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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating Second Seminole War Sites in Florida: Identification Through Limited Testing

Bell, Christine 19 November 2004 (has links)
This thesis uses the results of limited testing at the Fort Dade (1836-1842) and Hope Homestead (1842-ca. 1900) archaeological sites to establish a method for quickly identifying threatened sites with minimal disturbance to surrounding areas. Artifact analysis, pattern recognition, and comparison with similar known sites are key elements. Pedestrian survey, metal detection, posthole and shovel testing, and test excavation are tools used to accomplish this. Artifact analysis is used to establish date ranges for the sites, as well as the material variation between military and homestead occupations. Artifacts used for analysis include glass, ceramics, nails, arms and personal items. Quantitative analysis of artifact assemblages is utilized to determine broad site type classification, and further contribute to preliminary identification. Correspondence analysis helps differentiate sites according to length and type of occupation. With refinement, this method could be used for preliminary identification of many Seminole War sites. Rapid and widespread development in Florida has made identification of Seminole War sites a priority, so they can be recorded and preserved before they are lost forever.

Rokiškio rajone apleistose sodybvietėse išlikę kultūriniai augalai / Cultivated Plants in Abandoned Farmsteads in Rokiškis District

Širvinskas, Tomas 04 August 2011 (has links)
XX a. labai išpopuliarėjo svetimžemių rūšių augalus veisti ne tik parkuose, miškuose, tikintis ekonominės naudos, bet ir auginti darželiuose dėl dekoratyvių savybių. Svetimžemių augalų skverbimasis yra globalus reiškinys, sukeliantis nemažai ekologinių problemų ir pridarantis ekonominių nuostolių. Lietuvoje dabar užregistruota 548 svetimžemių augalų rūšys. Iš jų 281 rūšis yra introdukuota, auginta ir sulaukėjusi. Introdukuoti augalai, auginami įvairiuose želdynuose, neretai sulaukėja ir išplinta į natūralias buveines. Svarbiausiais sulaukėjusių augalų židiniais laikomi sodų bendrijos, parkai, kapinės, sąvartynai, sodybvietės. Šio bakalauro tikslas – nustatyti Rokiškio rajono apleistose sodybvietėse išlikusių kultūrinių augalų rūšių įvairovę ir paplitimą. Darbo tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie darbo uždaviniai: nustatyti Rokiškio rajone apleistose sodybvietėse aptinkamų rūšių įvairovę; įvertinti išlikusių dekoratyvinių augalų gausumą; nustatyti sodybvietėse išlikusių dekoratyvinių rūšių įvairovę lemiančius veiksnius. Darbo objektu pasirinktos Rokiškio rajono kaimuose esančios apleistos sodybvietės, ir jose išlikę kultūriniai augalai. Tyrimai buvo atliekami 2010 metų liepos ir rugpjūčio mėnesiais. Viso buvo ištirtos 35 sodybvietės, esančios 15 Rokiškio rajono kaimų. Buvo tiriamos tik apleistos sodybvietės. Buvo nustatomas apytikslis sodybvietės plotas, aprašoma sodybvietės aplinka. Taip pat fiksuota, ar yra išlikusių pastatų pėdsakų, ar išlikęs vaismedžių sodas, ar matoma darželio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the 20th century it became very popular to breed the non-native species plants not only in the parks and forests in order to get an economic profit but also to grow in the gardens for their ornamental properties. The non-native plants penetration is a global phenomenon which causes quite a lot of economic problems or economic loss. Nowadays in Lithuania it is registered 548 non-native plant species. 281 species of all are introduced, cultivated and finally got wild. The most important source on alien plants are considered to be the community gardens, parks, cemeteries, dumps and homesteads. The aim of this research is to revieal the variety and spread of survived cultivated plants in abandoned homesteads of Rokiškis district. In order to reach the aim of the research it was set these objectives, as follows: to set the variety of species in Rokiškis district abandoned homesteads; to evaluate the abundance of survived ornamental plants; to set the variety of survived ornamental species causing factors in homesteads. The chosen object of the research is the abandoned homesteads in the countryside of Rokiškis district and the cultivated plants survived in there. The research was being done in July and August 2010. In total 35 homesteads were being investigated. They are in the countryside of Rokiškis district. It was investigated only the abandoned homesteads. It was set the approximate area of the homesteads and it was described the environment of the homestead. It was also... [to full text]

A federal resettlement project Granger homesteads,

Duggan, Raymond P. January 1937 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Catholic University of America, 1937. / At head of title: Catholic university of America. School of social work. Bibliography: p. 177-183.

Pražské usedlosti. Možnosti obnovy a využití / Prague homesteads. Possibilities of Renovation and Utilization

Baštová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Prague homesteads (agricultural or farm buildings, later summer houses and mansions, manufactories or villas) have become a part of the City of Prague during the urban development, or have been destroyed. Nowadays, still preserved homesteads are significant historical monuments, but also landmarks of the urban landscape and the important source of local identity, and therefore worthy of conservation. Nevertheless, it is crucial to find their modern utilization and to maintain their cultural-historical values. The aim of this master's thesis is to sum up possibilities of renovation and utilization of poorly maintained Prague homesteads and to formulate recommendations to owners, investors and other people participating in animation process of these buildings based on the analysis of examples of still renovated Prague homesteads.

Stora tankar blir små hus : Den politiska processen bakom byggandet av småstugor i Uppsala 1929–1936

Ericson, Henrik January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Dzūkijos etnografinių sodybų tradicijos tęstinumas kaimo turizmo pastatuose / Tradition‘s continuity of Dzukija region‘s ethnic farmsteds in countryside homesteads architecture / Dzukija ethnographique ferme la continuité de la tradition du tourisme rural dans les bâtiments

Morkūnaitė, Danguolė 08 September 2009 (has links)
Liaudies architektūra yra greitai nykstatntis mūsų krašto paveldas, todėl yra itin svarbu ne tik tinkamai saugoti esamus unikalius objektus, tačiau ir skatinti etnografinių sodybų statymo tradicijos tęstinumą. Palankia terpe atgimti tradicinei medžio statybai, pritaikant liaudies architektūros bruožus, galima įvardyti kaimo turizmo reikmėms kuriamas sodybos. Siekiant išsiaiškinti šiandieninę padėtį kaimo turizmo sodybų architektūroje, buvo pasirinkta dvidešimt Dzūkijos etnografinio regiono kaimo turizmui naudojamų sodybų ir analizuojama, kaip jose siekta etnografinių sodybų statymo tradicijos tęstinumo. Buvo nagrinėjami tiek naujos statybos, tiek rekonstruoti pastatai. Tyrimas parodė, jog savitų, išlaikusių arba įgavusių istoriniams Lietuvos kaimo etnokultūriniams regionams būdingus istorinius bruožus bei teigiamai atkartojusių senasiąs statybos tradicijas, kaimo turizmo sodybų minėtame regione nėra daug. Šiuo metu dominuoja sodybos, kuriuose tik fragmentiškai ir nekokybiškai siekta atkartoti tradicinės architektūros bruožus. Jose tiek sodybos aplinkai, tiek pastatams mėginama įkvėpti etnografinių bruožų naudojant įvairius pseudoetninius motyvus. Nemažai yra ir modernių, internacionalinės pakraipos stiliaus sodybų, savo architektūriniais sprendimais darkančių rekreacinį kaimo kraštovaizdį. Dėl tokios, etnografinių sodybų statymo tradicijos tęstinumui nepalankios šiandieninės situacijos galima išskirti keletą praktinių problemų, su kuriomis susiduriama atnaujinant ar kuriant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today countryside tourism can become the effective preservaition‘s means of nature‘s and culture‘s heritage. Namely in this area is turned at ethnic architecture. Besides in this field is increased the interes of communities with yourselves traditions and customs. Author‘s research concerns the twenty countryside homesteads in Dzukija ethinic region. The aim of research is to investigate, how exact is continued ethnic‘s architecture‘s traditions in planic structure, architecture‘s elements and interior of countryside farmsteads. The results of research shows, that traditional countryside homesteads don‘t predominate in Dzukija region. The most of countryside homesteads are pseudoethnic or modern style and they were built not taken account into country lanscape and were ignored traditional architecture‘s trait. Generally in countryside homesteads‘ architecture of edificeis are imitated building materials, but not kept traditional sizes and forms of constructions. The interior of countryside homesteads are mixed. Here are harmonized natural and modern materials in interior decoration, also are composed traditional and comfortable funiture. A few reasons can be separated because of such situation: 1) in the beginning of countryside tourism the architecture of the new countryside homesteads weren‘t regulated. Requirements of that time didn‘t motivate to repeat the building tradition of ethnic farmsteds. Because of this countryside homesteads‘ hosts laid out buildings, designed... [to full text] / Architecture populaire est rapidement nykstatntis le patrimoine de notre région, de sorte qu'il est extrêmement important non seulement pour protéger les objets uniques, mais aussi pour encourager la construction de fermes tradition ethnographique de la continuité. Favorable moyen de relancer la construction en bois traditionnelle, folk adapter les caractéristiques architecturales peuvent être identifiées pour le tourisme rural a besoin d'un endroit. Afin de clarifier la situation actuelle du tourisme rural dans l'architecture, a été sélectionné en tant que vingt Dzukija ethnographiques tourisme de la région rurale de fermes et d'analyser, comme ils ont cherché à construire la ferme ethnographique tradition. On a examiné deux projets de construction et de reconstruction des bâtiments. La recherche a montré que distinctif, išlaikusių ou įgavusių historique lituanien régions rurales de la spécificité ethno-culturels et historiques de l'ancien bâtiment positif atkartojusių traditions, le tourisme rural dans cette région n'est pas beaucoup. Actuellement, la dominante familiale, où seule une fragmentation et la mauvaise qualité cherché à reproduire les caractéristiques architecturales traditionnelles. Ils ont tous les deux homestead environnement, à la fois dans les bâtiments d'inspiration ethnographique par les tentatives visant à utiliser les différentes fonctionnalités pseudoetninius raisons. Il existe un certain nombre de moderne, axée sur le style internacionalinės fermes... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

L'habitat de la petite noblesse dans la partie nord de l'ancien comté de Hainaut, 15e-18e siècles: architecture, modes de vie et manières d'être / Gentry's settlement in the County of Hainault ,15th-18th centuries: architecture, ways of life, behaviours.

Mathieu, Clémence 13 September 2012 (has links)
Cette étude s’attache à comprendre ce qu’est un habitat seigneurial secondaire en Hainaut à la fin du Moyen Age et aux Temps Modernes. La disparition de la plupart des résidences de la haute noblesse en Hainaut, nous a amenée à nous pencher sur l’étude des habitats de la petite noblesse, dont le manque de reconnaissance, entrainant la démolition ou les transformations irréversibles de ces habitats, rend ces édifices sujets à l’oubli. Ajoutons à cela que, victimes d’une tradition castrale héritée du 19e siècle, archéologues et historiens de l’art ont bien souvent eu leur attention d’abord attirée par les grands châteaux et donc la haute noblesse, laissant de côté toute une tranche de la population noble et de leurs possessions. Notre étude a comme objectif majeur de comprendre comment ces habitats ont fonctionné comme structures de vie, mais aussi comme des architectures à travers lesquelles et par lesquelles les habitants pouvaient exprimer leurs identités. Dans cette optique, après avoir considéré les différents types architecturaux (types de plans, types de corps de logis, types de tours), suivant une typo-chronologie, nous considérons les matériaux utilisés et la distribution intérieure de ces édifices. <p>Ce sont ensuite les entourages de l’habitat en tant qu’espace construit, leur situation dans le paysage, et par rapport au relief, à l’hydrographie, aux villages, aux terres de cultures, et aux réseaux de communication, qui occupent une grande partie de l’étude. Les liens avec leurs habitants, ces membres de la « petite noblesse » sont ensuite considérés. Leurs fonctions, leurs origines et leurs zones de déplacements sont abordés, afin de mieux percevoir le rôle et la détermination de ce groupe social, qui s’avère être en rupture avec la haute noblesse. L’opposition traditionnelle entre villes et campagnes est dépassée, de même que la question des maisons principales et secondaires, au profit d’une approche plus fluide, favorisant une interaction entre villes et campagnes, et considérant les mouvements de population émergeant de l’un ou l’autre milieu. <p>La partie interprétative suit ensuite, permettant d’aboutir à une caractérisation de ce type d’habitat. Le but est notamment de mettre en lumière la relation entre les aspects défensifs et résidentiels des édifices. Pour ce faire, les éléments de défense active et passive sont examinés, ainsi que le degré d’efficacité de ces structures. <p>La suite de cette partie a pour but de replacer les habitats de la petite noblesse dans le contexte des types architecturaux des campagnes, de la haute noblesse et des villes du Hainaut et des anciens Pays-Bas, afin de mieux dégager les liens ou les ruptures entre les différents groupes sociaux et architecturaux. Les rapports avec les habitats ruraux sont établis en ce qui concerne les diverses composantes que sont les douves, les pont-levis, les orifices de tir, les espaces verts et les aménagements hydrographiques d’agrément, la basse-cour, les tours, les typologies des plans et de maisons, les matériaux et leur qualité de mise en œuvre, les intérieurs, les ouvertures et les styles, les armoiries et les millésimes. La catégorie intermédiaire que sont les habitats des élites rurales, est également abordée, puisqu’elle développe des types architecturaux ambigus et se rapprochant davantage des habitats de la petite noblesse que des autres ruraux. Cette catégorie est examinée d’un point de vue architectural et social./This research is aiming at understanding what is a gentry’s settlement in the County of Hainault at the end of the Middle Ages and during the Modern Times. The disappearance of most of the castles of the high nobility in Hainault, led us to study the gentry’s settlement. The lack of recognition of this kind of building is often leading to their destruction and irreversible transformations. There is also the fact that the archaeologists and art historians often inherited from the 19th century tradition, whose attention was mostly attracted by the main castles and the high nobility, forgetting by the same occasion a side of the nobility –the gentry- and his settlement.<p>The main objective of this research is to understand how these settlements were linked with their inhabitants, expressing their identities, ways of living and behaviours. In this framework, we first analyse the architectural typologies (plans, residential buildings, towers) in connection with the chronology, the materials, and the inner organisation of these buildings.<p>Afterwards, we consider the surroundings of the buildings, the location in the landscape, the relief, hydrography, the village, the lands, the communication net. The lesser nobility is also studied, through its functions, origins, movement areas, in order to have a better understanding of the role and definition of this social group which is distinctly separated from the high nobility. The traditional opposition between cities and countryside, and between the main and secondary housing, is overstepped, in order to reach a more flexible approach. We therefore consider the topic through an interaction between cities and countryside, and their inhabitants.<p>The rest of the research is dedicated to the interpretations, in order to draw the characterists of the gentry’s settlement. First, the relationships between the defensive and residential aspects are considered. The active and passive defensive elements are studied, as well as the efficiency of these structures.<p>Secondly, we replace the gentry’s settlement in the context of the other architectural types of the countryside, high nobility and cities of the county of Hainaut and the Southern Low Countries, in order to have a better understanding of the links and breaks between the different social and architectural groups. The link with the rural settlement is established concerning the following elements :drawbridges, moats, arrow slits, green spaces and water structures, farms, towers, plans and houses typologies, materials and their quality, interiors, openings and styles, coats of arms. The intermediate category of the settlement of the rural elites is also considered, as the architectural types are close to the gentry’s settlement. This category is examined on an architectural and social point of view.<p>The link with the settlement of the cities and the high nobility is also studied, allowing to see a lack of link between the different categories at least until the end of the 17th century. <p>In the last chapters, the gentry’s settlement of Hainault is replaced in the context of the Southern Low Countries, through a comparative approach. We also consider the link with this kind of settlement and the tradition and the modernity, as well as the link with the social status of their inhabitants and builders.<p>The conclusion is the occasion to remind all the characteristics of the gentry’s settlement in Hainault, and the evolution of the architectural types through the centuries. Some comparisons with the same kind of settlement in surroundings countries are also established, opening new research perspectives. In the epilogue, we consider the buildings on a conservation, restoration and preservation point of view. The state of the art of the legislative situation is given, and prescriptions for a better future conservation are drawn, in order to avoid a disappearance of the architectural information, together with an important part of the history.<p><p> / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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