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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adventisté sedmého dne mezi modernou a postmodernou / Seventh-Day Adventists between modernism and postmodernism

JETELINA, Bedřich January 2012 (has links)
This work reflects on how the Seventh-day Adventist Church meets the challenges of postmodernism, despite itself having its roots deep in the modern era. The first part deals with the origin of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the development of its dogma. It primarily focuses on the Thomas Reid?s philosophy of common sense and describes the Adventist statements of dogma that are typical of this church and were influenced by the philosophy of common sense. The second part analyses how this church deals with the challenges of the postmodern era. It describes the current categorisation of Adventist theology on the basis of the differing macro-hermeneutic of the individual streams that depend on how they view the relationship between God and time. It also indicates the practical impacts that these various approaches to church praxis lead to. The aim of this work is to be as objective as possible in describing the current situation and show the potential risks and solutions that the church and its members face. In the author?s opinion, an adequate response to the problems of Adventism in the postmodern era can be found in shifting the emphasis to a general Christian perspective and in redefining specifically Adventist teachings.

Biblická katecheze pro adolescenty / The Biblical Catechesis for Adolescents

VYBÍRALOVÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The work deals with the biblical catechesis aimed at the adolescent youth. The first theoretical part describes the adolescence and problems, adolescents usually have to overcome. Next it defines the catechesis and the religions education on the base of the church documents, it characterises present situation of religions education in the Czech Republic and it characterises the present catechetic practice in the church. The work also describes the biblical catechesis: its theoretical processing in the view of the biblical science and its practical processing. In the practical part there is a survey, which provides topics for practical processing of biblical catechesis. The selected topics of biblical catechesis (Ten Commandments, Kingdom of Heaven) are processed theoretically (from the point of view of biblical science). Next they are turned into particular projects of biblical catechesis.

Extrémní metal zevnitř a zvenčí: Co se tady maskuje? / Extreme Metal from Inside and Outside: What Is Being Masked?

Lazar, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to assess the experience of extreme metal musicians. Using a qualitative approach, 23 texts on the topic of "Why I like metal" were analysed. These reference texts were written by death, black, and thrash metal musicians. Additionaly, an interview and artifacts analysis was conducted. Based on the qualitative approach, 12 categories representing the experience of metal musicians were formulated. However, this view did not correspond with the general notion of extreme metal. Two views, one "from the inside" and another "from the outside" of the metal community, were thus formed. Based on the growing dissonance of these two views, the theoretical concept of hermeneutice of suspicion was applied. Based on this interpretative stratégy, four areas have been identified, in which metal musicians mask metal aggresion, primitiveness, incomprehension and inaccessibility. KEYWORDS Metal music, experience of musicians, analysis of texts, analysis of interview and artefacts, hermeneutics of suspicion,

Strukturalismus a pojem diskursu u Paula Ricoeura / Structuralism and Concept of Discourse in the Work of Paul Ricoeur

Skoumal, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on structuralism and concept of discourse in the work of French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. The aim of the thesis is to show Ricoeur's effort to interconnect structuralism and hermeneutics and, after this, to treat how this interconnection works as a general paradigm of human sciences. The point of departure is Ricoeur's revision of Saussurean structural approach which divides language into language system (langue) and speaking (parole). Then, the concept of discourse is grounded and the thesis proceeds to problems of text. By using the concept of discourse for written forms of language (texts), Ricoeur introduces this term to his hermeneutical approach. Its interconnection with structuralism is made possible by circular dialectics of explanation and understanding in which structuralism is shown to be necessary for the hermeneutical knowledge. Ricoeur's hermeneutical thought is also characterised by movement from text to action. Ricoeur finds some parallels between them and between the interpretations of them. By this, he proceeds from hermeneutics of text to hermeneutics of action and presents his conclusions as a general paradigm of human sciences. These are said to have a hermeneutical nature. However, according to Ricoeur, the deep hermeneutical comprehension is...

Sebepoznání ve výtvarné expresi / Self-knowledge in art expression

Kubíčková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This qualitative thesis deals self-knowledge in art expression. The work examines how the creator understands to his or her art product, what happens in the dialogue over the product and this understanding impacts to self-knowledge and self-transformation. The work represents the principle of expression and expressiveness as a phenomenon and mandala as a specific instrument of art expression, which is set in professional framework through its origin and tradition of use in therapeutic practice. The work is dedicated to process in which the meaning is explored and constitutes three stages, the first one is expression, second one is reflection and the third is analysis. Theory of expression, dynamic art therapy and hermeneutic approach are presented as three basic theoretical approaches in this work. The work describes three case reports in a dynamic process and interprets them through formal and thematic analysis, respectively which strategies are used to find meaning in picture and what is the character of the main topics. Keywords: Art expression, mandalas, self-knowledge, early adulthood, theory of expression, dynamic art therapy, hermeneutics.

Akutagawa Rjúnosuke a jeho úvahy o literatuře / Akutagawa Ryūnosuke and His Considerations on Literature

Bedáňová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a literary theoretical debate between two outstanding Japanese writers: Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Tanizaki Junichiro. As a reaction to this debate, Akutagawa wrote a literary critical essay Bungeitekina, amarini bungeitekina (Literary, All Too Literary) which contains Akutagawa's considerations on literature and which is analyzed in this thesis. I have also devoted my thesis to other literary theoretical essays written by Akutagawa. The goal of this thesis is to follow the influence of Akutagawa's literary considerations of his works and also to set his work into the wider context of Japanese literature. Hermeneutics is the methodology chosen for this work. To achieve the set-out goal, biographies on Akutagawa and other literary studies focused on Akutagawa were studied.

Grįžtamosios migracijos sukeliamų mokymo(si) patirčių hermeneutinė analizė / Hermeneutics Analysis of Teaching/Learning Experiences Influenced by Return Migration

Lukočiūtė, Lina, Mickutė, Roma 16 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas – grįžtamosios migracijos procese, kylančių tapatybės ir susvetimėjimo problemų identifikavimas, taikant pedagoginės hermeneutikos analizės metodą. Pagrindinis tyrimo metodas – pusiau struktūruotas interviu. Darbe konceptualizuojamas grįžtamosios migracijos reiškinys. Atskleidžiama šio reiškinio pokyčio analizė nuo ekonominės, patriotinės sąvokos iki globalios tarpkultūrinės patirties sampratos traktavimo. Kadangi grįžtamoji migracija šiandienos kontekste apima ir vaikų grįžimą į tėvynę, svarbus faktorius tampa grįžtamųjų mokinių edukacinis procesas. Grįžtamosios migracijos pedagoginiame procese ypatingas dėmesys tenka subjektui, gebančiam adaptuoti ir interpretuoti užsienio šalies patirtį savo šalies ugdymo sistemoje. Edukacinės patirties perkeliamumas ir gebėjimas ją interpretuoti yra siejamas su pedagogine hermeneutika. Remiantis užsienio ir Lietuvos autoriais, analizuojama pedagoginė hermeneutika ir jos santykis su grįžtamąja migracija. Tyrimas patvirtina darbo autorių iškeltą hipotezę, kad re-emigrantų mokinių integraciją į Lietuvos edukacinę sistemą, sąlygoja skirtingas mokymo(si) ir kultūrinių skirtumų supratimas. / The aim of this paper is to identify the problems of alienation and identification, influenced by return migration, using the pedagogical hermeneutics analysis method. The instrument of the research – open interview questionnaire created by the authors. By analyzing the foreign and local academic literature, was conceptualized the phenomena of return migration. Was explored the transformation of notion of the return migration from understanding it as economical, patriotic idea to the concept of global intercultural experience treatment. Since the return migration of today's context includes the child's return to the homeland, the important factor is becoming pupils’ educational process. In the pedagogical process of the return migration particular attention goes to the subject enable to adapt and interpret the foreign country’s experiences in the homeland educational system. Educational experience transferability and the ability to interpret is related with pedagogical hermeneutics. The research confirmed the hypothesis that the integration of re-emigrated pupils in Lithuanian education system is determined by the different educational systems and cultural diversity.

Gadamerio ir Habermaso diskusija / Gadamer versus habermas

Svigaris, Žilvinas 23 June 2014 (has links)
Diskusijoje, vykusioje tarp Gadamer ir Habermas, socialinių mokslų ir tradicijos kontekstuose buvo nagrinėjami kalbos, istorijos ir supratimo ribų bei universalumo klausimai. Šioje diskusijoje dalyviai filosofiškai sprendžia pažinimo partikuliarumo ir istoriškumo problemas. Filosofinė hermeneutika, kaip universali žmogiškojo supratimo teorija, ir socialinė kritinė teorija, kaip disciplina, išlaisvinanti visuomenę nuo prievartos, supriešina savo pozicijas dėl supratimo ribų ir universalumo. Darbe išryškinamas ir nagrinėjamas svarbiausios hermeneutinės filosofijos ir socialinės kritinės teorijos sampratos. Diskusijos tarp Gadamer ir Habermas epicentre yra žmogiškojo pažinimo universalumo klausimas. Šios diskusijos pagrindą sudaro šešių kategorijų priešprieša: trijų Gadamer – dialogas, tradicija ir horizontų susiliejimas, ir trijų Habermas – komunikacinio veiksmo, gyvenimiško pasaulio ir idealios kalbinės situacijos. 1. Centrinis Gadamer filosofinės hermeneutikos klausimas – kalbinio ir istorinio supratimo universalumas, kuris traktuojamas kaip dialogo, tradicijos ir horizontų susiliejimo dialektika. Gadamer, sistemingai tirdamas objekto ir subjekto priklausymą istorijai, plėtoja universalaus, kalbiškai įtarpinto, istorinio supratimo galimybes. 2. Centrinis Habermas epistemologijos klausimas yra pamatinių kalbinio ir istorinio pažinimo principų universalumas, kuris įvardinamas komunikacinio veiksmo, gyvenimiško pasaulio ir idealios kalbinės dialektikos sampratomis. Habermas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problems of language, history and understanding have been approached in discussion between Gadamer and Habermas, in the context social sciences and tradition. The participants have philosophically analysed problems of particularity and historicity of understanding. Philosophical hermeneutics, as universal theory of human reason, and social critical theory, as a discipline which emancipate society from violence, contra positioned their positions on understanding limits and universality. This contraposition of main concepts of hermeneutical philosophy and social critical theory were highlighted in this research. There is a question of universality of human reason in epicentre of discussion between Gadamer and Habermas. Basis of the discussion consist of contraposition of six categories: three of Gadamer – dialogue, tradition and fusion of horizons and three of Habermas – communicative action, living world and ideal speech situation. 1. Universality of linguistic and historic understanding are the main questions of Gadamer philosophical hermeneutics. This universality is treated as dialectic of dialogue, tradition and fusion of horizon. Gadamer systematically inquired dependence of object and subject to the history and developed possibilities for universal, linguistically mediated, historical understanding. 2. Main question of Habermas epistemology is the question of universality of linguistic and historic principles. This problem is expressed in conceptions of communicative... [to full text]

Ve světle kabaly: Židovská mystika v polské literatuře meziválečného období. / In The Light of Kabbalah: Jewish Mistique in Polish Literature in The Interwar Period

Benešová, Michala January 2015 (has links)
Thesis In the Light of Kabbalah: Jewish Mystique in Polish Literature in the Interwar Period deals with different models of reflection of Jewish religious and mystical tradition in the Polish interwar literature (on the example of three authors representing different ways of perceiving their own Jewish roots as well as the processing of themes based on the tradition of Jewish mysticism). Aleksander Wat, originally a futurist, was critical of the Jewish religious tradition - but still cannot his own "Jewishness" escape; prose writer Bruno Schulz offers an unique vision of cosmogony and eschatology reminiscent of - besides other things - selected concepts of Kabbalah; Bolesław Leśmianʼs relationship to this tradition is the looses, but on the other hand his method of working with motives which can interpreted in the context of the Jewish religious tradition is very original. Literary work of all three - as the heirs to the "people of the Book" - is marked by a specific relationship to language and the written word. In addition to this theme we deal with e.g. the Golem motive, the idea of the creation of the world or the idea of God. These analytical chapters are preceded by a theoretical and methodological introduction based on the traditions of literary hermeneutics, but also on selected concepts of...

Filosofie a teologie sportu se zřetelem k americkému fotbalu / Philosophy and Theology of Sport with Accent on American Football

SVOBODA, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is searching for the possible connection between philosophy, theology and sports.

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