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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obraz "małej ojczyzny" we współczesnej polskiej poezji na Litwie / "Mažosios tėvynės" motyvai šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos lenkų poezijoje / "Little Homeland‘s“ motives in contemporary Lithuanian Polish poetry

Maciulevič, Ana 02 August 2013 (has links)
Temat niniejszej pracy magisterskiej stanowi Obraz „małej ojczyzny” we współczesnej poezji polskiej na Litwie. Zrodził się on z założenia, że w poezji wileńskiej znajdujemy wiele utworów, w których pojawia się obraz kraju lat dziecinnych, najbliższego otoczenia człowieka. Bazą źródłową do napisania pracy posłużyły antologie i zbiorki autorskie współczesnych poetów polskich na Litwie, wydane w latach 1985 - 2012. Materiał badawczy został podzielony na trzy zestawy tematyczne: opisy krajobrazów rustykalnych, obraz miasta Wilna oraz motywy domu rodzinnego. Pisząc o „małej ojczyźnie” poeci wileńscy najczęściej apoteozują, idealizują jej obraz. Tematem wielu utworów jest nostalgia i tęsknota do kraju lat dziecinnych, do najbliższej przestrzeni regionalnej – „małej ojczyzny”. Jest to kontynuacja tradycji literackiej Adama Mickiewicza, Czesława Miłosza, regionalistów wileńskich, których dzieła często są inspiracją do powstawania nowych utworów. W danej rozprawie w syntetyczny sposób są omówione podstawowe wyznaczniki „małej ojczyzny”, wyeksponowane w poezji następujących autorów: R. Mieczkowskiego, H. Mażula, J. Szostakowskiego, W. Piotrowicza, A. Rybałko, S. Worotyńskiego, A. Śnieżki, A. Sokołowskiego i in. / Anos Maciulevič magistriniame darbe „Mažosios tėvynės“ motyvai šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos lenkų poezijoje interpretuojama 1995 - 2012 m. Lietuvos lenkų poeziją. Šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti eilėraščius, kuriuose poetai aprašo „mažąją tėvynę“. Samprotavimai yra suskirstyti į tris pagrindinius teminius blokus: kaimiškas kraštovaizdis, Vilniaus miesto tematika ir gimtojo namo motyvai. Po Lietuvos lenkų poetų (R. Mečkovskio, J. Šostakovskio, H. Mažulio, A. Rybalkos, S. Vorotynskio, A. Sokolovskio ir kt.) kūrinių analizės, pamąstymai buvo apibendrinti ir padarytos išvados. Šiuolaikiniai Lietuvos lenkų poetai, rašydami apie „mažąją tėvynę“, dažniausiai ją idealizuoja, apoteozuoja, pakelia iki sakralinio lygmens, išaukština tokias jos vertybes kaip meilė ir ištikimybė gimtajam kraštui, protėvių tradicijoms. Dažnai kūrinius lydi liūdesys ir nostalgija praeičiai, artimiausiai asmeninei erdvei, su kuria asocijuojasi šilčiausi jausmai. Lietuvos lenkų poetai tęsia Vilniaus krašto tarpukario literatūros regionalistų tradicijas, darbuose taip pat daug romantizmo ataidų. Labai didelę reikšmę kūrybai turi Adomo Mickevičiaus, Česlavo Milošo asmenybės ir jų kūrinių motyvai. / Anna Maciulevič thesis "Little Homeland‘s“ Motives in Contemporary Lithuanian Polish Poetry deals with the interpretation of the 1995 - 2012 Lithuanian Polish poetry. The aim of this thesis is to analyze poems, where the poets describe their "little homeland“. The reasonings are divided into three main thematic blocks: the rural landscape, the Vilnius‘ theme and the motives of a native home. After Lithuanian Polish poets (R. Mečkovski, J. Šostakovski, H. Mažulis, A. Rybalka, S. Vorotynski, A. Sokolovski etc.) works‘ analysis, the thoughts have been summarized and conclusions have been made. Modern Lithuanian Polish poets, writing about their „little homeland", usually idealize it, apotheosize, brink it up to the sacral level, exalts such its values as love and loyalty to the native land, ancestral traditions. Often works are accompanied by sadness and nostalgia for the past, the immediate personal space, which is associated with the warmest feelings. Lithuanian Polish poets continue the traditions of the Vilnius region interwar literature regionalists, in their works there are lots of Romanticism echoes as well. The personalities and motives of Adam Mickiewicz, Czeslaw Milosz works are of great importance in their poems.

Stolperstein Terrorismusbekämpfung

Wetzel, Jens 06 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die EU hat sich verpflichtet einen Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts (RFSR) zu errichten. Der Schutz persönlicher Freiheitsrechte, die Wahrung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und die Gewährung (innerer) Sicherheit sind seither ein zentrales Integrationsziel der Union und wurden im zunehmenden Maße „europäisiert“. Der internationale Terrorismus stellt dabei eine der bedeutendsten Motivationen, aber auch eine der größten Bewährungsproben dar. Gelingt es der EU die Integration im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit weiter voranzutreiben ohne dabei Freiheit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in den Schatten zu drängen. Dieser Problemstellung wird mit einer exemplarischen Analyse zentraler Antiterrorismusmaßnahmen nach 9/11 nachgegangen.

Využití exkurzí do ZOO Ohrada v prvouce a přírodovědě. / The usage of Ohrada ZOO excursions in the Homeland study and Biology lessons

KNÍŽOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation describes various possibilities of utilization of Ohrada ZOO excursions in the primary school lessons of the Homeland study and Biology and reports a metodical instruction for their organization including potential aplication of acquired knowledges in intredisciplinary links. Excursion projects are designed according to obligatory standards of sheduled RVP documents and ivolve four ZOO excursions for primary school students (2., 3.and 4.year).

MULTIMEDIÁLNÍ VÝUKOVÝ PROGRAM PRO VÝUKU MÍSTNÍHO REGIONU NA 1. STUPNI ZŠ (SEDLČANSKO) / Multimedia Educational Program for Teaching on 1 st grade of the Primary School (Sedlčansko)

HORNÍKOVÁ, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The thesis Multimedia educational program for teaching about local region on 1st grade of the primary school (Sedlčany area) is divided into two parts. The theoretical part of the thesis is complete home study characteristics of the researched area. It contains definition and location of the researched place, its physical {--} geographic and social {--} geographic characteristics, historical developement and home study curiosities. The practical part concurs on the acquired information and findings. It is composed by multimedia projects, aimed for 4th grade of the primary schools, applied on interactive boards. A part of the thesis is the methodical guide, containing themes and ideas suggesting how to work with the projects. Everything is in accordance with the General educational program for basic education, in particular with the thematic cirque {\clq}qThe place where we live``, {\clq}qThe people and the time`` and {\clq}qDiversity of the nature`` from the educational section {\clq}qThe man and his world``. Further the thesis contains common chapters of scientific work, as introduction, literature analysis, work methodics, conclusion and list of literature

Filhos de Deus e Netos de MakunaÃma: apropriaÃÃes do catolicismo em terras Makuxi. / Sons of God and grandsons of Makunaima: Catholicism appropriation in Makuxi lands

VÃngela Maria Isidoro de Morais 19 April 2013 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Este à um estudo sobre as apropriaÃÃes do catolicismo na comunidade indÃgena Maturuca, na Terra Raposa Serra do Sol, em Roraima, onde os sujeitos centrais sÃo os Ãndios da mais numerosa etnia do estado, os Makuxi. O objetivo principal à descrever e analisar, numa perspectiva socioantropolÃgica, os usos que esses indÃgenas fazem do catolicismo e como eles ressignificam os ensinamentos cristÃos na fronteira formada pelas aÃÃes evangelizadoras dos missionÃrios do Instituto Consolata e as tradiÃÃes culturais do seu povo. Das caracterÃsticas que reconfiguram as relaÃÃes entre o catolicismo universal e a comunidade indÃgena local, a sintonia construÃda entre o projeto evangelizador e a defesa da Terra Raposa Serra do Sol tanto indica o tipo de catolicismo oferecido na aldeia, marcado pelos princÃpios da Teologia da LibertaÃÃo, como abre um campo de reflexÃo sobre a contextualizaÃÃo da mensagem bÃblica e as tradiÃÃes culturais indÃgenas. Para compreender a dinÃmica desses laÃos em contexto Ãtnico esta pesquisa adotou como procedimentos a realizaÃÃo de entrevistas, anotaÃÃes em caderno de campo e participaÃÃo, tÃo direta quanto possÃvel, nas mais diferentes atividades vivenciadas pelos Makuxi em seu cotidiano, com destaque para as aÃÃes de cunho religioso. Assim, o estudo focou dois conjuntos de prÃticas: a Missa de Natal e a Via Sacra, como ritos institucionalmente oferecidos pela Igreja CatÃlica; a Festa Natalina dos Makuxi e a cerimÃnia denominada Subida da Serra, como ritos marcados, principalmente, pela evocaÃÃo e reelaboraÃÃo das tradiÃÃes indÃgenas. As diferentes maneiras de apropriaÃÃo do catolicismo em terras Makuxi revelam, sobretudo, a complexidade das relaÃÃes situadas na estreiteza das fronteiras culturais, pelo carÃter dinÃmico, combinatÃrio, permeÃvel e imprevisto que caracteriza esses encontros. / This is a study about Roman Catholicism appropriations in Maturuca, an indigenous community at Raposa Serra do Sol Homeland, in Roraima, Brazil, where the central characters are the Makuxi, the most numerous ethnic group of the state. It aims at describing and analyzing, in a socioanthropological perspective, the uses these indigenous make of Roman Catholicism and how they resignify Christian teachings in the border outlined by Consolata Institute Missionaries evangelizing actions and cultural traditions of their people. Among the characteristics that reconfigure the relations between universal Catholicism and the indigenous local community, the harmony built between the evangelizing project and the Raposa Serra do Sol Homeland defense indicates the type of Catholicism offered in the village, marked by Liberation Theology principles, and opens a field for reflection on the contextualization of the Bible message and indigenous cultural traditions. For understanding the dynamics of these ties in an ethnic context, this research adopted interview proceedings, field notes and participation, as direct as possible, in the many activities lived by the Makuxi in their everyday life, especially those with religious connotation. Thus, the study focused on two sets of practices: the Christmas Mass and the Way of the Cross, as institutional rituals offered by the Roman Catholic Church, as well as Makuxi`s Christmas Feast and the ceremony named the Climbing of the Mountain (Subida da Serra), as rites marked mainly by evocation and reelaboration of these indigenous traditions. The many different forms of Roman Catholicism appropriations in the Makuxi community reveal the complexity of relations located on the narrow zones of cultural frontiers, for their dynamic, combinatory, permeable and unexpected nature.

La nostalgie dans l'œuvre d'Albert Camus / Nostalgia in the works of Albert Camus

Ando, Tomoko 03 October 2014 (has links)
Au début des Carnets, exprimant ce qui le pousse à créer, Albert Camus mentionne « la nostalgie d’une pauvreté perdue ». Une nostalgie ambiguë, qui ne signifie pas un simple regret du temps perdu, mais qui se relève du « sentiment bizarre » que le fils porte à sa mère silencieuse. Elle consiste en réalité dans l’aspiration douloureuse à la tendresse, qui est liée intrinsèquement à la misère de l’existence que l’auteur a vécue dans son enfance. Dans le but de raconter son passé, il élabore sa nostalgie comme essence de sa sensibilité. Signe de complexité, une telle captivité comporte de plus le regret et la mauvaise conscience à l’égard du milieu pauvre qu’il a quitté. Quoique paraissant ambiguë, le nom de nostalgie est juste, s’agissant de la quête de l’identité au fond : dans la sensibilité déchirée s’inscrit la recherche inassouvissable d’une véritable origine de l’être. D’où le fait que, dans le contexte existentiel, la notion del’absurde s’établit sur la sensibilité nostalgique : l’homme se trouve déchiré entre sa condition limitée et son aspiration à une vie de plénitude. Il choisit de tenir sa nostalgie déchirante comme le fond de son être, son axe de vie et sa raison de vivre. Pour l’homme absurde, la création littéraire n’est pas une option, mais la volonté de lucidité et de liberté, en vue de « donner aux couleurs le pouvoir d’exprimer le vide ». L’oeuvre figure la dialectique de la présence et de l’absence, ce qu’expriment par moyens divers les romans camusiens. Enfin, le dernier Camus exprime la nostalgie de la patrie en tant que quête consciente de sonorigine, du « soleil enfoui », qui l’attire et le dirige, qu’il connaît depuis toujours. / In the beginning of Carnets, Albert Camus mentions “the nostalgia for a lost poverty” as he expresses what drives him to create. Ambiguous nostalgia, which does not mean a simple regret of lost time, concerns the “strange feeling” that the son carries toward his silent mother. In reality, it consists in the painful aspiration for tenderness, which is intrinsically bound up with the misery that the author has experienced in his childhood. In order to tell his past, he elaborates his nostalgia as the essence of his sensitivity. And as a signof its complexity, such captivity includes a regret and a sense of guilt towards the poor environment which he left behind. Despite its ambiguity, the name of nostalgia is just because it concerns the quest for identity: in the torn sensitivity, there is an insatiable quest for a true source of being. Therefore, in the existential context, the concept of the absurd is established upon the nostalgic sensibility: human beings are torn between their limited condition and their desire for a full life. They choose to hold their torn nostalgia astheir existential foundation, their life axis and their raison d’être. For the absurd man, literary creation is not an option. It embodies the will of lucidity and liberty, in order to “give power of expressing vacuum to colors”. The dialectic of presence and absence is represented in the novels of Camus in various ways. In his later years, Camus expresses nostalgia for the homeland, consciously searching for his origin; the quest after his “buried sun”. He has always known this “buried sun” which had been attracting him as his guidance.

Homeward-bound? : The Struggle to Find the Homeland in Jean Rhys´s Wide Sargasso Sea

Romée Jannert, Julia January 2016 (has links)
This essay is focused on the search for a true homeland in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea from a Postcolonial point of view. The main protagonist, Antoinette Cosway, struggles with her mixed heritage which is both Caribbean and European. As a result, she suffers from a split identity and searches for a place of belonging. Vital Postcolonial concepts, such as Diaspora and displacement are used in order to investigate the struggle to find a true homeland. Moreover, the main purpose of this essay is to investigate how Rhys uses depictions of nature and colour to convey this search, and thereby introduces yet another aspect for the characters to interact with. Nature provides comfort, sense of belonging and the opposite, but also explores the relationship between the characters. The colours red and white are highly frequent, and refer to Antoinette’s Caribbean and European identity, which alters through the novel. The images of nature are nostalgically depicted and Antoinette longs for a lost Caribbean without the effects of Colonialism, which is merely history. It is also discovered that the homeland she longs for, England, is not what she was searching for. The struggle for the homeland becomes futile, since Antoinette longs for an England of the romantic novels and a Caribbean that does no longer exist.

"Vlastenecká válka": chorvatský oficiální narativ a politika paměti / "The Homeland War": Official Croatian Narrative and the Politics of Memory

Kalánek, Filip January 2017 (has links)
This thesis analyses the official narrative of the Homeland war which is supported by the Croatian state. The thesis follows its development from the very beginning when the war broke out until nowadays. At the same time the thesis deals with the state promotion of this official narrative in the four areas of the politics of memory. Concretely, these areas are: legislation, state institution Croatian memorial and documentation Centre of the Homeland war, education, state holidays and commemorations. Within the thesis, a special focus is put on the activities of the aforementioned Centre of the Homeland war which represents one of the tokens of the state promoted politics of memory as well as one of the main proponents of the official narrative. For research of the official narrative and politics of memory the thesis draws on the theoretical concepts of narrativization and institutional memory. This thesis is a one case study chronologically dealing with the period from the parliamentary elections in 1990 to nowadays events. On the basis of the analysis of the official narrative the main conclusion is that its interpretation of war event from the 90's has not almost changed and still the narrative presents exclusively Croatian narrative. The research of state influence over the perception of the...

Vnitřní bezpečnost USA: Realita či mýtus? Domácí boj s terorismem po 11. září / U.S. Homeland Security: Reality or Myth? Domestic counterterrorism post-9/11

Bernardyová, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "U.S. Homeland Security: Reality or Myth? Domestic Counterterrorism post-9/11" examines the change in U.S. domestic counterterrorism policy after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. More specifically, it focuses on the U.S. government's reorganization, which led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. As outlined in this thesis, the homeland security agenda was aimed at unifying the U.S. efforts to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reducing America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimizing the damage and recovering from attacks that do occur. This thesis sets out to answer two interconnected questions: (1) whether the proposed homeland security agenda led to an efficient and unified system of U.S. domestic counterterrorism measures based on enhanced information sharing; and (2) why, in spite of the unique opportunity created by the 9/11 attacks, a comprehensive reorganization of the U.S. government to create a coherent homeland security agenda did not materialize. Throughout this thesis, it is argued that an efficient U.S. government reorganization was obstructed by three main factors. First, the change was obstructed by the organizational nature of the government agencies. Second, the reorganization was hindered by the "rational choices" of the U.S....

A Long Way Home : Spontaneous Returns and Potential Returns of Syrian Refugees Examined

Kerbabian, Shant January 2019 (has links)
The recent wave of Syrian refugees’ spontaneous return to conflict areas in Syria is not a new phenomenon, various cases of return to areas that do not meet safety and security standards has happened in cases like Somali refugees returning from Kenya or Angolan refugees returning from Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, the Syrian case is important to study in order to examine any new patterns or elements in refugee returns that could arise or could be unpacked. This study examines Syrian refugees’ spontaneous returns, to what is considered by the international community as unsafe Syria and discusses the reasons for return that were provided by refugees returning currently and refugees who answer the question of return. The study finds that the notion of “home” and “homeland” are amongst the most influential when it comes to the decision to return coupled with push factors like livelihood issues and discrimination in host countries, in addition to pull factors from country of origin like amnesty regarding military conscription. The study finds that refugees not returning do so due to starting a new life, not having guarantees of safety and having lost everything in their home country. The study confirms King’s (2000) argument regarding home country pull factors having a bigger influence in impacting refugee returns. This study uses discourse analysis as a method using the proposed framework of Teun A. van Dijk’s (1985, 2011), the primary data source are interviews by Syrian refugees on YouTube in the Arabic Language. YouTube was chosen due to the role it played throughout the Syrian uprising in providing news to Syrians. The analysis of the data will use a four-dimensional framework which dissects push and pull factors, then examines them through the transnational and diaspora theories for refugee returns and has the place-identity theory as an overall starting point. The study concludes by recommending the international community pays more attention to the psychological factors from the home country so interventions and programmes of return make sure refugees are safe, protected and not falsely lured into return.

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