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Introduction and commentary on Nonnus' Dionysiaca Book 47.1-495Selzer, Christoph M. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Between geography and history : Strabo's Roman worldClarke, Katherine Jane January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Freedom of the Greeks in the early Hellenistic period (337-262 BC) : a study in ruler-city relationsWallace, Shane Christopher January 2011 (has links)
This thesis treats of the use and meaning of the Greek concept of eleutheria (freedom) and the cognate term autonomia (autonomy) in the early Hellenistic Period (c.337-262 BC) with a specific focus on the role these concepts played in the creation and formalisation of a working relationship between city and king. It consists of six chapters divided equally into three parts with each part exploring one of the three major research questions of this thesis. Part One, Narratives, treats of the continuities and changes within the use and understanding of eleutheria and autonomia from the 5th to the 3rd centuries. Part Two, Analysis, focuses on the use in action of both terms and the role they played in structuring and defining the relationship between city and king. Part Three, Themes, explores the importance of commemoration and memorialisation within the early Hellenistic city, particularly the connection of eleutheria with democratic ideology and the afterlife of the Persian Wars. Underpinning each of these three sections is the argument that eleutheria played numerous, diverse roles within the relationship between city and king. In particular, emphasis is continually placed variously on its lack of definition, inherent ambiguity, and the malleability of its use in action. Chapter one opens with the discovery of eleutheria during the Persian Wars and traces its development in the 5th and early 4th centuries, arguing in particular for a increasing synonymity between eleutheria and autonomia. Chapter two provides a narrative focused on the use and understanding of eleutheria in the years 337-262. It emphasises continuity rather than change in the use of eleutheria and provides a foundation for the subsequent analytical and thematic chapters. Chapter three analyses eleutheria itself. It emphasises the inherent fluidity of the term and argues that it eschewed definition and was adaptable to and compatible with many forms of royal control. Chapter four looks at the role of eleutheria within the relationship between city and king. It elaborates a distinction between Primary and Secondary freedom (freedom as a right or freedom as a gift) and treats of eleutheria as a point of either unity or discord within a city‘s relationship with a king. Chapter five explores the connection between freedom and democracy and looks at how the past was used to create and enforce a democratic present, specifically in constructing both Alexander‘s nachleben as either a tyrant or liberator and the validity of Athenian democratic ideology in the 3rd century. Chapter six concludes the thesis by returning to the Persian Wars. It analyses the use of the Wars as a conceptual prototype for later struggles, both by kings and by cities. Exploring the theme of the lieu de mémoire, it also outlines the significance of sites like Corinth and Plataia for personifying the historical memory of eleutheria.
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Images of Scylla and riding Nereids in tondo reliefs of the Hellenistic periodDeka, Mark Stanley January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Some reflections on ancient Greek attitudes to children as revealed in selected literature of the pre-Christian eraDe Bloemhead, Diana 05 1900 (has links)
This study examines the ancient Greeks’ attitudes to children during the Classical
and Hellenistic periods. The investigation is limited to literary sources in selected
pre-Christian texts. Problems which might bias interpretation have been noted.
Parent-child relationships, as revealed in literary examples of parental love and
concern, are of particular interest.
Hazards affecting survival in early childhood, and factors which influenced attitudes regarding the fetus, abortion, exposure and infanticide are considered. Legal, political
and socio-economic factors are amongst motivating forces.
Childhood experiences such as education, sport, pederasty, step-families, slaves and
slavery, preparation for marriage, and deprivation due to war and environmental factors
are also examined.
Ancient attitudes to children are compared with modern attitudes to children in similar situations prevailing in Western culture in the 21st century.
The findings reveal that basic human behaviour has changed little over the millennia; however, factors influencing attitudes have undergone some change as society evolved.
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As lições de história universal da Biblioteca Histórica de Diodoro de Sicília como processo educativo da humanidade. / The history lessons from the library history of Diodorus of Sicily as educative process of humanityMota, Cynthia Cristina de Morais 18 December 2008 (has links)
Diodoro de Sicília historiador que viveu no século I antes da época comum escreveu uma obra intitulada Biblioteca Histórica constituída de quarenta volumes dos quais restaram integrais apenas dos livros I ao V (fragmentos dos livros VI ao X), e dos livros XI ao XX (fragmentos dos livros XXI ao XL). O autor escreveu em sua monumental obra a história universal desde os primórdios (incluindo história egípcia, história dos povos bárbaros, história grega e romana) até à sua própria época (última data citada por Diodoro diz respeito à colonização de Tauromênion, empreendida no reinado de Otávio [XVI, VII, 1]). Entretanto, Diodoro nunca foi considerado, nem em sua própria época, nem em épocas posteriores, um historiador original: sua obra foi considerada uma cópia incessante de outros autores. O centro da controvérsia nos tempos modernos (a partir do século XIX) foi a Quellerforschung (pesquisa das fontes) que intentou buscar no texto diodoriano autores perdidos (que ele cita explicitamente em sua Biblioteca) da época helenística como se o mesmo apenas os tivesse copiado. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo resgatar a originalidade da Biblioteca Histórica buscando conferir a seu autor a autoria de seus escritos. Longe de ser um mero copista, Diodoro é um historiador-educador que busca instruir seus leitores dando um caráter de utilidade no aprendizado de uma vida correta e justa. Pode-se dividir a Biblioteca em duas partes: a primeira (livros I ao V), de cunho etnográfico-geográfico, narra como os homens foram capazes de caminhar rumo à vida civilizada (ou não, no caso dos bárbaros). A recorrência dos termos parádoxa e thaumázein significando espanto, admiração e maravilhamento mostram como a humanidade foi capaz de superar as dificuldades de uma existência difícil e hostil tornando-se capaz de viver em sociedade. A segunda parte (livros XI ao XX) da Biblioteca, Diodoro dedica-se a narrar a história do mundo (especialmente a da Grécia) mostrando o exemplo dos grandes homens, sobretudo nos campos de batalha. Parádoxa deixa de significar maravilha ou espanto e, aliada à Fortuna (tých), ganha o sentido de contrário a toda expectativa. Assim, Diodoro mostra que a Divina Providência (theia pronoía) interfere nos assuntos humanos e cabe ao historiador mostrar como os grandes homens se comportaram diante dos sucessos / Diodorus Siculus a historian that lived in the first century before the Common Era wrote a work entitled Library of History constituted of forty volumes from which remained intact only the books I through V (fragments of the books VI through X), and from the books XI through XX (fragments of the books XXI through XL). The author wrote in this monumental work of universal history since the primordial times (including egyptian history, barbaric peoples history, greek and roman history) through his own (last date mentioned by Diodorus concerns the Tauromenion colonization that took place during the reign of Octavian [XVI, VII, 1]). However, Diodorus has never been considered, not even on his own time, nor in the eras after that, an original historian: His writings were considered an inexorable copy of others authors. The focus of this controversy in modern times (starting in the XIX century) was the Quelleforschung (sources research) that intended to search on the diodorian texts for lost authors (that he explicitly quotes in his Library) from the Hellenistic era as if they were solely copied. This research had for objective to reclaim the originality of the Library of History seeking to confer to its author the authorship of his writings. Far from being a mere copyist, Diodorus is a historian-educator that seeks to instruct his readers giving a utility character in the learning of a correct and just life. The Library can be divided in two parts: the first one (books I to V), of ethnographicgeographical connotation, narrates how humankind was able to walk towards civilization (or not, in the case of the barbarians). The recurrent terms parádoxa and thaumázein meaning amazement, admiration and marvelous-ment, show how humanity was capable of overcoming the difficulties of a hostile existence and becoming apt to live in society. The second part (books XI to XX) of the Library, Diodorus dedicates into narrating the history of the world (specially Greece), by setting the example of great men, especially in the battle field. Parádoxa does not signify marvelous or amazed and, allied to Fortune (tých), it gains the meaning of contrary to all expectations. Hence, Diodorus shows that the Divine Providence (theia pronoía) interfere in human business and its up to the historian demonstrate how the great men behaved facing the success and failures of existence. The moralizing character from the Library attributes to history an extremely important role, for it is up to it demonstrate who deserves to figurate in glory or abasement through the perennially that only history can confer. Diodorus behaves as a judge that points out those who, in their acts, have succeeded and made mistakes, not only narrating the facts, but incentivizing his reader to a virtuous behavior and to a moral aret.
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Défenses crétoises. Fortifications urbaines et défense du territoire en Crète aux époques classique et hellénistique/Cretan Defences. Urban Fortifications and Defence of Territory in Crete during the Classical and Hellenistic PeriodsCoutsinas, Nadia 25 June 2008 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de présenter un tableau des questions de défense en Crète aux époques classique et hellénistique. La cité grecque étant une entité double, la défense de la ville n’a pas été séparée de celle de son territoire.
Le point de départ de ce travail est le catalogue des fortifications crétoises, qui comprend 61 sites fortifiés (enceintes urbaines, forts et tours isolées).
À partir d’une étude qui fait une grande place aux questions de topographie, il a été possible d’une part, de dégager des dynamiques régionales et d’autre part, d’identifier certaines caractéristiques et certaines évolutions dans l’implantation des cités crétoises.
L’exemple de la Crète permet d’alimenter le débat sur la place de l’enceinte dans la définition de la cité. Les vestiges archéologiques ne semblent pas aller dans le sens des sources littéraires, selon lesquelles toute cité était nécessairement ceinte d’un rempart. Mais l’existence d’une enceinte semble bien être la marque du statut de cité./This study aims to raise various questions regarding defence in Crete during the classical and Hellenistic Periods. As the Greek city-state was a double entity, it seemed important to not separate the defence of the town from the defence of the territory.
The starting point of this work was the catalogue of Cretan fortifications, which contains 61 fortified sites (city walls, forts and watch-towers).
Topography plays a key role in the study therefore it is possible, on the one hand to separate regional dynamics of some cities and, on the other, to identify certain characteristics and evolutions in the settlement of Cretan cities.
The example of Crete encourages the debate on the role of the city-wall in the definition of the city-state. Archaeological remains do not seem not to agree with literary sources which declare that every town had a wall. However the existence of a city-wall appears to be indicative of the city-state.
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Recherches sur l’habitat domestique à Pompéi à l’époque samnite : les maisons de taille moyenne / L’edilizia privata pompeiana in età sannitica : le case di livello medio / Domestic architecture in Pompeii between the forth and first c. B.C. : the case of middle-class housesAuria, Addolorata 13 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude doctorale s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une cotutelle de thèse entre les universités de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense et de « l’Orientale » de Naples. Elle vise à étudier les typologies architecturales et décoratives utilisées dans les maisons des classes moyennes de Pompéi entre la fin du IVe et le début du Ier s. av. J.-C. Cette thématique est encore incomplètement traitée par la littérature spécialisée, qui s’est souvent concentrée sur des contextes plus raffinés et des périodes ultérieures. La recherche a été appuyée sur l’analyse conjointe des données de fouilles, si ces dernières sont disponibles, et des structures d’époque samnite encore in situ. Par ailleurs, la participation à un projet de recherche sur la Regio VI, nous a offert l’occasion de travailler sur du matériel inédit et de démarrer notre enquête à partir d’un cas d’étude spécifique, la Casa del Granduca Michele (VI,5,5) et ensuite de vérifier la diffusion des données acquises à l’échelle de la ville. Le travail a été donc divisé en trois parties. La première a été consacrée au cas d’étude, avec une analyse approfondie de la structure et de la décoration de la maison notamment au IIe s. av. J.-C. La deuxième a concerné l’étude des types architecturaux diffusés dans la cité vésuvienne l’époque samnite, avec un regard particulier sur le type de la maison à atrium testudinatum qui n’avait pas fait l’objet d’une étude systématique. La troisième partie a enfin concerné des décors des maisons de taille moyenne. L’analyse a concerné, avec une approche diachronique, d’abord les décorations peintes des parois et des plafonds, ensuite les éléments accessoires et pour finir les revêtements de sols. / This Ph.D is prepared in co-tutorship between the Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and the Università degli studi di Napoli « l’Orientale ». Its aim is to analyze the architectural and decorative typologies used in the construction of Pompeian middle class houses between the end of forth and the beginning of first c. B.C. As a matter of fact, if the most luxurious domus of this period are well known, many aspects of the middle-class houses are still to be studied, for they have long been left aside by the scientific research. The study has been based on the analysis of data coming both from excavations and from a survey of the samnitic structures still in situ. Moreover, the participation to a research program centered on the Regio VI has offered the occasion to work with unpublished material and to start the research from a case study, the Casa del Granduca Michele (VI,5,5). The diffusion of data collected in this house have later been verified with a research on the city level. Therefore, work has been divided in three parts. The first one has been dedicated to the case study by a deepened analysis of structure and decoration of this house in the second c. B.C. The second one to the architectural typologies used in middle class houses during the samnite period, with a particular regard to the type of the atrium testudinatum house, which previously had never been systematically studied. The third part has dealt with the decoration of these houses. The analysis, carried out with a diachronic approach, has concerned walls and ceilings’ paintings, floors and other elements like terracotta and main door stone capitals.
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Some reflections on ancient Greek attitudes to children as revealed in selected literature of the pre-Christian eraDe Bloemhead, Diana 05 1900 (has links)
This study examines the ancient Greeks’ attitudes to children during the Classical
and Hellenistic periods. The investigation is limited to literary sources in selected
pre-Christian texts. Problems which might bias interpretation have been noted.
Parent-child relationships, as revealed in literary examples of parental love and
concern, are of particular interest.
Hazards affecting survival in early childhood, and factors which influenced attitudes regarding the fetus, abortion, exposure and infanticide are considered. Legal, political
and socio-economic factors are amongst motivating forces.
Childhood experiences such as education, sport, pederasty, step-families, slaves and
slavery, preparation for marriage, and deprivation due to war and environmental factors
are also examined.
Ancient attitudes to children are compared with modern attitudes to children in similar situations prevailing in Western culture in the 21st century.
The findings reveal that basic human behaviour has changed little over the millennia; however, factors influencing attitudes have undergone some change as society evolved.
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A passagem do cetro: aspectos dos personagens Héracles e Jasão na Argonáutica de Apolônio de RodesDiniz, Fábio Gerônimo Mota [UNESP] 08 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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diniz_fgm_me_arafcl.pdf: 368462 bytes, checksum: 1e08cbd969a82659d74f773bc564027d (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Pretende-se levantar pontos da obra Argonáutica (Ἀργοναυτικά), de Apolônio de Rodes que possam demonstrar a caracterização das personagens Jasão e Héracles, em oposição. A análise parte da observação de C. Beye (Epic and Romance in Argonautica of Apollonius, 1982), que vê Jasão como um novo perfil de herói, próximo a um anti-herói, mais afeito ao gosto do Período Helenístico e Héracles como paradigma do herói da épica homérica visto pelos olhos da crítica e poética do Período Helenístico - principalmente do ponto de vista estético do poeta Calímaco, tido como mentor de Apolônio. Serão analisadas, então, as características desses heróis que serviriam a essa análise, como representações figurativas de cada um e metáforas da evolução natural das estruturas narrativas. Apolônio faria, portanto, além de literatura, uma crítica, análise e releitura do próprio épico nos moldes das narrativas helenísticas a ele contemporâneas. / The intent is to raise points of the work Argonautica (Ἀργοναυτικά), of Apollonius Rhodius that can show the characterization of the characters Jason and Heracles, in opposition. The analysis comes from the notice of C. Beye (Epic and Romance in Argonautica of Apollonius, 1982), that sees Jason as a new outline of hero, near to an anti-hero, more wont to the taste of the Hellenistic Period and Heracles as a paradigm of the hero of the Homeric epics seen through the eyes of the critics and poetics of the Hellenistic Period – mainly through the aesthetic point of view of the poet Callimachus, taken as the mentor of Apollonius. It will be analyzed, then, the characteristics of these heroes that had served to this analysis, as figurative representations of each one and as metaphors of the natural evolution of the narrative structures. Apollonius would do, therefore, besides literature, criticism and analysis and re-reading of the epic itself in the form of the Hellenistic narratives contemporary to him.
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