynthese von Mensacarcin

Polomska, Marta Ewa 05 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Préparation et caractérisation de solvants biosourcés pour des applications synthétiques et environnementales / Preparation and characterization of biosourced solvents for synthetic and environmental applications

Hayouni, Safa 16 December 2016 (has links)
De nouveaux liquides ioniques (LIs) contenant un cation phosphonium ou un cation ammonium couplé à un anion dérivé d’acides biosourcés (L-lactate, L-tartrate, malonate, succinate, L-malate, pyruvate, D-glucuronate, D-galacturonate, férulate, p-coumarate) ont été préparés suivant une réaction acido-basique simple et quantitative. Une nouvelle famille de liquides ioniques dendritiques (LIDs) a également été préparée à partir des dendrimères commerciaux (PPI et PAMAM). Les composés synthétisés ont tous été caractérisés par les méthodes usuelles d’analyses (RMN multinoyaux, SM, AE, IR) mais également par des techniques propres aux liquides ioniques (DSC, ATG, viscosité …).Ces solvants ont montré une efficacité avec la possibilité de recyclage du système catalytique [LI+ « Pd »] dans des réactions d’hydrogénations d’alcènes, de polyènes et de cétones α,β-insaturées dans des conditions douces de température et de pression. Ainsi, l’utilisation de ces LIPhs (liquides ioniques à base de phosphonium) permet d’obtenir d’excellents résultats notamment dans le cas de couplage pallado-catalysé de Heck sur 5 cycles sans perte de la réactivité.Les LIDs quant à eux ont été utilisés pour la récupération de quelques métaux lourds sous forme de cations (Cu2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Ag+) dans des solutions aqueuses. Quelle que soit la nature du LI utilisé (hydrophile ou hydrophobe), d’excellents taux d’extraction sont obtenus sans modification du pH initial. / New biomass derived ionic liquids (ILs) containing phosphonium or ammonium cations with natural organic derived anions (L-lactate, L-tartrate, malonate, succinate, L-malate, pyruvate, D-glucuronate, D-galacturonate, férulate, p-coumarate) were easily prepared with good yields. Other dendritic ionic liquids (DILs) were also obtained from commercial PPI or PAMAM dendrimers. These DILs are containing NTf2 or BF4 anions. The characterization of all ILs was realized through classical NMR, IR, MS and elemental analysis techniques; their viscosity and ATG parameters were also determined.These new solvents proved good performance and recyclability for the selective Pd-catalyzed hydrogenation of alkenes, polyenes and also for the enantioselective hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated ketones under mild temperature and hydrogen pressure conditions. Furthermore, they showed excellent performances (reaction yields and recycling) for the Heck coupling reaction.Finally, the hydrophilic and hydrophobic DILs were used for removal of metallic ions (Cu2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Ag+) present in contaminated water and the results of the study proved their excellent catching behaviour.

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