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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical analysis of the continued use of Georgian buildings : a case study of Darley Abbey Mills, Derbyshire

Deakin, Emmie Lousie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis undertakes a critical assessment of the impact of Statutory Legislation and UNESCO World Heritage Designation upon the sustainability and continued use of historic industrial buildings, utilising the late 18th Century Georgian Industrial Buildings of Darley Abbey Mills, Derby, as a case study. This thesis provides an indepth and longitudinal analysis of the morphology and evolution of Darley Abbey Mills between 2006-2015, during this time the assessment of whether the mills would find a sustainable and continued contemporary use has shifted from a concern that the site was slowly disintegrating with the danger of an important historical artefact being lost for ever or becoming irrevocably damaged through lack of maintenance and repair to a position where the future of the mills is looking promising. What makes Darley Abbey Mills so unusual or unique is that it possesses the highest possible levels of statutory protection, but that is also under private ownership. The initial findings in an analysis of policy documents and planning applications between 2006- 2010 was that there was limited engagement with the external heritage and conservations stakeholders or the Local Authority, an ‘umbrella of statutory protection’ was not providing barriers or protecting the site, there was just a lack of action by all parties. This changed during the period 2010-13 when the site came under new unified ownership, the new owners started to make small adaptations and repairs to the site that enabled them to encourage new tenants from the creative and artisan communities to the site, however all of this work was not authorised, nor was planning permission sought. Although there was still a lack of enforcement of what can be seen as ‘aspirational urbanism’, a dialogue was started between the owners and the wider stakeholder community. Between 2013-2015, the relationship between all of the stakeholders became more formalised and an unofficial partnership was formed between the owners and the monitoring bodies that resulted in the successful planning application to adapt the West Mills and Long Mill, which moved some of the way towards ensuring the sustainable and continued use of Darley Abbey Mills.

The Representation Of A Cultural Heritage In Virtual Environment Case Study: Cumhurbaskanligi Ataturk Muze Kosku

Senogul, Ozgur 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
It is defined in international charters that presentation is one of the main responsibilities of conservation policies. The consicousness on cultural heritages and their conservation leads to related disciplines to prepare efficient presentations. Traditional presentations cannot bear to constitute a medium where different types of information and mulitple techniques can be integrated in a single medium. This thesis considers Virtual Environment as a multi-layered medium for such a need and uses it on the presentation of a Architectural Cultural Heritage that has a very important place in the foundation of Turkish Republic. The study proposes a scheme for the process with respect to the author&amp / #8217 / s technical capabilities and literature surveys on the examples that are prepared in VE and searches the advantages or disadvantages, sufficiencies or insufficiencies. The system runs through a CD that is attached to back of the text, has an interactive virtual tour and internet pages that are all prepared by the author.

Kulturkrockar i skolan

Olofsson, Carina January 2017 (has links)
This text is an essay relating to a situation I was involved in where two different cultures caused a conflict in one of the pupils. The pupil was supposed to perform a swimming test and the parents wanted him/her to use full body clothing which the pupil had not done before. Because of this, the pupil suddenly was in conflict with herself/himself and I (the author) found myself in a situation where I felt torn between the purpose as an educator and the cultural values of the pupil. The purpose of my essay is to find an approach to the values of pupils and parents which sometimes affect my way of work. Our school curriculum states that we must prevent differences of gender but at the same time respect the culture of the individual. Several times I find myself trapped between cultural values from the pupil´s family situation and our educational purpose. How do I deal with this? How does switching between two cultures affect the pupil? The concept and perspectives that I am going to reflect on are interculturality, multi culturalism and I will also discuss heritage, environment, traditions, identity and the importance of the family. I will review myself and my own reflections. I will reflect upon how I use fronesis, my practical wisdom which I have gathered through experience. What can I improve when I use my professionalism within the cultural areas? Writing this essay, I still feel torn between the different missions. I always feel the need to act with the pupil´s best interest at heart. If this means I counteract gender patterns, so be it. In my opinion the culture doesn´t really matter because all individuals have the same value. The school simply cannot teach the pupils ethics and then not act accordingly themselves. / Den här texten är en essä och den utgår från en egen upplevd situation där två olika kulturer ger upphov till en konflikt hos en elev. Eleven ska utföra ett simtest och föräldrarna vill att hen skulle simma i heltäckande, vilket hen inte gjort tidigare. Det gjorde att eleven hamnade i en konflikt med sig själv och jag (författaren) hamnade i en situation där jag känner mig klämd mellan vad vårt uppdrag säger och elevens kulturella värderingar. Syftet med mitt arbete är att hitta ett förhållningssätt till elever och föräldrars värderingar som ibland påverkar mitt arbetssätt. I våra styrdokument står det att vi ska motverka könsskillnader, men samtidigt respektera individens kultur. Flera gånger ställs jag mellan vårt uppdrag och de kulturella värderingarna eleven har med sig hemifrån. Hur bemöter jag det? Hur upplever eleven det är att pendla mellan två olika kulturer? Begrepp och perspektiv jag kommer att reflekterar kring är interkulturalitet, mångkulturalitet och jag kommer även föra en diskussion kring arv, miljö, traditioner, identitet och familjens betydelse. Jag kommer granska mig själv och mitt eget reflekterande. Jag kommer använda mig av min fronesis, min praktiska klokhet som jag samlat på mig genom all erfarenhet. Vad är det jag kan bli bättre på i utförandet av min praktiska yrkeskompetens inom det kulturella området? Något jag kommit fram till i den här essän är, att känslan av att vara klämd mellan uppdragen kvarstår. Jag känner att jag alltid måste handla utifrån elevens bästa. Om det gör att jag motverkar att jag utjämnar könsmönster får det vara så. I mina ögon spelar kulturen ingen roll, alla individer är värda lika mycket, Vi i skolan kan inte lära ut värdegrunden till eleven, och sedan själva göra tvärtemot.

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