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Essays in Entrepreneurial FinanceBozkaya, Ant 12 June 2007 (has links)
This thesis aims to better understand the process of the funding of young innovative
ventures, and how a deeper understanding of this process can help public policy to better
stimulate entrepreneurial firms—especially in high-technology industries. I interpret
entrepreneurial finance broadly to mean financing issues facing young innovative
ventures. It includes three essays which deal with a set of economic, institutional, and
public policy issues to examine entrepreneurial finance.
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The funding decision by high-tech start-up firms: A multi-case study of SwedenSerninger, Niklas, Haji Warfaa, Abdirahman Ibrahim, Younes, Moustafa January 2019 (has links)
This paper examines how small high-tech start-ups in Sweden source their funding and aims to understand the underlying factors affecting these firms financing behaviour, contributing to the relatively limited field of research conducted in Europe. To fulfil the purpose of the study, a multiple case study method was implemented as the study’s research design. A literature review generated in a theoretical framework consisting of capital structure and specifically the pecking order theory. Together with our empirics, consisting of data from interviews with six different companies, the theoretical framework composed the basis for our analysis. The data from our sample displays that these firms initially source their funding through internal funds, suggesting that small high-tech start-up firms in Sweden rely heavily on their own saved funds or other personal resources available to them at the start-up face. Our findings suggests that these firms are limited in their financial options but also that independency and control is to be seen as factors to initially be funded through internal funds. Inconsistent with the pecking order theory, evidence in this paper finds that when looking for external funds, equity is the funding source rather than debt. Two conclusions can be drawn from this. First, the high-tech start-up firms seem to value the advisory of equity investor. Second, capital imperfections makes it hard to access debt. Furthermore, we find that majority of the case companies does not implement a capital structure policy since it seems to limited their financial options.
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High-Tech Startup Lifecycle in India : An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Emergency, Survival and GrowthKrishna, H S January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Of late, technology entrepreneurship has been receiving growing importance as a means of contribution to national economic growth, both from Empirical Researchers and Policy Makers. According to NASSCOM, India has emerged as the third largest base for high-tech start-ups in the world. Although there is a surge in start-up creation rates in India, very little is known about the vital factors that are required for these star-ups to survive, sustain and grow into large enterprises. This study reviews the entrepreneurial, firm-specific and external environment specific aspects that influence the key lifecycle stages of high-tech star -ups and identifies the key factors that influence each of the milestones. There are very few studies in this domain that have examined the unique features and influential factors of different lifecycle stages of start-ups in the context of emerging economies like India. This limited exploration on the structure, process and strategies adapted by high-tech start-ups has resulted in insufficient understanding about the high-tech start-up lifecycle. This study therefore, attempts to fill these gaps. Accordingly, the objectives of this study are to determine the factors that influence the creation, survival and growth of the high-tech start-ups operating out of India.
Further, an examination of what factors influence and impact the entire lifecycle of high-tech start-ups is also carried out – to obtain an integrated perspective on the lifecycle of high-tech start-ups. Primary data gathered from 275 high-tech start-ups, operating at different stages of the lifecycle formed the basis of the present study. To obtain additional insights on the factors influencing the milestones of the high-tech start-up lifecycle, the available data are analyzed against three segments – based on the target market segment that these start-ups focused on (B2B or B2C), based on the region of operations of the start-ups and based on whether the founding team had transnational work or start-up exposure or not. Our findings indicate that age and technical education of the entrepreneurs (from entrepreneur-specific perspective), the R&D and financial capitalization capabilities of the start-ups (from firm-specific perspective) and the external ecosystem parameters such as a robust SDP growth rate, presence and occurrence of VC funded deals in the region of start-ups operations have an influence on the high-tech start-up lifecycle in India. The findings of the study formed the basis to derive implications for entrepreneurs, other ecosystem stakeholders and policy makers.
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智慧財產權融資可行性之分析 / The feasibility analysis on financing intellectual property right顏瑞全, Yen, Jui-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:智慧財產權融資、新創科技公司、創業投資公司、銀行、鑑價機制、技術交易市場、信用保證基金、關鍵要素。 / By the coming of the new economy, high-tech start-ups are mushrooming like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. The value of high-tech start-ups does not base on hard assets, but of their principal assets. The principal assets contain both the intangible assets and intellectual property right (IPR), such as patent, trademark, copyright, license contract as well as R&D team. However, traditional financial statements record only the past financial profile and operating results of companies. They've invested large amount of money on R&D, and therefore, to obtain the IPR. But the right obtained can not be shown on the financial statements. As a result, a large number of high-tech start-ups are underestimated, and unfortunately, most of the potential high-tech start-ups were not able to survive due to the inability to find the fund needed.
From the view of the practical operating management, this study discusses problems that should be confronted when operating the financing IPR. Moreover, according to the problems found, the study anticipates by offering the operating mechanism and feasible business models for financing IPR.
As we know, the majority of risk lies in the fund suppliers when financing IPR, so mostly the feasibility of financing IPR depends on fund suppliers that will receive IPR as collateral under a certain number requirements possessed. Thus, the study will then offer suggestions mainly in terms of fund suppliers, and the focus will be on domestic banks and venture capitalists.
Based on the literature review, group focus interview, individuall interview, posted survey and so on are conducted for the study.
Some of insights are derived as bellow:
1. For overseas countries, the financing IPR is just at the beginning period. There are differences in the business models of financing IPR between western countries and eastern countries.
2. There are few real cases about financing IPR in Taiwan although there are some basic laws to apply for financing IPR. Nevertheless, more related regulations are needed.
3. Most of the venture capitalists evaluate high-tech start-ups in an overall way. Hence, excluding a small numbers of high-tech start-ups such as bio-tech companies, IPR is not the only key evaluation factor.
4. The model of financing IPR has an indirect influence to venture capitalists. They emphasize more on the valuation mechanism and the technology marketplace.
5. The profit of traditional banks in Taiwan comes from the interest. From the conservative operating system, these banks are hard to accept the financing IPR that is with high risk.
6. The domestic banks are in short of the IPR valuation and IPR management capabilities. Thus, these problems should first be solved, and then the financing IPR will be able to be taken into action.
7. The domestic banks are in favor of reducing risk by getting guarantee from the government.
8. In terms of the whole financial environment in Taiwan, there are lots of difficulties in the concepts of IPR, valuation mechanism, management capability, technology marketplace, laws and decrees and so forth to be confronted.
Above all, financing IPR has high risk in Taiwan at the moment. Therefore, this paper recommends that feasible business models of financing IPR should be divided as follow:
1. Short-run business model:
(1) Diversify the risk of the fund suppliers from the guarantee fund offered by the government.
(2) Finance IPR by foreign valuation mechanism and technology marketplace.
2. Long-run business model:
First, more efforts should be put to set up our own international valuation institutions and technology marketplace. Second, the financing IPR should be taken by contract liberalization principle in compliance with the mechanism of the free market. When both sides agree to the contract, then the deal will be done. By doing so,the IPR financing will be highly promoted at the same time.
Key words:
Financing IPR, High-tech Start-ups, Venture Capitalists, Domestic Banks, Valuation Mechanism, Technology Marketplace, Credit Guarantee Fund, Key factors.
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技術創業與智慧財產作價投資之研究 / Study on High Tech Start-Ups and the Consideration of Intellectual Property as Equity林姿伶, Lin, Tzu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
一、 公司法應允許投資人得以「勞務」出資,建議放寬公司法第156條第5項對於出資種類之限制,並輔以「勞務作價股份銷除制度」作為配套。
二、 公司法應允許得銷除特定股份,而非一體性地等比例銷除,建議修改公司法第168條,賦予公司得以章程規定就特定股份為銷除之權限。。
三、 智慧財產評價之進行,應嚴守於「評價當時」智慧財產權所具有的價值,詳細區分「智慧財產/技術」與「勞務」之不同,而非將經勞務提供後所帶來的經濟價值一併計算在內。
四、 公司法應允許包括「發起設立時」、「募集設立時」,及「發行新股時」等,均得以智慧財產作價投資,建議對於公司法第131條、第156條及第272條之適用要件,予以一致化。
五、 技術並非法律上所規範之權利客體,建議將公司法第156條第5項所稱「技術」修改為「智慧財產」。
六、 對於擁有龐大智慧財產的公立學校及政府機關,應為其尋思解套方法。建議立法規定公立學校及行政機關得另成立一法人組織或基金會,將其所擁有之智慧財產權全部移轉至該智權控股機構或基金會中,由該組織或基金會來運用該些智慧財產權。
七、 現行政府之對外投資政策及法令仍處於管制經濟之思維,建議應加快我國對外投資自由化之腳步。
八、 科技基本法將智財權下放予執行單位,而行政院及各主管機關又訂定辦法對於執行單位之各項智權運用活動課以程序上之繁瑣要求,包括公開、公正之程序,境外實施需事前經主管機關許可等等,此些限制實已造成「智財之不完全下放」現象,嚴重阻礙以智慧財產作價投資建構技術創業天堂之實現。
九、 關於專利權及專門技術之攤折問題,建議應委請公正單位評估該技術之有效生命週期,同時提出該專利權及專門技術之「可能享有年限」,以作為會計上攤折之依據,並顧及企業營運上財務報表資訊之如實揭露。
十、 針對課稅時點之問題,由於作價投資所取得之股票,乃是「財產形式之轉變」,投資人實際上並未獲取所得,必須等到賣出股票時才有所得產生,故建議應於「股票轉讓時」始進行所得稅課徵。
十一、 技術創業要成功,重點是技術移轉要成功,因此,技術移轉之內容及方法便需於契約中詳加規範。
十二、 美國矽谷地區,創業人擁有創新與創業精神,並持續進行技術研發;學校提供創業所需資源、人脈予新創公司及創業人;而創投公司及天使投資人的資金挹注及管理要求與導入,更是新創公司成功的重要因素。此外,整體的外在大環境,包括冒險精神、會計制度、公司制度、租稅制度、法令制度及專業服務機構等等,都是營造創業天堂所不可或缺的要素。 / If you are a technology entrepreneur, will you start your business in Taiwan or in the U.S.? What is the Paradise for technology entrepreneurs if Taiwan chooses to become one? What should Taiwan provide in the environment if Taiwan takes the U.S. as a model of Entrepreneurship Paradise?
In the era of knowledge-based economy, any start-up based on knowledge and technology will be closely related to issues of intellectual property. The thesis will focus on several important issues about investment with contribution of intellectual property as equity, such as its concept, domestic and international investment with contribution of intellectual property as equity, industrialization and commercialization of R&D results in Taiwan and the Science and Technology Basic Law, accounting procedures and taxation issues, contracts and regulations of investment with contribution of intellectual property as equity. The thesis will also illustrate with the case study of Google. The discussion tries to elaborate the issue from various aspects, including law, investment, accounting, taxation, contracts, technology evaluation, intellectual property and technology transfer. The thesis concludes with the following suggestions for governmental policy and law on the issues discussed, to build a paradise, friendly to innovation and start-ups, for technology entrepreneurs in Taiwan.
1. Labor should be recognized as an investment in Company Act. The limitation of investment category of Article 156 (5) should be expanded and be complemented with an elimination system of labor equity.
2. Elimination of specific shares, instead of elimination by ratio, should be allowed in Company Act. The thesis also proposes to amend Company Act Article 168 to authorize the enterprise to eliminate specific shares.
3. The evaluation of intellectual property should faithfully reflect its value for the time being. It should also distinguish the difference between the value of intellectual property/ technology and of labor, instead of a compound evaluation of both.
4. The investment with contribution of intellectual property as equity should be allowed when a company is established by means of promotion and by means of offer as well as when it issues new stocks. The applicable conditions of Company Act Article 131, 156, and 272 should be unified.
5. The term “technology” should be changed into “intellectual property” in Company Act Article 156 (5), given that “technology” is not an object of right defined by law.
6. There should be more channels for public universities and governmental institutions for the release of intellectual property. The government or legislators should enable public universities and governmental institutions to establish an institution or foundation and to transfer/ license their intellectual property to the institution for better use.
7. The government should abandon economic controlling measure through policy and regulation about overseas investment and speed up the liberation.
8. Science and Technology Basic Law authorize intellectual property rights to the executives. However, the Executive Yuan and other authorities set up orders and regulations on procedures about the application of intellectual property, including “public and fair procedure,” “overseas execution permission,” and so on. Those orders and regulations violate the spirits of Science and Technology Basic Law and prevent Taiwan from the Paradise for entrepreneurs.
9. Life cycle of patent and know-how should be evaluated by impartial organizations. The prediction of possible effective year of said patent and know-how should be taken for depreciation and amortization in accounting and be publicized as financial information of a company.
10. The investment with contribution of intellectual property should be taxed when stocks are transferred because such investments are transformation of asset types and the investors do not obtain actual income until the stocks are sold.
11. The success of a technology start-up depends on the success of technology transfer. Hence, the content and method of technology transfer should be defined in detail in the contract.
12. The entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley in the U.S. possess the spirits of innovation and entrepreneurship and keeps on technology research and development. The universities provide resources and personnel network for start-ups and entrepreneurs. Financing, introduction and demand of effective management from Venture Capitals and Angel Funds are the key factors for the success of start-up companies. Besides, the environment, including venture spirits, accounting and taxation system, company structures, law and regulation, and professional institutions, are indispensible for the establishment of the Paradise for entrepreneurs.
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Essays in entrepreneurial financeBozkaya, Ant 12 June 2007 (has links)
This thesis aims to better understand the process of the funding of young innovative<p>ventures, and how a deeper understanding of this process can help public policy to better<p>stimulate entrepreneurial firms—especially in high-technology industries. I interpret<p>entrepreneurial finance broadly to mean financing issues facing young innovative<p>ventures. It includes three essays which deal with a set of economic, institutional, and<p>public policy issues to examine entrepreneurial finance. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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新創科技公司資金募集及研發管理關鍵要素探討 / The Key Success Factors of Fund Raising and R&D Management for High-tech Start-ups張維仲, Chang, Wei-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
1 種子期
(1) 完善的營運計劃
(2) 募資時機的掌握
(3) 創業者所具備達成超高報酬率之條件
(4) 具號召力股東的參與
(5) 明確了解募資對象的決策特質,投資偏好、及投資策略
2 創建期
3 擴張期
1 明確的產品定位及產品組合
2 良好的研發專案管理能力
3 CEO或CTO應具良好的技術背景及領導力,以吸引優良技術人才加入
4 公司內外部研發資源良好之整合能力
5 利害關係人的支持
1. 研發管理績效不佳者,資金募集通常難以成功,而研發管理具良好績效者,其資金募集較易成功。
2. 資金募集績效良好者,必須具備良好之研發管理,而資金募集績效不佳者,未必研發管理績效不佳。 / High-tech start-ups are the powerhouses of economic development. The total market value of high-tech start-ups that launched after 1995 is twice of that of Fortune 500 companies combined. The Hsinchu Science Park of Taiwan has incubated some 300 companies since her inception 20 years ago. To date these 300 companies generate in total a revenue of about 10% value of Taiwan’s GDP.
High-tech start-ups have the attributes of start-ups and high-techs. As start-ups, they face so many uncertainties along the way. And as high-techs, they face dynamic market environments and short life cycle of products. Only through the founders’ entrepreneurship and strong motivation, can the high-tech start-ups survive and prosper. Team building, fund raising and R&D are the main jobs of every founder.
Recently, because of the unpredictable change of capital markets and industry markets, the high-tech start-ups have experienced a great challenge in fund raising and R&D management. For the past year alone in Silicon Valley, there have been more than 1000 high-tech start-ups filed Chapter 11 or Chapter 7, out of the failure of funding or R&D. A cruel scene has never been seen for the past two decades.
The objectives of this thesis intend to explore the key success factors (KSFs) of fund raising and R&D management for high-tech start-ups, and the relationship between the success of fund raising and R&D management.
This study was conducted by using case study methodology covering 19 samples of high-tech start-ups. The accidental sampling was collected from 9 samples located in the Silicon Valley and 10 in Taiwan, with industries ranging from IC design, opto-electronics, opto-communications, IC equipment, health care equipment to electronics components. The data was obtained by interviewing the top management of these companies and venture capitalist to validate the information.
The result of this study found that the KSFs of fund raising are as follows,
1. According to the research papers and readings, three key factors determine the success of fund raising--- the core competence of the management team, the economic, industrial and social environment, and the investment return vs. risk.
2. This study shows that the KSFs are related to the maturity of high-tech start-ups’ development levels. They are not all the same. In embryo stage, the KSFs are the solid business plan, the right timing of fund raising, the team’s track record, and the knowledge to know the prospective investor’s decision criteria, investment preferences and investment strategy. In early stage, the KSFs should add two more points; one is that the products shall have design-wins from strategic customers with the achievement of milestone complying with schedule, the other is the continuing support from strategic investors. In expansionary stage, the KSFs are the products’ marketability and manufacturability. Also the marketing ability and financial ability are no less important.
Moreover, the key factors affect the success of R&D management as follows,
1. In the research papers and readings, three determinants to the success of R&D management are the products’ positioning, the application and integration ability of external resources, as well as the management and integration ability of internal resources.
2. In the analysis of this study, the KSFs, emphasize more on the sides of strategic thinking and founders’ entrepreneurship as follows:
a. The right product positioning and products portfolio;
b. The good R&D project management skills;
c. The founders’ good technical background and leadership to attract top-notched technical staff to join;
d. The good integration ability of internal and external resources;
e. The full support of shareholders.
Above all, regarding the relationship between the success of fund raising and R&D management, the poor performance of R&D will, in general, leads to the failure of fund raising, whilst the good performance of R&D will help the success of fund raising. However, one with the success of fund raising, must couple with the good performance of R&D, and one with the failure of fund raising, not necessarily goes with poor performance of R&D.
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