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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hearing function in children with chronic renal dysfunction.

Lau, Jennifer 02 April 2013 (has links)
The primary aim of the research was to describe hearing function in a group of children with chronic renal dysfunction receiving treatment in an academic hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa. Specific objectives in the study were to determine the prevalence of hearing loss in paediatric patients with chronic renal dysfunction; to describe the type, degree and configuration of the hearing loss; and to establish if there was a relationship between the presenting hearing loss and the severity of renal dysfunction, the different treatment regimens, duration of renal dysfunction, and the duration of treatment. One hundred children between the ages five -18 years participated in the study and comprised 65 males and 35 females. The mean age of the participants was 11.68 years. A cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative research design was employed. All participants underwent a case history interview and a full audiological examination which included an otoscopic examination, immittance testing (tympanometry and ipsilateral acoustic reflex testing), pure tone audiometry including extended high frequency testing up to 16 kilohertz as well as diagnostic distortion product otoacoustic emission testing. A record review was also done. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the collected data. Inferential statistics included parametric measures using multiple regression measures as well as non parametric measures using the Kruskal-Wallis statistical analysis. Results revealed that there was a high prevalence of hearing loss in children with chronic renal dysfunction. Results from the extended high frequency pure tone testing as well as the diagnostic distortion product testing revealed that the most common hearing loss was a low and high to ultrahigh frequency mild sensorineural hearing loss. The study showed that there was no relationship between the severity of hearing loss and the severity of renal dysfunction, or the duration of renal dysfunction and the duration of treatment. However, the study showed that there was a relationship between the severity of hearing loss and certain treatments, that is, v haemodialysis and the use of ototoxic medication such as loop diuretics, tuberculosis medication, and antimalarial medication. As the potential to miss hearing loss in this population is high, the research highlighted the importance of extended high frequency audiometry as well as diagnostic distortion product otoacoustic emission testing for the use of ototoxic monitoring in patients with chronic renal dysfunction. The research also highlighted the need for further research in this area as well as the need for educating medical personnel and caregivers working with children with chronic renal disease.

Modelagem e simulação do circuito de moagem da Votorantim Metais Zinco Morro Agudo. / Modelling and simulation of the grinding circuit of Votorantim Metais Zinco Morro Agudo.

Nunes, Andréia de Lourdes 07 May 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, o circuito de moagem da Votorantim Metais Zinco Morro Agudo (VMZMA) inclui dois moinhos de bolas com capacidade combinada média de 145 t/h, sendo 95 t/h processadas na Linha 1 e 50 t/h na Linha 2. A alimentação de ambas as linhas provém de uma única pilha pulmão, formada pela fração passante em peneira de 10 mm, resultante dos estágios de britagem. As duas linhas de moagem operam de forma independente, cada uma sob circuito fechado com as respectivas baterias de ciclones de 10 polegadas de diâmetro. O produto nominal do circuito deve apresentar 75% passantes na malha 44 m. A operação atual do circuito apresenta carga circulante elevada, da ordem de 400%, bem como eventos regulares de curto-circuito (by-pass) de grossos para o overflow dos ciclones, o que resulta em produto mais grosso do que o estipulado para a moagem. Com o intuito de analisar a eficiência de moagem foram realizadas campanhas de amostragem no circuito industrial da VMZMA, cujo resultado apontou para um melhor desempenho de um dos moinhos. Os dados obtidos por meio das amostragens e de caracterização tecnológica serviram de base para a calibração dos modelos matemáticos dos equipamentos de processo. Simulações indicaram potencial elevado de aumento de capacidade do circuito mediante o emprego de peneiras de alta frequência em substituição ou combinação com ciclones existentes. Recomenda-se avaliar o potencial de melhoria de desempenho metalúrgico no processo de flotação de produtos de peneiramento, ante a produtos de ciclones. / Votorantim Metais Zinco Morro Agudo (VMZMA) grinding circuit has a combined capacity of 145 t/h i.e. 95 t\\h in Line 1 and 50 t/h in Line 2. The feed comprises crushed 10 mm obtained in a three-staged crushing circuit. The two ball mills operate in independent parallel lines configured in a closed circuit with 10 inch cyclones, resulting in a 75% passing in 0.044 mm nominal products. The operation shows a high recirculating load (~400%), as well as frequent oversize by pass to the products, which results in a relatively coarse product. Survey campaigns were conducted in the grinding circuit for assessing its overall performance, as well as for fitting the corresponding mathematical models. The results indicated a better performance associated with one of the two existing ball mill lines. The simulations indicate a high potential for increasing the circuit throughput by introducing high frequency screens in substitution or in combination with the existing cyclones. Further studies were recommended for assessing the metallurgical performance associated with the product, as compared with cyclone products.

Assessing the contribution of garch-type models with realized measures to BM&FBovespa stocks allocation

Boff, Tainan de Bacco Freitas January 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos um amplo estudo de simulação com o objetivo principal de avaliar o desempenho de carteiras de mínima variância global construídas com base em modelos de previsão da volatilidade que utilizam dados de alta frequência (em comparação a dados diários). O estudo é baseado em um abrangente conjunto de dados financeiros, compreendendo 41 ações listadas na BM&FBOVESPA entre 2009 e 2017. Nós avaliamos modelos de previsão de volatilidade que são inspirados na literatura ARCH, mas que também incluem medidas realizadas. Eles são os modelos GARCH-X, HEAVY e Realized GARCH. Seu desempenho é comparado com o de carteiras construídas com base na matriz de covariância amostral, métodos de encolhimento e DCC-GARCH, bem como com a carteira igualmente ponderada e o índice Ibovespa. Uma vez que a natureza do trabalho é multivariada, e a fim de possibilitar a estimação de matrizes de covariância de grandes dimensões, recorremos à especificação DCC. Utilizamos três frequências de rebalanceamento (diária, semanal e mensal) e quatro conjuntos diferentes de restrições sobre os pesos das carteiras. A avaliação de desempenho baseia-se em medidas econômicas tais como retornos anualizados, volatilidade anualizada, razão de Sharpe, máximo drawdown, Valor em Risco, Valor em Risco condicional e turnover. Como conclusão, para o nosso conjunto de dados o uso de retornos intradiários (amostrados a cada 5 e 10 minutos) não melhora o desempenho das carteiras de mínima variância global. / In this work we perform an extensive backtesting study targeting as a main goal to assess the performance of global minimum variance (GMV) portfolios built on volatility forecasting models that make use of high frequency (compared to daily) data. The study is based on a broad intradaily financial dataset comprising 41 assets listed on the BM&FBOVESPA from 2009 to 2017. We evaluate volatility forecasting models that are inspired by the ARCH literature, but also include realized measures. They are the GARCH-X, the High-Frequency Based Volatility (HEAVY) and the Realized GARCH models. Their perfomances are benchmarked against portfolios built on the sample covariance matrix, covariance matrix shrinkage methods, DCC-GARCH as well as the naive (equally weighted) portfolio and the Ibovespa index. Since the nature of this work is multivariate and in order to make possible the estimation of large covariance matrices, we resort to the Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) specification. We use three different rebalancing schemes (daily, weekly and monthly) and four different sets of constraints on portfolio weights. The performance assessment relies on economic measures such as annualized portfolio returns, annualized volatility, Sharpe ratio, maximum drawdown, Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall and turnover. We also account for transaction costs. As a conclusion, for our dataset the use of intradaily returns (sampled every 5 and 10 minutes) does not enhance the performance of GMV portfolios.

"Limiares auditivos tonais em altas freqüências e emissões otoacústicas em portadores da desordem pigmentar do tipo vitiligo" / Auditory thresholds in high frequencies and otoacoustic emissions in pigmentary disorder type vitiligo

Carvalho, Mirley de 30 September 2004 (has links)
Para verificar a contribuição da audiometria em altas freqüências (9 a 20 kHz) e das emissões otoacústicas - produto de distorção para a identificação de alterações auditivas em indivíduos com desordem pigmentar do tipo vitiligo, 30 indivíduos portadores de vitiligo foram avaliados audiologicamente, e comparados a um grupo controle. Tanto para as altas freqüências (9 a 20 kHz) como para as emissões otoacústicas foram observadas diferenças significantes entre os grupos, que não foram evidenciadas na audiometria convencional (0,25 a 8 kHz). Os resultados sugerem prejuízo nas funções auditivas para o grupo com desordem pigmentar do tipo vitiligo. / In order to verify the contribution of the high frequency audiometry (9 to 20 kHz) and distortion product- otoacoustic emissions for the identification of auditory impairments in individuals with pigmentary disorder type vitiligo, 30 individuals with vitiligo were evaluated, and compared with a control group. As much for the high frequencies (9 the 20 kHz) as for the otoacoustic emissions, significant differences were observed between the groups, that were not evidenced in the conventional audiometry (0,25 the 8 kHz). The results suggest damage in the auditory functions for the group with pigmentary disorder type vitiligo

An Asymptotic Approach to Modeling Wave-geometry Interactions in an Electromagnetic Heat Exchanger

Gaone, Joseph Michael 23 April 2018 (has links)
Electromagnetic (EM) heat exchangers are devices that absorb EM radiation and convert its energy to thermal energy for a specific purpose such as to power a turbine. They have recently been of growing interest, yet the field is predominantly studied with thermal resistance network models and is in need of more rigorous continuum modeling. Homogenization has been used in low and high frequency electromagnetics to describe macroscopic behavior of traveling waves. While dielectric material parameters vary with temperature, coupling the energy equation with Maxwell’s equations, little effort has been made toward homogenization techniques that capture the effects of this dependence, which is necessary to accurately model porous medium heat exchangers. Firstly, we have examined the effect the wave-geometry interactions of high-frequency illumination has on a triple-layer laminate, which approximates the unit cell of a homogenization problem. Secondly, we develop an extension to a high-frequency homogenization (HFH) method developed for photonics. The extension is made by developing a three-dimensional vector-valued HFH of Maxwell’s curl-curl equation that includes dielectric loss. It is validated for a one-dimensional geometry where the exact solution to the scattering problem is known by implementing the Transfer Matrix Method. The HFH model produces perturbation approximations to the dispersion curves showing the nonexistence of band gaps and generates low attenuation outside the band gap regions.

Observability of epileptic high frequency oscillations : insights from signal processing and computational modeling / Observabilité des oscillations épileptiques à haute fréquence : renseignements du traitement des signaux et modélisation computationnelle

Shamas, Mohamad 07 December 2017 (has links)
Cette étude a été divisée en 2 parties principales. Dans la première partie, nous examinons la relation entre l'activité des sources neuronales et les HFOs observés sur les électrodes intracérébrales. La deuxième partie traite de l'étude des conditions d'observabilité des HFO sur les électrodes du cuir chevelu. Les simulations ont montré que le modèle de champ neuronal proposé est capable de générer des HFOs montrant une forte ressemblance avec les signaux réels dans les deux cas EEG (cuir chevelu) et SEEG (intracérébral). De plus, nous avons pu relier les mécanismes physiopathologiques (GABA dépolarisant, inhibition directe, activité désynchronisée des populations neuronales) aux différentes caractéristiques morphologiques et spectrales des HFOs intracérébrales. Une hypothèse unifiée pour la production des HFOs et des pointes intercritiques est également formulée. Enfin, nous avons réussi à établir les conditions nécessaires sur l'activité temporelle et l'organisation spatiale des sources neuronales pour observer des HFOs sur les électrodes intracérébrales.En ce qui concerne la deuxième partie, la baisse inexpliquée de fréquence dans les HFOs collectées sur les électrodes du cuir chevelu a été abordée. Nous avons constaté que les mécanismes «non oscillatoires» de la génération de HFOs sont à l'origine de la faible fréquence (<200Hz) des HFOs du cuir chevelu et que le rapport signal / bruit (SNR) influe fortement sur la fréquence des oscillations. De plus, nous avons étudié la topographie des HFOs sur les électrodes du cuir chevelu et analysé comment cette topographie est affectée par différents paramètres (étendue spatiale épileptique, SNR, géométrie 3D). Enfin, nous avons montré que les HFOs du cuir chevelu peuvent être utilisés efficacement pour identifier la zone épileptique lorsque le rapport signal sur bruit des signaux enregistrés est suffisamment élevé. Une perspective de ce travail est l'identification non-invasive de la zone épileptique sans la nécessité d'enregistrements intracérébraux pré-chirurgicaux.Pour les deux études (HFO observés sur les électrodes intracérébrales et du cuir chevelu), un logiciel original et convivial a été développé. Ce logiciel a fortement facilité la simulation des signaux dans l'environnement cerveau/électrode virtuel, signaux obtenus en résolvant le problème direct de l’EEG (projection de la contribution électrique des sources neuronales sur les capteurs). / This study was divided into 2 main parts. In the first part, we address the relationship between the activity of neuronal sources and the HFOs observed on intracerebral electrodes. The second part deals with the investigation of observability conditions of HFOs on scalp electrodes. Simulations showed that the proposed neural field model is capable of generating HFOs showing strong resemblance with real signals in both cases EEG (scalp) and SEEG (intracerebral). Moreover, we were able to relate the pathophysiological mechanisms (depolarizing GABA, feedforward inhibition, desynchronized activity of neuronal populations) to different morphological and spectral features of intracerebral HFOs. A unified hypothesis for generation of HFOs and interictal spikes is also formulated. Finally, we managed to establish the necessary conditions about the temporal activity and the spatial organization of neuronal sources and about for HFOs to be observed on intracerebral electrodes. Regarding the second part, the unexplained drop in frequency in the collected HFOs on scalp electrodes was addressed. We found that the “non-oscillatory” mechanisms of the HFO generation is behind the low frequency (<200Hz) in scalp HFOs and that signal to noise ratio (SNR) heavily impacts the frequency of the oscillations. Moreover, we studied the topography of HFOS on scalp electrodes and analyzed how this topography is affected by different parameters (epileptic spatial extent, SNR, 3D geometry). Finally we showed that scalp HFOs can be effectively used to identify the epileptic zone when the SNR of the recorded signals is sufficiently high. A perspective to this work is the non-invasive identification of epileptic zone without the need for presurgical intracerebral recordings. For the purpose of both studies (HFOs observed on intracerebral & scalp electrodes) an original and user-friendly software package was developed. This software strongly facilitated the simulation of signals in the virtual brain/electrode environment obtained by solving the (S)EEG forward problem (projection of the electric contribution of neuronal sources onto electrode contacts).

Footfall excitation of higher modes of vibration in low-frequency building floors

Al-Anbaki, Atheer Faisal Hameed January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the footfall excitation of higher modes of vibration in low-frequency floor structures. This is motivated by the increased number of floors reportedly failing to meet the required occupants comfort level although being designed in accordance with the current state-of-the-art design guidelines. In particular modern, lightweight, and slender floor structures. The contribution to knowledge of this thesis can be summarised as: quantifying the signal energy of measured walking forces within and above the natural frequency cut-off proposed by the current state-of-the-art design guidelines; quantifying the contribution of higher modes of vibration to the overall response of low-frequency floors to human walking; propose measures to judge the response nature of low-frequency floors, these are the relevant change of the point stiffness and the shape of frequency response functions; proposing a frequency-domain approach that enables designers to include higher modes of vibration in the design against human-induced vibration. It was found that the signal energy of walking forces is distributed well beyond the natural frequency cut-off proposed by the current state-of-the-art design guidelines. Also, the contribution of localised, higher, modes of vibration to the overall response of ultra-lightweight floors was significant. Moreover, it was found that higher modes affect the response of floors of various construction types in one way or another. Hence, it was recommended to consider their contribution in the design of floors against human-induced vibration. Also, it was found that the higher the relative change of the point stiffness the more higher modes contribute to the overall response of floors. Finally, the frequency-domain analysis was found less expensive than time-domain analysis and could result in similarly useful information.

Modelování dynamiky korelací finančních trhů pomocí vysokofrekvenčních dat / Modeling Dynamics of Correlations between Stock Markets with High-frequency Data

Lypko, Vyacheslav January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we focus on modelling correlation between selected stock markets using high-frequency data. We use time-series of returns of following indices: FTSE, DAX PX and S&P, and Gold and Oil commodity futures. In the first part of our empirical work we compute daily realized correlations between returns of subject instruments and discuss the dynamics of it. We then compute unconditional correlations based on average daily realized correlations and using feedforward neural network (FFNN) to assess how well the FFNN approximates realized correlations. We also forecast daily realized correlations of FTSE:DAX and S&P:Oil pairs using heterogeneous autoregressive model (HAR), autoregressive model of order p (AR(p)) and nonlinear autoregressive neural network (NARNET) and compare performance of these models.

Aplicação de estratégias de high frequency trading no mercado brasileiro de dólar futuro / Application of high frequency trading strategies in the US dollar futures Brazilian market

Rodrigo Soares Lopes 08 June 2018 (has links)
A pesquisa tem por finalidade avaliar dois modelos econométricos de mudanças de preços, que podem ser utilizados em estratégias de arbitragem estatística, o probit ordenado e o de decomposição, estimando seus parâmetros em quatro pregões de mini contratos de dólar futuro negociados na bolsa de valores brasileira. O estudo da negociação em alta frequência com a utilização de dados de transação a transação revela informações relativas à microestrutura de mercado que o ferramental mais tradicional não é capaz de desvendar. Uma das razões é que modelos tradicionais trabalham com variações de preço como variáveis contínuas, enquanto que ao considerar as variações de preço uma variável contínua e não uma variável discreta, como nos modelos aqui avaliados. Este trabalho acrescenta à literatura sobre microestrutura de mercado ao aplicar os modelos estudados em um ativo distinto daqueles avaliados nos papers originais, voltados ao exame do mercado de ações. Esta pesquisa concluiu que os modelos probit ordenado e de decomposição podem ser utilizados para previsão de mini contratos de dólar futuro e que o modelo de decomposição apresenta parâmetros mais significantes. Também concluiu-se que, no modelo probit ordenado, as variáveis de volume e time duration não se apresentaram relevantes na determinação do preço desse contrato e que a quantidade de defasagens utilizadas nos parâmetros estimados pode variar dentre os pregões. / The research aims to evaluate two econometric models of price change, which can be used in strategies of statistical arbitrage, the ordered probit model and the decomposition model, estimating its parameters in four trading sessions of mini US dollar futures contracts traded on the Brazilian Stock Exchange. The study of high frequency trading with the use of trade-by-trade price movements reveals information related to the market microstructure that the more traditional econometric tools are not able to solve when considering the price changes as a continuous variable and not a discrete one, like in the models evaluated here. This work adds to the literature on market microstructure by applying the models studied in an asset different from those evaluated in the original papers, aimed at examining the stock market. This research concluded that the ordered probit and decomposition models can be used to predict mini US dollar futures price changes and that the decomposition model presents more significant parameters. It was also concluded that, in the ordered probit model, the volume and time duration variables were not relevant in determining the price of this contract and that the number of lags used to estimate parameters can vary among the trading sessions.

The ACD Model with an application to the brazilian interbank rate futures market

Assun????o, Ad??o Vone Teixeira de 31 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jadi Castro (jadiana.castro@ucb.br) on 2017-02-21T18:01:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AdaoVoneTeixeiradeAssuncaoDissertacao2016.pdf: 1069424 bytes, checksum: 2cec9cf848a40c34902559e8d8f0c95c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Kelson Anthony de Menezes (kelson@ucb.br) on 2017-02-21T18:02:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AdaoVoneTeixeiradeAssuncaoDissertacao2016.pdf: 1069424 bytes, checksum: 2cec9cf848a40c34902559e8d8f0c95c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-21T18:02:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdaoVoneTeixeiradeAssuncaoDissertacao2016.pdf: 1069424 bytes, checksum: 2cec9cf848a40c34902559e8d8f0c95c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-31 / Aplicamos o Modelo Autoregressivo de Dura????o Condicional (ACD) Mercado de Futuros de Taxa Interbanc??ria Brasileira. A amostra foi constru??da com base em contratos M??s antes da expira????o para replicar a curva de obriga????es de um m??s eo per??odo estudado Vai de julho de 2013 a setembro de 2015. Utilizamos M??xima Verossimilhan??a Estimativa baseada nas distribui????es de probabilidade mais populares na literatura ACD: Exponencial, gama e Weibull e verificou-se que a estimativa baseada na A distribui????o exponencial foi a melhor op????o para modelar os dados. / We applied the basic Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model (ACD) to the Brazilian Interbank Rate Futures Market. The sample was built using contracts in the month prior to expiration to replicate a one month bond curve and the period studied goes from july of 2013 to september of 2015. We used Maximum Likelihood Estimation based on the most popular probability distributions in the ACD literature: exponential, gamma and Weibull and we found that the estimation based on the exponential distributional was the best option to model the data.

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