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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heder En narrativ textanalys av svensk medias framställning av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Ayad Goriel, Rana, Bengtsson, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Abstract This study aims at investigating how four different Swedish newspapers produce the phenomenon of honor, creating differences between "we and them" (our own quotation), as well as a summary of the differences between the newspapers'. This is to gain a deeper knowledge of the connection between the honour phenomenon and Swedish media. Method: Eight articles were collected based first on predetermined criteria and then by a random selection from all four newspapers. Analysis: The collected material was divided based on the issues as well as an thematization of the content and then analyzed in order to answer these questions. This study is based on an intersectional perspective with the following concepts: Culture, power, ethnicity, biological and social gender. Conclusion: The conclusions drawn in the following study are that the writers build their text content on factors that are represented as the causes of the honour-related violence. The most relevant factors are culture, religion and ethnicity, where the term gender also creates an additional dimension in the explanations of the honour phenomena. These explanations can further create a division between "we and them" (our own quotation). The victims of the articles are often made as weak and helpless as well as being young girls of different origins. The role of the villain becomes complex, as the practitioners themselves becomes the helper, while honour or culture takes the place as the main villain character in the content of the text. Even society is assigned a meaning through two different roles, patrons and the fraudulent rescuer. Based on this conclusion, a model was formed that might serve to clarify when it comes to the media's presentation of the relationship between the majority society and the victim of the honour violence. From this model, it becomes possible to understand the importance of self-awareness regarding attitudes in society and how it can further affect social work.

Utbildning om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - det förebyggande arbetets nyckel?

Adlerson, Amanda, Wirén, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
It has been found that society sometimes fails to protect its citizens from being exposed to honor-related violence and oppression (HRV). A contributing factor is suggested to be lack of knowledge about HRV among practitioners within various fields of social work. This could inhibit practitioners’ ability to act on any signs of oppression among clients who may be exposed to HRV. The current thesis aims to explore this problem further by studying three projects which provide education on HRV to practitioners. Interviews have been conducted with both project managers and project participants in order to access experiences of incorporating education as a preventive factor of HRV, as well as access information on whether the target group, primarily children, have been affected by the work of the projects. The results show that informants respond differently to the term HRV which could infer limitations of the provided education. However, all informants agree that there is a need of education on HRV, especially in order to properly attend to clients who are perceived as pertain to a honor context. Some results show potential obstacles within preventive work against HRV. Such obstacles may be practitioners’ receptiveness to education, as well as practitioners’ perceived difficulties in attending to children between two cultures. All informants agree that education should be viewed as part of an long-term process of preventive work against HRV which needs continuous attention.

HBTQ-personers hedersutsatthet - En kvalitativ studie av socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet

Forss, Hanna, Lydahl, Hannah January 2019 (has links)
There are many cultures where honour is of central value, with strict ideas about how an individual should be and act. These are based on heteronormative views on gender and sexuality. This often effects lgbtq individuals because of their tendency to deviate from these norms. This results in them becoming victims of honour based violence. The aim of this thesis was to study social work practice with lgbtq individuals who are subject to honour based violence, with a focus on the practitioners’ experiences with this work as well as the types of support provided for this client group. To collect our data we interviewed practitioners who encounter lgbtq individuals living in an honour-centred context. Relevant research for this thesis is limited and often only covers either lgbtq related struggles or honour based violence. To analyse our data we used Erving Goffman’s theory of social stigma combined with research on these areas. The result shows that practitioners can see a certain vulnerability amongst these individuals because of their lgbtq identity and the honour-centred context that surrounds them. Heteronormativity also plays a large role in how the individual is viewed by their community and they often get stigmatized because of this. Practitioners explain how gender neutral language is of great importance when meeting the client group. They also highlight the lack of knowledge when it comes to working with this specific group. The amount of support available for and adapted to these individuals is also lacking, however, there is support provided for individuals affected by honour based violence which can also be accessed by those who identify as lgbtq.

Att arbeta med hedersrelaterat våld : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas upplevelser av hedersrelaterat våld mot unga kvinnor / Working with honour-related violence : A qualitative study on professional's views on honour-related violence

Vincent, Elfrida, Al-karaghouli, Mine January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine professionals' experiences of working with youngwomen who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression. The study also aimed toexamine how these professionals' approach the issue of honor. To answer the questions, aqualitative method was used. The method involved semi-structured interviews withprofessionals who work with the target group in question. The professionals inquired for thestudy were eight people including: social workers that work at women's aid, school nurses,and counselors. To conduct the study, the researchers arranged telephone interviews withtwo of the professionals. The remaining candidates were interviewed in physical attendance.Furthermore, the analysis method used on the empirical data was coding and thematization.Additionally, the empirical data was examined by using previous research and selectedtheories. First, the results of the study showed perceived difficulties among the interviewees,in making an assessment and acting righteously in different situations regarding honorissues. Second, the results also showed the importance of having a well-functioningrelationship between authorities and organizations, and how their alliance according to theinterviewees hypothetically work. Moreover, the study emphasizes the necessity for expertsto expand their expertise in order to effectively comprehend and assist women inhonor-related situations.

Hur skyddar samhället barn och unga som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck? : En kvalitativ studie om omhändertagande enligt LVU för barn som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. / How does society protect children and young people who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression? : A qualitative study on care according to LVU for children who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression.

Lindström, Cindy, Alm, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Många unga idag utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck i Sverige. Syftet med studien är att se hur alla parter i ett mål kom till tals i förvaltningsrättens domslut och vems utsaga som väger tyngst i avgörandet om de unga ska omhändertas enligt Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (1990:52). 31 domslut har analyserat från två förvaltningsrätter i Sverige. Analysen har skett genom en riktad innehållsanalys. Genom analysen av domsluten hittades teman på vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är för något och hur det definieras i förvaltningsrättens domslut. Det studien kom fram till var att förvaltningsrätten oftast går efter de ungas utsagor och att det sällan finns någon konkret bevisning som styrker att de unga utsatts för våld. Genom analysen av domsluten hittades ett tema som visade på att för att omhändertas enligt Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (1990:52) krävs det att de unga utsatts för antingen fysiskt- eller psykiskt våld och att förtrycket kommer i skymundan.

”I want to be free, and live my dreams” : Designing an interactive application to inform and support young women subject to honor-related pressure at home.

Anwar, Pakezea January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Att ha hedern i behåll eller att förlora sin familj för evigt? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om svenska lärares erfarenheter och förhållningssätt till hederskultur samt dess samband med religion

Shewki, Diman January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine Swedish teachers’ experiences and perspectives on honour-related oppression and violence amongst students as well as how to recognise and manage honour-related issues amongst the students. Furthermore, the study aimed to identify possible associations between religious groups or religion in general and honour-culture. This was done through a qualitative phenomenological method with semi-structured interviews of six teachers working in different schools in Stockholm. The six participating teachers had different backgrounds yet three of them had backgrounds in the Middle East. The empirics of this study has been analysed through three theoretical frameworks: social constructivism, ethnocentric and cultural relativism and finally individualism and collectivism. The results of this study show that Swedish teachers find managing honour-related issues amongst students complicated as they find themselves unaware of official procedures. All six teachers express the importance of this issue, although the three teachers with backgrounds in the Middle East find managing honour-related issues easier due to their language skills. The Arabic language was found closely associated with students who experience honour-related oppression and violence. The parents of these students were found as the main factor of the issue as they often come from societies with values that differ from the Swedish democratic values. Working with the parents was found as the main solution for the issue. The mapping of these students is made through listening to their opinions and values and if they are influenced by honour-culture. Also, the teachers find that certain students do not attend some compulsory school-activities, like swimming, due to their parents which was found to be a common thing amongst students who live in honour-culture. A point was made to look at the participating teachers’ background and what was found was that all teachers had religious backgrounds. This can imply that religious teachers feel a need to participate to prevent common prejudice regarding honour-culture being related to religion. This also suggests that teachers with religious backgrounds feel a certain liability for students who live in honour-related conditions. However, all informants expressed clear distance from the statement of religion and honour-culture being related. Moreover, connections between Islam and honour-culture are commonly made, however, previous research argue that honour-culture is related to religiousness in general rather than a specific religious group which my study verifies.

Hedersrelaterat våld: hur beskrivs det i den politiska kontexten? En kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Jakovljevic, Katarina, Åkesson, Anne January 2011 (has links)
The concept of domestic violence pertains to different definitions of violence, one of which is the concept of honour related violence and oppression. This paper looks at honour related violence and oppression, as defined in policy documents at a central political level, and how various discourses stand in relation to social categories and power relations. Consequently, the theoretical and methodological premise of the paper has been based on discourse analysis and an intersectional perspective has been applied to gain further depth and breadth in the analysis of the material. The intersectional perspective houses various approaches to the understanding of specific phenomena based on factors of gender, ethnicity, sexuality and class.The analysis concludes that the concept of honour related violence and oppression is a concept without a single scientific definition. There is, however, a general consensus in the political context that honour related violence and oppression is a collective force that can be directed at both sexes. The explanations for the violence in the studied documents vary from this kind of violence being seen as a cultural condition, to it being seen as part of the universal patriarchal oppression aimed at all women regardless of their background. Socio-economic factors are not mentioned as a possible explanatory factor.

Crimes of Honour – Females' Right for Support in the Multicultural Society

Edvardsson, Linda January 2008 (has links)
This research demonstrate how crimes of honour functions and consequently could lay the path in which females do need help and support in order to escape from (or manage) their environment of oppression. Thus, females all over the world are violated in the name of honour and every year around 5,000 women and girls are murdered in the name of honour by her relatives. The exact number how many that is affected by crimes of honour could only be guessed, due to, we only see the registered crimes. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is still evident within multicultural societies as in Sweden. Hence, those females that do not want to live in oppression or expose themselves to violence and crimes such as murder, instead escape and as a result necessitate protection and societal aid. The legal and practical support targeting these victims must therefore be known. The aim with this research is to highlight this support in an empirical research. In addition, various theoretical and legal perspectives explain a broader understanding of the phenomenon of crimes of honour; in which relevant regulations of the Swedish jurisdiction and the Human Rights are dispositional. The empirical research takes departure from semi-structured interviews with eight local agents in the city of Malmö (Sweden), and also, an interview with a woman affected by crimes of honour was conducted in order to highlight strengths and weaknesses of the local support. The result demonstrates that both the legal and practical support has its affirmative elements; however this support is also limited. For instance, victims of honour crimes lack information how to access this support. Moreover, the Swedish Penal Code do not have any uttered criminal classification about this sorts of violence, leading to the lack of registration unless not considered being a crime according to the Swedish Penal Code. Since crimes of honour affects many people’s lives and exists in many different shapes, conducts and societies it is required that the right kind of support is carried out; whereas the importance of local agents taking responsibility must be acknowledged.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - som drabbar pojkar och unga män : En kvalitativ analys

Nilsson, Jessica, Hufvudsson, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att studera hur organisationer, som jobbar med pojkar och unga män som drabbats av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, beskriver deras problematik. I studien har semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts och del-innehållsanalys har använts. Våra teoretiska utgångspunkter har varit maskulinitetsteorin, det ideala offret samt det kulturbetingade perspektivet. Resultatet av studien visade att pojkar och unga män som drabbas av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck ofta också är förövare i samma kontext, att det våld och förtryck de utsätts för är snarlikt det som drabbar flickor och unga kvinnor och att en utlösande faktor för att drabbas är att bryta mot familjens normer. De slutsatser vi dragit utifrån vår studie är att våra resultat ligger i linje med tidigare forskning samt att leva upp till mansnormen är centralt och betydande för att inte bli utsatt för hedersvåld. / The purpose of this study was to explore how organizations, who are assigned to meet boys and young men who are victims of honour related violence and oppression, describe their situation. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews and form-content analysis has been used. Our theoretical framework consists of masculinity theory, the ideal victim as well as the culture-related perspective. The results of the study showed that boys and young men who are victims of honour-related violence is also often perpetrators in the same context. The violence and oppression they face is like the one suffered by young girls and women and that a triggering factor for suffering is to violate family norms. The conclusions we have drawn is that our results are in line with previous research. It´s also both central and major that boys and young men live up to the concept of masculinity, to avoid becoming a victim of honour-related violence.

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