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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactions between gray-sided voles (Clethrionomys rufocanus) and vegetation in the Fennoscandian tundra

Dahlgren, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
<p>I have, in this thesis, studied the interactions between gray-sided voles (Clethrionomys rufocanus) and tundra vegetation, on islands in, and mainland sites close to the lake Iešjávri, in northern Norway. As isolated islands are virtually free of predation, I have been able to compare plant-herbivore interactions in the presence and absence of predators. I transplanted vegetation from an island with predators and voles, to predator-free islands with and with out voles. The results reveal the existence of a terrestrial trophic cascade as voles had a severe impact on the transplanted vegetation on the predator-free islands, but only minor effects on the mainland where predators are present. Moreover, this study shows that plant defence was only a successful strategy when predators were present. Voles reduced the abundance of all available plants during winter on the predator-free islands. The results imply that cascading effects of predation are most important for well-defended plants with grazing-sensitive morphology as these plants escape herbivore impacts in the presence of predators but are vulnerable in their absence</p><p>I studied the recovery of intensively grazed vegetation by building exclosures on islands that have been heavily grazed by voles for almost a decade.This study shows that the collective biomass of vascular plants recovered completely on three years, when voles were excluded. Although most species that are dominating the ungrazed vegetation recovered rapidly in the exclosures, the vegetation did not simply return to its ungrazed state. Herbaceous plants increased and there were pronounced differences in response among evergreen dwarf-shrub species. The semi-prostrate and tannin rich crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), showed the strongest recovery of all species, while the erect lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) only showed weak signs of recovery. Thus, growth form determined the potential of plants to recover, whereas the trade-off between defensive investments and capacity to recover was weak or absent.</p><p>I studied the interaction between gray-sided voles and their main winter food plant, bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) on islands in and mainland sites close to the lake Iešjávri. I compared the abundance, population structure and palatability of bilberry ramets between vole-free islands, islands with voles but no predators and mainland sites with both voles and predators. Voles decreased the abundance of bilberry on the mainland, but the effect was much stronger on predator-free islands. Bilberry was fairly tolerant to grazing as it partially compensated for the lost tissue by producing more new ramets. Moreover, a cafeteria experiment showed that voles preferred the ramets from predator-free islands, which is inconsistent with conjectures emphasizing inducible plant defenses. The vole-bilberry interaction lacks features of delayed density dependence that could explain the vole cycles. I conducted a clipping and fertilization experiment to further investigate the effects of herbivory on palatability of bilberry shoots. Fertilization decreased the concentration of condensed tannins in shoots of bilberry and voles preferred fertilized and clipped shoots. I found no indication of induced defense that could reduce the palatability of bilberry twigs in response to herbivory.</p><p>The relationships between gray-sided vole densities, levels of invertebrate herbivory and chemical quality of leaves of Northern willow (Salix glauca) were studied on islands and mainland sites with contrasting vole densities. I found a positive correlation between level of invertebrate herbivory and vole density. The number of leaves per shoot, leaf size and leaf nitrogen content were also positively correlated with vole densities, while leaf C/N ratios were negatively correlated with vole densities. The positive correlation between vole densities and level of invertebrate herbivory is probably due to a facilitative effect of voles on invertebrate herbivores, mediated through changes in plant chemistry.</p>

Polyunsaturated fatty acids : evidence for non-substitutable biochemical resources in Daphnia galeata

Wacker, Alexander, Elert, Eric von January 2001 (has links)
The factors that determine the efficiency of energy transfer in aquatic food webs have been investigated for many decades. The plant-animal interface is the most variable and least predictable of all levels in the food web. In order to study determinants of food quality in a large lake and to test the recently proposed central importance of the long-chained eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) at the pelagic producer-grazer interface, we tested the importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) at the pelagic producerconsumer interface by correlating sestonic food parameters with somatic growth rates of a clone of Daphnia galeata. Daphnia growth rates were obtained from standardized laboratory experiments spanning one season with Daphnia feeding on natural seston from Lake Constance, a large pre-alpine lake. Somatic growth rates were fitted to sestonic parameters by using a saturation function. A moderate amount of variation was explained when the model included the elemental parameters carbon (r2 = 0.6) and nitrogen (r2 = 0.71). A tighter fit was obtained when sestonic phosphorus was incorporated (r2 = 0.86). The nonlinear regression with EPA was relatively weak (r2 = 0.77), whereas the highest degree of variance was explained by three C18-PUFAs. The best (r2 = 0.95), and only significant, correlation of Daphnia's growth was found with the C18-PUFA α-linolenic acid (α-LA; C18:3n-3). This correlation was weakest in late August when C:P values increased to 300, suggesting that mineral and PUFA-limitation of Daphnia's growth changed seasonally. Sestonic phosphorus and some PUFAs showed not only tight correlations with growth, but also with sestonic α-LA content. We computed Monte Carlo simulations to test whether the observed effects of α-LA on growth could be accounted for by EPA, phosphorus, or one of the two C18-PUFAs, stearidonic acid (C18:4n-3) and linoleic acid (C18:2n-6). With >99 % probability, the correlation of growth with α-LA could not be explained by any of these parameters. In order to test for EPA limitation of Daphnia's growth, in parallel with experiments on pure seston, growth was determined on seston supplemented with chemostat-grown, P-limited Stephanodiscus hantzschii, which is rich in EPA. Although supplementation increased the EPA content 80-800x, no significant changes in the nonlinear regression of the growth rates with α-LA were found, indicating that growth of Daphnia on pure seston was not EPA limited. This indicates that the two fatty acids, EPA and α-LA, were not mutually substitutable biochemical resources and points to different physiological functions of these two PUFAs. These results support the PUFA-limitation hypothesis for sestonic C:P < 300 but are contrary to the hypothesis of a general importance of EPA, since no evidence for EPA limitation was found. It is suggested that the resource ratios of EPA and α-LA rather than the absolute concentrations determine which of the two resources is limiting growth.

Interactions between gray-sided voles (Clethrionomys rufocanus) and vegetation in the Fennoscandian tundra

Dahlgren, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
I have, in this thesis, studied the interactions between gray-sided voles (Clethrionomys rufocanus) and tundra vegetation, on islands in, and mainland sites close to the lake Iešjávri, in northern Norway. As isolated islands are virtually free of predation, I have been able to compare plant-herbivore interactions in the presence and absence of predators. I transplanted vegetation from an island with predators and voles, to predator-free islands with and with out voles. The results reveal the existence of a terrestrial trophic cascade as voles had a severe impact on the transplanted vegetation on the predator-free islands, but only minor effects on the mainland where predators are present. Moreover, this study shows that plant defence was only a successful strategy when predators were present. Voles reduced the abundance of all available plants during winter on the predator-free islands. The results imply that cascading effects of predation are most important for well-defended plants with grazing-sensitive morphology as these plants escape herbivore impacts in the presence of predators but are vulnerable in their absence I studied the recovery of intensively grazed vegetation by building exclosures on islands that have been heavily grazed by voles for almost a decade.This study shows that the collective biomass of vascular plants recovered completely on three years, when voles were excluded. Although most species that are dominating the ungrazed vegetation recovered rapidly in the exclosures, the vegetation did not simply return to its ungrazed state. Herbaceous plants increased and there were pronounced differences in response among evergreen dwarf-shrub species. The semi-prostrate and tannin rich crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), showed the strongest recovery of all species, while the erect lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) only showed weak signs of recovery. Thus, growth form determined the potential of plants to recover, whereas the trade-off between defensive investments and capacity to recover was weak or absent. I studied the interaction between gray-sided voles and their main winter food plant, bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) on islands in and mainland sites close to the lake Iešjávri. I compared the abundance, population structure and palatability of bilberry ramets between vole-free islands, islands with voles but no predators and mainland sites with both voles and predators. Voles decreased the abundance of bilberry on the mainland, but the effect was much stronger on predator-free islands. Bilberry was fairly tolerant to grazing as it partially compensated for the lost tissue by producing more new ramets. Moreover, a cafeteria experiment showed that voles preferred the ramets from predator-free islands, which is inconsistent with conjectures emphasizing inducible plant defenses. The vole-bilberry interaction lacks features of delayed density dependence that could explain the vole cycles. I conducted a clipping and fertilization experiment to further investigate the effects of herbivory on palatability of bilberry shoots. Fertilization decreased the concentration of condensed tannins in shoots of bilberry and voles preferred fertilized and clipped shoots. I found no indication of induced defense that could reduce the palatability of bilberry twigs in response to herbivory. The relationships between gray-sided vole densities, levels of invertebrate herbivory and chemical quality of leaves of Northern willow (Salix glauca) were studied on islands and mainland sites with contrasting vole densities. I found a positive correlation between level of invertebrate herbivory and vole density. The number of leaves per shoot, leaf size and leaf nitrogen content were also positively correlated with vole densities, while leaf C/N ratios were negatively correlated with vole densities. The positive correlation between vole densities and level of invertebrate herbivory is probably due to a facilitative effect of voles on invertebrate herbivores, mediated through changes in plant chemistry.

Ecology and evolution of tolerance in two cruciferous species

Boalt, Elin January 2008 (has links)
Tolerance to herbivory is the ability of plants to maintain fitness in spite of damage. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the genetic variation and expression of tolerance within species, determine whether and in what conditions tolerance has negative side-effects, and how tolerance is affected by different ecological factors. Tolerance is investigated with special focus on the effects of different damage types, competitive regimes, history of herbivory, and polyploidization in plants. Studies are conducted as a literature review and three experiments on two cruciferous species Raphanus raphanistrum and Cardamine pratensis. In the tolerance experiments, plants are subjected to artificial damage solely, or in a combination with natural damage. A literature review was conducted in order to investigate the effects of damage method. We found that traits related to tolerance, such as growth and fitness were not as sensitive in regard to damage method as measures of induced chemical traits, or measures of secondary herbivory. Genetic variation of tolerance was demonstrated within populations of R. raphanistrum and between subspecies of C. pratensis. In R. raphanistrum, traits involved in floral display and male fitness were positively associated with plant tolerance to herbivore damage. A potential cost of tolerance was demonstrated as a negative correlation between levels of tolerance in high and low competitive regimes. I found no evidence of other proposed costs of tolerance in terms of highly tolerant plants suffering of reduced fitness in the absence of herbivores or trade-offs in terms of a negative association between tolerance to apical and leaf damage, or between tolerance and competitive ability. In C. pratensis, higher ploidy level in plants involved higher levels of tolerance measured as clonal reproduction. Furthermore, populations exposed to higher levels of herbivory had better tolerance than populations exposed to lower levels of herbivory. In this thesis, I demonstrate evidence of different components for the evolution of tolerance in plants: genotypic variation, selective factors in terms of costs and ploidization, and selective agents in terms of changing environment or herbivore pressure.

The Effect of Snow on Plants and Their Interactions with Herbivores.

Torp, Mikaela January 2010 (has links)
The ongoing climate changes are predicted to accelerate fast in arctic regions with increases in both temperatures and precipitation. Although the duration of snow cover is generally expected to decrease in the future, snow depth may paradoxically increase in those areas where a large amount of the elevated precipitation will fall as snow. The annual distribution and duration of snow are important features in arctic ecosystems, influencing plant traits and species interactions in various ways. In this thesis, I investigated the effect of snow on plants and their interactions with herbivores by experimentally increasing the snow cover by snow fences in three different habitats along an environmental gradient in Abisko, northern Sweden. I found that the snow cover mattered for plant quality as food for herbivores and herbivore performance. An enhanced and prolonged snow cover increased the level of insect herbivory on dwarf birch leaves under field conditions. Autumnal moth larvae feeding on leaves that had experienced increased snow-lie grew faster and pupated earlier than larvae fed with leaves from control plots. These findings indicated that plants from snow-rich plots produced higher-quality food for herbivores. My studies showed that differences in snow-lie explained parts of the within-year spatial and seasonal variation in plant chemistry and patterns of herbivory in this arctic landscape. The relationship between leaf nitrogen concentration and plant phenology was consistent between treatments and habitats, indicating that snow per se, via a delayed phenology, was controlling the nitrogen concentration. The relationship between leaf age and level of herbivory was positive in the beginning of the growing season, but negative in the end of the growing season, indicating an increasing importance of plant palatability and a decreasing importance of exposure time in determining the level of herbivory throughout the growing season. The concentrations of phenolics varied among habitats, treatments and sampling occasions, suggesting that these plants were able to retain a mosaic of secondary chemical quality despite altered snow conditions. Furthermore, the nutrient limiting plant growth, according to N:P ratio thresholds, appeared to shift from nitrogen to phosphorus along the topographic gradient from snow-poor ridges to more snow-rich heathlands and fens. Snow addition had, however, no significant effect on other nutrient concentrations than nitrogen and no significant effect on the leaf N:P ratio, indicating that differences in snow cover could not explain the variation in plant nutrient concentrations among habitats. In a five-year study, I found opposing inter-annual effects of increased snow on plant chemistry. In contrast to earlier results, the effect of snow-lie on plant nitrogen concentration was predominantly negative. However, the effect of increased snow cover on the level of herbivory remained predominantly positive. The strong within-year relationship between snow-melt date (via plant phenology) and plant nitrogen concentration and level of herbivory could not predict inter-annual variation in the effect of snow manipulation. I did not find any conclusive evidence for a single factor causing the inter-annual opposing effect of snow addition, but the results indicated that interactions with summer and winter temperatures might be important. In conclusion, this thesis showed that climate-induced changes in snow conditions will have strong effects on plant traits and plant-herbivore interactions. However, alterations in snow cover do not influence all plant traits and the effect may vary in time and space.

Chemically-mediated interactions in salt marshes: mechanisms that plant communities use to deter closely associated herbivores and pathogens

Sieg, Robert Drew 25 March 2013 (has links)
Herbivores and pathogens pose a consistent threat to plant productivity. In response, plants invest in structural and/or chemical defenses that minimize damage caused by these biotic stressors. In salt marshes along the Atlantic coast of the United States, a facultative mutualism between snails (Littoraria irrorata) and multiple species of fungi exert intense top-down control of the foundation grass species Spartina alterniflora. Since exposure to herbivores and pathogens are tightly coupled in this system, I investigated whether S. alterniflora utilizes chemical and/or structural defenses to deter both snails and fungi, and examined how plant defenses varied among S. alterniflora individuals and populations. I also assessed how other marsh plants prevent snails from establishing farms, and considered whether interspecific variation in plant chemical defenses influences marsh community structure. Initial experiments revealed that S. alterniflora chemical defenses inhibited L. irrorata and two fungi that snails commonly farm. A caging experiment determined that production of chemical defenses could not be induced in the presence of snails and fungi, nor relaxed in their absence. Through separations chemistry guided by ecological assays, I isolated two distinct classes of chemical defenses from short form S. alterniflora, one of which inhibited fungal growth and the other decreased plant palatability. In a community context, the chemical defenses produced by S. alterniflora were relatively weak compared to those of four other salt marsh plant species, which produced compounds that completely inhibited L. irrorata grazing and strongly hindered fungal growth in lab assays. Nutritional and structural differences among marsh plants did not influence feeding preferences, suggesting that plant secondary chemistry was the primary driver for food selection by snails. It appears that S. alterniflora produces weak chemical defenses that slow down or limit fungal growth and snail herbivory, and may compensate for tissue losses by producing new growth. In contrast, less abundant marsh plants express chemical defenses that completely inhibit fungal farming and deter snail grazing, but doing so may come at a cost to growth or competitive ability. As marsh dieback continues with rising herbivore densities and compounding abiotic stressors, the ecosystem services that salt marshes provide may be lost. Therefore, understanding how and under what conditions salt marsh plants resist losses to herbivores and pathogens will help predict which marsh communities are most likely to be threatened in the future. Initial experiments revealed that S. alterniflora chemical defenses inhibited L. irrorata and two fungi that snails commonly farm. A caging experiment determined that production of chemical defenses could not be induced in the presence of snails and fungi, nor relaxed in their absence. Through separations chemistry guided by ecological assays, I isolated two distinct classes of chemical defenses from short form S. alterniflora, one of which inhibited fungal growth and the other decreased plant palatability. In a community context, the chemical defenses produced by S. alterniflora were relatively weak compared to those of four other salt marsh plant species, which produced compounds that completely inhibited L. irrorata grazing and strongly hindered fungal growth in lab assays. Nutritional and structural differences among marsh plants did not influence feeding preferences, suggesting that differences in plant chemistry were the primary driver for food selection by snails. It appears that S. alterniflora produces weak chemical defenses that slow down or limit fungal growth and snail herbivory, and may compensate for tissue losses by producing new growth. In contrast, less abundant marsh plants express chemical defenses that completely inhibit fungal farming and deter snail grazing, but doing so may come at a cost to growth or competitive ability against S. alterniflora. As marsh dieback continues with rising herbivore densities and compounding abiotic stressors, the ecosystem services that salt marshes provide may be lost. Therefore, understanding how and under what conditions salt marsh plants resist losses to herbivores and pathogens will help predict which marsh communities are most likely to be threatened in the future.

Herbivore abundance in simple and diverse habitats [electronic resource] : the direct and indirect effects of plant diversity and habitat structure / by Laura F. Altfeld.

Altfeld, Laura F. January 2003 (has links)
Document formatted into pages; contains 46 pages. / Title from PDF of title page. / Thesis (M.S.)--University of South Florida, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references. / Text (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. / ABSTRACT: Herbivore abundances are determined by a set of interacting factors that vary among different habitat types. Specifically, herbivore abundances in monocultures and polycultures may be governed by the same set of factors but with varying influences in the different habitats. In addition, monophagous and polyphagous herbivores may respond differently to the same set of influencing factors. I examined several abiotic and biotic factors in manipulated monocultures and polycultures of Borrichia frutescens in a west central Florida salt marsh. The experimental plots differed in both plant diversity and aboveground habitat structure to see how each component of diversity contributed to variability in the abiotic and biotic factors and how those factors were related to differences in herbivore abundances. The monoculture treatment involved clipping all above ground non-host plant material to achieve a host plant monoculture. The polyculture treatments involved pinning all non-host plant material to achieve a polyculture with reduced above ground habitat structure. The second polyculture treatment was a control in which the naturally diverse plots were unmanipulated. Two monophagous and one polyphagous herbivores were chosen for this study because of their abundance and availability in the field. The two monophagous herbivores on the host plant Borrichia frutescens were Pissonotus quadripustulatus (Homoptera:Delphacidae) and Asphondylia borrichiae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) both of which have been well studied in the field where the current experiment took place. The polyphagous herbivore was Cyarda acutissima (Homoptera: Flatidae), a poorly known invasive from Cuba. Soil salinity and host plant leaf nitrogen content were the abiotic factors measured. Herbivore abundances, percent egg and gall parasitism by parasitoids, spider abundances on host plant stems and ground spider abundances were the biotic factors measured. Both salinity and host plant leaf nitrogen were significantly different among the different treatments with clipped plots having the highest salinity and leaf nitrogen content. Population densities of both of the monophagous herbivores were not significantly different between treatments. The polyphagous herbivore had significantly higher abundances in the pinned and control plots than in the clipped plots. Stem spider abundances were not significantly different among treatments. Ground spiders, however, were significantly more abundant in control and pinned plots than clipped plots. Parasitism of both monophagous herbivores was not significantly different between treatments but was generally higher in the control plots. The results suggest that for monophagous herbivores bottom-up and top-down factors act antagonistically in monocultures but for the polyphagous herbivore, the presence of multiple host plants is more influential in diverse plots even given the higher abundances of generalist predators. / System requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. / Mode of access: World Wide Web.

An investigation of the factors leading to invasion success of non-native plants using a system of native, introduced non-invasive, and invasive <i>Eugenia</i> congeners in Florida

Bohl, Kerry 01 January 2013 (has links)
The overwhelming majority of plant species introduced into a new range never become invasive. Consequently, identification of factors allowing the small fraction of successful invaders to naturalize, increase in abundance, and displace resident species continues to be a key area of research in invasion biology. Of the considerable number of hypotheses that have been proposed to resolve why some plant species become noxious pests, the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) is one of the most commonly cited. The ERH maintains that invasive plants succeed in a new range because they are no longer regulated by their coevolved natural enemies, and this reduction in enemy pressure imparts a competitive advantage over native species, which continue to be negatively impacted by top-down processes. Alternatively, the ability of invasive plant species to outperform their counterparts, rather than escape from enemies, may be key in conferring invasion success. The importance of preadapted traits and release from natural enemies in successful invasion remains unclear, likely owing to a lack of empirical studies comparing their effects on relative performance and population growth of closely related species that differ in origin and invasiveness. A system of co-occurring native, introduced non-invasive, and invasive Eugenia congeners exists in south Florida, providing an opportunity to address deficiencies in our understanding of plant invasions by investigating the factors leading to invasion success for Eugenia uniflora. This approach is novel because very few studies have simultaneously incorporated both native and introduced non-invasive congeners into tests of these hypotheses, and no others have done so using this system of Eugenia congeners. The first study in this dissertation tested the ERH using an insect herbivore exclusion experiment in the field to compare the effects of natural enemies on the performance and population growth of Eugenia uniflora and its native congeners. The results showed that E. uniflora sustained more herbivore damage than its native counterparts, and that the effects of herbivores were sufficient to have negative impacts on performance and population growth. In sum, these findings contradict the ERH. Surprisingly, the vast majority of damage to E. uniflora was caused by the recently introduced Sri Lankan weevil (Myllocerus undatus), with which it shares no coevolutionary history. The second study compared seedling performance among native, introduced non-invasive, and invasive Eugenia congeners to determine if the success of E. uniflora can be attributed to superior performance traits. Invasive E. uniflora was found to outperform its native and introduced non-invasive counterparts in a number of seedling traits, including emergence, growth, and survival, in spite of sustaining higher levels of herbivore damage in the field. This result was consistent across years and sites, suggesting that superior performance may be an important factor in invasion success by E. uniflora. The final experiment investigated the role of enemy release on performance of native, introduced non-invasive, and introduced invasive Eugenia seedlings using an insect herbivore exclusion experiment in the field. In this study, the invasive E. uniflora was again found to sustain more damage by foliar herbivores compared to its native and introduced non-invasive counterparts. However, in spite of higher levels of herbivore damage, E. uniflora continued to outperform its congeners in terms of stem growth, and its congeners did not outperform E. uniflora in any attribute. Insect herbivores negatively affected survival of all species, but were found to have little effect on growth. In combination, the results of these studies indicate that the ability of E. uniflora to outperform its native and introduced congeners at the seedling stage, and not release from insect herbivores, may contribute to its success as an invader. Additionally, E. uniflora exhibits relatively low resistance to herbivory in the new range, and instead may possess an ability to tolerate moderate levels of damage. The implications of this study are that enemy release may not be important in determining invasion success in some systems, and that the accumulation of new enemies may mitigate the effects of invasive plants over time. The paucity of studies investigating interactions among invasive plants and herbivores that share no coevolutionary history warrants further research. Finally, this system of Eugenia congeners provides valuable opportunities to test additional hypotheses and to further explore factors leading to invasion success.

Maternal effects in the large milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus

Newcombe, Devi Isadora Ramayanti January 2013 (has links)
Maternal effects are the non-genetic contributions of mothers (or fathers) towards the phenotype of their offspring. Maternal effects are now well recognised as a facilitator for evolutionary change in offspring phenotypes and life history strategies which can have effects on population dynamics, population divergence and even speciation. Furthermore, maternal effects have been shown to have a heritable genetic basis and that they are genetically variable, which suggests that they contribute to maintaining phenotypic variation. Maternal effects may impede or accelerate responses to selection which has implications for adaptive evolution and making predictions about their evolutionary potential. The importance of their contribution to phenotypic variation and life history evolution has made maternal effects an important consideration in fields such as conservation and population biology, evolutionary ecology and evolutionary genetics. The aim of this thesis is to investigate if maternal effects can influence offspring life history traits and fitness parameters through maternal resources via the egg. Main questions that are asked include: can maternal effects help facilitate transition to a novel host-diet (Chapter 2); does maternal diet influence egg composition and, if so, does this have an effect on offspring life-history parameters (Chapter 3); is there a genetic basis to egg composition and is there potential for egg composition to evolve (Chapter 4); and are defensive compounds from the diet transferred into the eggs, if so, are these uni- or biparentally transferred and does this offer protection against predation (Chapter 5)? To address these questions we used a specialist insect herbivore, the large milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). In the wild, O. fasciatus feed on plants from the genus Asclepias (Apocynacea). However, O. fasciatus can be reared successfully in laboratories on sunflower seeds Helianthus annus. For our experiments we used two populations of O. fasciatus, one population has been maintained on dry seeds of A. syriaca while the other population has been reared and maintained on sunflower seeds. The results of Chapter 2 were suggestive of a maternal host-diet effect on egg mass and hatching success, but we did not find evidence that maternal host-diet was significant in influencing a transition to a novel host. In Chapter 3 we found that there was variation in the free amino acid profiles of the eggs between our treatments suggesting that amino acid profiles may be influenced by maternal diet. The results of our multivariate selection analysis to examine linear and nonlinear (quadratic) relationships between maternal diet and the free amino acid profiles of the eggs suggest that there may be population-specific responses which can influence specific amino acid profiles in relation to hatchling mass. In Chapter 4 we used only the milkweed-adapted population to determine if there was a genetic basis to amino acid profiles in the eggs. We constructed a genetic variance-covariance (G) matrix to determine the strength and direction of the relationships between amino acids and to assess the potential for amino acid profiles to evolve. While we found genetic variation for amino acids, and that there was evidence for positive moderate to strong genetic correlations between many of them, we also found evidence for constraints for the potential for amino acid profiles to evolve as evidenced by the calculation of gmax (which represents the linear combination of components that has the highest genetic variance and which is the most accessible to evolution). In Chapter 5 we found maternal, but not paternal, transmission of cardenolides into the eggs. However, this did not confer protection of all eggs against predation from larvae of the green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea. Overall, results suggest that for our populations of O. fasciatus, maternal effects are significant in influencing early life history traits such as egg mass and hatchling mass. However, we did not find any significant effects on other offspring life history or fitness parameters that we measured. This may be surprising as positive, and negative, effects of non-genetic contributions of females (and males) to their offspring has been widely reported in many taxa. The patterns and implications of maternal resource allocation and their effects on offspring life history evolution are explored and discussed, as are the limitations of our experimental designs. I hope that this research can be used to stimulate further investigations into maternal effects and the relationships between host-plant, maternal allocation strategies and life history evolution.

The effects of the root endophytic fungus Acremonium strictum on plant-herbivore interactions

Jaber, Lara 12 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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