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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medieval Welsh settlement and territory : archaeological evidence from a Teifi Valley landscape

Bezant, Jemma January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Saamelaisten maat ja vedet kruunun uudistiloiksi:asutus ja maankäyttö Inarissa ja Utsjoella vuosina 1749–1925

Nahkiaisoja, T. (Tarja) 05 January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The land use rights of the Sami were based on collectively agreed immemorial rights of use. Land areas were inherited, bought and sold, fishing waters were shared between families. Disputes about land areas were settled at the so-called Sami court. Only rarely did the actual court system settle disputes between the residents on Inari and Utsjoki. In the mid-16th century, the government did not have much control, but their influence increased gradually. The border closing of 1852 was the final act that established government control over the region. It closed the border between Norway and Finland. The first settlements were established in Inari as early as the 16th century. The first settlement was built in Utsjoki in 1831. The Sami tried to establish their rights of ownership and use for the land areas they had used for ages by establishing fishing settlements. They clearly derived from the old form of dwelling and land use. Fishing settlements were only established in Finnish Lapland in the 1840s and 1850s in Inari and Utsjoki. However, the solution was only temporary. The government took administrative actions to increase the pace of settlement. One of these actions was the organisation reform of 1858, which resulted in the authorities starting regional reviews. At the same time, land estates were transferred closer to winter dwellings. The extensive areas which the Sami had rights to use according to the seasons were limited. The term “settlement” is often thought to refer to new estates built on the crown's land. However, this was not the case in Inari and Utsjoki. There the Sami found new estates on the land areas they had inherited. The imperial decree of 1866 gave the Forestry Board control of Inari's and Utsjoki's forests. The area was placed temporarily under the Forestry Board's control. The separation of the surplus land of the state was carried out in Inari in 1902–1906. The government was free to sell timber, whereas similar rights to sell timber were not issued to the landowners. After the Forestry Board started to control people's land use, the standing of people outside the land ownership system weakened. Establishing new estates became more difficult and felling and collecting lichen was restricted. With the help of the Forestry Board, government directed settlement towards crofts in crown forests. / Tiivistelmä Saamelaisten maankäyttöoikeudet perustuivat yhteisesti määriteltyihin ikimuistoisiin nautintaoikeuksiin. Maita perittiin, ostettiin ja myytiin, kalavedet olivat jaettuja sukujen ja perheiden kesken. Maista syntyneet kiistat ratkaistiin kotakäräjillä. Varsinainen käräjälaitos ratkoi vain harvoin inarilaisten ja utsjokelaisten riitoja. Valtiovallan ote vielä 1700-luvun puolivälissä oli hyvin heikko mutta vahvistui vähitellen. Vallan vakiintuminen tapahtui viimeistään vuoden 1852 rajasulussa. Siinä Norjan ja Suomen vastainen raja suljettiin. Ensimmäiset uudistilat perustettiin Inariin jo 1700-luvulla. Utsjoelle ensimmäinen uudistila perustettiin vuonna 1831. Saamelaiset yrittivät vakiinnuttaa omistus- ja nautintaoikeutensa vanhastaan käyttämiinsä maihin perustamalla kalastustiloja. Ne olivat vanhan asumismuodon ja maankäytön selkeitä perillisiä. Kalastustiloja perustettiin Suomen Lapissa 1840- ja 1850-luvulla vain Inariin ja Utsjoelle. Ratkaisu oli kuitenkin vain tilapäinen. Uudisasutusta kiihdytettiin hallinnollisilla toimilla. Tällainen oli vuoden 1858 organisaatiouudistus, jonka seurauksena viranomaiset ryhtyivät pitämään aluekatselmuksia. Samassa yhteydessä tiluksia siirrettiin lähemmäksi talvipaikkaa. Laajat vuosikierron mukaiset nautinta-alueet supistuivat pienemmiksi. Uudistiloista puhuttaessa syntyy yleensä kuva kruunun maille perustetuista tiloista. Inarissa ja Utsjoella näin ei ollut, sillä saamelaiset perustivat uudistilat vanhoille perintömailleen. Inarin ja Utsjoen metsät otettiin metsähallituksen valvontaan 1866 annetulla keisarillisella kirjeellä. Alue asetettiin väliaikaisesti metsähallinnon alaiseksi. Kruunulle otetun liikamaan erottaminen tehtiin Inarissa vuosina 1902–1906. Valtio pääsi vapaasti myymään puuta, kun vastaavaa puunmyyntioikeutta ei annettu tilallisille. Kun metsähallitus alkoi valvoa asukkaiden maankäyttöä, tilajärjestelmän ulkopuolella olevien asema heikkeni. Uudistilojen perustaminen vaikeutui, puun- ja jäkälänottoa alettiin rajoittaa. Valtiovalta metsähallinnon avustuksella ohjasi asutuksen kruununmetsätorppiin.

Středověké osídlení na středním toku řeky Bystřice / Medieval settlement in the middle stream of the river Bystrice

Drnovský, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The present study deals with the selected chapters of a medieval settlement in the territory lying along the middle stream of the river Bystřice in northeastern Bohemia. This area is consistent with the surroundings towns Hořice and Miletín. Introductory section evaluates the material and written sources. The main part of the study devoted to the development settlement is divided into several basic sections. Because of declining value of archaeological findings, came mostly from fieldwalking is put emphasis mainly on the study of Early and early Middle Ages. Before 13th century early medieval settlement did not beyond the boundaries old settled area. On several of early medieval settlements is documented continuity of settlement dating back to the 13th century, when most of settlements were abandoned. In the 13th century also were created an absolutely new settlement, which is located near the old sites, or in areas where early medieval sites were not recorded. Most of these sites disappeared at the end of the 13th century or the early 14th century. In the vicinity of these sites we often found present villages. Other sections deal with the issue of churches, cemeteries and deserted medieval villages with an emphasis on residences of the landowners. Part of the study is a catalog of all medieval...

Agricultural colonization and society in Argentina : the province of Santa Fe, 1870-1895

Gallo, Ezequiel January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Středověké osídlení středního Poohří / Medieval settlement of the middle River Ohře region

Peksa, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
The present work is focused on the medieval settlement in the river Oh e region (Czech Republic), with emphasis on the problem of development and the settlement process at the turn of the early and the high Middle Ages. The studied region, with the axis of the river Oh e, is occupied the area roughly from town Kada to Louny and it is corresponded to the parts of Chomutov and Louny districts. The definition includes geomorphologically different regional parts, providing diverse conditions for the development of settlement. At the same time, it is considered the cultural- historical and archaeological value of today's known archaeological sites. The basis of this thesis is the selection of several landscape probes with an area of several square kilometres, to which the detailed archaeological study is concentrated. These probes are defined in relation to the regional unit so that they can become representative samples that allow for the solution of major settlements of historical issues. The basis for defining probes is the characteristics of natural conditions, the list of settlement units and the catalogue of archaeological sites. The catalogue includes a brief record of all categories of medieval archaeological sites (rural settlements, noble settlements, sacral buildings, burial grounds). A...

Zwischen Spremberger-, Burg- und Schlosskirchstraße – Archäologie eines Wohnquartiers im Südosten der Cottbuser Altstadt

Heber, Sebastian 09 September 2019 (has links)
Die Arbeit versucht hauptsächlich basierend auf Grundlage der (Keramik-) Funde eine chronologische Abfolge der mittelalterlichen Besiedlung des Cottbuser Altstadtviertels im Bereich Spremberger-, Schlosskirch- und Burgstraße zu erstellen. Dabei lässt sich eine Besiedlung dieses Viertels in Stadtrandlage und eine Einbeziehung in die Stadtplanung seit dem ersten Drittel des 13. Jahrhunderts belegen. Aufgrund des Stadtbaues am Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts kommt, neueren Forschungen zur Landesgeschichte folgend, noch Konrad von Landsberg als Gründungsinitiator der größten Stadt der Niederlausitz in Frage. Die meist ebenerdigen Besiedlungsstrukturen des 13. Jahrhunderts haben sich nur partiell erhalten und lassen daher die Unterscheidung bestimmter Nutzungsareale bzw. Parzelleneinteilungen und Strukturen nur eingeschränkt zu. Erst ab dem 14. Jahrhundert liegen sichere Hinweise auf eine ältere Parzellenstruktur und Nutzung der Areale vor. Es zeichnet sich eine Vorderhausbebauung mit Seitenflügeln ab, von denen nur noch die Kellerbauten zeugen. Im Hofbereich fanden sich Brunnenanlagen zur Wasserversorgung der Grundstücke. Der Entsorgung dienten zahlreiche Latrinenbauten am hinteren Grundstücksrand. Das umfangreiche Fundmaterial aus diesen Befunden gibt einen umfangreichen Einblick in einen spätmittelalterlichen Haushalt am Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts. Die neuzeitlichen Funde und Befunde wurden nicht nur aufgrund der zunehmenden schriftlichen Überlieferung dieses Viertels nur noch punktuell erfasst. Bereits die archäologischen Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich hauptsächlich auf die mittelalterlichen Strukturen. Eine Versteinerung dieses Stadtviertels setzte erst im 16. Jahrhundert ein. Die nicht erfolgte Wiederbebauung nach dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg, die teilweise bis zum Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts anhielt, ermöglichte die gute Erhaltung der älteren mittelalterlichen Baustrukturen im Boden. / Mainly based on pottery and other finds, this doctoral thesis tries to establish a chronology of the medieval settlement of the Cottbus old town quarter in the area between Spremberger Strasse, Schlosskirchstrasse and Burgstrasse This approach proves a settlement of the quarter at the town periphery and its inclusion into urban planing since the first third of the 13th century. Following recent research in regional history, the city construction at the beginning of the 13th century might indicate to Konrad von Landsberg as a founding initiator of the largest town in Lower Lusatia. The mostly ground level building structures of the 13th century have been preserved only partially. Therefore, a distinction of certain activity zones as well as of plots and structures is possible only to a limited extend. Reliable indications of an older plot structure and the usage of areas do not exist until the 14th century. Buildings are characterized by a front house with side wings of which only the cellars have been preserved. Wells for the water supply of the plots were found in the yard area. Numerous latrine buildings on the rear edge of the plot served for disposal. Of outstanding importance are the findings of the buildings that were destroyed by one or more city fires (probably that of 1478). The extensive archaeological material of these findings provides a comprehensive insight into a late medieval household at the end of the 15th century. Modern finds and findings were recorded only occasionally, not only because of the increasing written tradition. Already the archaeological investigations focused mainly on the medieval structures. Stone buildings did not exist in this area until the 16th century. As the place was not rebuild after the Thirty Years' War, what partially continued until the beginning of the 18th century, the older medieval structures have been well preserved in the soil.

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